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If the overall goal is to lower labor costs then economic upheaval would benefit that cause,

0 comments 10 years ago by factsrfun (8332) last comment 10 years ago

remember in November

8 comments 10 years ago by bensdad (8977) last comment 10 years ago

Worse Than Watergate

5 comments 10 years ago by LeoYo (5909) last comment 10 years ago

Is this 'Healthy' Plant Wrecking your Health?

12 comments 10 years ago by LeoYo (5909) last comment 10 years ago

Banana Republicans

4 comments 10 years ago by Toynbee (656) last comment 10 years ago

Afican & Indian elephants finally united in solidarity !

1 comments 10 years ago by bensdad (8977) last comment 10 years ago

How Did You Go Bankrupt?

1 comments 10 years ago by HCHC4 (-28) last comment 10 years ago

Ted Cruz Places Hold On Obama FCC Nominee

14 comments 10 years ago by GirlFriday (17435) last comment 10 years ago

Welcome to SKC – Southwood Church Kids Club by Southwood Church Groups

1 comments 10 years ago by khalidabraham354 (0) last comment 10 years ago

and koch / alec / nra / heritage are not going broke

4 comments 10 years ago by bensdad (8977) last comment 10 years ago

The 5th Estate - a short dialog.

25 comments 10 years ago by DKAtoday (33802) last comment 10 years ago

WHO Agency: Air Pollution Causes Cancer

1 comments 10 years ago by LeoYo (5909) last comment 10 years ago

The Brainwashing Of My Father (By The Media)

3 comments 10 years ago by lovecomesaround (0) last comment 10 years ago

How feminism became capitalism's handmaiden - and how to reclaim it

1 comments 10 years ago by sabokitty (6) last comment 10 years ago

#Donate to Help Josefina and Her Family

0 comments 10 years ago by grimwomyn (35) last comment 10 years ago

JP Morgan's Jamie Dimon's London Whale Fate Shows That Bill Downe's "Blame Optionable" Campaign Was Unnecessary

0 comments 10 years ago by TraderElvis (5) last comment 10 years ago

We Will Not Return To Full Employment Until 2022 #Stuck

1 comments 10 years ago by grimwomyn (35) last comment 10 years ago

Support the Detroit Solidarity Bus Trip!

1 comments 10 years ago by OccupyWallSt (1) last comment 10 years ago

Movement Lies We Tell Ourselves —- Post #1

1 comments 10 years ago by OccupyWallSt (1) last comment 10 years ago

They Acted In Treason And Should Pay Like Any Of Us -

1 comments 10 years ago by lovecomesaround (0) last comment 10 years ago

MSM Scrolls at the Bottom

18 comments 10 years ago by HCHC4 (-28) last comment 10 years ago

The Black Bloc as Defenders of the Protesters: Quotes from Press in Recent Brazilian Protests

0 comments 10 years ago by sabokitty (6) last comment 10 years ago

Indigenous Nations Are at the Forefront of the Conflict With Transnational Corporate Power

4 comments 10 years ago by LeoYo (5909) last comment 10 years ago

we have a deal today

4 comments 10 years ago by bensdad (8977) last comment 10 years ago

What has Occupy even accomplished?

3 comments 10 years ago by owshelpermonkey (-1) last comment 10 years ago

Cruz on God’s role in the shutdown: ‘His will be done as it will be’

5 comments 10 years ago by GirlFriday (17435) last comment 10 years ago

The Communal State: Communal Councils, Communes, and Workplace Democracy

3 comments 10 years ago by sabokitty (6) last comment 10 years ago

#MAM #24May 2014 Act now

1 comments 10 years ago by lamidesbetes (2) last comment 10 years ago

GOP Stupidity Apocalypse

5 comments 10 years ago by WSmith (2698) last comment 10 years ago

the republiclans could learn something from putin

0 comments 10 years ago by bensdad (8977) last comment 10 years ago

For those who think Occupy is a wishy washy abstract group without objectives or purpose ???

7 comments 10 years ago by BearDickinson (125) last comment 10 years ago

what would Potter Stevens say if he saw this

0 comments 10 years ago by bensdad (8977) last comment 10 years ago

CEO Pay: A Rather Revealing Retrospective

0 comments 10 years ago by grimwomyn (35) last comment 10 years ago

Protest JP Morgan (Deceptive, dishonest mortgages, foreclosures, and other illicit transactions)

2 comments 10 years ago by grimwomyn (35) last comment 10 years ago

The Alternatives Fair

0 comments 10 years ago by OccupyWallSt (1) last comment 10 years ago

Help Noam Chomsky and this Graphic Artist

1 comments 10 years ago by grimwomyn (35) last comment 10 years ago

Undercover OWS Cop: What Every Journalist Needs to Ask About Wojciech Braszczok

0 comments 10 years ago by OccupyWallSt (1) last comment 10 years ago

How Occupy Wall Street Busts the Myth Of the Me Generation

1 comments 10 years ago by OccupyWallSt (1) last comment 10 years ago

How much of GDP should be dedicated to the Federal Government? America spends more than any other country

0 comments 10 years ago by Socrates451 (-15) last comment 10 years ago

On the Government Shutdown

0 comments 10 years ago by HCHC4 (-28) last comment 10 years ago

Delievering a focused effective plan

0 comments 10 years ago by Cp7144 (0) last comment 10 years ago

Not Another Cover Up for Big Oil! via @TesoroCareers

0 comments 10 years ago by OccupyWallSt (1) last comment 10 years ago

The U.S. Can Survive a Shutdown but Not a Default

15 comments 10 years ago by WSmith (2698) last comment 10 years ago

Participatory democracy in Porto Alegre, Brasil

2 comments 10 years ago by sabokitty (6) last comment 10 years ago

Urban Land Committees - Participatory Democracy in Venezuela

0 comments 10 years ago by sabokitty (6) last comment 10 years ago

neo-confederate neo-christian neo-republiclan

81 comments 10 years ago by bensdad (8977) last comment 10 years ago

ROBERT REICH: You're Giving Up On Democracy

7 comments 10 years ago by WSmith (2698) last comment 10 years ago

ACA is too expensive

27 comments 10 years ago by Socrates451 (-15) last comment 10 years ago

Wealth Inequality in America

1 comments 10 years ago by OccupyWallSt (1) last comment 10 years ago

#OWS themed play this month in NYC

0 comments 10 years ago by owshelpermonkey (-1) last comment 10 years ago

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