Forum Post: Getting the Facts Straight
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 15, 2011, 1:13 p.m. EST by JonoLith
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I’ve seen a lot of misinformation circulating on these forums, and on News sources in general. It’s my intention to completely dissolve as much confusion and misrepresentation as I can. I believe that anything I am about to say is without controversy.
Untrue Statement #1: The Occupy Movement has no Goals.
This is the most egregious of the errors that is constantly perpetrated.
Very early in the movement’s existence, they released this statement.
Over time this statement has been encapsulated in the simplest of statements. “Get the Money Out of Politics.” This was articulated very well by this gentleman: and this gentleman:
So any time someone states that the Occupy Movement has no goals, they are either misinformed, or lying.
Untrue Statement #2: The Occupiers are an Unsanitary, Unorganized Rabble.
The Occupy Wall Street Site itself debunks this one. And
Here we see clearly that this movement is working, very hard, to become organized and to reach an acceptable level of sanitation. They have done this while receiving no support from their elected officials, in a period of less then two months.
It becomes obvious that Bloomberg’s reasoning for clearing Liberty Park, under the guise of “Sanitation Concerns”, is a lie. If anyone paints the Movement in this light, they are misinformed, or lying.
Untrue Statement #3: The Occupy Movement is Violent.
Again we turn to their own statements.
This shows a clear agenda to engage in a Peaceful Process in a Policy that passed the General Assembly. That means that over 90% of the people in the park agreed to this Policy.
There have been attempts, by the Main Stream Media, to blow individual encounters and engagements out of the water. This is the equivalent of condemning all Police Officers for the actions of one erratic element.
If this condemns the entire Occupy Movement. Then this condemns the entire Police Force, and takes us back to square one in any case.
You can’t have it both ways. If you wish to condemn an entire organization based on a few erratic people, then you have to apply that standard to everything. If someone tries to paint the Occupiers as all Violent, they are misinformed or lying.
Untrue Statement #4: The Occupiers are Occupying Illegally.
For this I turn to the United States Constitution.
The First Amendment: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
The Constitution is very clear. “Congress shall make no law.” That means that there can be no law prohibiting the rights of the people to peaceably assemble. Bloomberg is in clear violation of the highest law in America.
This is encapsulated nicely by this man:
If anyone states that the Occupiers are Occupying Illegally, they are misinformed, or lying, and are making a statement that directly contradicts the Constitution.
Untrue Statement #5: The Occupiers haven’t done anything, so it’s a bust.
The amount of time between The Boston Tea Party and The Declaration of Independence was approximately three years. The amount of time between The Declaration of Independence and the First Elected President was approximately thirteen years.
The Occupy Movement’s first statement came out in approximately a month. It’s been less then two months. Anyone that says this movement is done is either misinformed, or lying, and most likely has no grasp of Revolutionary History.
This morning many news organizations reported that Judges have upheld the movements rights to protest and occupy. Breaking "rules" is not breaking laws, this was ruled by the judges in different states. NY, TN, NJ. Restraining orders were given to the city and police, stating they could not violate peoples rights or restrain them from exercising them. Rules are not laws, therefore no arrests were legally conducted. The brutal evictions were unlawful and unwarranted. Breaking rules without breaking laws is called PROTEST
this > was banned here > in the stay on target section. they don't want you to have a position. msnbc reported a list of demands from OWS earlier today. get the money out was not on the list. it will never be on the list.
Do you have a link to that list of demands?
i'm sure you can catch the video on their website.
Went to the main page. No list of demands anywhere. Is there a link to the MSNBC report?
"The amount of time between The Boston Tea Party and The Declaration of Independence was approximately three years. The amount of time between The Declaration of Independence and the First Elected President was approximately thirteen years. "
Hey, I hope you make your grandchildren proud if you live this long. You plan on living in the streets for 3-13 years to get your point across?
If that's what it takes. One would hope that it doesn't come to that.
1 There have also been statements regarding forgiveness of loans, abolishing capitalism etc... no clear goals.
2 and #3. Great... so the occupiers claim to be clean and non violent. And they will shit on the sidewalk or rape anyone who says otherwise.
4. Where does the constitution give you the right to pitch a tent on property not owned by you? Freedom of speech does not mean freedom to shit on the property of others.
5. Yawn... ok, get back to me in 13 years.
2 and 3: See point 3.
This is one of my main gripes with Occupy. They defend themselves from the actions of the black bloc by saying it is the work of a few, but then when a few policemen go out of line and shoot rubber bullets when they shouldn't Occupy demonizes them to no end. The new poster depicts the police as tanks. To me this incites violence. Why is a pacific protest bringing out the tanks before the government and the police? In Tienanmen, the tanks were brought out by the dictator, not the protesters.
More here:
I tend to agree with you. I hope that the movement realizes that they want those Police Officers to join them, and OWS is making it harder by demonizing them.