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Forum Post: Israel=A brutal terrorist state

Posted 10 years ago on July 26, 2014, 7:21 a.m. EST by struggleforfreedom80 (6584)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Israel has now, within a few weeks, murdered over 900 Palestinians. Israel, which is conducting an illegal occupation of Palestine, as well as a vicious blockade of Gaza, claims it has the right to defend itself from the people it is oppressing by murdering children and innocent civilians.

Rockets being launched into Israel should be denounced as well, but in order to understand the Israel/Palestine conflict, we have to look at the root causes of it. Hamas aren't firing rockets into Israel for no reason, they're doing it because of Israel's vicious treatment of Palestinians.

The root cause of this conflict is Israel's illegal occupation and the vicious blockade.

Israel should start accepting international law and withdraw from the occupied territories, accept the international consensus (the 1967-borders), stop the blockade, and stop murdering civilians.

As long as Israel continues on with current policies, and as long as U.S. leaders continue to support them, the violence and atrocities will continue.




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[-] 12 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

It will be claimed that Hamas began firing their militarily ineffectual rockets at Israel first, so triggering Israel’s latest War Of Choice. But this is not true. In fact far from acting in self-defence, the crisis is a direct result of deliberate actions by Israel over the last few weeks - first to stir up anti-Arab sentiment among Israel's own population & then to try to provoke Hamas into an open conflict - whereby it could be attacked and destroyed - again and for the third time in six years.

After the kidnapping and cruel murder of those three Israeli kids (not that long after two similarly aged Palestinian kids were murdered by an IDF sniper, whilst clearly NOT engaged in any crime other than walking whilst being Palestinian and I could easily link to a CCT video of that) - then for more than two weeks Israeli authorities put on a show of looking for the missing teens ... the whole time whipping up anti-Arab sentiment in preparation of war, raising hopes of a recovery & marginalizing voices of dissent.

When the abductees were found murdered - the Israeli public was outraged and demanded vengeance. Shortly after the funerals for the youths, another group of Israeli settlers beat and burned to death a 16-year-old Palestinian teenager. That incident was itself followed by a brutal assault on a 15-year-old US citizen and cousin of the murdered Palestinian kid by the IDF.

However, another VERY Important Fact that is less known ... but perhaps more important, is that within hours of the three teens’ disappearance on June 12th - Israeli officials knew that they were dead. Yet for the next two weeks authorities put on a totally phony rescue effort ; instituted a gag order to prevent the public from knowing the truth and rallied the Jewish domestic and diaspora populations in anticipation of their move against Hamas.

Knowing that the teens were really already dead, Israel's Likud government even sent the mothers of the abductees to the ''United Nations’ Human Rights Council'', to raise international awareness and plead for their boys’ safe return.The IDF then launched ''Operation Brother’s Keeper'' the single most extensive military operation in the West Bank for more than a decade, under the auspices of .. 'saving the missing teens' whom again, they knew to be already dead.Many hundreds of arrests & detentions then occurred.

The blame for the abduction and murder immediately went to just Hamas ... which strongly denied any involvement whatsoever, in the kidnapping. Israel has offered no concrete proof to implicate Hamas but instead identified as its prime suspects, a rogue faction with a history of defying Hamas’ leadership, & thus sabotaging the group’s peace-building efforts with Fatah and The PLO.

They were identified early on, meaning that Israel knew full well that neither Hamas nor its armed wing, the al-Qassam Brigades - were behind the boys’ disappearance. Nonetheless, the IDF began a military campaign against them and de facto the Palestinian population in the West Bank and Gaza.

These are the true facts of the current 'Gazastrophe' - the third in six years, against 1.8 million people, in an area of one of the highest population densities in the world. Your links are excellent btw, the 'You-Tube' video from that great journalist in particular & those famous maps of course speak for themselves.

In compliment, I append and recommend :

Please try to note in particular .. the dates and contents of the last two links as they are now prescient precursors of the present events. Ms Ashrawi is a long term PLO Exec. Comm. member & a Christian.

oremus - fiat lux ; fiat justitia ; fiat pax ...

[-] 9 points by beautifulworld (23828) 10 years ago

"As long as we continue to give our money, weapons, and unquestioning support to Israel, the blood is on our hands as well!"

From a comment on Huffington Post, by a Linda Graves · East Tennessee State University.


[-] 8 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

''The moral argument is that the central role of the United States in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict obliges Americans to understand it, if only for the fact that we are in a stronger position to change U.S. policy than those that fall victim to it. To this end there are a number of organizations in the U.S. that work on this issue, such as : http://endtheoccupation.org/ - which is a coalition of groups working to change U.S. policy toward Israel/Palestine & http://jewishvoiceforpeace.org/ - is an organization of Jewish Americans critical of the occupation and organizing for a change in U.S. policy.'' From ...

fiat lux et fiat pax ...

[-] 7 points by flip (7101) 10 years ago

nicely done here - ''The moral argument is that the central role of the United States in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict obliges Americans to understand it, if only for the fact that we are in a stronger position to change U.S. policy than those that fall victim to it.

[-] 4 points by ShadzSixtySix (1936) 10 years ago
[-] 5 points by corsali (47) 10 years ago

Indeed this is "stunning", and very hopeful.

[-] 4 points by ShadzSixtySix (1936) 10 years ago
[-] 4 points by corsali (47) 10 years ago

As in a previous reply that you made. The journey that Phil Donahue took in his "radicalization" was similar to mine. It's a journey that many of us have or will be taking, and with that will come an indomitable spirit that will defeat even the partisans amongst us (on here) who try to steer this revolution to oblivion. Thanks for the links.

[-] 5 points by ShadzSixtySix (1936) 10 years ago

Phil Donahue Rox !!! In a word .. SOLIDARITY to PD, you and all who sail with you ~*~

per aspera ad astra ...

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 3 years ago

"Israel Chooses Violence" by Haggai Mattar:

"From the repression in Sheikh Jarrah to the bombing of Gaza - the Israeli government has opted to escalate its brutality toward Palestinians." Please also note/share this site https://www.972mag.com/

et veritas vos liberabit ...

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 1 year ago

Consider: "Israel is a Terrorist State"!!! by a Jewish Journalist:

"Israel has killed over 1000 children, where’s the outrage?!!”

by Matt Kennard of "Declassified UK" via "Double Down News"

Unflinching testimony - by Jewish PhD candidate Barnaby Raine!

He is a force of nature and this entire video is 70m of hard truths!

respice; adspice; prospice!!!

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 1 week ago

Consider ... "I Was Told Palestine Was Complicated .. Visiting Revealed a Simple, Brutal Truth"!!!

Note "As the war on Gaza spans a second year, we continue our conversation with the acclaimed writer Ta-Nehisi Coates. His new book, The Message - is based in part on his own visit last year to Israel and the Occupied West Bank where he says he saw a system of segregation and oppression reminiscent of Jim Crow in the United States. "It was revelatory," says Coates and. "I don't think the average American has a real sense of what we’re doing over there - and I emphasize 'what we are doing' because it is not possible without American support.

Soldiers' testimony describes children being shot in central Gaza and posthumously branded 'terrorists'!

Noting that 'My decision is an acknowledgement that this status never held any legitimacy to begin with'!

As ... "Israeli lawmakers are urging the military, to intensify genocide in Gaza by destroying any possible sources of energy, food, and water in the territory."

Also consider - "Only 3% Of Jewish Israelis Think Trump's Ethnic Cleansing Plan For Gaza Is Immoral"!

fiat lux et fiat justitia ...

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 1 year ago

Now consider this compilation of genocidal statements from Israeli leaders & officials!

et veritas vos liberabit!

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 10 months ago

USA's Students and "Pro-Palestine Protesters Are on the Right Side of History"! .. by Ben Burgiss:

As "Like those who protested the Vietnam War, the college students currently protesting Israel’s vicious assault on Gaza are in the right. Future generations will not look kindly on those who used the moment to smear campus protesters as “antisemites.”

And note .. "If new generations are discovering Edward Said, in the process they’re finding out how the question of Palestine can guide their larger principles. And they are also witnessing the unconscionable. Large scale death: from the air; starvation as a weapon of war; the western complicity with the plausible genocide and a people abused, beyond what any reasonable person could bear.It’s a lot to digest and it leads to the one lesson about Palestine that no one, not even Edward Said, can ever really prepare you for. Palestine will save your soul, but it'll also break your heart." THE VERY LAST PARAGRAPH, FROM

respice et adspice!

[-] 1 points by beautifulworld (23828) 8 months ago

"U.S. Jewish Army Intel Officer Quits over Gaza, Says “Impossible” Not to See Echoes of Holocaust"


“Seeing photos of charred bodies and burnt corpses and starved, emaciated children that are from 2023, 2024, not the '40s, it's impossible not to make that connection,” says Mann. “The situations are not perfectly analogous, but the moral similarities were very clear to me.”

[-] 1 points by beautifulworld (23828) 9 months ago

"It's awe inspiring." "Palestinians in the US say they feel heartened by students demonstrating against war in which 34,000 have been killed"


“It has been absolutely awe-inspiring to see the level of awakening that has happened around Palestine, and realizing how collective our liberation is,” said Colette Ghunim, a Chicago-based film-maker of Palestinian-Mexican heritage.

The 32-year-old added that she “did not expect all races and religions to come together to be able to rally around this. It’s really phenomenal.”

The Gaza solidarity encampments, which began at Columbia University last month, have spread to more than 80 universities around the US and since gone global, with encampment protests in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Spain, Germany, France, Switzerland, Austria, Mexico and beyond."

Awesome victory at Trinity College Dublin in Ireland.


"Trinity students claim victory with agreement to divest"

"Protesting students at Trinity College Dublin are claiming victory after the university agreed to divest from Israeli companies listed by the United Nations for their links to settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories.

Trinity has also agreed to the establishment of a special working group to consider its future involvement with Israeli companies, academic institutions and student exchanges. It will include representatives from Trinity Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) and the Students’ Union."

Who said protest doesn't work?

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 8 months ago

One of THE Best interviews re. Israel / Palestine, ever aired on Corporate Con'Troll'ed' US TV!!!

And re. BDS - well done indeed, students of Trinity College Dublin!!

"As news of crackdowns on U.S.A.'s campus protests spread, students in Ireland drew inspiration and planned a strategic path to victory."

As .. "Omar Barghouti, who attended Columbia University in 80s, says student solidarity with Palestine has educated the world"! Finally ...

per ardua ad alta!

[-] 1 points by beautifulworld (23828) 9 months ago

"Dozens arrested after UMass Amherst protestors once again set up encampment"


"Police clashed with and arrested dozens of protesters on the University of Massachusetts Amherst campus Tuesday night, after students reestablished an encampment in solidarity with Palestine."

"The Daily Collegian, tracking the protest into the early morning, reported more than 64 arrests. Those arrested included faculty, according to the UMass Students for Justice in Palestine. The group also posted video showing protesters pushed down and restrained by police."

"...student protester Sam Martinez said organizers want UMass to begin disclosing and divesting from any investments or partnerships with arms makers.

"A big thing is divesting from war profiteers and divesting from a genocide in general. A big focus has been around Raytheon because it’s such a big weapons contributor to Israel,” Martinez said.

Associate professor Hoang Phan, a member of the group Faculty for Justice in Palestine, said the group’s demands are part of the broader Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions movement seeking, among other things, to end Israel’s war in Gaza.

This is a peaceful nonviolence movement that is growing across the globe and you are now joining that BDS movement,” he told the crowd."

One would think in liberal Massachusetts that our college students would be free to demonstrate on any issue they wish and that the academic freedom of our professors would be respected. Says a lot about the state of our country.

[-] 1 points by beautifulworld (23828) 10 months ago

"Stunning police brutality will ignite a student anti-war movement in America" Joan Donovan


"For today’s anti-war protesters, they have all the infrastructure they need to broadcast a narrative about their beliefs directly to a global village. Individually, they’ve been practicing for this moment for years by becoming accustomed to using their phones as political tools. While the Occupy movement and advances in technology inspired new journalists to publish lots of raw and unfiltered content in 2011, generation Z was born in it and are more digitally savvy than any group before. In many respects, the youth of today have a ready-made infrastructure to shift control and buckle institutions, but the key will be for students to sustain the pressure to ensure they meet their goals. It’s hypocritical for universities to be bastions of knowledge and guardians of free inquiry, who then will not disclose certain relationships with donors; including corporations and governments."

"The aftermath at Columbia University should be instructive for other universities facing similar protests, the repression and suspension of students leads to more sustained protest and broader participation. More students join in, if only just to witness. By suspending so many students, they now have very little to keep them from organizing and drawing attention to the encampments popping up across the US. Activist tactics are mimicked, like memes: when they hit, they resonate, but the effect can be short-lived unless it gets remixed.

There is some truth to the popular protest slogan: “They tried to bury us, but they didn’t know we were seeds.”"

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 8 months ago

So, "Which is worse; Israel’s lies about Gaza or its western backers who repeat those lies?!"

As ... "Useful idiots keep parroting provably false Israeli talking points. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me …"

"Rebecca Weiner is a Columbia U. professor, who also serves as intelligence director of the NYPD. Mayor Eric Adams credits her with spying on the anti-genocide student protesters and directing the militarized raid that dislodged them from campus."

And noting that - "Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and GOP lawmakers in the U.S. have threatened to retaliate against the ICC if it issues arrest warrants for officials in Israel's government"

"As news of crackdowns on U.S.A's campus protests spread, students in Ireland drew inspiration & planned a strategic path to victory."

As "The movements for labor and Palestinian rights have common cause against the billionaires who aim to destroy them both"!!! Meanwhile, these horrors continue to prevail daily ...

fiat lux et fiat justitia - ruat caelum ...

[-] 1 points by beautifulworld (23828) 1 year ago

Treating Palestinians as fully human is apparently difficult for Zionists.

"Is it too much to ask people to view Palestinians as humans? Apparently so"! by Arwa Mahdawi:


[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 1 year ago

So, "'But Arwa, what about Hamas?' You might be saying; aren’t you going to condemn Hamas? Of course I will absolutely condemn Hamas massacring innocent Israeli civilians on 7 October and taking hostages. And let us be very clear here: while nothing Hamas did on 7 October can be condoned, their actions did not take place in a vacuum. This conflict did not start on 7 October. Palestinians have been killed, displaced, humiliated,detained unlawfully for decades; the media only sits up and pays attention, however, when Israelis die. Ask yourself this: do you know how many Palestinians were killed last year by Israeli forces and settlers? Do you know how many Palestinians are being forced out of their homes by settlers in the West Bank – where Hamas is not in charge? Do you know how many Palestinian kids are being held by Israeli forces without trial or charge for'crimes'that can be as minor as waving a flag?

So, "I will absolutely condemn Hamas but I ask that the absolute condemnation goes both ways. And it doesn’t, does it? People demand that Palestinians denounce violence - while screaming that Israel has the right to defend itself at the top of their lungs.Israel has rights to defend itself you see & Palestinians don't. Everything that the IDF does has some sort of justification, explanation; violence by a Palestinian is never justifiable.

"As for non-violent resistance? That is not allowed either. The US has long been trying to criminalize the peaceful; boycott, divestment & sanctions movement! Calls to boycott the 2019 Eurovision song contest, which was held in Tel Aviv, was described as a “weapon of division,” & then, demonized. Going on a pro-Palestinian march is smeared as antisemitic – even when half the people marching ... are brave Jews in organisations like Jewish Voices for Peace.

"Not even children’s art is tolerated - if those children are Palestinian. Earlier this year a London hospital took down its artwork by Gaza schoolchildren after UK Lawyers for Israel said that: “Jewish patients feel vulnerable, harassed and victimised by this display” & those children - some people felt so harassed by? There is a good chance they are now all dead"! FROM YOUR ARTICLE & NOW, ALSO PLEASE NOTE:

"Until Tel Aviv decides what steps it might want to take, if it wants to create conditions for a cease-fire at all, the resolution means that the UNSC embraces the US position of allowing Israel's genocidal assault to continue unhindered"!!!

"Crowdfunding site 'IsraelGives' allows US residents to donate millions to paramilitary groups, IDF units and settlers"!!!! Finally, this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erICS5Z5BJQ but sshhhh n' stay shtum!

bella detesta matribus ...

[-] 1 points by beautifulworld (23828) 1 year ago

Acute Risk of Famine in Gaza

"Palestinians in Gaza Face Acute Risk of Famine, UN Agency Reports"


"All the 2 million people in Gaza are in crisis … and almost a fourth of these people, or more than half a million people, are in the worst stage of hunger, which is IPC five, which means that people are starving."

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 1 year ago

"1 Year Ago Israel Killed Shireen Abu Akleh. We Won’t Forget Her, or the Nakba"! by Farid Abdel-Nour:

NB "Palestinian journalists and human rights workers are a pervasive threat to Israel’s myth of national innocence." Shireen was an American citizen, btw!

fiat justitia - ruat caelum!

[-] 1 points by beautifulworld (23828) 7 months ago

Woman living in tent with 3 premature babies. This is the reality that is Gaza. The suffering is unbearable. Why is the world looking away? So much for the Right to Lifers!

Read this article, if you have the guts.


[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 6 months ago

"Israel has launched its biggest operation in the occupied West Bank in close to two decades, with troops raiding multiple towns and villages backed by armored vehicles, bulldozers, fighter jets and drones. Politician Mustafa Barghouti says ISR is "trying to repeat the Nakba"!! IMPORTANT info:

I read your link a month ago but couldn't bring myself to either quote, or repeat it then. I can now tho' ...

so: "The constant trauma took its toll on Yasmeen Khuwaiter - who found out about her pregnancy two weeks before the war, and gave birth to triplets in April, two months before her due date.

"She conceived through IVF treatment after 9 years of trying to have a child but instead of joy she spent the pregnancy in a constant state of anxiety about losing the children. She could not find the medication she needed and was forced to rely on unhealthy processed food which she believes weakened her body and led to several health problems.

"When she was in need of treatment in November, she arrived at a hospital to find it closing because of a shortage of medical supplies and electricity. Ms Khuwaiter & her family, fled from Gaza City to central Gaza, with her husband having to push her in a wheelchair. Weeks later she had to flee again, to Rafah in the south of the strip.

"Doctors referred her for treatment in Egypt, but after a month of waiting to be allowed out of Gaza, the area Khuwaiter was staying in was bombed, forcing the family to flee again to central Gaza, where she gave birth in hospital.

“God blessed me with triplets ... a boy and two girls, but they were in poor health due to their premature birth,” she says."




way too sad for latin!

[-] 1 points by beautifulworld (23828) 5 months ago

The cruelty is unbearable and I am guilty of not reading through certain articles because they just bring too much pain. BUT, it is our duty. It is the least we can do.

So, yesterday, another heartless, cruel attack on a school in Gaza.

How is Israel getting away with this? How is the world allowing this to happen in the 21st century? This barbarism is bringing us backward. We are ALL losing our humanity as this crisis continues. It is on ALL of US to end it.

"EIR AL-BALAH, Gaza Strip -- Israeli airstrikes across Gaza overnight and Wednesday hit a U.N. school sheltering displaced Palestinian families as well as two homes, killing at least 34 people, including 19 women and children, hospital officials said. A U.N. official said six staffers were among the dead."


"Gaza's schools are packed with tens of thousands of Palestinians driven from their homes by Israeli offensives and evacuation orders."

So, in other words, these people have no where else to go.

And, the people helping them do so at enormous risk.

"UNRWA said six staffers aiding the displaced, including the manager of the shelter, were killed. “Humanitarian staff, premises & operations have been blatantly & unabatedly disregarded since the beginning of the war,” the agency's director, Philippe Lazzarini, wrote on X.

The truth is, Israel doesn't want anyone to help the Palestinians, nor do they want them to continue existing, hence, the ongoing genocide.

"The nutrition situation in Gaza is one of the most severe that we have ever seen…it is important to remember that the nearly half of Gaza’s population suffering from this devastation are children,” he said." From: https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/09/1154001

Does anyone care? Do you care?

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 6 days ago

"Zionism will be looked upon as one of the greatest disasters in Jewish history"! Dr. Gabor Mate

as - "In this conversation, Frank Barat and Gabor Mate delve into the complexities of trauma, guilt & the ongoing genocide in Gaza and Palestine. They explore the psychological impact of witnessing atrocities, the historical roots of violence and oppression & - the emotional responses that arise in the face of such horror. Dr. Mate emphasizes the importance of acknowledging guilt and rage, while also recognizing the helplessness felt by those who wish to help.The important discussion also touches on the normalization of violence and the implications for the future of Gaza and global society."

Further note that Nutjobyahu has tried to denounce the International Criminal Court charges against him as 'antisemitic' but one of the lawyers who reviewed and approved of the charges was Theodor Meron a highly respected jurist, Holocaust survivor & past Israeli legal advisor, who that ^ last article, is all about!!

e tenebris, lux?!

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 1 year ago

So .. "KNOW THEIR NAMES - Palestinian children killed in Israeli attacks on Gaza"!"


[-] 1 points by beautifulworld (23828) 5 months ago

11,355 children killed in Gaza.

"Gaza publishes identities of 34,344 Palestinians killed in war with Israel

Document runs to 649 pages and includes 169 babies born after the Hamas attacks of 7 October"


"More than 100 pages are filled with the names of victims under 10 years old, and the first adult names do not appear until page 215.

More than 41,000 Palestinians have been killed. Over 7,000 have still not been identified.

What a travesty.

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 4 months ago

As mass murder, mayhem, massacres & maniacal madness, is unleashed upon Lebanon and civilians, women and children are being butchered with US made, paid for & now supplied - battlefield munitions, please try to closely consider this - in the dark light of the past, present & future events regarding Israel:

from which, this .. "The political philosopher Hannah Arendt actively engaged in the problem of a Jewish homeland and the politics of Zionism in the years from 1941 - 1948. She advocated a Binational solution to Palestine - a single political commonwealth with two national identities, Jewish and Arab, integrated in a federation with the other countries in the region.In the crucial period leading up to the establishment of the State of Israel, Arendt became increasingly disillusioned with the Jewish Agency and with the Zionist movement at large for failing to organize a Jewish response to Nazism; a Jewish Army, and rejecting the Palestinian right to a homeland." Now finally please try to note this interview, with Ha'aretz' Gideon Levy:

respice, adspice, prospice!

[-] 1 points by beautifulworld (23828) 4 months ago

50,000 children in Gaza without parents now. The inhumanity of Israel never ceases. This is CHILDREN walking around WITHOUT PARENTS! Trying to survive in a WAR ZONE! This is completely unacceptable that the rest of the world is allowing this to happen.


"Among the most vulnerable groups of children are unaccompanied and separated children. It is estimated that around 17,000 children could be unaccompanied or separated from parents and caregivers, but based on previous experience of other crises, IRC believes this number may be three times higher. IRC research has found that the risk family separation has increased dramatically in the past months, exacerbated by multiple rounds of displacements, arrests, Israeli evacuation orders and fatalities, with some children found living alone in hospitals."


From "The Guardian":

"Up to 51,000 children in Gaza could be unaccompanied or separated from parents, charity warns

The International Rescue Committee (IRC) has shared a new report detailing the devastating impact Israel’s war on Gaza has had on the children in the territory.

Here are some of the main findings from the report:

About 17,000 children are estimated to be unaccompanied or separated from parents and caregivers. The IRC thinks this figure could be three times as high (51,000).

Frequent Israeli evacuation orders, detentions and attacks have contributed to more families being separated in Gaza over the past few months.

Some children have been found living alone in hospitals.

Unaccompanied and separated children face high risks of child labour, exploitation, neglect, starvation, and long-term mental health impacts.

Every child, parent and caregiver in Gaza is experiencing trauma.

IRC teams in Gaza are seeing increased rates of severe and acute malnutrition in children under five.

Children in Gaza have now missed one year of education because of the collapse of the education destruction of school buildings caused by Israeli bombardment."

If this doesn't break your heart than you are not human.

[-] 1 points by beautifulworld (23828) 1 year ago

10,000 children killed. Horrific!


Here's a few from the list. OMFG! Humanity must do better than this!

0 years old Didn't reach their first birthday

Abd al-Jawad Mizar Jamal Hoso (0 years old)

Abdel Khaleq Fadi Khaled Al Baba (0 years old)

Abdel Rahim Ahmed Abdel Rahim Awad (0 years old)

Abdel Rahman Ahmed Essam Salah (0 years old)

Abdel Rahman Samir Salama Saad (0 years old)

Abdel Raouf Ibrahim Abdel Raouf Al-Farra (0 years old)

Abdul Karim Abdullah Omar Shehab (0 years old)

Abdul Karim Kamel Zidane Al-Hawajri (0 years old)

Abdullah Ahmed Khalil Zorob (0 years old)

Abdullah Amir Abdullah Al Khor (0 years old)

Abdullah Muhammad Abdul Hamid Muhanna (0 years old)

Adam Magdy Jaber Al-Dahdouh (0 years old)

Adam Muhammad Fouad Al Agha (0 years old)

Adam Muhammad Samir Abu Ajwa (0 years old)

Ahmed Moamen Ahmed Daloul (0 years old)

Ahmed Mohamed Amin Nofal (0 years old)

Ahmed Muhammad Yasser Dardouna (0 years old)

Ahmed Saeed Ahmed Fouda (0 years old)

Ahmed Shadi Talal Al-Haddad (0 years old)

Ahmed Talaat Ali Barhoum (0 years old)

Aisha Jihad Jalal Shaheen (0 years old)

Alia Abdel Nour Sami Al-Souri (0 years old)

Alma Adnan Jamal Al-Qatrawi (0 years old)

Alma Moamen Muhammad Hamdan (0 years old)

Alma Qais Abdul Karim Al-Zahrani (0 years old)

Alyan Abdul Rahman Alyan Al-Ashqar (0 years old)

Amal Mahmoud Mohamed Saleha (0 years old)

Amal Muhammad Ahmed Al-Bayouk (0 years old)

Amir Mahmoud Zuhdi Al-Masry (0 years old)

Anas Abdul Aziz Muhammad Zahir (0 years old)

Anas Abdullah Bahaa Al-Din Sukayk (0 years old)

Anas Tariq Muhammad Al-Hasanat (0 years old)

Anisa Mahmoud Ahmed Ali (0 years old)

Anwar Muhammad Ahmed Al Hindi (0 years old)

Aseed Hussein Muhammad Abu Hamad (0 years old)

Aseel Amir Ali Al-Ashi (0 years old)

Aseel Muhammad Jumah Dhair (0 years old)

Aws Muhammad Hussein Al-Aleel (0 years old)

Ayat Abdul Aziz Omar Farwaneh (0 years old)

Ayla Uday Abdel Jawad Abu Ras (0 years old)

Badr Yasser Rafiq Abu Habib (0 years old)

Bahaa Mustafa Jamal Musa (0 years old)

Basil Muhammad Hossam Abu Jasser (0 years old)

Bilal Khaled Muhammad Sobh (0 years old)

Bilal Muhammad Kamal Hamdan (0 years old)

Celine Abdel Hadi Adel Daher (0 years old)

Celine Ihab Ayman Al-Bahtiti (0 years old)

Daughter of Dina Abdel Hakim Ayoub Natat (0 years old)

Daughter of Zainab Muhammad Al-Abd Nawas (0 years old)

Diaa Ahmed Abdel Ati Saleh Musa (0 years old)

Diaa Majed Ahmed Kishko (0 years old)

Elena Momen Riad Al-Rifi (0 years old)

Eliana Muhammad Nabil Mekheimer (0 years old)

Ella Muhammad Salem Al-Drimli (0 years old)

Essam Mohammed Essam Farag (0 years old)

Etaf Hassan Riyadh (0 years old)

Ezzat Asaad Ezzat Saq Allah (0 years old)

Fadl Maysara Muhammad Abu Hasira (0 years old)

Fahd Uday Imad Al-Ajez (0 years old)

Farah Hammam Youssef Bahr (0 years old)

Farah Hossam Abdel Karim Hanoun (0 years old)

Farah Suleiman Raed Abu Shabab (0 years old)

Fatima Louay, Rafiq Al-Sultan (0 years old)

Fatima Moatasem Amin Nofal (0 years old)

Fatima Muhammad Rizq Al-Wawi (0 years old)

Fatima Saleh Yasser Al-Hout (0 years old)

Fayrouz Fadi Hamada Abu Salima (0 years old)

Firas Muhammad Abdel Aziz Tamraz (0 years old)

George Sobhi George Al-Souri (0 years old)

Ghaith Khattab Omar Al-Bahloul (0 years old)

Ghaith Yasser Nabil Nofal (0 years old)

Ghazal Asaad Maher Abu Lashin (0 years old)

Ghazal Mahmoud Saeed Al-Haddad (0 years old)

Hala Yasser Hamed Al-Sanwar (0 years old)

Hamza Muhammad Abdel Hamid Ashour (0 years old)

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 1 year ago

For some moral integrity & ethical consistency, from someone with a working moral compass, consider:

And note "Philosopher and independent presidential candidate Cornel West says Israel and the US are ‘intertwined in genocide’.

"American voters feel'impotent and hopeless' as they approach an election where the main choices are a 'neo-fascist Pied Piper' (Trump) or 'the war criminals of the Democratic Party' argues the independent presidential candidate Cornel West.

Cornel "West - one of the United States’s pre-eminent philosophers and justice activists tells host Steve Clemons that President Joe Biden is enabling Israeli genocide and that Israel cannot really be secure if 'precious Jewish security and safety is predicated on the domination of precious Palestinians'.

Dr. Cornel "West argues that recent talk of a two-state solution is 'subterfuge .. a refusal to deal with the 700,000 Israeli settlers in the West Bank'".

One American talking to another, saying things that no MSM channel in the U$A will ever even try to air!

et ergo - ecce homo!

[-] 1 points by beautifulworld (23828) 1 year ago

Ireland and Spain on Gaza, a different viewpoint, toward freedom for Palestine.


"Ireland and Spain among EU nations striking a different note on Gaza war" by Ashifa Kassam

“It’s an important counterweight against the usual suspects – the pro-American countries – who tend to be more pro-Israeli,” said Brigitte Herremans, a postdoctoral researcher with the Human Rights Centre at the University of Gent.

The most vocal have been Ireland, Belgium and Spain, said Martin Konečný, the director of the European Middle East Project. “But there are other member states who are just behind them and share the same positions,” he said, citing Slovenia, Portugal, Malta and Luxembourg."

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 3 years ago

https://killinggaza.com/ A documentary film about life under siege by Max Blumenthal. Must Watch Doc.!

"In Killing Gaza, independent journalists Max Blumenthal and Dan Cohen documented Israel’s 2014 war on Gaza.

"Yet this film is much more than a documentary about Palestinian resilience and suffering - it is a chilling visual document of war crimes committed by the Israeli military, featuring direct testimony and, evidence from the survivors"!

MULTUM in parvo!

[-] 1 points by beautifulworld (23828) 5 months ago

Disabled Palestinians facing horrors upon horrors.

Imagine not having access to your medicine, equipment, healthcare, food, water, housing. The list goes on. AND being disabled!


"With every bombing, more people are horrifically injured and left to survive without the devices and medications they need"

"I scroll social media and see the bodies of babies decomposing in an abandoned hospital, milk bottles and maggots next to their beds"

"That adults and children with disabilities are often the worst affected by conflict is an atrocity as old as war itself. If you are paralysed, you cannot run from shrapnel. If you are deaf, you don’t hear the sirens warning you to take cover."

Horror is the only word for it, though "brutal inhumanity" on Israel's part also comes to mind. Barbaric! May karma rule the day eventually.

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 3 years ago

"Progressives Can’t Ignore Role of Christian Zionism in Colonization of Palestine" by Jonathan Brenneman & Aidan Orly:

et veritas vos liberabit!

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 3 years ago

Consider "Another Israeli Spy Story ... When Will It End? by Philip Giraldi:

minima maxima sunt!

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 2 years ago

Consider: How Israel's attacks on Syria, have become so normalized now - that not even a major attack on the Damascus airport can attract any attention or condemnation from the "Rules-Based International Order" loving Western/US/UK MSM! The "rules" permit & indeed even encourage - violence against any 'Disobedient States'!

Damascus International Airport will be out of use for some time after the Israeli attack - likely weeks and even possibly, many months. The planes are unable to move, after the runways were taken out after big strikes on each runway. All remaining flights have been redirected to Aleppo - at huge cost and air travel in Syria is paralysed.

fiat lux et fiat pax!

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 2 years ago

NB: http://www.davidsheen.com/ & also see: http://davidsheen.com/bio.htm

And also note well, the $H!T Spewing RWNJ's reply below, of 7 paragraphs

(2,2,2,6,3,2 & 2) lines - which'll now soon be added to copiously no doubt!!!

Now please watch -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMlt9Si9Ti8 [66m]

et honi soit qui mal y pense!


PS: Yep $H!T Spewer has started adding crap to prior crap! Oy Vey! + See:


And does ANYONE here even have a clue wTf the $S-RWNJ is on about?!

MULTUM in parvo!

[-] 0 points by grapes (5232) 2 years ago

Answer: Russia gave tacit consent to Israel's bombings of Syria in self defense, in exchange for not antagonizing Russia (Russia has a military base in Syria very close to Israel which has a record of bombing any potentially unfriendly threats nearby: Syria's nuclear reactor, Iraq's nuclear reactor, USS Liberty, etc.) e.g. not voting at the U.N. to condemn Russia's invasion of Ukraine and demand Russia's withdrawal from Ukraine. The West also did the same (i.e. let it be) because al-Assad ruling much of Syria is allied with Russia.

Israel bombs Syria primarily because of Iran's supplying weapons and "martyrs" to Hezbollah in Lebanon.

When Israel feels threatened, it strikes anywhere and everywhere. It attacked both the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. (I think that my Big Brother inspected the fallout shelter because he might have known what was happening around 1973 Yom Kippur when Egypt and Israel fought over Sinai Peninsula, each side allied with the U.S.S.R. and the U.S.A. respectively) and I think that most of us (excluding Iran, for now) have learnt our [painful] lessons from Israel.

Israel is under a lot of stress these days. Egypt, Türkiye, Lebanon, Syria, and Iran are all potential blow-ups nearby. Egypt, Türkiye, and Lebanon are suffering from high food prices due to Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Türkiye wants to send the millions of Syrian refugees back home to Syria because Türkiye has ~74% recent inflation rate and running out of real credible money (in order to feed and house the refugees, despite Türkiye's having bought much grain Russia had stolen from eastern Ukraine; Türkiye has quite a reputation of being opportunistic such as [clandestinely] trading with Iran 《to get sanction-stranded-and-thus-cheapened crude oil <India benefits from Western-sanctions-cheapened Russian oil, too, by not upsetting Russia at the U.N., same as Red China> and Iran still wanted gold which is pretty invisible and untraceable, just done over the mutual border》while Iran was under sanctions so buying stolen grain isn't anything new). Türkiye may start a war in Syria to clear the space for the "returning-home" Syrian refugees to live (among other objectives).

Lebanon has been a [waste] basket case for years now. Hezbollah has been doing Allah's Reconstruction there with Iran's help. The 1960s' "Beirut streets paved with 'gold'" wasn't good enough so Allah wants streets paved with human blood instead.

Iran is acting up again as usual, after further dismantling IAEA monitoring devices watching Iran's nuclear weapons program. Iran-Israel is quite an energetic ready-for-incendiary-action pair for the Middle East.

You do know that the West by and large defers to Allah's Reconstruction plan, don't you ? I'm no exception although my deference might have come from different sources { i.e. my ignorance about Islam, Middle-Eastern customs, 《though somewhat more knowledgeable than my average American compatriots, I think -- partly because my Florida orange juice at our family's Sunday brunches had turned into Tang(R), then vanished altogether; even the brunches disappeared; my Dad was laid off; and we moved away from "Academic Acropolis" aka "White Harlem"; our home being broken into and ransacked was the reason why we scurried away because "White Harlem" was still a "Harlem"; WTF was going on ?! It had to do with Jews worldwide moving back to their ancestral centuries/millennia-of-years-ago homeland in the Middle East; Lebensraum conflicts ensued; there was surely better-life-supporting unoccupied/sparsely populated land around the world than that near-desert but that wouldn't be as meaningful to the Jews, would it ? we were thus dragged into the Meaningful Cyclone via global oil pricing》and Starfleet Academy Prime Directive of Non-interference without abridging my rights to free speech, religious freedom, free press.. as a U.S. citizen }.




[-] 4 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

You're getting emotional again Daniel. Time for bed there. Hit the hay, hey ?

It's time for The Israeli 99% to kick The Right-Wing Likud Alliance out but ...

You have not got what it takes to read that article - I guarantee it. However ..

dum spiro, spero ...


[-] 4 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

Fair play to you as you're making me laugh now .. and late too, lol ! Do you know what, ''shatz'' means in German ?!! Thanx for the giggles - I don't really mean you any harm .. unlike that real nut job on The DNC / Likud Faction Team, namely - ZionDog !!! Gotta go now Dan but time to get serious here with ...

respice, adspice, prospice ...

[-] 2 points by MattHolck0 (3867) 10 years ago

I wash that off before working at the bomb factory

[-] 7 points by ShadzSixtySix (1936) 10 years ago

Dr. Mads Gilbert : ''People Are Questioning Israel'' :

Dr. Gilbert is "A Norwegian surgeon who worked in Gaza shares his experiences during the latest Israeli offensive on the besieged Strip."

God Jul og et God Nyttar Andy.

solidaritet ...

[-] 6 points by struggleforfreedom80 (6584) 10 years ago

Gilbert is a fantastic human being. Happy new year to you too. A.

[-] 5 points by ShadzSixtySix (1936) 10 years ago

''The UN Security Council rejected on Tuesday a Palestinian resolution calling for peace with Israel within a year and an end to the "Israeli occupation" of Palestinian territories by late 2017.

''The resolution failed to achieve the 9-votes majority required to pass. Eight countries voted in favor of the motion - China, France, Russia, Argentina, Chad, Chile, Jordan, Luxembourg - two opposed - US and Australia - and five abstained - UK, Lithuania, Nigeria, Korea, Rwanda.

''US Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power said in comments after the vote that: "Instead of giving voice to the aspirations of both Palestinians and Israelis, this text addresses only one side." from ...

Such are the blatant double standards of 'Middle Eastern Nation Building' and the Neocon geopolitics of hegemony in our times. Thanx sff & fyi : https://twitter.com/drgilbert og Solidaritet A.

fiat lux ...

[-] 4 points by beautifulworld (23828) 10 years ago

Happy New Year to all! So nice to see you back sff. All the best to you for 2015.

[-] 3 points by Renneye (3874) 10 years ago

And Happy New Year to you, too, beautifulworld!...and, to everyone here and all of humanity.

2015 and beyond is for The People!!!


[-] 3 points by ImNotMe (1488) 9 years ago

''Biggest Israeli Demolition in a Decade Leaves 100 Homeless'', by Charlotte Silver:

fiat lux; fiat justitia; fiat pax ...

[-] 2 points by Viking (417) 9 years ago

I wish more people would wake up as to what an apartheid, terrorist state that Israel is.

[-] 2 points by ImNotMe (1488) 9 years ago

The roots of that Affected Ignorance of Israel's Apartheid ... are bigger than just AIPAC & the like but are inside the darker parts of the psyche of many Americans ... who know, that their country too is rooted in the dispossession of other; older; native peoples. Meanwhile, RWNJ-Likudnik Nutjobyahoo rampages on

multum in parvo ...

[-] 2 points by struggleforfreedom80 (6584) 10 years ago


[-] 3 points by johannus (386) from Newburgh, NY 10 years ago

Your ICH link was not available in this country, but here it is below.

Dr Mads Gilbert: "People Are Questioning Israel"


Note: If that doesn't work, try Googling it.

People are going to church tonight and tomorrow to honor the "noble values" embodied in Christianity of "Peace on Earth and good will toward men." How can they ignore the atrocities that are being carried out on the Palestinians with our support?

[-] 5 points by ShadzSixtySix (1936) 10 years ago

"Peace on Earth and good will toward men." How can they ignore the atrocities that are being carried out on the Palestinians with our support?" Sad sigh, true that - all day and everyday & also consider :

Solidarity at the oppressed, repressed & suppressed everywhere - wherever they are. Either we are all free or none of us are. A good life for all is possible if we would all consider sharing & meditate on love.

fiat lux ; fiat justitia ; fiat pax ...

[-] 6 points by turbocharger (1756) 10 years ago

Its incredible how well the media manages this stuff.

Jebreal lighting up MSNBC as she should: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9HCE0vUy1c

[-] 4 points by mayda (285) 10 years ago

''Hasbara Happenings: US Media Again Propagandises For Israel'', by CJ Werleman :

Solidarity at you & glad that you weren't 'half-crooked & half-cranky' ;-)

pax, amor et lux ...


[-] 2 points by MattHolck0 (3867) 10 years ago

it's never the bombs fault

[-] 4 points by mayda (285) 10 years ago

Nope, just the people who drop them ! And Sell them !! And Make Them !!!

fiat lux ; fiat justitia ; fiat pax ...


[-] 5 points by grapes (5232) 10 years ago

"Why can't we all just get along?" - Rodney King.


[-] 4 points by beautifulworld (23828) 9 years ago

"How the Iran Nuclear Deal Weakened AIPAC, Washington’s Most Powerful Interest Group"


"Vote allows Palestinian flag to be raised over UN"


[-] 5 points by ImNotMe (1488) 9 years ago

'‘Israel Is A Terrorist State’', by Jonathan Cook:

Two powerful articles from people who know of what they speak from deep personal experience. Both these articles are really only for grown up adults; immature, reactionary brainfarters - need not bother.

fiat justitia ...

[-] 5 points by beautifulworld (23828) 9 years ago

"The Pathology of Israeli Fascism

What the Ahmed Manasrah video laid bare for the world to see is the inhumanity of Zionism, a Jewish supremacist ideology which necessarily places non-Jews in an inferior relation to Jews, which places less value on the life of the non-Jew. It is not simple hatred that motivated the disgusting comments from the onlookers, it is an ingrained, inter-generational sense of superiority bred of dehumanization of the Palestinian, and the Arab generally.

This fundamental fact is only very rarely discussed, but it lies at the heart of the Palestine conflict. By seeing Arabs as subhuman, many Israelis are able to justify, often on an unconscious level, all forms of brutality, violence, and oppression. It should be said here that there are some Israelis who fight against just such thinking (Gideon Levy is perhaps the most prominent and vocal opponent of such supremacist ideology), but sadly they are drowned out by the rabid barbarism of the Israeli right (and much of the center, it must be said)." - Eric Draitser

Not much more to say except that it does seem that more and more MSM are telling at least tidbits of the truth. For instance, on MSNBC recently, timeline maps showing the loss of land to Palestine appeared during a discussion.


The maps speak for themselves. And, that doesn't even show how in Gaza they are living in an open-air prison.

"At Thursday’s demonstration in Nazareth, which ended in clashes, Hana Daher, a 14-year-old student, said she was there because “my brothers and sisters are being killed. Israel is a terrorist state, but we will not be silenced. Change must come.”"

[-] 5 points by ImNotMe (1488) 9 years ago

''By seeing Arabs as subhuman, many Israelis are able to justify, often on an unconscious level, all forms of brutality, violence, and oppression. It should be said here that there are some Israelis who fight against just such thinking...''

Eric Draitser says a lot there and elsewhere about the racial ideology behind Zionism,which is in itself a throwback to the nationalistic ideologies that manifested at the breakdown of both the Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman Empires. With reference to Gideon Levy, please also further try to consider:

''Politicians promised that everything would be fine, rabbis incited, settlers torched, the whole world is against us, just leave us alone. Then out of the blue those knife-wielding youngsters with murder in their eyes descended upon us. The quiet dissolved, security fizzled, businesses collapsed, dreams of jeep tours and quick vacations became uncertain.

''The government blames the Islamic State and the left blames the lack of “peace talks.” Experts on Arab affairs — the southern branch of the Shin Bet security service and Military Intelligence — say it’s because of “incitement.” The wise sages of security issues say, as is their wont, that this time the other side must be hit hard. Everyone agrees that the Arabs are to blame because they were born to kill. Through this stupefying haze all connection to reality has been lost.

''In the meantime, Jerusalem has become the capital of apartheid. No other city so discriminates and dispossesses or is so violent. Gun-toting Mayor Nir Barkat, who’s largely responsible for the discrimination and dispossession in his city, incites against a third of its population — an unbelievable phenomenon in its own right.

''And you thought 300,000 people would acquiesce? That they’d watch settlers invade their homes as city hall denied them minimal services amid maximal property taxes? That they’d look on while the occupier arbitrarily denied them residence status, as if they were migrants in their own city?

''That they would put up with Jewish gangs beating them up in full view of policemen and forgive? That a young man growing up in this reality — with his neighborhood a Soweto — would spend his life washing dishes and building homes for Jews with no chance of escaping his ghetto?

''Did you really think right-wing provocations on the Temple Mount would pass quietly? That the burning of the Dawabsheh family would pass with no response — and even more so the defense minister’s arrogant claims that Israel knew who the perpetrators were but wouldn’t arrest them?

''That their children would be burned helplessly with Israel not punishing anyone and they’d remain silent? That the response to all this would be more of the same: We’ll demolish, detain, dispossess, oppress, torture and kill more than ever — and (Jewish) Zion will be redeemed? Did anyone really believe that?''

Like you say: ''The maps speak for themselves'' and even very occasionally make it to MSM viewers ...

fiat lux ...

[-] 5 points by beautifulworld (23828) 9 years ago

Human Rights Watch World Report 2014: Israel and Palestine:


"The Israeli leader’s ludicrous lie about the Holocaust comes as no surprise"


Dahlia Scheindlin explains how NuttyBoy uses lies to incite the Palestinians and how he controls what is considered "Israeli." Sad. We're left wondering how much lower Netanyahu can go.

[-] 4 points by ImNotMe (1488) 9 years ago

IF a Two State Solution is to be tenable for those who still believe in its possibility, then we really need to listen to Prof. Norman Finkelstein (who speaks with utter clarity here in debate) & then honestly ask:

ad iudicium ...

[-] 4 points by ImNotMe (1488) 9 years ago

Nutjobyahoo: “We Will Forever Live By The Sword” (&) Indefinitely Control All Palestinian Territory''

Thanx for your powerful links and as Dahlia Scheindlin says: ''A political consultant once related how he lunched with Benjamin Netanyahu, who ordered a hamburger with fries. He was not supposed to be eating such foods – doctor’s orders. As they were finishing up, Bibi’s wife, Sarah, came in, saw the evidence and began to see red. Netanyahu, all righteous indignation - looked her straight in the eye and said he had eaten no such hamburger. The storyteller said he was convinced at that moment that Netanyahu himself believed it.

''If apocryphal, it is definitely in character. Netanyahu regularly embraces bad ideas or even lies so totally that he convinces himself of their rightness.''

How much lower can Nuttyboy go? A whole lot more - and drag a whole bunch of people down with him!

spero meliora ...

[-] 2 points by beautifulworld (23828) 9 years ago

Historical maps of Palestine:


Never forget and never stop fighting for the freedom of the Palestinian people.

[-] 5 points by ImNotMe (1488) 9 years ago

''An Open Letter to President Obama'', by Miko Peled (auth.''The General's Son''):

multum in parvo ...

[-] 5 points by Viking (417) 9 years ago

Mr Peled's open letter was very thought provoking. Thank You.

[-] 4 points by ImNotMe (1488) 9 years ago

''Miko Peled is an Israeli writer and activist. His grandfather was one of the founding fathers of the State of Israel. His father Matti Peled was an officer in the war of 1948 and served as a general in the war of 1967, when Israel conquered The West Bank, Gaza, Golan Heights and Sinai.

''Following the 1967 war, Matti Peled resigned and became a peace activist. In 19997, Miko's niece was killed by a syicide bomber in Jerusalem. This tragedy propelled Peled onto a journey of discovery.

''It pushed him to re-examine many of the beliefs he had grown up with and transformed him into a courageous and visionary activist in the struggle for human rights and a lasting peace.'' from ..

fiat lux; fiat justitia; fiat pax ...

[-] 4 points by Viking (417) 9 years ago

I admire people who like Mr Peled, stand up for what they believe in. The fact that he and his Dad were in the IDF, and he now speaks out against Israeli's policies proves that it is never to late to redeem oneself.

This past Sunday, I had the distinct pleasure and honor of listening to a courageous, young lawyer (Radhika Sainath) who is with Palestinian Legal. In this link she is being interviewed after having been arrested and deported from Bahrain, while being an observer there.


Good links, Thanks.

[-] 4 points by ImNotMe (1488) 9 years ago

Miko Peled and people like Radhika Sainath speak from and to what is best and beautiful in us humans. Sadly the following videos, report and article by an excellent Palestinian journalist shows us the flipside:

Humans are humans and all things human, both good and bad, is latent in us all. No one group can ever claim in any way, shape or form - to be superior ipso facto than any other group. A,B,AB & O = Human!

shalom aleichem; salam alaikum; pax vobis

[-] 4 points by Viking (417) 9 years ago

I do realize that "both good and bad, is latent in us all." I also understand that once you can successfully dehumanize your opponent, people are then readily capable of purveying unimaginable horror onto others.

Today, unfortunately we have leaders who appeal to the most base instincts in human beings, while simultaneously promoting a xenophobic us against them policy. Not coincidentally that is exactly what they need to promote their hegemonic pursuits. Having so many good people who recognize this and implore us to bring out the best in human nature is very heartening to me, and it should be to all of us.

Kudos to Ms Sainath and Mr Peled. We need more people like them in the World.

"You never know a man until you understand things from his point of view, until you climb into his skin and walk around in it." ....Lee Harper from her book, To Kill A Mockingbird

[-] 3 points by ImNotMe (1488) 9 years ago

' * ' = ''TWINKLE'' and in compliment .. tho' through a glass mirror darkly - please also do try to consider:

A ''Special Report: Stunned by falling poll numbers, Hillary Clinton is hoping that Democrats will rally to her neocon-oriented foreign policy and break with Bernie Sanders as insufficiently devoted to Israel. But will that hawkish strategy work this time, asks Robert Parry.''

Folk will battle tooth and nail to keep that Neon War Witch from the Democratic PotUS nomination and I've got faith, hope & charity for Bernie & here's why https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-q4AQ2O9EE8

et spero meliora ...

[-] 3 points by Viking (417) 9 years ago

What's really chilling in this country is the movement to shut down free speech, especially on college campuses, if it is critical of Israeli policy.

The Palestinian Exception to Free Speech: A Movement Under Attack in The US

"A growing movement for Palestinian rights, particularly active on US college campuses, is challenging Israel's abuses and US complicity.

In response, Israel advocacy groups are intensifying their efforts to stifle Palestinian advocacy."


"Palestinian Legal responded to nearly 300 incidents of censorship or other suppression of Palestinian advocacy between January 2014 and June 2015.

85% of these incidents targeted students and scholars on more than 65 US college campuses."

[-] 3 points by beautifulworld (23828) 9 years ago

This forum isn't much different, is it? Activism is harder and harder in a world controlled by oligarchs, but we forge on!

I truly believe that until we can free the Palestinians, none of us are free.

Thanks for all that you do. Solidarity!!!

[-] 3 points by Viking (417) 9 years ago

Thank You, my gratitude to you too for all that you do, bw. I've given a lot of thought to one of your earlier posts when you brought up the word "ethos" and our necessity to change our's in pursuit of a more sustainable and better World. I totally agree especially when you consider how superfluous our World has become with consumerism.

As far as I can see, "activism" wears many hats, and the cumulative effect of our resistance cannot be underestimated. Just a reminder, not that you need it but; People resisting the corrupt status quo whether it was orally, with a pen, a keyboard, or in the streets has made a huge difference .... You correctly and succinctly wrote about OWS and how it has changed the lexicon in this country. Look how far the the Fight For $15 has come because of our efforts.. I'm not naive in not knowing that there were many reasons why Shell pulled their drilling rig out of the Arctic, but you will never convince me that the negative publicity, and the cold sweat that they broke into was not due to activists throughout the country. And THAT played a major part in Shell's decision. And then we have people abandoning the neocon base especially concerning Israel, the Middle East and the perpetual war we are in. That did not happen in a vacuum, rather that change has slowly come about from people who resisted the corrupt status quo, and who were able to look at the inhumanity of our foreign policy. People's consciences... their sense of right and wrong are being jarred.

On another note, to my surprise, I recently had my second letter to the editor in a local paper. It was in response to a neocon politician, and it was very critical of our foreign policy, and our corrupt relationship with Israel. I do plan to put that up here, but I will leave out the identifying names.

[-] 4 points by beautifulworld (23828) 9 years ago

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." - Mahatma Gandhi

We're somewhere in stages 3 and 4, lol. Keep up the good work and never ever give up!

And, yes, definitely post what you write here!

[-] 2 points by MattHolck0 (3867) 10 years ago

On Palestine; didn't something like this happen to the Brits in India too ?

[-] 1 points by beautifulworld (23828) 3 years ago

Rallies for Palestine across Europe, the U.S. and the world.



The myth that one is antisemitic for standing up for Palestinians is beginning to unravel.

More and more people are seeing the open air prison for what it is, colonial oppression in an apartheid state. Horrific, immoral and a scourge on humanity!

Free Palestine! Free Gaza! End Israeli Apartheid!

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 3 years ago

Consider "The Treacherous Falsification of Palestine-Israel History"! by Arian Taher:

respice; adspice; prospice ...

[-] 0 points by grapes (5232) 3 years ago

Я free Amurica !

Dutchland, Dutchland, unter alles, unter alles in der Welt. Trumperian cyclepath in the rain ? Is it coming soon ? Wall, wall, wall, wall, wall or skin, skin, skin, skin, skin ( border patrolling is an operation of a country's immune system so a lymphatic system of quick access paths near the border and detention centers works.) Catherine the Great formed the League of Armed Neutrality.

》Schlagen wir des Volkes Feind《 Free at last ! Free at last ! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last ! Let all the peoples learn to live with what Red China would call "cultural differences" in "domestic affairs:" "e-duc-ate" with Afghani- and Israeli-style education, using bombs. My Mom used butt-spanking but she told me that she only spanked the heavily fat-padded tush with a bare hand and never with a slipper held in a hand ( while the other hand detains the recipient of the spanking ) as some of our neighbors did ( e.g. other children were often spanked with a slipper held by their mothers; my neighborhood-boy playmate's mother would hold a 雞毛掃 in reverse to use the cane handle of that rooster-tail-feather duster to whip at him.) She was so merciful !? Being fat positive has its privileges at home because a bony ass doesn't protect, and at school because a fat hand being whacked by a plastic ruler wielded by the teacher hurts less.

Hong Kong also used to do this to a smaller degree ( with not as many powerful bombs for sure but I remember an extremely long red banner and detonation in the soccer/football field by bomb-disposal expert to disarm and explode bombs ) when I was a child there in 1967. I needed that uplifting inspiration from NASA presenting the Apollo project plan in a briefing in Hong Kong and achieving it later on. I got hold of and played with the Faber-Castell slide rule my Big Brother had bought from his former classmate ( who also left other reading materials besides the white plastic strip with many mathematical formulas printed upon it.) I could understand that the slide rule had come from an "advanced civilization," perhaps sufficient to compute for lunar missions. I remember being intrigued [in my later life] by the trigonometric formulas there on the white plastic strip and why the slide rule computations such as multiplication, unit ( viz. by borrowing group-theory nomenclature, an einheit such as 1 = 1 km divided by 1000 m = 1000 m divided by 1 km is to be manipulated in exactly the same way as any "multiplicative" factor; thus, 18000 years × 365.2422 days/year × 3⅓ m/day × 1 km/1000 m = 21914.532 km was the first-formed diameter of the Earth, based upon Pangu's growth rate until God stopped him after measuring with a compass vs. Earth's modern equatorial diameter of 12756 km from NASA so Earth has shed much of its girth; how did Earth lose so much of its girth ? perhaps by its collision with the hypothetical planet Theia to make the Moon of 3476.28 km equatorial diameter and Mercury of 4880 km mean diameter; the sum of the three diameters is 12756 km + 3476.28 km + 4880 km = 21112 km; fairly close to but still smaller than the figure of 21924.532 km derived from Pangu's growth rate from 「天日高一丈,地日厚一丈,盤古亦長一丈,如此萬八千年,然後天地開闢。」; Pangu's story might support the hypothesis that the proto-Earth was cleaved by Theia into these three pieces: Earth with its molten mantle, tectonic movements, and Moon-size solid mono-crystalline core, Moon, and Mercury; we have probably sprouted from an ancient cosmic disaster zone ) conversions, and division worked.

Closely related to Euler's formula is the Pangu cosmos-making ( God knows trigonometry from using the compass ) formula for creating Yin and Yang from the geometric product: ab = a•b + a^b where a, b are vectors ( in Clifford Algebra or Geometric Algebra ) or alternatively mathematical functions having been pigeonholed into usually finite number of orthogonal dimensions ( such as those of the trigonometric-harmonic-function-space used in Fourier analysis.) a•b=b•a is the inner or dot product and a^b=-b^a is the outer or wedge product of a and b. Any vector ( which is a mathematical function defined upon the vector's usually finite number of dimensional indices as the function's domain ) or mathematical function can be expressed as the sum of these two parts: a commutative and an anti-commutative part.

[-] 1 points by questioning (21) 10 years ago

Violence in the middle east and around the world?

What is to be done?

Give everyone a gun ammunition and a few missiles?

I just don't see that as helping.

But isn't that what is being done in perpetuity?

Feeding violence.

Not ending it.

Why do we get our most thoughtful commentary from comedy central? Stephen Colbert looks at the Sarah Palin Channel Scroll down past the sarah story and Jon shares some thoughts on arming for peace.

[-] 1 points by quantumystic (1710) from Memphis, TN 10 years ago

realize hamas just doesn't care about the people. this is far from mainstream news and will give you an idea of what is really going on in gaza. Vice News Crime & Punishment in the Gaza Strip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWJFC98jPrQ

[-] 3 points by turbocharger (1756) 10 years ago

Enjoy Vice while it lasts. But I guess like some here like to say "Hey, if Murdoch wants to cut me a check, I'll take it!


[-] 1 points by quantumystic (1710) from Memphis, TN 10 years ago

yawn what is your point. shane smith runs vice, are you saying he is a selling out on his principals? i call bullshit.

[-] 3 points by turbocharger (1756) 10 years ago

I'm saying that he may have gotten to the point where his principles are simply drowned out in the grand scope of the operation.

If you want to be the CNN or MTV, its going to happen eventually. And personally, selling to Murdoch was probably the last thing anyone expected from within the group.


[-] 1 points by quantumystic (1710) from Memphis, TN 10 years ago

have you ever even watched an interview with shane? do you have any idea how important vice is in journalism today? we are talking about someone who is legit. people who are legit don't just roll over on their values for money. they could give two shits. money is great and all but it is not the main driver for everyone. some people care about the truth above any narrative and helping, caring, and loving cause it is right and just.


[-] 5 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

Re. ''baiting ... through responses to others (a favorite troll technique) (and not a little bit cowardly)'', please do see and consider :

ad iudicium ...


[-] 3 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

Your hypocrisy was the point snooz ! But surprise, surprise - you deign not to get it lol, !! That other Likudnik shill, Glen fkn Beck is far closer to your ex-Libertarian positions then he could ever be to me btw, lol !!! Can't speak more - I'm in a rush now but our business if far from over, so L8r allig8r ;-) & fyi :

ad iudicium ...

[-] 3 points by turbocharger (1756) 10 years ago

Ironic how the person who slams libertarians and sees them under every bed is actually a former one, who actually was involved when the Koch brothers ran it!

He who posts things about Libertarians and the Kochs all day everyday used to be the very type he is complaining and whining about all day, every day, year after year, for decades on end.

What a self loathing slug. lol.


[-] 4 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

Did you just 'Remove'' my reply snooz ?!!!

fiat lux ...

[-] 4 points by turbocharger (1756) 10 years ago

Because thats what Nazis do.

Look at that, one day later here comes all the anti-semetism rhetoric from the three old goats.

How very predictable.



[-] 7 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

shooz said 5 minutes ago at July 28, 2014, 4:29 p.m. EST (delete)

There you go with the anti Semites again trashy.

Why don't you just start posting stuff from David Duke, or links to stormfront?




DISGUSTING ! & for some basic info :

multum in parvo ...




[-] 5 points by turbocharger (1756) 10 years ago

Theres that loyalty coming out, like a fuse waiting to be lit.. Religion, what a waste of the human mind.


[-] 3 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

How are you replying to a ''removed'' comment ?!!! Seems to me that you can still see it, right ?!!

So it now appears that you have still got your 'mod privileges' here - right ?! Hmmmmmmmm ~(~

fiat lux ...




[-] 3 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

You do get that you the harbinger of your own sad demise, right ?!!! These words you use eg. ''swallow your own tongue'' - are NOT without 'karmic echoes' !! I feel sorry for you - you loveless, lonely wanker !

nosce te ipsum ...


[-] 3 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

Me ''sick s-o-b'' ?! So, how ?!! Naughty Puppy, YOU say bad words !!! Lookey here now :

verum ex absurdo ...


[-] 2 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

So, still talking shit, I see ! Geddit x 3 ?!!

Please do try to keep 'IT' up ... DiKwad !!!

veritas vos liberabit ...



[-] 5 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

Re. ''a blatant anti-Semite'' - wtf are you talking about and is that all you have left ?!!!

You actually don't know your arse from your mouth - ergo you're talking shit - again !!

Get your your shit together DiKwad .. because I'll be back for the whole DNC / Likud Faction soon enough - individually and collectively .. so now just simmer and stew, why don't you ?!

minima maxima sunt ...


[-] 3 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

Hush now DiKwad .. I'm talking with your handler !!

temet nosce ...


[-] 2 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

You seem obsessed with your 'points' !!! Why's that ?!! Nearly 35k not enough for you ?! Greedy much ?

Also fyi : http://mondoweiss.net/ ; http://jfjfp.com/ ; http://www.nkusa.org/ ; http://mikopeled.com/ etc.

ave et vale ...



[-] 3 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

Your reactionary, conservative ass is ever more exposed !!! Your thick head is very proudly in the sand it seems !! As that leaves your crinkly old ass in the air .. it would be rude for me not to kick it, I do think !

ne quid nimis ...



[-] 6 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

I have to go and eat etc. now but things just got very bizarre & interesting around these parts !!! You li'l DNC / Likud half-wits have shown your hand and shot yourselves in the feet - many, many times over !! What a bunch of Idiots and to hell with The Bigger Idiots who employed you !

e tenebris, lux ?



[-] 4 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

Cite the links and state the authors' names .. evidence your charges - IF you have the balls ?!

toast ...


[-] 4 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

I like munching toast - especially with ''huckleberry marmalade'' ! You've lost the plot !!

Just like Nutty-Yahoo and Likud have and like them - you are self-exposed right now !!!

munch, munch, munch ...



[-] 5 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

You ain't younger than 40, right ?! We sure can tell how old you are Dave !!

Urgently Google the very latest Gallup poll re. 'Israel Popularity' &, read it !!!

multum in parvo ...

EDIT # 1 :

fiat lux ...

EDIT # 2 :

ad iudicium ...


[-] 5 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

There was a ''Pew Research Poll' - along the same lines of ''The Gallup Poll''.

You are NOT absorbing the future demographic implications of this it seems.

Re. your Paul Bogdanor fixations, please remind yourself of a previous reply :

tempus mutantur et nos mutamur in illis ...


fiat lux ...




[-] 1 points by quantumystic (1710) from Memphis, TN 10 years ago

they do important work. sometimes liberals put on blinders just like conservatives. it is important to see the big picture.





[-] 5 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

So, how much more ''time, practice and growth'' would you like Israel to have ? Also fyi :

multum in parvo ...


[-] 7 points by beautifulworld (23828) 10 years ago

End the blockade of Gaza now!

Free the Palestinians!

Sorry, but the only people occupying another people are the Israelis. We're done with imperialism, colonization and apartheid in the 21st century. Get with the program!

[-] 4 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

From a whole week BEFORE the latest War On Gaza and further to my more substantive comment on this thread, please try to calmly consider - from OUTSIDE The Corporate Media Echo Chamber Bubble :

I could go on at greater length than my previous comment on this thread but I'm tired and have things to do. I looked at your thread and if I went there now (or even in the future) - it would turn into a punch up in very short order. Also I do not accept any 'six of one and half a dozen of the other' analogies. Read sff's short forum-post again perhaps & maybe even watch John Pilger's film via the link that he has provided.

Have The Right Wing Likudnik Coalitions ruling Israel this last 2 or more decades been ''in pursuit of peace and health and prosperity for ALL'' ? Have you heard of : Bar Giora ; Hashomer ; The Haganah ; The Palmach ; The Lehi Underground / The Stern Gang, DKAt ? What was their modus operandi and raison d'etre & what possible parallels may they have to Hamas for Gazans now ? Did you know that Yitzhak Shamir and Menachem Begin were Wanted Terrorists in British Mandate Palestine ? Do you remember Yitzhak Rabin and what happened to him ? Do you get just how right-wing Nutty-Yahu is ?

Furthermore, what will it be going forward ? One Person ; One Vote ; One State between The River and The Sea OR 2 States @ The 1967 borders (see sff's embedded map link) - OR just more of the same ?

Where do you get your information from DKAt ? Have you opened ANY of links .. just on this thread if nowhere else ? It's NOT a specious question of ''only guilty party'' is it ? It's a question of who is most responsible & who is more 'powerful' & who really has the gift of peace to give to this situation, right ? So just how come 'Progressives' - in the USA can end up supporting Nutty-Yahoo so readily ? For an answer try to perhaps reflect upon :

fiat justitia ruat caelum ...


[-] 2 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

Right. Drunk again, huh ?

in vino veritas ?


[-] 2 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

From reading your typo / misspelling of ''boring''. Bed time for me now ! If you can't be bothered to read or reply with grace, whyTF should I bother ?!! I'm better off with ZionDog I think because at least I know where I stand with him, right ?!!!

vale ...


[-] 4 points by grapes (5232) 10 years ago

It may just be cultural dissonance. shadz66 seems to be from a non-U.S. country so Americanisms may not get across well and they may irritate.


[-] 3 points by grapes (5232) 10 years ago

Some parts of our universe do not and need not conform to logic on a symbolic level so "things happen." We complain about spending a few billion dollars for the illegal immigration crisis but we had lost far more in our own deliberate shutdown of the federal government.


[-] 2 points by grapes (5232) 10 years ago

Illogic and irrationality are emerging phenomena. Out of numerological perfection comes irrationality. Quantity has its unique quality. This is true of immigrants, Tea Partiers, or transistor, and more.


[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 10 years ago

According to the theory of evolution, we are ALL the latest models of evolutionary success in our survival skills. Look at the rocket-takeoff chart of human population vs. time. Human great quantity is extremely recent. There is just NO time for most of us to change our behaviors under the control of the only part of us that has the required speed, our rational self in our prefrontal cortex.

The best survival skills up to recent decades is to shoot now and ask questions later (if ever). We are all a tiny little thin bit of rationality plugging up a volcano of emotions and extremely successful survival skills. When weapons shoot at the speed of light, pre-emptive strike means that we must take out all potentially hostile weapons before they become so - sad indeed but true.

[-] 2 points by eklutna (101) 10 years ago

What a spineless and flippant response..


[-] 3 points by eklutna (101) 10 years ago

Yes REALLY!!...your statement was indeed 'spineless and flippant.' To put the oppressor and the long time oppressed on the same plane here is like putting the Nazis and the victims of their barbarism on equal footing.

Your thinking is in line with the alike neocons who will have us in servitude to the corrupt elite too...Edit; Unless we resist.


[-] 4 points by eklutna (101) 10 years ago

Your inability to tell the difference between a long time, powerful brutal oppressor who has taken control of much of our foreign policy decisions through big dollars....and a near helpless people, who have suffered greatly under that oppression is not surprising to me.



[-] 8 points by trashyharry (3084) from Waterville, NY 10 years ago

It would be more accurate to say that Israel has a Brutal Fascist Government which maintains itself through perpetual war.Although Zionism has developed partly from Fascist root movements,the government could be changed.The government of Israel could be changed even now,although a high level of super right wing nutcase conformity has been achieved in the population.Even though Israeli the Israeli business community is addicted to the easy conditions provided by Ziofascist politicians.Fascism has a way of coming on strong and then losing steam really fast.There is nothing Israelis who are alive now can do about wrongheaded or wrongful things done by people who passed away decades ago-except make everything worse by not making Israel into a secular,modern country and embracing democracy.The Israelis have a long way to go in those areas,but even in Israel,another world is possible.

[-] 4 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

An apology is in order, I believe if indeed your genuine feelings were actually hurt by my reading ''boing'' as ''boring'' and my responding as I did with a quick, glib insult ... so I hope that you're ok and no hard feelings were intended tho' I'm not sure how 'boing' was any kind of response to what I said above.

You were not really obliged to instantly respond to my maybe over-complicated link with the You-Tube links of Abby Martin, Max Blumenthal, Eran Efrati et al, as after all, this forum is NOT a chat-room, so consider that taking your time in responding or not responding at all, were and are - viable options.

I read your link to me ( https://occupywallst.org/forum/on-two-wrongs-do-not-make-a-right/ ) in your reply to the Chris Hedges item linked to you { http://www.commondreams.org/views/2014/07/24/palestinians-right-self-defense } and then I read your 'boing / boring' response and frankly it made me rather cross.

Reading your linked forum-post and thread again now, I'm none the wiser ; decidedly nonplussed but not as annoyed as before. I'd encourage readers to read your post and thread to see if they can make better sense of it than I can.

I responded to your initial comment on this thread but ''no honest response anyway'' - does not apply to me I can assure you - despite the appearance of what you say above.

It appears that you don't actually open links, never mind comment on them but no matter ... as I will still nevertheless take the opportunity to append and recommend :

Re. your other 'reply to self' below, maybe you'd consider reminding me of just what I may have forgotten about ''the other part of the guilty equation''.

I'd contend of course that it is not an ''equation'' at all .. as it is actually an 'inequality' ... and thereby lays the core point of contention perhaps.

verb. sat. sap. ...

[-] -3 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 10 years ago

forget the apology - as you and BW and apparently many more can not understand why you should apologize. As apparently you feel it is right and good for Hamas to fire off missiles into Israel. As what - Israeli citizens are not people? Are all responsible for the actions of their government and military? What? And apparently you feel that Hamas is just a GR8 organization that moves ( hides ) among innocent civilians ( human shields ) so that they can provoke a military response that will kill hundreds of those civilians they move ( hide ) among.

Where is your outrage at all of those who are funneling arms to feed Hamas and their goading of military retribution which ends up killing the innocent that Hamas hides behind?

Funny that so many expensive arms are so readily available to Hamas in ever increasing numbers. One must wonder who their benefactors (?) are and what their purpose is as it certainly is not peace. Unless do you suppose that they belive in the principal of peace through destruction? It seems that you and BW believe this - in this instance - as long as the destruction is visited upon Israel.

I am done talking with you or anyone else on this subject as it is very apparent that you can not look at the whole situation rationally.




[-] -3 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 10 years ago

You can be very excellent at being specious. And your apparent insanity of excusing the actions of Hamas in the whole Gaza tragedy is just amazing.

[-] 1 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

You should really stop making shit up & as per ''I am done talking with you or anyone else on this subject'' - have an ounce of self-respect ffs !!! I'm not happy that my replies were removed !! Fair ?!

I really am in a rush now but thanx for showing your true colours. I won't forget our exchange here.

et nosce te ipsum ...

Btw, what were you relying to again ? Hmmm.

[+] -4 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 10 years ago

I am who I am as I always have been and so shall always be - Myself.

My true colors? You mean being honest and fair? Those are the colors I always wear.

You on the other hand - really show nothing of yourself just provide links to others thoughts. Do you any thinking of your own?

On Gaza and the whole tragedy suffered by the innocent civilians on both sides - you are not able to see the atrocities of BOTH sides that keep this tragedy alive.

[-] 3 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

''Boing'' - but please do look and consider just what happened when I wrote you a longer response here :

''Boing'' !!! I happen to subscribe to the views expressed in - 'my links' !! Did you read my own thinking in my main comment on this thread & please provide links to - ''the atrocities'' suffered by Israel during this War Of Nutty-Yahoo's Choice !! Are you just another a PEP {'Progressive Except Palestine'} here too ?!

fiat lux ...

[+] -4 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 10 years ago

Yeah yeah - save it - you kinda showed some of your true colors when you put down the outrage voiced about the billions of dollars spent on making the playing fields for the world cup rather than them being used to improve life/living conditions/society for the masses.

[-] 2 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

My ''true colours'' are Red, Black, Indigo and Green

Now go see IF, you can work out what I may mean.

You have clearly failed to provide any links ..

To show exactly what you or I really thinks ..

Others can decide what is hidden and what is seen.

vale ...

[-] -2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 10 years ago

Red, Black, Indigo, Or Green www.comicvine.com/profile/fortanono/blog/red-black-indigo-or-green/...

Deadpool: The Gauntlet #8. Deadpool's trip with Shiklah, Dracula's fiancée, continues. Guess what? There's plenty of adventure, laughs, and hilarity to be found inside.

[-] 4 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

"Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them." - Dalai Lama XIV

I have no idea at all - what your link had to do with anything and I am unimpressed at your obfuscations, distractions and conniptions - as evidenced on just this thread alone. So how did you become a 'PEP' ?

parva leves capiunt animas ...

[-] 0 points by turbocharger (1756) 10 years ago

DKA, no one is excusing using violence. The underlying point is "What do YOU- yes YOU (or anyone else who thinks like this) expect?

Really, what do you expect? You really want people who were trampled over, had a country and government declared and created literally right on top of them, to send in diplomats with their briefcases to come to some meeting of the minds?

When they were setting this up back when, the Israelis knew damn well this is what was going to happen. They simply didn't care. So why do you expect the ones that got ran over to act more responsibly?

This is classic American thinking, that when you poke the bear constantly, dictate everything, basically treat people as subhuman, when they finally lash back, the US gov declare "Ah Hah!! I knew you were a violent danger to the world!!"

[-] -3 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 10 years ago

Your thinking (?) is so flawed. Your non-insight into the Palestinian people is the same as can be applied to the Israelite's. From what ever direction you would like one to look at Palestine the same can be seen looking at Israel.

And who feeds the conflict ( from outside of the area = neighboring states ) to keep it going? You do not speak of them.

[-] 3 points by turbocharger (1756) 10 years ago

For about the 10th time now, when someone comes in and creates a country and installs a government over the top of the people already there, WHAT DO YOU EXPECT?

I see revolution at that point as unavoidable. Not all people are as soft as Americans.

You think after its all done, installed and dictated, that people should sit at a table and discuss it? You can't really put them both on each side. This is equivelant to all the people telling Occupy to shut up, if they have a problem then get involved in teh political process and go the route of the establishment.

"Keep the conflict going"... You mean people still pissed that the Israelis did it?

Why do you expect such a weak response from a very strong people?


[-] -3 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 10 years ago

For the sake of peace ( mind you ) - I suggested that we give them Texass as a donation to be their new state - could be the best thing to happen to Texass - Hey?

[-] 3 points by turbocharger (1756) 10 years ago

Well luckily while the amount of Jewish people polled that thinks "40 percent believe that the land that is now Israel was “given to the Jewish people by God,” is steadily declining, there is still a lot of work to be done in terms of pragmatic solutions.

Until the religious nonsense is separated from this land battle, what chance of a peaceful solution is there when one side has total control and the wealth of the world behind it, and the other side has nothing but what it can get its hands on?


The fact that 40% of the Jewish people polled think this land was a gift from god to them is absolutely terrifying to me, thats almost half.

I've heard hard core Christians say that the choosen people used to be in Israel, but now they are here in America. Absolutely incredible.


[-] -3 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 10 years ago

I won't speak to hchc's presence here - I will say that when it comes to Israel and Palestine ? some people are incapable of rational thought - as is well demonstrated here on this forum by the rabid attacks on all things Israeli and the boundless excuses given in defense of the actions of Hamas.

[-] 2 points by turbocharger (1756) 10 years ago

No one thinks its right as in acceptable if dealing within a vacuum, the problem is that when one group of people come in and establish this, that and the other thing, with absolutely no respect for the people already there, would you expect and/or want them to just roll over?

Or would you expect them to fight back with all means necessary?

This is why its clear that the Israeli leaders are either the dumbest group of people on the planet (likely not) or the most arrogant on the planet (more likely).

Honestly, what were they expecting? To trample the most basic rights of people, then invite them to a meeting to discuss it rationally afterwards?

Come on man....

[-] -3 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 10 years ago

Your stinking is flawed just like Shadz and BW's - the control and oppression is so bad by the Israeli government/military that nothing good can come or go to or from Gaza? That picture is unbelievable - if the blockade and control over Gaza was so effective so complete - tell me then - how then do tons of arms get into Gaza - arms that do not go out to the general population as a means of defense - but instead goes to Hamas who then uses those arms to provoke a counter attack from Israel.

Are you telling me that good humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza is impossible to get in? Are you telling me that humanitarian aid is too hideously expensive? So arms must be sent instead?

You are most definitely saying that you prefer violence over peaceful negotiations. Or you would be pissed off at the providers of the non-defensive weapons to Gaza.

[-] 3 points by turbocharger (1756) 10 years ago

FYI no one saying violence is better than peace. But what do people expect when this happens?

When people started arriving at the shores of the Americas it was very easy to call the natives "savages". But when looking at it, would you not expect them to use all means necessary to not be ruled by someone else?

Look where bargaining got them. A few dinky pieces of land that are still not really their own anyways. In terms of negotiation, that would be deemed an absolute failure.

[-] 2 points by turbocharger (1756) 10 years ago

How do arms get into the hands of rebels?

Hmmm.... Lets take a quick glimpse of history and governments to dissect this... tick toc tick toc... How do arms get into the hands of rebels, hmmmm.... thats a tough one.


[-] 2 points by turbocharger (1756) 10 years ago

Once again, you are expecting something different than what history shows us to be a very consistent and predictable pattern?

[-] -3 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 10 years ago

What? Are you saying that people can not get past the insanity of repeating past insanities? That nothing can be learned from history? That instead of perpetually repeating mistakes that humanity could instead go in a different direction - you are saying that humanity can't learn and grow?

Are you suggesting that we all bow down to a history of enslavement and abuse of the masses by the few and so we should all just roll over and play dead?

[-] 2 points by turbocharger (1756) 10 years ago

I'm suggesting that when you are wondering how rebels get their hands onto weapons, or how people react when others start creating countries, you seem to think that this situation with Israel is somehow unique.

[-] -3 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 10 years ago

Take your specious crap & shove it - Hey?
