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Forum Post: ** FOX News Spreading Toxic Rumors.....

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 11:25 a.m. EST by Marlow (1141)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Someone 'Said' they thought an OWS protester Spit on them. Fox could NOT Substantiate the incident as being abuse from the OWS, so they just tossed out anything that even came close to something negative they could report.

... FOX 'Entertainment' news, at it again..



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[-] 1 points by Rob (881) 12 years ago

You mean Brittney Spears did not actually sing on that CD?

[-] 1 points by Marlow (1141) 12 years ago

Well... Britney could have learned from Menudo.. you never know when it's real or 'ReMemborex' ;^{

[-] 1 points by Marlow (1141) 12 years ago

and... if you have a minute.. Sign the Online Petition written by ONLine Retail Investors... Who, btw.. also got the SEC to Pay Attention to the UTR, and got Goldman Sachs Investigated 3 times for corruption... We are on the March again, as the Work for Justice is Not Finished!

... http://www.thepetitionsite.com/8/stop-the-corruption-on-wall-street/

[-] 1 points by Marlow (1141) 12 years ago

Actually, that is the Very thread that made me write this Topic.

All Bogus.. when you take the time to see the vid, and read the print.. you will see why i posted this. (Marlow)

[-] 1 points by howRya (42) 12 years ago

Why is it bogus? They had names and interviewed people ... what gives any indication it's bogus?

And, for what it's worth, I think OccupyBoston's response was very appropriate. They weren't defending bad behavior. They said that they didn't think the parties involved were part of OccupyBoston but if they were, they apologized and said that it wasn't part of their m.o.

You can't close your eyes to bad apples in the bunch. They will tear you down and ruin your reputation.

[-] 1 points by concernedinutah (102) 12 years ago

Fox News, just like the other pseudo journalism outlets on the Right and Left, was created for one reason only - help the special interest sway the opinion of the American people in their favor. I used to listen to it all the time until I realized no real journalism was happening and it was all propaganda.

[-] 1 points by oceanweed (521) 12 years ago

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: One of the main pillars of Conservative propaganda is that both parties are the same. Nothing they say is further from the truth. It is an insidious lie intended to demoralize progressives, and discourage them from voting. Do not fall for this canard, because if both parties are the same, there is no hope for change, and therefore no reason to vote. The truth is that there is a difference between the parties. A stark difference! One party works for the rich, the other party works for all Americans. One party takes money from the needy to feed the greedy, and the other party takes money from the greedy to feed the needy. One party has plans and policies to create jobs, and the other party has a long list of lame excuses for not doing anything. Liberals want to change things. Conservatives want things to stay the same. There is a difference. One party wants to tax the rich, and the other party wants to tax the poor. One party wants to destroy Unions, and the other party wants to support them. One party supports the Occupation of Wall Street, and the other party doesn’t. One party wants to rebuild America, and the other party doesn’t. One party wants to provide health care for all, and the other party doesn’t. One party wants to regulate Wall Street, and the other party doesn’t. One Party wants to end the wars; the other party wants them to go on forever. There is a difference. One party is Myopic, and the other party is Far Sighted. One party wants to help the Middle Class, and the other party is at war with the Middle Class. One party wants to fire Teachers, and the other party wants to hire them. One party wants to create more jobs in America, and the other party wants to create more jobs in Asia. There is a difference. One party wants to protect pensions, and the other party wants to loot them. One party has a heart, and the other party has Ann Coulter. One party protects the right bear Arms, and the other party protects the right of freedom of assembly. One party believes that the only role for the Government is to provide for the common defense, and the other party believes that the Government should also promote the general Welfare. There is a difference, and anybody that tells you there is no difference between the parties is simply not conversant with reality. In addition, anyone that blames the Democrats for the current state of affairs has no understanding of who controls the Government. One Party has the Presidency, and the other party has the Majority in the House, controls the Senate, has a majority on the Supreme Court, and is responsible for current economic policy. So, if you’re angry, and you want to start a real fight, I submit that we should start a real fight with the Conservatives! America has a Two Party System. One party is clearly on your side, the other party thinks you’re and Anti-American mob. At some point in time you’re going to have to pick one. Choose wisely, your future is at stake

[-] 1 points by derek (302) 12 years ago

Is it possibly that black/white thinking pushed by the 1% as a way to "divide and conquer" is a big part of the problem that #ows is trying to respond to? Shirley Sherrod was forced to resign by the Obama Administration based on incomplete information. In the full video, she talks about how racism to divide and conquer was stirred up by rich land owners in the South to stay in control.

See: http://factreal.wordpress.com/2010/07/22/full-transcript-videos-usda-shirley-sherrod-naacp-breitbart-foxnews/ "Shirley Sherrod: “You know, back in the late 17th and 18th century, black — there were black indentured servants and white indentured servants, and they all would work for the seven years and — and get their freedom. And they didn’t see any difference in each other — nobody worried about skin color. They married each other. You know, these were poor whites and poor blacks in the same boat, except they were slaves, but they were both slaves and both had their opportunity to work out on the slavery. But then they started looking at the injustices that they faced and started then trying — you know, the people with money — you know, they started — the…poor whites and poor blacks who were — they — you know, they married each other. They lived together. They were just like we would be. And they started looking at what was happening to them and decided we need to do something about it — you know, about this. Well, the people with money, the elite, decided, hey, we need to do something here to divide them. So that’s when they made black people servants for life. That’s when they put laws in place forbidding them to marry each other. That’s when they created the racism that we know of today. They did it to keep us divided. And they — it started working so well, they said, “Gosh, looks like we’ve come up on something here that can last generations.” And here we are over 400 years later, and it’s still working. What we have to do is get that out of our heads. There is no difference between us. The only difference is that the folks with money want to stay in power and whether it’s health care or whatever it is, they’ll do what they need to do to keep that power, you know. [audience applauds] It’s always about money, ya’ll."

I've been enjoying a lot of the content on a site called "ANWOT: A New Way of Thinking" that other people might enjoy too. Example: http://www.anwot.org/either.html "Our first manner of thinking divides the world into two categories. Generally whatever is me is good, right, and praiseworthy. Whatever is not me should be for my benefit or it is bad, wrong, and deserving of harm. Genes prepare us to instinctively fight or run to preserve our self. Our nurturers instill in our mind what is good, right, needed to win and dominate; and with it, we recognize their opposites … what is bad, wrong, the losers who are unworthy. Our current establishment is deficient in educating its citizens how to update our thinking for modernity. Until ANWOT is routinely taught, we can expect continuation of harmful prejudice, hatred, intolerance, and waste of our valuable energy on destructive aggression. As we recognize our manner of thinking is the main source of our problems, we will initiate the rapid growth of learning opportunities in the newer way of thinking, in ANWOT. ... The instructions are clear. The application is easy. The results are profound. Simply attempt to substitute “both…and” for “either…or” each and every time it makes sense to do so. ... We have no difficulty choosing between a garbage sandwich and a sandwich containing a favorite food. In actuality, the complex world we live in seldom presents such simple choices. We view the menu of a restaurant; choice-making requires weighing the positives and negatives of each alternative. We can be happy with most of the alternatives. The choice of spending or saving our money has pluses and minuses on each side. Wisdom may suggest we do both, save some and spend some. Similarly, most issues, such as ethics and aesthetics, are not right or wrong. They also usually present us with a combination of positives and negatives. Is a concerned mother who steals milk so her child can survive a sinner or a saint? Neither? Right or wrong? Good or bad? Are our enemies “all” wrong, evil, while we are “all” right and just in our cause? Does our manner of thinking allow us to recognize that the “other” often has similar needs, wants, and passion for love, justice, and peace as we do? We may wisely ask how much does our manner of thinking contribute to our making the other our enemy? To what degree would we be wise to emphasize making our choices right more so than making the right choice? Dichotomous thinking is black or white. ANWOT thinking is in Technicolor! Here is an example: --- There is so much bad in the best of us, And so much good in the worst of us, That it ill behooves any of us, To put down the rest of us. --- We act wisely when we update our thinking with Technicolor!"

Is "thinking in color" part of what OWS is about?

[-] 1 points by derek (302) 12 years ago

The problem is both parties have some good ideas and some bad ideas, and you get stuck voting for them as a package. Other countries have different constellations of interests in their politics.

For example, one could imagine another country (not the USA) where the same people arguing for universal health care and a basic income included religious conservatives who were anti-abortion and arguing that life begins at conception and a party platform was both pro-welfare and anti-abortion (represented by Dennis Kucinich before his flip-flop on abortion?). Abortion is even one reason so many Catholics like Dennis Kucinich vote Democratic, because they think a better social safety net will reduce abortions more that making them illegal. Likewise, one could imagine a counterparty with Laissez-faire economic libertarians lining up with those arguing for "a woman's right to choose".

There is a lot to be said for Republican themes of personal responsibility, choices within a marketplace or workplace, a right to life, the stifling effect of too much bureaucracy, and so on. It's just a question of reconciling those values with other values (like community, equity, women's rights, a need for regulation, etc.). That won't happen by picking one set of adhoc odd political bedfellows or another -- but by deep discussions across the society. Unfortunately, political debate is so diminished now into proftable main-stream media soundbites and a divide-and-conquer approach to politics; we need to bring back what we have lost, like discussed in this TED talk: http://www.ted.com/talks/michael_sandel_the_lost_art_of_democratic_debate.html

We need to move beyond party politics to work through these issues. But with that said, probably the greatest hope for change is in OWS taking over the Democratic party, like G. William Domhoff suggests here in other terms: http://sociology.ucsc.edu/whorulesamerica/change/science_egalitarians.html

I'm not sure a lot of "Republicans" are very happy with the latest generation of Republican leaders or party platforms, either.

[-] 1 points by oceanweed (521) 12 years ago

you are not ows republicans have no control of there leaders they will never support get money out of politics

[-] 1 points by derek (302) 12 years ago

See how divisive such thinking become so fast, like by labelling people as ingroup/outgroup rather than seeing everything they stand for? There are plenty of well-meaning local republicans who try to run good towns and villages, just like in the Soviet Union there were lots of "Communists" who tried to do a good job locally. Politics is a lot more complex than black/white thinking.

Although, as I reflect on what you say, I do think that is a weakness in the 99% versus 1% approach, too. Scapegoating. Pograms. Exclusiveness. Be careful you don't become that which you hate.

But some OWS posters get it. See this for example: http://occupywallst.org/forum/what-does-it-matter-democrat-or-republican/ saying: "I believe the whole system has got to go."

Also, look at someone like Ralph Nader arguing there is not much difference as far as both Democrats and Republicans being beholden to money interests (look at Obama and Wall Street): http://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/gs6l9/ralph_nader_the_only_difference_between_the/ http://www.commondreams.org/headlines/103000-03.htm

[-] 1 points by oceanweed (521) 12 years ago

you are not ows from start we have said get money out of politics not get rid of government

[-] 1 points by derek (302) 12 years ago

The government can change how it works without it going away.

How do you think it would feel if someone said "you are not ows" to you when you were trying to help and reach a better understanding?

[-] 1 points by oceanweed (521) 12 years ago

thats the problem you dont understand OWS so stop blaming both sides as equal

[-] 1 points by Marlow (1141) 12 years ago

.. Couldnt have said it better myself! I am sorry if this alienates those Fox News supporters, but i just cant believe a Silk Purse made of a Sow's Ear is 'reality'. Hard enough to believe Main Stream as it is..

[-] 1 points by patriot4change (818) 12 years ago

Please remember everyone, there was a 'staged' spitting event at a Tea Party Convention also. The Media reported that a Tea Party member spit on a Civil Rights black leader as he walked through the crowd. This ended up being unsubstantiated and fabricated. In fact, they now believe that the Civil Rights black leader actually "staged" someone to spit on him... and then reported to the Media that it was a Tea Party member. I wasn't there... I'm just sayin'...

[-] 1 points by Marlow (1141) 12 years ago

'" The OWS..Backed by Union thugs"..???? That is a HOOT!!!! For cryin out loud Peepull!!!... Where are you Getting this stuff? The Unions have NOTHING to do with wanting the Wall Street Mafia Outta there... they WANT the Corruption to Continue, they need it to....... THINK! Will ya!!

[-] 1 points by howRya (42) 12 years ago

Then why did I see a Teamster being interviewed on the LiveStream this morning? He, and other union respresentatives came down to OWS to prevent the cleaning of the park. He made sure to let it be known that the movement had Jimmy Hoffa's blessing.

Seems to be backing to me.

[-] 1 points by Marlow (1141) 12 years ago

Please... you have no facts.. you are not allowing yourself, nor the people on this board to be properly informed..

Gee..... that sounds just like Fox !

[-] 1 points by howRya (42) 12 years ago

Are you nuts? I saw it with my own two eyes. The guy was interviewing a Teamster this morning on OWS's livefeed.

You had better get it together.

[-] 1 points by Marlow (1141) 12 years ago

Look.. i think we are on the Same side in this... it just dawned on me that you are NOT Condoning the Creeps that come and say Shyt like ' am a teamster' and we are here to Mess you up'.. ok, i get it... But i dont think the guy was a Real Teamster... and, if he was.. then we agree those Guys are Garbage!

[-] 1 points by Marlow (1141) 12 years ago

and you believe Everything you are told?

[-] 1 points by beardy (282) 12 years ago

kind of like all the racism at tea party rallies

[-] 1 points by oceanweed (521) 12 years ago

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: One of the main pillars of Conservative propaganda is that both parties are the same. Nothing they say is further from the truth. It is an insidious lie intended to demoralize progressives, and discourage them from voting. Do not fall for this canard, because if both parties are the same, there is no hope for change, and therefore no reason to vote. The truth is that there is a difference between the parties. A stark difference! One party works for the rich, the other party works for all Americans. One party takes money from the needy to feed the greedy, and the other party takes money from the greedy to feed the needy. One party has plans and policies to create jobs, and the other party has a long list of lame excuses for not doing anything. Liberals want to change things. Conservatives want things to stay the same. There is a difference. One party wants to tax the rich, and the other party wants to tax the poor. One party wants to destroy Unions, and the other party wants to support them. One party supports the Occupation of Wall Street, and the other party doesn’t. One party wants to rebuild America, and the other party doesn’t. One party wants to provide health care for all, and the other party doesn’t. One party wants to regulate Wall Street, and the other party doesn’t. One Party wants to end the wars; the other party wants them to go on forever. There is a difference. One party is Myopic, and the other party is Far Sighted. One party wants to help the Middle Class, and the other party is at war with the Middle Class. One party wants to fire Teachers, and the other party wants to hire them. One party wants to create more jobs in America, and the other party wants to create more jobs in Asia. There is a difference. One party wants to protect pensions, and the other party wants to loot them. One party has a heart, and the other party has Ann Coulter. One party protects the right bear Arms, and the other party protects the right of freedom of assembly. One party believes that the only role for the Government is to provide for the common defense, and the other party believes that the Government should also promote the general Welfare. There is a difference, and anybody that tells you there is no difference between the parties is simply not conversant with reality. In addition, anyone that blames the Democrats for the current state of affairs has no understanding of who controls the Government. One Party has the Presidency, and the other party has the Majority in the House, controls the Senate, has a majority on the Supreme Court, and is responsible for current economic policy. So, if you’re angry, and you want to start a real fight, I submit that we should start a real fight with the Conservatives! America has a Two Party System. One party is clearly on your side, the other party thinks you’re and Anti-American mob. At some point in time you’re going to have to pick one. Choose wisely, your future is at stake

[-] 1 points by Marlow (1141) 12 years ago

I like that post 'Ocean'..well thought out. I will openly admit that i am an Independent.. Not Conservative. But .. alas i have an obligation to be a Good Citizen, Supportive of my Fellow Beings in all that is done to make this a Better World. And, by a Better World i mean.. One where all Faiths , all Beliefs, All ideas are respected and encouraged. What is a Civilization without the 'Civility'?
I appreciate intelligent replies to my topics.. TY!

[-] 1 points by oceanweed (521) 12 years ago

ows will never support republican views

[-] 1 points by Marlow (1141) 12 years ago

Wouldnt it be best to NOT 'Partisan' this?.. That ALL Parties need to make the effort to clean up our Government, and the NYSE?.. Alienating no one. ... This Crime that Wall Street is perpetrating affects ALL across the Board and the Boarders.. on Every Continent. ..So, What does it have to do with Party Lines?

[-] 1 points by oceanweed (521) 12 years ago

ows is not about compromise we are a protest demands why waste time with republicans that have no control of their leaders

[-] 1 points by Marlow (1141) 12 years ago

I knew since the begining of this Historical OWS event that it would be characterized by Main Stream Media as a 'Carnival'.. That has Everything to do with 'Main Stream Media' being owned and Run by Wall Street Corporations.. In the Event that we, who Support the OWS Movement whole hardheartedly, became subjected to rumors and 1% wealthy abusers... Many of us who own Web Sites that have been Fighting the Corruption.. are BACKING the OWS in Print, and on the NET.

So... dont sell us short 'Yachters'.. there's too Few of you to get us down!.. Besides, Money Cant buy you Truth!

[-] 1 points by asdf46554 (26) 12 years ago

Fox news is the best!!

[-] 0 points by Marlow (1141) 12 years ago

What we Need Now is.. Communication~!

One Abused Citizen to another.. Lets Keep the OWS a Bi-Partisan movement.. 'ONE' as in UNITED!

... anything less , is just exactly how we got here in the first place.

[-] 0 points by KerryRawe (47) 12 years ago

When has FOX News NOT lied about something? They auto-censor posts on their site that contain the words "Rupert Murdoch" in them. They call it "moderation". It's really CENSORSHIP.

In fact, isn't Fox News just an example of how the super-rich are blatantly trying to corrupt the country through and through?

They have no bravery. They are cowards. And their cowardice will be their inevitable downfall.