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We are the 99 percent


Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 15, 2011, 5:59 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

Liberty Square is our home. The 1% stole the homes of thousands, but they will not steal Liberty Square! Reoccupation begins NOW!

If you're in the NYC area: join the thousands gathering to defend our home, our movement, and our rights! Come to Liberty Square (Zuccotti Park) now!

If you're elsewhere: blast this call with every form of media the 99% can muster!

how to fight back nonviolently



Read the Rules


[-] 4 points by WhyIdOccupy (4) 12 years ago

flash mobs are unstoppable and drive the authorities crazy... do it

[-] 4 points by LoveIsAll (24) 12 years ago

Corium.I second that motion.

[-] 3 points by shoesandtables (20) 12 years ago

*A video showing the "Wealth Gap" in the United States. It's useful to see it visually. Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7tmZv1o5Ac

[-] -3 points by FiddleDeedee (23) 12 years ago

By suggesting there is a gap, one assumes one is guaranteed some level of income, yes? The "wealth gap" is rhetorical nonsense.

[-] 1 points by shoesandtables (20) 12 years ago

We can have more equality or less equality. Clinton had higher taxes on higher income earners and Bush lowered them. IT'S UP TO THE PEOPLE.

[-] 0 points by FiddleDeedee (23) 12 years ago

I support a flat tax, although I think all taxes are too high to begin with.

[-] 1 points by shoesandtables (20) 12 years ago

A flat tax will create more inequality than we have now. Progressive taxation will continue to be the best form of taxation.

[-] 0 points by FiddleDeedee (23) 12 years ago

How do you figure? The income tax should be eliminated and a flat tax on consumption (similar to the VAT in the UK) would help increase savings. Better for all.

[-] 2 points by jemcgloin (63) from Staten Island, NY 12 years ago

It doesn't always have to be zuccotti. we can flash mob all sorts of places

[-] 2 points by MVSN (768) from Stockton, CA 12 years ago

Actually not a bad idea.

[-] 2 points by ValenOfGrey (-1) 12 years ago

I don't think this is a problem. You people have the right to protest there peacefully, but you can't camp out in the park. Flash mob all you want, but as long as you are gathering and not spending the night, I don't think anyone will have any problem with you.

[-] 2 points by funkymonkeyq (4) 12 years ago

"The middle class cops would be making some sweet overtime too!"

lols, see we are thinking of you and do consider you to be one of us. come, join us :-)


[-] 1 points by funkymonkeyq (4) 12 years ago

do me a favor and thank him heartily for me. seriously.

thanks :-).

afterthought: hmm, what if we, the occupy movement, offered to pay/ help out the police for protecting us in some way. if not monetary, as the corporatocracy can easily outbid us, then personally warmly and directly, especially when they're off duty/ not 'protecting' wall st. from peaceful protestors. be clear that we don't agree with their protecting wall st. and blocking and/ or harming peaceful protesters, but let them know we're their fellow citizens, neighbors, and 99ers. you know, kill them with kindness and all that :-)

[-] 2 points by sinead (474) 12 years ago

Like they are not going to have police down at Zuccotti Park? Right.

[-] 2 points by bigbangbilly (594) 12 years ago

The police would be doing the occupying for us.

[-] 2 points by smarzie (62) from Portsmouth, OH 12 years ago

That's a pretty interesting idea. :)


[-] 1 points by Kipple (4) 12 years ago

"Combatant" and "enemy" are not terms I would throw around in an incendiary situation such as this. It won't help your cause.


[-] 1 points by Kipple (4) 12 years ago

Perhaps you can dig up some insightful quotes pertaining to peaceful protests, rather than military strategy.

[-] 1 points by enough (587) 12 years ago

Flash mobs have been around for centuries. In the old days, it was called guerrilla warfare. Stop gathering in one fucking place and camping out there where the man can bust you like they did today. Try flash actions instead of being a sitting duck. Put your fucking computers to good use. Stop telegraphing your local moves unless you intend to make a major march on Washington where everyone is coming from different sections of the country. Even the original American revolutionaries knew better than to line up in rows to avoid getting blown away by the enemy. That's Guerrilla Warfare 101. In fact, change the name Occupy Wall Street to Flash Wall Street or something similar to it that indicates dynamic movement instead of stasis. WTF.

[-] 2 points by hippopotamus (2) 12 years ago

Learn the difference between gorilla and guerilla if you want to look like you actually know something about the subject.

[-] 1 points by enough (587) 12 years ago

What are you, the fucking resident typo master? fuk you. correct that.

[-] 1 points by corbini157 (91) 12 years ago

haha sorry enough, hippo's got a point!

[-] 1 points by enough (587) 12 years ago

Yeah, he's the man.

[-] 1 points by lancemonotone (12) from Pittsfield, MA 12 years ago

I respect the idea and I think it would be fun, but it'd be taken totally out of context by the cops and administration and would lead to trouble. They'd think we were terrorists, and so would a large part of the general population we're trying to sway to our side. If they're freaked out by a bunch of hippies (their words, not mine) in a park, think how they'd react to guerrilla tactics, however benign or amusing the tactics may be. The idea, as I understand it, is to make a courageous, non-violent stand against repression in pursuit of our larger goal of educating the public about the consequences of corporatism. The civil rights movement worked the same way. When hotheads get involved, the populace turns against us. The Black Panthers stopped civil rights progress for a couple of decades. The World Bank protests disgusted people. If we start playing guerrilla, even for fun, we're going to get infiltrated by troublemakers and window-breakers. That's not going to work in our favor.

[-] 2 points by enough (587) 12 years ago

Nice analysis. But why do flash actions have to be violent? Demonstrators showing up on short notice at a particular location is not a terrorist action unless there is violence. Troublemakers have infiltrated Liberty Square as you know. The point is that troublemakers can show up anywhere. No one can control them, if they are intent on wrecking havoc.

[-] 0 points by lancemonotone (12) from Pittsfield, MA 12 years ago

Agreed, but I think the potential for violence would rise exponentially. They don't HAVE to be violent but they MIGHT be and one more instance of that (remember Oakland?) might be the end of us. I vote for the boring, slow, tedious route of non-violent civil disobedience, even if we look like a bunch of crazy hippies with nothing better to do. We know better and our message is spreading.

[-] 2 points by enough (587) 12 years ago

You may be right. #OWS should consider flash actions as a viable alternative.

[-] 1 points by enough (587) 12 years ago

Thank you. Meanwhile, the #OWS in New York didn't learn anything today. Now they are trying to re-take Liberty Square. Flash mobs or flash actions, if you will, are the only way to go unless you like being busted every few days. It's 2011 and the #OWS makes itself a stationary target. Duh. Apparently, #OWS needs a military tactician to drive home the point that flash actions are the only thing that make sense in this environment. Ipods and laptops are tailor-made for flash actions. The mayor and the fuzz won't know how to handle the flashes.

[-] 0 points by DickheadCommuist (-8) 12 years ago

You are so smart. I bet you were up all night thinking of that one. THe cops could get some sweet overtime that will be paid for out of the tax dollars that the state cannot afford. But hey, that money might have went to save a starving child. To hell with them. Help the working man....wait, I am an OWS protester, I don't have a job.


[-] 1 points by Kipple (4) 12 years ago

No, they do have to send police. You see, because laws are being broken. Laws that all of us must follow. OWS can't just do what they please just because they're "exercising their right to free speech." They have an obligation to protect the city, and although OWS attempts to keep things peaceful, the police can't assume that will always be the case. The larger the crowd, the larger the police presence... in all cases.


[-] 1 points by Kipple (4) 12 years ago

What, exactly, do you think that's going to do for you or anyone else? The police are not your enemy and you are not theirs. This isn't a war. They're just people doing their jobs. While you and those like you proceed with this "strategy" of creating havoc, someone out there may actually need help and won't get it because you're too busy watching "the tail wagging the dog."

[-] 0 points by steven2002 (363) 12 years ago

No I think he is right, they should be allowed to set up a encampment and when then inevitable trouble starts the city should say we do not want to spend the overtime, you are on your own. Watch how quickly the wimps start screaming.


[-] -1 points by cfnyc (3) 12 years ago

You know how expansive this is for the tax payers?! For those of us who actually WORK HARD and PAY TAXES and CONTRIBUTING to the society, we'd rather have our tax money go to something meaningful. OWS already wasted enough tax money playing hide and seek with police.

[-] 4 points by Pitzmango (4) 12 years ago

I am part of the movement and I work my ass off every goddamn day to make ends meet, we did not waste your fucking tax money the NYPD are the ones who waste it by trying to use brute force to stop us. Here's a little truth for ya, money is about as fucking worthless as you are.

[-] 0 points by cfnyc (3) 12 years ago

I'm sure this movement has nothing to do with money. Hypocrite much?

My friend got hit with a can of coke in the head on his way to work by one of the occupiers. NYPD is there to protect the public from people like you, to protect business who got threatened for not giving away free food, to stop people like you from urinating everywhere, and stink up the whole block

[-] 3 points by Courtney (111) from New York, NY 12 years ago

-The Pentagon loses/can't find $70 billion a year -We spend billions a year in aid to Afghanistan -The police overtime is at least still going to middle class families

If you want to complain about how your tax dollars are spent, worry about the petty cash box at the Pentagon

[-] 0 points by cfnyc (3) 12 years ago

Ok, I agree. The wars are stupid. But just because the government is wasting money elsewhere, does not entitle these people to waste money here. It's like dumping your garbage in the middle of the street, and say, "oh, dont look at me. look at what BP did to the ocean" Also, given how police pension works, the OT cost much more than you realize over the coming decades

[-] 2 points by Xerces (10) 12 years ago

Your government wastes billions upon billions on the military, your anger is better directed elsewhere buddy.

[-] 1 points by cfnyc (3) 12 years ago

is theft justified if someone commits murder?

[-] 1 points by xOccupyx (66) 12 years ago

OWS isn't responsible for the misspending of funds. That would be the City. ;)

[-] -1 points by mandodod (144) 12 years ago

And costing your Mom and Pop thousands in overtime. Real smart. The good news is that they will read this!

[-] -1 points by MBJ (96) 12 years ago

So your primary agenda is to screw with the cops.



[-] 2 points by MBJ (96) 12 years ago

Fair enough. I guess I share your view. I spent some time reading the NYCGA Minutes today, and all I saw was a bunch of tedious focus on process, and a complete failure to accomplish anything because they require 90% approval to make any decisions. A legitimate budget issue was "defeated" 94-14, lol.

I have a huge amount of respect for police and firefighters, I think most Americans feel the same way. I'd be cautious about allowing ows to be seen as focused on antagonizing or frustrating them just for the sake of doing it.

[-] 4 points by xOccupyx (66) 12 years ago

OWS doesn't exist to annoy law enforcement. Unfortunately, law enforcement exists to protect the status quo, which is hugely flawed in this country. Therefore, conflict is inevitable, and part of the process. On a microcosm level, it is part of the process of regaining our fundamental rights from those that have abused them. The police are simply the acting tools of authority - and I don't mean that insultingly, I mean it descriptively.

Even today, the ruling about Liberty Park is not just on several counts. The police and government have put conditions on free speech and assembly, while at the same time that he denied the Occupiers rights, the judge acknowledged that tent occupation was indeed how Occupy was getting its message out.

[-] 0 points by MBJ (96) 12 years ago

Yep. It's a nation that values law and order. And yes, there are conditions for doing most anything unless you're on your own property and not in any way impacting others.

[-] 4 points by MadProfit (312) 12 years ago

It's not a nation that values law and order - it's a nation of increasingly violent hate-viruses who are consumed with manipulating the Constitution to mean what they want it to so they can claim a f$%^ing victory for Jesus Christ. Property is a laugh - you'll invade some other country for their resources and to set up puppet democracies but a bunch of "hippies" in the park are dangerous. Predatory lending leading to foreclosure - it's a shame one even has to recount the obvious since most redneck pseduo-military types are deliberately stupid in order to evade an argument that logically and morally they would lose.

[-] 4 points by xOccupyx (66) 12 years ago

Well, generally true, but dissent isn't comfortable for many, nor should it be.

In the past 20 years or so, we have increasingly seen our civil rights chipped away at. We've had a president who said the Constitution was inconvenient, and many other elected officials who said it was a dead and irrelevant document. We've seen laws enacted that allow our government to completely violate every single line in the Constitution regarding citizen rights (Patriot Act), with no court, warrant or oversight required.

Political protestors at partisan events are only 'allowed' to protest in cordoned-off areas, sometimes miles away from an event or the principals.

If political dissent is only allowed in neat little packages, tucked away out of sight; if media are not allowed, or do not want to cover events because the message conflicts with the interest of their corporate ownership - what are you left with?

If this country truly valued law and order, the criminal financiers would be in jail; not working out a backdoor deal with the President to acquire immunity from prosecution. Politicians who broke the law would lose their jobs and perks. I could go on.

Conflicts are untidy, by nature. This countries founding was untidy, inconvenient, and bloody. Occupy is peaceful, but determined; we need to reclaim this country and it's foundational principles; it has been hijacked by profiteers, and they are ruining our future.

[-] -2 points by progmarx (66) 12 years ago

Nuclear smart but Politically stupid.


[-] -3 points by progmarx (66) 12 years ago

" I also understand society doesn't have protests like this unless things are really screwed up! OWS is simply a process the country needs to go through at this time as part of our growth." Ok sorry, politically and sociologically stupid.


[-] -2 points by progmarx (66) 12 years ago

My only point was that your point was based on some very fucked up logic. OWS is not some simple,healthy process. It is a contrived pseudo movement. I just don't think you understand who is really behind this and how many disparate groups of anti-American interests that back this.

I didn't actually mean to call you stupid,poor choice of word. Just had to challenge your opinion because I think it's not very informed.

You must be very intelligent so I don't understand your support for OWS when you don't know the overall picture.

[-] 2 points by graphictruth (2) 12 years ago

"I just don't think you understand who is really behind this and how many disparate groups of anti-American interests that back this." [Citation Needed]. Seriously, those are both serious and utterly banial allegations. And yes, there's a commie under every liberal's bed, and it's all due to hippies and fluoride.

But, let's suppose that OWS is in fact "organized" by some shadowy cabal of dedicated anti-american forces. I suggest that it would be difficult to argue that, at this point in history, given the body count of the wars spanning the period from WWII to the modern day and the grinding poverty created by US foreign policy and the International Monetary Fund, that being "anti-american" is an unreasonable thing. The only possible caviat is that it's likely that other nations are little better. But that's faint praise and little reason to be raising flags and rehashing tired arguments from a 20 year old copy of Reader's Digest.

[-] -1 points by steven2002 (363) 12 years ago

Hey genius what happens if the cops do not leave?

[-] 1 points by Socrates469bc (608) from New York, NY 12 years ago

That's an interesting thought steven2002.

I wonder what will happen to real crime in the rest of the city while the police is agitating protesters who are peaceably assembled.


[-] 1 points by Eeels (5) 12 years ago

The city budget is already strained, which is why teachers and librarians are losing their jobs and most of the city agencies which actually help people are cut to the bone and beyond. Straining it further on purpose will only take more out of the powerless -- you can bet the 1% won't suffer for it.

[-] 1 points by smith5john (4) 12 years ago

oh they will suffer. look deeper!!

[-] 0 points by lancemonotone (12) from Pittsfield, MA 12 years ago

Then that will bring even more people into the streets. They are CHOOSING to expend resources on us. Every time they do one of these raids we get bigger. If they had left us alone we would probably have faded away. Thank god for the cops. We couldn't afford to pay for exposure like this.

[-] 1 points by smith5john (4) 12 years ago

Thats genius. What they resists persists. its an unavoidable law and they dont get it. LMAO

[-] 1 points by steven2002 (363) 12 years ago

Works for me

[-] 0 points by lancemonotone (12) from Pittsfield, MA 12 years ago

When the city budget is strained they'll HAVE to leave. And we'll come back. As @banditqueen said earlier, the cops and the city administration made the decision to repress the legal free assemblage of citizens.

[-] 1 points by LostInSpace (7) from New York, NY 12 years ago

So, Lance of Pittsfield, MA, you are down here in NYC protesting and don't care if the city budget is strained. I on the other hand live and work here in New York and pay huge taxes into that very budget and don't much appreciate your attitude. It is comments like your's that turn more and more people against your movement, well done!

[-] 1 points by lancemonotone (12) from Pittsfield, MA 12 years ago

Good for you, LostInSpace of NYC. I myself lived in NYC for almost 9 years, in Murray Hill, LIC, Park Slope and Harlem. I've been forced to pay for police to kill several unarmed men and I saw my rent go through the roof while the express train regularly ran local on the wrong track. I'm not too concerned with a budget that allocates funds in that way. Again, the administration is choosing to spend time, money and resources on a non-violent protest. If you don't agree that we should merit that kind of expenditure, then call Bloomberg, but don't blame us for exercising our 1st (the first!) amendment rights.

[+] -4 points by Sharpie933 (20) 12 years ago

And somewhere in New York, 911 calls go unanswered because some people are having some 'fun' with the cops. Way to protect the 99%, genius.


[-] 3 points by xOccupyx (66) 12 years ago

The Supreme Court ruled quite some time back that the police were under no obligation to "protect" citizens. That idea that they exist to protect and serve the People is long outdated; save yourself some outrage.

[-] -1 points by HAHAHAHA (2) 12 years ago

Protect and serve homeboy

[-] -1 points by MrDman (-57) 12 years ago

Then move out of the "Hood" Those apartments must be hell

[+] -4 points by Sharpie933 (20) 12 years ago

Wow, a brave OWS protester standing up for the rights of the downtrodden by thumbing his or her nose at the under privileged. I knew you guys were full of crap. No wonder there are so many Columbia and North Face jackets present at these get togethers. OWS is just another party by the wealthy at the expense of others. Such a farce.

[-] 1 points by xOccupyx (66) 12 years ago

Yes, anyone who isn't homeless/poor can't be a legit Occupy supporter. Sadly, that kind of illogic probably succeeds for some. lol

So according to you, Occupy is a plot by the wealthy to ...end wealth corruption on government and Wall St? How exactly does that work out, in your mind, again?

[-] 0 points by Sharpie933 (20) 12 years ago

According to me Occupy Wall Street is the upper 10% of the socioeconomic base using public lands and public officials to have a fun time and get together. Kind of like if you combined frat boys with the Burning Man. 90% of the world cannot afford Columbia winter jackets with lift tickets still attached. A good number of your attendees can. Your compatriot above shows his true colors by sneering at "those people in the 'hood." I mean, I hope you guys have fun and all, but don't believe your own bullshit.

[-] 1 points by xOccupyx (66) 12 years ago

"According to you" rather settles the discussion. Sorry you write off an entire individualistic movement based on a limited experience. No one person represents Occupy; that is the nature of a 'populist' movement. Try visiting some other Occupations, in small towns, & in 'hoods to broaden your experience. (I do assume you actually visited Liberty, and were not just looking at media pics.)

I don't know how you missed the homeless and the obviously-very-poor there ...but I also don't understand why people who are comfortable or even well-off supporting this dilutes the message about a corporate State and having to remedy this. C'est la vie, and have a good evening.

PS: Please remember that there are people who deliberately come to OWS sites and live feeds to purposely make comments to smear OWS. I have seen our web addys being posted on anti-Occupy blogs and websites to send them our way. ;)

[-] 0 points by Sharpie933 (20) 12 years ago

I grew up poor in an area surrounded by well-off liberal types. The Columbia jacket set, if you will. I remember how I'd see them out there protesting for this, and decrying that and being all socially conscious and stuff (think globally, act locally was a big one back then), but then in private, treating people who didn't have as much money as them like garbage. You are the same people. You use public activism as an excuse for your hedonistic and exploitive lifestyles. The well-off are all the same. Some just need to assuage their liberal guilt while others roll with it. I mean, at least the Wall Street types are honest with themselves and admit who they are. They don't try to delude themselves because they drive a Prius or read National Geographic. So when I see a well off middle-aged man who makes a six-figure salary in a coat that 90% of the world's population could not afford in a year screaming in the face of a cop who makes 30k a year, it reminds me of exactly what you guys are about, and exactly why you disgust me so much. Go hug a junkie if it makes you feel better. But don't go trying to preach to others about how to live when you live so much better than they do.

[-] 1 points by xOccupyx (66) 12 years ago

You are stuck in your mindset/assumptions, and there's no point arguing about it.


[-] 2 points by whoknows (7) 12 years ago

The cops do not have to turn up 100-strong to watch a few peaceful protesters do nothing.

[-] 1 points by Fredone (234) 12 years ago

exactly. the complaints about poorly used police resources should be directed to the nypd. although they are not doing nothing, mind you.

[+] -5 points by Dio1313 (69) 12 years ago

Great idea, waste their time when it should be spent catching criminals. You guys amaze me, never before have I been able to witness so much stupidity in one place. This site is flooding with stupidity. I cannot believe that you guys actually think something good is going to come out of this.

[-] 4 points by banditqueen (4) 12 years ago

No one is making the cops divert resources to protest-busting. If you truly want to complain about misuse of police time, that should be directed to the police. Occupy Wall Street is not summoning police away from serious crime. There is no outside protesting body forcing the city police to stop responding to other crime. It has been the sole decision of the NYPD and the governing powers they represent to use their resources (monetarily and manpower-wise) to persecute non-violent protesting.

[-] 0 points by karenpoore (902) 12 years ago

Yes, the NYPD can spend their 4.6 million donated to them from J. P. Morgan last June and not touch the taxpayer's money.


[-] 1 points by smith5john (4) 12 years ago

yea it would be nice if they actually chased criminals instead of peaceful protestors.

[-] 1 points by smith5john (4) 12 years ago

First of all. We are catching the real criminals. not some too bit loser trying to score a buck. We are after the whale. LMAO

[-] 0 points by whoknows (7) 12 years ago

Do you not want it to?

[-] -3 points by Dio1313 (69) 12 years ago

I have common sense; I know nothing good will come of this.

[-] 6 points by Yesbutdoubtful (7) 12 years ago

Common sense also tells us that the instigators of all this potential disaster are the heavily armed men who are trying to shut down a populist movement. Sure, the number of protesters demands some police attention, but not to the extent that they have shown so far. The violence is disproportionate to the demonstrated overall peaceful intents of the occupiers. Nothing good can come police exercising violence on unarmed civilians, agreed.

[-] 1 points by whoknows (7) 12 years ago

So do you disagree with the idea behind the worldwide protests? Do you think the wealth gap that has been created by huge corporations is a problem?

Or do you just disagree with the methods of the protesters?

[+] -4 points by robertlardbutt (0) 12 years ago

OWSers are idiots without a cause. They disrespect 93 million individuals who own stock or mutual funds, while owning nine themselves, stink up a privately owned park, and demand that they be treated with respect when they offer none and have none for themselves.

Hi Hi, Hi Ho, it's off to jail you go! The whole world approves! The whole world is approving!

[-] 3 points by xOccupyx (66) 12 years ago

Actually, OWS is trying to protect the People that have money dangerously invested with criminal financiers, banks, and Wall St. It's alright if you don't understand, but it's not necessary to be insulting and inaccurate, please.


[+] -8 points by armchairecon1 (169) 12 years ago

brilliant idea, bankrupt the city so that they can lay off more people to pay the cops OT. with great ideas like this, the 99% could use all the support they can muster

[-] 3 points by shoesandtables (20) 12 years ago

yah, paying overtime to NY cops is going to bankrupt the city. LOL.

[-] 2 points by armchairecon1 (169) 12 years ago

where do you think those millions of dollars are coming from?

this is a large unexpected cost that was not budgeted for.. money that could be used for teachers, snow removal, sanitation, etc.. but now they are going to cops for babysitting a private park - what a great use of my tax dollars

[-] -2 points by armchairecon1 (169) 12 years ago

for those of you who 'disliked' my post, would like to see how you could justify making our city poorer just for the sake of getting attention.

[-] 3 points by whoknows (7) 12 years ago

The sake of getting attention? Do you really think this is about getting attention? How small minded of you.

[-] 0 points by armchairecon1 (169) 12 years ago

uh.. isnt that the whole point of protesting and camping out for a month? how else would you describe it?

[-] 2 points by whoknows (7) 12 years ago

"just for the sake of getting attention" insinuates that the absolute goal is to gain attention. The idea behind these protests is far reaching, and strikes at the very heart of our economic system. So no, it isn't "just for the sake of getting attention"

Based on your logic, we should all just accept the scraps that are given to us rather than cause a fuss that might cost the city a few extra dollars.

[-] 2 points by alouis (1511) from New York, NY 12 years ago

The banksters make everyone poorer and get what attention they want with a finger snap. The 99% have to get loud and even disruptive to be heard at all.

[-] 13 points by codydylansewell (11) 12 years ago

Ignorant people...Will you quit being so judgmental. Don' hate the ocuppiers for standing up for what they believe in... This country was founded by people like them. People willing o put the effort in to make a change. If you ren't happy with something then why settle? It is the weak who settle, not the ones who try to make a difference. If you just let people run your lives then what's the point of living. Occupy is about people not the government. And before I see one more socialism comment, you better read the defnition first because this is not socialism, this is people, not government. Stop watching the damn media news and find the facts out yourself instead of just being a mouth peice to what another person tells you. Be your own person an speak for yourself not others.

[-] 4 points by Redsuperficiality (96) 12 years ago

You are guilty of what you have accused others of: you equate socialism and government. Socialism = government only for neo-conservatives and economic rationalists.

[-] 1 points by the4thofjuly (32) 12 years ago

i don't get it

[+] -6 points by HeavySigh (227) 12 years ago

Dont' put OWS in the same category as the founders of this country, or the civil rights movement while we are on the subject. They don't deserve to be in that category.

[-] 6 points by ConsciousNest (11) 12 years ago

Why not? They very much ARE like the founders. The original PROTEST was all about "taxation without representation." Well, we the people are NOT being represented. Our government at all levels has been bought and paid for by the corporations in this country (and by the people who run them). If that isn't a reason to protest, I don't know what is!

[-] 0 points by the4thofjuly (32) 12 years ago

totally. you nailed it. this is our job, this is our war. some are still blind to the overwhelming evil of the 1%, but think of all the british loyalists during the revolutionary war (at least half of colonial america). history will thank us.

[-] -1 points by HeavySigh (227) 12 years ago

It is very much NOT like that at all. OWS has been throwing around redistribution of wealth and taxation, things that the founding fathers stood against. But not even on the level of ideals, the founding fathers stood up for things in the face of horrible torture and death. Many of them paid the price with more than just money by the time it was all said and done. They deserve respect and honor, not people crying and drumming in a park. Big difference. And for the love of god, enough protesting. There's another difference. The founders did things. You all just whine and protest things. No action.

[-] 2 points by clubsandwedge (4) 12 years ago

Yeah because attempting to peacefully create alternative spaces for production, exchange and discourse is totally not worthwhile and people are merely 'whining' against the wonderful, bountiful system of capitalism. I am certain there's a significant bunch of people who are willing to stand up for the occupied spaces in the face of a lifetime in prison, and others even in face of death. So if the ideals are right, what do you propose the 'action' be, genius?

[-] 1 points by HeavySigh (227) 12 years ago

While you, like many others, are capable of only giving emotional speeches, I will again say what I have many many many times on this forum. What I am about to say is not meant to bash the movement, but seems to be taken as such by nearly every single member. The movement, as it stands now, is lame, weak, and very pathetic. There are a group of people who like to whine and camp, that's convincing right? What this movement needs, and it doesn't take a genius to see what action should be taken, is not more protesting. You start out with a protest and gain supporters. Now you take it to the next level. Instead of protesting corruption and getting everyone emotional with the "oh look at me writing on paper and taking a picture" crap, you need to move on. Let's make some clear goals first. "We are against X corporation/representative/program doing Y action/law/etc" or "we want X to happen in Y way and we have so-and-so on our side". Next, you get support from, dare I say it, people with influence. Some of these people might be rich. You vote people in who are like minded. You focus your efforts, make it count, and play with the big boys. Get out of the park, stop protesting, stop being annoying, stop messing up the place, stop breaking windows, stop being children, and get our there and use the system.

[-] 1 points by unlabeled (112) 12 years ago

IMO, The occupiers are there to draw attention to the vast amount of problems. However, many of the people that are interested in the OWS movement have different opinions of the way forward. If OWS decides to offer demands, it will lose many of the people interested in it. The longer the brave occupiers keep it up, the longer the conversation will continue, and the closer the many opinions will coalesce. This is a revolution of brains not brawn. Tough guy. Read up on direct democracy. Watch the Zeitgeist films on youtube. Watch a Michael Moore film(there really was a smear campaign against him, it has been exposed. After the movie 'Sicko' was made, some in the health care industry paid to influence public opinion of him. Oh, by the way, we have many many people of influence backing us.:)

[-] 0 points by lancemonotone (12) from Pittsfield, MA 12 years ago

If the system worked, we wouldn't be out in the park. Ever consider that? Do you think there's too much corporate money in politics? Do you think that their political cash gives corporations a outsize voice in shaping how society is structured, to the detriment of the rest of us (you included)? Do you think that corporations don't structure society to increase their profits? Are you not bothered by that?

[-] 2 points by Farmer (1) from Winner, SD 12 years ago

You say it doesn't work...but the Tea Party did exactly what you are saying.

People just like you outraged about the way our government is running things and they effected change.

Are you saying that you are incapable of doing the same thing?

Oh...and don't start with the "Tea Party" is just a bunch of pawns of corporate America or some other rubbish. The same arguments that could be thrown at them can be applied to you...

EXCEPT they did something.

[-] 1 points by LostInSpace (7) from New York, NY 12 years ago

I can't stand the Tea Party, but "Farmer" is right and gets a "like" from me.

[-] 1 points by lancemonotone (12) from Pittsfield, MA 12 years ago

We can't just conjure up an election.

[-] 2 points by HeavySigh (227) 12 years ago

Well I must be retarded if I don't think that sitting in a park and protesting a generalized wrong without a clear goal or plan won't get me anywhere. Again, like the others, you skipped over EVERYTHING and complain about corporate greed and the system. Instead of "oh maybe we should be specific and efficient in our movement" or "maybe we do need to narrow our focus and get things done", you continue to just ask abstract questions. Yes, there is corruption. Yes, politics is influenced, etc etc etc etc. BUT I guess it's hard to see why you protesting "wall street" in general without some direction isn't impressing anyone. Crazy huh

[-] 1 points by lancemonotone (12) from Pittsfield, MA 12 years ago

But we are making a contribution to the conversation; you are talking to me right now. And we are having an effect; Bank of America decided against their extra debit card fees. People like you and me are discussing the myriad of reasons why we're out here, and whether those reasons are worthy. Some few may decide that they are, as I have. Some may decide that they're not, as you may. You may not agree with us but our message is plain to see for anyone with open eyes: Corporate money is killing democracy and keeping millions of people from reaching their full potential. Or do I misunderstand you? Are you just angry because we're not efficient or focused enough?

[-] 1 points by HeavySigh (227) 12 years ago

My point is that the movement is going to fail, if it hasn't already, because of a lack of goals. I'm fine with the whole "corporate greed influencing politics is bad" platform. However the days of emotional speeches are over. It's time for more. There won't be though because this movement is over. Occupying the subway will nail the coffin shut.

[-] 1 points by lancemonotone (12) from Pittsfield, MA 12 years ago

I agree with you that there may be other means of reaching our goals, but occupying a park and being arrested, however fruitless that sound, is bringing us attention that we can't buy. What does 'more' mean? Violence? Legal action? Political action? Violence will get us nowhere very quickly. Legal action takes the kind of money that can go head to head with a multinational corporation. Political action takes an election and we have one coming up.

And I don't agree that we are goal-less. Our goals are to get money out of politics. What methods we'll eventually utilize to reach those goals are still up for discussion, which is one of the main activities of our occupation. We discuss the issues and possible solutions with ourselves and anyone who happens to visit the camp, no matter the point of view.

[-] 7 points by jgarcia (25) 12 years ago

OWS keep going. You are a mirror for this country to see what this country has become - a repressive, intolerant society. I was in Athens in Syntagma Square shortly after the so called battle with the police. There were portable toilets for those living in the Square. There was no heavy police presence. Syntagma Square is right outside Parliament. This country was born from revolution - something our so-called leaders have forgotten. OWS is not just a park - it is a movement - keep going - show the US what is has become - an intolerant oligarchy. While the occupation of the park expresses permanence, it is not critical. Little by little we can show our fellow Americans what this country has become. A country that can transfer a trillion dollars to Wall Street, but cannot provide 20 portable toilets for those exercising their constitutional rights. Those in power in this country are a disgrace - but they will be replaced. Do not give up.

[-] 0 points by lonespectator (106) 12 years ago

The shame of the OWS movement is they have failed to take the next logical step, which is Occupy the White House.. They have repeatedly said the mivement is not ready. That is a lie. The OWS General Assembly and the DNC have repeatly met in secret to keep the movement from Occupying the White House from fear of offending the current President. Shame!! The President has stated publicly he supports the movement, but behind the scenes is trying to block the movement with continued distraction. The fact is the President has given specific instructions to the Capitol Police that if the White House is Occupied, that they are to stand down, and not steal Tents and Generators. Yet, OWS in it's corrupt secret meetings are trying to continue to persuade the ranks they are doing the right thing for now...WRONG.. It is time to demand full support for the "Occupy the White House" Movement. It is time to remind the President that the White House is the peoples house!! He serves at our pleasure. OWH Now!!! Promote the full Occupation of the White House" now!! Don't be fooled by OWS/DNC infiltrators. OWH Now!!! Today!! Take back the peoples house and demand real change...

[-] 7 points by smarzie (62) from Portsmouth, OH 12 years ago

Go, Occupiers! Fill the streets! Make such a noise that the buildings will tremble! You will not be silenced!

[-] 2 points by smarzie (62) from Portsmouth, OH 12 years ago

The police are just now letting people back into the park! Go!

[-] 1 points by TeaRex (36) from Hannover, NDS 12 years ago

So if I own some space and put up a sign "NO BREATHING", you'll make sure to hold your nose real tight?

[-] 6 points by soundizen (6) from Bothell, WA 12 years ago

I consider myself a supporter of OWS and the local (to me) Occupy Seattle movement. I hope that allows me to make a suggestion without being dismissed as an outsider or critic.

I think it's time for Occupy to become Assembly. We can hold the space through daily and weekly general assemblies, and occasional periods of camping that give way when cops show up to clear things out. Don't let them do it; leave voluntarily and show up for the assembly the next day. Maybe for most days the same number of people would be camping overnight as now, but it would not be the central focus of the movement.

This would keep people from expending energy on symbolic acts that are not strictly necessary to hold the space, and that turn off some potential support among the broader 99%.

I think in concert with this we should move toward demands. The idea would be not to choose one set of demands for everyone for all time, but rather for each local assembly to choose one demand or grievance for action over the next week. The weekly demand could be a response to the last week's events, represent an evolution of movement thinking over time, or just be a chance for specific ideas to take central stage without overshadowing the others. The General People's Assembly on Wall Street (formerly Occupy Wall Street) would highlight both one demand or grievance agreed on by its general assembly, and the one demand or grievance that has the highest support among the local assemblies that week. The local assemblies, such as a new Seattle Assembly (formerly Occupy Seattle) could also highlight one local demand if and when appropriate. The idea is to focus each assembly but also work together as one national (and possibly international) movement.

Just a thought. I want this to succeed and I think with more focused strategic thinking and a shift in tactics, success will be more likely in the long run.

[-] 4 points by Eeels (5) 12 years ago

The problem with just leaving and coming back the next day is that many of the protesters have come long distances to be here. Those of us who live here in NYC can come and go as we please, but someone would need to find a place for out-of-towners to stay..

[-] 2 points by LogTax (71) from Swifton, AR 12 years ago

I think that's an excellent suggestion - I would only caution about getting in a rush, try to have a given proposition fully baked before you present it. If this approach was taken, the presented propositions would be a major part of how much credibility the movement would have in the media. It would be a shame to squander that on impetuous demands that haven't been thought through and have to be corrected after the media frenzy. These decisions need to be deliberate.

It'd be great, by the way, to try to provide internet forum access, in some way, to these proceedings. There's plenty of interested people that can't come show up.

[-] 1 points by LostInSpace (7) from New York, NY 12 years ago

Excellent constructive suggestions! Thank you for providing a much need mature intelligent voice.

[-] 6 points by tulcak (698) from Prague, Prague 12 years ago

this is only the beginning. we will be back. this is a fight for freedom, for what it means to be American. A judge has decided against the basic right for people to assemble and protest. that's why the occupy movement exists. we are not slaves to corporations. this decision by a judge is what he/she has been told to do. he/she is a slave. we have decided not to be. we decide for freedom. we will not stop.

[-] 2 points by Redsuperficiality (96) 12 years ago

The judge did not decide against the basic right for people to assemble and protest.

[-] 0 points by tulcak (698) from Prague, Prague 12 years ago

yes, the judge did.

[-] 2 points by me2 (534) 12 years ago

No, not really.

[-] 1 points by tulcak (698) from Prague, Prague 12 years ago

yes, really. I can keep this up as long as the occupy movement exists. its called push back and it needs to happen on every level.

[-] 0 points by PrairieChick (8) 12 years ago

The judge said no camping. The business owners got tired of paying for the cleanup of your litter. They also got tired of paying for your toilet paper. If you want to camp, find a campground and pay for a permit.

[-] 1 points by pinker (586) 12 years ago

The judge ruled against camping in the park, not against being there and protesting.

[-] 0 points by tulcak (698) from Prague, Prague 12 years ago

you think there is a difference?

[-] -1 points by pinker (586) 12 years ago

There's a huge difference. No one is stopping you from protestng there - the park is open 24-7. If you care enough about this cause, lack of tents won't stop you.

[-] 1 points by tulcak (698) from Prague, Prague 12 years ago

no, there is no difference. unless you are still a corporate sheep. then, there is a huge difference.

[-] 1 points by tulcak (698) from Prague, Prague 12 years ago

if you think this move by the corporate controlled system is the end, man, are you wrong. this is only the beginning and from here on out, its gonna get real ugly. pick a side. freedom or corporate slavery. The American people won't be shunted off to a "protest zone" out of the way and out of sight - to be forgotten. you think Americans were pissed off before, man, you ain't seen NOTHIN' yet. watch out.

[-] 1 points by MrDman (-57) 12 years ago

So just what kind of drugs are you on?

[-] -1 points by pinker (586) 12 years ago

More power to you. I have absolutely no problem with many of your messages. it's the tactics I fnd unappealing. Protest/March to your heart's content, make changes. Just don't infringe on your fellow citizen's rights.

[-] 0 points by MrDman (-57) 12 years ago

Grow up already....

[-] 2 points by ezflex (4) 12 years ago

EVEN IF there weren't protesters, where are the homeless to sleep? "Grow up already"?? This movement is about changing everything wrong. We've become so callous, many of us don't care about anything but effing money. You sound like one of "those".

[-] 1 points by imagine53 (15) 12 years ago

Many of us understand or at least comprehend some of the message of the OWS, and agree with some of the thoughts. But when the OWS Movement is unwilling to hear what other 99%'s are saying, and putting them as one of "those", because we may disagree about how the OWS is going about some of the Protesting, this Movement leaves little room for any other way of getting these issue's solved.

[-] 2 points by Banjarama (242) from Little Elm, TX 12 years ago

Random strangers on this site do not speak for the movement. Your opinions are welcome and will be heeded by whomever finds them worthy. Thanks

[-] -1 points by MrDman (-57) 12 years ago

I don't care for you...I can tell you that

[+] -4 points by Farleymowat (415) 12 years ago

This a fight to steal from your neighbors legally. You are the slave Tupac, to your own greed.

[-] 5 points by steveb1 (6) 12 years ago

Isn't it funny how the people of Cairo set up their tents in opposition to their oligarchy and refused to leave Tahrir Square and they were portrayed by our corporate media as freedom fighters? And when the Egyptian police attempted to disperse them it was state sponsored repression? And the refusal of the protesters to leave was touted in our media as more courageous still! Now, when our people protest the failure of OUR Oligarchy to provide jobs and a stabile future (among other things) and demand an end to the corrupt system of government which is no more a democracy representative of the people than Mubarak's was, our courageous revolutionaries are now decried by our corporate owned media and corporate owned politicians as dirty, creating unsanitary and unhealthy conditions “requiring” that they disband....." via Lee Brotherton

[-] 5 points by nimbus22 (106) from Chaska, MN 12 years ago

the word socialism keeps getting injected into conversation with the OWS movement but I have yet to hear 1 OWS supporter suggest that socialism is what they are after. Soooo, I gotta wonder where it is coming from???? FOX(fake) news probably? It is interesting how people believe that 600 million Americans are lazy instead of numerical fact showing 500 are corrupt and greedy. Its weird to me how even when presented with hard numerical facts people will still believe the opposite opinion. People are so dependent on the system that they will defend it without logic even when such a defense is self destructive. Its just sad. What is so hard for people to grasp about the simple idea of getting private money out of the government?? Why is there so much resistance from the public? I would expect resistance from the government and corporations. It just doesn't make sense. people are so reliant on the system that they are scarred of anything different even if that system destroys them, change is still a greater fear than failure. Its a sort of mental jail. Its unfortunate. I pity you people who lack mental flexibility and the skills of critical thought and reason.

[-] 4 points by nimbus22 (106) from Chaska, MN 12 years ago

the whole country has Stockholm syndrome. Its really sad. People are so confused that they think the dollar is backed by gold still. So much ignorance. Public school has failed us. So much ignorance out there. Many people don't understand why there are protests at all. But they will suffer all the same when the student loan bubble bursts and the U.S. is thrown into the 3rd world and those responsible move elsewhere laughing at us.

[-] -1 points by lonespectator (106) 12 years ago

The shame of the OWS movement is they have failed to take the next logical step, which is Occupy the White House.. They have repeatedly said the mivement is not ready. That is a lie. The OWS General Assembly and the DNC have repeatly met in secret to keep the movement from Occupying the White House from fear of offending the current President. Shame!! The President has stated publicly he supports the movement, but behind the scenes is trying to block the movement with continued distraction. The fact is the President has given specific instructions to the Capitol Police that if the White House is Occupied, that they are to stand down, and not steal Tents and Generators. Yet, OWS in it's corrupt secret meetings are trying to continue to persuade the ranks they are doing the right thing for now...WRONG.. It is time to demand full support for the "Occupy the White House" Movement. It is time to remind the President that the White House is the peoples house!! He serves at our pleasure. OWH Now!!! Promote the full Occupation of the White House" now!! Don't be fooled by OWS/DNC infiltrators. OWH Now!!! Today!! Take back the peoples house and demand real change...

[-] 3 points by nimbus22 (106) from Chaska, MN 12 years ago

soooo, if they met in secret than how do you know? I think you are making stuff up. The president has never said he supports the movement. He simply made a couple positive comments that were carefully worded. You sound like a FOX news spokes person. Stop spreading propaganda. Or at-least if you are going to share info. make sure it isn't baseless accusations like the one's you just stated.

[-] 2 points by nimbus22 (106) from Chaska, MN 12 years ago

and also, I agree with the point of electing political figures. However, the moment OWS enter's that arena bottom feeders are going to try and co-opt the movement from every direction. We will have to pick our representatives very carefully as they will have an incredible battle ahead of them. We all know politicians are all crooks and liars. So how do we pick someone to be a public figure who isn't corrupt? It's not as easy as throwing joe somebody into office.

[-] 5 points by yoss33 (269) 12 years ago

Yes. Re-Occupy, somewhere else if necessary. Be portable as possible. I like the flash mob thing too. Keep it clean. Remain peaceful. Keep the faith! Solidarity from Canada.

Peace! ~

[-] 5 points by manach1622 (5) 12 years ago

They are letting people back into Zucotti if they do not have backpacks. Everyone get the word out. We need to have a GA tonight to make a plan.

[-] 3 points by Redsuperficiality (96) 12 years ago

A plan would be good. There is no reason why what has happened can not be turned to good effect. But those involved in OWS need to be intelligent and imaginative. Learning from your mistakes would be a good start. A critical appraisal of occupations would help: what is an occupation good for? When does it become counter productive?

[-] 5 points by Vlake (3) from New York, NY 12 years ago

Occupiers, there are so many of us who are with you in spirit! You have so much support in this city, Don't give up!

[-] 4 points by OccupyResonatesHope (9) 12 years ago

Someone in NY - PLEASE ask one of those cops WHY are they in riot gear against these PROVEN peaceful OWS occupiers, when last year when the tea party was protesting and carrying guns -remember?- they were embraced by the mainstream (Corporate controlled) media?????? KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK & YAY!!!! Back in LIBERTY SQUARE!!

[-] 4 points by ChinaMGL (10) 12 years ago

I hope the protesters can hold their ground. They must fight back and win!

[-] 4 points by WavyLady (4) from Brooklyn, NY 12 years ago

RE-Occupy Wall Street!

[-] 0 points by Redsuperficiality (96) 12 years ago


[-] -3 points by Farleymowat (415) 12 years ago

Time to go back to your parents basement and occupy there.

[-] 1 points by Jezicka (8) 12 years ago

FarleyMowat time to rejoin your wolf pack- that is, if they'll still have you...

[-] 0 points by HeavySigh (227) 12 years ago


[-] 3 points by xl1sbrett (4) from Chicago, IL 12 years ago

Its time for you all to have a unified message, list of clear and concise demands. This is the only way that you will get anything done. Otherwise you are wasting your time. I want to start acting like adults and get the job done. You are here on a mission, it is time to get politicians to support you. Make a list of demands, numbered and detailed, Present them to congress and the media and get your message heard.

[-] 3 points by stanchaz (36) from Brooklyn, NY 12 years ago

They came like thieves in the night...Bloomberg's Blue Shirts. They robbed us of our rights, and our possessions...while preventing reporters from reporting on the scene. No free press...no free speech. Welcome to the new New York. Bloomberg, the self-proclaimed number one defender of free speech (pause for gagging), said in no uncertain terms: "yes, you have the right.....the right to remain silent. So just shut up, and obey". But this is only the beginning dear Mayor .0001%., not the end. This WILL be your legacy- of repression. But you will NOT succeed. These mayors, governors, city councils, police chiefs, and street cops of America need to realize that it is NOT UP TO THEM whether or not Americans peaceably gather, protest, discuss, or demonstrate. It's up to a document called the US CONSTITUTION. You can beat us and arrest us and tear-gas us, you can try to "permit" us to death....but you can't kill an idea. You can't keep down a people’s hopes and dreams for a better life....for us, and for our kids. America USED to work. The people had work. The system worked (sort of). Hey, EVEN the Congress used to work (sometimes). God knows, it was far, far, far from perfect -but at least we all had some share in the struggles AND the rewards. But somewhere along the way, we lost our way. Because now we have an economy and a political system that seems to work only for the rich. With OWS America has found it’s voice, and that voice demands fairness and justice - for ALL. This land IS our land! AND WE WANT IT BACK! We want our LIVES back! We want our FUTURE back! But it’s much more than just words.... it’s much more than politics..... it’s your freakin’ LIFE, and how you want to live it, and how you WILL live it. Find a quiet place somewhere, and consider this: Each of us has only one brief life....one chance....one roll of the dice....and many choices. The time has come to choose....to risk...and to act. If not now...then when? If not you, then....who? You DO have the power my friend....and the choice IS yours. Don’t let your dreams die....

[-] 3 points by richkeen (3) from West Chester, PA 12 years ago

Corporate Personhood (CP) is at the root of many, many of our complaints. See Common Sense About the Roberts' Court Monster for how our Courts created the CP monster, how it affects us, and how to fight it. www.smashwords.com Common Sense Roberts

[-] 3 points by TimeHasC0me (66) 12 years ago

The only way you, OWS, all will make a difference is if you affect the day to day operation or flow of life, commerce, and or government. As i once witnessed in France, their government wanted to raise fines, tolls, taxes, etc. on all commercial truck drivers and trucking companies. What happened next was amazing. All French trucking companies and drivers criss crossed their trucks across all major highways in their country, completely blocking and disabling the transportation of all goods throughout the country. This lasted for about a week or less, until the government backed down and reversed its decision. It worked because it takes a protest of this scale to affect change. Occupying a park, although symbolic, will never ever ever do anything to change how disgustingly our government and the rich control all our lives, and continue to make the rich richer. You need to regroup, and i mean regroup all OWS protesters from across the country to a few very large simultaneous protests because small groups here and there won't really make a statement and can be easily intimidated and disbanded by authorities. You need a board of smart leaders that can effectively communicate a set of real smart ideas and demands and better organize the movement. You need to continue to use social media as a way to communicate as they did in the middle east to oust their dictators. But most of all you need to make one massive statement by protesting and affecting the day to day operation or flow of life, commerce, and or government. It will be the only way that you will get the govt and the rich to stop.......turn around......and stare in awe at the EPIC scale of the movement before them, and realize that the time has come, and that We The People have officially drawn the line in the sand, and are no longer willing to play their game any longer. IT IS THE ONLY WAY. Thank you.

[-] 3 points by imagine53 (15) 12 years ago

Do agree with the issues of the the wealth gap and the initial issues of the OWS with financial/government involvement with their hands in each others pockets. But trying to defy the law and reoccupy a Park seems like alot of time spent trying to run away from the police and then run back again. Seems that if each of you went back home and got a good nights rest/shower/food, home, you would not require donations from hard working people, and you could still gather have meetings and prepare a better way to protest the issues you say your fighting for the 99%. It's not the issues, many agree with the issues, but it seems that your playing more of a cat and mouse game at this point. Not saying to go away and let your message die, just saying there's a better way to protest here in the USA and get your ideals heard.

[-] 3 points by xOccupyx (66) 12 years ago

For those who are arguing that the Occupiers were not denied their rights to speech and assembly; please read the actual ruling itself, here:


The park owners, as part of a 1968 development deal, created the park for the public, and the terms were 365/24/7 availability by the public. They never had any rules for the park, since 1968. None. The owners are responsible for park cleaning and maintenance.

The City claims they have laws regarding 'structures', flammable materials, etc. in public parks, and this was/is their argument against Occupy, lightly peppered with vague sanitation/safety complaints that they couldn't prove, and the judge ignored.

The owners, after OWS took the park, later issued 'rules' (you'll see them in the court document) that would post-facto make OWS in violation, thereby allowing the City to come in and remove them.

Interestingly, the judge, in his ruling, acknowledges himself that tents and 24/7 occupation ARE THE MEANS by which Occupy is raising awareness of the social issues it's protesting against; therefore he has now established that occupation - including tents, etc, are exactly how Occupy is exercising their speech and assembly rights. This will prove useful later on, in further court cases, I am sure.

Basically, his ruling today is skimming the edges; Occupy will be allowed back in, 24/7, but no tents or sleeping bags, etc. He has issued a contradiction to his own description of Occupies free speech manifestation. Perhaps this was deliberate, perhaps not, and perhaps a legal mind will see it differently than my laymans mind, but the contradiction looks clear.

He is resting his decision on a grey area, that the owners and City are 'reasonably' limiting the exercise of speech and assembly, which he deems appropriate under the Amendment.

The bottom line is that Occupy just had it's rights to Assembly and Free Speech made conditional, based on false claims by City government (and a Mayor who was against the movement from day 1) ..and a corporation owning a public space. This is the point we must not miss, or ignore.

Occupy is a process, and this is part of that process; to highlight People vs the Government/Corporations.

[-] 3 points by xOccupyx (66) 12 years ago

PS: The other point not to be missed is that Brookfield, owners of the park) did not take the case to court; the City did, at taxpayer expense, on behalf of this corporation. More citizen dollars being spent to enforce a corporations wishes. The proper procedure would have been for Brookfield to file in court at it's own cost to remove the people.

[-] 3 points by xOccupyx (66) 12 years ago

In addition, Brookfield Security - private security hired by the owners of Liberty Park, were earlier telling citizens on the PUBLIC sidewalks to "move along." They have zero authority to govern public sidewalks, and if they threatened anyone, it is actionable. In addition, they refused to identify themselves while issuing orders/demands.

If you experienced any of the above by these corporate thugs, please contact the lawyers guild representing Occupiers (free). You can find their numbers here: http://www.nlg.org/occupy/

[-] 3 points by codydylansewell (11) 12 years ago

May I just say that the beatles song Revolution seems very appropriate at this time. Please, stay strong Occupiers and don't get violent. If we can do this through peace then we will really be getting somewhere. Don't start a war to end one.

[-] 2 points by waverunner6814 (3) from St Cloud, MN 12 years ago

I am with the movement but there is a difference between "living there" and having both a platform --with a spokesperson--and an agenda. Organizers need stop and reorganize the "above" and get ready for next spring. Winter is coming and the current organizers seem more intent on making the news than creating a political groundroots movement for political change. Time to go home for the holidays.

[-] 2 points by GIJaime (4) from Monterey, VA 12 years ago

We need to call upon all NY Police Officers to STRIKE. Please, YOU are the only one's that can prevent our rights from being taken away from us! The Police Officers are the 99% too! We NEED our fellow Americans that have been hurt by the corporate greed to stand in solidarity with us!! If you are a police officer, you have to see how you are being used to protect the RICH and POWERFUL!! The protesters are PEACEFUL! We need our fellow officers to protect and serve US!

[-] 2 points by Qwerty (15) 12 years ago

The city goes bankrupt n who hurts, us average joes that's who, thank a lot OWS, just as bad as 1%ers.

[-] 2 points by freedomanddemocracy (72) 12 years ago

The Elitists and those in power are now declaring war on the rights of American Citizens, the movement and the Constitution of the United States of America! The more they crack down and try to stop this movement, the bigger and stronger this movement becomes! The Elitists are now those who want to silence this movement, it will not be silent and will not be crushed or stopped! They are now declaring class warfare, and in the end, will lose when we outvote all these Elitists and corrupt politicians out of office!

[-] 1 points by LostInSpace (7) from New York, NY 12 years ago

Inaccurate. The movement is not being silenced, it simply is not being allowed to sleep in a park. Bloomberg himself said that the movement would have to get their message accross with their words... One refreshing point though was your reference to outvoting those who you oppose. That is your right, and you also have the right to run for office yourself and to become part of the solution. I am happy to see someone referencing the best solution we have in our democracy, voting! Well done!

[-] -1 points by raines (699) 12 years ago

Bowel movement?

[-] -2 points by Farleymowat (415) 12 years ago

Obama declares class warfare every time he opens that big pie hole of his. Damn sad. Pelosi, and Reid are the same damn way. Rich pricks that act like they are for the little guy, the 99%. Pelosi was called out on 60 minutes for her scamming wall street with her insider trading! What a burn!

[-] 2 points by LoveIsAll (24) 12 years ago

What are the consensus of occupywallst.org and occupytogether.org of a walk from San Francisco or Santa Rosa, CA to Liberty Square. Organized by means of internet communication? Building solidarity and number of people to cause, media attention, larger picture consciousness? would it be helpful? What dates would be most beneficial to the movement?

Nothing has been organized, I speak for myself, depending on agreement with OWS would the procedures to alert, and request for consent by other OWS movements and create the coast to coast march would initiate. good idea? mediocre idea? you can't hurt my feelings, we are all together in this cause :) Thank you for your courage, determination. My support in anyway I can for the Movement and the People. Long Live All!

[-] 2 points by austin (5) 12 years ago

The time has come we recall the mayor of New York city which he belongs to the 1% of us. We will take city by city state by state peacefully, with the power of the people. Enough is enough.

[-] 2 points by mharding (15) from Suffield, CT 12 years ago

The idea of a flash mob is brilliant, but not a mob that remains to be confronted by police. Think of Michel deCerteau's tactics: it is about bypassing the strategies of the police, not playing to them. The idea of appearing in a public space is to vocalize one's opposition to the injustice of the status quo. While the occupying of space for long periods was initially beneficial in attracting attention, perhaps a slight retooling of that approach is in order. Again, it's not about pulling in police for overtime, but making a statement while evading the police.

[-] 1 points by NotYour99 (226) 12 years ago

And keeping the real 99% from getting emergency services they eed because you're playing ring around the rosey with the police.

[-] 1 points by mharding (15) from Suffield, CT 12 years ago

Not playing "ring around the rosy"--whatever that is, but using effective tactics to work against police. Let me ask you this: if the tactics are effective at bypassing police intervention, then why the need for emergency services? Please explain your rationale!

[-] 1 points by NotYour99 (226) 12 years ago

I'm talking about the REAL 99%. The citizens of NYC. Protesters that keeping infringing the rights of others by obstructing traffic, etc require police intervention to deal with. That keeps those police from responding to actual emergencies elsewhere in the city. And thank you for being civil.

[-] 0 points by mharding (15) from Suffield, CT 12 years ago

Oh, you're assuming that ambulances wouldn't be able to get to people in need because of the eruption of a flash mob. Do you live in the city? It's f*cking grid dumbass. Anyone can drive around a problem site.

[-] 1 points by NotYour99 (226) 12 years ago

I'm not assuming anything dumb ass. Ambulances wasn't what I was talking about at all dumb ass. But now that you mentioned it dumb ass any delay in an ambulance reaching someone in distress can cost them their life. Dumb ass. What I was originally speaking about dumb ass was how many police personel are being tied up and kept from responding to their normal calls. Dumb ass.

[-] 1 points by mharding (15) from Suffield, CT 12 years ago

If you have a flash mob, you wouldn't be able to amass the kind of police presence that a large well-publicized event would anticipate, would you? BTW: the responders are still out there patrolling, those in riot gear are on OT. My educated guess, having worked law enforcement for 20 years, is to state that line cops are still out patrolling and that none of the essential positions were cut to respond to the protests. This was why I couldn't envision your comment as having anything to do with actual patrol units.

[-] 2 points by NotYour99 (226) 12 years ago

Shootings in NYC are up 154% in the past few weeks. Nypd attributes that to lack of patrols. Here's the quote - “The city is going crazy with demonstrations and protests, and I’m lucky if I can get four cars out there,” Deputy Inspector Ted Berntsen told the Post.

[-] 1 points by mharding (15) from Suffield, CT 12 years ago

Did you really read that article? Only one "source" was mentioned by name and you don't even know what Berntsen was talking about because his quote is out of context. Go ahead, read it again and tell me if the dots connect: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/shootings_way_up_in_two_weeks_rajGrOA0bMpTBslidEUgOI

By the way, sorry about the dumbass comment. I keep reminding myself not to drink while I post.

[-] 2 points by fredastaire (203) 12 years ago

hell yes

[-] 1 points by patg911 (2) 12 years ago

I work for Verizon Wireless. I do not represent the 1%, nor do any of my colleagues. Corporations are made up of a group of people, just like me. I PROUDLY work my tail off day in and day out to support my family. The 1% you speak of don't work because they don't have to. You people don't seem to realize you're efforts are hurting the very people you claim you're trying to protect. There is no 99%. WTFU!

[-] 1 points by i8jomomma (80) 12 years ago

flash mobs are not a bad idea as long as you drive them nuts............. flash mob everywhere .........as long as you are driving them crazy

[-] 1 points by lonespectator (106) 12 years ago

News article shows support for Occupiers in DC. But local politicians said Tuesday the city's law enforcement officials have more experience with keeping protests peaceful, and cited the need to protect the Occupiers' rights. "I'm glad Mayor [Michael] Bloomberg is not running the District of Columbia -- we are more sensitive to the important expressions of freedom of speech," said Ward 1 Councilman Jim Graham, referring to the New York City raid. "I think as long as we have what a reasonable person would consider an orderly protest, I think it ... should be respected." On Tuesday most of the 13 council members went on record saying the protesters should be allowed to stay in McPherson Square and Freedom Plaza indefinitely. Wake up OWS...You had a good run, but your destroying the movement by failing to completely support immediate occupation of the White House.. OWH Now!!

[-] 1 points by SpreadEagle (15) 12 years ago

OCCUPY NYPD: Voluntary arrest. Overload system.

[-] 1 points by Kipple (4) 12 years ago

Perhaps it's not such a good idea to use the term "home" when referring to your "occupations." That sounds an awful lot like setting up a residence on public, or in some cases, private property (that isn't yours). That's called trespassing. Someday, you'll all look back on this nonsense and realize how ridiculous it all was... or maybe you won't.

[-] 1 points by Biker (-5) 12 years ago

Liars! You can not occupy more. Occupy is dead , dead.

[-] 1 points by scvblwxq (155) 12 years ago

Now you have to pay subway fares every day or rent a room if you are from out-of-town to exercise your Constitutional "freedom of assembly" rights.

The Constitution does not put a time limit on freedom of assembly.

[-] 1 points by gandalfo12 (1) 12 years ago

True heroes one and all. If they clear this park, and all parks in our cities, fine, do not worry, do not fight back. Let them clean it up if neccesary. Go home, rest, recharge for the meanwhile, but then return. RE-OCCUPY!

The time is now:


^^ Everybody watch this

[-] 1 points by Peacedriver (23) 12 years ago

The Mob Rules!

[-] 1 points by ezufakir (1) 12 years ago

I am sending my love and respect to all people who think and feel deeper about life,nature and humanbeing from Turkey.And I hope this action grow and affect whole world.Thank you...

[-] 1 points by cfnyc (3) 12 years ago

Zuccotti Park belongs to EVERY New Yorker, 8 millions of us! and I havent been able to see the floors of that park for the past 2 month, let alone enjoy it.

This is NOT your home. It's a park for public enjoyment

[-] 1 points by xl1sbrett (4) from Chicago, IL 12 years ago

You should be electing officials within the occupy movement. Chair people, who hold all of your ideals and will spread the word to the media. Pick your figure heads. Make it happen.

[-] 1 points by OWSMusic (57) 12 years ago

Have every cell phone play this song at 1:30AM and have a dance in the spirit of peace and protest... thanks and stay focused.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FM3KR9dEOk&feature=channel_video_title

[-] 1 points by aleksandr (1) 12 years ago

Is Nov 17th still happening?

[-] 1 points by AngryAntiBanker (7) 12 years ago

People, there's something much more effective than physically occupying a spot. Just read the post "Make them lose Money... and they will listen."

[-] 1 points by jumpingmouse (2) 12 years ago

maybe occupy a few high profit corporate offices when moved from Liberty Square, then back to LS, make plans, then off to next Wall Street, 5th Ave, Bank/Investment Co offices or other appropriate site.

[-] 1 points by danielhb (2) 12 years ago

Consejo para los inexpertos compañeros manifestantes de EEUU ante la carga de la represión montada: lleven bolsas de bolitas (canicas) y arrójenlas al paso de los caballos, sobre el asfalto son un elemento altamente desestabilizador de caballo y jinete.

Daniel, desde La Argentina

[-] 1 points by danielhb (2) 12 years ago

Tip for the inexperienced U.S. fellow manifestants to the charge of mounted repression, carrying bags of balls (marbles) and throw them to the passage of horses. On the asphalt are highly destabilizing element of horse and rider.

Sorry for my bad English Daniel, from La Argentina

[-] 1 points by GIJaime (4) from Monterey, VA 12 years ago

are there any cable news there? anywhere!?!

[-] 1 points by GIJaime (4) from Monterey, VA 12 years ago

are there any cable news there? anywhere!?!

[-] 1 points by johnriddle (2) 12 years ago

Will there be an assembly tonight?

[-] 1 points by steveb1 (6) 12 years ago

Your right of defense against unlawful arrest http://www.constitution.org/uslaw/defunlaw.htm

[-] 1 points by Kathleen (35) 12 years ago

this looks like a good place to camp in NYC. http://www.nps.gov/sapa/index.htm


Are the rules different for federal property (tax payer owned) than privately owned parks like Zucotti park

[-] 1 points by owstag2 (10) 12 years ago

Uh, Zucotti Park actually belongs to somebody else.

This whole thing about sleeping in the park is inane. Nobody cares about people in the park, it's just the whole living there, sleeping there, and yes, defecating there that annoys people.

All this ruckus over a few hours in the AM. Retarded.

[-] 1 points by messingwithdestiny (1) 12 years ago

It is the spirit that counts. A strong spirit will guide and overcome anything! Boosting the spirit of the cause: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GbeZrcDsHpg&feature=feedu

[-] 1 points by musashiz (16) 12 years ago

masked individuals? thats some wierd stuff

[-] 1 points by qpb (0) from New York, NY 12 years ago

I am from the old school and as I see it, the NYC Sanitation workers should be ashamed of themselves, after all they are union workers!

[-] 1 points by lulu3535 (0) 12 years ago

our thoughts are with you! Stay safe and stay strong! We shall not be silenced!

[-] 1 points by InterHope (3) 12 years ago

How many people are there now?

[-] 1 points by RicoSuave (218) 12 years ago

Here's the word.....

Brookfield Properties is in the process of hiring private security to enforce the rules of the park on a full time basis. That would relieve the NYPD of most of the burden going forward.

The "occupation" of Zuccotti Park is over and they won't allow it to happen again.

[-] 2 points by NotYour99 (226) 12 years ago

Yep, and private security won't have pesky rules to keep them from really getting their job done well and quickly.

[-] 2 points by RicoSuave (218) 12 years ago

Well ..... they will have rules.

They won't be as constrained as the NYPD, but they will be allowed to "protect" themselves better when attacked by a protester.

These will not be "Mall Cop" security either. They will be highly trained and armed security professionals. I believe some leftists call them "mercenaries".

[-] 0 points by NotYour99 (226) 12 years ago

Yep. :). Going to be an eye opener for some.

[-] 1 points by BordonaroRA (0) from Grand Prairie, TX 12 years ago

May the Great Lord Jesus Christ bless each and everyone of you and keep you safe from all harm. I am from NYC, NY originally, I am part of the 99%, I support your peaceful "sit-in" to raise awareness that America is broken and needs to be fixed.

[-] 1 points by OooGeeE (21) from New Rochelle, NY 12 years ago

I'm coming down a little later on!

[-] 1 points by LoveIsAll (24) 12 years ago

What are the consensus of occupywallst.org and occupytogether.org of a walk from San Francisco or Santa Rosa, CA to Liberty Square. Organized by means of internet communication? Building solidarity and number of people to cause, media attention, larger picture consciousness? would it be helpful? What dates would be most beneficial to the movement?

Nothing has been organized, I speak for myself, depending on agreement with OWS would the procedures to alert, and request for consent by other OWS movements and create the coast to coast march would initiate. good idea? mediocre idea? you can't hurt my feelings, we are all together in this cause :) Thank you for your courage, determination. My support in anyway I can for the Movement and the People. Long Live All!

[-] 1 points by Kathleen (35) 12 years ago

Ask the lawyers. Can you camp on Federally owned lands/property in a city if you are trying to stop a greater harm than you are allegedly committing? National Parks

[-] 1 points by rebel9999 (24) 12 years ago

This Wall Street protest is turning into nothing more than a sit-in. We need for goals to be set and means to acheive them. Read my web page at www.mybetteramericaplan.com and on my Current Events section you will see plans on how to legally shut down Wall Street, the Chicago mercantile Exchange, Congress and the Republican convention in Tampa this summer. The goal of this revolution must be to pass laws and policies that prevent those that are now financially abusing us from abusing us anymore. If we stop those that are finacially abusing us from getting to work and prevent them from working when they get to work then they will have to pass laws and regulations that we want so that we;ll allow them to work again.Many other ideas are on my web page that will save your life, your country and your planet.

[-] 2 points by ConsciousNest (11) 12 years ago

I'll tell you what the GOAL is - to get rid of the corporation-sponsored government that is now seated. ALL politicians at this point are elected through campaign "donations" from the corporations and the wealthiest 1%. They could not get elected otherwise, as it is prohibitively expensive to run a campaign and win. The basic goal of the OWS movement is to get the corporations, banksters and the rest of the 1% out of our government - get them out of the decision-making process. Allow our government to represent REAL people again, not just billionaires and "corporate persons." Can it get any plainer than that??

[-] 1 points by seaglass (671) from Brigantine, NJ 12 years ago

FLASH MOB folks!! Please, don't do a frontal confrontation against a vastly superior force ! Learn what Sun Zu taught us. Hit and run, Guerrilla warfare now. We have a long long fight ahead of us.

[-] 1 points by mharding (15) from Suffield, CT 12 years ago

Rather one should read Michel deCerteau's ideas on tactics against state strategies--the book is a pretty cool read and it will no doubt impress your intellectually-minded friends as it sits afterward dusty on your bookshelf. Beyond this, I suggest Jacques Ranciere's Ten Thesis on Politics. His conception of Dissensus is a shot in the arm.

[-] 1 points by Lex420 (3) 12 years ago

I am confused. What are we going to accomplish by going back to a park that we can't sleep in? Where should we sleep tonight?

[-] 0 points by NotYour99 (226) 12 years ago

Uhhhhh, go home is the message.

[-] 1 points by austin (5) 12 years ago

The time has come we recall the mayor of New York city which he belongs to the 1% of us. We will take city by city state by state peacefully, with the power of the people. Enough is enough.

[-] 1 points by denpv (1) 12 years ago

Saw crowd shouting down a Fox Business News reporting by yelling Fox News Lies !! How are they lying? If they are shouting down the news guy how do those of sitting home going to find out what you folks are all about. Cannot travel there myself so that;s not an option.

[-] 1 points by Kathleen (35) 12 years ago

National Parks in New York City

African Burial Ground National Monument
Castle Clinton National Monument
Federal Hall National Memorial
Gateway National Recreation Area
General Grant National Memorial
Governors Island National Monument
Hamilton Grange National Memorial
Statue Of Liberty National Monument
Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace National Historic Site
[-] 1 points by 1dweeb (1) 12 years ago

Instead of "tents", we write our messages on the sides of the tents making the tents expressions of free speech that only happen to also be tents.

[-] 1 points by muddytrail (1) from Ypsilanti Township, MI 12 years ago

Hang in there! I hope in join you in person sometime this winter. Stop the greed!

[-] 1 points by Kathleen (35) 12 years ago

Was wondering about federally owned national parks in New York City. http://www.nps.gov/state/ny/index.htm?program=parks

Time for civil disobedience. The harm that has been done and being done by Wall Street is far greater than the alleged harm being done by Occupy Wall Street/Occupy all Streets. These groups are trying to bring attention to the harm that has and continues to be done by out of control speculative banking that is too big to fail (privatizing their profits while socializing their losses)

Mayor Bloomberg claims that this camping has become a health and fire hazard. So telling that Bloomberg does not have the same standards or even close to those who have taken this nation to an economic brink. He should be sending those NYT police to Wall Street to clean up.

What are the rules for public gathering in Federal National parks and sites?

[-] 1 points by fredastaire (203) 12 years ago

pin that stream to the top of the site!

[-] 1 points by gregloug (0) 12 years ago

Brookfeld Properties has taken the side of the billionair mayor and the 1%. They own/manage properties all over the US. Now all of our fellow citizens, not just NY, can help us regain Zuccotti. Disrupt the evil business of Brookfeld whereever you find them. Occupy Brookfeld, their hotels, and all their properties. Disrupt their business until they repent.

[-] -1 points by Farleymowat (415) 12 years ago

I need a new set of clothes. May I occupy yours? If you say no, I will occupy your private property by force.

[-] -2 points by raines (699) 12 years ago

It's not yours to "regain".

[-] 1 points by mynameiscurly (39) 12 years ago

Cops grabbed cell phones from some friends.

[-] 0 points by Farleymowat (415) 12 years ago

Greedy cops. Tell them to go buy their own cell phones. Oh maybe they decided to occupy your friends cell phone.

[-] 1 points by fredastaire (203) 12 years ago

style="border: 0px;"

[-] 1 points by ChinaMGL (10) 12 years ago

Time to regroup.

[-] 1 points by sinead (474) 12 years ago

Not much of a victory for OWS.... they can't rebuild the camp.... They can't have tents or tarps or other structures.... where will their new base camp be?

[-] 2 points by armahillo (5) from Ithaca, NY 12 years ago

Technically speaking, they weren't allowed to have tents/ structures in the first few weeks of occupation either. It wasn't until after the first standoff with police (the "cleaning incident") that tents and tarps started appearing.

[-] 0 points by sinead (474) 12 years ago

That isn't actually right either, Brookfield Properties did not post the no tent or overnight camping until just prior to the first attempt to "clean" the park. There had been some tent there at that time.

But that really doesn't matter. They are claiming victory and I just don't see where this is a victory of any kind. They have lost their base and I think this will reduce the energy of the movement their.

[-] 1 points by Silica (51) from Suisun City, CA 12 years ago

Some of the ideas being tossed around include rotating shifts to keep the park occupied 24 hours a day and "flash mob" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flash_mob) without the satirical aspect.

[-] 2 points by sinead (474) 12 years ago

That's all well and good but without that base camp it's going to dampen the energy.

[-] 1 points by Silica (51) from Suisun City, CA 12 years ago

I agree, though it's best not to push things too far lest we sabotage the attempt Occupy lawyers will no doubt make for an appeal. In the meantime, refocusing efforts is likely the best bet.

[-] 1 points by sinead (474) 12 years ago

Well it was taken to the NYC Supreme Court..... beyond that it would be along time before it was heard in the state or Federal Courts and they could all freeze to death before then....I think we are seeing the beginning of the end.

[-] 1 points by EliNYC (4) 12 years ago

Is it still barricaded and locked down? Please put some info on website re: situation at Liberty Amd location of GA tonight!! Many want to come out in support but cannot risk being arrested if Liberty is still in lockdown! NEED INFO! Or send a text blast, please!

[-] 1 points by rosewood (543) 12 years ago

More info please.

[-] 1 points by Danimal98367 (188) from Port Orchard, WA 12 years ago

Do not riot! Be safe! . . . 100% lawful, too.

[-] 1 points by EliNYC (4) 12 years ago

A lot of us are still stuck at WORK! Where is the GA tonight?!?!? Please put some info on the website! A LOT of people want to come out in support as soon as they leave work this evening but we NEED TO KNOW WHERE TO GO!


[-] -2 points by Karl99 (63) 12 years ago

don't forget to tell your union boss that you will be missing work.

[+] -5 points by steven2002 (363) 12 years ago

The GA is at the bank drawing out the donated money. I heard them mention a vacation in Mexico.

[-] 3 points by EliNYC (4) 12 years ago

Wow, that was original... you are so witty!


[-] -1 points by steven2002 (363) 12 years ago

The truth hurts.

[-] 1 points by armchairecon1 (169) 12 years ago

uh.. why?

[-] 1 points by theabsurdist (5) 12 years ago



[-] 0 points by OWSCityHall (12) 12 years ago

No, it's too cold and it's raining. Can we make it another day when it warm and not raining?


[-] 0 points by steven2002 (363) 12 years ago

Guess you are not re-occupying.


[-] 0 points by Meesa (173) from New York, NY 12 years ago

Liberty Square is not your home. Unless Zuccotti occupants are intending to make the goal of this energized movement "building a community/commune," squatting in Zuccotti Park is missing the opportunity here. Get out of the park and head to DC. Join the DC Marchers, meet them there, and CHANGE POLICY IN WASHINGTON.

[-] 0 points by jbell78 (152) 12 years ago

Sorry, morons. Liberty Square is NOT "your home".

[-] 0 points by dotsend66 (43) 12 years ago

Go OWS.We are going to make a history.The nation is watching.

[-] 0 points by Farmer (1) from Winner, SD 12 years ago

I think the 1% vs 99% is correct...except OWS crowd is the 1%.

Yelling for the sake of yelling with no clear idea of what you are trying to accomplish. This is child like. Babies cry and they don't know why...they can't articulate it...they are upset...uncomfortable...

After they get a little older they realize that there is nothing to cry about...

I say go back to work. Quit yer crying.

[-] 1 points by nimbus22 (106) from Chaska, MN 12 years ago

the whole"no clear idea" argument is so Passe. The ideas are clear as day. You have chosen to ignore them that is all. The idea has,is, and will be get private money out of government. And accountability of corporations and government. Real cut and dry, and real simple. Stop trying to muddy up the message.

[-] 0 points by GreedKills (1119) 12 years ago

I hope all goes well. Please record and upload since the police have decided the press is not needed at such times.

[-] 0 points by jayarhess (0) 12 years ago

Okay a few things. The cops at ows are being paid overtime, I don't nypd is pulling officers out of the ghettos and off their daily patrols to go to ows. I read in a post already that the founding fathers stood against distribution of wealth. I want you to cite one of the founding father's saying that because honestly, I don't think 'redistribution of wealth" was on their mind at the time. They wanted to be REPRESENTED. The people of the United States are no longer being represented. Congress is legally allow to be paid by corporations and lobbyists. Big business is being represented by congress in present day America, not the people. THAT is what occupywallst wants to change. Everyone think congress is worthless and that the politics in our country need to change. People are finally doing something about it. People are finally standing up for themselves. I don;t see the problem with that. The only people who disagree with the ows movement are : People who have something to lose if the status quo is altered, people who have been misinformed by the mainstream media, and cynics who want to bet against ows so they can say "i told you so" if it fails. Oh and the flash mobs are a wonderful idea. Its nypd and bloomberg's fault for pushing the protestors to have to resort to flash mobs. But I think it is a good idea. Ows primary agenda is not to screw with the cops the objective is to keep protesting until things change and if flash mobs are the only way to accomplish that objective than so be it.

[-] 0 points by sinead (474) 12 years ago

How do you plan to "defend" your "home"?? There isn't a home there anymore. The community is gone.... do you all expect the protesters to stand in the park when subzero weather comes?

[-] 0 points by steven2002 (363) 12 years ago

YES, Let's reoccupy the park, no food, no shelter, but we can all sit on benches and talk quietly amongst ourselves.


[-] 0 points by steven2002 (363) 12 years ago

I know lay down on the LIE. Maybe the trucks will miss you, maybe not.

[-] 0 points by shkr88y (5) 12 years ago

Organise FALSH MOBS. Simple to organise, impossible to police.

[-] 0 points by AstralTechnician (0) 12 years ago

I was a musician in the NYC Subway for a long time. It’s not a hard place to disrupt. Several people can go to each subway line, ride the trains to minor stations, like 23rd St or 18th st, avoiding major stations like 34th St or Times Square. Simply prevent the train doors from closing for just 20 to 30 seconds at a time, at these minor stations to evade police reactions.

Start in Brooklyn or Queens, or on trains leaving Manhattan, again to avoid police. The secret here is that trains are scheduled to hit switches at certain times. If a train arrives late at a switch, it backs up trains from other lines which use the same switch. For example, the N,R, and B trains all hit the same switches at 36th st in Brooklyn, and again when they meet the Q train at Dekalb Ave. If trains are late arriving at the switch, it backs up the whole system. Be creative.

[-] 0 points by JRM (0) from Syracuse, NY 12 years ago

If this is true, it is BRILLIANT, and should not be hidden inside this thread! Send this via twitter or e-mail to OWS so that the word can be spread!

[-] 0 points by jeffg (0) 12 years ago

I GOT AN IDEA! They should surround the police and then let the police move and then surround them again and again. There are probably 300 protesters per cop.

[-] 1 points by LostInSpace (7) from New York, NY 12 years ago

Intentionally harrassing the police, possibly the worst idea yet. Additionally, your math is way off.

[-] 0 points by denpv (1) 12 years ago

wow my question got scrubbed ! No 1st Amendments Rights here I guess.

[-] 0 points by bored (17) 12 years ago

please go home. you idiots do realize that's not wall street, right?

[-] 0 points by bre0001 (50) from Brooklyn, NY 12 years ago

City Hall Park. Mayor Bloomberg we love you.

[-] 0 points by StopOWS (50) 12 years ago

NO, go to City Hall Park. Mayor Bloomberg loves you.

[-] 1 points by scvblwxq (155) 12 years ago

Can Mayor Bloomberg be recalled?

Here in Cleveland the banks tried have Rep. Dennis Kucinich recalled when he was mayor but the people backed him.

[-] 0 points by Kathleen (35) 12 years ago

Over at Informed Comment Professor Juan Cole has a wonderful piece up about the OWS

NYPD Attack on OWS and the End of the First Amendment

Posted on 11/15/2011 by Juan

Not only did the police, at the orders of billionaire mayor Michael Bloomberg, abruptly move on the protesters, they are alleged to have deliberately kept the press away, which is clearly unconstitutional if true.

The US constitution prohibits Congress from restricting the right of citizens to assemble peacefully and to petition for redress of grievances. For a history of the relevant US Supreme Court cases, see this link.

The government is also forbidden to interfere with the workings of the free press, so that the NYPD’s attempt to keep reporters away from the scene of their unprovoked attack on the demonstrators compounds the unconstitutionality of it all.

One of the ways that the First Amendment has been constrained is that fewer and fewer public spaces are still considered “public” (Zucotti Park is privately owned even though it is a park in a city).

In contrast, our emails, bank transfers, and our automobiles parked in our driveways have all been declared “public.”

So the government has invaded private space, declaring it public for purposes of monitoring the public (a violation of the Fourth Amendment). And it has pushed the public out of formerly designated public space by allowing its privatization, so as to prevent the public from demonstrating and peaceably assembling and seeking redress of grievances.

Over time, the US government has gradually found ways to render the Bill of Rights increasingly toothless, and to move us toward authoritarian governance and constant domestic surveillance.


[-] 0 points by miketastic73 (18) from New York, NY 12 years ago

just curious... what is the end result of OWS? when will everyone be satisfied? it's not like your demanding the ousting of a political or corporate figure - you're protesting social stratification that has existed since the times of the Romans. can someone please educate me as to the entire purpose of this activity?

[-] 2 points by ConsciousNest (11) 12 years ago

We are demanding the ouster of corporate monies in government at all levels. There is no "one person" that is responsible for this. Actually we ALL are because we were sleeping sheeple while the 1% quietly took over our government. It is time for us, now, to take it back.

[-] 0 points by miketastic73 (18) from New York, NY 12 years ago

Ok, I understand that Govt has always been influenced by lobbyist and special interest groups... Why not start a Grass-Roots campaign to elect new Congressional Leaders who are not interested in that? Why not fight for new legislation that fixes the corruption? That is the real problem here.

[-] 1 points by LogTax (71) from Swifton, AR 12 years ago

Nobody's protesting the existence of income inequality, of course, just that it's gotten extreme enough to cause a lot of problems. If you're seeking information, why do you start by trivializing what you're asking about, with an assumption that it must not make any sense?

[-] 1 points by cappylr (10) 12 years ago

been trying to figure that one out myself...feel the same as the protesters all the way but with no specific agenda their just people holding signs and preaching to the choir...not criticizing anyone just dont see how complaining to the people who know what they are doing and have tuned us out years ago is going to accomplish with no actual plan. If this is all we are going to do we will become the next fad...or maybe woodstock ...like remember back when we took to the streets in protest ? Boy those were the days but where did it get us?

[-] 0 points by miketastic73 (18) from New York, NY 12 years ago

this type of energy and resources should be used to start a movement locally (politically) to change legislation... track the voting behavior of our representatives and when they're not doing "our will" we replace them with the vote!!! it's that simple...

[-] 0 points by lonespectator (106) 12 years ago

he shame of the OWS movement is they have failed to take the next logical step, which is Occupy the White House.. They have repeatedly said the mivement is not ready. That is a lie. The OWS General Assembly and the DNC have repeatly met in secret to keep the movement from Occupying the White House from fear of offending the current President. Shame!! The President has stated publicly he supports the movement, but behind the scenes is trying to block the movement with continued distraction. The fact is the President has given specific instructions to the Capitol Police that if the White House is Occupied, that they are to stand down, and not steal Tents and Generators. Yet OWS in it's corrupt secret meetings are trying to continue to persuade the ranks they are doing the right thing for now...WRONG.. It is time to demand full support for the "Occupy the White House" Movement. It is time to remind the President that the White House is the peoples house!! He serves at our pleasure. OWH Now!!! Promote the full Occupation of the White House" now!! Don't be fooled by OWS/DNC infiltrators. OWH Now!!! Today!! Take back the peoples house and demand real change...

[-] -1 points by FiddleDeedee (23) 12 years ago

There will be no result, because everyone and their grandmother has a beef they want aired. Sick of this wishy-washy crap.

[-] 0 points by austin (5) 12 years ago

The time has come we recall the mayor of New York city which he belongs to the 1% of us. We will take city by city state by state peacefully, with the power of the people. Enough is enough.

[-] 0 points by eaz (0) 12 years ago

Good comedy!


[-] 0 points by Qwerty (15) 12 years ago

I agree it's not for you but or our community, you are going about this the wrong way! You are definitely having a negative impact on that environment... The levels of feces n urine is deplorable... In the end you are only hurting yourself and each other...

[-] 0 points by EARNYOURRIGHTS (0) 12 years ago

Why don't you worthless ass holes go home or if you really had any brains you would go protest in front of the capital or the white house and go after the really ass wipes that have destroyed this country. That includes that MFer in the white house. They are the ones that have let this country down, not the wall street dick wads. The government is the one that has ruined the country. You want a handout EARN IT. You want to protest EARN IT OR ELSE SHUT THE HELL UP. USMC WAR VET.

[-] 1 points by ConsciousNest (11) 12 years ago

USMC war vet with the nasty mouth! Yes, it is government, but the government is just the front - the facade, if you will. What is behind it all is billions of dollars "donated" to the campaign war chests (funny how they're called "war chests" isn't it?) of ALL the politicians in Washington, in every State capital, down to "dog catcher" in the cities and towns. The politicians on both sides of the aisle are PUPPETS for the true masters - the "corporate persons" that are the only ones in this country that can afford to BUY politicians. And believe me, every single one of them has been bought. So, wash out your mouth with soap, young man, and LEARN a thing or two!

[-] 0 points by karenpoore (902) 12 years ago

Now you are creating unnecessary trouble with people getting hurt if you put up shelters, etc.. From a supporter of OWS

[-] 0 points by nikka (228) 12 years ago

How can they steal something from you that doesn't belong to you? It's private land and you were there because of the goodwill of the owners. Now you've used that all up. Stop whining about it and come up with an alternative.

[-] 1 points by LostInSpace (7) from New York, NY 12 years ago

Well said, thanks! OWS time to start listening to nikka. Understand that most of us out here support you and want you to be heard, but you are losing ground with your methods.

[-] 1 points by karenpoore (902) 12 years ago

A possible logical solution guys ... listen

[-] -1 points by Redsuperficiality (96) 12 years ago

All property is theft. Have the indigenous peoples of the world never crossed your mind?

[-] 2 points by nikka (228) 12 years ago

All people of the world are indigenous. Has that never crossed your mind?

[-] 0 points by Ninetyninepercent (1) 12 years ago

Public parks and squares belong to the people, not you exclusively. By occupying them, you show no respect for the those who use these spaces everyday and share them with everyone, which is what decent people do. Your message is lost in your offensive methods.

[-] 2 points by Banjarama (242) from Little Elm, TX 12 years ago

I believe our message is illustrated by our persistent methods.

[-] 0 points by EsotericAgenda (34) 12 years ago

Occupy Ground Zero!!! 9-11 Truth now

[-] 1 points by Redsuperficiality (96) 12 years ago

What are you talking about?

[-] 0 points by littlebiggygirl (26) from Hesperia, CA 12 years ago

stallman's phone number has been posted on twitter as a "fun fact". desperation is not flattering occupiers. have your tantrums in private and keep focused on the greater goals you've set forth. http://littlebiggy.org/4660547

[-] 0 points by Toynbee (656) from Savannah, GA 12 years ago

Live streaming of Zuccotti Park on Crooks and Liars


[-] 0 points by mynameiscurly (39) 12 years ago

The cops are taking away the cellphones. Dont bring them with you.

[-] 2 points by alouis (1511) from New York, NY 12 years ago

Typical NYPD/PBA gang thuggery.

[-] 1 points by mynameiscurly (39) 12 years ago

I'm near the Broadway-Thames stop.

[-] 0 points by alouis (1511) from New York, NY 12 years ago


[-] 1 points by manach1622 (5) 12 years ago

I am here. They are NOT! This is a lie.

[-] 1 points by mynameiscurly (39) 12 years ago

YOUR A COP. They target Iphones and droids.

[-] 1 points by smarzie (62) from Portsmouth, OH 12 years ago

They're taking phones from people who are entering the park?

[-] 0 points by Karl99 (63) 12 years ago

I can't get there, you guys said you were going to occupy the subway.

[-] 0 points by brie (3) from Toms River, NJ 12 years ago

who wrote this? mussolini? stop barking orders at people. you sound like a dictator.

[-] -1 points by ronjj (-241) 12 years ago

I agree, get out. This is a leaderless organization and anyone with an IDEA is not allowed because you might degenerate into a leader and enslave us all. We know your kind. HITLER.

[-] 1 points by armahillo (5) from Ithaca, NY 12 years ago

Godwin's law.

[-] 0 points by stopbanningme (7) 12 years ago


[-] 0 points by tomcat68 (298) 12 years ago

Whewww hewww Let's go!

wait, I dropped my crack pipe. I'll catch up

[-] 0 points by NonParticipant (151) 12 years ago


[-] -1 points by stevo (314) 12 years ago

more people.. with nothing to do

[-] -1 points by StopOWS (50) 12 years ago

One problem. A few are going to get caught and get their heads bashed in. Who wants to volunteer to get their head bashed and go to the hospital and then to jail? Raise your hands.

[-] -1 points by LostInSpace (7) from New York, NY 12 years ago

Liberty Square is not your home, at least not in the society that most of us live. If you want to be taken seriously, you need to attempt to come to grips with some of the basic rules of the country in which you live. Otherwise, the rest of us will end up having to continue to pay the police to play the role of babysitter to a bunch of childlike adults who don't like the rules. If you want to understand why "Bloomberg", who has been extremely tolerant, finally "turned" on you, you should look at public opinion. More and more people are rejecting the premise that you are anything other than a noisy .001% as opposed to the 99% that you have attempted to hijack. When the politicians saw that you were losing public support, they moved in and shut you down. Do you know why you lost public support? I'll tell you. No leadership, no direction, no clear plan, just a lot of complaining and finger pointing. You had the nation's attention and you blew it with your inability to reach intelligent consensus on a narrow enough platform that you could have actually gotten something done. You get an "A" for effort and for passion and for having a great idea, but a "D" for execution and keeping your audience. If you want to lose the last of the support you have, I would suggest messing up the transit system followed by turning violent. At that point, you will fall from .001% to more like .0001%. All in all, this is a sad outcome for something that had so much promise. Yes, PLEASE regroup, but consider the source of your failure and address it so you can be more successful the second time around. Good luck, and stay on the non-violent path.

[-] 2 points by Jezicka (8) 12 years ago

Lost- I think you are confused about OWS audience. It is those of us curious enough to go down and look for ourselves, listen, participate and make up our own minds. It is not people who use their half hour lunch break to listen to the clowns on Faux trade 'quips' about dirty hippies. And by the way- it has not lost public support- that support is only growing - partly because OWS has refused to draw a target on its back by playing along with the game the 1% has been playing of trying to set the 99% at each others throats. There's a broad spectrum of opinion at OWS. The main point supporters have in common is that we see things are broken on too many levels in too many ways to distill it all into a soundbite and resolve with a few little pieces of legislation. OWS is about experimenting to find what works- you know- kind of like that crazy 18th century experiment called a 'Republic'.

[-] 1 points by nimbus22 (106) from Chaska, MN 12 years ago

i disagree. I think you're wrong on all points.

[-] -1 points by Rob (881) 12 years ago

It is not liberty park, moron. Just because you park your worthless carcass there does not make it yours. It is Zucotti Park. If you isist on staying I hope that the police dispatch you with due diligence and you will spend the next few days in jail trying to get the pepper spray out of your eyes. We are, like it or not (I am betting not), a Nation of laws. You are breaking the law. losers, every last one of you.

[-] -1 points by Farleymowat (415) 12 years ago

Time to go home. Back to your parents basement.


[-] -1 points by tulcak (698) from Prague, Prague 12 years ago

suppression of the 1st amendment AND suppression of a free press. which side are you on? are you a corporate slave? or are you a free American? there is no middle ground. now, its really started and you better pick sides. enough is enough.

[-] 1 points by LostInSpace (7) from New York, NY 12 years ago

This is the same problem that the Tea Party has, everything is black and white and "there is no middle ground". We all saw how well that worked in the budget debate, and some of us even learned something in the process.

[-] 0 points by FiddleDeedee (23) 12 years ago

It's not suppression of freedom of speech.

[-] -1 points by FiddleDeedee (23) 12 years ago

Been there, done that.

Going home.

[-] -1 points by RexDiamond (585) from Idabel, OK 12 years ago

Man you people just won't get it will you?

[-] -1 points by Ninetyninepercent (1) 12 years ago

The public parks and squares you occupy belong to the people, not you. Those who use them everyday share them with everyone, which is what decent people do. Your message is lost in your offensive methods

[-] 2 points by Redsuperficiality (96) 12 years ago

OWS would have been delighted to share the park with everyone. The idea is to attract more and more people to the occupation. Your idea of sharing public spaces and parks seems to be that we take it in turns and the population density of the park or space is never enough to have anyone's personal space invaded.

[-] -1 points by metsjets (0) 12 years ago

You do not own the park. Brookfield Properties owns the park.

[-] 1 points by armahillo (5) from Ithaca, NY 12 years ago

It is a "Privately Owned Public Space" -- there are special requirements for use that go along with that particular designation, and in return Brookfield gets certain benefits / tax breaks.

[-] 0 points by ssassy (83) 12 years ago

Yeah. Another fine example of welfare for the 1%.

And another sad example of how our PUBLIC lands are being sold to the cheapest bidder and most connected crony, one park at a time...

[-] -1 points by OWSCityHall (12) 12 years ago

Go to City Hall Park

[-] -2 points by OccupyCapitolHill (197) 12 years ago

LOL it's not "your" park alone. It's a park owned by Brookfield Office Properties, and meant to be used by people other than OWS. For the first time in months, normal people would like to use the park. I think they've waited long enough for their turn to enjoy the park, without the awful stench of body odor and the rotting carrions of dead ideas.

[-] -2 points by raines (699) 12 years ago

It's NOT your home.

[-] -2 points by Farleymowat (415) 12 years ago

Go find a public park. You should not occupy private property.

[-] 0 points by FiddleDeedee (23) 12 years ago

As much fun as it was, I now agree with you. Imagine if this was your front yard and we put up tents and stayed uninvited for 2 months.

[-] -2 points by Farleymowat (415) 12 years ago

I'd have to piss on you and defecate on you, and have my dog bite you. He's a little dog, though, his bark is bigger than his bite.

[-] -1 points by FiddleDeedee (23) 12 years ago

Exactly, it's your property!

[-] -2 points by steven2002 (363) 12 years ago

Occupiers...Take back Liberty Square, everyone sit on benches and be very quite. Since it will probably rain tonight I would suggest you bring umbrellas. I will also start getting real cold by the end of the week, maybe the GA will buy you all winter coast with the donated money.


[-] 1 points by ConsciousNest (11) 12 years ago

Prove it, Andre. Prove that all these people are "failures." Prove that you know each and every one of them, their circumstances, their stories, and why they are protesting. IF and WHEN you can do that, THEN you will have facts behind you (as opposed to Faux News "factoids"), and then your opinions will actually mean something!

[-] -2 points by noon15 (33) from Huntington, NY 12 years ago

You are comparing the banks foreclosing on homes to the dismantling of your shantytown. Absolutely ridiculous.

[-] -2 points by noon15 (33) from Huntington, NY 12 years ago

Job fair?

[-] -2 points by stopbanningme (7) 12 years ago

why? can I bring my bombs and grenades?

[-] -2 points by ronjj (-241) 12 years ago

Only as long as you keep them in your underwear - remember what you were taught _ applies whether you walk, drive or take a plane.

Got it???

[-] -2 points by steven2002 (363) 12 years ago


[-] 0 points by ronjj (-241) 12 years ago

Thank you. Your support is appreciated.

[-] 0 points by steven2002 (363) 12 years ago

You are very welcome.


[-] 1 points by Redsuperficiality (96) 12 years ago

The harder you work the worse it is going to get. That is the system.


[-] 0 points by karenpoore (902) 12 years ago

There are not enough jobs left in America for everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The 1% IS destroying small business ... duh



[-] 1 points by Redsuperficiality (96) 12 years ago

Only workers create wealth. Unless you are one of them you have not earnt a thing. If you are one of them you are earning less than the wealth you create.

[-] 1 points by ssassy (83) 12 years ago


Too few of them are EARNING anything. They've been STEALING for 40 years...

[-] 1 points by JesseHeffran (3903) 12 years ago

hay ass wipe, give me a job and stop expecting me to work for food stamps

[-] -3 points by livesnearby (4) 12 years ago

Liberty Square is not your home - it is a public space

[-] 5 points by mirror (4) 12 years ago

Not sure y u visit this page if u dont support activities of #OWS

[-] 2 points by oryn (3) 12 years ago

What's wrong? Can't you investigate differing opinions? That's what having an open mind is all about!

[-] -2 points by NonParticipant (151) 12 years ago

Protesting the Protest.

[-] -2 points by raines (699) 12 years ago

I visit because ows supplies a lot of laughs.


[-] 2 points by Visamenable (2) 12 years ago

You andres should be ashamed of yourself - someone who is quick to call a vast majority losers for fighting for what they believe in when you do nothing yourself? What are you fighting for? Nothing... therefore you in turn are a loser.

[-] 3 points by whoknows (7) 12 years ago

Ignore the troll.

[-] -3 points by Farleymowat (415) 12 years ago

You are a vast minority of losers. Beggars, lazy moochers.

[-] 1 points by ConsciousNest (11) 12 years ago

To all the Trolls - Sure, every viewpoint should be heard. But, just as is obvious from the GOP debates between the Presidential candidates, it is obvious that only REASONED discourse, accompanied by FACTS, make a difference. Trolls do NOT engage in reasoned discourse - they spew emotionally-based "opinions" out with no regard to reason whatsoever. Engage your BRAINS before you open your mouths....if that is possible.

[-] 0 points by Farleymowat (415) 12 years ago

Yes, okay, whatever you say. But are you telling me you're not moochers and beggars? So many posts asking for donations. That is a FACT, not an opinion.

[-] 1 points by dhoward (2) 12 years ago

I love "losers", and trolls are zygotic gutter scum.

[-] 0 points by Farleymowat (415) 12 years ago

Ooh, such a big word. You must be Harvard educated.

[-] 4 points by Kathleen (35) 12 years ago

and they would be the public

[-] 0 points by PrairieChick (8) 12 years ago

A public space if for ALL to use, not just squatters. If you want to camp, find a campground and pay for a permit. Many of them have hot showers.

[-] 2 points by Visamenable (2) 12 years ago

If you feel so strongly against a protest that is fighting for you than don't come to this website and keep your opinions to yourself. I'm sure, if you were jobless, or effected by the economic turmoil -- you would feel differently. Obviously you are living comfortably enough to give these protesters a hard time.

[-] -1 points by NonParticipant (151) 12 years ago

I'm allowed to Protest the Protest, just as you are allowed to protest. Can't take a little scrutiny?

[-] -2 points by Dio1313 (69) 12 years ago

I could get a job within 3-4 weeks in any state in the US. Might not be the best job, but it could hold me over until I got a better one, or got a promotion. Quit crying about jobs, you lazy, worthless, pieces of shit. Everything I have came from working instead of standing in the street bitching.

[-] 2 points by clubsandwedge (4) 12 years ago

Any ass understands the difference between the capitalist and the labourer. They are different classes of people with different but conflicting rights. The capitalist has the right to consume the worker, and the little rights the worker has he/she has fought for. So no everything you have hasn't come 'from working'. If you would care to look around, if it weren't for people like the protesters you'd probably be exploited to the high heavens, working 16 hour days with miserable working conditions and wages you can barely live on. In essence you'd be a slave labourer. If you think I'm wrong look at places where trade unions and free speech are prohibited, and observe how similar the conditions are to the ones I describe above. So yeah quit crying about us, you dumb, worthless, piece of shit.

[-] 1 points by ezflex (4) 12 years ago

Too bad some people are not "there" yet. We have lots of educating to do! Most of us have jobs and if you'd get your information from reliable sources instead of Faux News or other equally UNcredible UNnews sources, you might know that. On the other hand, it is now illegal for the growing numbers of homeless to rest anywhere in cities, just where are they supposed to go??? Go get your job, help someone who doesn't have anything. Oh wait, you feel as though anyone who isn't working to be worthless. Tsk, tsk.

[+] -6 points by Farleymowat (415) 12 years ago

Go get a job, you lazy ass. Flip burgers, serve coffee, do something.

[-] 2 points by the4thofjuly (32) 12 years ago

ok dad. can i borrow your nose hair trimmer?

[-] 0 points by Farleymowat (415) 12 years ago

Sure. Remember to take your ear and nose rings out when you apply. Get a haircut too. Borrow some pants that have no holes in them. Oh and polish your shoes too.

[-] 2 points by whoknows (7) 12 years ago

I don't think they literally think that the park is their home, thanks for clearing that up though! Your work here is clearly done!

[-] -3 points by armchairecon1 (169) 12 years ago

Correction: Zuccotti square is owned by Brookfield Properties

It is not your home more than it is my home.

[-] -3 points by mynameiscurly (39) 12 years ago

I have crap stains on my pants. Can you photoshop that out?

[-] 0 points by steven2002 (363) 12 years ago

No, Photoshop is part of the 1%.