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Forum Post: The Holocaust Lie!

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 13, 2011, 10:18 p.m. EST by gr57 (457)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Everyone who says the holocaust was a jewish lie, I support you.

I have the same opionion on many things. Take China. How do we know it really exists? I mean there are those faked Wikipedia articels, those fakes maps and phtographs, and that language they claim came from China but come on? Really expect me to believe that? And what about those 1% scam artists that claim to have visited and or lived in China. Ya right like I'm going to believe what you say. You are just pawns for the 1% trying to explain where the government keeps putting all our debt.

Stand with me people and we will expose this scam and all the other the 1% have pulled on us. Thinks like there being a "dark side" of the moon, or that the earth really has a megnetic field (I've seen fields Mr. 1% bankers and they look like a bunch of green grass, not invisible particles).



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[-] 3 points by Dutchess (499) 12 years ago

I am sorry but my grandmother saved two Jews during WWII in occupied Holland from Hilters claws.

Saying the Holocaust did not happen and is a lie is the exact same as saying the dehumanization of the Palestinians in not happening by the Israeli govt!

[-] 1 points by gr57 (457) 12 years ago

Palestine, like China, is a hoax. This is sound logic that all holocaust denuncers use and I am taking it to it's logical conclusion.

[-] 2 points by Dutchess (499) 12 years ago

I am not talking about land and borders... I am talking about PEOPLES! and the human rights crimes committed against them..then under Hitler and now under Western Imperialism!

[-] 1 points by onemoe (78) 12 years ago

Western Imperialism, really , Really?? I haven't heard that term since the Vietnam war. Are you even old enough to remember that? Look No matter what people think they will accomplish here when you throw terms like that around all you do is scare old people. They will think the OWS movement is a bunch of Bolsheviks out to steal the American way. Drag the Czar's family out into the street and shoot em and stuff. So, just stop it , don't use that term anymore. You bad Dutchess you! By the way you misspelled Duchess.

[-] 1 points by Dutchess (499) 12 years ago

maybe time to read Benazir Bhutto's book 'Reconcilliation'? which was published after her death.

It explores and explains European colonialism and Western Imperialism and the footprint it has on today's world.

With how many U.S military bases around the world and we are not an Empire?

Oh and for the word........DUTCH ess...

I am an immigrant from the Netherlands...It is a word play...for being Dutch


Anything else this immigrant can assist you with?

[-] 1 points by gr57 (457) 12 years ago

Don't you get it man? How do you know there are actually any palestinians?

[-] 3 points by Dutchess (499) 12 years ago

How do you knw there was no Holocaust?

I take my grandmothers word for it. She stayed behind with three little kids under the age of five while my grandfather was FORCED on transport to a Nazi work camp! Hiding two Jews in her house who needed a hiding place when the Nazi's ran their 'razzia's'

Race, religion, etnicity, political affilliation, gender....all mere tools to keep the masses divided and conquered with one another. We are all Human first!

[-] 1 points by gr57 (457) 12 years ago

Man how do we know any of it really happened? That's the real question. Those anti-holocaust folks aren't skin head pricks who like to say seig hiel when they climax, they are just people who don't believe anything they don't themselves expereience.

[-] 1 points by hoot (313) 12 years ago

so do you believe great depression occurred? or the civil war? what about vietnam do you believe slavery ever existed?

[-] 0 points by gr57 (457) 12 years ago

Ahh. Believe and prove are two different things. I can elieve in a God but beyond faith I can not prove he exists. I can belive that the civli war, great depression and slavery all happened but since I did not experience any of the first hand, i can not say for a fact that they did. Can you? and if so, why?

[-] 1 points by Dutchess (499) 12 years ago

I know the Holocaust happened because my grandmother lived through it! And I trust her. She saved all kinds of documents from WWII!

But again....this stuff happens over and over again throughout history. And not all Jews are innocent, just like not all Americans are innocent.......

[-] 1 points by lisa (425) 12 years ago

My great grandparents migrated here after living thru the Nazis taking over country by country. My Grandmother used to tell us stories and she even had to learn to speak German during the occupation there, so I know it is true.

[-] 1 points by Dutchess (499) 12 years ago

The evidence it happened is overwhelming.

[-] 1 points by lisa (425) 12 years ago

I know there have been news shows with survivors, and they all have their inmate numbe tattooed on them, and they all told of the things that happened in the camps.


[-] 0 points by Spankysmojo (849) 12 years ago

There are millions of survivors kids. We will never forget and we will never stop reminding others who do. By remembering we save future victims of holocausts perpetrated by other evil doers.

[-] 1 points by Dutchess (499) 12 years ago

The evidence it happened is overwhelming. I am not sure the intent of this post.

[-] 0 points by Spankysmojo (849) 12 years ago

This post is an agenda.

[-] 1 points by lisa (425) 12 years ago

They came to the United Nations in New York City to petition for statehood.

[-] 0 points by gr57 (457) 12 years ago

Ok, well there are two problems to your theory. One, there was only a small group that came so beyond them, you couldn't conclude from that that there are any more than 5 or 6 Palestinians in the world and as such, the idea that there are great crimes being perpitrated against them seems silly.

Seocndly, were you at the UN when they came or did you read about it/see it on tv ro where ever?

[-] 1 points by lisa (425) 12 years ago

I have read about the situation in Palestine for the last ten years from Palestinian news sources and I have no doubt that Ismail Haniyeh exists and is the Imam of the mosque in Gaza where Muslims go to worship. There have been videos of Muslims at Al Aqsa and Temple Mount as well as the millions who go to Saudi Arabia every year for their pilgrimage. Of course, by your logic they could all be covering for each other, except of course then the Jewish people in Israel are also part of the plot, because they report on things that happen in Palestine, have videos, have people they arrest and put in prison. Right now they have stopped two boats that were headed for Gaza. The Egyptians who smuggle supplies thru the tunnels from Egypt to Rafah are also part of this grand scheme to make you believe Palestinians exist. Even President Carter was part of it, he spent time at Camp David working out accords for people's you doubt exist, except that he has been to Palestine, so he knows that they do, unless of course he is in cahoots with the Israelis too.

Many people visit the holy land and they have seen Palestinians in Jerusalem, so your idea that only 4 or 5 exist is debunked by all of them.

[-] 0 points by gr57 (457) 12 years ago

You say you read about these things and you have seen videos about all of this. So let me ask you this. Do you believe in hobbits and Middle Earth? You can read abou them watch movies about them. Does that prove they exist?

[-] 1 points by lisa (425) 12 years ago

No I do not believe in hobbits.

You can take a plane to Tel Aviv and then trips to the holy land and you will find Palestinians in Jerusalem praying in their most holy place (second only to Mecca) and you will find Jews there also because there is a Temple there. Temple Mount and Al Aqsa Mosque as well as Dome of the Rock are in the same place in Jerusalem.

You could also get on a plane and go to China if you doubt it exists.

[-] 0 points by gr57 (457) 12 years ago

Well of couse I can go on a plane there and prove to myself it exists but with out ever doing it, you can only assume. With out being to the Holy Land, I can not rpove it is any more real than Middle Earth is.

It gets even worse though with history becuase I can not go back in time to prove if something is right or wrong, I am left only with testimony to the event inquestion.

[-] 2 points by OneMansOpinion (76) 12 years ago

Ok so what the Hell! Did a bunch of skin heads just learn to type all of a sudden. I am not Jewish but honestly these threads need to be removed.

[-] 1 points by gr57 (457) 12 years ago

Hey I'm not a skin head. I'm just taking the basic logical premis behind denying the holocaust to it's obvious conclusions. Why stop at the holocaust. everything without absolute proof must be a lie perpatrated by some one to get a goal

[-] 0 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 12 years ago

Absolute proof is a pleonasm.

[-] 0 points by gr57 (457) 12 years ago

So is tuna fish but I ain't seen no one complaining

[-] 0 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 12 years ago

Tuna can also be the fruit of a prickly pear cactus so the word fish is used to eliminate the confusion. In any case, your argument is a logical fallacy. It's not because something is wrong that another thing should automatically be as well.

[-] 0 points by gr57 (457) 12 years ago

No, but the premis upon which dowbt is built is not limited to any one subject. If you say your parents put the money under your pillow, you would think you parents lied to you about the tooth fairy. As which point you would call into question the other entities that they calim give you things. Would you belief in Santa Clasue or the Easter Bunny not be shaken?

[-] 0 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 12 years ago

The scientific method can be used to weed out nonsense from more plausible explanations. The problem with your rhetoric is that it puts everything in doubt resulting in a situation of absolute relativity. If I doubt everything about my surroundings then I am paralyzed. I won't heat water because I have no proof it will get hot enough to make a coffee. Etc...

René Descartes came to the same conclusion as you. When he said "I think therefor I am" what he really meant was that the only thing he could not doubt is that he was thinking. He went a step further than you and created the scientific method so that we could start amassing knowledge that was much harder to doubt. Indubitable knowledge, or almost.

With your way of thinking no knowledge can be amassed. Thus, there is no reason to learn anything since anything could be false. We are paralyzed.

BTW - Use a spellchecker.

[-] 0 points by gr57 (457) 12 years ago

I can trust my sences, I know that I exist and that my house and car exist and everything else I have seen 1st hand with my own two eyes. I can not, with out first hand proof, accept the "finding" of some one else. Take 2 things, Middle Earth (fron the Lord of the Rings) and (just for you), Quebec. I can read about both, I can see maps of both, I can even see movies that claim to be set in both but since I have never been there and have only heard/seen about both place secondhand, I have no more proof that one exists over the other.

And I'm trying but it takes to much time

[-] 0 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 12 years ago

Actually, it should be the other way around.

Plato has shown 2,500 years ago in Book VII of the Republic why you cannot trust your senses. You should read the allegory of the cave. The only thing you can trust is science.

Scientists don't ask you to trust their findings, they provide you with articles and proof you can verify for yourself. This is much more trustworthy than your senses. Your senses can always lie.

If you are confused about the existence of Middle Earth and the existence of Québec and you believe there is no way to know if one of them or both truly exist, then you are paralyzed. Why wake up in the morning if everything could be false. You can't make any decisions. Are you really posting in a forum read by humans? How do you know I am not a machine? Why do you bother posting here if you are not sure? You might be wasting your time.

Again, use a spellchecker.

[-] 0 points by gr57 (457) 12 years ago

True. I have that book and hence can prove that you example is fact. But using that, if I believe taht all I am seeing is shaddows and hence can not trust my own sences while at the same time acknowledge that my since are the only thing I can take to be truth, I am left in a worl with out anytruth.

Science offeres me results back by their findings. Can I perform some of their experiments to check their results? Yes. But, by performing them and (hopfully) re-acquiring their results, I am not actually affirming that they told me the truth but that I measured what they said I would measure. I can test that gravity is -9.8m/(s^2) and see that it coincides with the number that science gave me but take an atom. Science tells me they exist, can show me data and number for them but I could never see an actuall atom. I have to take their word that is exists. That is to say, that I would be using science at a "6th sense". In adition to my norman 5, science would provide me with information and data I coulnd not otherwise observe. But, like earlier I would have to assume scientists aren't also seeing "shadows" and that they are giving me factual data (which I can't always prove).

[-] 0 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 12 years ago

The point is, this idea of absolute doubting has been put forward by René Descartes a few centuries ago. He already realized what you are saying now and that if everything can be doubted then we can never gain any knowledge. He went further than you and invented the scientific method.

Science evolves and changes. Newton's laws where improved by Einstein. This is fine. What's important is that science helps you understand the world and helps you make predictions. That's why we can fly in a plane without falling down every time.

I don't really find your thinking too interesting. It's just boring relativism and essentially leads to nowhere. Sure, you can doubt everything if you want but what's the point? Why are you reading these threads if you can doubt they have been written by humans? Why bother? I don't get it. It seems to me your are being hypocrite, and not showing integrity for your idea. If you had integrity, you would stop reading all books and stop using the Internet. You would only trust what you can see with your own eyes, and even then you would have to doubt.

[-] 2 points by looselyhuman (3117) 12 years ago

Dance, self-important monkey, dance.


Made me think of you almost immediately.

[-] 0 points by gr57 (457) 12 years ago

Anyways, I didn't not start this threat to argue philosophy and a state of being, I did it to show the irationality in denying the holocaust on the basis of a "lack of factual evidence"

[-] 0 points by gr57 (457) 12 years ago

I also have heard of Descartes and his work and what you fail to realize it the differnece between fact and belief. Religion can never be proven because it is based on belief. I can believe that I cam speeking to real humand and not computers but with out ever meeting you, I can go no farther. As for the plane thing, I have experience a plane ride and now believe that I fly on a plane it will take off and fly, under normal circumstance. I can not provebefor hand however that anyhting will happen. As such, while i can prove that gravity is 9.8m/(s^2) on time, I can not prove it gever second and must accept on a belief that it will hold true "forever".

[-] 2 points by SpaghettiMonster (90) 12 years ago

It's magnetic, not megnetic, and you've got some other spelling issues going on too. Not trying to be a grammar Nazi, but it really does damage the overall impact of your message. Now, on topic... there will always be doubters. It's actually fairly amazing to see so many people so skeptical about certain topics, yet at the same time accepting religion. I'm a natural skeptic myself, and I personally believe the world would be better if we questioned things more often.

But there's also a fine line between rational skepticism and the irrational type. It's irrational to believe something like the Holocaust or the moon landing were some sort of elaborate hoax. Jews are a scant minority of the worlds population, and yet face a completely disproportionate barrage of contempt and downright hate. There's no excuse for it, there's no rationalizing it... it's simply wrong. Sure they're often unique individuals, many of the worlds greatest intellects were Jews... but so too were non-Jews. Issac Newton is perhaps one of the greatest minds to have walked this earth, and he was an Englishman - albeit a self-absorbed, narcissistic jerk... but whatever. But I digress.

As with climate deniers - not skeptics, outright deniers - we have to ignore these people. No amount of evidence, convincing arguments, or persuasive exhibitions will work... they will persist in delusion. I say let them have their fantasy.

[-] 0 points by gr57 (457) 12 years ago

See you get it man. Question everything and if they can produce proof, it must be fake

[-] 1 points by thezencarpenter (131) 12 years ago

This guy is just yanking your chain people, don't waste your time, we have real problems!


[-] 1 points by onemoe (78) 12 years ago

This sounds like Irony. But it's not very funny. Fuck anyone who thinks the Jews did not suffer. It is a shame though that now they seem to dish as much as they take . Guess that whole turn the other cheek thing did not work out.


[-] 1 points by bravo91 (12) 12 years ago

you are truly a interesting human being gr57. im curious to know what made you be like this?


[-] 1 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

Go home troll. The holocaust happened. It was the truth. It's 100% backed by facts, eye witnesses and survivors, as well as AMERICAN SOLDIERS that gave their blood and sweat to end Hitler and his persecution.

[-] 0 points by gr57 (457) 12 years ago

Well that's what's I'm saying. If the holocaust can be supported by these "facts" and be fake, why can't thinks like China be the same way?

[-] 1 points by looselyhuman (3117) 12 years ago

People are srsly gullible. Like the other thread where people believe the skinhead is actually a self-hating Jew. What happened to critical thinking?

gr57 you may be a conservative with terrible spelling, but you're alright :o)


[-] 1 points by gr57 (457) 12 years ago

lol I thought he was funny. He treated it like a gay guy "coming out" or something. I can't live this lie anymore.

And haha. I might not like TIOUAISE or his one "x=TROLL" comments but for once, good shit. (even if it was fairly obvious)

[-] 1 points by looselyhuman (3117) 12 years ago

"I can't live this lie anymore."

LOL! That's pretty funny man.

I gotta log off to maintain my sanity. Good night.

[-] 0 points by gr57 (457) 12 years ago


[-] 0 points by gr57 (457) 12 years ago

thanks man

[-] 1 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 12 years ago

I agree. It's also time to realize our Earth is hollow. It has openings in the south and north poles. Inside there lives a small community of lizard shape-shifters from the planet Reticuli. They are the Illuminati and control the world from their underground lairs. These creatures are highly sophisticated and dangerous. They suck human blood for survival. That's where vampire stories come from. Our governments know this and have been lying to us for centuries. We need to take control of the Earth Caverns and reclaim our planet. Enough is enough.

[-] 1 points by gr57 (457) 12 years ago

Has as much proof as an other "fact"


[-] 0 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 12 years ago

I guess you've never seen a lot of old photos or daguerreotypes. Photos back then weren't like the ones we have today. The resolution was much lower, especially in bad lighting.


[-] 0 points by gr57 (457) 12 years ago

It was on history channel. Some guy flew his plane through it and it's also the source of the Atlantis myth and journey to the center of the earth. Of cource, having never seen the north or south poles, I have to assume you are all wrong and all of existance is located on or above a flat plane


[-] 0 points by gr57 (457) 12 years ago

I don't accept photographs as proof of anything, let alone a sight that, for all I know, is just a part of the sub-ruse by them to make us doubt the holocaust in an attempt to hide the truth that the holocaust actually happened

[-] 0 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 12 years ago

If you don't accept photographs or text why do you watch TV, read, and use the Internet? What's the point? Shouldn't you have integrity and follow your idea to its fullest. Just interact directly with what is in front of you.

[-] 0 points by gr57 (457) 12 years ago

Well I can wathc tv, suff the web and do all fo that. Weather I take what I see and hear as truth is another matter. I can accept that some one wrote you comment on this site but i can not accept that you are you say you are or that what you say is the truth; any more than you should take what I say and belive the same

[-] 0 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 12 years ago

You are wasting your time if you can only believe 0.0000001% of stuff you don't see with your own eyes. It seems to me you should have more integrity and only interact with the real tangible world in front of you. What's the point of arguing on the Internet that everything you see on the Internet cannot be trusted? It seems quite hypocritical that you ask others to spend time reading your words that you agree cannot be trusted by others. Show some integrity for your ideas. That's important.

[-] 0 points by gr57 (457) 12 years ago

I can take fact in 0% of what i do not see though I can believe whatever of it I want to believe. 0%-100%. I believe that I am talking to a real person and that you opions are those of your and you alone in the same way I believe that you think I am a real person. I can not prove that you are real or that you are infact from Canada so to some extent you are correct. I do not ask people to read it, and as I can not prove to them I am real, I can't expect them to believe what I say is the truth of real. when you talk to a automated vioce on the phone, I can bee 99% certain it is a fake voice and is not real but by simply talking to it, I do not violate the premise that it is fake. I mearly acknowledge that there is something there. If I started arguing truths with you, then I would be hypocritical but as I mearly exchanging idead, I am showing integrity to my belief that something claiming to be Thrasymaque and seaming to have the abilty for rational respoding exists

[-] 0 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 12 years ago

You are more patient than I, and yes, your argument is very valid. If we can deny this or that, why not everything else. Indeed. A major hole in their logic.

[-] 0 points by gr57 (457) 12 years ago

The man who really changed my life, one fo my onld teachers, was a jew and I always love joking with him about it because we wiuld try and find the most obvious things and deny them using the "holocaust was a hoax" reasoning and we would come up with the most outlandish things. But see, to me it's not even that they preach is "we shoudl have finish the job" or " dam jew and their jewery" message, it is the fact that if they want to believe it, they can go ahead, I'm not say they can't. But to deny facts because they don't fit with your theory dumb-founds me.

[-] 0 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 12 years ago

You can't trick people who believe conspiracy theories into becoming logical thinkers. The reason they believe in conspiracy theories is not because they lack the knowledge of evidence or logic like you clearly displayed on this page, but because their brains are junk and can't process logical arguments and evidence in the first place. These guys would still believe these conspiracy theories if they had been right there in the middle of the camps. They would just invent another lame excuse as to why someone wanted to fool them. "Look, they created these fake concentration camps to trick us into thinking they should be treated as victims! Bastard Jews! Let's kill them." That's the way they think. It can't be fixed. We can only hope they die soon and that their brains rot quickly and that the thoughts they once thought are never heard again.

[-] 0 points by gr57 (457) 12 years ago

HAHA oh that's sadly probably true but why not try. That has to be the funniest thing I have ever hear though "'Look, they created these fake concentration camps to trick us into thinking they should be treated as victims! Bastard Jews! Let's kill them.'" It's so sad but true


[-] 0 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 12 years ago

There are thousand and one things that invalidate conspiracy theories. There's no need to publish a thread about that here, those who want to know more can search debunking websites.

[-] 0 points by gr57 (457) 12 years ago

yes but if they refuse to look at those, I would rather "trick them" in to reading this one then let them carry on

[-] 0 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 12 years ago

Everything you're saying is plainly obvious to everyone. Wouldn't it be more interesting if you shared interesting and creative ideas with us?

[-] 0 points by gr57 (457) 12 years ago

my point was that follwoing doubters of the holocausts reasoning would lead to a denyal of everything which since the don't claim to do, invalidates their hypothesis


[-] 0 points by gr57 (457) 12 years ago

According to you all, the very things that prove it didn't occur prove that it did occur. Photographs prove that it occure unless the look doctored, then, since they are doctored, that ver photo proves that it didn't occur. Does a screen shot from the Lord of the Rings movie prove or disprove that middle Earth is a real place. I would say it prove Middle Earth exists as that is where the movie take place but you would conter no, the movie was staged in "New Zealand". Wew can't both be right at the same time but there is no solid proof of one over the other beside more photographs of which we could each claim is either doctored or real


[-] 0 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 12 years ago

There are all kinds of methods for proving these things. Stop reading conspiracy theories. It's bad for the health of your brain.



[-] 0 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 12 years ago

Nice comeback! Very creative and strong. I'm impressed! You're a very smart person.


[-] 0 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 12 years ago

OK, you obviously have a biased opinion against Jews. No point discussing the issue.

[-] 0 points by gr57 (457) 12 years ago

And not to mention, that in the same way you deny the holocaust, I could deny that there is any mis-treatment of Palestinians. Prehaps the photos of the walls are fakes as are the jewish only roads


[-] 0 points by gr57 (457) 12 years ago

I can accept that you belive that and you can accept that generalization because it fits all the circumstance you have yet encountered but beyond what you have interateced wiht, you have no more certainty that your generalization about jews is right or wrong


[-] 0 points by gr57 (457) 12 years ago

See but as you were neither a member of the Nazi elite nor are/were you a member of the Rothschild or Walburg families durring the 1930's, you can only assume that this is what happened, not state it as fact

[-] 0 points by gr57 (457) 12 years ago

see but there you go! You have to assume a lot of things for all of those statments. For the holocaust to even have occured, you have to assume that Germany is infact 70 years old and that a Man named Hitler ever existed.

Same with Palestine. Do you know for a fact that there are Palestinians?


[-] 0 points by gr57 (457) 12 years ago

No it's not circular logic, it is simple train of thought. Look, all the holocaust debates center on the "truth" that there was in fact a Nazi Germany. With out that tenant, the arument falls apart becuase there would have been no large scale anti-jewish movement in Germany that would cause the holocaust. My question is this, what is the proof that there ever existed a Nazi Germany? I never say it. You never saw it so how do we know it existed? Just like your bodies theory, we have to rely on photographic evidence than could, for all we know, be tampered with

[-] 1 points by JPB950 (2254) 12 years ago

Is this what they mean by trolling? You can't possibly take any of this seriously.

[-] -1 points by gr57 (457) 12 years ago

It's true. A man told me that since there was no proof for the holocaust, it must be a lie. So why does only the "holocaust" get this special treatment. No one has ever shown me proof on any of the other stuff yet I'm supposed to believe in it too?

[-] 0 points by stevo (314) 12 years ago

Finally. A blogger making sense.

[-] 0 points by Spankysmojo (849) 12 years ago

Well done. There is no China and there was no Holocaust. You nailed it. No gravity. No reality.



[-] 0 points by Spankysmojo (849) 12 years ago

Hello, fans. I see the champion of dis-education, the torch bearer of 'I can't know', the voice of frustrated 'I just found out I'm backing the wrong side' found the keyboard too.


[-] 0 points by Spankysmojo (849) 12 years ago

Your greatest attribute is your inability to state a fact. Hasbara is something I know very little about since I am a Spinoza Jew. Nonetheless, if that is your label then I'll wear it proudly right under my yellow star.

[-] 0 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 12 years ago

The problem I have with your relativist argument that both sides could have doctored evidence is that it creates the impression that the conspiracy theory has just as much proof going for it as the accepted theory of the concentration camps. I think this is a dangerous argument, and not very productive. There is proof that the extermination of the Jews is real, but no proof supporting the conspiracy theory of Holocaust denialists. By questioning the conspiracy theory this way, you weaken the case for the extermination by putting the proof of this on the same level as the problematic "evidence" the conspiracy theorists are using. The conspiracy theorists can simply respond "Fine, you're right. Everything was fake.". The fact of the matter is, you can't compare the type of "evidence" conspiracy theorists use with the evidence historians and scientists use. It's like comparing a paper plane with a modern jet fighter.

[-] 0 points by w9illiam (97) 12 years ago

I can not believe more than one person is supporting this opinion. This is a slap in the face to all our WW2 veterans (including both my Grandpas) that fought the Nazis. I see your point about not believing anything to be true with no evidence. But there is much evidence for the Holocaust, like living victims. My grandpa was stationed in germany and he also helped liberate a death camp in poland. I seen the picture of him standing next to a mass grave full of dead Jews. The Holocaust was real buddy. You have a lot of hate for Jews or at least a lack of sympathy for them. Why I dont know but you post is sick and disturbing to think that after all that happened in ww2 people like you still continue to live in the same planet as me. I tell you people like you are spreading violence and hate in this world and you will not survive the coming days with a thought pattern like this. I hope some jew smashes your brains out on the street and post the pictures for us all to see scum bag

[-] 0 points by gr57 (457) 12 years ago

See but that is my point. People who deny the holocaust claim the whole thing is based on dcotored evidence. If they refuse to belive it, then their belief in everything they did not experience should be shaken.

P.S. One of my great uncle was shot down and killed over germany and died so I can side with on the veterans


[-] 0 points by MVSN (768) from Stockton, CA 12 years ago


[-] 0 points by gr57 (457) 12 years ago

I'm serious

[-] 0 points by ronjj (-241) 12 years ago

You being serious makes it even sadder. Just have a good life. No one is expecting you to believe anything - question whether you actually have the capacity for that.

Everyone excuse me if I sneak out the back door.

[-] 0 points by gr57 (457) 12 years ago

It make since doesn't it? N proof for the Holocaust, No proof of China. There are a lot of things I'm just taking peoples words about. Europe for a main thing. Even OWS. I've never seen any of them. How do I know all those photos aren't staged?

[-] 0 points by ronjj (-241) 12 years ago

Believe me - There was no Holocaust, China does not exist, Europe does not exist, OWS is just a picture show.

What I thought was the back door was the bathroom and that smells too.

[-] 0 points by gr57 (457) 12 years ago

Amen Brother in truth! Think of all the lies that have been perpatrated on us. Maybe even the US is a fake. Something they tell us exisit but is really only a lie. If it's true for the Holocaust, there is no limit on what lies "they" can pull on us

[-] 0 points by ronjj (-241) 12 years ago

ronjj has left the building He is splattered all over the sidewalk out front - it was the only way out.


[-] 1 points by gr57 (457) 12 years ago

The Plutofraud!

[-] 0 points by Spankysmojo (849) 12 years ago

Where did you go? I was in a magnanimous mood and I wanted to let you try and escape with one testicle still in tact, just renounce the hatred and lies.


[-] 0 points by Spankysmojo (849) 12 years ago

Freedom is free. My pay is earned by letting you try and escape with one testicle still in tact, just renounce the hatred and lies. I am not after you. I am after the truth.


[-] 0 points by Spankysmojo (849) 12 years ago

I said: My pay is your awakening. Please understand that I get no money or anything other than satisfaction.