Forum Post: Dear Libertarians and Cainites and Ron Paulites and whatever...
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 7:34 a.m. EST by Lork
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
If you're just coming in here to hijack this movement and aren't really interested in getting the corporations out of politics - Get. Out. We're not going to let ourselves be hijacked by some stupid out of touch politician.
To Cainites - You are CLEARLY against everything that OWS stands for. Why are you even here? Name ONE thing that you agree with OWS on. Is it to end corporate personhood? Is it to end kickbacks and revolving door? Or are you just here for your big fat smackdown against the Paulites?
Now...this -is- an open-source and democratic forum. However - CLEARLY two sides are CLEARLY un-democratic here.
Do you need some ground rules? Do I need to publicly call you out like this? FINE!
Rule 1 - Take the partisan, candidate licking, shit flinging, misinformed, divisive and unproductive dick measuring contest to freerepublic or fox forums.
Rule 2 - OWS is -not- a recruitment center for potential voters. Especially not for the type of policies that -YOU- enforce. GTFO.
Rule 3 - This place is about GETTING THE CORRUPTION OUT OF POLITICS. This place is NOOOOT about getting Cain or Paul or Obama or Romney or whomever elected.
Rule 4 - Please, please, please, please, PLEASE keep the anti-Semitism and the "End the FED!" bullshit off OWS. A lot of people in OWS suffer from a lack of critical thinking and the ability to effectively use Google to trump your bullshit.
Please stop saying that OWS is about ending the FED or ushering in a new age of Libertarianism or Neo-Nazism. Cause that ain't it kk? Good. -pats on head-
All you shills trying to use OWS for your all you shills who do not take OWS all you shills who only see OWS as a RESOURCE to be response is this:
Also - FUCK Neo Nazism. We don't need that crap in OWS.
I understand your frustration completely, but it might be better to tone down the note of hostility. I have been assurred that people are working on the issue of moderating this forum, and there's no productive gain in simply fuelling divisiveness:)
I'm calling for unity on ENDING CORPORATE PERSONHOOD and ELIMINATING CORPORATE INFLUENCE OVER POLITICS. They're looking for new voters and grunts.
I'm telling them - and I and others have told them CIVILLY before - to keep OWS as OWS as possible. They blatantly ignored everything and continued to parade around like they didn't hear us.
I want a civil discussion that will actually achieve OWS's goals. (like ending corporate personhood) They want to abolish the FED and the government and "tune everybody in" to the "Joys of Neo-liberalism". Which is what this movement is fighting -against-.
So who is being divisive here? Because this whole tug of war spamming going on between the Cainites and the Paulites (with the latter being the most obnoxious and the former being completely opposed to our goals) IS divisive! And the Obamaites? They're probably waiting out this tug of war right now to swoop in.
Gah! x.x Eff this! And I haven't even -covered- those damn Neo Nazis and NWO conspiracy nuts!
Also - I'm not the only one who sees this
Wow, it sounds like you need reinforcements, seriously. Hang in there man!
... >.>
I'll just ignore the blatant sarcasm of that post and hope that the mods get here or something.
It wasn't sarcasm!
Oh us Libertarians most certainly want business out of politics. In face we want a government so small that business won't even be interested in trying to mess with it. What we DON'T like is anyone calling for business regulations outside of health and safety. In other words, we don't want businesses being told what to pay, what benefits they have to offer, and we don't want them taxed to death. (Personally, I think all businesses taxes need to be abolished and only personal income taxes to be collected, as a flat tax as well.)
"If you're just coming in here to hijack this movement and aren't really interested in getting the corporations out of politics - Get. Out. We're not going to let ourselves be hijacked by some stupid out of touch politician."
i can probably list like 5 politicians who are actually serious about getting corporations out of politics, and ron paul is definitely on it.
End the Fed!
Lork, I put out a call for programers. If this is of any use to you, you can connect to them as replies come in at the link "Needed: Movement Computer Programers" on this forum. I hope this is of use.
Yeah thanks.
Unfortunately I am not a mod. xD But whoever the mod is - it looks like they are around. (For example - our nifty new edit feature...and our reply cap)
Eventually they shall get here. Eventually.
What I'm -really- worried about are the...less-informed of OWS. TechJunkie was right about the whole "End the FED" thing not coming until a bunch of Paulites invaded. And before that? Cain's regressive tax scams were -pretty- popular...
We're in the middle of a presidential shitfight rofl. Maybe we should have quizzes and character inspections for every candidate before they can get in or something I dunno...
We must find the human reaorces to deal with this. We have the world by the ear here man! ASK and ye shall receive!
Anarchy for the win!
Go Ron Paul!
End The Fed!
Actually, I put that in there because YOU are acting like a Nazi.
What OWS needs is civility and non-partisanship.
Thank you mbss.
I just wish these other people I just quoted above (with the exception of the last link) would -get- that.
That's not even all the people either rofl. It's like freerepublic is raiding us or something.
And the Neo-Nazism? Cuck-Cooo!
I agree and understand, but I think if you post toooo long a comment with all that "proof" it will just backfire on you--and you end up looking just as cuckoo. :-) The hard thing with some of the political candidates is that I respect the financial views of folks like Ron Paul, but don't advocate many of their other positions. So, when it comes to the OWS movement, their financial views are right on target. But I think it's better to avoid naming names and simply sticking to the effort to advocate ethics, empathy, honesty, etc...things that humans would hopefully have a hard time arguing against!
You're not the boss of the 99!
OWS isn't your personal army.
I'm just their unofficial...uhh...I don't know...."I issue warnings" guy?
Ending American Imperialism is tied to eliminating corporate influence over politics (particularly lobbyists), and if ending Imperialism (Corporatism) means removing ourselves from the Israeli - Palestinian conflict then there will be a few lobbyist groups that will paint that goal as Anti-Semitic
Also, it attracts Paul people who are actually Anti-Semites, and that further tarnishes the image.
Though there is a difference between wanting out of foreign neo-colonial efforts because they are immoral (benefiting disproportionally the investor class at the expense of the common person) and costly (in blood and money), and wanting out because you hate Jews (Ron Paul's people), the media will try to tie the two together.