Occupy Philly Facing Eviction TODAY
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 27, 2011, 12:04 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Despite having sent a letter of appeal to City Hall, Occupy Philadelphia is facing imminent eviction:
[Mayor] Nutter has joined the chorus of Mayors nationwide to silence and render invisible this movement against Wall Street greed. The City told us to leave City Hall with all of our belongings by 5pm today. At 5pm let's show them how much support this movement has. Come to City Hall and stand with the 99%! Chances are police will not move in at that time. The City will probably unleash them in the middle of the night to start ripping down tents and displacing the homeless.
Occupy Philly also released the following statement urging solidarity from the 99% and offering ways for supporters to help today:
- make & bring tons of banners (e.g., "You can't evict an idea whose time has come"), signs, & literature
- convince tons & tons of your friends, neighbors, colleagues, relatives, & others to come to OP tomorrow
- bring camera and recorders, to do copwatch & make media (register & post your own media at http://occupyphillymedia.org)
- engage in a variety of ways, from helping folks without other homes to relocate, to creatively demonstrating & messaging, to being a witness & standing in solidarity, etc.
- get plenty of sleep & eat well beforehand
- write down the OP legal collective number, 484-758-0488, and know your most basic right--to remain silent
- Friends Center should be open starting at 5 pm at "safe" space for those who need it
- For more details, come to OP at 10 am, noon, or definitely by 3 pm., organize through your OP working group or an affinity group, and stay tuned to "Occupy Philadelphia" on Facebook and http://occupyphillymedia.org. Stay strong!
Here are other plans for today in Philly:
- 10 am, for those who've been involved in the occupation, meet at Dilworth to prep the plaza
- noon, supporters from OWS and other occupations arrive
- 3 pm, meet at the GA area to go over protest & other plans
- 5 pm, be ready for the eviction
- later Sunday evening, join in jail solidarity, if needed
- 4 pm the day after our eviction, regroup at Rittenhouse Square (i.e., Monday at 4 pm, if we're evicted on Sunday night)
Occupy Philly has been occupying Dilworth Plaza for months. Weeks ago, Mayor Nutter and the City offered Occupy Philly a "compromise" by promising to issue a permit for protesters to stay in Thomas Paine Plaza between the hours of 9am to 7pm, with no tents. But our fundamental right to assemble in peaceful protest cannot be subject to city curfews and anti-speech ordinances. Seeking justice is not a 9 to 5 activity. Moreover, because of corporate greed and the vast economic inequalities it creates, many occupiers are actually homeless, and cannot simply "give up their tents" and go home. In rejecting the city's untenable proposal, Occupy Philly stands not only with homeless occupiers, but with all who believe our basic rights cannot be quashed by municipal fiat.
We are not only protesting economic inequality. We are creating new democratic structures, new ways of living together, and new ways of supporting each other.
We are the 99% -- and we aren't going anywhere.
I see the fist in a lot of imagery, and i just suggested to the NYCGA that we consider replacing the fist with an open hand, a symbol of our twinkle-fingers, and the openness, as the crucial foundation of our power...read my proposal here, and spread this idea if it makes sense to you...
yep this is supposed to be a peaceful protest but most people see this symbol as a call to arms, to fight. I would rather say "live long and prosper" than I'm going to kick your ars.
Yeah, It seams alot more like that. Fight fight fight.... and you should think the way I think, any other way means your the 1%ers...
I suspect that at open hand will just be labeled, "they are looking for a hand-out."
The far right propaganda machine is very, very slick.
if we define ourselves by how we will be perceived by the far-right, then we will be a projection of the far-right...just because they will see the beautiful symbol of an open hand as a 'hand-out' does not mean that they are correct, or ever have been correct. you say 'slick'...i say 'sick'...we are looking for a hand-out...we have to stop buying into the idea that giving and generosity is a bad thing...when somebody needs help, i want to be available to give them my open hand with something in it that will help them...the fist is a weapon, and friends don't make fists around each other..
Yes, we believe in a hand up for others.
I guess I rather like the fist because the right has always claimed to be the only ones who were strong. I'm against violence, but am for fighting for what's right.
cmt, the far right have had a lot of experience, for a long time. I was a kid back in the 50's when we were warned to 'watch out for the military industrial complex', it was a Repub Pres, in the 60's it culminated with Nixon being impeached. All the lies, obfuscation and misdirection about Vietnam being repeated with IRAQ, How could the people ever elect them again, it wasn't long till the Nute was speaker of the house disgraced, it continues today with the party of NO. The SLICK, is really only making a statement over and over again so much that it makes it true, (they think) ows is the best thing that happened since disclosure of pentagon papers...
Yes, they both come up with powerfully misleading labels ("death panels") and stay on message until the public buys it. However, some of their phrases have lost power with at least some of the public due to OWS: "you hate success", "job creators", etc. We need to fight back with honest but vivid language, such as "golden parachutes" really being firing bonuses for CEO's.
you're right, it is so much more, so insidious and never ending...I really think that the public will look at all these topics, maybe check out a local occupy and decide for themselves, the public that takes what they say as true all the time, well, there's no help for them...
I do not care for the closed fist.
I don't think the fist is appropriate imagery considering the following: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eMPlzmqrA5k
Akbar, thank you for the excellent suggestion. I ditto this. This new poster made me jump -- and not to action! -- and as demonstrated by comments here, we're not alone. If the open hand is too prone to satire ("asking for a handout") maybe a new image altogether can be crafted. I'm certain someone out there can come up with something fabulous!
Going back to the phrase "you can't evict an idea whose time has come", I was thinking of a symbol that could visually combine the hands of a clock with the scales of justice. The scales of justice can also symbolize equality and a balance of wealth, which together with the clock could signify the inevitability of this idea of equality. Also a clock at 2 am could reference the eviction on the 15th, but also a kind of "midnight hour" awakening.
I'll try to make a draft to show what I mean.
I kind of like the fist. It symbolizes the Occupy Movement working to become a force in society, as well as our fight for freedom. In my article "The Transition Phase: The Road to Freedom" I present my views on how we should deal with police and many other things in this struggle for a democratic, just, non-hierarchical free society. We must use non-violent means in this stage. Striking is something we should start organizing more frequently in the near future.
Noam Chomsky on how to make change
Noam Chomsky: Alternatives to Capitalism I
Noam Chomsky: Alternatives to Capitalism II
Excerpt from "The Transition Phase: The Road to Freedom":
"We should also bear in mind that in any stage of this struggle for a free democratic society we have to expect lots of opposition from the elites and their supporters and servants. Not only do we have to expect and prepare ourselves for media-propaganda, we also have to expect more police brutality. Its a natural reaction of the finacial elite who will become more and more scared of the movement(s) as they grow. The state and government are often very servile to the wealthy finacial elite, especially in the US where the wealthy more or less control policies. The police is a tool of the business-run, or business-influenced state to try to crush the ones who want to take back from the wealthy what has been stolen thru bailouts, exploitation and speculation at the stock exchange. The elites are starting to feel threatened, they want to keep all that they have stolen, so naturally they want to stop The Occupy Movement and anyone else involved in the struggle with police force. These tendencies are however an indcation that we´re on the right track: The elites are getting scared, and react by increasing their effort in trying to crush movements. The finacial elite will however fail. Police brutality is counter-productive, it just leads to more support and sympathy for people engaged in the struggle among the general population."
yours s. struggleforfreedom
Personally I like the fist. It means something different to everyone, but to me it has the following symbolism:
At least that's my interpretation, but I've never been one for complex symbolism or poetry or any of that stuff.
jazz hands!
Good luck. This is the symbol being used by revolutionaries in 37 countries. The very symbol being recommended by Otpor, the Serbian revolutionaries advising OWS egyptian protesters and others. So many OWS protesters have no idea what is really happening behind the scenes
if we make the measure of value, the ubiquity of use, then we would hardly have anything to protest, would we? symbols can change...and the movement can change...this is not a huge issue for me, but if we are having a debate, i would argue against your premise, with respect. i would also argue, respectfully that that there is no 'behind the scenes', and as soon as there is, i would dissent against that too...i am very involved personally...
Most of the protest you speek of have been violent(it may have been there government, but still violent) This movement needs to embrace the fustrations and form a greater nation, not one born out of violence.
Fist is related to CANVAS/OPTOR roots of the movement.
Are there articles discussing openly OWS being based in the organization (Canvas/Otpor) that is behind uprisings all over the world that just so happen to be convenient to the very same 1%/MIC/FED/IMF/Corporate/Globalist interests that OWS is protesting against?
I think these people are the leaders. But it's supposed to be a secret. So we have to talk very quietly. So no one will hear us.
It probably won't really matter because these other people are all talking twinkle fingers and realitysandwich stuff anyway.
Are you an anarchist by the way?
Lol! Funny post.
How do you like the idea of the black city at the bottom of the arm? Seen from afar it doubles as dripping blood. Very elegant don't you think?
Yes! The bloody city adds that extra touch of authenticity! Afterall, whats a "resistance" movement without some bloodshed?
You have no idea what that RED, clenched fist means to me having lived amost 70 years into the past of this country.
It actually terrifies me to even see it posted herein much less asking me to protest under it.
I feel the same way about the clenched fist. At least connect two hands together is a much more positive symbol
Let me wander off topic a bit. If you put the tips of your thumbs and first fingers together, you can make a heart shape. I saw this on a sign for a home health agency, and nearly drove into a ditch. It's very close to sign language for vagina. I eventually stopped laughing and was able to drive on.
LMAO now that's funny...........I'm talking like two hands shaking
I know you were. This discussion reminded me of it, and I couldn't resist.
Maybe it wouldn't be noticed? Just think....all the kids are doing that vagina symbol on their FB profiles LOL
ooops, someone finally figured out our agenda.
Hey Comunist We could figure it out too if your symbol was a third finger raised in the air
A DRIPPING brown finger would be interpreted as having a totally different meaning from the above.
As would a bloody red one.
I don't think Americans are as dumb as some "paint" them out to be.
Old hippie fuck I need your help. Need help making a t-shirt. We need to draw a picture of Zooccotti Park with a cage around it. Here are some ideas: Draw a hippie climbing the cage like a monkey and throwing shit. Draw a hippie rolling in mud and shit like a pig. Draw a hippies fucking like dogs. Draw a picture of a hippie eating peanuts like a big fucking elephant. Draw a hippie as a lazy fucking Ape doing nothing.
Thanks from bringing this problem to the attention of the GA. You can refer to this post for more information: http://occupywallst.org/forum/deconstructing-occupy-a-message-within-a-message/
The current poster is beautiful, but I don't feel it portrays what a non-violent protest should be about. The black city at the bottom of the arm which looks like dripping blood when seen from afar is problematic in my mind. Much more than the fist itself.
reminds me of this article: http://www.realitysandwich.com/open_hand
Excellent point, AkbarLightening..I see that red-fist and I think of that fake CIA hijack A.N.S.W.E.R.'s attempts to "shrillify" and "make communist" American people's struggles here in the States (thinking specifically of anti-war and Katrina protests vanguarded by A.N.S.W.E.R.)..Many different groups need to unite, including a patriotic disenfranchised American middle class (for whom this "divide and conquer" propaganda is targeted for- we are not desperate lumpenproletariat (peasant) Russians, Chinese or Spanish-speaking Southern Hemisphere people)..Don't get me wrong, I'm all for egalitarianism and mutual aid, but setting an all-powerful soviet in place over everybody is just stupid..You might as well just replace one police commisioner with another..Good idea, Akbar..
Yes, the fist comes from Otpor/Canvas which is arguably a CIA front organization that is used to destabilize gov'ts that the US would like destabilized.
Whether Occupy wants to be connected to that is a good question.
I think an upward-pointing middle finger would be more suited to the group--both in attitude and maturity level.
I have read many of the comments, and agree the visual component - signage, posters and ads which are sponsored by the OWS GA could be toned down. Too militant. The "brand" of the movement is critical; they can evict and tear down all the tents, but they can't stop what OWS has started, an enlightenment. Branding can't be overstated, we need an official ows logo; in addition, we do need to bring the signs and posters into the 21st century, the current ones hark backwoods, we should be looking forward, optimistically paving a path to a brighter future. Bright, upbeat, united, hopeful....the colors we equate to power and success, the colors of our flag. Not to be offensive but anything other than what you have been using would be a step forward. Let's go progressive, our design team should ask for suggestions!
I think we actually have to break the whole idea of "brand consciousness" and learn to think outside of that once again. It was introduced by marketers so they could sell products without any actual selling points, just by creating "positive associations". Somehow this idea has seeped into politics and the result is polarization, increasing radicalism, and a political debate that is all about image and point-scoring.
I think, rather than buying into the brand consciousness idea, the movement's goals and desires and character should be portrayed accurately. If some people are revolutionaries: let them portray that, it is accurate and true to their agenda. If the only people making posters are radicals whose fault is that? So instead of complaining (I have no skills in this department, but just saying) people should be coming with posters that accurately reflect their own perspective.
Not to say we shouldn't be having a discussion of it and analyzing the imagery. Some people may not consciously be aware of the nature of the imagery so its good to have the debate and get people thinking.
Brand or be branded! So far, the media has tried to label the movement as everything from left over burned out hippies (that smell) to college cry babies, to a mob of angry have-not's to intellectual provocateurs. Like it or not, branding is being under estimated by the protesters. We can have a brand w/o being owned by anyone!
I agree Joe4more. I would like to see OWS adopt a completely original logo that captures our spirit. Something brilliant like the dancer riding the bull graphic, I love that one, it says it all. Whatever it turns out to be, it'll go down in history forever.
Where can I find the dancer riding the bull graphic? Also, anything that gives off the confrontation vibe may not be helpful to this movement. I believe we can convey a message to the masses in a positive, welcoming fashion. Let's face it, we are protesting, taking an oppositional position. The crux is the position, the challenge is to enlighten the masses about the cause. We can do this using visuals, which in and of themselves are a powerful tool. I'm suggesting we go hyper-positive....the USA is tired of negative, dark, misleading messaging.
OWS go down in history? Lets hope not. Unless it gets completely new leadership that adopts a completely new look and message. I did like the dancer picture though.
You don't like the idea of the black city at the bottom of the arm that doubles as dripping blood when seen from afar?
Never give up, Philly. We are all backing you! :)
I've noticed all these major evictions are mayors that are part of Bloombergs organization. 'Mayors against illegal guns'
Look at all the major violent police evictions, and you'll notice the mayors are on this list.
Coincidence? Or organized mayors against the constitution.
I know a big chunk of you are against firearms, but once one freedom is removed, they can remove any other freedom that the majority of Americans take for granted.
I am sure Bloomberg sent out an email to the MAIG mailing list organizing the occupy movements evictions through a conference call.
I am sure you will think this is pretty tinfoil but the writing is on the wall.
Check out Naomi Wolf's article in The Guardian from the last couple of days to see the connection between the mayors, the evictions and Home Land Security.
Got a link? (I only made the connection about the mayors against illegal guns while i was bored at work randomly reading topics that interest me)
Here's the link to Naomi Wolf's article on the evictions http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/cifamerica/2011/nov/25/shocking-truth-about-crackdown-occupy
Not tinfoil at all.
URGENT! US Senate To Vote On Bill That Will Allow The Military To Arrest Americans On American Soil And Hold Them Indefinitely, without charge.
The worldwide indefinite detention without charge or trial provision is in S. 1867, the National Defense Authorization Act bill, which will be on the Senate floor on Monday. The bill was drafted in secret by Sens. Carl Levin (D-Mich.) and John McCain (R-Ariz.) and passed in a closed-door committee meeting, without even a single hearing.
If enacted, sections 1031 and 1032 of the NDAA would:
1) Explicitly authorize the federal government to indefinitely imprison without charge or trial American citizens and others picked up inside and outside the United States;
(2) Mandate military detention of some civilians who would otherwise be outside of military control, including civilians picked up within the United States itself; and
(3) Transfer to the Department of Defense core prosecutorial, investigative, law enforcement, penal, and custodial authority and responsibility now held by the Department of Justice.
Stop this madness! Sign the petition at:
That list is composed of almost every mayor in the 500 largest cities in the US.
did you think there was a group of mayor's for illegal guns?
Communist.. It's just a name of their organization. They are really anti gun mayors, that want to remove the right to gun ownership through a lot of red tape of ownership.
The list doesn't include Miami-Dade County Mayor. Where they have been occupying the downtown gov't center 24/7 for the last month and half with no issues from cops. Cops even brought pizzas sometime during the first month for some of the occupiers.
Find me a mayor that's not on that list that has supported people to express their 1st amendment.
What an ironic poster, the Liberty Bell inside a red communist fist. I guess it fits the OWS movement's goal to push a communist agenda.
A song for OWS... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FM3KR9dEOk
I added it to my You tube list budhempfeld44@att.net
If I still lived in Phila,Id be there. However I think it is time this movement goes to the core,and that is to Occupy Congress!!
Mayors are politicians first and always, you're getting evicted because the mayors don't believe you have the support of the people that will reelect them. They would evict their own family if they thought it would ease their path to reelection. It has nothing to do with morality or issues. You have to do something that demonstrates voter involvement and support to get them to take notice.
Great suggestions, ramous. Here is a link to MLK's views on nonviolence and it's effects in Birmingham.
I just had a new reaction to the raised fist as the movement's symbol. Wouldn't an image of joined hands be more powerful? Doesn't it better suggest what the movement is about? Does the fist confuse the message of a nonviolent movement?
I hope that this group as well as those who have a way to communicate with groups across the country will consider these questions about symbolism.
Great suggestion, RC. My training is in anthropology, and I have a special interest in visual imagery. This is absolutely the wrong message to be sending if the brand is supposed to be peaceful, non-violent, enlightenment. Why not try a different iconography now that the "occupations" are regrouping into something else?
I had a VERY STRONG NEGATIVE reaction to the symbol also.The fist, the bell on the forearm and the colors turned me off, very much. This is 2011, a democracy, a new way, the people united. We need a fresh color, bright, symbol signifying hopeful, nonviolent, joyful, unity. Not some throwback communist worker people's party socialist symbol and colors. No offense intended to the symbols creator.
red white and blue bleed together...
Lovely shade of purple, too. Would love to see that color on some peaceful, joyful imagery,unity type of poster. Thanks for the link!
The poster was beautiful and researched, but it fails to represent a non-violent movement. The most problematic element for me what the use of the black city at the bottom of the arm. When seen from afar it doubles as dripping blood. But hey, what do I know? http://occupywallst.org/forum/deconstructing-occupy-a-message-within-a-message/
ITA aesthetically it was a beautiful, dynamic design. That poster and the NYC Nov. 17 poster with the three military tanks have imagery that is anything but peaceful and are not the imagery I want this movement to be associated with.Thrasymaque, by the way, I really appreciated your Forum Post with all the visuals and research. The images and symbols of a movement are so important IMO. They can set the tone and direction. Attract or repel people.
There was a much calmer peaceful poster up earlier as the lead in to this article. The liberty bell in a field of yellow and red 'rising sun' rays. The militant fist in this replacement is a downgrade>promoting more violent imagery>association, imo. The unseen hand that changes the peaceful poster to a militant fist. Im beginning to be suspicious of our handlers.
Have you seen much of OWS official imagery? tanks, hands dripping blood, war themes, red, black and yellow violent colors. There's a post in here somewhere Ill see if I can find it.
Yes, I wondered about your concerns, also. Where did this come from? I would opt for a symbol that in NO WAY links to previous movements.Something bright, hopeful, very nonviolent, united and 2011 looking.
Here's a thread where some people were discussing the violent imagery used in official Occupy posters. http://occupywallst.org/forum/deconstructing-occupy-a-message-within-a-message/#comment-357421 Samples inside. Its very baffling. OWS says 'non-violent' but all messages in the graphics are violent.
Thanks for the link. I do find it very disturbing, too. Some of the comments on that link were equally disturbing, too, in that people think it is not a conscious choice on the designer's part! This article's Evict Philly symbol, and the three tanks symbol for NYC Nov. 17 are very disturbing in their violent, militaristic and historical references in color, subject matter and design imo. That was a really good link. Thanks.
I know OWS says it is nonviolent (why can't they call it a peaceful movement?) but with the violent images, and the violent headlines in its official publications, PLUS the fact it allows violent and far left fringe radicals and factions in it, Im disgusted by now. And I started out as part of OWS, sat in a tent for 5 weeks till the 1st Oakland. We closed our camp when we saw the provoking of violence that was done by OWS. OWS may be 'non-violent' but they are working hard to provoke violence.
Really? Five weeks. Wow, I'm both impressed and saddened by your experience. Did you feel it was OWS people or other 'plants' provoking the violence? Was there a way in the GA or somewhere else to deal bring the issue of provoked violence up? Do you think OWS is a good idea gone bad?
We were in a small town encampment, worked with the town so we could be there. We vacated every Friday night so they could continue concerts, and were going to be out by Thanksgiving so they could do the holiday thing then come back first week of January. All very civilized and calm. We were excited about it early on, and got our town talking. People were interested in why we were there, and they stopped by and listened. But things started changing. We got concerned the more we saw of other Occupies. Examples: Watching NY livestream, listening to OWS official livestreamers antagonizing the cops, every third word was 'f the police' and screaming at them. We watched an official OWS livestream crew chestbutt a cop.
Seeing the official OWS messages start seeming less and less 'peaceful' and more militant. Then when the 1st Oakland happened where they blocked the port, that didn't seem right to us. Its one thing to fill up a park kind of accidentally because too many people came, but blocking/invading a port and keeping normal regular guys from going to work that day, was just wrong. It didn't get any kind of message to any 1%, all it did was hurt the regular people trying to earn a paycheck. You know, of course police are going to stop you blocking roads/sidewalks/subways/bridges/parks, but occupy always acting like the police are violent. They aren't, they are doing their jobs moving people. If you don't move, you get arrested. So it seemed like OWS was losing their common sense. Then the posters and official messages. Getting right militant. And all the anger and violent messages and radical fringes you DO see, OWS doesn't condemn it. So these things had us concerned. And townspeople who first supported ows, stopped.
Then this: http://occupywallst.org/article/occupy-oakland-calls-total-west-coast-port-shutdow/ and we voted to close our camp after putting so much effort and time there. But how can you justify the west coast shutdown? How can you think that's peaceful? Its not a protest. Westboro protests but they don't block ports. Blocking the ports and forcing them to close is an invasion and it is force. They are provoking police to do something, because the police will HAVE to do something. The right to peaceably assemble means not to disrupt the peace. Its not anyone's constitutional right to block/invade/keep other people from using space or passing through it and disrupt the peace. Whoever is pulling the Occupy strings, putting up the violent posters, calling for the blockades/invasions that have NOTHING TO DO with Occupy's original message, is purposefully manipulating the protesters. They call the police jobs 'brutality, abuse and violence' when it is their job to keep the peace that OWS is disrupting, and they are doing what they are supposed to do, and using force that they have a right and a responsibility to use, while they take back the rights of the real 99% that OWS steals from them by keeping them from passing through the roads/subways/etc that OWS blocks.
So who is leading OWS? Someone is putting up the violent posters, calling for the blockades and marches and telling people they aren't breaking laws, and making the cops out to be evil. If there are no leaders, then who is making posters and calling for the actions and blockades? They are demonizing the police. They are marketing violence even while they say they are non-violent. And they are lying to the protesters that they are breaking no laws.
So I have gone from fully supportive of Occupy to a cautionary Cassandra and trying to open more eyes than just my own.
Thanks for the reply. What I hear about our local town OWS is that it is peaceful and sane. I, too, have similar concerns as you do with what is happening nationally. Who is designing and printing posters... Who is setting the tone and coming up with the campaigns such as the Oakland port shutdown, the petition about student loans and so on. These decisions should be made beyond just the local GAs. How did the larger community come to consensus on such major actions. Some of which I find disturbing.OWS needs to be more transparent on what the structure really is. It may be 'leaderless' but it seems to have behind the scene players in some sort of structure. I like the idea of consensus for decision-making. And yes, it can be a slow process if it is done correctly. This movement is in its embryonic stage. It seems some are forcing and pushing an agenda and action for action's sake. Just my observations from afar.
Nothing wrong with striking, it's not violent in any way manner or form. People have right to strike, you may not have the right to block access and if the police charge in with batons it's them that are violent at this point protesters should run not engage in hand to hand combat because it's silly fighting people with better gear. Come back the next day and shut the whole thing down again without getting hurt, anyone "leader" telling you to "hold the line" is a would be politician beware.
I would ignore any "police are getting more violent" articles in the media they are not my target or ever will be. The more violent they get the smarter we'll have to be to get around them and effect the 1%.
They generally are not the most highly educated members of society (say at least 2-4 years of college behind most teachers). A dog that is trained to protect his master cares not of his master's character.
WOW, who are you and what is your education? It cant possibly be as extensive as your arogance!
I'm just stating fact (at least for my area). With a normal course load the academic advisers are now saying a student can expect a 5 year stint in the university system. They are hiring police with a two year technical degree. A close friend of mine completed that course and after that training couldn't bring himself to join the force. I was hoping it was just my area that was awry, but in the wake of all this it seems we are seeing plenty of evidence to the contrary.
Thanks ramous. I looked it up.
RE: The Fist Logo
What's in a clenched fist? Stephen Moss The Guardian
In the UK, it is nowadays mainly associated with Tim Henman, whose mock-heroic pumping has become as much a part of Wimbledon as strawberries and cream. Paul Gascoigne, too, was partial to it during his footballing days. But while sport is the home of the clenched-fist salute, its most famous appearance came courtesy of the black American sprinters Tommy Smith and John Carlos on the victory podium at the Olympic Games in Mexico City in 1968 and it seems somewhat bathetic that this symbol of unity and revolutionary fervour should have become the preferred way of celebrating a successful backhand volley.
Whether it is a suitable way to celebrate winning the Palme D'Or at Cannes may also be a moot point. But at least Ken Loach, who made the salute at the weekend when he collected his prize from a bemused-looking Emmanuelle Béart, understands its symbolism and was using it to underscore the message of his anti-colonialist film, The Wind that Shakes the Barley. "Maybe if you tell the truth about the past, you might tell the truth about the present," he said, neatly linking British policy towards Ireland in the early 20th century with Iraq today.
The clenched fist was first used by the communists in the Spanish civil war, as a counterpoint to the open-palmed Roman salute adopted by the fascists. The clenched fist symbolises strength and unity - fingers which are individually fragile can together make a powerful fist. It became a symbol of communism and was co-opted to many revolutionary causes, most potently the civil rights struggle in the US and opposition to colonialism in the third world. But it is now so freighted with historical associations - the murky faction fighting on the left in the Spanish civil war, the perversion of communism in the Soviet Union, the tyrannies that emerged in post-colonial Africa - that, according to the socialist historian Sheila Rowbotham, it has become a double-edged symbol. "Even in the 1960s," she says, "my generation used it slightly self-consciously. It was connected to communism and post-'56, [when the Soviet army suppressed the Hungarian uprising] using it made you feel slightly uneasy."
She also doubts whether anarchists and anti-globalisation protesters today would find its overtones of power and enclosedness attractive. "It symbolises power clenched within the group, and since the 1960s the left has felt ambiguous about the exercise of power. The libertarian tradition is now asserting itself and anti-globalisation protesters are more attracted to the Buddhist sign, with hands held up and open." It is, she says, now almost impossible for a western liberal to use the clenched-fist salute unself-consciously. But she absolves Loach from charges of affectation. "I'm sure he wanted to defy the way the tradition of resistance and struggle has been dismissed," she says, "to reassert and renew the idea that you can make society more equal, more democratic, more human to live in." No wonder Béart looked so distracted.
You are so fucking stupid, Flee Party Peoples Unite!
It seems there is a lot of masked violence in the imagery and DESIRE to break the law. Camping is not speech. It is camping. If the city has ordinances against camping that were not merely imposed as a special action against Occupy Wall Street, then you cannot camp. Simple as that. It's not an "anti-speech" ordinance. It's an ordinance that was passed decades ago because people did not pay taxes to create the park as a campground for the homeless, but as a fun place for children to play and for older people to take walks because they felt that was GOOD for people.
Occupy places in the time and manner that are legal for any individual. The laws that regulate that had nothing to do with this movement, unless they were just now created in reaction to the movement. In most cities that is not the case. The laws have been there for a hundred years to make parks safer and cleaner and more enjoyable.
You can occupy in the daytime. You can occupy the space WHEN it is allowed to be occupied by anyone. You have no special rights.
It is also completely hypocritical to break the law as a way of protesting the lawbreakers of Wall Street who have not been brought to justice and to expect you should not be brought to justice if you are one of the Occupants who is breaking the law? It is hypocritical to cry out against banking deregulation while at the same time crying FOR deregulation of parks.
Occupy, but occupy in the manner that is lawful to you as an individual using that space. Otherwise, you are moving outside the law as much as Wall Street, and are, therefore, made of the same material -- the kind of material that is willing to ignore laws whenever you don't like them or whenever they stand in the way of what you want to accomplish.
It's time to find forms of expression that are more CREATIVE than civil disobedience, so often just an EXCUSE for having a great time breaking the law because you have the numbers behind you to get away with it.
--Knave Dave http://thegreatrecession.info/blog/2011/11/occupy-wall-street-now-unoccupied-but-stronger/
The idea of Occupying an area for protest is alright, but in reality it doesn't seem to do anything that promotes action. You have to remember the slave masters at the top of the food chain are happy to sit in the fine homes and watch the protesters waste their time while not producing any real change. Sure the idea's proposed by the various Occupy movements are a great first step, but at the end of the day the rich are still rich and the poor are struggling to find food and shelter, while others are living on the streets.
As you can tell, the ones that are rich are not as numerous as the poor, so one can easily see that if we unite and perform a military tactical maneuver. Such as rush the homes of the elite, forced take over of their lives (execution if necessary), and take them out at the top. Then this house of cards they have made for themselves will start to fall apart.
Yes I know that sounds extreme, even crazy, but I'm sure the American Revolution sounded just as insane to the citizens of the US during the 1700's. Take a look at history, and you'll see the same rules apply, were at war people, not with ourselves, but with our slave masters, the Federal Reserve, Corporations, and even our own elected officials. Why? Because there all working together to rob us blind, so please don't sit there and kid yourself thinking that this will all be fixed by some fantasy idealism. The powers at the top got there by stepping on our backs and keeping us dumb and in the dark. Wake up and see the world around you for what it is, and you'll soon understand why I say the things I do.
Compliance with their will is the easy way out, and if you like easy things then continue to elude yourself from the truth of the situation. By doing that you will one day wake up and see that most of the people you know and love are mindless zombies, in jail, or dead because the powers that be attacked first, be preemptive, not reactive.
but, in the long run, the fed is devaluing their money. this in turn will enable politicians to raise minimum wages. that action will negate the profits made in hiding money in commodity markets. Eventually, they will have to hire people to sell more goods to buy more futures in commodities. some where along the way, people will come to their senses, and compromise through tax distribution, or we will continue to fight until we all are in the same boat. From down here, I'm ok with that.
ask why the city and state are giving millions to philly newspaper owners. Buys influence which nutter and the rest of these 1% supporters need to whitewash the occupy actions. They (media) will also do their bit to cover for thses guys. Giving the papers money also privatizez profit made by public risk.
Politicians (for the most part) are NOT our friends. And that goes right up to Obama.
How about that same fist, but with the fingers up in a piece sign?
I've just got to say beware the co-opters, beware any outside group that tries for control of Occupy, beware of OTPOR ,beware the Unions, beware your leaders, beware politicians (goes without saying), Occupy can be an answer just by being a conduit for information. To me Occupy represents a Green Labour movement Planet and People. The Unions have lost their leaders over the decades, going into parliament etc the Green movement is quite strong despite increasing government representation with some massive protests happening against mining, oil exploration and GE (may Occupy support many more of those!) My two other pet peeves are war and financial corruption which fall under the protection of Planet and People as well. So long live the Occupation, long live the information stream, long live the internet.
What to do when the police come! Tips for dealing with arrests, pepper spray, engaging with cops, and what happens after arrest.
"People Before Profits!"
I'm thinking a line(s) of people (silhouettes locking arms in solidarity) hovering over a dollar bill with a big red "X" crossing it out
two hands tied behind the back with a plastic tie! or a thousand armed hindu god with a thousand clenched fists!!
I cannot help but notice that your itinerary does not include "work at a productive job and add something to the world". Folks, you are looking like aimless freeloaders. I know that is not an accurate generalization for all of you, but you are presenting yourselves that way.
I'm watching you guys in Philly and I'm liking what your saying just wondering can anyone else access the main live stream page or is it just us here in Italy who cant get access? has it been censored in Italy?
hey morphcycle, i'm not having any problems accessing the livestream at: http://www.livestream.com/occupyphiladelphia
they are singing "solidarity forever" right now !
Did anyone see Thrive the movie yet...
Awesome movie about the issues facing us...
wow, you are quick. can't wait you to take over the airways.
another post removed. Wow, you people are the height of hypocrisy. no opposing views allowed here, who is moderating this, someone from the obama admin.
I have been seeing a lot of backlash from Union Workers and OWS Supporters about what is going on in Philly. Does anyone have more information on this? The last thing OWS needs is having the unions against us. I don't understand why the people down there couldn't compromise with the unions. Can someone fill me in?
Stand strong Occupy Philly! I'm with you in spirit.
They are going down boy
I gotta tell you something, OWSRIdiots, while I realize that comment was not directed toward me, comments and replies like that do nothing to discourage me from protesting. Instead they make me feel all the more need to stand in solidarity with this movement that I feel I have been waiting for for years. I am confident that I can say the same for countless others. Oh, and OWSRIdiots, you're forgetting something: last time I checked, the Occupy movement had 53% popularity among Americans. ... and that number is only going up. even some police have joined us. Veterans are joining us. What is it that you don't like about the occupy movement?
Announced to the whole world, this document is 2012 after the closing date for the start who want to start your paper, whatever your intentions here. Can not use for those who want to start your response. Seek justice in case of units in the world, an official request in this regard would be more accurate to consider this statement. On the other hand will receive the same notice as a formal application. Please do not move with the political path, or method, this is not strictly a political federation, not an an army federation, not a stratejical tactic play federation, not a play the time game federation, not a secret listening play deferation, not a secret service create and intelligence-gathering play federation, not a religious play federation. Decision-makers in this country which must be approved by the approval of the protocol is started only once and then only temporarily hold the can. Federation members and employees who intentionally blocking, as the lead in the family until the charge penalty imposition fusillade (first Turkish Republic members (TBMM), all worker, all family, European Human Rights of all members of all family, because you are not a human rights, possible also the only animal right, if you not apply this your nations not come please). In addition to the preparation or response, please do not want to start thinking like a human being here, or if you have reasons to begin the write here. Some are political, waiting for the federation not wants to implement, but federation does not choise your nation. Federation not play games play center. Want to play games go to beach, or go play center. Write your decision here if I said my nation play the game. This protocol is not prepared according to the demands of human intelligence for special behaviour, İf you apply this method all of which disappear in space. This protocol is prepared according to the structure of space, but is organized according to levels of human intelligence. This is not transmitting any announcement until the day the press about the protocol, even though his dog in their own countries. Protocol not wait country dog. Make sure that those who work for the construction of this protocol is the future of the human race than all the people who think. If you have a faulty part of the protocol, not as a reaction to it, as a report of research results reported clearly for appropriate. All the studies prepared for the protocol that has very high economic value for the person/groups who prepared. Every good thing as a good value economics or alike. Something of not value for the welcome everyone who wants to be, does not understand the value of something they wish to not have. No good things who will think destroy some goods, for good eating is not prepared the bad stew. In the federation does not except that; mass movements of people around the world against the something out of a motivation strategy that implements the views of the unknown next event. Human are not motivated like animal, such as it is called provocative human being. I hope to review the protocol is the most important things human existence, but it really is very difficult to educate people. Moves up in the federation of mass self-communication tools and technology used to carry out without harming the other party. Please, do not hurt yourself mass actions.
From his increases in city wage and property taxes to his proposed tax on soda M. Nutter is a NUT CASE I don't know y the people of philly put up wjth him! VOTE HIM OUT!
This is what Sun Tzu would advise the Occupy Movement if he were alive today:
The general, unable to control his irritation, will launch his men to the assault like swarming ants, with the result that one-third of his men are slain, while the town still remains untaken. Such are the disastrous effects of a siege.
Therefore the skillful leader subdues the enemy's troops without any fighting; he captures their cities without laying siege to them; he overthrows their kingdom without lengthy operations in the field.
With his forces intact he will dispute the mastery of the Empire, and thus, without losing a man, his triumph will be complete.
Therefore the skillful leader subdues the enemy's troops without any fighting; he captures their cities without laying siege to them; he overthrows their kingdom without lengthy operations in the field.
With his forces intact he will dispute the mastery of the Empire, and thus, without losing a man, his triumph will be complete.
This is the method of attacking by stratagem.
Sun Tzu "The Art of War" 544—496 BC.
So much for Freedom of Speech to allow Protests.
Where is your coverage of Occupy LA's eviction today? Just curious...
http://knowledge321.wordpress.com/ Can you still hear the bell.............
OWS you are our kids and I take pride in you. The old civilization always tries to crush the young, because they are set in their ways and just hate change. They will rather die then trying something new. I'm 68y/o. and if I can adopt and get used to a new way of life anybody can. Some of our white male in government sure need to go. They are more concerned about a woman's vagina and gay people who are natures way of birth control then they are about our countries problems. We need real leadership. People who are concerned about America's welfare not every country on the planet who plays the victim card. America has given enough support to the world and we are tired of given. We are broke, tired and fed up with being the bad guy every time we go help somebody and things don't turn out to their liking. We are not the worlds scapegoat to get trampled on because some back ward countries want to play hard ball.
Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction and that certainly fits the situation now seen at the highest levels of power in Western civilization. In essence, the story is that the true source of power in the West, control of the financial system, fell into the hands of fanatical religious cultists who wanted to artificially make the prophecies in an ancient religious text (the Torah or Old Testament), come true. This fraud-based is enterprise is now falling apart. The result is unprecedented chaos at the highest levels of power in the sect-controlled governments of the United States, England, France, Italy, Germany and their slave states. One of the immediate triggers is a lawsuit that was filed in New York on November 23rd, claiming the assets of the global financial system belong to the people of the planet and not a powerful religious cult that uses the United Nations as a façade.
How about we just use the American Flag, but instead of 50 small stars, we change it to one big star. Symbolizing the united front of the OWS revolution It's not evil looking, nor is it saying anything about socialism.
Keep the thirteen strips though, as they stand for the original colonies that had to FIGHT their way to freedom from the exact same tyranny the citizen of the US are fighting today.
In case you forgot, the primary issue was taxation with out representation. (the fed taxes you harder than any one with no representation whatsoever, through inflation and interest on money created out of thin air) The colonists also were fighting for freedom from a monarchy (serfdom state) which is the same thing we have today but with the illusion of freedom (privileges) slapped on top of it to make it seem real. The only thing that currently separates our time from their time is the bill of rights, which is slowly being chiseled away over time through additional amendments and laws which are carefully worded to bypass the bill of rights. Their some sneaky bastards.
Once again, my favorite part of the Occupiers, when the cops break it up and bash heads. I can't help watching the youtube vids over and over and just LMAO. Let the skull bashing begin.
Bring your own needles and crack pipes. Occupy Philly is running low.
We are decoding the past. Every law on this planet is man made and laws are made to be broken. OWS got it going on lol. Btw. people, they are our kids, we created them. So when you trash them you are admitting that you have failed them as a human being. Go stick your head in the sand, we have no use for people of your kind in the future.
OWS: Time to go home now. The play time has been interesting, but the serious business of a functioning world must go on. You make many interesting points, make yourself heard in the voting booth, but the camp out now has to end. Work, Be responsible, vote, voice your views, change what you can, but doing sit ins cannot be a long term answer. While I have sympathy for your views, I cNt help but think your answers are naive......what would happen if say, the leaders of OWS NY were given control of the largest 50 corporations in the country? Would that work well ? I wonder.
Recess is over children. Time to go home.
Yeah Americans! Go home to where you came from!!!
good job on the Mayor, go home kids
BTW a friend of mine was in Philly and stopped by the "camp" there. She said it was disgusting beyond belief. Nothing but utter filth.Feeces piled up, body odor, garbage stinks, etc. Much of it are the homeless/street people who have gone to live there.
IMHO if you want a positive influence on others, you all need to clean up your acts, stop the negativity that is sworming you and try harder to be WITH the 99%...not making them hate you.
i have spent almost every day in the past month there, and this is utterly untrue. i don't know what your friend is going on about, but she is lying to you.
She's a die hard lib that lives just outside of Philly. I take her word over yours any day of the week.She has no reason to tell a lie.
Here's another eye witness.
"I spend every Saturday in downtown Philly. I take the train to 15th St Station and walk upstairs from under City Hall. I was just there this past Saturday, and it's absolutely heartbreaking, what these people are doing to our beloved historic City Hall. In theory I agree with OWS, but what they have at City Hall is just a city-allowed homeless camp. You can't walk through the courtyard, it's filthy and quite frankly scary. They need to go. It's an embarrassment, and I bet less than half of the squatters even know what OWS is all about."
"When I visited Occupy Philly I had a hard time telling who was homeless and who was just a hippie or anarchist. The wheel chair guy slurring "we are the 99%" was clearly intoxicated on something. If these people aren't going to have some kind of leadership articulate their positions to the general public then they will be left with all these social outcasts speaking for them and making their movement look retarded."
yet more........
saw it in person for the first time today--what a disgrace--what do they feel they are going to get out of this--trash everywhere--people laying on the ground everywhere--a total disregard for the area--i work two jobs and bust my tail to provide food and education for my family--done everything from clean toilets to deliver newspapers/pizzas/phone books--even dressed as a cartoon character to move to passing cars as a job--i will do whatever it takes to provide food and shelter and good education--fighting the man by sitting around and trashing the city i do not understand--and i am sure that the occupy people are going to pay for the cost of cleanup once they move out---yeah right
Listen I am all for protesting, and I am for the 99% but people clean up after yourselves. Go home and shower, from time to time. Everyone should take turns cleaning up and making the area look and smell good. Also, someone needs to start addressing your concerns openly. It's not a place to live it's a meaning behind what you are doing so, start acting like it. Clean up, take a shower, find a bathroom or go home, and if you don't have a home ask your occupied neighbor if you can shower and clean up at their home and then resume your protest. Violence is not unnecessary, you need leadership and a voice find the strongest spoke person and start letting the 1% hear your voice, have a clean up crew make this protest great.
Need I go on? These people are all from Philadelphia and responded to an article about Philly. http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/philadelphia/mayor-nutter-city-reevaluating-relationship-occupy-phill-150208156.html
So you either are blind or have lost your senses or just lying
Really. Homeless are much less noticeable if they are more spread out. Having them concentrated in one area makes me feel bad when I see them. I don't like to feel icky.
Must be nice to be so young and naive........Homeless are all around us no matter where we live.
It's amazing to see people's reaction when that fact inconveniences their day.
Enough is Enough this cant go on like this we need to come together and respond as one single unit. All this leaderless stuff is why we are getting kicked out of places all over the world. This peaceful protest was been great up to about now; there testing our strengths and will chanting is not doing anything; camping out in parks sends a message but what kind. We have great great GA's around the world but we are not a Political Party. And if this is to be a peaceful protest for change and were asking for a whole lot of it then a party in the governments needs to be formed. If we continue on the path we have been on we will see more crack downs, people will be labeled enemies of society, more gas and more hitting more jailing. We can not walk away now the United States is the spear for the movement. With the worlds largest Military, and the smartest people in the world come to live here how can we not control our own government and our own lives. Freedom is not free anyone in any military can tell you that. We don't live in America the way we do because we chanted at the Brits, or Slaves stopped working, it took bold moves by many not just one, remember what it took to get us here and how we did it. The only movement from protest that changed things was Women Rights everything else took bold moves. I hope to hear were starting to form a party in the up coming days. The military I'm apart of is active all around the world I've been given orders not to aid until 49% of you needs rescue I sound crazy I'm not. I just live in a world outside of the one were in and were always looking from the outside In. Sorry if i offended anyone- Respectfully Commander K.C.
Looking for people who agree we can live without debt...if you think so, please "Like" this... https://www.facebook.com/pages/Debtless-World-A-World-Without-Debt/272854752760655
Get as many overweight people as you can find to sit in. There is only so much weight that a person can carry.
Interesting idea. I think a lot would depend on how it's visualized. It might end up looking kind of New Age. The raised fist icon also has a lot of strong historical associations, but I agree we should be continually re-evaluating everything within the movement.
(@ akbarlightening, re: open hand icon)
Keep up the good work. I'm going to spread the word to all my online peeps......,
Announced to the whole world, this document is 2012 after the closing date for the start who want to start your paper, whatever your intentions here. Can not use for those who want to start your response. Seek justice in case of units in the world, an official request in this regard would be more accurate to consider this statement. On the other hand will receive the same notice as a formal application. Please do not move with the political path, or method, this is not strictly a political federation, not an an army federation, not a stratejical tactic play federation, not a play the time game federation, not a secret listening play deferation, not a secret service create and intelligence-gathering play federation, not a religious play federation. Decision-makers in this country which must be approved by the approval of the protocol is started only once and then only temporarily hold the can. Federation members and employees who intentionally blocking, as the lead in the family until the charge penalty imposition fusillade (first Turkish Republic members (TBMM), all worker, all family, European Human Rights of all members of all family, because you are not a human rights, possible also the only animal right, if you not apply this your nations not come please). In addition to the preparation or response, please do not want to start thinking like a human being here, or if you have reasons to begin the write here. Some are political, waiting for the federation not wants to implement, but federation does not choise your nation. Federation not play games play center. Want to play games go to beach, or go play center. Write your decision here if I said my nation play the game. This protocol is not prepared according to the demands of human intelligence for special behaviour, İf you apply this method all of which disappear in space. This protocol is prepared according to the structure of space, but is organized according to levels of human intelligence. This is not transmitting any announcement until the day the press about the protocol, even though his dog in their own countries. Protocol not wait country dog. Make sure that those who work for the construction of this protocol is the future of the human race than all the people who think. If you have a faulty part of the protocol, not as a reaction to it, as a report of research results reported clearly for appropriate. All the studies prepared for the protocol that has very high economic value for the person/groups who prepared. Every good thing as a good value economics or alike. Something of not value for the welcome everyone who wants to be, does not understand the value of something they wish to not have. No good things who will think destroy some goods, for good eating is not prepared the bad stew. In the federation does not except that; mass movements of people around the world against the something out of a motivation strategy that implements the views of the unknown next event. Human are not motivated like animal, such as it is called provocative human being. I hope to review the protocol is the most important things human existence, but it really is very difficult to educate people. Moves up in the federation of mass self-communication tools and technology used to carry out without harming the other party. Please, do not hurt yourself mass actions.
0 How to confront a 10000 #occupy demonstration.
1 Provide ample toilet facilities.
2 Provide ample dumpster trash facilities.
3 Provide ample police patrol for protection and service.
4 Provide adequate on-site emergency personnel.
5 Provide adequate fresh drinking water and distribution to demonstrators.
6 Muster scientific on-ground statistically valid polling resources.
7 Poll #occupy for issues of assembly for media and local government.
8 Keep riot trooper and paranoia gear off stage, out of sight and mind.
9 People first, before government or any rule of law.
10 What do 10000 #occupy demonstrators do? Whatever they want!
11 Give thanks to heaven for concerned citizen assembly. God Bless America.
ows #occupy #oinc #DTS #c12000+9 #c535+1 @_marp http://wp.me/s1fQnO-start #HOME
inform & provide 1/3 dishsoap-water to rinse off pepper spray
Riot trooper paranoia gear, pepper spray, is supposed to be off stage, out of sight and out of mind.
If you stand on a train track long enough, you will get hit by a train. If you persist in civil disobedience long enough the police will arrest you. Its not the trains fault and its not the fault of police. Dont resist, dont complain that your being arrested. It was your choice. Deal with it like an adult and you wont be hurt.
Laws control the lesser man. Right conduct controls the greater one. ~Chinese Proverb
"You cannot evict an idea" Well no,.....but the jerk offs with the idea can be peppered and maced and beaten the crap out of whilst being evicted. And actually that is far more powerful then, say...evicting an idea.
OWS,....gotta love ya when you show that commie fist.
We should give all the money to one American have them revel in sick luxury in a deep bunker somewhere then sick the militarized police on the rest of the citizens! They aren't happy with around 1% of people prospering in America...we'll show 'em the .00000000000000000000000000000000000000000001%!!!
"give all the money" After all there is only a finite amount of money that can be earned and spent right? Drone Alert!! Drone Alert!!
Yeah. More drones! That way our militarized police force won't have the inconvenience of standing up to kill those non-compliant citizens.
Interesting, any opposing view posted on this site is removed, free speech to all unless you disagree with the liberal agenda. Typical
You people are morons. All I hear are complaints about the greed of the "1 %" and then gimme, gimme, gimme, provide me this, provide me that and forgive my student loan. Time to grow up and be adults.
I hope to God that every man and woman over the age of 18 shows up at that attemped eviction! I Pray to God!
We need more flash mobs: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wa-T5pYl8wk
“Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round heads in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules and they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify them, or vilify them. But the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.”
— Jack Kerouac
Dont allow the (OWS) people in Philly to be dislodged by the Police/by Force. You or someone with the ability to lead the group should issue instructions to disband temporarily. You than re-group. You do this all by word of mouth only. Only with the people present, they and they alone should get the word. Kee you intent off the WWW or INTERNET. If the Police in Philly want do do business with you, than you do business with them. You take the initiative away from the authorities and keep it. You one up them using our (OWS's) critical thinking skills. Again keep your intent off the air-waves, thats lesson # 1 in strategic planning. Be safe.
Epistemic Injustice!
A song for OWS... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FM3KR9dEOk
Another song for the OWS http://youtu.be/8yQadbFDbWA
And another... http://soundcloud.com/kraig-tyler/wont-go-back-to-sleep-1
If you're going to make the choice to get arrested, do not resist. Do not touch a cop or get too close to one. They can think you are going for their gun, and have every right and responsibility to hurt you bad to keep you away from it. Sit. Go limp. Remain passive. Do not antagonize with words. Remember, pepper spray is legal in PA for use in crowd control where the crowd is not complying. So in PA, it IS what getting arrested looks like, because the courts say its preferable to accidentally breaking your arms when cops pick you up bodily. Just remain calm and breathe through it. It hurts but every cop has to be sprayed with it before they can carry it so its safe and it doesn't injure you, and it washes off. Do NOT RUB. When you can, flush with plenty of water. And it will go away in about a half an hour you'll be fine.
In my article "The Transition Phase: The Road to Freedom" I present my views on how we should deal with police and many other things in this struggle for a democratic, just, non-hierarchical free society. yours s. struggleforfreedom
I'll be there - NOT. When are you shmucks going to move on?
beat the chit out of the squatters and get em out of there
good luck. keep up the fight
The outward struggle is only one aspect of a movement whose real purpose is a collective awakening. Perhaps the most difficult part is to look inward to understand what is wrong at its root.
The problem is not simply an unjust system, but the sum total of our corrupted values as a people. To understand more, read: "The Seekers Who Will Not See" at www.josephcouture.com
Police officers. Pepper spray these goons and beat the chit out of them
Please change your user name to Adolph Hitler.