Forum Post: #1 Rule of Modern Government- Divide
Posted 12 years ago on July 19, 2012, 9:16 p.m. EST by hchc
from Tampa, FL
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Just look at the stupidity of our media. It's a shame. It's a joke. Everything is black and white. Everything has a line drawn in the sand.
The power brokers have been perfecting the manipulation of people for a long long long time. Just look around.
Not only is everything black and white, truth and compromise are usually a complicated grey area. But, what's worse is that no judgement of which color is more appropriate is considered fair play. No journalist ever stands up and screams bullshit in the face of those they are lobbing softballs at. It's supposedly "fair and unbiased" reporting but it simply lets the bullshit rain down, creating the political fog in which we all love to argue so passionately. When people are lost and confused in the political fog, they cling to their party's banner like their lives depend on it, which, in a certain way they do. People's egos get wrapped up in their sense of "truth", and when you try to unteach it, it becomes a blow to their sense of self to think they were ever wrong, manipulated, or just poorly informed. The only people who can unteach "political truth" are the parties and politicians themselves, who know people will go along with whatever they decide must be true as announced.
The important part is to keep pointing the finger at the other party.
One thing about this forum: we're all here because we're all pissed off about the same stuff. That means we can also find a way to UNITE and COMPROMISE and do all those other cool things our forefathers would tell us to do... like... debate, discuss, maybe tar and feather a few mooks.
We really must admit the party system, and a lot of their power struggles are what we are arguing about, instead of trying to find the most sensible solutions to the problems that face us.
Can we all agree that Citizens United has warped American politics and must be cut out like a tumor? I think so. Can we agree that the banks need to be regulated whether they like it or not? Can we agree that if the investment banks want to bet their profits in derivatives then so be it, but they can't get federal bailout insurance if things go wrong? I think that's pretty fair to the American people, who are all the really matter in my mind. I think most of the free thinking world can agree that those issues are actually pretty EASY to solve, but that we paralyzed by party politics, corrupt politicians, and a media that gladly supports intellectual hooliganism... And thus, we are all confused and unable to address these problems for another election cycle.
They can disconnect truth from reality, but can they dis-unite us once we decide to alter their system instead of waiting on them to do it for us? Yes, they can, which is why we have to work so hard to stick together and find real solutions to the reality that faces us. The rest is all smoke and mirrors.
Since the regular media ignores nontraditonal candidates, how about a you tube debate series between progressive candidates Rocky Anderson, Jill Stein, invite wtf that repub libertarian I can'tbrecallmhis name, r Paul, and others get invited.
Have a series of you tube debates moderated by Chris Hedges or Ralph Nader.
Anytime we can get experts and politicians to openly sit and speak their mind, I'm a big fan of it. I like Charlie Rose interviews because people seem to open up to him, and he has an hour to present his interview.
Debates are a different animal entirely, and I'm not sure we can identify truth in a political debate. Thus, I'd be just as happy if we could solicit these people's opinions in a less competitive arena than a publicized and moderated war of words... Either way, an OWS produced series of youtube videos and/or a separate video streaming site would certainly get my vote. I'd like other experts to be able to speak their minds as well, preferably people from the intelligentsia who I've never even heard of. People who are completely outside the existing political system would seem very desirable indeed.
So... ok, bring in some folks like Nader, I really do want to hear what he's got to offer. But, let's remember these guys are professional politicians with their own established agendas. I don't think any of them can really be trusted that much. If we are seeking to hear truth from the mouths of experts, I'm not sure we want to fully embrace a lot of professional politicians-- certainly not ones who have spent their careers in the business... I'd keep an open mind, but it's OUR agenda we want to rally the people behind, and a tired face who everyone has an opinion about, good/bad/otherwise? It gives me pause. That's all, it just makes me wary to engage professional politicians. Any exposure where OWS controls it's own message (and doesn't sound like a bunch of nutcases) is good exposure.
Can we agree that these two parties were twisted beyond recognition before citizens united ever came around?
Sure. I'm saying we can all agree that we have get the money out of politics, and that's in the first 10 things that we have to unite around, and agree to reform. That's how we build the movement first and foremost.
And yes, the two parties are eminently corrupted and corruptable. The dems are the only thing that stands in the way of a complete take-over of America, but the fact is we all have to meet in the middle as one people, and party politics as they exist today are constructs and representatives of an outmoded political philosophy.
The system isn't beyond repair, but party politics were never meant to be part of the system in the first place. We need to seriously rethink that which we hold so terribly dear.
"The dems are the only thing that stands in the way of a complete take-over of America".....
They just forced the marginally poor to purchase out of control shitty health insurnace, invaded Libya, keep bombing and decided they can detain anyone they want without rights.
The right says the same thing about the GOP. Each side's supporters react identitcal. Almost as if its planned. Hmmmm.
But I agree, remove 100% of ALL money from politics.
Ok, let's do government controlled healthcare like they do in a lot of other countries in the world. It'll be cheaper for the end consumer, and everyone's health will improve. Of course, rising health costs is a major reason why the poor are poor, and unhealthy, and not usually covered by medical insurance. Let's forget that the people who DO have insurance have to pay for those who don't, which hurts people who truly don't deserve the cost burden. But, the important part, of course, is that the government decided to actually address these issues. Oh, I forgot, the Constitution doesn't make any mention of health care, so it's a pretty simple choice to let the health insurers and uncovered sick people stick it to the insured people. But, one thing at a time, the struggle is to find common ground between us.
So, seriously... let's try to do that, it's worth the effort. We agree one thing: we've got major major problems with lobbyists, and in general, too much money to influence our politicians, who are bought off remarkably cheap, right? And, the fact that this money is secret, and that people can put in as much as they like into an election... This is a problem that must be addressed, preferably before this electoral season is over, but the sooner the better.
A simple solution to the hc prob would have been to just raise the midcaid rates to cover up to middle middle class.
1400 pages means its a shit load of cash grabs, insurance loopholes and corruption.
They arent serious about healthcare, they are serious about increasing their own power.
Ok, I'll agree that Obama made a deal with the devil. No two ways about it, and it isn't anywhere close to perfect, but just getting that much through was a miracle-- which, may turn out to be a miracle for Mitt. We'll have to see. Either way, it's a start. And? Let's face it... a lot of big business folks really really hate it... That means they are worried about something, most likely their bottom line, not knowing that their bottom dollar just might also be riding on the line.
We have to find a way to unite. We have to fire the emotions of the people. We can do this by finding common ground... Oh, and don't kid yourself... It's there. We're standing on it, and there's room for the entire country to join us.
Most of the multinationals got waivers, like McDonalds.
The multinationals love it, because it will drown out more competition. I dont think its a miracle at all that it got passed, I think its a very typical screwing. Im just suprised the R didnt sign onto it as well.
I think theres a TON of common ground, hence OWS huge numbers in the beginning before the media got involved. People of all types and persuasions who were all tired of the corruption at the top.
The media made sure to get this thing into a very partisan box with very select soundbites and pics in a hurry. The last thing they want is unity, which I think we agree on.
I agree on it. I consider it a couch you've put on this common ground, and there's room for the two of us. Oh, and a couple young ladies, and darnit, let's invite the whole neighborhood, and mabye try for a dance floor.
Yes, the media is a machine with many moving parts, most of them in conflict with what's best for America. We can sing. We can dance. We can paint. We can think for ourselves. Who determines fashion, the people or the media? It's the people, or at least it should be. That's us, by the way. WE the people.
It's really that easy, yo.
No positive suggestions as to what we should do about this problem?
So you cite a 4 month old post.
It states:
term limits, ok
legislators should not move to the legislative building, sure ok they could vote remotely.
monthly press conferences. sure. I guess your tryin to get more accountability.
You also mentioned in the cited thread.
medicaid for all. I think medicare is better but ok you're on the right track (although I wouldn't have included the vicious comments about the ACA)
Voting for 100% of Americans Perhaps you mean mandatory voting for all eligible citizens. I definitely agree with that. It is what the 1% fear the most.
These old solutions that you never discuss are all interesting but I think the only effective one is the mandatory voting. But you never push these solutions. You spend all your energy attacking and insulting people who support Dems (the sam dems who share your justice party agenda)
You did not mention the 1st solution that must occur regarding this specific "rule of modern government divide" post here. And that is:
Do you support publicly financed campaigns.?
You also didn't mention (4 months ago) your 3rd party justice party. Is that just a thing you threw together today? 'sok, you can say.
Please refrain from attacking me. I really want to know if you are interested in finding positive solutions or just coming to this site to insult, and bully people.
I'm interested in shaking the people from endorsing two criminal enterprises every election. Ive been working on Justice Party for for about 6 months now.
I have a disdain for each of these two corporate parties, and anyone who refuses to do anything besides endorse them.
I support financed elections. Remove ALL (even unions) money from the political process. Every single candidate running is already bought out. They are already paid for, by the same people. There is literally no point in voting for anyone with real national power, in either corporate party, because the big three (oil, insurance and banks) have already bought them.
I dont blame either of these corporate parties for doing what they do- the people endorse them regardless. I blame the people that endorse it with their votes.
We have the ability to govern ourseves in this country. That is a great great gift. Yet no one wants to do anything, besides the corporations. They are very active in politics.
Hence out current situation. Im not thrilled that my kids future is looking bleak because the majority of the sheep vote for evil every year. It pisses me off.
Many here discuss Rocky, search it in the box.
Well here we go again. "disdain" "no point in voting" what about 3rd party? "every single candidate running is bought off" 3rd party? Justice party?
I said all money out of politics, you said all money, but specified Unions. That's curious. Why's that.? I mean that is clearly a republican talking point. but you've said you're not a republican, so that is just curious.
"sheep" "pisses me off". That was pretty much a rant. Take it easy. If you control your emotions, they won't control you.
Peace. we're not enemies, we are potential supporters.
All major candidates in the Senate, House and POTUS are already bought off in the D/R scam.
I specified unions because I wanted to make it clear I want it ALL out, not just corporations. All of it.
The most passionate people Ive seen at Occupy Tampa are the pissed off ones, the extremely frustrated, and those that even end up crying due to being so emotionally confused by what to do, where to head, whats the next path, whats the best path, etc.
I rant. I rant a lot. People's fear to do anyting besides the usual is ruining the country.
Would ows be able to sponsor You Tube debates of the progressive candidates .
I like Rocky Anderson and Jill Stein . Want to see them debate. Get Chris Hedges to moderate.
I think we could get something like that. But we already want that. The key, and the hardest part, is how to get something like that in front of the masses.
Are there any independent movie theaters aroun anymore? Beam it out there.
That is the big question. "Wayne,s World" Public" Cable
Maybe put out on All Gore,s channel, like Young Turks maybe, for a start.
Maybe get some celebrity Matt Damon to do a commercial.
A celeb endorsement would prob do the most good. Not too many of hte masses watch Al Gore or Young Turks (Im a big fan of the later)
It takes a team of grassroot members in each community who go out and recruit. PErhaps each community get one local celeb who is tired of the status quo to do some press releases and then annoucne the time/place.
A series of debates in different cities maybe even in some of th locations of the throwaway zones .
There have been some celebs, musicians, who were at the park
Get Ron Paul to show up?
haha. He does have hte best attendance of all hte mainstream candidates when he shows up.
I think a more local celebrity that the average person feels they can relate to would be better.
Good luck in all your good pursuits.
The American Vigilante Justice Liberation Front will bring these white collar criminals to justice. They have robbed millions of people of their hard earned money in a scheme masterminded and executed by individuals who gained extreme financial wealth during the 2008 crisis. They are still doing this today, unregulated and never investigated. There is another financial crisis on the rise and it will not be public till it is too late. Henry Paulson has his pockets filled, Citigroup, Goldman, countrywide, must be brought to justice. No one has ever been tried for their crimes. They must be hung high by the people to let the world know we will not stand for this. That the people will take up arms agaisnt white collar criminals. The justice system has failed. White collar crimes are shrugged off as rich peoples mistakes. We must eradicate these criminals. They must pay and so must their families. The people will not wait around for the corrupt judges and politicians to take action. The people must take action now!
The American Vigilante Justice Liberation Front will bring these white collar criminals to justice. They have robbed millions of people of their hard earned money in a scheme masterminded and executed by individuals who gained extreme financial wealth during the 2008 crisis. They are still doing this today, unregulated and never investigated. There is another financial crisis on the rise and it will not be public till it is too late. Henry Paulson has his pockets filled, Citigroup, Goldman, countrywide, must be brought to justice. No one has ever been tried for their crimes. They must be hung high by the people to let the world know we will not stand for this. That the people will take up arms agaisnt white collar criminals. The justice system has failed. White collar crimes are shrugged off as rich peoples mistakes. We must eradicate these criminals. They must pay and so must their families. The people will not wait around for the corrupt judges and politicians to take action. The people must take action now!
The condition of our media isn't because of the power brokers - it is the people. Ratings drives profits. People get exactly what they want on the news - particularly the local news. And I agree - it is a shame.
but it's crumbling. entropy. it's self-destructing. people are waking up.
I hope it's crumpling fast enough for what is coming down the pipes.....
it's not, we have to push it.
A lot of people agree with you.
Everything in this comment can be easily applied to ows. Change "media" to "movement." Change "power brokers" to "radical left."
That's all. Change 2 words and you just indicted ows for the failure it is.
The idea that a person in the 2%-5% income range has more in common with someone in the 95-100 (bottom) income range as the top 1% is almost as absurd as combining command economy Marxists with zero authority anarchists and calling it a unified movement. Allowing 911 truthers in didn't help much either.
The left loves divide and conquer. Class warfare. Race tension. Gender tension. This is why they cant graciously accept their victories. They can never say racism or sexism has been drastically reduced because that would threaten their racket. Too many people make a living off taxpayer and foundation guilt money fighting against a menace they now have to go digging for because it is so rare.
I could also insert Democrat, Republican, or Tea Party in that, and it would be also.
The main problem in this nation is there's too many people with ideas that do nothing with them.
Kinda like you.
opprobrium from a truthtard. what more could I ask for?
You could ask for initiative to get off your fat ass and actually do something...
what do you about know what I do?
oh, right. you don't. more make-believe bullshit from a truthtard. Shocking!!
maybe the "right thing to do" is to advertise my bullshit marketing business you do.
clients must be rolling in like the wind, huh?
No one cares dude....
Damn, hc. What's the matter with you? You're trying to talk sense to slizzo and vq.
Oh well, guess I can't blame a guy for tryin'. ;-)
ITs like talking to rocks haha
Yeah, I do respect your perseverance, though.
What's kind of sad, though, is I can count on one hand, probably, the people on this forum that know what's really going on behind the curtain. As much as we can know, that is.
you mean you got zero business out your efforts here? damn, even worse than I thought.
who would have ever guessed that an anti-capitalism message board would be a bad place to drum up business? maybe you should have pushed the jew-hatred so prevalent in ows and 9/11 truth a little harder. dumb they're cute (sometimes).
how's that trip up da nile going for you, doofus?
Slizzo, there's no reason to change it to the radical left. The radical right are already spewing lies and bullshit day and night.
At the same time, you do have a point... OWS got side tracked by a lot of stuff that Americans weren't even ready to ponder. True or not, the Americans weren't ready for the truth, or conspiracy theories, and OWS didn't help by screaming anarchism like anyone would embrace that before socialism, or communism, or a neo-feudal plutocracy.
Thus, OWS has to simplify the message, clarify it, get together around a few basic rallying points, and then ram it up the ass of any fool who wants to stand up for a secret corporate plutocracy, lying party politicians, and the paid stooges who are happy to sell out this and future generations of Americans for a few measly bucks.
Uniting Americans isn't hard, but be humble and realistic in what kinds of reforms we want. 10 demands that every American will stand behind without having to think too hard about it.
Public Health Care
guaranteed basic income
direct democracy
10 demands seems a lot ?
election holidays
a welfare, nanny state. put down the bong.
beats business daddy state
There are other candidates for the top 10, his list is a little vague, and we might have a better top 10, but these could easily fit in the next 10 great ideas, which most certainly deserve a real discussion in every household in America. And, you're not really trying, so, why don't you try to get with the program... Open your mind, and tell us what you want in the top 10... Some reform that the vast majority of Americans would agree needs to be addressed. Tell us. Make it simple... easy... 1 reform that needs a champion. For the good of the entire country, tell us now... What's one good demand that every person in OWS, every person in America should basically be willing to rally behind? I'll meet you there if I possibly can.
this is not a vague list
medicaid reform. welfare reform. WIC reform ( totally corrupt govt giveaway program)
San Diego receives more food stamps than they give out
hardly a give away
you are full of crap matt.
Are you a motivational speaker?
they create a system to deny people
baloney..matt. do you live in a van down by the river?
in san diego, the welfare offered emergency employment for $2 an hour
the city government wants more city jobs to become voluntary as many don't have jobs anyway
Ok, agreed that these are important issues, but are they really eating up Americans late at night? No, I think they're special interest issues as much as anything. I'm not touching gun control, or abortions either for the same reason... These aren't things that all Americans can rally behind. I'm talking about growing the movement with 10 ideas that won't get addressed by our party system-- nobody is talking about corruption in government, but we all know that's how it works. Nobody is doing anything about our current electoral process being bought and sold. Think... What can almost every American agree has to be addressed. Bank corruption? Check. Citizen's United? Check. Protect the environment? (check, but as crazy as it sounds, this is pretty close to partisan politics.) Think bigger is all I'm saying. What isn't being discussed, and would never be addressed by our current party system. I want to know. I don't care a whit for your politics, I'm asking for you to think beyond partisanship. What is absolutely so broken that it won't ever be fixed because neither party will even discuss it-- what is corrupt about our system, because really... OWS is about demanding justice and reform for a corrupt system-- that's what the American people want it to be about. Let's give it to them. One ray of hope, good sir, something both sides of the aisle can rally behind as one people. It's not a speed test, cultural and political change is never an overnight thing. Think bigger than the hot button issues. What's just broken as hell and is working exactly as intended-- not at all. What can we all agree to agree upon... Think about what will unify people across political boundaries.
Ok, try this one, I'm not sure if it'll work, but it's a pretty critical issue... Drones in America... It's a hot button issue, but in this case, it's not one a lot of people care much about-- they either hate the idea with a passion, or have decided that's just how it'll be in the future... We can fix that before the drones get here, before anyone has a strong passion for them. Maybe "no drones" is too specific... The police state as a whole is something that should bother all of us, but will people rise up and tell the cops to shove off? Maybe. Maybe. The question is: what is so absolutely not right that it has to be addressed, and the solution isn't even about partisanship, it's about just plain right and wrong. What can we unify around, we need a consistent message, and it's gotta be nothing but pure golden hits. If we really want reform, if we want people to get mad as hell, if we really want to energize the uninvolved, we have to get an agenda, a simple list of demands, they have to be about blind justice and reforming the broken system. That's how to grow the movement, through unity, non-partisan Americanship... that's how we'll get reform. Food for thought.
Agreed. And in regards to drones. I am against the drone attacks.
The most effective way to change this situation is to undo the fear mongering created after the 9/11 attacks. We have "unified" in the escalation of war against a small ineffective group of so called "terrorists". We most step back from this aggressive approach.
The fear mongering has facilitated free drone bombing, ndaa, Patriot act Warrentless wiretaps, .and huge profits for the military industrial complex.
We most elect progressives, and vote out fear mongering politicians.
It's the only way.
write shorter sentences
fo sho it aint no mo welfare...can do that sister ! we got to start sweating and working...and opposing, progressive, anti family, socialist, atheistic, anti american forces. God Bless America. Land that I love.
Well, mabye someday you'll come to your senses, but I'll do what I can for you all the same.
"there's no reason to change it to the radical left. The radical right are already spewing lies and bullshit day and night."
why does the radical right's lies and bullshit make it unnecessary to point out the radical left's lies and bullshit? how does that make any sense?
"Americans weren't ready for the truth,"
ha! as if ows had much of that
"or conspiracy theories,"
truthers are scum, they are liars, and the few who aren't are simply the most gullible, stubborn imbeciles you'll find. trutherism is like a religion and all of them are fundamentalists. none of them can deny any of the popular talking points.
"and OWS didn't help by screaming anarchism like anyone would embrace that before socialism, or communism, or a neo-feudal plutocracy."
nothing can help when 2 diametrically opposed idealogies team up as a, ahem, united front. anarchists and socialists....must I explain how absurd that is?
ows has almost no chance to accomplish anything. it is mostly forgotten by those who heard of it last year.
Slizzo, you're not offering any solutions. I agree that OWS shot itself in the foot with conspiracy theories.
And? If the republicans and the anarchists are so dead set against compromise and unable to respond to reason? If intransigence is truly the order of the day, then we're fucked.
So, let's not go there. Slizzo: one homerun... I want one idea that everyone can agree to unite under. You like apple pie? You like baseball? What makes us all pissed off, fed up... cranky... Americans. Giving up on unity without even trying? Really? Unacceptable. Try harder. Try again. When the bullets start flying, you can come inside and hide under a chair. Until then, I see it as your patriotic duty to try to find common ground, and to defend it against everyone who wants to turn America into their own private playground.
Slizzo, I'm asking you for your help. Unity is the only solution, and we don't even have to agree on everything, but you have to agree to work together even with people who are pretty darn dumb, and apparently (using your own word) gullible. There's a middle ground solution, and it's our job to try to make it all work.
One good solution, one idea that crosses partisan lines. We don't even need a solution, just the problem that has to be addressed. BIG picture stuff, not partisan footballs, please. Think! There's too much at stake not to use our brains.
"Slizzo, you're not offering any solutions."
"I want one idea that everyone can agree to unite under."
get rid of truthers.
"I see it as your patriotic duty to try to find common ground"
how about the Constitution? that should be it, but once you mention the Constitution, many a kneejerk leftist thinks "tea party! racist! militia!"
there is no common ground with leftists.
There was no goal of drumming up business.
Not all of us are internet cowards that run from everyone and all.
I guess when you are fat and unemployed, its not exactly something to brag about. Have fun endorsing D/R scams. Hope you like less freedoms and more taxes for wars. Clown.
"cowards"? "fat and unemployed"? "clown"?
Are you kidding? Please stop with the insults. Your not helping.
What is wrong with you.?
Slizzo names himself that, because thats what he comes here to be.
Give the man what he wants :)
"There was no goal of drumming up business."
no one cares, truthtard.
what truthers say might as well be coming out of a dead dog's asshole. it has about the same merit (a little less, actually).