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Congratulations to ABC World News Tonight for bringing us the hard stuff!!

27 comments 11 years ago by elf3 (4203) last comment 11 years ago

michelle bachmann geting probed !

2 comments 11 years ago by bensdad (8977) last comment 11 years ago

Senate Unanimously Votes Against Cuts to Social Security: Media Don’t Notice

4 comments 11 years ago by BradB (2693) last comment 11 years ago

Grand Bargain, Or Grand Sellout?

4 comments 11 years ago by ancientmariner (275) last comment 11 years ago

From Occupy Australia

0 comments 11 years ago by Builder (4202) last comment 11 years ago

Breaking out of the Occupy forum box

34 comments 11 years ago by jrhirsch (4714) last comment 11 years ago

what year did the United States

1 comments 11 years ago by mideast (506) last comment 11 years ago

A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes.

2 comments 11 years ago by HCabret (-327) last comment 11 years ago

Who wants to break up big banks? The Senate, apparently

6 comments 11 years ago by BradB (2693) last comment 11 years ago

Research Study

1 comments 11 years ago by collie90 (0) last comment 11 years ago

How To despise Your Neighbor, Ayn Rand Style.

2 comments 11 years ago by shoozTroll (17632) last comment 11 years ago

If the senate budget passes Monsanto will be "above the law".

7 comments 11 years ago by lancealotlink (147) last comment 11 years ago

Big Pharma is the problem

9 comments 11 years ago by inclusionman (7064) last comment 11 years ago

Strange Bedfellows Call for Mandatory Minimums Reform

2 comments 11 years ago by GirlFriday (17435) last comment 11 years ago

Bread-and-Roses-1912-2012 ~ Enjoy

2 comments 11 years ago by BradB (2693) last comment 11 years ago

Today this should be the lead story across the world, spoiler alert it’s about a breakthrough in solar power.

104 comments 11 years ago by factsrfun (8314) last comment 11 years ago

We are the 6% -- Restore the Budget Cuts to Developmentally Disabled

2 comments 11 years ago by DeBorahAnn (1) last comment 11 years ago

Be thankful to banks

65 comments 11 years ago by grateful (259) last comment 11 years ago

Just Another Day In Paradise

18 comments 11 years ago by ZenDogTroll (13032) last comment 11 years ago

New Commission To Set Standards For Troubled Forensic Sciences

45 comments 11 years ago by GirlFriday (17435) last comment 11 years ago

Monsanto Protection Act

27 comments 11 years ago by OTP (-203) last comment 11 years ago