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Forum Post: It is an OutRAGE

Posted 12 years ago on Dec. 17, 2012, 9:06 a.m. EST by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Yes, it is. At least, I find it so. In the wake of this latest incident everyone seems finally ready to get up, off the couch and demand gun legislation. I do not oppose sensible gun legislation - not at all.

I oppose SILENCE.

It is said the latest perpetrator suffered from aspergers. The mentally ill rarely go on killing sprees - and almost never on their own.

I personally know several people, perhaps scores of them, subjected to the labels of our mental health community, and with that all of the scorn and derision that goes with it - to say nothing of the neuro-leptic malaise foisted upon them through modern pharmacology - and for no other reason other than someone fucked with them in a very powerful, and particular manner.

You can tell - when someone begins insisting anything regarding aliens and they become nervous, their voice trembles, their hands shake, you know - they have been spanked by a human engineer.

There are no aliens - it's just another lie, told by actors on a stage.

And while we are shocked by this latest incident, no one mentions the abundance of death as American children fight for control over street corner sales territory - gun violence which has itself killed far more of our children in the last year than all four of the latest mass shootings combined.


I am sick of the lies. Just as I am sick of the silence.

More people will die. That is absolutely certain. So while you agitate, for greater gun control and for changes among our mental health community, consider carefully. Any of you - or your own children - may be next.

The next icon of death, designed to instill fear - to instill obedience, to instill silence.

The next chemically restrained victim of our scientific achievement.


In the shadow of silence

cowardice breeds -

tears born of horror

become a river of shame.




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[-] 3 points by Middleaged (5140) 12 years ago

Truth: There are plenty of groups that don't get fair, equitable, or reasonable treatment.

1) Mentally Ill were warehoused in the US at least up to the 1980s. I'm sure there have been good pockets of care, good doctors, and good facilities though.
2) Prisoners don't get Reform. There is no reform program in Prison. We do allow their Egos to expand in prison. They can Lift weights to feel power. Often there are gangs that are allowed to roam and pick out victims to feel power. Often prisons have plenty of drugs to keep brains confused, create power structures, and create wealth structures.
3) Indians on reservations seem to have been deprived of Water Systems, Electricty, Paved Roads, Adequate Housing, ... not really sure about their educations systems. BOIA under the Department of Interior seems to dole out funds as they find time. Seems to be a kind of Repression of Native American's ... that could easily be fixed with relatively small funding. Seems they are just made to be an example of what other than Eurpean culture looks like.
4) Anthrologogy and Archeology in the USA has been late coming and controlled from what I gather. European Settlers seem to have destroyed artifacts and built over ruins as a normal practice. Corporations lose profits if mining or build was delayed. Personally the acedemic efforts to reveal anthropology of our land falls way short.
5) The Ethnocentric History told and taught to our kids in K-12 makes the government sound like a bunch of nice guys always looking for nice things to do ... our wars always defensive and only for justice ... the patriotism of of government, military, and wars unquestionable, ... the fact that we have been involved in covert efforts to change democratically elected governments in foregin countries goes unmentioned ... the use of the US Military to visit Violence on foreigners in their countries as a service to corporate interests in the 19th century is unremarked ... The effect of war and the violence values of military service prevades the US culture and has never been discussed nor has the usefullness of American Patriotism, Militarism, and the usefulness of our Violence to corporate Interest ever been explored, discussed, addressed or admitted.

Clearly there are winners and losers in Capitalism or our Mixed Economy in our Limited Republic in the USA. Money is created our of thin air in the form of credit and loans. This makes money for those given permission to create money. You have to work to pay off your loans and your debt. But notice how upset capitalists get if you give away housing, education, food, or a standard of living ... Capitalist seem to be protesting that they can't get a peice of the "Rent" on the give away programs That is really why we don't know our history, don't know what is going on in government, why we go to War, why we suppress people, why the Media no longer Investigates the Rich and Powerful unless given the greenlight, and why our lives are being controlled.

The Protests from the Wealthy or Controlling Interests ...are all about wanting to make money off the services and programs ...that a benefitial government would provide. And the influence of Money is what prevents congressmen from listening to the middle class, the poor, or the Liberals to Improve Life.


[-] 0 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

What would you consider "sensible gun legislation"?

What would you support in dealing with the "death as American children fight for control over street corner sales territory"?

What do you recommend we do to deal with the potential for the small percentage of mentally ill who go on shooting sprees.?

I agree with you silence is a big part of the problem. You've never had that problem, I want to hear your proposals.


[-] 1 points by Nevada1 (5843) 12 years ago

"What I do know - with absolute certainty - is that killing engineered for political consideration will not end with gun control" --------- Excellent Statement


[-] 1 points by Nevada1 (5843) 12 years ago

The elite make fortunes off drugs. The British East India Company (Rothschilds) started it with opium in the 1690s. And today, it all continues on with all the terror and murder. Those at bottom go to corporate prisons, which again enriches the elite.

[-] 0 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

"social redesign" sounds hood. I submit the Stigma attached to mentally ill children creates a need to cover up, hide, play down, even deny the existence of said mental illness. As a result (as in this case perhaps) the child/adult does not get the appropriate treatment/supervision.

So in there attempt to "keep up with the joneses" the family of the shooter pretended he was ok and that negligence enabled his killing spree.
