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Forum Post: What Does It Matter, Democrat or Republican?

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 11:23 a.m. EST by AAGendel (0)
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I believe the whole system has got to go.

Let me tell you this, I don't know much about governments and names and legalities and all that. It's just too twisted for me to even go there. Our government has made so many loopholes for itself, that it's sometimes hard for us common people to comprehend and protect ourselves legally. The system has got to go, because we need to get back to basics and not let written rules govern us. We have given up our own freedom, our control over our own actions and let rules dictate what we can and can't do. Where has our human morality gone?

The system of the Occupy Movement is ingenious, but not new. Our president is the spokesperson of our country. He is (supposed to be) our voice. We have spokespeople at Occupy, but they have no ego and no interest in self-gain. They want to help the people because they realize that we are all brothers and sisters. Politicians may say all of that, but they don't feel it. They have no interest in the people. Maybe once they did, but the twisted rules that hold our country have twisted the human-ness out of them. And now they are in pursuit of power.

Now, what do we do about it? We are peaceful, and have no intent of harm towards anyone (correct me if I am wrong here), so we cannot overthrow the government by force. But there needs to be a change. A very LARGE shift of people in the government, and the system itself. I believe we should keep on with our Occupy Movement and build a global community of people who are in the purest form brothers and sisters (by pure, I do not mean blood related, but soul related. Yes, we all have souls, no exceptions) and we should support each other through thick and thin, and keep to our peaceful ways. Our ways are organized through volunteers who choose to help in one way or another, and there should be freedom to choose where they help. They get in return security, food, and possibly shelter.

Think about it, that's what a job is, isn't it? You offer your services in exchange for food, shelter, medicine, and security. But jobs are now done out of nessecity and sometimes don't even benifit our society. We have to re-develop the concept of what a job is. A job should be volunteer work to help build and sustain a community, aided by your knowledge and skills in that certain area. A job should be done when needed, and not over-done just to keep yourself busy. If there is no work to be done, by people of your skill-set, then there should be recreational activities available, to better oneself and to have fun (life shouldn't be a burden, life should be fun). Better the community, then better oneself, should be the concept. And community should support each and every member.

This is just redeveloping government from scratch, I know. But this is nessecary at this point. There is no way to fix what we have now. Because the system we have now is going to bring the whole world to ruins, it doesn't matter in what way. Now, I have only pointed out one specific concept, which is related to what many people are feeling pain about: not being able to support their families because of no jobs. And the community has done nothing to support each other.

What I propose is keep up our Occupy Movement and stay together, and support each other with whatever needs, food, health, security, and shelter. And this should all be done out of a sincere desire to help another fellow human being.

We need another way of living, we have to change the way society is run right now. We have so much technology, that humans shouldn't be working so hard to build and make things, and humans shouldn't make the earth work so hard to sustain us.

We have to start being aware of our actions and not rely on a set of rules to bail us out of trouble.... why get in trouble in the first place. Those rules were originally set to protect us, but we now have to realize we are our only protection. We have to be aware of our actions and of each other, and not just be aware, but be the best we can be, our of our desire of being the best we can be.

Humans have so much potential, if only we let it show. Now is the time for change, and it starts with you. Be aware, be human.

Keep it up Occupy!



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