Forum Post: Keystone XL - Protest coming in February on the 17th. Can you be there? Forward Share/Circulate this opportunity.
Posted 12 years ago on Dec. 15, 2012, 1:12 p.m. EST by DKAtoday
from Coon Rapids, MN
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Greetings -- below is a letter we wrote with our friends at 350 and the Hip-Hop Caucus:
This Presidents Day, show President Obama the climate movement isn't going away.
From families like Michael's, hit by monster storms and fires, to drought-stricken farmers in the Midwest, millions of Americans are already feeling the disastrous effects of the climate crisis in their own lives.
It's never been clearer that we need bold and immediate climate leadership -- that's why this Presidents Day weekend, Sunday, February 17, thousands of activists will head to the White House and tell President Obama to shut down the climate-killing Keystone XL pipeline once and for all.
The last time we stood up against Keystone XL, thousands of us surrounded the White House -- and it worked. Right when every political and energy "expert" said the tar sands pipeline was a done deal, we beat the odds and convinced President Obama to take a year to study it.
Now that year is over, and Mother Nature has filed her public comments: the hottest year in American history, a horrible ongoing drought, and superstorm Sandy. And still Big Oil is pushing as hard as ever for their pet project, looking for even more private profit at public expense.
There is also good news: Together, we've proven time and time again that grassroots voices can speak louder than Big Oil's dollars. So this Presidents Day, the Sierra Club,, and other environmental groups are working with our partners across the progressive community to organize the biggest climate demonstration yet.
Our goal for Presidents Day is to form a massive human pipeline through Washington and then transform it into a giant symbol of the renewable energy future we need and are ready to build, starting right away.
We'll have more details soon about the rally and how you can make your voice heard, but for now, start making travel plans and circle February 17 on your calendar. Together, we can show the president that the year's delay didn't lull us to sleep. Instead, we're more fired up than ever, and determined to help him do the right thing.
See you in February,
Allison, Michael, Bill, May, Rev. Yearwood, and Liz
Allison Chin, Sierra Club President Michael Brune, Sierra Club Executive Director Bill McKibben, Co-Founder May Boeve, Executive Director The Rev. Lennox Yearwood, Hip-Hop Caucus President Liz Havstad, Director of Civic Engagement and Strategic Growth for the Hip Hop Caucus
Have people heard about this: "Sierra Club Announces Direct Action to Stop Tar Sands?!?" Could get interesting.
Yep - and a good one to keep in circulation.
Action Alert!! not your average petition!
pledge to commit real action and we CAN stop this destpipeline.ructive
Support the planet
Exxon hates your children
Largest climate rally ever!!
Talking to yourself again, you nutcase?
This is what I see happening in the future... sadly
Hopefully this can be changed, but I don't really see a politician funded by banks and corporations stopping this pipeline.
Civil disobedience is the only option left to stop the pipeline.
Nope - not of their own volition - it will take major pressure from the public.
Good news on the public front:
Anti-Fracking Movement Map | Food & Water Watch FOOD4THOUGHT pls Share/Circulate.
The question you should be asking yourself, is how does the State of Oklahoma feel about the pipeline?
Who and what organizations in Oklahoma are supporting it's being built?
What politicians in Oklahoma are pushing for it's completion and who paid them to do so?
I already know the answers to all those questions.
I more specifically know who and what in my state, Nebraska, where Heineman just sent his letter of approval to the president.
Knowing the answer is why I said civil disobedience is all we have left in regards to this issue.
THEY own just about everything and everyone on this issue.
Just came across this.
most republicans in my state operate on a belief system created by the corporate structures and big oil - they also are funded by it.
Lee Terry for example advertises for Transcanada.
You missed an important answer.
Who and what organizations are pushing for it's completion?
Who are the "they" that own Heineman's position on the matter?
I'm finding he has at least SOME ties to ALEC.
This isn't stated in any of the links you've provided.
Much of the XL is also being pushed by Canadian influence, which is also missing from the links.
Perhaps if you started a thread on Nebraska similar to the one I posted on Michigan?
I know most here ignore it, but it does feel better putting it all out there.
This was only a quick look, as I have some work to do around the house today, but it may provide reason for further research.
also one of your links is on his tax plan not the keystone XL...
Here's some more info on his tax plan - A study by Open Sky Policy Institute says governor Heineman's plan to get rid of state income tax and replace it with other taxes would only be beneficial for people making over 91,000 dollars and would be an increase for those under that income level. 80% of Nebraskans would pay more while the richer 20% would pay less.
I share this kind of info on local forums like facebook all the time.
You asked who he is funded by.... I provided many links to who funds Heineman.
What you found was very general, not specific at all.
My quick look found ties to ALEC without looking too hard and I'm sure if you wanted, you could find even more.
He just lost his Lt. to scandal too.
You asked who he is funded by.... I provided many links to who funds Heineman. It was numerically specific actually.
I also provided you a link of ALEC sponsored legislators in Nebraska. A number which increased in 2012.
The scandal is spectacle. Calling women with his government phone. Yet nothing is said about the corporate ties to Transcanada on the news.
You're very difficult to talk to on this forum. Very accusatory, and it's very annoying.
Happy to annoy you..........:)
Maybe you'll start looking a bit closer now.
How good is FLAKESnews market penetration in Nebraska?
My old boss thinks climate change is a myth created by liberals. Newscorp dominates.
I've had a magnifying glass this entire time. Maybe you'll look a little closer. lol
You have much of your answer and your challenge "right" there.
I haven't really noticed your use of a magnifying glass on FLAKESnews.
Where did you apply it?
More assumptions.
Sorry I don't dedicate my time to Fox News. I don't watch it because it is bullshit. I don't go out of my way to read Fox News online. Giving them viewership and going to their website is how they make money on advertising.
They do not operate on logic, fact, and reason. They operate on a belief system. No matter how many facts you give to them, they will believe their religious zealots who preach lies and propaganda. The christian right will believe their Fox News, their Pat Robertsons, their Joel Olsteens, and their warmongering republican leaders. These people lose their jobs due to a corporate takeover and instead of blaming the corporate takeover they just blame the black guy because Fox News.
Fox News is a bullshit propaganda machine part of a system dedicated to keeping the corporate control.
What else do you want me to say about Fox News? Are you satisfied? Should I just post this once a week? Everyone in OWS knows Fox News is bullshit.
Fux spews and others are schmearing plenty of BS to deny global warming and climate change.
Sad news - is - that many want to believe the BS so that they can ignore reality and carry on as if everything is OK.
EDIT : People F'n Wake-up - Do you love your children? Do you want them to have a future and a future for their children? YEAH ???? Well Get Involved Damn It!!!!
[-] 1 points by TrevorMnemonic (6714) 2 minutes ago
I never said propaganda doesn't affect the world.
propaganda still has people thinking war is for peace. When in reality Afghanistan, Iraq, etc are wars of imperialism.
Nice assumptions. Reread my comment, I just said I do not watch Fox News. I never said other people don't. If you remember an exchange from a few previous comments, I told you Fox News had my old boss thinking climate change is a myth.
Here borrow my magnifying glass and actually read my comments. ↥twinkle ↧stinkle permalink
I understand why people do not want to believe it. But it is not a belief. It is scientific fact. Belief does not apply here. This is not opinion.
Essentially when talking about climate change, you are talking about a global catastrophe of epic proportions. Ecosystems dying out, extreme droughts, extreme storms.... famine, etc etc....
Like I said in my previous comment, those who watch shit like Fox News, deny climate change, and do not listen to logic, fact, and reason. They operate on a belief system and solely believe their corrupt preachers.
No matter how many times you explain it to them, they will not change their minds until the issue personally affects them drastically, even then they might still deny it and turn to an even harsher form of extremism preached by their zealots and corrupt.
I spent days listing facts to my old boss mentioned previously. Not once did he accept anything that went outside of the Fox News mold.
Chris Hedges talks about this in great detail in his book American Fascists: The Christian Right and their War on America.
I am willing to prepare and lead some magical mystery tours - to open ones mind to possibilities - to life - to wonder - consciousness must be expanded to see reality that is and beyond to what can be.
[-] 2 points by TrevorMnemonic (6716) 2 minutes ago
Einstein once said "no problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it." ↥twinkle ↧stinkle permalink
What do we do with these people? I mean in some situations of impending crisis - you can wait and see whether the individual will choose to sink or swim - and it will only affect that individual and those that love em.
But this is global catastrophe - and we gotta get heads out of the sand prior to the final showdown and fighting to avert as much damage as possible while we build to survive what is already coming our way. We will not come out the other side of the on going catastrophe if we wait till high noon to have the showdown.
[-] 2 points by TrevorMnemonic (6718) 9 minutes ago
I understand why people do not want to believe it. But it is not a belief. It is scientific fact. Belief does not apply here. This is not opinion.
Essentially when talking about climate change, you are talking about a global catastrophe of epic proportions. Ecosystems dying out, extreme droughts, extreme storms.... famine, etc etc....
Like I said in my previous comment, those who watch shit like Fox News, deny climate change, and do not listen to logic, fact, and reason. They operate on a belief system and solely believe their corrupt preachers.
No matter how many times you explain it to them, they will not change their minds until the issue personally affects them drastically, even then they might still deny it and turn to an even harsher form of extremism preached by their zealots and corrupt.
I spent days listing facts to my old boss mentioned previously. Not once did he accept anything that went outside of the Fox News mold.
Chris Hedges talks about this in great detail in his book American Fascists: The Christian Right and their War on America. ↥twinkle ↧stinkle permalink
Einstein once said "no problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it."
The assumption is yours again.
FLAKESnews affects you every single day, whether you watch it or not.
That's the magic of marketing penetration.
So where did you apply it?
I never said propaganda doesn't affect the world.
propaganda still has people thinking war is for peace. When in reality Afghanistan, Iraq, etc are wars of imperialism.
Nice assumptions. Reread my comment, I just said I do not watch Fox News. I never said other people don't. If you remember an exchange from a few previous comments, I told you Fox News had my old boss thinking climate change is a myth.
Here borrow my magnifying glass and actually read my comments.
Upd: protests/arrests continue
Keystone - is actually a keystone. If we can stop it ( remove it ) that will be a key to stopping other environmental madness.
Keystone (architecture) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia&ei=QdJQUeXtGojFyAHUnIDYAg&usg=AFQjCNEXd0gbNiaR7_L7AqS05oKSpUnmA&bvm=bv.44158598,d.aWc) A keystone is the wedge-shaped stone piece at the apex of a masonry vault or arch, which is the final piece placed during construction and locks all the stones ...
Fitting. There is much linked/hinging on our success at organizing against it..
I can't say for sure if we will be victorious but it has been encouraging watching the movement evolve.
So many dedicated people - it is wonderful.
I think a decision is coming by June right?
A decision could be made at any time.
Right. There may be a deadline in June.
Environmentalists and oil & gas co's agree on fracking approval process
You heard aout this.
Nothing good can come of this.
Rally over/big success!!! Issue not dead/resolved yet!
Upd: We have a couple of months before the decision to proceed is made
A bit of current events.
We gotta keep up the pressure. Any other actions planned that you know of?
From Occupy in the news
In compliment to this important thread.
Declare the phony 'War on terror' over because it is used to scare us into support, & to justify invasions, bombings, & rights violations
Protest tar sands!!
To compliment this unappreciated thread.
Thank you DKA for post.
Keystone XL upd.
I think we need more protest. Larger protests, and more political pressure.
Great rally. Can't let up the pressure. These rallies can serve as the leverage anti tar sands pols can point to to grow opposition to this obscenity.
More protests, marches, petitions, phone calls, boycotts, strikes, LOL whatever we can think of.
You are welcome - we need to defeat the ills of society/environment/world if we are ALL to see Healthy Peaceful Prosperous Lives For ALL. End the diseases that are driving people/society face first into the mud.
Well Said
Support Occupy protesters
The view from Canada.
Update on the pipeline
For further consideration considering protest coming up Feb 17th.
And this shows why we care
Oil a bad business all the way around.
Minnesota Oil Spill: Canadian Train Derails, Spilling 30000 Gallons Of Crude In US
Huffington Post - by Jade Walker - 3 days ago NEW YORK/CALGARY March 27 (Reuters) - A mile-long train hauling oil from Canada derailed and leaked 30000 gallons of crude in western ...
Damn, didn't even see that one.
Probably didn't get much coverage outside of Mn.
Look what I found on closer look.
This current Keystone pipeline related and not one word on MSM!!
Is Yahoo News MSM? Exxon cleans up Arkansas oil spill; Keystone plan assailed
Oh, it was actually from Reuters. I forgot that Yahoo could no longer afford to produce its own news stories and behave just like Google.
They are all MSM. I learned decades ago how to read between the lines and see through phony stories,and descern truth from half truth stories.
It ain't easy and easy to get wrong. The internet and independent citizen journalists have made it easier.
Somethings got to give with these media conglomerates. They should be broken up as much as the big banks.
Or people can just ignore the MSM by 'promoting' them to the status of the Olympian gods to be shrouded by eternal mist. Who is still offering sacrifice nowadays to Zeus, Apollo, etc.?
Ok. Or that.
It's the truth and you know it is, DM.
You should spend your time pretending you have some friends in the world.
OWS needs activists. Not pretenders. You are doing what the 1% do, by manufacturing consent. You've already been busted for doing it, and you're still doing it, you dickhead. You think we don't all see you doing it? What a cockhead you are, if you don't think we all see you voting for yourself.
Stop spam harassing me! Your childish, dishonest, personal attack is off topic.
Let's denounce the engineers who support keystone xl pipeline
Leave it to the MSM. (or better yet, don't!)
Saw coverage on CBS.
And here is an interesting piece
FYI & a bump
Stop spam harassing me
Can you engineer opposition against the keystone xl pipeline?
Join @ClimateForward in DC for the largest climate rally ever 2/17. Obama needs to move #ForwardOnClimate! pls Forward
The 17th is coming up fast - People even if you can not attend you can share the opportunity to others - Please keep in Circulation.
In compliment :
President Obama's second term began this week, and there's nothing more important than making sure he starts with the bold climate leadership he promised.
It's up to activists like you to make that happen.
On Sunday, February 17, Forward on Climate will be the biggest climate rally in history. It has to be if we're going to show the president how strong the climate movement has become. But a rally like this -- while huge, important, and downright exciting -- isn't cheap.
We need to raise $15,000 in the next 48 hours to help make sure every bus full of activists, every permit and piece of technology, every Port-A-Potty, and more are paid for. Will you help make Forward on Climate a success with a tax-deductible donation of $10 or more today?
The climate fight is an uphill one. Our enemies -- Big Oil, Big Coal, and their Washington allies -- are determined, and tough. But time and time again, we've shown that grassroots voices like yours can speak louder than corporate polluters.
The Forward on Climate Rally is a critical step in this fight. That's why we're teaming up with 350, the Hip Hop Caucus, and dozens of other organizations to show Washington how strong this movement has become. Together, we can move President Obama to take immediate action on climate, beginning with the rejection of the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline. Only the president has the power to lead an effort with the urgency we need to get rid of fossil fuels and fire up clean energy -- and only activists like you can speak loudly enough to help him use that power.
Can you chip in $10 or more to help make Forward on Climate the biggest climate rally in history? By making your tax-deductible donation today, you'll be helping pay for buses, staging, spreading the word, and more.
Thanks for all you do,
Kate Colarulli Sierra Club, Forward on Climate Rally Director
PS -- If you haven't signed up to attend the rally yet, RSVP today! It will be Sunday, February 17, at noon on the National Mall -- right where hundreds of thousands of Americans stood for the Inauguration on Monday. You won't want to miss out when history is made twice within one month: RSVP today, then find out what you can do to help spread the word.
Yea, who needs tens of thousands of good paying jobs, and oil anyway? Oh wait...we do.
As always liberals energy mantra remains the same. "What comes from the ground....STAYS in the ground".
Good luck flying planes, sailing ships, and running cars on solar panels assholes.
We MUST transition to a non polluting alternative energy economy NOW!!!
That will create millions of more jobs than the destructive fossil fuel industry.
Divest from fossil fuel corps!! Invest in green jobs before the Chinese & Germans take those industries from us!
No We Don't - shift those workers into green power green technology industries - working to upgrade and maintain a clean green power infrastructure.
There are also alternative fuels - Hydrogen for 1 - it can power a rocket into space it has also been noted to be able to fly (power) an air plane it can also be used to power any internal combustion engine.