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We are the 99 percent

Right Here All Over

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 5, 2011, 10:29 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

Directed by Alex Mallis + Lily Henderson
Cinematography by Ed David
Edited by Lily Henderson + Alex Mallis
Assistant Camera: Andrew McMullen + Diana Eliavoz
Assistant Producers: Dana Salvatore + Jillian Mason
Titles by Jason Drakeford.



Read the Rules
[-] 18 points by concernedcitizen99 (37) 13 years ago

Looks like a very well organized operation. See what people with passion are capable of?

[+] -11 points by Realist101 (-13) 13 years ago

You’re not building anything you morons! You want the government to grow when everything the government controls is a constipated mess that has no accountability! You’re fearless leader Obama is backed by more Wall Street Crooks than anyone else! Try requiring all government officials and employees to have their wages and benefits parallel their failures at Education, Infrastructure, Department of Corrections, Family Law and the rest of the areas they regulate, rather than letting them get away with literally going to bed with the people they are supposed to regulate! Get a clue you morons!

[-] 3 points by Mitch333 (93) 13 years ago

I do not support Obama, neither do you. So join us. Unless you are happy with the Wall St crooks. ;-) If you can ignore the sill rhetoric from the commies you will there are many who do not support Obama or socialism. If you want to know whats going on, Turn off your TV.

[-] 2 points by lexgreen (2) from Centreville, VA 13 years ago


Why signup on a web site for a movement you disagree with. If you prefer to be surrounded with like minded, go create an account on Fox News . . .

[-] 1 points by Free777 (1) 13 years ago

great idea..and REAL SIMPLE

[-] 2 points by LWilliams (2) 13 years ago


You misunderstand, we are the government! Or at least should be as it was proclaimed in 1776. We don't want the government to change. It really isn't realistic and we wouldn't want to impose that on them as it is not their will. They don't want to change. All that we, the 99%, want is to peaceably exercise our right to hit the reset button on what America is fully capable of being as compared to what is has become. There are plenty of honest, intelligent, enlightened people ready and willing to "serve" a modern society with the same, original, intent of the constitution. This country is supposed to be shaped and molded by the people, and FOR the people it represents. There have been inventions, ambitions and ideas and caring and concern and honor and courage that have been stifled! Not because it went against the American way or American ideals but simply because it went against the way greed and corruption could (past tense) steer it.

Do not take this next point as a single reference to the layres of crud that has mucked itself onto our constitution since it began to be altered for profit, but a good reference might be like 8-track, and it's marketing team, holding technology (and intellect and growth) hostage back in 1978 simply because it could further its own interests in doing so and it had (past tense) the influence to effect that change. But there is another, far more powerful, influence to effect change and our founding fathers knew it when they wrote it "WE THE PEOPLE".

Once you hear an 8-track tape loop several times, you notice the pattern! I challenge anyone to turn off their TV and investigate for themselves, ask questions, follow answers. Don’t just believe what you hear. Engage and form your own opinion. Even the 'liberal' stations aren’t telling an accurate perspective. That’s because everyone has too much to lose with the way things are….and the people, the 99%, are now beginning to see that too. God Bless America.

[-] 2 points by Salaam86 (161) from Springfield, IL 13 years ago

Sure we are. The fact that a good little sheep like you took the time to sign up/register and comment on this website & video goes to show that. You heard us. You heard our message. And if you can hear it, so can other people. And that's what we're really doing here. And it's working. I hope you ARE angry. Because we all sure are.

[-] 1 points by Steve15 (385) 13 years ago

You are misinformed this is what OWS is about: http://youtu.be/AzULm4d8h8w

[-] 1 points by Lucifer2385 (6) from Margraten, LI 13 years ago

Get a clue you morons!

Gosh, you sound like a very smart man....

[-] 0 points by seaglass (671) from Brigantine, NJ 13 years ago

Who said we support those people or Obama? We are well aware of the Gov't side of the Corporatist trap.

[-] -2 points by Realist101 (-13) 13 years ago

You’re not building anything you morons! You want the government to grow when everything the government controls is a constipated mess that has no accountability! You’re fearless leader Obama is backed by more Wall Street Crooks than anyone else! Try requiring all government officials and employees to have their wages and benefits parallel their failures at Education, Infrastructure, Department of Corrections, Family Law and the rest of the areas they regulate, rather than letting them get away with literally going to bed with the people they are supposed to regulate! Get a clue you morons! You want free Healthcare then take it from all the liberals work for the government, or just require government to compete with the private sector for their jobs and entitlements!

[-] -3 points by Realist101 (-13) 13 years ago

You want free Healthcare then take it from all the liberals working for the government, or just require government to compete with the private sector for their jobs and entitlements!

[-] 1 points by listening (2) 13 years ago

Then get off the 99% roads, and get off internet, and get the hell off my oxygen, because of the 99% everything that we do want is possible. It shouldn't be much to expect that we can make the basic necessities available. "Food is medicine, and medicine is food" Realist101, we are living in civilizations that dwarf those of legacy centuries. The complete privatization of everything also has it's negative side effects, largely, natural selection would have left you off this list.

[-] 9 points by kazoomba (16) from Oshawa, ON 13 years ago

Seeing all these people working together to support each other gives me goosebumps and a huge smile from ear to ear. This small community will grow outwardly and push all the corrupt ones out. Keep it up people. I can't wait till this comes to my town. Only a week and a half left!

[-] 5 points by marty050 (9) 13 years ago

I was there with my wife a few days ago, and watching all of the people in this community work together gave me goosebumps as well........ reminds me of a line from an old Bob Dylan song; "there's something happening here but you don't know what it is........do you, Mr. Jones ?" I believe that this thing is a real, grass roots movement......... It's going to be very exciting to watch it develope, and see where it goes from here.

[+] -6 points by Realist101 (-13) 13 years ago

You’re not building anything you morons! You want the government to grow when everything the government controls is a constipated mess that has no accountability! You’re fearless leader Obama is backed by more Wall Street Crooks than anyone else! Try requiring all government officials and employees to have their wages and benefits parallel their failures at Education, Infrastructure, Department of Corrections, Family Law and the rest of the areas they regulate, rather than letting them get away with literally going to bed with the people they are supposed to regulate! Get a clue you morons! You want free Healthcare then take it from all the liberals working for the government, or just require government to compete with the private sector for their jobs and entitlements!

[-] 6 points by Dublin99 (65) 13 years ago

Get the Police on your side.

The Establishment use the Police as a focus of hatred for the general public to distract you from central government. The Police are there to protect the citizens, not the wealthy controlling class. Good Police know this but are censored by their command who are collaborating with their superiors in Government.

Work on the Police. Remind them they are the 99% too. Remind them of their pensions and entitlements which the Government want to reduce. Privatisation of the Police forces is on plans by Central Government.

Imagine your Police force is owned by G4S or Halliburton? That is the future unless the 99% come out in force and change everything.

We are the 99%. We are the 99%. We are the 99%. We are the 99%

[-] 3 points by jdmcdon (3) from Des Plaines, IL 13 years ago

Let's not use words like entilements, please. These are benefits we've all paid into over the years. They are not entitlements, they are our replacement for pensions. It was a trade-off to allow us to organize. The only people I've seen with entitlement feel they deserve it because they are wealthy. They are no more entitled than you or I. This is why we fought a revolution. Each of us is as worthy as a Lord.

[-] 3 points by RINKERv230 (5) 13 years ago

Agree 100%, Do not break the law, do not make the cops choose between you and their jobs.

But there is a need to get a unified message out. I was listening to WOR 710 am this morning and one of the issues that keeps surfacing making us look like kooks is that there is no realistic message and plan to facilitate implementing the message. John Gambling had assemblyman Peter King on and he basically said that we are being ignored in Washington. We need to come up with solutions not just rhetoric slogans and chants.

For example when the big bank bailout happened, I thought it more prudent to give the banks the money through the homeowners mortgage, starting with those that are in default an equal percentage of the total bail out would be applied to each persons mortgage, the banks would have to apply that payment to the mortgage, and refinance the mortgage at a lower rate. The banks would have gotten relief and the homeowners would have gotten relief. Not the other way around where the banks got relief, gave out bonuses, and people are still being forced out of their homes. Just my $.02

[-] 1 points by sonia4good (2) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by agnosticnixie (17) from Laval, QC 13 years ago

We don't have to make cops choose: they chose already. They can betray the people and remain paid guard dogs or break ranks.

[-] 2 points by RINKERv230 (5) 13 years ago

I disagree, your talking about middleclass workers who through no fault of their own have been put into a position of being between a rock and a hard place. Considering how they and all public servants have been screwed, a bit of compassion will go a long way.

[-] -1 points by firedog (2) 13 years ago

Middle class workers through no fault of their own? What? First of all tons of middle class workers live in houses they never should have bought. When you make 50-60- grand why buy a house that is 400 grand, yet tons did it and they wonder why they get forclosed on. Why rack up 50 grand in credit card debt, if you can't afford it don't buy it. " oh but my neighbor has a cadillac why can't I... because you can't afford one idiot. The answer is personal responsibility.. hasn't anyone ever heard of Dave Ramsey. All the fault of the middle class is on them and over burdened taxes of a freeloading society.

[-] 3 points by lizraerose (12) 13 years ago

Predatory lending means nothing to you? I remember when I was younger and I didn't know anything about mortgages or finance I saw fine homes being built in the middle of REALLY poor neighborhoods. The signs advertising that anyone could afford this really made it seem possible. I wondered at the time how someone poor could afford to buy a newly built home. Now that I'm older I realize they couldn't. Bankers who KNOW what they are doing sell these houses to people who know nothing about money or how to handle it. They did the same thing to young people with student loans. Oh the interest rates will be super low and you can always consolidate. You will have NO problem paying them back. Now you've graduated and you owe 50,000 and you can't find a job. You think those banks don't know what they're doing?? PLEASE. No excuses. That's like giving a piece of poisoned candy to a baby. The SYSTEM is broken and that is where the blame should lie...don't pin it on the ignorant and innocent.

[-] 1 points by SBK4USA (5) 13 years ago

The systems are not broken, the structure is flawed.

[-] 2 points by GrandmaChris (10) from New York, NY 13 years ago

They could afford it until their jobs were taken away from them.

[-] 2 points by christopherj (77) 13 years ago

Many people did purchase homes they should not have, but let’s not forget who made those stupid mortgage tools, knowing all the while what would eventually happen, then bundled them and sold them to stupid financial institutions like Bank of America (who also should have known by the way), only to have the banks pay for that bad investment. But they really didn’t pay, we did, because we bailed them out. Only to have them take the money and run. Some people lost their homes because they lost their jobs and depleted their emergency fund. I have a great rate, but if I lose my job for over a year, things will get really tight. I agree with your first assessment, but corporate greed did play a huge part because they designed the mortgages. I have personal family and friends that sold (some still do) real-estate, and knew those mortgages where not good products. So even on a low corp. level there was some deception. http://sites.google.com/site/onecompanyatatime

[-] 1 points by artoftheheart (1) 13 years ago

@firedog's comment about personal responsibility

Yes this is all true. But our "leaders" lead the middle class into this. Don't you see. It was all planned. I heard about the plan to burst the housing bubble in 2002. way before it ever happened. I was privy to this information d/t people I knew in politics. Its like this. Most people are trusting. I used to work in retail. I owned a snowboard shop. After some time in business I realized I could sell anything to anyone and make as much money as I wanted, whether they needed it or not. I was only in business for four years. I hated it. I had a social responsibility to my fellow man not to lead them down a road I knew they did not need. Our "leader have that same responsibility. It actually needs to start with education. The general public have been taught through brainwashing not to think for themselves. Its very difficult to get out of brain washing. Nazi Germany leaders were recruted to the USA elite universities like Harvard after they did their thing in Germany. Our Leaders have been using the same tactics on us. It starts in school as little kids. You and I were fortunate not to have been washed so "clean", we can think for ourselves and not follow the herd into spending. But spending has become our culture. Im sure you have experienced yourself buying something you don't need and get home only to find out you didn't really want it in the first place. Or walking into a store like walmart where there are 500 people around you all buying and start having all these urges to buy. (If youve never experienced this go to a walmart and tune into your sensation. You will feel it.) What is that in us that makes us do that. Question this in yourself and you will start to understand what is happing and why there is a revolution. Yes we all have personal responsibility. But we also have social responsibility to really teach each other about the world. We spend 12 years in school to learn math and english. I think we can think of a better curriculum. My point is we are taught to follow and to trust our leaders. Most people are only now coming to the shocking truth that the "ain't got our backs." And they are pissed.

Your comment about a freeloading society is one that i have heard before. Let me ask you this...was that your own thinking or did you read/hear this same thing somewhere? while Im sure it is true on a small scale in comparison I disagree you can use that to argue it for the whole of what is happing out there. This might be perfect example of people not thinking for themselves. It is incredible easy to get caught up in what others do and think. I offer this as one example of many...Im sure you have heard how much is spent on war. And how america goes to war just to make money off the country we invade. If not please look it up. Inform yourself. And for Gods sake Do the math. Numbers don't lie, usually. There is 300000 people in the USA look up how much is spent on war. And how much the private sector, like haliburton, makes of war divide that by the number of people in the USA. Its a lot. Each person would get enough to live there life.

[-] 1 points by JWKessler (3) from Afton, NY 13 years ago

There certainly were cases like that. In many cases these were the people who were flipping houses for profit or who just got greedy. But there were/are millions who got suckered into a way too easy to get loan with a balloon payment or teaser interest rate. The banksters sold these by telling their victims that they could simply refinance when the lower rate expired in a few years. It turned out that when the new rate hit, the refinancing wasn't available.

I have excellent credit and used to get offers for these loans almost daily. They were presented in a very attractive, easy to get manner. Some even came with checks attached. Just cash the enclosed check made out for any amount you wanted. It was crazy. I had to buy a shredder to get rid of all that junk.

So, many people took the bait - and now it is their fault? The people selling these bogus loan products are innocent?

Being gullible and falling for a scam may not be the brightest of moves, but that doesn't mean the scammer isn't a criminal.

[-] 1 points by christopherj (77) 13 years ago

When I was in the market, they tried to sneak a balloon rate in my contract at the closing. I walk out with about five people following me to my car, begging me to come back to the table. They didn’t think I would read the entire contract. I got suspicious when they put the contract in front of me and I ask for a cup of coffee. They had these looks on their faces like, OMG, he’s really going to read it. There was obvious tention in the room. http://sites.google.com/site/onecompanyatatime

[-] 1 points by GrandmaChris (10) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Happy to hear u were on guard against bad business practices. The question is, should you have to be?

[-] 1 points by christopherj (77) 13 years ago

Simple answer; no.

[-] 1 points by TGrant (4) 13 years ago

I had bankers become very beligerent with me when I was buying my house. Luckily, I was older and knew exactly what I wanted I needed and wanted. But I had to YELL at them to get them to stop pressuring me. It is very easy to understand how someone who thought they could trust professionals to offer them the correct advice and information (a first time home buyer) could have thought they were getting a good deal, when really they were being ripped off.

[-] 1 points by MiMi1026 (937) from Springfield, VA 13 years ago

You are absolutley correct. Being an admins in the housing industry(at one time) I witness these scams a thousand times over. Houses went up a 140% between 1999-2005. The banks and the realtors/sales managers had to find someway to get consumers/prospects to bite and they did it what you stated with variables,no docs and APR mortgages mortgages. I had one sales manager tell me not to mention to an elderly couple the apr loan they had was going to bubble within months. he wanted that deal to close!that was 2006. Of course the bubble started to bust in Dec 2007.

[-] 1 points by FreeMarkets (272) 13 years ago

Yes. It. Is. Their. Fault.

We are not children, we are free people. A tyrannical state is not the solution to your perceived problems

[-] 1 points by CaptainBacardi (106) 13 years ago

You're right. We're not children, so grow up. Having rules that punish criminals and compensate their victims is NOT "tyranny."

Stop being so childish. Free societies are not possible without the rule of law.

[-] 1 points by FreeMarkets (272) 13 years ago

We have plenty of rules to punish crime. Now you want rule to punish "mean people". The contracts those people signed were clear - not fraudulent. Be careful as you wish for the big government nanny to take care of your every need. As has been said by a much wiser man than us: A government powerful to give you anything you need is powerful enough to take everything you have

[-] 1 points by CaptainBacardi (106) 13 years ago

It's not about wanting to punish "mean people."

Right or wrong, when you work in a bank in the capacity of a loan officer you are perceived as having a degree of expertise in the financial industry. Borrowers have a reasonable expectation that a lender is acting in good faith. When a lender abuses the perceived authority that proceeds from that supposed expertise by telling people they can afford a loan when they really can't just so the bank can get their money, that's a fraudulent dealing.

Seems pretty clear cut to me.

And I'd like to think that, despite our differences, we're both wiser than Gerald Ford...

[-] 2 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

I totally agree.

[-] 0 points by littleg (452) 13 years ago

I want to make a law saying cops can never attack any protestors. Their job is to defend public property and defend themselves. There is no need in today's technology for them to beat peaceful protesters or violent rioters in fact.

[-] 2 points by jkl2143 (13) 13 years ago

Maybe we should consider chanting, "police are the 99%."

[-] 1 points by listening (2) 13 years ago

Dublin99, great post.

[-] 1 points by imrational (527) 13 years ago

Dublin99, great post and I agree with it 100%

[-] 4 points by Diane (3) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Iam retired disable police officer and I stand with the 99%. Keep warm and safe.

[-] 3 points by Itsonlymeuc (2) from Broadalbin, NY 12 years ago

First, I would like to thank you for your commitment to change. Anyone who gives of themselves to help us all, is a selfless and amazing person who should be rewarded for their efforts. There are so few who are willing to do more than just complain and blame everyone else for what is happening in this country. So many people are sour and angry but can not seem to do anything but try and tear down the few who are giving it all for a better world. You should be commended for your commitment and all you have accomplished so far. I am 43, I have children in high school and one just starting college. It warms me so deeply to see the youth of this country so dedicated to the change this country has needed for so very long.
Second: I would like to say this. I sincerely apologize for those in the world who are so sour. So many have watched as the government put a sworn effort into trying to deface your movement. I read how the FBI commended you after fully investigating you including one man who even donated to the cause. Please, no matter what some sour old people say to you, and trust me, after reading the comments below, I am more than sure it is a sour old person, my age or older, you ARE the voice of change. You ARE among the few groups that represent the ONLY chance of change in this country. You and several other groups you are working with and some you are not, are OUR ONLY HOPE! Never stop trying!!! Without young and dedicated people like yourselves, nothing will ever change and our society will continue to degrade. Weather or not these people realize it, and clearly some of them do not, you are THE ONLY people standing up for ALL OF OUR RIGHTS as American Citizens! I am so proud to know that so many of you have used your education to establish such an insightful and well thought out movement! It is amazing to read and see all you have done in the short time since you started! NO matter what, never forget, for every hater, there are ten people silent praying you are able to make a change in the world! MORE PEOPLE NEED TO BE THE CHANGE THEY WANT IN THIS WORLD! IdleNoMore and Anonymous and WIKILEAKS and OCCUPY! So many movements of youth and people my age standing up for change in this country! WE WILL reclaim our country, reestablish the rights of the people, and put things back where they belong or in a new and more appropriate spot! NEVER STOP! <3

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Hear Hear


[-] 2 points by Itsonlymeuc (0) from Broadalbin, NY 1 minute ago

First, I would like to thank you for your commitment to change. Anyone who gives of themselves to help us all, is a selfless and amazing person who should be rewarded for their efforts. There are so few who are willing to do more than just complain and blame everyone else for what is happening in this country. So many people are sour and angry but can not seem to do anything but try and tear down the few who are giving it all for a better world. You should be commended for your commitment and all you have accomplished so far. I am 43, I have children in high school and one just starting college. It warms me so deeply to see the youth of this country so dedicated to the change this country has needed for so very long. Second: I would like to say this. I sincerely apologize for those in the world who are so sour. So many have watched as the government put a sworn effort into trying to deface your movement. I read how the FBI commended you after fully investigating you including one man who even donated to the cause. Please, no matter what some sour old people say to you, and trust me, after reading the comments below, I am more than sure it is a sour old person, my age or older, you ARE the voice of change. You ARE among the few groups that represent the ONLY chance of change in this country. You and several other groups you are working with and some you are not, are OUR ONLY HOPE! Never stop trying!!! Without young and dedicated people like yourselves, nothing will ever change and our society will continue to degrade. Weather or not these people realize it, and clearly some of them do not, you are THE ONLY people standing up for ALL OF OUR RIGHTS as American Citizens! I am so proud to know that so many of you have used your education to establish such an insightful and well thought out movement! It is amazing to read and see all you have done in the short time since you started! NO matter what, never forget, for every hater, there are ten people silent praying you are able to make a change in the world! MORE PEOPLE NEED TO BE THE CHANGE THEY WANT IN THIS WORLD! IdleNoMore and Anonymous and WIKILEAKS and OCCUPY! So many movements of youth and people my age standing up for change in this country! WE WILL reclaim our country, reestablish the rights of the people, and put things back where they belong or in a new and more appropriate spot! NEVER STOP! <3 ↥twinkle ↧stinkle reply permalink

[-] 2 points by VoiceofRevolution (3) 11 years ago


My current sociology class prompted me to do research on this movement. I had only heard little bits about the movement and I feel like I've squandered the last 2 years of my life by not educating myself and getting involved. This movement is what I've been waiting for in this country. I have been extremely passionate about the way our society has allowed the government to perpetuate its corruption and control. I haven't been sure on how to do something to make a difference, I've even debated running for presidency when I come of age as a service to my country: to just give up what I would have or could have accomplished to be the person to bring order to this country. I realize the scale of what that would mean, and also that the problem doesn't lie with the president, but with the people.

Everyone needs to come together and demand their rights to create the world they want to live in. People are scared, and angry and hurt, and worst of all most people are alone in it all. The person standing in front of them, telling them how much they hate it too; thinking behind their words, "too bad there's nothing that can be done about it." I'm sick of that complacency that keeps us all so frighteningly apathetic. Those two people are doing what needs to be done about it: talking about it, agreeing, feeling the same thing. They just allow themselves to think that they are powerless, when truly we do have the power. Those conversations should turn into actions, the words should become tools of change

When I watched the video on the occupy website, I started to cry. Not only could I feel the passion that everyone in Zucotti Park are sharing, but I felt inspired to know that the people of this country, the destitute 99%, are living together cohesively each doing their own part simply to sustain each other. I believe that's what this country is in desperate need of. reconnection to each other.

Our common goal may be to fix the economic inequality, or to hold our elected representatives responsible for their actions, but it all incorporates the fact that americans are divided as a culture behind our white picket fences and television sets. We're scared to interact with each other to help each other. We each choose to act accordingly with the things we claim to so desperately despise. We are allowing the greed and corruption we see in the government to be an example of how to act ourselves, therefore perpetuating the problem further.

I NEED to be a part of this movement. I could feel it call to me as I was watching that video. It touched the very same spot in my heart that hurts and longs so badly to be a force, a voice of the collective. I understand that this is a leaderless movement, and therefore I should do something. I think that a Call to Duty is required, That people everywhere in America should occupy the parks, and banks. People everywhere need to have a public place to meet and discuss, even get up and talk to the crowd all at once. everyone needs to do their part as equal leaders of not only this movement but this country. We are all equally responsible for restoring America.

[-] 2 points by smartin1227 (3) 13 years ago

Here are some numbers: I own a small business with 25 employees. Every employee makes between $45k-$90k per year, full medical & dental, and matching retirement. I pay $20,000 per year in federal income tax because my payments on things like equipment are considered "income" not expense, I pay $60,000 per year in unemployment insurance, $55,000 in worker's comp insurance, $114,000 in employer paid payroll taxes, and at the end of the year I get to pay myself $60,000 a year. I'm taking all the risk, I'm working 18 hours a day, and I get paid the same as my employees. Quit complaining "Occupy Wallstreet" and create your own destinies.

[-] 1 points by unity100 (6) 13 years ago

i would like to see you chant the same tune, when a subsidiary of the megaholdings that screw all the sectors come into your field and push you out of business.

dont forget this - in a dog eat dog world, you end up with one big fat dog. there is no other destination on that road. youre just in the last 1/5 segment of that road.

[-] 1 points by liberi (1) 13 years ago

And if you earned over a million dollars a year you wouldn't have to pay any Federal income tax. This is why people are protesting. You think just because you can do it everyone can! Who do you want as president? Herman Cain.

[-] 1 points by smith5john (4) 13 years ago

People have gone to school for years to obtain their degrees and create their own destinies but due to economy mismanagement by the government there are no jobs to go to instead you are forced to go work a minimum wage job and remain with 100k in student debt. The government and the banks are businesses too but when they do a crappy job they get bailed, print more money or get fat bonuses. How is that an equal opportunity to succeed? if you make a mistake in your business you are screwed.

[-] 1 points by alanlavine (2) 13 years ago

I have a Bachelors in Business Management, 10 years experience with personnel and transportation management in the Army, and the 500+ jobs I've applied for have all turned me down for the last 16 months I've been unemployed since being medically discharged for a combat-related injury. There is no job market and I'm 60k in the student loan hole.

Want a better government? Occupy K street in DC. Want jobs to come back stateside? Check labels for "Made in the USA" and Occupy the lines at Walmart (to disrupt them, not to buy more foreign products).

[-] 2 points by edeichinger (7) 13 years ago

This is not a democrat/republican movement- This is a movement about peace and taking back our country. It's about being represented in congress. Freedom from economic and educational oppression for the 99%. This is a "we the people", act up! This is about doing things right as we are being a part of the global economy. Being a part of the global experience but NOT using our troops to force our values or industries or exploit. This is about saying to the government 'stop the madness, 'those our are tax dollars, don't use it to bail out crooked failing financial firms. It's about slowing down the increase in poverty, increase in political corruption, increase joblessness, increase in immoral financial corruption in the finances and health care industry. Remember 1776. Repealing the Patriot Act. Abolishing the political party as we know it and creating an election system with capped campaign spending. Candidates who run 'in name only' .So 'no' to any party. In name only elections. Factions may organize behind a person but when the candidate is no longer running the campaign ends the left over funds go back to the general fund. A general fund set up and run by congress or independent committee and or with an appointment by the president(s). Political parties cause segregation and discrimination. Corporate greed or religion can infiltrate the political party and live as an influencing entity long past any individual candidate. That is not what Jefferson and certainly Madison had in mind when he dreamed up the electoral college.This system was never to be run by parties which is modeled after the British system. A British system which to this day still has NO CONSTITUTION! Ed-kingofallclergy

[-] 1 points by SBK4USA (5) 13 years ago

Why still a representative democracy? Do we really still need a structure for someone else to represent ourselves? I don't, and I'm thinking most of those whose comments appear here do not either. It is not the systems that are broken, but the structure that is flawed. Change the structure, change the world.

[-] 2 points by Gunlin (2) 13 years ago

Occupy Wall Street > FEMA

[-] 2 points by GammaPoint (400) from Oakland, CA 13 years ago

Great video. Thanks!

[-] 1 points by Taoistattack (1) from Frankfurt am Main, HE 12 years ago

Yea we are coming - acctually we are fighting not a system, but an organizing System, consisting out of strong hierarchies, centralization and closed processes leading to deprivation of the right of decisions thus leading to stupidity. We need to overcome this old organizing System with a smart one: Open processes organiszed horizontallity and decentralized decisions and processes thus empowering the people to think, decide and to take up out of self-organization. We don't States governing many through few - we can govern ourselfes in the way we see fit through cooperation our appropriate working mode to get the best results - wish you all a happy rEvolution ;)

[-] 1 points by CommunityIsTheRealGovernment (1) 12 years ago

"the proper role of government in our emerging networked society is that of partner in social production. This means that in a myriad ways government helps citizens help themselves. This turns the existing model of government as a top-down service provider on its head. Instead, government works in a bottom up fashion to empower citizens to provide for themselves. "


[-] 1 points by nighttrain54 (5) 12 years ago

Keep the movement growing and moving. May God bless all of you.

[-] 1 points by PatrickOxOethafulm (35) 12 years ago

love this movement

[-] 1 points by Kmeljora (1) from Montreal, QC 13 years ago

"The only way to abolish capitalist inequalities is to have the working class, who collectively constitute the main producer of wealth in society, and who are perpetually exploited and marginalised by the wealthy class, to overthrow the capitalist system in a wide-ranging social revolution." - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communism#Theory

Americans have been made to fear and hate Communism so much it's ridiculous. Think about what the "Occupy" movement is about and what it's seeking, and then think about how the American Army was sent to PROUDLY fight against communism in the Vietnamese war and how the USA PROUDLY crushed the "evil" communist Soviet Union. It's not to say that they didn't have their faults, they definitely were far from perfect but take a moment to think about who are the people who have spread communism hate through the populace in the US. Take what you will from what I said and walk proudly forward; continue in a non-violent way, up the ante and avoid making the mistakes others have made before you.

[-] 1 points by Dontastu (4) 13 years ago

Wörgl´s experience to save the World. Here the facts: http://youtu.be/hxdPIOUTd2k

[-] 1 points by alanlavine (2) 13 years ago

do you look at your product labels and attempt to only purchase American-made products? Buying foreign products only adds to the problems we have here in America. Why not Occupy and boycott the American companies who outsourced all their manufacturing and have only corporate offices with a few executives making billions after shutting down millions of skilled American jobs? A list of companies to boycott would allow more Americans to contribute to the ideals of the Occupy movement without having to get directly involved and risk losing jobs. Not all of us 99ers can physically stand next to you, but we CAN support each other by keeping our money in our country.

[-] 1 points by falcon1961 (24) 13 years ago

S.O.S. Please help locate an attorney to handle an extortion of hundreds of millions from my family be a state corporate governmental extortion plot against my family of five. Court documents of vital legal cause 2 www.classvictim.wordpress.com

[-] 1 points by falcon1961 (24) 13 years ago

S.O.S. We are the Marie's a family of five. Please look at and view our website. We are victims of governmental corporate corruption in which a court of law settled hundreds of millions known and possibily billions not known after which time settlement was had we were left to die by the attonery's judge and state officials who refuse to release any of the awards to us. We seek help for a legal cause to recover the money to invest in a future free of corporate court and governmental corruption. www.classvictim.wordpress.com

[-] 1 points by MightyMeows (2) 13 years ago

I am sincerely be hoping that microphones and loudspeakers will be allowed so that the voices are heard loud and clear and far and wide. Not allowing voice amplification is another tactic used by the city to further suppress and restrain our Free Speech. The silencing of righteous voices has been the downfall of many movements. The message MUST be heard! "Polls show that 64 % of Americans say “Big Government” is the biggest threat to the country, while just 26 % say it’s “Big Business” and 8 percent say it’s “big labor.” Occupy Wall Street understands and must continue to make clear that “Big Business”(Wall Street) as exemplified by Banks and the obscenely rich and profitable corporations, are the ones responsible for corrupting our government and governments world wide. That while profits are not "evil" or to be denied, it is the pursuit of profits at any costs to our planet, to the lives of people, that are not acceptable. The government (or the police acting on their behalf) attempting to crush or otherwise silence civilians or groups of citizens who stand up to oppose, or speak up against those forces is not acceptable. The power now lies with the MONEY. Period. Getting the Money out of our Government means not having Government be smaller, but getting Big Business Money out of Government so that they can no longer dictate the policies that OUR Government puts out! Policies that are written for the benefit of the Corporations and Not for the benefit of Society or Humanity or the Earth. Only then will our Government be by the People, for the People! Right now it's Education for Profits for the Corporations-not the People! Health Care for Profits for the Corporations-not the People! Wage-deficient Jobs for Profits for the Corporations-not the People! Energy for Profits for the Corporations-not the People-not the Earth! Government for Profits for the Corporations-not the People! Wall Street is the symbol of this because it is they that have established the system of profits above all else. Uncontrolled Growth in spite of the Planet or it's People. Only the Greedy, Blind, in-compassionate rich will fail to see that what benefits Society and Humanity benefits them. If they destroy Humanity and the Planet they will destroy themselves! Good Governments have been instituted to Protect the people from the inate, un-bridled Greed and unrestrained avariciousness of those who seek Power over all things on Earth. Let the message be Clear! HAVE YOUR VOICES HEARD!

@OccupyWallStreet @GlobalRevolution @blogdiva @theother99 #occupyeverywhere

[-] 1 points by JessicaRose22 (1) 13 years ago

i totally believe the people can make a change in the world and this proves they want to. but what is their main problem? if they had one main problem or issue they wanted to change (like term limits for ALL government positions), i believe it would work so much better than just saying "we hate it all, you must change"

[-] 1 points by madvillian22 (2) 13 years ago

dear friends. i havent camped out at zucatti yet but would really like to come for tonight and tomorrow night. i had a few questions about the process a) is it cool to bring my dog? b) food, i dont want to be a mooch since i am only physically sleeping there two nights. c) i have a tent, but no sleeping bag! it is chilly chill outside and id love to borrow one for the two nights- is this possible? few other things but if someone could message me who knows details about this process it would be greatly appreciated!

[-] 1 points by nrama (18) 13 years ago

Finally.The government of the People,by the People, for the People.The righting of iniquities. Next, the abolishing of war globally.

[-] 1 points by bjf324 (1) 13 years ago

Although you make some good points on what is wrong with the system, you present no idea of what should replace it. If you go the way of socialsim, and destroy the present system, someone or some group will rise to fill the vacum. Remember that the first to "be dealt with" after a revolution is usually the revolutionaries. That is because whoever does take power knows that the revolutionaries can do it again if they wish. And before you say that the people with guns will play nice or be awe struck with the "cause", wake up to reality.

[-] 1 points by AnonymousOccupySolutions (37) 13 years ago

Tell the World! We Are Uniting for Solutions: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Occupy-Solutions/285143954837297

[-] 1 points by patladj (1) from Габрово, Габрово 13 years ago

The medical supplies which you use wouldnt be there if there was no free product and job market. Even the clothes which the woman was wearing wouldnt be as good as they are. I say: first try to educate protesting people more in history, so they can think more deeply and shape carefully such demands, otherwise - Me and many others like me - will never accept this so called movement as beneficial. Some say the history do not repeat itself in exactly the same way. I hope it is true.

[-] 1 points by blackat44 (2) 13 years ago

Where did Occupy Go? There was hardly anyone at Zuccotti today. What's the next step. Must keep this going!

[-] 1 points by liveHI (3) 13 years ago

Occupy with Aloha.=)

[-] 1 points by OWSClarity (8) 13 years ago

Is there a list of what the OWS wants anywhere? I thought this video might tell me. Also, is there a spokesman? I listened to a guy on the news last night who was interviewed by a news station. He wasn't real clear but I did hear him say that he was against corporate corruption. The guy inteviewing did not ask the right questions so it left so many things unanswered. Is it corporate corruption inside the corporation. if so, was there any action once reported to police? Or is this corruption between corporations and government? I did hear that one government official is being investigated for corruption wiah a company recently. Thanks!

[-] 1 points by OWSClarity (8) 13 years ago

Is there a list of what the OWS wants anywhere? I thought this video might tell me. Also, is there a spokesman? I listened to a guy on the news last night who was interviewed by a news station. He wasn't real clear but I did hear him say that he was against corporate corruption. The guy inteviewing did not ask the right questions so it left so many things unanswered. Is it corporate corruption inside the corporation. if so, was there any action once reported to police? Or is this corruption between corporations and government? I did hear that one government official is being investigated for corruption wiah a company recently. Thanks!

[-] 1 points by Geo (2) 13 years ago

where is my post?

[-] 1 points by Geo (2) 13 years ago

you need to have the clever economic theory is there anyone clever in economics with you may i talk to the coordinator of such group? geo


[-] 1 points by Bassoprofundo (1) 13 years ago

Wow. You have "producers" now...Don't take any $$$ from anyone you do not know (please)

[-] 1 points by STEVENVINCENT (17) 13 years ago

Sorry but that was a lame video. I learned nothing except maybe that OWS is not about anything identifiable.

[-] 1 points by mariahwalshh (2) 13 years ago

i think its cool that you see all these people working together on what they believe in. and we should be able to be able to go for what we believe in, the cops shouldnt be agenst people fighting for what they believe in

[-] 1 points by mariahwalshh (2) 13 years ago

i think its cool that you see all these people working together on what they believe in. and we should be able to be able to go for what we believe in, the cops shouldnt be agenst people fighting for what they believe in

[-] 1 points by goodson (2) 13 years ago

What's the (ponzi scheme) inside wallstreet that make's investors tax exempt c/o human trait of greed?

[-] 1 points by Mickeym (1) 13 years ago

Brilliant... from Scotland.... we are with you.

[-] 1 points by lieslayer (1) 13 years ago

I am realllly ignorant on this issue. But this movement sounds a lot like you guys want a communist government. And who are the "Wall Street Crooks" everyone keeps referring to. Can you give me several examples of some people who are maliciously dealing dishonestly?

Like I said, I'm just looking for some truth among all this emotion.

[-] 1 points by RevolutionaryTruth (95) from Houston, TX 13 years ago

This Movement has purpose and promotion of a better future for everyone!!! http://therevolutionarytruth.tumblr.com/

[-] 1 points by LostInOceania (2) 13 years ago

Who do you think enables Wall Street? Government does. Government takes your money and hands it to banks. You're protesting the symptom and missing the cause. Without the loving embrace of Washington, every large bank on Wall Street would have perished years ago. Government throughout history has been the enablers of cronies, the oppressors of the masses, and the slayers of millions. Socialism is nothing more than misery spread widely. Read a book.

[-] 1 points by LostInOceania (2) 13 years ago

Who do you think enables Wall Street? Government does. Government takes your money and hands it to banks. You're protesting the symptom and missing the cause. Without the loving embrace of Washington, every large bank on Wall Street would have perished years ago. Government throughout history has been the enablers of cronies, the oppressors of the masses, and the slayers of millions. Socialism is nothing more than misery spread widely. Read a book.

[-] 1 points by Jasonc44 (0) 13 years ago

As the movement grows, civil disobedience and mass arrests will mount a toll upon local governments. Would this not be a prime time to focus the nation's attention upon the over half a million non violent offenders in our federal prisons. This mass group of Americans have been victimized to a greater degree than any of us. As Congress prepares to eliminate social programs, there is no discussion regarding the astronical budgets of the TSA, Homeland Security, DEA or our ever expanding private prison system.

[-] 1 points by Jasonc44 (0) 13 years ago

As the movement grows, civil disobedience and mass arrests will mount a toll upon local governments. Would this not be a prime time to focus the nation's attention upon the over half a million non violent offenders in our federal prisons. This mass group of Americans have been victimized to a greater degree than any of us. As Congress prepares to eliminate social programs, there is no discussion regarding the astronical budgets of the TSA, Homeland Security, DEA or our ever expanding private prison system.

[-] 1 points by fritzbahai (2) 13 years ago

chant for wall street - sung to the tune of row,row,row your boat - "Goodbye, wa-ll street, you have had your day, merrily, merrily in every city, the people will are here to stay."

[-] 1 points by wacher (1) 13 years ago

Only a B I G Revolution can save the 99% of us and Good Old America. In God we trust !

[-] 1 points by gwijas (5) 13 years ago

American workers can compete dollar for dollar against Chinese workers. They just can’t compete dollars against manipulated yuans.

—Eric Lotke, Campaign for America’s Future

[-] 1 points by gwijas (5) 13 years ago

Remember Tiananmen Square

China’s “weapons of job destruction” include massive illegal export subsidies, the rampant counterfeiting of U.S. intellectual property,pitifully lax environmental protections,and thepervasive use of slavelabor. The centerpiece of Chinese mercantilism is,how- ever,a shamelessly manipulated currency that heavily taxes U.S. manufacturers,extravagantly stimulates Chinese exports,and hasled to a ticking timebomb U.S.–China trade deficit close to a billion dol- lars a day. Meanwhile, the “entry fee” for any American company wishing to scale China’s “Great Walls of protectionism” and sell into local mar- kets is not just to surrender its technology to Chinese partners. Amer- ican companies must also move research and development facilities to China, thereby exporting the “mother’s milk” of future U.S. job creation to a hostile competitor.

~Death by China; A Global Call to Action Navarro & Autry


[-] 1 points by smartin1227 (3) 13 years ago

Here are some numbers: I own a small business with 25 employees. Every employee makes between $45k-$90k per year, full medical & dental, and matching retirement. I pay $20,000 per year in federal income tax because my payments on things like equipment are considered "income" not expense, I pay $60,000 per year in unemployment insurance, $55,000 in worker's comp insurance, $114,000 in employer paid payroll taxes, and at the end of the year I get to pay myself $60,000 a year. I'm taking all the risk, I'm working 18 hours a day, and I get paid the same as my employees. Quit complaining "Occupy Wallstreet" and create your own destinies.

[-] 1 points by StevieO (2) 13 years ago

Increasing Government Effectiveness Through Rigorous Evidence About “What Works” Prove it works or take a hike... Occupy Louisville Steve OBryan

[-] 1 points by oneyou (1) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

Occupy in 3 hour shifts during the winter instead of fighting for the right to freeze to death.

[-] 1 points by johnq (2) 13 years ago

If nothing else, the occupation has given people HOPE that change IS possible. The American people are reminded that we live in a country where every citizen has a voice and a choice to publicly display dissatisfaction. We can spend billions on a war spreading "democracy" in other countries, but we've failed our own citizens if we don't stick to democratic principles within our own borders. Occupy Revolution!

[-] 1 points by mishelh (11) 13 years ago

wouldnt it be nice if we all had this type of job instead of working for money that goes back around to the 1% two fold.

[-] 1 points by ukpoorperson (11) from Owston, England 13 years ago

WHY? Why are they playing God save the queen ? Dont they know who/WHAT she is?

[-] 1 points by amead21 (1) 13 years ago

Thank you for having the courage for standing up and demanding a better life for yourselves and this country. My generation accepted the minimal salary thrown our way while our benefits were cut and we took it in fear of loosing our jobs always hoping things would get better, but those better days never came. We love and support all that you are doing. The video and the world you building is amazing. Take care and be safe. A mead

[-] 1 points by aniota (1) 13 years ago

I support the occupy wall street movement, but followers of it seriously need to recognize that calling people who don't support it (Or moderate people, or uninformed people) sheep (Or morons, or idiots.) is the wrong way to go about advertising your idea. Seriously.

[-] 1 points by nopercent (2) 13 years ago

You are really clueless, it is the Unions in their greed that have destroyed this country. Union employees at the peak were making 55% more then the average worker in the field plus a much better benefit package; Nearly a 50K base salary in the 70's for UAW, 100K ticket takers on the LIRR, 600K school dist supt. on LI. And what about sports/player Unions Unions PAC's are still in the top of politician buyers and have been behind many of the financial burdens we face. And you have what was the American Dream subverted into quest to fill our 50K a year lives with all the trappings and material goods of our neighbor or rap star or athlete, to have it all whether you worked for it or not as long as you can mortgage it .....

[-] 1 points by Aussie (1) 13 years ago

http://www.Bahai.org/, this is the answer to your problems, I promise you!

[-] 1 points by eliad (1) from Reading, PA 13 years ago

this is what the 99% are im proud to be a true patriot like the 99% thanks for all who come out to support us in so you support yourself

[-] 1 points by Salaam86 (161) from Springfield, IL 13 years ago

Enough of the selfish conservatives who can only think of themselves. Time to move on from them & the Republicans. If this country is so damn rich, then let's start letting everybody benefit from that. Not that everyone should be rich...but that at the very least, people who work fulltime and have frugal spending habits should not be POOR. No more working poor. Ever. No more corporate slavery.

[-] 1 points by WebGuy (1) from Oklahoma City, OK 13 years ago

Get a friggin JOB you whiners. If you can't find one CREATE ONE. I started a SECOND business in 2008 to supplement my income. In the last 24 months I've grossed $20K in additional income. All this in spite of Wall Street and greedy politicians like OBUMMER. If I can do it, YOU can do it.

[-] 1 points by chrissy45 (2) from Newark, NJ 13 years ago

Good thing the 1% are now supporting OWS movements. If you didn't have their support these protests would be over by now and you'd all be back home. Yup, way to go - stand up for the 99% as long as the 1% keeps feeding you and giving you shelter and clothing - I think we call that welfare.

[-] 1 points by chrissy45 (2) from Newark, NJ 13 years ago

Good thing the 1% are now supporting OWS movements. If you didn't have their support these protests would be over by now and you'd all be back home. Yup, way to go - stand up for the 99% as long as the 1% keeps feeding you and giving you shelter and clothing - I think we call that welfare.

[-] 1 points by jchamilton12345 (1) 13 years ago

So many people seem to think they have earned so much in their short lives while all these good people are standing up against Corruption which it seems you benefit from probably off their backs. Well I sure hope you remember what you said here on Judgement Day it will make for some interesting conversation :-)

[-] 1 points by Salaam86 (161) from Springfield, IL 13 years ago

too true!

[-] 1 points by Steve15 (385) 13 years ago

This is what OWS is about: http://youtu.be/AzULm4d8h8w

[-] 1 points by iloveobamasmama (-5) 13 years ago

If I were a movie critic I would give it a thumbs down. But since I'm not, I am not required to sit through this bull crap.

[-] 1 points by cecil (2) 13 years ago

First Law of Banking

In a mortgage contract between a mortgagee and a homeowner, the mortgagee is not allowed to transfer, sell or make any sort of derivative of that mortgage without the permission of the homeowner.

First law of Lobbyism

A lobbyist , whether professional or amateur may not meet with a member of congress, his/her family and/or staff without a neutral third party present.

Second law of lobbyism

Any meeting between a lobbyist and a member of congress, his/her staff and or family shall take place with a neutral third party present. This meeting shall be fully transcribed and made available to the public withing 24 hours.

[-] 1 points by cecil (2) 13 years ago

First Law of Banking

In a mortgage contract between a mortgagee and a homeowner, the mortgagee is not allowed to transfer, sell or make any sort of derivative of that mortgage without the permission of the homeowner.

First law of Lobbyism

A lobbyist , whether professional or amateur may not meet with a member of congress, his/her family and/or staff without a neutral third party present.

Second law of lobbyism

Any meeting between a lobbyist and a member of congress, his/her staff and or family shall take place with a neutral third party present. This meeting shall be fully transcribed and made available to the public withing 24 hours.

[-] 1 points by RoHgz (1) 13 years ago

In the news we hear that the current Occupy movement that has gone global, has no arguments and no clear objectives, thus the news have a hard time covering it. It is more the case that the news programs have too many ties the power that Occupy movement brings into question, so they find an excuse that makes them look like they cannot make sense of world events anymore. Is it the case that the news will not cover the Occupy movement because it sincerely does not know how?

[-] 1 points by teachpeace01 (7) 13 years ago

I have never been prouder to be an American. As a middle aged, public high school teacher, I salute you--your passion, your message, your courage. Thank you, from all of us who can't be there in body. We are there in spirit!

[-] 1 points by 00freedom (4) 13 years ago

I love seeing the energy of our people coming together. We need to occupy the white house, wall street is just the love child of corrupt politicians. We just spent over 1 billion dollars on the Gadhafi debacle. That money could have stayed here in the U.S. That money could have gone to schools, small business loans, ect ect.. Obama bailed out wall street and he then hired a bunch of wall street guys to be his advisers. You see the trend here..

[-] 1 points by Ovelikios (1) from Canterbury, England 13 years ago

Yeah boys and girls.. keep it up. till the cops are gonna come and with an unbelievable excuse they are going to crash all your stalls and scatter all your reserves to the pavement. And while you will see that happening and not resist you will be also beaten. Seen that happening in Athens, seen that happening in Barcelona. Good luck. Bring something different and carry on.

[-] 1 points by writeangle (1) from Ossining, NY 13 years ago

Fantastic video! I am 61 and protested the VietNam war back in the day. You guys are awesome. My husband and I are very proud of you. Thank you for representing all of us 99 percenters so well. You give us faith that the soul of America -- the REAL America (not rightwing, corporatized America) -- is awake, alive and well. But kids, please don't smoke! It's bad for your health.

[-] 1 points by bcv166 (18) from Edisto Beach, SC 13 years ago

Ultimately, the states have to call for a Constitutional Convention to reform our electoral system. Eliminate the Electoral College, "Get The Money Out" of politics, eliminate gerrymandering, etc., etc. This may sound quite impossible, but its really the only orderly way to save the country.

[-] 1 points by Rawr (1) 13 years ago

Very nice. Kudos!

[-] 1 points by Consciousatlast (1) 13 years ago

I love you all-- YOU are the miracle of this age.

[-] 1 points by jmk (2) 13 years ago

You should be protesting at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Obama and his policies are the problem, not Wall St.! What exactly do you want done??? The bankers should share their bonuses with you? Where do you expect the money you want to come from?? A check from the government? Government's money comes from hard working citizens. Your age group supported The Messiah. Now you are seeing the REAL consequences from your actions!! Wa Wa

[-] 1 points by jmk (2) 13 years ago

You should be protesting at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Obama and his policies are the problem, not Wall St.! What exactly do you want done??? The bankers should share their bonuses with you? Where do you expect the money you want to come from?? A check from the government? Government's money comes from hard working citizens. Your age group supported The Messiah. Now you are seeing the REAL consequences from your actions!! Wa Wa

[-] 1 points by hawkeye2512 (2) 13 years ago

the message of occupy wall street is relevant but probably late...i completely agree with the stance on reigning in wall street at some level but unfortunately they don't have to listen. IT'S OUR LOCAL AND REGIONAL POLITICIANS THAT ARE PART OF THIS SYSTEM OF FAILED GOVERNMENT WHERE A MIDDLE CLASS IS BEING WIPED AWAY...i'm a recent college graduate who can't find work over 15 dollars and hour, what a joke!

[-] 1 points by stratoliner (11) from Santa Fe, NM 13 years ago

I lived in NC 36 years, traveled the surrounding 10 states on business, have 2 (now adult and financially struggling, as I am) kids who graduated college there, am actively involved in OccupySant Fe (NM) and the local moveon.org council, member of Veterans For Peace (Vietnam vet) and am extremely inspired by OWS. Keep the faith. It's not too late to organize locally to get your own candidates on the 2012 ballots through the local election boards and throw the current elected SOB's out! Then we can, hopefully, get the money out of politics. The REAL target IS Wall Street who are minions of the corporations (or is it vice versa?), funneling money to continue bastardizing and finish what is left (if any) of our democracy. Also, check out americanselect.org. In conclusion: FIGHT non-violently; there's plenty to do;; DO IT!

[-] 1 points by hawkeye2512 (2) 13 years ago

the message of occupy wall street is relevant but probably late...i completely agree with the stance on reigning in wall street at some level but unfortunately they don't have to listen. IT'S OUR LOCAL AND REGIONAL POLITICIANS THAT ARE PART OF THIS SYSTEM OF FAILED GOVERNMENT WHERE A MIDDLE CLASS IS BEING WIPED AWAY...i'm a recent college graduate who can't find work over 15 dollars and hour, what a joke!

[-] 1 points by Bsan53 (1) 13 years ago

This world needs kindness,faith,and science to prosper. We as humanity aren't mature enough to give up our materialistic ways and this is what has come of it. Till the day the world realizes we are only a small tiny piece of the galaxy and that only together will we ever be able to reach our true potential,we wont truely see peace. I love the fact that #occupy is in action.. 2012 is not an apocolypse but a REVOLUTION stand as one we are brothers and sisters.

[-] 1 points by liltommytom (4) 13 years ago

You are the voice of those of us who are disabled and cannot physically be there to join the fight. We are with you! This is our time. Thank you for making our voices heard. Keep the faith and never give up. We love what you are doing. We stand with you. We are the 99%!!!!!

[-] 1 points by Nicolas (258) from Québec, QC 13 years ago

I love you all. Thanks for starting this. Thanks for inspiring everyone around the world to dare be ambitious about changing the world again. Keep at it. The world is behind you. We will follow.

Don't listen to those who say it's pointless. Don't listen to those who want to reduce your demands to a few manageable items that some politician can gobble up and make up as his own. Don't be satisfied by tokens or half-measures or endorsements or expressions of sympathy.

[-] 1 points by IAMBRIAN (1) 13 years ago

I love and appreciate you all! Thank you so much! You're all amazing! We're inspiring humanity to wake-up! To truly come alive! Let us all continue in this endeavor until we transform this planet, not just America, but the whole planet! We live on ONE planet! Everything affects everything! So much gratitude! Thank you!

[-] 1 points by crusader (2) 13 years ago

i believe that the government will not do much . what is needed is for this web site to expose all these Mf...ers who have contributed to the meltdown , from policy makers to academics to wall streeters , inclusing all the lobbyists in congress who are paid million of dollars in fees . the problem is that the media in the US is controled by the same people who have caused this meltdown , so communication need to be through the website .

[-] 1 points by crusader (2) 13 years ago

i believe that the government will not do much . what is needed is for this web site to expose all these Mf...ers who have contributed to the meltdown , from policy makers to academics to wall streeters , inclusing all the lobbyists in congress who are paid million of dollars in fees . the problem is that the media in the US is controled by the same people who have caused this meltdown , so communication need to be through the website .

[-] 1 points by thelastsurfer (2) 13 years ago

THE LAST SURFER by R Alan Dalton

What are our goals? “What will this kingdom look like?” “It is the end of Mankind’s social and cultural evolution. It is advent of a political democracy that is a blend of capitalism and socialism. It is the final form of human government where the good of all is the primary concern, not simply for the few.” “A spiritual and political evolution . . .” “Yes.” “And what will this mission statement include? “I will tell you . . . "It begins with human rights and a stable democratic government . . . a high standard of living for everyone . . . little unemployment . . . little government debt . . . a government that is fiscally responsible and supports clean energy . . . clean air . . . clean water . . . managed environments . . . managed food production . . . managed fisheries and forestry with a quota system . . . the promotion of solar harnessed energy . . . green power production . . . establish clean air and clean water laws with no loopholes . . . the restriction and elimination of off-shore drilling of oil . . . the elimination of nuclear produced energy . . . the protection of the environments and oceans from toxic runoffs and chemicals . . . the ensuring of animal rights . . . the enacting of legal and lobbying reform . . . affordable education . . . affordable health and dental care . . . low crime . . . the continued developing infrastructure for a modern society, including: manufacturing . . . roads . . . bridges . . . advanced technology . . . and homes for all.” “This is our mission statement and our goals?” “Yes.” “How can this be done?” “It is already being done.” “The model exists?” “These governments exist in the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Finland, Belgium, France, Germany, Switzerland, and a few other countries where wealth is not congregated only at the very top, but is distributed amongst all those in each nation to benefit everyone. Look to the Scandinavian countries for the model—their citizens are the happiest on the planet. It can be done in the United States too, as soon as the people realize that their freedom, and the democracy that has created that freedom, has been severely compromised by the seduction of capitalistic propaganda that has controlled their minds for their entire lives.” Eric said: “The United States is a winner-take-all electoral system. It does not allow the minority to have a voice and power like it does within parliamentary governments.” Doug replied: “We will use this to our advantage—” “Alright . . .” “A new earth is coming forth. But before that happens, we have to clean up the old one.”

THE LAST SURFER by R Alan Dalton

[-] 1 points by thelastsurfer (2) 13 years ago

THE LAST SURFER by R Alan Dalton

As he concluded he said: “The people—We the People . . . must wake up and realize that we are strong. The wealthy fear us, because they live in a land where our vote is equal to their vote, and yet that is where the equality has ended. The Lie will be torn apart and revealed for what it is.” “What lie?” Sara asked. “That . . . Capitalism is not Democracy! “That social justice and social equality can come only through a government for the people—not simply for the few, but for all men and women.”

THE LAST SURFER by R Alan Dalton

“You have witnessed for yourself—Capitalism run amok. The proponents of this philosophy have an axiom . . . that greed is good—I say: Greed is one of the greatest of all evils. When a person continually desires more than they need in order to fill the empty hole inside themselves . . . Capitalism is like a wild steed that needs to be tamed and harnessed, in order to be ridden. It needs be penned in . . . it needs to be regulated.”

THE LAST SURFER by R Alan Dalton

“We would be infinitely better off as a society, if we downsized the financial sector—throughout world—by at least seventy-five percent . . . prune it completely. To the extent that those in that sector succeed, the rest of us pay for it. The whole system is madness— “What currently exists, especially with short-term trading, is legalized front running—though it is outlawed and considered insider trading . . . It is those with superior electronic code breaking skills that become the winners—There is no social contribution from this kind of behavior that has become rampant on Wall Street.”

THE LAST SURFER by R Alan Dalton

“For too long now, the wealthy corporations and individuals among us have corrupted government officials, or exerted undue influence through lobbyists to get legislation passed that favors their interests. They have filled the election coffers of their minions who they want in power—in Washington and State legislatures. Most people in this country still cling to the naive belief that such corruption is out of the norm, that most of the institutions of our society: the courts, the legislatures, and law enforcement agencies, still comply with Constitutional Law in important matters. It is much, much worse than most people think— “Our government is no longer being conducted solely in accordance with the Constitution. It is observed now only as a façade—to placate us . . . the masses. It is a grand deception by those who are in control— “Do you really believe that these forces of corruption are disunited? “Do you really think that the wealthy are in competition with one another? “If you believe in and admire the Constitution of the United States, with its rules of law and the freedoms that it espouses, that you hold its truths to be clear and self evident, then join with me to defend it; to help bring about what has long been promised—The blueprint of which is laid at our very feet.”

THE LAST SURFER by R Alan Dalton (available @ Amazon)

[-] 1 points by Disinchanted01 (1) 13 years ago

Before occupy wall street started, I was beginning to feel horribly discouraged whenever I looked at the future of America. I'd watched greed and hatred slowly erode and blacken the existing soul of America. I had lost hope in our future entirely. I am a college graduate looking for a job. While in University my advisers consistently misled me in order to get me to take superfluous classes that would bring the institution more money. More friends of mine fell into this trap than I care to remember. Having family members who held positions as instructors in a different public colleges I was privy to information the college normally kept under wraps. At one public college a very small hand full of administrators were being paid over 50% of the entire college budget. The dean had jacked up his own pay, as well as the pay of his friends, so much the college had to cut many of it's programs. He was not worth that. The students needed the instruction of the teachers that were cut. My father lost his job throughout this whole American job fallout mess. He is in his fifties with greying hair. Due to his age, and the good old boys club that runs the small town he lives in, he couldn't get a job for two years. A 50 year old man with multiple degrees and numerous certifications in his field ended up digging ditches because his jobs were given to the children (qualified or not) of those making the most money (also holding the most power) in that community.

Currently with my college degrees, I'm working as a waitress as I look for a better job. I worked nights as a waitress all throughout college in order to support myself. Day after day I'm insulted, berated, and generally disrespected by those I serve. Once a cute little girl sitting at one of my tables asked me "Do you have lots of money?" Before I could reply her mother scolded her in front of me by stating, "No honey she's a waitress. If she was capable of getting a better job she wouldn't be working here." I think a lot of people looking down their nose at Occupy Wall Street have similar ideas. Those lazy people should stop complaining and get a real job. To those people I say, we are the real people trying to get a job. We don't have one because we weren't lucky enough to be given the connections you had. All we want is a fair fight. You can't bury your head in the sand and believe America is a perfect place. It is riddled with corruption and we're sick of it.

[-] 1 points by stratoliner (11) from Santa Fe, NM 13 years ago

Please see my reply to Hawkeye2512. Thanks.

[-] 1 points by jumpinjim (1) from Renton, WA 13 years ago

I think it is great that the protest is taking place, I still have a job and have to work so don't expect to see me there unless that changes, but I agree with what is taking place. Most importantly is the fact that the World Banking System is running our governments and the police action is a direct demonstration of that. Too bad none of that is going to change without a complete collapse of the national and international monetary systems. Increase in government is not the answer, the answer is of biblical proportion. Deal in Just Weights and Balances, don't be a user of usury ( at any rate), don't practice usury, reap what you sow and expect the same of your children. Help those that are less fortunate than yourself, and above all live in love and peace. If only these things were becoming more present rather than becoming less present.

[-] 1 points by hellycopper (1) 13 years ago

We are all connected, we fight for each other, not ourselves. read: if you have the capacity to get involved in any way, any kind of time you can make, if not at a local movement, then through web, phone & mail strategies, then Do It! What is agreeing but giving zero support?

[-] 1 points by BenBrand (1) from Jacksonville, FL 13 years ago

Demand Direct Representational Democracy... Call for a second constitutional convention as provisioned for in Article V of the standing US constitution. If congress won't do it, the states can. If the states don't call for it... The people will.

[-] 1 points by Fre44man (1) 13 years ago

These are great people who are free enough to be creative. Creativity will save humanity. Unfortunately world governments are not free enough to be creative for all of the people. Laissez-faire is going to evolve ... Capitalist want governments to leave them alone. This evaluation/revaluation will demand that Capitalist leave governments alone!!!,

[-] 1 points by rgrant (1) 13 years ago

Can someone please give me a top five list of what the Occupy Wall Street Movement wants to achieve?

[-] 1 points by haldirect (2) 13 years ago

This film makes the protest seem much more organized than it has been depicted in the mainstream media, although I still wish it was clearer about purpose. One note: go easy on "The People's..." (as in "The People's Library), as the phrase recalls communism which will turn many Americans off to the cause, and give right-wing politicians another platform to attack on.

[-] 1 points by haldirect (2) 13 years ago

This film makes the protest seem much more organized than it has been depicted in the mainstream media, although I still wish it was clearer about purpose. One note: go easy on "The People's..." (as in "The People's Library), as the phrase recalls communism which will turn many Americans off to the cause, and give right-wing politicians another platform to attack on.

[-] 1 points by reasonthis (3) 13 years ago

"Washington" is the problem hence there is no need for action from Obama nor from any state government as they are all useless. Take control from Washington, we don't need washington's permission. Start with demanding simple things such as the taxpayer bill of rights actually being honored so the IRS has to stop abusing taxpayers. I took on the IRS with no accountant and no attorney and I beat their attempts to shake me down. Let's make my story very public! Then I will follow it up with stories about how Property Tax assessors are allowed to breach Title 18 Chapter 12 and the state of NJ and Division of taxation don't care. Start building around specific case studies that show how existing "washington" has become not only useless but ABUSIVE of innocent tax payers!

[-] 1 points by reasonthis (3) 13 years ago

Why do people think there is a need to get "washington" to notice and take action? "Washington" is the problem hence there is no need for action from Obama nor from any state government as they are all useless. 21st century revolves around internet communication and allows for some serious amounts of unification here. Take control from Washington, we don't need washington's permission. Start with demanding simple things such as the taxpayer bill of rights actually being honored so the IRS has to stop abusing taxpayers. I took on the IRS with no accountant and no attorney and I beat their attempts to shake me down. Let's make my story very public! Then I will follow it up with stories about how Property Tax assessors are allowed to breach Title 18 Chapter 12 and the state of NJ and Division of taxation don't care. Start building around specific case studies that show how existing "washington" has become not only useless but ABUSIVE of innocent tax payers!

[-] 1 points by whoisforsale (1) 13 years ago

Oh Jesuz you included production credits! Is this for future resume submission and hopeful offers from CBS, NBC, ABC and FOX! the OWS story is becoming perverted by marketing and you don't even see it!

[-] 1 points by whoisforsale (1) 13 years ago

Oh Jesuz you included production credits! Is this for future resume submission and hopeful offers from CBS, NBC, ABC and FOX! the OWS story is becoming perverted by marketing and you don't even see it! please cease and desist anything that looks phony (that included the cook dude in the library with the mutton chops wearing those groovy sunglasses when it's cloudy out, ya look like peter yarro from peter paul and mary circa 1963

[-] 1 points by MIke1776 (1) 13 years ago

Well organized; peaceful; articulate and coherent. I went to Liberty Square / Zucotti Park today to see for myself. I was VERY impressed. I will be doing everything in my power to help Occupy Wall Street.

[-] 1 points by GR8M8 (8) 13 years ago


Sunday, October 16th 2011, 11:17 AM

It's not 1% versus 99%, as some have said. It's 1% prospering enormously, even obscenely. And 20% who are far to the right. And another 20% far to the left. That leaves a nearly 60% majority somewhere in the middle.

To succeed, those who want to change the direction of the nation need to be able to speak to and persuade some of those people in the middle. They need to be able to convince, just as the civil rights movement did, just as the immigration reform movement aspires to.

Our organizations are made up of many of those in that middle. We developed our sharp critique of the financial community and shaped our response through scores of thousands of individual and house meetings with a wide range of Americans. Our leaders include progressive pastors and retired military officers in Virginia, residents of public housing in the South Bronx and expensive condos on Beacon Hill and retired teachers in North Carolina. They all understand that government either can't or won't solve this problem and that the financial institutions themselves won't self-correct.

Only sustained pressure and real power will generate lasting change. That's why another, largely unnoticed development in a governmental office down the street from Zuccotti Park, holds such promise. New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman has refused to go along with a tepid settlement offer being pushed by the White House and its hand-picked attorneys general, which would let the banks that destroyed so many families and communities off the hook for a mere $20 billion. Our proposal is to add a "0" and make it $200 billion, which would approximate the tobacco settlement of several years ago and finally make it possible for many Americans to recover from the foreclosure threat.

When that happens, we might finally start to get a handle on this economic crisis. We might finally dig out of this hole we're in.

We believe that only the movement of money will finally convince the banks to act more responsibly. Last year, Massachusetts withdrew more than $240 million last year from Bank of America because of dissatisfaction with BofA's practices. When billions start leaving, when the cops and food vendors and office workers, the unions and religious groups move their money, banks will suddenly rediscover traditional values and accountable ways of operating that served them - and the rest of us - well.

The financial community may be able withstand the charge of any movement, even this one. All it has to do is play for time, so that cold weather, missteps, fickleness and new crises can take their tolls.

But it can't withstand the pressure that institutions with staying power - attorneys general focused on a real solutions, citizen organizations deeply rooted in their cities and counties and states, unions that stop enabling the banks with their own pension funds and credit card deals - can bring to bear.

Read more: http://nydn.us/pjmchw

[-] 1 points by Getaclue (1) 13 years ago

Read some real history, in the words of Lenin (the first leader of the USSR ,hello communism ) you are useful idiots. If you destroy the republic who do think will seize power , and what will the country look like? You think it's bad now, educate yourself and see what your new country will look like.

[-] 1 points by GR8M8 (8) 13 years ago

What I have been unable to grasp is, what exactly are the "respectful demands" that OWS is seeking?

Are they expecting that the corporate giants pack up and leave? If so, where do they want them to go?

Are they only making a stand to say "We aren't going to take it anymore, the 1%?" - If so, what are they seeking to achieve with the protests?

What EXACTLY will Wall Street do if you continue to raise your voices? Put on ear plugs? Or will they be acquiescent and listen to the plea of the 99%?

What are the core objectives that the OWS need to approach the key groups, leaders, organizations, political affiliates, etc. which by having them, can list specific requests/agreements/demands that will systematically lessen the affect of the top 1% upon the "political-corporate" machine toward the 99%?

This movement in terms of 'power to the people' is clear, however, there is seemingly no clear definitive negotiations with those that can help put an end to the taking advantage of the middle class and our society as a whole.

And, if you're pointing fingers toward Obama, take a moment and understand that he and his supporters are trying to put the middle class in a greater position, both financially and socially by trying to create jobs and foster new systems of infrastructure for those new jobs, almost 2 million, and placing regulatory requirements that ensure that corporate giants that are the top 1% don't have the power nor tax cuts that the middle class otherwise are not able to take advantage of.

To be clear, Obama IS fighting for the middle class, he IS trying to pass legislation that would save the firing of teachers, and put more people back to work. HE is NOT the problem, HE is the solution in trying to help bring us out of a recession.

Remember, Roosevelt also bailed out the country in order for it not to hit rock bottom. Had Obama not bailed out Wall Street, this country would be in a much worse position than it is now. Financial systems would collapse; millions more people would be out of work; unemployment would be off the charts; and our economy would be completely stalled without any ability for those who still have a job, to keep their job and put food on the table and pay their house payment.

Is Obama perfect? Absolutely not! But let us begin to look at who exactly can make any kind of change possible; and that is our politicians. And although while the solidarity that OWS represents around the country and globe, it is WE THE PEOPLE that have the power/voice to help create a constructive change by contacting those who represent us in the senate and congress. They are the one to be reasoned with and stand our ground and let them know that we will not allow them to continue to be bought with corporate monies, and that new laws and new agreements must be met so that WE THE PEOPLE are able to sustain our lives with the liberties and freedoms that are afforded to us - until then, until we send a clear message to Washington, our senators specifically and create a coalition to instill the principles that this country, that WE THE PEOPLE stand for and have fought for, for hundreds of years; then and only then will we be able to resolve our difference and clear the way for a restructuring of America.

But, we MUST be clear of exactly what WE THE PEOPLE want in a concise and organized fashion to again rebuild a nation that speaks not only for the top 1%, but for all who demand equality and fairness, and a just system that supports its citizens equally without prejudice nor contempt toward our sacred rights as Americans.

Let's get to work!

[-] 1 points by GR8M8 (8) 13 years ago

How exactly are "we" going to "take back our country?"

A list would be a good start. Fill in the blanks.






Five should be good for now, but feel free to add more, and be as specific and clear as you can be.

A clear concise organized listing of exactly what WE THE PEOPLE are going to do to "take back our country."

All welcomed...

[-] 1 points by RegisterNow99 (1) from St Paul, MN 13 years ago

Thank you for what you are doing. Not everyone who is behind can be there, but we believe in you and will continue to support you through our donations and by speaking out to our friends and family. This is huge and a long time in coming. VOTE!

[-] 1 points by carolg (3) 13 years ago

I'm so glad someone is finally standing up to be heard. Bravo!!! Our politicians in the USA, have sold out the American people and now we are finacially and morally bankrupt. I hope someday that people will have more value in our society than money does

[-] 1 points by dorrimichaels (6) 13 years ago

I heard that were running on the banks that took our $ and still continued to pay the ones responsible for our crisis hug bonuses...& our government said or did nothing!! I'm all for this!! Is this a united front? Best way to get there attention is to STOP DOING BUSINESS with the crooks...hello nation!! Wake up & stop playing victim!! Take action or shut up and park your opinions with the very ones who do not care about the 99%.

Please offer a list of banks that are for the most part less dirty than the ones we know about. Closing my accounts 1st thing Monday morning!! Cash isn't a bad place to be right now anyway!!

[-] 1 points by TGrant (4) 13 years ago


If you are not already doing it, have meetings about non-violence and peaceful resistence.

BE the change you wish to see in the world. Act with integrity. There are many who support you!

[-] 1 points by TGrant (4) 13 years ago


If you are not already doing it, have meetings about non-violence and peaceful resistence.

BE the change you wish to see in the world. Act with integrity. There are many who support you!

[-] 1 points by edeichinger (7) 13 years ago

Tell EVERYONE to get a local credit union account. Let's do a run on the banks by telling everyone to transfer the funds to a local "bank" here in the U.S.A. they are called "Credit Unions"- Realist101 you are NOT being a "realist" @ all. You are merely making things up and resorting to name calling- If you are truly a realist you need to define your dissent to our movement way more clearly. Perhaps you can divorce yourself from the "Pious Empire" [narrow minded people living by dogmatic principals] Jesus was right! You are wrong, for posting on here the way you do. It's disruptive, dull, repetitive, and empty. Please come up with something that is more descriptive and constructive. Thanks kingofallclergy

[-] 1 points by ivan (2) 13 years ago

Why not form a 3rd Party (Democrats/Republicans/Occupiers)?

[-] 1 points by ivan (2) 13 years ago

Why not form a 3rd Party (Democrats/Republicans/Occupiers)?

[-] 1 points by gnemeth (1) 13 years ago

"The medium IS the message!" I recognized that today at Occupy Toronto - This working together, this helping and supporting each other, this staying calm and joyful... THIS is the message!

[-] 1 points by Greentara (205) 13 years ago

Common...all the wealth in the USA is about $50 trillion. Big number right? But that's about $160k per person. And then what? We do a recount earch year so nobody gets any more?

[-] 1 points by QD7 (1) 13 years ago

Thank you for your work! Check out this inspiring video from Occupy Portland: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXc_ymxqM18

[-] 1 points by foxrepublican (18) 13 years ago

The messenger for Wall Street www.occupyfoxnews.com

[-] 1 points by dwantz (2) 13 years ago

I put this video together of different protesters speaking the Official Occupy Wall Street statement and call to action. Hope you enjoy!


[-] 1 points by Arab121 (1) 13 years ago

Earth Spring Now! The time has come.

[-] 1 points by Dezool (1) 13 years ago

I have not read the comments as I finding so much heckling and name calling disturbing. I am amazed and hopeful that as more people in the working class come out to support by donating supplies, monies and their time to show support the focus will concentrate on basic rights for the people in this country. there are legitimate complaints regarding the economy, health care, education ( where my heart is) and the general angst is apparent. I am pleased people are waking up and finally taking a stand. I have wondered why so many have been so quiet so long. I assumed people felt helpless, it was all to big to grabble with, I saw apathy sprinkled with disgust. As our nation's priorities have slowly shifted away from the social conditions ( jobs, housing, medical care, elderly care, education...) to consumerism, debt, cuts, military growth, global finacial manipulations, out sourcing of jobs while we consume these cheap products thus hurting ourselves the mood in the country and the consequences are becoming obvious. this has all been fueld by so many things among the worst from our poorly, uninformed and embedded news reporting spreading sound bites and not asking the hard intelligent questions. The media seems lacking in researching, understanding and presenting unbiased news reporting. I find that disturbing. I now look at some profound pictures of a protestor talking to a wall street finacial banker trying to understand each other and I applaud this... But the pictures remind me of the culture class in the 60s the two sides not understanding each other. We MUST include this dialogue to reach understanding because the problem is not the bankers... But the systems they support through doing jobs they need to keep during these terrible economic times... Meeti g of the two sides through open and clear dialogue a must in my mind...

[-] 1 points by Ljilja (1) 13 years ago

I think we have to demand a global expansion of human rights, which means economic rights - the right to work and the right to get wage for the provision of sufficient food, health maintenance, right to live at home, and right to be educated. Government, banks, corporations, all of them together are stealing, lying, humiliated and ruin our lives. We need to make them obliged to an extended concept of human rights.

[-] 1 points by marty050 (9) 13 years ago

Fantastic video. My compliments to Alex Mallis, Lily Henderson, Ed David, and their assistants. My wife and I came down to the park this past week to see it for ourselves, and we were very impressed with the organization and committment of the protesters. Keep up the good work.

Ghandi and King showed us what can be accomplished through non-violent, peaceful protest. For example, who would have believed that 45 years after Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King's "I have a dream speech", we would have a black President ? I was only a teenager when King gave that speech in front of the Lincoln Memorial in 1963, but never in my wildest dreams did I believe that his dream would be fulfilled in my own lifetime. It just shows what can be accomplished through peaceful "people power".

I realize that Obama has been a disappointment for many of us, but I'm just reflecting on the incredible fact that a black man could be elected President of the U.S. in 2008. It just shows how far we have come as a people. If we could overcome our history of racism and slavery to elect a black man to the highest office in the land, then it shouldn't be too difficult to reform our economic system. Don't you agree ? Power to the people !! If we stay strong and positive, we can't lose.........we are America..........we are the 99% !!

[-] 1 points by marty050 (9) 13 years ago

Fantastic video. My compliments to Alex Mallis, Lily Henderson, Ed David, and their assistants. My wife and I came down to the park this past week to see it for ourselves, and we were very impressed with the organization and committment of the protesters. Keep up the good work.

Ghandi and King showed us what can be accomplished through non-violent, peaceful protest. For example, who would have believed that 45 years after Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King's "I have a dream speech", we would have a black President ? I was only a teenager when King gave that speech in front of the Lincoln Memorial in 1963, but never in my wildest dreams did I believe that his dream would be fulfilled in my own lifetime. It just shows what can be accomplished through peaceful "people power".

I realize that Obama has been a disappointment for many of us, but I'm just reflecting on the incredible fact that a black man could be elected President of the U.S. in 2008. It just shows how far we have come as a people. If we could overcome our history of racism and slavery to elect a black man to the highest office in the land, then it shouldn't be too difficult to reform our economic system. Don't you agree ? Power to the people !! If we stay strong and positive, we can't lose.........we are America..........we are the 99% !!

[-] 1 points by marty050 (9) 13 years ago

Fantastic video. My compliments to Alex Mallis, Lily Henderson, Ed David, and their assistants. My wife and I came down to the park this past week to see it for ourselves, and we were very impressed with the organization and committment of the protesters. Keep up the good work.

Ghandi and King showed us what can be accomplished through non-violent, peaceful protest. For example, who would have believed that 45 years after Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King's "I have a dream speech", we would have a black President ? I was only a teenager when King gave that speech in front of the Lincoln Memorial in 1963, but never in my wildest dreams did I believe that his dream would be fulfilled in my own lifetime. It just shows what can be accomplished through peaceful "people power".

I realize that Obama has been a disappointment for many of us, but I'm just reflecting on the incredible fact that a black man could be elected President of the U.S. in 2008. It just shows how far we have come as a people. If we could overcome our history of racism and slavery to elect a black man to the highest office in the land, then it shouldn't be too difficult to reform our economic system. Don't you agree ? Power to the people !! If we stay strong and positive, we can't lose.........we are America..........we are the 99% !!

[-] 1 points by marty050 (9) 13 years ago

Fantastic video. My compliments to Alex Mallis, Lily Henderson, Ed David, and their assistants. My wife and I came down to the park this past week to see it for ourselves, and we were very impressed with the organization and committment of the protesters. Keep up the good work.

Ghandi and King showed us what can be accomplished through non-violent, peaceful protest. For example, who would have believed that 45 years after Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King's "I have a dream speech", we would have a black President ? I was only a teenager when King gave that speech in front of the Lincoln Memorial in 1963, but never in my wildest dreams did I believe that his dream would be fulfilled in my own lifetime. It just shows what can be accomplished through peaceful "people power".

I realize that Obama has been a disappointment for many of us, but I'm just reflecting on the incredible fact that a black man could be elected President of the U.S. in 2008. It just shows how far we have come as a people. If we could overcome our history of racism and slavery to elect a black man to the highest office in the land, then it shouldn't be too difficult to reform our economic system. Don't you agree ? Power to the people !! If we stay strong and positive, we can't lose.........we are America..........we are the 99% !!

[-] 1 points by deburque (1) 13 years ago

You all make me proud to be an American again. I will continue to donate my time, energy and meager resources as I can. So glad to see some of you can occupy 24/7 for the rest of us, who cannot be there. I am there with you in spirit.

[-] 1 points by Loubird1 (4) from New Windsor, NY 13 years ago

I support Obama...and thought this was about the 1 percent that he wants to tax and I am in support of your movement about no jobs,corruption,crappy paying jobs,but unsure of who you think is going to do it for you. I saw Sean Penn earlier and saw that he is in support of you and also Obama. Ideologically I think your on the same side and I want to join in protest to hold republicans responsible for a stalemate of nothing moving forward because they have Obamas hands tied

[-] 1 points by offwiththeirheads (1) 13 years ago

Bring on another French Revolution - drag them from their homes and sharpen the guillotine.

[-] 1 points by interabang (5) 13 years ago

I support the movement. Peace and true democracy will never be brought about by reforming capitalism. The whole political system needs to change, call it neoliberalism or whatever you like, it's still a capitalist economic model. What concerns me is the lack of political thinking on this website. What answers do you have? Where are you taking this movement? I think if you guys don't take up a political struggle against this capitalist establishment then the movement will fall apart. I am certain of that. Yes we need a revolution, but we need to replace capitalism with a viable alternative run by the people, for the people. It cannot and will not be a peaceful transition. The ruling class will not give up their wealth without a war, a class war. I wish you the best of luck. You must get explicitly political. It's crucial to this movement.

[-] 1 points by KC2IFR (1) 13 years ago

Im amazed at the mouths on the folks at the far right.

OWS is made up of people from both the right and the left.........that is obvious........ Keep up the good work....................

[-] 1 points by BlackAdder (1) from Sint-Genesius-Rode, Vlaams Gewest 13 years ago

Greetings from Belgium. Although there's not much i can do, i can say this: Keep up the good work, eventually, something will change!! Do not give up the fight. The whole world is watching, yes, even in Belgium we are aware of the movement. Kudos to you all. I really hope you all can make the changes that are needed to get the country in the right direction. (god knows we're trying over here to get sometings moving...) Succes to you all!!

[-] 1 points by marcxstar (167) from Los Angeles, CA 13 years ago

After reading a few comments both for and against this movement, my thoughts are this: both the 1% and the 99% are to blame for the mess we're in. The 1% is to blame for instigating the mess, and the 99% are to blame for ignorantly complying with the net that's been cast over us.

Ultimately, I side with the movement. It's a no-brainer, obviously. But we all have to take responsibility for the mess we're in, and I think that this mass of people power is a manifestation of the need for us to take responsibility. We're finally doing it. We're finally standing up.

From what I've gathered, Occupy Wall Street is a "leaderless movement." And for that, I give enormous thanks, because I believe that history shows that every movement spearheaded by a "leader" (or talking head, or cult of personality) has ultimately been funded by the 1% (the same 1% that always seems to fund both sides of the battle).

Another thing I respect about this movement is that it is not calling for the destruction of anything (unlike Hacker Anonymous, which I confidently believe is an instrument of the 1% trying to herd the disaffected and disenfranchised into a controllable, faceless, nameless, destructive mass).

My prayers go out to the New Yorkers and those around the world who are standing up for all of us. History, I'm sure, will show that the future began on September 17, 2011.

[-] 1 points by ElStupido (1) from Lampasas, TX 13 years ago

We have so much wealth at all levels of our population that these folks can afford to come camp out. With beautiful clothes, food, sleeping bags, smokes, alcohol etc, etc - in a privately owned corporate park; security provided by police with our tax dollars, with emergency medical assistance available at a moments notice, and fire protection.

At home they have 500 channels of TV; computers, cameras, iPads, iPods, iPhones, broadband connectivity, air conditioning, twenty-four/seven electricity, mass transportation, expensive bicycles, automobiles and more leisure time. Access to world class medical assistance whether they can afford it or not.


[-] 1 points by edeichinger (7) 13 years ago

Yay! they postponed the city "clean up"- Don't let your guard down though they can change their minds anytime//We have to OCCUPY to get noticed though. Greed is not good. Some people are not expendable. People need respect and dignity, even if they make less than 500,000 dollars a year. The sooner the better. Kingofallclergy Ed

[-] 1 points by edeichinger (7) 13 years ago

Kingofallclergy Ed We need a better understanding of what the poor are going through. I just don't think the Ruling Classes 'get it'. We need a reasonable social safety net. Once it's in place and paid for, mission accomplished. It's time in our history to take another look at this part of our society. The churches have failed. In fact the churches never did a very good job of taking care of the poor anyway. The founders of our country. The ones that wrote such epithets that 'tyranny increases as liberties decreases', had a more religious world view. They had a more dogmatic view of personal responsibility . They had faith in the church as a social helper. Today we have the DSM-IV and a more balanced view of personal responsibilities along with the limitations that people have in meeting those responsibilities. We here in the U.S.A. need money for social services. We need better support for the education of the poor, the weak, and people trying to get out of poverty and into the middle class. [example]Right now if a person applies for food stamps[Snap Program] the government doesn't allow a car payment as an expense. Yet most employers expect people to have a car to get to work on time. Regardless it is a legitimate expense and should be allowed. Right now they expect the poor and underprivileged to pay for an undergraduate degree or trade school with loans. Loans that these crooked banks have slipped in and started making millions off of. The enterprising youth who are brave and clever can find scholarships and grants but they don't usually pay for the whole undergraduate degree. It's hard to be poor and concentrate on studying when you have to also work 2 jobs to make tuition. That is why many go into the armed services on the promise of the G.I. bill. A G.I. bill that is not doing the job and is forcing many to re-enlist to acquire more funds. I just don't think they[the Oligarchy- the ruling class] really know what's happening to the poor. All they understand is they can get cheaper labour overseas. When they go there they get free security from the United Nations and the U.S. military with coalition support. Until now why should they care. Until OCCUPY they just went to where the labour was cheap and the security is free. It is neither! I think if the Patriot Act was repealed, the troops came home[not supporting merchants overseas] and the social benefits to the poor and under-privileged were increased, reasonably, then it would be a win win. The big money would see that being here in the US is more cost effective and hiring would start up again. I don't think that our rights will be taken away. We have to OCCUPY to get noticed though. Greed is not good. Some people are not expendable. People need respect and dignity, even if they make less than 500,000 dollars a year. "Do no harm" OK! Listen up, make the adjustments, and get to the best outcome. The sooner the better. Kingofallclergy Ed

[-] 1 points by edeichinger (7) 13 years ago

yay the "city cleanup" has been postponed. Let's hope it's just not long enough for them to assemble more "troops". Realist101 stop the name calling. We are going to eventually put the government back together. We will vote the bums out. We will get legislation passed that balances the budget. We will repeal the Patriot Act. In fact I'm proposing a new idea entirely- NO POLITICAL PARTY -the political party causes discrimination and segregation. It was copied from the British in the 1700's and it's unconstitutional. I will work to abolish the political party in favour of "in name only' candidates. Factions will still form behind the candidates but they will not be allowed by law to claim it as a political party-outlawed! This will force people to know who they are voting for and voting for a party won't happen. A political party is wrong because it lives longer than the candidates. the "Party" allows religion and corporations to sneak back into government there-by weakening the constitution. That is one of my proposals. Along with bringing the troops home. Once the merchants have no free security over-seas they will come back to the states and start hiring again. kingofallclergy Ed

[-] 1 points by edeichinger (7) 13 years ago

We need a better understanding of what the poor are going through. I just don't think the Ruling Classes 'get it'. We need a reasonable social safety net. Once it's in place and paid for, mission accomplished. It's time in our history to take another look at this part of our society. The churches have failed. In fact the churches never did a very good job of taking care of the poor anyway. The founders of our country. The ones that wrote such epithets that 'tyranny increases as liberties decreases', had a more religious world view. They had a more dogmatic view of personal responsibility . They had faith in the church as a social helper. Today we have the DSM-IV and a more balanced view of personal responsibilities along with the limitations that people have in meeting those responsibilities. We here in the U.S.A. need money for social services. We need better support for the education of the poor, the weak, and people trying to get out of poverty and into the middle class. [example]Right now if a person applies for food stamps[Snap Program] the government doesn't allow a car payment as an expense. Yet most employers expect people to have a car to get to work on time. Regardless it is a legitimate expense and should be allowed. Right now they expect the poor and underprivileged to pay for an undergraduate degree or trade school with loans. Loans that these crooked banks have slipped in and started making millions off of. The enterprising youth who are brave and clever can find scholarships and grants but they don't usually pay for the whole undergraduate degree. It's hard to be poor and concentrate on studying when you have to also work 2 jobs to make tuition. That is why many go into the armed services on the promise of the G.I. bill. A G.I. bill that is not doing the job and is forcing many to re-enlist to acquire more funds. I just don't think they[the Oligarchy- the ruling class] really know what's happening to the poor. All they understand is they can get cheaper labour overseas. When they go there they get free security from the United Nations and the U.S. military with coalition support. Until now why should they care. Until OCCUPY they just went to where the labour was cheap and the security is free. It is neither! I think if the Patriot Act was repealed, the troops came home[not supporting merchants overseas] and the social benefits to the poor and under-privileged were increased, reasonably, then it would be a win win. The big money would see that being here in the US is more cost effective and hiring would start up again. I don't think that our rights will be taken away. We have to OCCUPY to get noticed though. Greed is not good. Some people are not expendable. People need respect and dignity, even if they make less than 500,000 dollars a year. "Do no harm" OK! Listen up, make the adjustments, and get to the best outcome. The sooner the better. kingofallclergy

[-] 1 points by Realist101 (-13) 13 years ago

You’re not building anything you morons! You want the government to grow when everything the government controls is a constipated mess that has no accountability! You’re fearless leader Obama is backed by more Wall Street Crooks than anyone else! Try requiring all government officials and employees to have their wages and benefits parallel their failures at Education, Infrastructure, Department of Corrections, Family Law and the rest of the areas they regulate, rather than letting them get away with literally going to bed with the people they are supposed to regulate! Get a clue you morons!

[-] 1 points by Realist101 (-13) 13 years ago

You’re not building anything you morons! You want the government to grow when everything the government controls is a constipated mess that has no accountability! You’re fearless leader Obama is backed by more Wall Street Crooks than anyone else! Try requiring all government officials and employees to have their wages and benefits parallel their failures at Education, Infrastructure, Department of Corrections, Family Law and the rest of the areas they regulate, rather than letting them get away with literally going to bed with the people they are supposed to regulate! Get a clue you morons!

[-] 1 points by Realist101 (-13) 13 years ago

You’re not building anything you morons! You want the government to grow when everything the government controls is a constipated mess that has no accountability! You’re fearless leader Obama is backed by more Wall Street Crooks than anyone else! Try requiring all government officials and employees to have their wages and benefits parallel their failures at Education, Infrastructure, Department of Corrections, Family Law and the rest of the areas they regulate, rather than letting them get away with literally going to bed with the people they are supposed to regulate! Get a clue you morons!

[-] 1 points by Realist101 (-13) 13 years ago

You’re not building anything you morons! You want the government to grow when everything the government controls is a constipated mess that has no accountability! You’re fearless leader Obama is backed by more Wall Street Crooks than anyone else! Try requiring all government officials and employees to have their wages and benefits parallel their failures at Education, Infrastructure, Department of Corrections, Family Law and the rest of the areas they regulate, rather than letting them get away with literally going to bed with the people they are supposed to regulate! Get a clue you morons!

[-] 1 points by Realist101 (-13) 13 years ago

You’re not building anything you morons! You want the government to grow when everything the government controls is a constipated mess that has no accountability! You’re fearless leader Obama is backed by more Wall Street Crooks than anyone else! Try requiring all government officials and employees to have their wages and benefits parallel their failures at Education, Infrastructure, Department of Corrections, Family Law and the rest of the areas they regulate, rather than letting them get away with literally going to bed with the people they are supposed to regulate! Get a clue you morons!

[-] 1 points by PHYLLISBREWER (1) 13 years ago

Hi, there is a plan that can solve the problems we face right now. It new and totally different than what we have now . The plan is fair to everyone not just the wealthy. contact me pab

[-] 1 points by Gaj (2) 13 years ago

The World of Work has Changed!!! -Mothers wanting or needing to work - Get a Job | Get a Life that you control | Get to www.gajgal.com

[-] 1 points by PernilleG (1) from Kastrup, Capital Region of Denmark 13 years ago

I'm from Denmark. I support you. These actions (or this revolution) can bring wealth - human wealth. I believe it is POSSIBLE for even huge corporations to act human. The purpose of business is (only) to make profit - how old fashioned is that? If they (CEOs etc.) are so clever, why do they strive to achieve such a one sided goal? Keep up the good work.

[-] 1 points by ahmet (5) from Istanbul, Istanbul 13 years ago

world is paying 80 trillion $ annual interest and its annual product is just 60 trillion $... to whom is the whole world working for? we must end all kinds of interest-based systems... money is not created to be sold... money can not be sold... if you have money make a real business or be a partner with someone who has a real business working for real things for humanity... earning by selling money is the root of all evils in this world... its the basics and cause of humanities slavery to just 1%.

the world needs "equalistic united humanity order" euho , we should start stopping all kind of interest in all world. interest is prohibited in all belief on the earth. we unite to stop interest based economic,social activities as humans and by this way we start destroying capitalism enslaving system over humanity. http://pic.twitter.com/wu5uH0C2

[-] 1 points by SBK4USA (5) 13 years ago

If what you are saying is that money, in and of itself has no value, then I believe you are correct. Money is a tool. A measurement to exchange value. But it is used as a limited resource and as such has a value itself, and therefore the use of interest. Like someome renting out a tool such as a chain saw. I still believe we need individual competition to determine acqusition, but we do not need collective competition to guarantee necessities for survival. The answer is social democracy. A duality of individualism and collectivism.

[-] 1 points by wellswoman (1) 13 years ago

This would be so cool to me if it wasn't for one little item. The kid talking about how they are feeding everyone is Steven, he borrowed $400 from my daughter for security deposit and then skipped town within a month and never paid her back. For me it sours his commitment to an idea. He's a damn bum.

[-] 1 points by sufinaga (513) 13 years ago

divine sweet spirit. this is the uprising of life. this is the renewal of hope. we are the people. keep exposing their crimes and police brutality until we push them into a PSYCHOPATHIC BREAKDOWN. this is the end of their world the end of their tyranny in 2012 that they didn't want us to believe in. the end of cannabis prohibition is the RAPTURE. we are the meek who will inherit the earth. we must be aware of christian groups and their false god. all christian preachers GROOM children by telling them their mothers are sinners. we must be aware of the fear control merchants as well as the crucifixion merchants who give us a false enemy the muslims. so let us have solidarity with muslim youth globally. child protection will destroy christianity just as surely womens liberation will destroy islam just as surely as we will destroy this fascist tyranny and its FAKE terrorist attacks and FAKE terrorist alerts to suppress us, we the people are their enemy and we all know it. stop them brutalising us with their BS

[-] 1 points by GR8M8 (8) 13 years ago



Try offering solutions instead of anarchy like soooo many others in here that only have to vent their frustrations on a forum to feel vindicated. I have solutions; I've posted them.


[-] 1 points by scootie (7) from Burbank, CA 13 years ago

the right is closing ranks with ridicule and oposition and mocking the protesters and the movement, Great we have their attention! Don't let it die, keep the faith keep the message, keep the pressure keep it civil.

[-] 1 points by scootie (7) from Burbank, CA 13 years ago

the right is closing ranks with ridicule and oposition and mocking the protesters and the movement, Great we have their attention! Don't let it die, keep the faith keep the message, keep the pressure keep it civil.

[-] 1 points by 36of534 (15) 13 years ago

We are the Wall Street Protestors. Existence, as you know it, is over. We will add your Fiscal and technological distinctiveness to our own. Resistance is futile."

[-] 1 points by endpriningmoney (1) 13 years ago

THANK YOU for changing my world!!!!!!

[-] 1 points by HDuane0523 (3) 13 years ago

We are the 99.999999%

[-] 1 points by HDuane0523 (3) 13 years ago

We are the 99.999999%

[-] 1 points by maquisardo (1) from Madrid, Comunidad de Madrid 13 years ago

i look at wallstreet and i see madrid puerta del sol, tahir square and all the places where we are fighting together. we, the people. i send you a big and strength colorfull spanish kiss, From Madrid to Revolution...

[-] 1 points by walkerchimes (1) 13 years ago

AMAZING! a very hopeful time.

[-] 1 points by Ghostofthoreau (1) 13 years ago

This is very inspiring. Patience is difficult for an individual, let alone for a revolution. The emphasis should not yet be on specific demands, because the extent of the disfunctionality is so great. Cooperation, freedom to express the pain of the situation, the constant pressure of the occupation, and the popular identifying of the epicenter of global investment capitalism as the root driver of class warfare and environmental genocide is already a great victory. Pray to keep it going!!!!

[-] 1 points by Shane0ooo (5) from Port Melbourne, VIC 13 years ago

An American born Australian is behind you. Finally. Fritz Lang's 1927 movie put it right:- "The head and the hands must be mediated by the heart" not by greed and those who act for their own not others. Same as a Roman philosopher wrote: "The owners of slaves make demands so outrageous that if they, their own friends and family had to fulfill such dangerous requests, would never make them in the first place"

[-] 1 points by digitalsimon (1) from Milano, Lombardia 13 years ago

Very nice occupation, try to resist as much as possible, the police can not arrest the right to live peacefully.

[-] 1 points by 1984ishere (1) from Danvers, MA 13 years ago

am afraid the movement will be hijacked by the democratic party, much in the same way the tea party has been incorporated in to the repub party. The tea party was against the moral hazard created by the bush bailouts. Both parties are corrupt to the bone!!!!

[-] 1 points by Federico (1) from Albuquerque, NM 13 years ago

Be careful of who will try to manipulate you. Write 5 or 10 points about your protest and keep them until you get satisfied all your requests.

[-] 1 points by raysongtree (1) from Kilauea, HI 13 years ago

I guess the photographer thinks lung cancer is alright. Otherwise, well done.

[-] 1 points by svonsteen (1) 13 years ago

HELLO FROM MADRID! This video captures the "special moment" that i had the fortune to experience here in madrid in may ... look at how many people were there! DON'T BACK DOWN EVER!


[-] 1 points by GrannyPants (4) 13 years ago

This is what happens when talented, passionate & high-minded people don't have jobs! I can't wait to see how all of this evolves. I pray we get the REAL CHANGES we have been waiting for and that this movement helps jog our President's memory about why he decided to fight to be President ! Bless you all!

[-] 1 points by Gump (5) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by Gump (5) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by Gump (5) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by Gump (5) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by Gump (5) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

Is that Ron Burgundy in the picture above " You keep staying classy Wall St. "

[-] 1 points by mike1 (11) 13 years ago

think for yourself / question authority

[-] 1 points by mike1 (11) 13 years ago

think for yourself / question authority

[-] 1 points by mike1 (11) 13 years ago

think for yourself / question authority

[-] 1 points by memrosmex (15) 13 years ago

A solid first step in fixing our economic and political woes is to disqualify any person worth more than two million dollars from holding political office. The rich are too corrupted by greed to be an any benefit to the community generally. Putting the rich in government is like turning over the reins of power to a bunch of felons. The American middle class, the true creator of jobs and wealth, should control the government for the people. I look forward to some politician proposing this amendment before the greed of the already wealthy completely destroys our democratic way of life, economy and values. The foundation of our nation is not capitalism but democracy in the form of a Republic. Capitalism is nowhere even mentioned in the American Constitution. Capitalism is a tool of democracy to generate wealth and prosperity. Democracy should not be the tool of capitalism to generate wealth for a few. Capitalism is a beast that must be harnessed to pull the plow for the well-being of humanity. Now is an historic opportunity for hard-working and creative middle class Americans to assert their majority rights against a corrupt and ineffective elite who have brought the country to the brink of ruin.

[-] 1 points by greenguy (4) from Las Vegas, NV 13 years ago

I think we still need to give something to the political leaders so that they can do something - My suggestion is to write to them and let them know that we the people feel corporations have abused their 14th amendment rights and that they should be taken away from the corporate entity. - Look up how the 14th amendment applies to corporations, you'll see they have the same rights as an individual person.

[-] 1 points by greenguy (4) from Las Vegas, NV 13 years ago

I think we still need to give something to the political leaders so that they can do something - My suggestion is to write to them and let them know that we the people feel corporations have abused their 14th amendment rights and that they should be taken away from the corporate entity. - Look up how the 14th amendment applies to corporations, you'll see they have the same rights as an individual person.

[-] 1 points by GR8M8 (8) 13 years ago

Agreed totally!!

Occupy Washington and our senators!

[-] 1 points by robajz (6) 13 years ago

Dear, hugs and love from Mediterranean. Though wouldn't it be wiser not to give free advertising to the tobacco corps in all the vids? Robajz

[-] 1 points by ithinkergoiam (201) 13 years ago

I pray to God will all of my heart, with every once of my Being, that our Great Country will make the change that is necessary to get back on the path that our Founding Fathers had intended - Government of the PEOPLE, for the PEOPLE, by the PEOPLE.

[-] 1 points by rickjbrix (3) 13 years ago

"We the People" demand our country back! What kind of society do we want to bestow upon our children? Do we want to give them a corrupt society where 1 percent of the people control over 40 percent of the wealth? Do we want to give them a future where the very few control the very many? Sure, life isn't fair. But it is our responsibility as citizens and as human beings to help make things fairer and closer to our ideals. Fairness is a very noble and worthy goal of human society. And so is opportunity. Fairness and opportunity have been at the heart of our national ideals for over two centuries, though we have never completely lived up to them. It's time we get up off our complacent couches, turn off the television, get away from the distractions that are meant to deprive us of our liberties, and do something positive for ourselves and our posterity. We owe it to ourselves, our children, our grandchildren, and generations yet unborn, to create a better world. It's time for "we the people" to take back our dear country. We are the ones who fight and die for our country. It is upon our backs and our hard labors that this country is built. It is time to get rid of royalty and aristocracy once and for all! We are fighting for our lives, our liberties and for our posterity! Let us not fail! Upon us depends the future of humanity! Let's do this! And this time, let's get it right!

[-] 1 points by rickjbrix (3) 13 years ago

"We the People" demand our country back! What kind of society do we want to bestow upon our children? Do we want to give them a corrupt society where 1 percent of the people control over 40 percent of the wealth? Do we want to give them a future where the very few control the very many? Sure, life isn't fair. But it is our responsibility as citizens and as human beings to help make things more fair and closer to our ideals. Fairness is a very noble and worthy goal of human society. And so is opportunity. Fairness and opportunity have been at the heart of our national ideals for over two centuries , though we have never completely lived up to them. It's time we get up off our complacent couches, turn off the television, get away from the distractions that are meant to deprive us of our liberties, and did something positive for ourselves and our posterity. We owe it to ourselves, our children, our grandchildren, and generations yt unborn, to create a better world. It's time for "we the people" to take back our dear country. We are the ones who fight and die for our country. It is upon our backs and our hard labors that this country is built. It is time to get rid of royalty and aristocracy once and for all! We are fighting for our lives, our liberties and for our posterity! Let us not fail! Upon us depends the future of humanity! Let's do this! And this time, let's get it right!

[-] 1 points by rickjbrix (3) 13 years ago

"We the People" demand our country back! What kind of society do we want to bestow upon our children? Do we want to give them a corrupt society where 1 percent of the people control over 40 percent of the wealth? Do we want to give them a future where the very few control the very many? Sure, life isn't fair. But it is our responsibility as citizens and as human beings to help make things more fair and closer to our ideals. Fairness is a very noble and worthy goal of human society. And so is opportunity. Fairness and opportunity have been at the heart of our national ideals for over two centuries , though we have never completely lived up to them. It's time we get up off our complacent couches, turn off the television, get away from the distractions that are meant to deprive us of our liberties, and did something positive for ourselves and our posterity. We owe it to ourselves, our children, our grandchildren, and generations yt unborn, to create a better world. It's time for "we the people" to take back our dear country. We are the ones who fight and die for our country. It is upon our backs and our hard labors that this country is built. It is time to get rid of royalty and aristocracy once and for all! We are fighting for our lives, our liberties and for our posterity! Let us not fail! Upon us depends the future of humanity! Let's do this! And this time, let's get it right!

[-] 1 points by GR8M8 (8) 13 years ago

Yea, great sound byte, but it doesn't address exactly how to do anything.


Try offering solutions instead of trying to incite anarchy.

[-] 1 points by bayonnebernie (6) 13 years ago

Conservatives lack that other C word, big time, Compassion. To the GnOP it's all about serving big money and big business as food lines grow and food stamps go.

[-] 1 points by bayonnebernie (6) 13 years ago

GnoP's Eric Cantor calls OWS bums, votes for the 1% 100% of the time, wants OBAMA out at any cost, defends the rich and the Party Teas, will not hear the new poor's pleas. PLEASE RESTORE THE AMERICAN DREAM

[-] 1 points by bayonnebernie (6) 13 years ago

OWS are the new born American Dreamers

[-] 1 points by bayonnebernie (6) 13 years ago

Our country's foundation has been The American Dream, All OWS want is to restore the AMERICAN DREAM. That's their Dream

[-] 1 points by bayonnebernie (6) 13 years ago

bayonnebernie The AMERICAN SPRING has just been sprung-The freedom bell is being rung- The message will soon be sung- The AMERICAN DREAM is a Just Future for All.

[-] 1 points by wakeUP (3) 13 years ago

Refine your issues, gain more support. re-read Animal Farm...http://www.gradesaver.com/animal-farm/study-guide/short-summary/

[-] 1 points by javedislamabad (1) 13 years ago

Fellow Americans: You are NOT ALONE. The whole world has been capitalized by this 1% minority, called Billionaires and Millionaires. They exist in your country and they exist in my country. They exist everywhere. They are parasites, feeding on us. Keep continuing - spread it all over the world - And be peaceful always. Success will be ours.

[-] 1 points by NZPeacekeeper (1) from Teddington, Canterbury 13 years ago

What a wonderful movement, I wish I could be there to support the people of America! unfortunately i doubt the 1% whom are raping and pillaging your economy will listen or even care, why can't the Killers like Anders Behring Breivik from Norway focus their anger on the 1% whose greed hurts the honest hard working people of America. instead of killing the innocent?

Best of luck - many people around the world are hoping that you succeed in your mission as it will change the world

[-] 1 points by KeepGoing (7) 13 years ago

What you are doing will make a difference for future genrations!

[-] 1 points by peter (1) 13 years ago

The whole world is watching you, do it right!

[-] 1 points by KeepGoing (7) 13 years ago

I agree with Peter!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[-] 1 points by JohnTM (25) 13 years ago

Wonderful production!

[-] 1 points by 911insidejob (1) 13 years ago

STOP WARS! Military machine needs no more games cause there is no money to pay for the silly killing games for the military! We disrespect the military!



Reduce size of the government!

Investigate 9/11 properly!

[-] 1 points by kumarks (1) from Malatya, Malatya 13 years ago

Long awaited movement................ March Ahead............

[-] 1 points by kateramaline (1) from St Louis, MO 13 years ago

Beautiful video. Credit for music by Loscil? Or am I mistaken?

[-] 1 points by anonymouschristianterrorist (88) 13 years ago

99% of the people are part of Occupy Wall Street and 80% of them are Christians. That means 80% of the members of ANONYMOUS are Christians and the FBI calls them a terrorist group. ANONYMOUS is a Christian Terrorist group who wants to over throw the American government just like they friends the Right Wing Christians who are one and the same. With this in mind it might be better if you get rid of them so your movement to change the government can work and the people who want to over throw the US government are not mixed in to make you a target for attack by police and the national guard and FBI for having terrorist in your group.

[-] 1 points by Katt661 (1) 13 years ago

Great film. Thanks for being there and getting some of us to join you. I am so proud of all of you and will continue to contribute what i can.

This Mom thinks you all are wonderful. Thanks again.

[-] 1 points by Protigy (3) from Houston, TX 13 years ago

Nice compilation. Looking forward to seeing many more in the coming weeks! Solidarity!

[-] 1 points by Motherof2 (5) 13 years ago

JUST BEAUTIFUL!! Thank you all!! Love.

[-] 1 points by Realist101 (-13) 13 years ago

You’re not building anything you morons! You want the government to grow when everything the government controls is a constipated mess that has no accountability! You’re fearless leader Obama is backed by more Wall Street Crooks than anyone else! Try requiring all government officials and employees to have their wages and benefits parallel their failures at Education, Infrastructure, Department of Corrections, Family Law and the rest of the areas they regulate, rather than letting them get away with literally going to bed with the people they are supposed to regulate! Get a clue you morons!

[-] 1 points by Guardianlion (8) from Cedar Falls, IA 13 years ago

I fully support your cause but after watching you're video I noticed something. There are a lot of corporate logos on the electronic devices, cigarette boxes, etc. that you're using for this protest. You just became free advertising to the 1% and because they know this, you're helping them win. I'm not slamming you guys or the movement but please be careful not to become unknowing poster children. Good luck with your cause and God bless. I'm doing what I can to spread the word to my friends and family and get them involved.

[-] 1 points by GR8M8 (8) 13 years ago

Great that you noticed that. Maybe they should use a black sticker to cover up the logo of the very product they're using that the 1% created.

Interesting how the top 1% is big corporations like Sony, HP and other manufacturers, yet the OWS is using their products. I guess that's one good way to turn this against them; use their products to bring them down? lol I think not!

Does the word Dichotomy come to mind?

[-] 1 points by sonia4good (2) 13 years ago

Beautifully done. I think that more conversations about shifting what we buy also need to happen. The social structure is reinforced every time we buy mainstream products that have toxic ingredients (everything in the grocery store and mall that isn't organic). There are so many alternative options that we should pay attention to and utilize rather than contributing to the reinforcement of corporate homogeny. I just don't know how effective of a tool protesting is if it is not backed by shifting how we support these companies on a daily basis.

[-] 1 points by firedog (2) 13 years ago

The only true organic product is grown in your yard, don't be fooled by the label. "Organic" is just another marketing scheme. Have you ever been to your local farmers market and see them unload..all pre packaged from large farms and repackaged at the market.

[-] 1 points by MerchantofLight (46) from Chicago, IL 13 years ago

This is fantastic!!!

[-] 1 points by spencermcc (1) 13 years ago

more photos from the rally: http://bit.ly/nlzTfl use freely.

[-] 1 points by bruceistired (2) 13 years ago

I'm glad to see people finally waking up to the issues this country has faced for years. Lots of people are suffering because of all this greed and this movement could be the start of something good. Well if we don't screw it up like this post suggests. http://tinyurl.com/4y86urb

[-] 1 points by firedog (2) 13 years ago

The suffering was caused by themselves, and their greed. If you have a house you can't afford..greed, if you have thousands in credit card debt..greed, if you have more toys than you can afford..greed. If you can't pay cash, don't buy it. Greedy

[-] 1 points by JWKessler (3) from Afton, NY 13 years ago

"if you have thousands in credit card debt..greed,"

Credit card debt isn't always caused by people living extravagantly or buying too many toys. Many of us live pay check to paycheck with income pretty much in balance with basic living expenses. There simply isn't a lot of room for an unanticipated expense. So when the car you need to get to work breaks down, you use the credit card. When the dentist says you need some expensive work, out comes the credit card. When you get sick and don't have health insurance, the credit card gets you through.

It is easy to add to the balance. Paying it off is a different matter. High interest rates mean you can send the credit card company a big payment but the balance only drops a small amount. I recently paid off a card in full, but the next month I got a statement with a $16.00 charge on it. Yet more interest.

Middle class pay is stagnant but the cost of living is not. People have been hiding the difference with credit cards.

[-] 1 points by Salaam86 (161) from Springfield, IL 13 years ago

Right. I make minimum wage, and I have zero extra room for "toys." Too many toys is a conservative concept, created by people who have enough income to do/buy such things. I joined OWS because I want America to institute a fair living wage, in which inflation is controlled & taxed, and all Americans who work full-time make enough to be lower-middle class. No more of this corporate slavery.

[-] 1 points by carolg (3) 13 years ago

Credit card debt is like a jail sentence

[-] 1 points by DatMagyar (5) from Newtown, CT 13 years ago

Absolutely, overwhelmingly beautiful. This is the world I dream of, and live in heartbreak because of its absence from reality.

[-] 1 points by randian33 (2) 13 years ago

What will the outcome of this be? We, Americans, need to stop blaming others for our current situations. Yes, there are things that are out of our hands but the responsibility remains ours. Lose your job? Find another one. Can't find one? Go flip burgers until you do. If a 16 year old can do it then an un-employed Bates French Lit major can certainly do it. The problem stems from our entitlement, work ethic and attitude. We are Americans people. Act like it.

[-] 1 points by JWKessler (3) from Afton, NY 13 years ago

"What will the outcome of this be? We, Americans, need to stop blaming others for our current situations."

I suppose that is what the pre-civle war slaves in the south were told as well. Don't like getting whipped? Just knuckle down and do what the master demands you do. Accept your lot in life and be happy.

Well, those slaves deserved to be treated like humans and anyone today who puts in the effort to get an education or learn a useful skill deserves a piece of the pie.

Yes, people who put in the effort and are willing to work are ENTITLED to have a job that pays a living salary.

[-] 1 points by FreeMarkets (272) 13 years ago

No, you do not "deserve a piece of the pie". We are sorry your fourth grade teacher made you think that effort is all that matters. Unfortunately in the real world it is results that matter. If you are a bad farmer who puts in a lot of effort, you will still starve in the winter.

[-] 1 points by firedog (2) 13 years ago

Amen, personal responsibility is thae answer. If you can't afford something don't buy it, that includes a college education.

[-] 1 points by eitanyn (1) 13 years ago

Why is it seen as saint work to supply food and clothing (an cigarettes for some absurd reason) to people protesting instead of to the thousands of new yorkers whom have no clothing or food. Unsuccessful college grads who feel the need to protest something they know little about, are not exactly the demographic that should be given food and clothing from donations.

[-] 1 points by Casimir (1) 13 years ago

It's no "saint work" in the way of a rich giving to a poor, but give what you can and take what you need. If a homeless needs something to eat or new clothes. He can go there and he will get it. Not because he is homeless, it's because he is a human.

[-] 1 points by Protigy (3) from Houston, TX 13 years ago

I do not believe the short film is trying to convey a message of "saint work" by providing food, clothing and cigarettes to the movement participants; it appears [to me] they are simply showing some of the many work group features that have been established since the movement's beginning. Of all of the faces you saw, how can you label them all as unsuccessful college grads? Your premise is flawed in that there are established donation centers/groups/coalitions in almost every major city across the nation and that is not the prime focus of the movement. I will counter your argument by saying that the NYPD isn't exactly the demographic to be the recipient of a $4.6 million donation to "improve security" in New York during a protest/movement against that very same donor.

[-] 1 points by Javier (283) from Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires 13 years ago

Oustanding film! Congratulations Alex, Lily, et al, Art is Resistance.

Is there a OWS raw video repository where people can go get video segments to make films about OWS with?

That would open source the efforts facilitating artists cooperation.

[-] 1 points by PhillyOccupant (3) from Philadelphia, PA 13 years ago

Occupy Philadelphia starts tomorrow at 9am. We're expecting over 1000 people first day. Hopefully it will grow how the one in NY has. Great video.

[-] 1 points by petrie1130 (10) from Columbus, OH 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by MiMi1026 (937) from Springfield, VA 13 years ago

We The People got out of our comfort zone. We are not afraid. MOVE FORWARD!

[-] 0 points by John2342 (1) 13 years ago

EVERYTHING used and recorded in this video is a product of capitalism/corporate America. EVERYTHING used to distribute this content, and manage it is a product of capitalism/corporate American. The cellphones, the website, the food, the clothing, everything. Just a bunch of dirty hippies that don't want to work for themselves.

[-] 0 points by fishb8 (62) 13 years ago

Now that you have got the world by the arse, what are you going to do with it? I don't want to wear a brown shirt or squeal on my neighbors as it appears is part of OWS. Will you kill everyone who doesn't agree with your mandates . . ....emulating your political models?

[-] 1 points by unity100 (6) 13 years ago

first thing 'they' probably want you to do, would be to go educate yourself about history, so you wont spurt such shit and exhibit ignorance on a public space again. the brown shirts, squealing on neighbors were all stuff done by CAPITALIST economic systems. nazis did not fully mobilize and take control of the war effort even when in 1944, when most needed. they just kept contracting out all the war effort to private corporations, and everything ran in 'free market' way.


[-] 0 points by bobby (58) from Quincy, CA 13 years ago



Click the link to the first debate and then the yellow "play" button to hear about the All Party System (and independents) presidential debate.

We welcome team players who want to contact the 205+ presidential candidates, for the 1250+-way debate in 2012.

James Ogle [Free Parliamentary] Volunteer vote counter

Vote Counting Minister

"Go BarrOOgle 2012"

Why do you THINK they called it Google?

[-] 0 points by eliad (1) from Reading, PA 13 years ago

this is what the 99% are im proud to be a true patriot like the 99% thanks for all who come out to support us in so you support yourself

[-] 0 points by cjguest (0) from Villeneuve-Loubet, PACA 13 years ago


Nominations for Criminal of the Year Every trade has to have a hero, an idol to live up to. Good heavens? I am not holding an Oscar thingummy here. I’ll do a nomination and somebody can organize the rest of it. My nominee for Criminal of the Year? Obama http://www.cnsnews.com/node/72404 “Obama Added More to National Debt in First 19 Months Than All Presidents from Washington Through Reagan Combined, Says Gov’t Data In the first 19 months of the Obama administration, the federal debt held by the public increased by $2.5260 trillion, which is more than the cumulative total of the national debt held by the public that was amassed by all U.S. presidents from George Washington through Ronald Reagan.”

Of these http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_the_United_States “People under 20 years of age made up over a quarter of the U.S. population (27.3%)” Current population http://www.google.com/publicdata?ds=uspopulation&met=population&tdim=true&dl=en&hl=en&q=population+of+usa “307,006,550 - Jul 2009” 27.3% of that is 83,811,000 That means he stuck every one of those under-20s with $30,139.00 So THAT is how be bought his fancy limo service, palaces and private charter 747 for his wife’s European holiday

If you can beat that, I’ll retire.




[-] 1 points by GR8M8 (8) 13 years ago

Debt increases by U.S Presidents: Reagan 186% Bush I 54% Clinton 41% Bush II 72% Obama 23%

Source: Congressional Budget Office.

Don't believe the Tea Party, Wikipedia or Fox News hype and get your sources from some actual data and facts.

It's apparent you're delusional if you think Obama bought palaces, private charter and limo services.


[-] -1 points by hatehipsters (0) 13 years ago

Seems like a disorganized event, where people are uneducated about how the wealth is distributed and lacking the knowledge of how to properly get a point across. Rolling cigarettes while trying to fight for a cause is absolutely ridiculous and unnecessary. You are standing there protesting and complaining basically about how the poor are poor and the rich are staying rich, yet you are wasting away so much money and time on something so useless and harmful. Put some clothes on, clean yourself up and go out there and actually try to apply for jobs and talk to people. Networking is one of, if not THE, biggest part of connecting to the professional world and getting jobs and starting careers. There are so many jobs out there, people just need to actually be willing to work and willing to change to better themselves and move on with their lives.