Forum Post: If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 13, 2011, 9:36 a.m. EST by queenann
from New Rochelle, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Something that's been on my mind alot lately.
Because they're not genuine friends.
Barbie now comes with tattoos. Soon...wait for it...her friends will come with tattoos. Logic can't explain everything...there is the barter system, where you do not have to buy her friends.
And yet, if there is to be a new currency...and there must be a new currency...perhaps it should be based on popularity...since that's what the world is running on now. Non sequitur? I think not.
how deep. This topic is bringing up provocative stimulating thoughts thanks for sharing david.
Stimulating is what Barbie is all about, so thank you queenann for finding a subtle way to inject the worldwide sexual programing of impressionable young girls...with Barbie's impossible figure, corporate fabricated image, continuously evolving via consumer feedback. This being a globally-oriented movement of course.
How deep? Recall all our elections are truly no more than BEAUTY PAGEANTS, electing SPOKESMODELS. Whose fate often rests in the final round of questions. Here's how deep it is: All the real candidates' answers are a self-contradicting cluster of impossible figures, generating a corporate fabricated self-image, continuously evolving via consumer feedback.
Perhaps you might find it of interest to contrast that ongoing social analogy with my OWS thread:
Why you are certainly a man with a good head on his shoulders, David. Your comments contribute yet another unspoken, issue surrounding Barbie and her unattainable physical attributes. thank you for the link to your thread. I will have to educate myself on the public vote option. God bless you.
And may the Higher Power (however you would define it) also walk with you. I have to also point out I really, really, appreciate all the time and effort y'all ladies put in to yer makeup operations: meaning the latest eyeliners, lipstick, hair, lingerie (i.e., alluring undergarments), party dresses...and especially high heels. My point being, the global Barbie phenomenon reinforces the shared values of all that, as much as any movie, or what have you.
thanks... it just bothered me that Barbie cant get friends with out someone paying for them. have a good week. monday..yuk.
Here's what gets me.
Why do we put our clothes on and take them off?
Usually when you put something it means you set it somewhere and when you take something it means you pick it up and carry it with you.
So wouldn't it make more sense to say we take our clothes on and we put our clothes off?
From now on that's the way I'm saying it and you should too.
Same with shoes. Go take your shoes on, we're going for a walk. Put your shoes off before you come in the house.
If we all do this it will be done!
In a similar vein, most people LEAVE something in the toilet. Nobody I know actually TAKES anything.
And are we to take a seat or put a seat?
Nahmen sie Platz, bitte.
thanks,,you are amazing
Because sexy girls aren't the only ones who only care about money.
Oh I get it..barbies friends want money.. they are not true friends. Hey do you know, what does OK actually mean?.
Sorry, I don't understand the question. Could you try again please?
like how did the expression "OK" begin? where did it come from? It means 'alright' or 'will do'.... but where did 'ok' come from?
In grave matters such as this, the Oxford Dictionary is king.
Thanks Rico..I checked that out very informative. Hey, why.If the "black box" flight recorder is never damaged during a plane crash, why isn't the whole airplane made out of that stuff? (very good thinking...I believe).
LOL ! Because the plane would be too heavy to fly !
Hey, but if the plane is too heavy to fly if would have much less chance of crashing as well so what's the problem?
Good point, I don't recall ever wondering that. Short for "OkeeDokee"? ;)
no I think okee dokee came after ok.. nice try though
Well, I cheated and looked it up, and wikipedia says there's no consensus on an origin. Oh, just saw Rico looked it up too. Darn, I was hoping for more enlightenment than this. Good thoughts anyhow, queenann.
thanks highearner,...trying to elevate the content and the tone of these forums, lots of classy intellectuals are posting excellent stuff.
I think most of the good stuff gets no comments, and disappears down the list. Most people are here to be amateur economists, look for someone to rally hate against, or, most commonly of all, to insult people from OWS.
Buying them once is on thing, buying them NINE MILLION TIMES is another altogether different.
Mattel (NASDAQ:MAT) Mattel
Image: via Luxist
What is it:A toy company.’08-’10 Profit: $1,020,000,000
’08-’10 Tax: $-9,000,000
’08-’10 Rate: -0.9%
Source: Citizens for Tax Justice and the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy
Because her government can control her better when she is in debt.
End the Barbie Fed.
Good topic. Sort of has a zen quality
Just one of the things on my mind down here @ ZP/ NYC. Also wondering, If a person owns a piece of land do they own it all the way down to the core of the earth? (this is nice?).
Yes, they have title all the way to the core of the earth...but not up into the sky and outer space. There's a secret war going on over that...long story.
I'm thinking that so far property law says so. I believe that's why we have mineral rights contracts and oil leases.
You can however use your land to suck up goodies that reside under other people's land - like oil and water.
I'm not sure how though.....
If there is a pocket of oil under your land and it crosses over land owned by other people, you can pump it all up.
Yes. but you can't send your drill over into "their" land.
Theoretically no.
I think I would chock that up to "life's just not fair" and go about my day.
thanks for clarifying....Also wondering, when dog food is new with improved tasting, who tests it? (to be given a thought).
They just take a whole lotta dogs who eat the current food and see if they prefer the newer food. (yes, I actually have dog food plants/companies as clients in my work)
thanks also wondered why do people say, "you've been working like a dog" when dogs just sit around all day? (I think they meant something else).
That's an old saying that predates today's "welfare dogs." ;o)
Thank you...I did not know that. You are pretty darn smart Rico
I'm actually just a piece of software that auto-answers posts.
Excellent. I am having such a good time on this totally funny website... Alot of people seem to get mad...and I try not to talk with them that long... You seem pretty cool to me.
Actually, given my age, I think the correct term would be "hip."
well you are the hippest for sure, then.. not many, if any could surpass you.
LOL. I dunno about that one either. My dog's pretty damn lazy too.
you want to know a better question about dog food? they have flavor for that stuff that taste like baccon to the dog but not to humans. How does that work out?
It's just marketing saying that it actually tastes like bacon. Really, it's just 'MSG formula #47' flavor.
Hmmm.... it's kinda like trying to communicate with extra-terrestrials isn't it !
not sure... You would think they could add to cheese or for us, or something.. good point
Ya. And the same with cat food. They put in real fish but then add "cat flovored" fish taste so that cat's will think it tastes more like fish
Oh, I did not know that. Hey, what came first, the fruit or the color orange? (or the seed ?).
They own it's boundaries clear to the other side.
Everyone would have to own a CONE of land just to avoid conflict ;o)
a cone? like an ice cream cone?
Of course. Otherwise, everyone's land runs into their neighbors' as both descend toward the center of the earth, and the courts will fill up with property disputes ! The real answer would have to be a cone, and your property would be defined as some number of steradians ;o)
Oh yeah thanks..Hey do you know why, If all the nations in the world are in debt (i am not joking...USA has got big debts), where did all the money go? (weird). China has all the $$$,,,that's what I here on the radio & TV. Is that correct?
I think we've engaged on this before. See my post "What IS Money?" at
Bottom line... money is just a token we use to facilitate commerce, and it has no intrinsic value of it's own. The Chinese don't have all our "money," they have racked up a huge surplus in trade and that is represented by them holding a lot of tokens. If we were to double the supply of tokens currently in circulation and GIVE them to the American people, the value of the Chinese tokens would be halved. This is considered "ungentlemanly" conduct in the world of international finance ;o)
The token story has become even MORE interesting given the fact that the vast majority of "money" is actually represented by numbers in computers. I am in the 5% of wealth. Some of my wealth is "real" in the form of real-estate, possessions, etc, but I also have about $1 million in "money." This "money" is stored in about 20 bits occupying a few square microns of silicon consuming a few nano-watts of power.
If you REALLY want to get a sense of how all this works, read the annual report of the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) at . The BIS who is the banker for all the world's central banks including our own, and they establish international monetary agreements. The latest set of agreements called Basel III specifically addresses the "fixes" according to lessons learned in the recent meltdown.
Wow that's interesting Rico. I'm going to look @ that BIS site
Also interesting but seldom read is the Senate report detailing the investigation into the meltdown. There's a summary at the links at the end take you to the detailed subsections.
Here read this. Don't just shoot it down. Give it a read. You seam like the open minded guy who would enjoy it.
fascinating topic.... need to meditate on this one.. thanks queen
And why do they call it apartment when they are all stuck together? And I don't see why they call a building a building when it is already built
Or why we reiterate before iterating.
And if you live in the middle of nowhere you should be living quite centrally
Right, like in Kansas.
While hanging @ Zuccotti also wondering, if a person suffered from amnesia and then was cured would they remember that they forgot? (can somebody help ?).
Yes. But whether they said it before or after, you would still be unsure of them if they said "This statement is a lie." ;o)
Why is it that when you have a tennis elbow it hurts but when you have a golf ball it doesn't?
Maybe, but cotton balls really suck. They're a sure sign you've been hittin' the bong too hard.
Yes but if you have cotton balls and a needle dick you should be able to cover your ass provided that you know how to knit
Gawd, I should'a had y'all in my "Occupy Mordor" post ( ). I couldn't find enough silly people to keep it going !
I would think that WOULD hurt. Hey also been thinking what If you put instant oatmeal in the you go back in time?
No, the oatmeal does, but only a very little bit. It's hardly noticeable.
And if you go back in time to before the beginning of time? would you go nowhere? Questions. . . questions . . .
You'd be timeless.
Why in English a turkey is a turkey and in Portuguese it is a peru while they really originate from Mexico?
And why do we park in our driveways but drive on our parkways ?
And they say there is no I in team. But there is no U either. So why should we bother if we both are not involved?
There is, however, meat in team, so maybe folks just got hungry !
My head is spinning and since I have to work tomorrow I have to take a break but we should definitely dig deeper into this later. One more: if beer makes you fat, then why alcoholics are always skinny?