Occupy Wall St. And Allies Rally & March United for Civil Rights
Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 27, 2011, 8:46 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
In a demonstration of the broadening base of the Occupy Wall Street / 99% movement, a rally will be held this coming Saturday, October 29 at City Hall Park in New York City, co-sponsored by the Coalition Black Trade Unionists (CBTU), the A. Philip Randolph Institute (APRI), the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (LCLAA), the Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance (APALA), the National Action Network (NAN) and the NY State and NYC City Chapters of the NAACP.
Saturday, October 29th
City Hall Park, New York City
Rally: 12:00pm Noon
March to Liberty Square: 2:00pm
Afterward: Screenings of SING YOUR OWN SONG and discussion with Harry Belafonte
Three screenings: 3PM - 5:30PM; 6:30PM - 9PM; 10PM - 12AM
Speakers at the Rally already include Terrence Melvin of CBTU, Sonia Ivany of LCLAA, Pres. Sid Ryan of Ontario Federation of Labor, Anthony Harmon of APRI, Chris Provost - Chair of Univ Student Senate, CUNY, members of Transit Workers Union Local 100 and SEIU Local 1199.
Earlier this week the NAACP put out a statement in support of the Occupy Wall Street / 99% movement:
“For over 102 years the NAACP has supported, and continues to support, policies which create, preserve and expand living wage jobs, increase economic opportunity and protect the desire of every American to build and retain wealth and equity,” said Ben Jealous, NAACP President and CEO. President Jealous went on to say that the largely peaceful protests are true to “the non-violent traditions and philosophies upon which the NAACP is based and has operated under for our entire existence.”
At 2:00pm, the entire rally will march to Liberty Square in support of the Occupy Wall Street movement and the shared ideals of equality for all, individual dignity, economic and social justice, and the right to peacefully demand change of a broken system.
"This will be a significant and inspirational day for Occupy Wall Street and the movement as whole. The 99% is made up of all us. We are united behind the fundamental ideals of equality, and economic and social justice. Our country isn't broke, it is broken. United, we cannot fail to bring the change so urgently needed,” said Kanene Holder, a Harlem-based educator and volunteer with Occupy Wall Street.
Afterward, Occupy Wall Street and SEIU Local 1199 will co-host a Civil Rights Event with Harry Belafonte.
Occupy Wall Street and SEIU Local 1199 will co-host the showing of a new documentary SING YOUR OWN SONG, directed by Susanne Rostock for HBO, about Harry Belafonte's civil rights career followed by discussions with Mr. Belafonte. The event will be held at the Borough of Manhattan Community College 950 seat theater on West and Canal.
Most people know the lasting legacy of Harry Belafonte, Jr, the entertainer. This film unearths his significant contribution to and his leadership in the Civil Rights movement in America and to social justice globally. Mr. Belafonte was a confidante of the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., bailing King out of the Birmingham City Jail and raising thousands of dollars to release other Civil Rights protesters. He financed the Freedom Rides, and supported and helped to organize the March on Washington, DC in 1963. He also helped organize the "We Are the World" effort, is one of the leading prison reform advocates, as well as a vocal thought leader and advocate in dozens of other civil rights causes.
Belafonte on Occupy Wall Street: Through its choice of non-violence “this movement is instantly struck with a sense of great genius,” Belafonte boldly pronounced, noting core strengths and values, and courage, as attributes of the movement’s identity. “It has attracted the rest of us to become greatly involved in any way that we can serve it.”
Dear friends,
In my opinion the #Occupy Movement has done everything right by so far only using non-violent protest and organizing. We have to remember that the #Occupy Movement which is increasing in size in the US, but also around the world, is in a growing phase right now. We have to think in long term perspective. Big changes arn´t going to come over night, we´re not going to get total freedom and democracy in a few weeks, this is going to be a long hard struggle. This is the beginning of something huge! Now we´re in a time where we have to GROW: and we grow by doing exactly what we´re doing right now: protesting, making ourselves heard, organize, convince, getting more people to join, enlighten etc. We should also start thinking about organizing sit-down strikes in different areas where the movement has a lot of community support. Then when the Occupy Movement has become a dominant force in different communities and nationwide we can start making big changes thru general strikes, worker´s takeover of workplaces, communities, and in general establishing a more democratic, solidaric just society :)
During this struggle for a free democratic and just society we have to prepare ourselves for lots of opposition from the elites and their supporters and servants. Not only do we have to prepare for media-propaganda, we also have to prepare for more of what we´ve seen lately: police brutality. Its a natural reaction of the finacial elite who are getting more and more scared of the Occupy movement. The police is a tool of the business-run state to try to crush the ones who want to take back from the wealthy what has been stolen thru bailouts, exploitation and speculation at the stock exchange. The elites are starting to feel threatened, they want to keep all that they have stolen, so naturally they want to stop #Occupy movements with police force. These tendencies are however an indcation that we´re on the right track: The elites are getting scared, and react by increasing their effort in trying to crush us.
The finacial elite will however fail. As the system we have today affects more and more people, and naturally evolves in an unsutainable way, - like it always has – it will eventually sooner or later collapse in on itself. The world and its inhabitants desperately need a new and better society, and this is the beginning of the end. We´ve had it. We want real change, and we must take action ourselves. The #Occupy Movement will grow for each day, and the more we grow the more the non-democratic finacial elite will understand that their time of controlling our lives and destinies is over . The people will privail, because we are more powerful than private tyranny and its servants.
Noam Chomsky on today´s society and how to make changes:
Noam Chomsky on where we go from here (at #Occupy Boston):
(Entire #Occupy Boston lecture + Q&A: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZbNT62aprM&feature=related )
Alternatives to capitalism:
Thanks so much for these links. I watched the Noam Chomsky talk last night, it was a revelation. I really appreciate your telling us about the videos.
you´re very welcome. So glad you found my posts useful. Keep on fighting:)
btw, here´s another lecture by Chomsky (april 2011). Very good: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iebK7VVDayY
Oh, great! I'll look at it soon, and thanks so much. I've been trying to get economic analysis from TheMilitant.com, which is the weekly online newspaper of the Socialist Workers Party, which I used to belong to in the early 70's. Their articles a week ago said basically the same thing Noam Chomsky said about what's happened with capitalism now that it's no longer investing in factories and products but financial speculation (I think that was the idea). But Noam Chomsky went into so much greater analysis, it was just fantastic.
So true. Thanks for the time on posting all the links in one easily-copied area. That's a real pain to do all that work.
Youre very welcome :)
Greetinings and solidarity. Keep up the good work.
The world has always been unfair and tilted in favor of those who have power, money or status, or who are smart and create their own success. Every single movement that has attempted to level the playing field and redistribute wealth has failed. Look at the former Soviet Union, China, North Korea, etc. Sooner or later, the revolutionaries become the rulers and are the elites - power and money are consolidated and in these so-called "equal" societies, a few are much more equal than others. Even in socialist leaning states, they are experiencing the gap between revenues to pay for "free" medical care, housing, etc. Their model is not sustainable because demand and cost keeps growing faster than revenue. It is simple economics.
Your ideals are solid, it is the practical implementation that isn't going to happen. If you want examples, look at the microcosm of Zucotti Park - squabbles over who is in charge, limits on freedom (drumming), and anger at "freeloaders" (homeless people).
You would be far better off directing your energies and time within the system to change it from within. The Tea Party is totally crazy, but they have managed to elect their own in many cities and states and have totally changed the course of the republican party. You have an opportunity to do that as well with an existing party or create an alternative.
Outside of the system, the 1%, and even top tiers of the 99% have no interest in change and are certainly not going to give in to such unrealistic demands and idealism. My family is fortunate to be in the top 4% and while I lean progressive, no one I know who has worked hard and fairly earned what they have (not Wall Street) is going to give it up for some marxist-socialist collective. Sorry, not going to happen.
You want to get middle America and those with wealth who lean progressive onboard? Use the idealism to work within the system to make it more fair, more equitable and help those without.
just like the establishment under feudalism who ridiculed the ones who wanted democracy by saying "It`s not gonna work, we dont have any examples of it and no prof that it ll work" the same arguments are now being used against libertarian socialists & libertarian left-leaning. Sorry, my frind - im not buying those arguements.
You can´t change a system that is rotten from within. We have to do it ourselves by direct participatory action. More direct democracy is better than repr.democracy, so we should strive for as much direct democracy as possible.
I disagree with the throw the baby out with the bathwater approach - our system works very well in many regards and needs evolutionary, not revolutionary change. Personally, I would vote for a conservative republican before I would support socialism in this country, and I would bet most middle class and above Americans will agree. Communism and socialism are boogiemen that even poorer Americans will react negatively to, so you doom your cause if this is your strategy. Try all you like though.... best of luck.
Um.... the poorer tend to be Democrats, not convservatives. And it's the conservatives, mainly members of the 1%, who work against them wanting to keep them poor and targeting them for most of the crime.... while many of the 1% are getting away with a lot of crime themselves. Why do you think the majority of people in prison are people of color? Do you think it's because only they commit crimes while white people don't?
"our system works very well in many regards" Absolutely not. Exploitation, the destruction of the environment, increasing gap between rich and poor, enormous power to the elites, concentration of private wealth. Its a horrible unsustainable system, it has to be dismantled, and it is the build up of direct action to replace state -capitalism we see the beginning of right now.
"Personally, I would vote for a conservative republican before I would support socialism" What do you mean by "socialism"?
Libertarian Socialism/Anarcho-Syndicalism is the way to go - direct action and direct participatory democracy is the system in which humans can live free without being treated like cogs in a machine, where they control their own lives and work.
Absolutely, yes it does. I love my life and will bet most Americans would agree once they see what your "movement" espouses. The "99%" in America enjoy lives and comfort that much of the world envies - you are the world's 1%. Perhaps a little more self-awareness would be beneficial. Again, best of luck, but it isn't going to happen.
'Occupy Madison' loses permit due to public masturbation.
These rude uneducated uncivilized remarks reflect fear. Go back into your hole and hide there while the sane gather to create a real revolution based in our democratic history of people power.
There should be retiree's who have lost their retirement money to these Wall Street crooks lined up by the thousands, There message is not being as pronounced as the others, if not the first message. Billions of dollars were ripped offed from retirement (IRA Accounts). Their needs to be retribution for this atrocity. Retiree's unite now. our message, WE WANT OUR MONEY BACK!
Yes. Where are they? Get out the message. Retirees are sick and homeless because of corporate greed. Retirees are the people who vote consistently. RETIREES VOTE NOW> Feed the children who stand in our place and support them. Get outW
Based on my math this has currently cut my retirement savings in half. I'm now looking for a job, sell my home to down size to make ends meet just to find out my house has lost 50% of it's value since I retired in '07'. I recently had an offer on the house but the bank wouldn't loan the money because my house appraise 80% below the offer. I've worked for forty years paying taxes, raising a family of 5, balancing a budget, and trying to elect officials that would pass laws to protect the people that exemplifies this country. Wrong! Our Government can't even do what they expect us to do. I hope that we can learn from this and make corrections to laws governing the financial institutes. Our Government has failed to protect the people they serve from the fraud, scams, and deceit that has been running rampant throughout the political and financial systems. As the documentary "Inside Job" points out.......we are still waiting for these correction to be made and the people responsible brought to justice. Someone has to be held accountable. It still seems to be an epidemic that the CDC should eradicate.
I'm very sorry to hear about your situation. I bet a lot of retirees are in the same position. It's completely unfair and is bullshit. But, some blinded people out there call the OWS protesters and supporters (people like you) losers who live off the system!!! Assholes.
Does any CEO need $100,000 a day because he stole the money we slaved for and did without to save! We seniors must join the fight. Show up days at the parks. Bring signs. Bring food or what ever we can.
I will be with everyone saturday, to all, non-violent protest, yeah it grabs headlines, but the people that oppose us will use it against us, This movement has the chance of grabing the hearts and minds of the entire 99%. The police are not our enemy. Sure there are a few looking for trouble on both sides of the barricade. Lets have a peaceful protest that a family with children can assemble and march with us. peace
These are the best of times and the worst of times
America has spectacular talent. Brilliant people who compete in sports, entertainment, technological advancement, and too long a list to complete. How can these people be so oblivious to the bribes, the fraud, the deceit of the media propaganda that protects outrageous government corruption.
The incredible World Series game six won by the Cardinals to send it to the rubber match is pure American. How can we let this miraculous place on earth be destroyed by disgusting privileged crooks. http://overthecoals.blogspot.com/ read more
wait a minute, are we protesting or supporting?
Good move and it is about time. You should invite back Danny Glover and Reverends Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. Danny Glover did a terrific job in California and Jackson and Sharpton are great any day of the week. They were the first two letters of appeal I sent out for support when the movement had first begun. It took them awhile to voice their message but they finally did respond. Since labor rights are one of the biggest problems effecting us today, this line up tomorrow is very needed. Do not lose the connections.
You do realize that Danny and Jesse and Al are all members of the 1% club, don't you?
You poor slobs are being played for saps and you don't even know it LOL!
Neither one of them are part of the 1%. They haven't earned that much in their lives. A few million bucks is not exactly rich. It's in the upper part of the middle class. Real wealth and power doesn't look anything like those two paupers. They're both powerless due to their money status but they mean well and are great spokesmen for democratic rights of the 99%.
the did not earn 325k in a year ? I don't believe you. the top one percent earn 325k a year.
Left you an answer above your comment. When you consider what kind of wealthy people are in the US really, Glover and Jackson are small fries in the scheme of things. Most people cannot comprehend what 20 million a day looks like, but we have people at that level and are they paying anything in income tax? According to Buffet and Gates, they are not. I don't think that they would lie about it. Even Trump is bitching about Herman Cain's tax plan of taking the wealthy down to 9%. He says that Cain will be forced to revise that plan because it is ridiculous.
Actually, an annual income in the US over $368,000 or so puts you in the top 1%. Perhaps you might look at census demographic data to know what you are talking about.
Your point is respectfully well taken and I'm glad that you mentioned it but that is their figures, not mine. $368,000 seems large if you aren't at that level, but it is still average Jo middle class mortgage and charge cards, etc. Real wealth doesn't look anything like that. I will bet that this income pays a lot more tax than upper levels, as in the 20 million per month group. This rate might have been set at that level for a reason, to trap more volumes of people into higher rates of taxes. I am not for taxing any one under one million per year. I say let them spend their money all they want and create demand, jobs and roads out of poverty in doing so.
First, I appreciate the open discussion.
I was interested to learn what the 1% threshold was as well and was a little surprised. I did know my family is in the 4%, which is under $300k. You are right, it doesn't feel rich, we feel very middle class, although know we are fortunate.
Actually, I am 100% in favor of everyone who has an income over a living wage paying taxes - taxes fund police, schools, food inspection, roads and infrastructure, parks, and all of the things we take for granted. While no one likes to pay taxes, I am happy to knowing what they go toward.
it don't matter what gang your from or who ya represent............there is safety in numbers and we need to stick together............... like what cyrus tried to do in the movie the warriors............it is all our turf........bloods stand next to crips.......crips stand next to the zetas and take back what is ours..........the pigs are the problem put aside your differences and unite..........they can't stop us all
Down with the pigs! Twinkle hands UP for the Bloods! Twinkle hands UP for the Crips.
You pathetic morons belong in an asylum.
Gangs... no, I don't think so. Never liked them.
These are the best of times and the worst of times
America has spectacular talent. Brilliant people who compete in sports, entertainment, technological advancement, and too long a list to complete. How can these people be so oblivious to the bribes, the fraud, the deceit of the media propaganda that protects outrageous government corruption.
The incredible World Series game six won by the Cardinals to send it to the rubber match is pure American. How can we let this miraculous place on earth be destroyed by disgusting privileged crooks. http://overthecoals.blogspot.com/ read more
why don't we occupy the homes of the ones that put us in the streets?............occupy everywhere and take back what is ours...........they can't stop us all
How can something you did not earn, make or buy be yours?
How can something you did not earn get given away to CEOs instead of going back into the economy like it was supposed to, which is now back above pre-recession figures, have avoided a double-dip, and yet still there are huge unemployment figures because those who stole that money sit on it like greedy dragons in order to try and play politics and hold our country for ransom. Oh no - it MUST be those awful hippies trying to get a handout.
Go read a book, preferably not by Rush Limburger.
Personally, I hate Rush Limbaugh with a passion.
None of these companies stole anything. They were enabled (in some cases forced by Congress) to take bailout funds. I was there and remember this outrageousness, so you can't fool me by saying otherwise.
Ah - well I am glad we can agree that Rush Limbo is worth hating with a passion! :)
Thumbs up!
Try it, you moron. Just try it. OMG I am so hoping you try it.
Elect me to congress and I'll open every foreclosed home for a homeless family.
These are the best of times and the worst of times
America has spectacular talent. Brilliant people who compete in sports, entertainment, technological advancement, and too long a list to complete. How can these people be so oblivious to the bribes, the fraud, the deceit of the media propaganda that protects outrageous government corruption.
The incredible World Series game six won by the Cardinals to send it to the rubber match is pure American. How can we let this miraculous place on earth be destroyed by disgusting privileged crooks. http://overthecoals.blogspot.com/ read more
Another political butt boy who wants your vote I'll bet his campaign contributions come mainly from the business community. Right, if you get elected you will be just like the rest of the hacks trying to figure what you have to do to keep getting reelected
What we need is to remove all those crooked politicians from office and limit the number of politicians and how much they can be bought for. ALL the politicians in office right now, including the president are getting money from companies and people who pull their strings and tell them what to do. What we need are young people to serve this county and turn it all around. Old politicians are not up to date with what is going on right now and new technology.
The president is touring the country right now, like a rock star instead of thinking of ways to create jobs and get us out of this recession.
To do that we must nominate candidates and campaign for them in every district. Quit sitting in the park. Let's get moving.
To do that, we need a #OWS National Convention. A few days ago I read such an idea and posted a video in support of it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIrCou0vfT8 Occupy Wall Street National Convention ows-clip 1 Shwe Lu Maung
I am a sixties radical from Myanmar, defeated and displaced in US. I just hope the present generation will be able to crystallize their ideas and come up with a viable and sustainable political movement.
OWS compared to the Tea Party
Christine O'Donnell was nominated in Delaware to be the Tea Party Republican candidate for the United States Senate. OWS adamantly refuses to endorse much less nominate any candidate to run for election. The OWS believes that they can choose demands that will be enacted by merely sitting in the park holding signs and having petitions signed.
The Tea Party demands to get government out of the lives of all except for sexual behavior. Christine O'Donnell claimed she was against masturbation. Does Christine actually know what masturbation is and has Christine ever masturbated? Christine went right down the line about gay marriage and abortion. Now that Christine has been video taped and has written a book the OWS would be wise to consider making her the poster child for the right wing nuts.
Instead of using Christine O"Donnell as the poster child for Republicans, the OWS prefers to claim that they are the 99% which mathematically includes the 35% of American Republicans who gave a knee jerk reaction applause to Rick Perry when bragged that as Governor of Texas he leads the nation http://www.deathpenaltyinfo.org/number-executions-state-and-region-1976 by far. Perry was proud that he executed 234 and that Perry believes that to be thoughtful.
With Obama on record for being a liar on every campaign promise, and being wrong on every decision he has made in office, the OWS fails to see any opportunity to nominate any candidate for election. During my experience with hundreds of OWS people in person in the park and on the OWS forum they are as uniformly ridiculous and naive as the Tea Party. With all of this clearly on the record, the only conclusion possible is that America is doomed. read more http://overthecoals.blogspot.com/
Before you criticize older people, maybe you need to understand why older people feel the way they do, and also realize that being young does not always equate with being progressive but tend to espouse anarchy by not taking into account the consequence of their actions. I am a sixties radical, and hear very little new accusations or alternatives that were not spouted during the sixties. Many people of age are very savvy and knowledgable about politics and new technologies.
Stay United and Stay Strong!
all this pointless non-argumental spamming isnt exactly very helpful for this ice-cold republican you´re supporting
Because we all know that only people of "color" get oppressed by the 1%.
Great new installment of Government Gone Wild. Use the Statistics on this video to further support your message!!!
Fantastic video!
The amount of talent is amazing with Film Documentary production. Tie that to the passion of those who are clear on the message of making the world a better place today, and for future generations to come, and you can move mountains!
Maybe someone can create a site, and with the permission of film producers, put the "best of" videos on the one site. Well scripted and produced videos open the eyes of those who are still asleep. Most are brain washed by their TV. Their information comes from the controlled media and controlled educational system. They've been made complacent by drinking water with Fluoride. They've come to believe, it's normal for a govt. to dictate their lives. What the TSA does is normal. What the FDA does is normal. There's nothing wrong with GMO foods, and those who were raided, trying to sell raw milk, deserved to be raided.
These documentaries give them the history of how we got to where we are today with facts that break their brainwashing to see the light! I don't know how to put up a site but I'll bet someone in this movement does! Or maybe such a site already exists. This goes beyond YouTube, we're talking about one site, that is a source for incredible eye opening documentaries!
The people manipulating this movement don't want this kind of information taking off because they support the anti freedom, anti life affirming things that you've laid out. I am not talking about all of the people camping at Liberty Square - they are very diverse - but I'm talking about the self appointed Marxist leadership who have now steered OWS into nothing more than an appendage of big labor.
Mark, I agree with you completely. In fact just last night I was reading the section in Grieder's book on the Fed where he contrasts the class base and resulting politics of 19th vs. 20th century populists (progressive and reactionary respectively). (See bottom of page 265 for his punchline on this.) That's why I spoke of both left and right wing populists today. The kids today at OWS who are proworker, antiracist, antisexist, anti-imperialist, but who think the solution is ending the Fed, or restoring Glass-Steagall, or breaking up the big banks, or moving our money to credit unions -- isn't left populist a fair term for them? And it's meant not in an elitist or dismissive way, but as a sign of their lack of exposure to basic socialist ideas -- for which we all, of course, share some responsibility.
An email from one of them:
Please Dont get corrupted by Labor Unions and politicians. Keep focused on the Banksters, and the totally corrupt Political system. Get the money out of politics.
This is a meaningless cause....your beef is not with the millions made by wall street or the 1%....your beef is with yourselves not having the self empowerment to become part of the 1%. Get off your ass, quite bitching about what they got and you don't and make something of yourself. Anyone one of us can be the 1%......as one of the 99% I am embarrassed by this movement.
there are no jobs for americans. the jobs are being shipped overseas by the one percent, so THEY can have cheap slaves to work for them, in the workshop and in the bedroom. cheap. so they can have everything. and everyone else gets nothing
They stole the jobs for Chinese slaves to do the work. We must elect a 3rd party in every district. Stop sitting in the park right now.
These are the best of times and the worst of times
America has spectacular talent. Brilliant people who compete in sports, entertainment, technological advancement, and too long a list to complete. How can these people be so oblivious to the bribes, the fraud, the deceit of the media propaganda that protects outrageous government corruption.
The incredible World Series game six won by the Cardinals to send it to the rubber match is pure American. How can we let this miraculous place on earth be destroyed by disgusting privileged crooks. http://overthecoals.blogspot.com/ read more
I want a list of all grievances and demands and hope for the future for all Occupy wall street protestors. How do we arrange for that. I would like to know on what grounds those who support ows would support a president.
To our brothers all over the world - STAY STRONG FOR WE STAND TOGETHER! From London with Love
Don't listen to the loser trolls. They represent the most miserable in society and just want to drag the rest down with them.
Think you so much for your post! It is well written and makes clear what this movement is about and where we are headed.
When others attack our movement for no clear message; they are ignoring exactly what we fight for and why we're in the streets and occupying. They mistakenly want to believe we have no idea why we are emboldened to make a stand.
But the huge difference, actions speak so much louder than words. Talk is cheap, written words cost a tad bit more, not much, but physically standing up and occupying, this is like the difference between night and day.
That's right. They don't know what's coming and they are scared. There's smear campaigns with deceptions rifling through the right wing circles. They are scrambling frantically while they say we're silly and fizzling out.
Why? We want the American Dream back from the Greedy Rich who are selling it off because they care more about money than people.
They will have to ignore me too because I don't fit their narrative. It's a defensive posture when your running scared. But we are about to change all the narratives. ALL of them. Truth is on it's way. It's US.
We are more educated then any generation before us and we can hold on to the truth more than ever as consequence. The hard truths are those which build principle and we already have the models of great people and movements to draw from. The 1960s movements even help us now as they speak to us through history. We know what worked and what didn't. History is only attainable through learning (ed), we have this on our side!
We are at the Apex of a New Awareness.
These are the best of times and the worst of times
America has spectacular talent. Brilliant people who compete in sports, entertainment, technological advancement, and too long a list to complete. How can these people be so oblivious to the bribes, the fraud, the deceit of the media propaganda that protects outrageous government corruption.
The incredible World Series game six won by the Cardinals to send it to the rubber match is pure American. How can we let this miraculous place on earth be destroyed by disgusting privileged crooks. http://overthecoals.blogspot.com/ read more
Well said, thank you...and thanks for the link.
BP $20 BILLION oil spill fund
The fund set up for victims of BP Plc’s oil spill has paid $5.5 billion to more than 213,000 claimants in every U.S. state and 38 nations, according to Kenneth Feinberg, who runs the compensation program. The Gulf Coast Claims Facility receives about 2,270 submissions a week, Feinberg said today in testimony to the House Natural Resources Committee. The fund is “achieving its objective” and the number of new applicants is “proof positive that we are doing something right,” Feinberg said. The totals are current as of Oct. 21.
Representative Doc Hastings, a Washington Republican and chairman of the panel, said there has been a “large hole” in oversight and accountability of the claims facility, which started writing checks in 2010. State officials and residents along the Gulf of Mexico have called the fund inefficient and the payments too low. BP set aside $20 billion for the fund last year and named Feinberg as manager after negotiations with the Obama administration over damages to homes and businesses from the April 2010 spill, which spewed crude into the Gulf for 87 days.
That was the report by Bloomberg here is what Bloomberg forgot to report. The hearing revealed that $20 billion is a floor not a ceiling but that was contradicted by on August 2013 if Feinberg who receives his own monthly compensation of $1,250,000 monthly doesn't disperse the $20 billion the remaining balance will be returned to BP. In addition to the oil BP purposely dumped toxic chemicals called dispersants to disperse the oil making tiny drops from globs so the oil can't be seen. Shrimpers are catching 40% less than normal now but that could be much less 5 or 10 years from now. The oil can't be seen and neither can the missing shrimp be seen.
That huge decrease in shrimp doesn't account for the reduction of shrimp feed for all the sea creatures that eat shrimp for their diet. The BP fund won't compensate starving sea inhabitants. Every BP statement proved untrue. The SCREWED AGAIN remedy would be to arrest all the BP executives who purposely tried to save money when they used 6 centralizers instead of 23 and confiscate the entire company the same as the DEA would confiscate all the cocaine, the cars, homes and assets they would sell from cocaine dealers. The USA would then sell all the BP stock to remedy all the victims of the 4,900,000 barrel spill.
http://overthecoals.blogspot.com/ read more.
Remember the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill? Watch the following and let me know what you think. Our democracy is in jeopardy and I believe that this is the best way to take care of the situation. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4g29gS2KUo
Stunning, breath taking speeches by Obama. This guy is full of shit while he's jerking off dreaming about Obama. He's the smartest guy you'll ever meet, but he can't manage it.
This bastard is a smug scheming shill for Obama who wrote this book to trick everybody about Obama. I'd love to crack him with a baseball bat. I'm not a liberal whiner, sucker.
He said, "Geithner laughs and then he cuts your throat."
Watch Book TV right now. It will replay at 10 PM Sun.
If we don't nominate candidates right now for 2012 and campaign for them in every district this protest is a failure.
Phase 2 must begin now. Campaigns take time.
Absolutely, I agree again, this is where the rubber needs to hit the road. Or your right, we'll hit the wall.
AGREE! We must get candidates we can vote for and help them get their message out. This is our greatest challenge because all media is controlled. If we REGISTER AND VOTE we can win enough to sustain the revolution. REGISTER everyone you can. Then we can encourage the vote.
And I will, every election cycle I jump and help, knock on doors, phone calls. We have wake up everyone to get them motivated. It does help.
Yes - the "authorities" and fat cats want a head they can cut off, something they can define so they can then employ the correct force to stop it. Give them nothing to find purchase against. Open up the void and let them fall into it, hanging themselves on their own ropes.
Yes, strategy is very important to this movement, and already they have made some good moves. The opposition is reacting predictably because they know somethings coming. Their desperation becomes apparent every time they try to shut it down. We derive strength from them every time they try to do it. It is a very interesting play.
We will WIN! ........ : )
These are the best of times and the worst of times
America has spectacular talent. Brilliant people who compete in sports, entertainment, technological advancement, and too long a list to complete. How can these people be so oblivious to the bribes, the fraud, the deceit of the media propaganda that protects outrageous government corruption.
The incredible World Series game six won by the Cardinals to send it to the rubber match is pure American. How can we let this miraculous place on earth be destroyed by disgusting privileged crooks. http://overthecoals.blogspot.com/ read more
We will lose. There is no attempt to nominate candidates to run for congress. Sitting in the park will get the booby prize.
Stay non-violent. Give them no cause to attack. Ghandi freed a nation by standing firm. Are you ready to pay the price for freedom. MLK gave leadership to a movement that changed our laws. People paid the price. Are you real? American forces moved protestors from parks with tanks and set their camps on fire. Many died. Will you pay the price for freedom? Thousands of Americans fought in foreign lands for freedom. Will you pay the price? You have a great opportunity to organize, nominate candidates and elect a new government for the people. Are you really willing? REGISTER AND VOTE
The movement must translate it's power to real representation in the government, it is where the rubber hits the road.
America is too lovable to let it be destroyed
It’s Up To You To Save America from itself.
I have solutions for:
1) Jobs,
2) Simple & fair taxation,
3) Health care, 4) Energy,
5) Justice, 6) Stop the bribes, and the liars -- Obama
read more http://overthecoals.blogspot.com/
Well, no, you won't win. Unless you consider letting the rats swarm freely as you continue to pee in your tupperware 'winning'.
Go home. Take a shower. Get a job.
No one is going to pay your debts just because you act like a spoiled brat.
Hide and wait.
Hopefully, you're headed for the nearest jail cell.
Cheer up. They have plenty of 'free stuff' there, too.
What's this 'stand together' crap?
These losers won't even feed the homeless!
They're frauds!
Fuck off and go back to hiding in your cave of miseries.
The American go ahead ! Capital is dying ! The suffering laboured Capitalism is dying in your eyes, in your heart while Capitalism can only bring the wealthy life for 1% of The US population 4% of the American people hold 86% of Social property asset, infact you have never done the society, that you are permanently servant ever ! and Now will have to be different ! Capitalism is dying ! When Capitalism takes your child away to protect and invade other countries for oil, for food, being bombs to exchange for dollar, blood and bones of American people for a piece of the frageant cheese on the table of politic parties and power of the dark forces against real peace of maintand. “All bankers are Nazi !”, “ Down four exploitative”, “ All for us- working people”, “ What belongs to the people, have to payback the people”. It is too true ! who has caused the bloodiest wars in the 20th and 21st centuries ? who has invaded your country ? why was America attacked on 11/9. The question is : Regardless of the violence of Capitalism gave mainkind , The United State has to take it back, that is fear and disgust the 3rd war. Cause and effect will be deployed an absolute awareness, when the US. Economy will fall dramatically in the near future ! you will begin to learn new concepts, such us Peace, Love, People, Humanism. How is God? American values will be not only dollars, but also Social violence and Social injustice until now your dull is out and you wake up in your faith is that realy make your faith fully awake in the peaceful atmosphere of Judgment. You will learn the love of God on your own pain, not others pain. You ! Let’s hold our hand and united for human progress, because your real properties equality and move on ! “Forwared” Front universal path is waiting for you, the rest of the life and afterlife ! It would be so ! Moving on ! Be brave for moving on wiping out the memory of the old dirty, wipe blades of the flood and bad rubblish and exploitive small sample, poor fellow body, to be righteous forever ! The United States owns you completely, because all are yours ! Turn green flags into red flags. Keep up the people’s council and organization which lead you live your best ! Moving on, the heroic Americant people ! Progress of humanity waiting for you !
You need to put the drugs down and take a shower.
Then, commit yourself to the nearest asylum ASAP!
OWS freak.
Put the bong down dude.
How about first stop discriminating against the homeless and feed them at the park.
Stop discriminating against people who use natural drugs. Stop the cannabis persecution. Cannabis can save our country.
That isnt a civil right and look.....I get that you want to smoke dope.....Dont you think this is about more than your right to smoke dope?
Yes, this is about more than freedom to use what medicine you want. It is about saving our economy without polluting the planet, which can only be done with cannabis.
Yes, it is a civil right to get high if you want. Cannabis is not dope. Learn. Opium is dope. Learn.
Whichever. The point is that it is all too obvious some people start to put things out there as rights just because they want to get high.
It's called pursuit of happiness. Get off mine or get your ass kicked.
It's not just that some people want to smoke dope- which I feel is a non issue when you consider the damage and death every year in America from legal alcohol and tobacco products- cannabis is a relatively low risk drug . There have been numerous studies that show the effectiveness of cannabis as a medication. Having personally used medical marijuana I can tell you it's a better pain killer than morphine/synthetic opiates or even NSAID drugs, which are very damaging to the liver, for dealing with moderate chronic pain and can also be used in conjunction opiate drug therapy for chronic moderate to severe pain, resulting in a lower dosages of the more addicting opiates and is much easier to withdraw from than these more psychically addicting drugs- studies show withdrawal is more psychological than physical and not everyone will experience these withdrawal symptom even if the medication is abruptly stopped. This can not be said with opiate medications. Tolerance to cannabis grows much more slowly as opposed to opiate drugs.Cannabis is a better anxiolytic medicine than the widely prescribed and highly addictive benzodiazapine drugs like Valium or Xanax. Cannabis has been shown to improve appetite for those who suffer from wasting symptoms due to diseases like AIDS and cancer, and is also a safer and effective medical treatment for the symptoms of MS, epilepsy, and glaucoma. That cannabis is a schedule I drug (as described to have no medical use or benefit) in the face of studies that show otherwise boggles the mind. Of course, that being said, no one medication is a perfect fit for everyone, this is also true for the thousands of prescription and non-prescription drugs currently available for medical use. But, in my opinion, this is a side issue and should be pursued separately from the OWS movement at the moment. Again,in my opinion, the main focus of the movement should be campaign finance reform and the reinstatement of the Glass Steagall Act, the abolishment of the electoral collage, outlawing lobbying of all forms and making our elected representatives directly responsible to their constituents. In my opinion, this movement needs to focus on these things first and then move on to other important issues like healthcare reform, education reform, sustainable jobs programs that pay a living wage and access to quality child care/elder care. If we can't take care of the first things, we will never make progress in other areas of importance.
I dont really care about it that much, its just that it is not a civil right.....and I will say again that people use that whole freedom thing because they want to get high....point blank. There are very few people out there fighting for legalization who arent getting high. Like me, I dont care, I dont get high, so I dont really fight for it. If you can get it legalized or whatever, I just dont care but telling me its a right is like saying it is someones right to get high. I think that is pushing pursuit of happiness too far. Besides it just causes other people to have a bad impression of the movement as a whole....right now it isnt something that is needed.
Well, I never said it was a right, I believe that was adam. I don't live in a state that has legalized medical marijuana, though it is decriminalized to some extent and one can have quite a bit on hand for personal use without getting any more than an appearance ticket. I work rather tirelessly in the fight to legalize marijuana because it's something I believe in. I think it is less damaging to the body than alcohol or cigarettes, it grows naturally from the earth as if a gift from the gods, in my opinion. Prudent, responsible use is the key. I am well educated and informed, I have had many jobs in my life though I am currently permanently disabled due to an accident and unable to work. I spend most of my days flat on my back, saving the little energy I can put forth in a day to spend with my son, to help him with his homework and to foster a good relationship with him. It's a messed up way to live and I seek any remedy that can help me to live a somewhat normal life. My doctor knows I smoke pot and is supportive of me doing so. When he asks me to take breaks from using marijuana to make an assessment of my pain levels and my mobility, I do. I do this in conjunction with opiate rotation/reduction so we can see what is what in regards to the injury. By working together and being honest about what I do, my doctor respects me and trusts that I am not a drug seeking patient. Did I smoke pot before I was injured? Yep, I did. I have been a daily pot smoker for nearly 25 years (aside from the 9 months I carried my son and when my doc asks me not to smoke) and yet during 23 of the 25 years, I held down a job, supported myself and other family members, had hobbies, friends (some who agree with my position, some who disagree and vehemently) and have intellectual pursuits- in short, I have never felt that marijuana has been anything else but a positive blessing in my life. In my opinion most of the problems that occur due to marijuana are a direct result of it being illegal. Aside from the fact that study after study has shown marijuana to be helpful in a number of diseases, the big drug companies refuse to press the issue of legalizing it, if only for medical use, because there is less money to be made from it than from these overly complex drugs that they spend millions developing, notwithstanding that there may be older, more studied and less harmful drugs that can do the same job with the same results and a lot of times with less side effects. As far as recreational use is concerned, there has never been a death associated with marijuana use alone, it is less harmful to the body than alcohol and does not seem to cause some of the same social problems that are associated with alcohol. I'm not the sort of person to encourage anyone to use a drug or take a drink- in fact, I don't drink alcohol in any amount and I don't use other drugs that have not been prescribed to me. Up until I was injured, I was a productive member of society, and if you looked at me on the street you'd never guess I smoked pot at all. The stereotype of a pothead lazing around, not working, staring at the tv and acting like a goofball really anger me because most people I know who smoke pot are normal, everyday people who just happen to enjoy smoking pot. A person will do what a person will do, but if it were my son, I'd much rather have him smoking pot than drinking jello shots or smoking two packs of cigarettes a day. But that's me. But to sum this up, I believe that if we legalized marijuana outright and taxed it as we do cigarettes and alcohol, it would provide much needed revenue to states, would remove the stigma associated with it, allow those who feel they "have a problem" to seek help without fear of reprisal from their job or disappointment from their families and could be treated within their health insurance coverage without fear of losing it, should they be lucky enough to have it at all. It would also solve issues regarding safety and purity, so you know what you are taking and the strength of it. I also believe legalizing marijuana would take the control of it out of the hands of drug cartels and no one would be harmed by the growth or distribution of it, not to mention the money saved by ending eradication efforts and incarcerating people for simple possession or sale. I do agree, I don't see a reason to tack this issue on to the OWS movement, as much as adam may disagree with me, I believe it is a secondary issue, there is much more at stake here and now, and there are other avenues to pursue the legalization of marijuana, right now, today. I'd rather see economic and social justice issues tackled first and continue to do my work towards legalization separately. The movement already has the appearance (to the haters) of being 'dirty, smelly, pot smoking hippies.' We don't need to give the opposition fuel for the fire.
Cannabis is nowhere near a side issue. It is the number one most important issue. The cure for cancer makes it so. If you want to pretend that it does not cure cancer, it is still the most important issue as far as making paper and housing supplies without chemicals and forest destruction. LEARN MORE STUFF!!!
I am pretty well informed on the topic of cannabis, used medically and otherwise, but seriously, if you support the legalization of cannabis over all other issues there are plenty of avenues you can take to work towards that, right now, today. We see 16 states already which have legalized medical cannabis, and many other state which have decriminalized the possession of cannabis in varying degrees. If legalizing pot is your main concern, I think you would get more done working with an organization specifically for that purpose along with your support of the OWS movement. I don't disagree with you about the healing properties of cannabis, I've seen it in action and there is some research that supports your claim as well as much anecdotal evidence to support it, and I have already stated that cannabis has been proved to ease symptoms of many other diseases as well. I agree it is an important environmental issue as well. I support many movements/organizations that call for legalized medical cannabis as well as the complete legalization of marijuana, so you're preaching to the choir here. My only point is that there are very pressing issues that the OWS movement seems to be trying to address, most of them dealing with economic issues and the reform of our current government system. While I support the OWS movement, I don't think putting the 'legalize pot' issue at the front of it is going to win over the number of supporters needed to effect real economic and governmental change. That's just my opinion and you're free to disagree, but I thought the idea was the redress of economic disparity in this country and around the world, a call to justice to the Wall St. bankers who got us into the current economic situation, to get money out of politics to avoid any politician being in the pocket of these mega corporations and banks, to repeal laws which allow for corporate 'personhood' and start getting this country back on track so that other reforms, such as educational reform and healthcare (which ideally would encompass legalizing cannabis) can actually take place rather than just being talked about. So please calm down and don't assume I am ignorant to the benefits or actual blessings of cannabis, because you're wrong on that point. To be perfectly frank, most anyone who wants to buy pot in this country can (legally or otherwise) and use it medically or recreationally without much looking or help, but one can not so easily get economic or governmental redress by oneself.
There is no way to get the politicians out of the big corporations' pockets. The politicians need to be eliminated. If the OWS is just going to be a peanut gallery for the democratic faction of the democratic-republicans, then it needs to get educated and evolved to make a difference. Our system can not be fixed without breaking open the banks by force and sharing the wealth.
By force? I thought this was a peaceful movement. When you make blanket statements like that, it's no wonder that some say the movement just wants "other people's money." Campaign finance reform would help a lot, so maybe a regular person would be able to run for office, not just the rich. Abolishment of the electoral college would help, bring back victory by the popular vote, what the people want. Reinstatement of the Glass Steagall Act would help stop banks from continuing to do more harm than good. Outlaw lobbying of politicians by large corporate interests, that would help. Term limits on political office of any kind would do some good. No one is saying this movement should ally itself with any political party, I think it's pretty clear that many supporters of the OWS movement dislike both parties as they stand now. I'm sorry, I'm not an anarchist, I believe we need a government of some form- not one which tells us what to do, one where "We the People" tell the government what to do- and they do it or they are out of a job, period. There are plenty of steps we could take peacefully that would bring about change- real change. We just have to have the guts to do it.
Yes by force at this point. It's not "other people's money". I want my $300,000 back that I paid in and never could afford. There are millions of american victims who are not just college kids smart enough to realize that there is no future for them. These victims, like myself, have slaved their whole lives only to have nothing to show for it. We want our money back.
If our system were fixable it would have been long ago. The democratic party was formed by Andrew Jackson in 1828 with a focus on eliminating the electoral college. Almost 200 years ago and we still are under a broken system. You think the companies are going to just hand over control of the government to the people because you swarm around and get arrested? You will have to fight, or you will not change a thing.
Great, you do that. Me, on the other hand, I'm going to look for peaceful solutions that can lead to real change. Don't get me wrong, I understand your rage. I'm not rich- not by a long shot. Every job I've ever had I paid taxes on- that I couldn't afford. My spouse has a full time job (6, sometime 7 days a week) and makes less than 25,000 a year, supporting three of us, as I'm permanently disabled and can not work, due to an accident two years ago that was not my fault and was not compensated in any way by the person who was at fault. We, as a family, still make too much money to even qualify for food stamps. Our health insurance payment is more than our mortgage payment, we don't live beyond our means- heck, the basic things we pay for- shelter, electric and heat, food, clothing, health coverage- are barely within our means. Am I angry? Sure. Do I think the system is rigged? Sure. Am I willing to take up arms and harm people because of my lot in life? Never. Violence is never the answer, and nothing that happens to me and mine or anyone else will ever make me believe that. Violence begets violence. I will speak out against injustice when I see it, I will help my neighbor (as my neighbor is myself) as I can. But I will never harm others no matter what is done to me. Acting peacefully in the face of unethical or violent behavior of other says more about who one is, and if my oppressors are not able to break my spirit of peaceful resistance and loving behavior and acts, they will crumble. I've been watching and educating myself about this movement, and I have to say, while I completely empathize with the situation many are in, we must raise our voices, not our weapons. This is my personal opinion, but as I see more calls for violence in the movement it makes me want to separate from it, not get more involved.
We must all come to understand that as long as anyone depends on their minority status to determine their rights then the majority will only recognize a degree of rights based solely upon a specified set of what the majority considers allowable and therefore, contingent freedoms. In other words, the majority will always restrict the rights of the minority unless the minority can base their rights upon something other than the specific attributes and or definitions of that minority.
The government is not inclined to, nor does it obligate itself to ensure the Rights of any person in this country although it was created to protect the Rights of every individual. It is up to the individual to combatively insist and aggressively pursue his or her Rights before the government. It is People, first and foremost, that form the State Republics through acting on a cooperative and voluntary basis, but with an extreme prejudice toward their Rights. It has been said that the majority opinion is the true ruler; if that is the case then perhaps it is time for us all to become the majority and not base our Rights upon a specific status as a minority. This does not preclude any attributes that a person has who is a member of a minority or their identity, but in the eyes of the majority and therefore the law, a minority is only a minority and will remain as such as long as they base their Rights solely upon their minority status.
The problem with every democracy is that the majority always rule to the exclusion of the minority. The reason the Founders purposed a Republic instead of a democracy was to blunt the force and power of the majority through layers of checks and balances to equal out the playing field. The more democratic a political system becomes the more the majority “lords over” the minority. It is strange that people are all for democracy until it actually rules against them and in a democracy, since the majority always rules, the minority will always suffer under the prejudices of the majority. There is a defined tyranny within a democracy and yet so many clamor for such a system because they feel that it will provide them with more voice while just the opposite is true. In every democracy the government system appeals to the material interests of the majority’s large voting block, in turn the government will then merely placate the minority with a degree of rights and yet never “grant” them the same degree of rights as the majority.
The established elite ruling class, the governing “gentry” fears nothing more than a unified People. As long as sectionalism can be promoted and therefore pseudo-legalized, then this nation will remain divided and that is exactly what the “State” desires: a house divided. Until We take the stance that the only status that is legally meaningful and powerful is that of the Citizen, then We will remain a conquered People subject to the will of majoritarianism and their preferred democratic tyranny. The majorities will always, whether by vote, referendum or even by a form of legal or judicial enforcement, secure their perceived rights over the rights of a defined minority. Majoritarian democracy desires the artificial designation of minorities, it keeps the “majority” holding the reigns of power while providing the minority with a degree of satisfaction based upon their struggle to gain or retain a certain allowance of rights, but such a system will never provide equality because it inherently promotes and maintains social, racial, religious, ethnic or sexual divisions among the People.
The “State” readily supports the idea that a particular class or group requires or is entitled to recognition based upon that class or group or category, because segmentation will continue to allow its decisions to be based upon the majority and keeps the perceived minority, of which ever particular group, in check or within a majority defined scope of “civil rights”. In such a “democratic” system the minority will always yield to the will and power of the majority. The majority will always enact policies which ensure that the minority is not strengthened and will never allow the total empowerment of the minority. The “State” will always seek to breed social divisions in order the restrict minority power or empowerment. The solution therefore, must be found through a very powerful and very different view: that of the Majority of Citizenship.
How to argue against good causes?
Well, as you fully point out, they individually dilute the thrust of the original intent of Occupy Wall Street. They dilute the power of the symbolic 99% to stay with a cohesive concept: We protest economic disparity, period. And we protest corporate control of the state because it screws EVERYONE.
Without ALL with ONE voice on board, forward becomes sideways, same as it ever was.
SEIU Local 1199 has performed great service to its members in the past. It is also savvy to its own agenda. It offered #ows free food, offices and expert consultation in the first weeks of occupation. Its agenda may be higher in ideals and qualitatively different than, say, MoveOn's bid to use #ows to support Obama. But ANY agenda piggybacked onto #ows is no different in effect: It diverts the Occupy movement into yet another direction.
This is how unions, "progressive" organizations, and elite-funded NGOs play. They divide and conquer. The beauty of #ows has been its plain Stop Sign and singular demand--giving everyone impetus to make their own case. But their issues should be voiced separate and apart from #ows. Otherwise, they compete under the tent of #ows and draw from the unique cache #ows has courageously built.
Belafonte is one of my heroes and his support of #ows is quite an endorsement. But I doubt he would welcome partnership of #ows with 1199 on anything if he realized that might sidetrack #ows from fulfilling its broader mission.
General Assembly, pay close attention to "working groups." Some, no doubt, have been formed to work you into oblivion.
Caveats in detail: http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=27053
What is the unique cache? Is there really no good to come from working with others? The fractioning inside of OWS is already happening as your ideals of democracy are breaking down. This is a movement for the people not anyone agenda, but many many agendas interconnected. Some will abuse the power of that and some will try to stay focused on the original intents of consciousness vs. unconscionable behavior - but be wary you do not put yourselves on a pedestal. You are not heroes...the ideals are heroic. However we create change for ALL here in the United States and effect it globally as a movement from the People is what most of the 99% want. There is a leader in this movement - it is the ideals and slowly implementing those ideas are what has given this movement momentum...some of those ideas have been attempting to create change for centuries. Remember we all have egos even OWS. I don’t want to be overthrown and then a fascist implementation of some idea that does not support hopes and dreams as determined by the many - some of which may not be part of OWS (kind of like what we have now). I would like to have a system that is just and allows for freedom with checks and balances - a more direct democracy. If that is what OWS is then I can continue to support its efforts. If it is galvanizing peoples pain for an agenda other than what the people want - including the people who have been fighting for those ideals all along - Unions, NGOs, even some politicians (who are far from perfect and have issues they too need to address - just like OWS at it faces their own imperfections and challenges of consensus, money, leadership and mission)….please let us all know because we are getting behind you, behind the ideals and the ego of this movement, and it feels you could be tricking us just like others have. Be transparent!
In the light of transparency, here are some thoughts that are making me re-examine my view on demands:
(coffee with Chossudovsky) http://tv.globalresearch.ca/2011/10/ows-movement-and-war-libya
Good question. And you've done a good job of answering it yourself.
I look at it as branding: Do we want "#ows," or "#ows and 1199," or "#ows and 1199 and MoveOn," or "#ows and 1199 and MoveOn and Kentucky Coal Miners," etc, etc.
Occupy Wall Street's "unique cache" has spoken for itself over the past month. It's captured public imagination across the nation like nothing in recent memory. It's brilliant marketing logic has been Keep It Simple: We demand the right to peaceably assemble in public space to protest growing wealth disparity and the corporate control of the state.
That's a clear 99% statement.
That #ows has maintained its form of consensus governance this long, and kept its original, singular demand, is a miracle. HIstorically, the consensus process is easily manipulated--through blocks and working groups, for example.
Occupy Atlanta's General Assembly almost unanimously approved letting Congressman John Lewis, the civil rights icon, speak. A small group blocked that because it was not on the order of business of that meeting. Unbelievable, but so it goes. Messy democracy.
Btw, I'm not the "you" you seem to be addressing. You assign me power and inside knowledge I don't have. I'm an occasional participant in big #ows demos and a concerned observer with opinions I like to champion. I want transparency, too!
I've joined in some activism over the years and had become fairly disenchanted with the games even people flying noble banners play. But when I went to Liberty Square for its first big march, I got inspired by a social spirit I hadn't felt since the '60s, only I feel these youth are smarter and more good-hearted than we were.
I went down to Liberty Square today to see if the hovering angels I'd seen had been displaced by the circling vultures I'd also noticed. I'm pleased to say the angels are still there.
Amen. This movement is hardly focused, but multitasking toward equality for all, not a few. I take heart in the statement that "I will believe corporations have the Rights of and individual when Texas executes one."
I certainly agree with you on this. I am reminded of that great protest song by Mick Jagger and Keith Richards, Rock and a Hard Place, which is on the Steel Wheels collection. One verse that comes to mind is this: "Give me truth now Don't want no sham I'd be hung drawn and quartered for a sheep just as well as a lamb"
Don't let your movement be corrupted. Stay nonviolent. Be very careful who (and by this I mean organized groups as well as individuals) gets to drive a stake into OWS. Try to stay pure and focused on your original intent. Keep the light on.
Well said!
Very well said. And that is another reason that at sometime all the people have to unite into a true force,to become a majority. We the people need millions not just thousands in order to bring about change.
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STOP THE CRIMINAL STATE designed by Wall Street firms such as Goldman-Sachs, the George Bush Family and criminal buddies who all live RIGHT HERE in TETON COUNTY WYOMING in the Summer Time, everyone from Dick Cheney, Halliburton, Dan Cook the III see google, Walter Scott Jr. Level 3 Communications the company that listens to your cellphone conversations and when you receive a call and call that number back the number has been disconnected >>>that is Level 3. THE DELIBERATE DESTRUCTION OF ALL OF OUR CIVIL RIGHTS is absolutely by design......their design >>> to bring total control by there group; The Bush Family, the Carlyle Group, the US Military with several criminal leaders, Public Corruption by the FBI, the CIA leadership, and the US Justice System--not all but more and more every day !!!! and by massive dis-information by media on >>> who are the members of Occupy Wall Street????? Further needless Wars are coming according to several Israeli groups, a left leaning Blog and a Right leaning Blog.
From the Right Blog.... (this is real) Search this out for yourself !!!!!!
Good morning!
Please do circulate, make it go viral…send the link to your friends. I agree. This is a difficult read but makes sense to me. I've have two contacts, one with the CIA and another former black ops guy that tell me this has been known for over a year. Is strange times strange alliances are formed. Think about the U.S. Foreign Policy. Israel knows that the Muslim Midget's goal is to blow them off the map. What' in it for them to wait? The thinking I've been told from a contact in Israel that is high placed is that Iran has two ready to go nukes, and dirty bombs ready. He doesn't agree with the scenario. Time will tell, thanks for your comments they are appreciated. JC
(Even) this Summer Arnold Schwarzenegger's neighbor a Pro Israeli who was here in TETON COUNTY WYOMING staying in TETON VILLAGE said Cheney, Bush Sr and Rothschild were creating a New War.???!!!! that would kill millions.
We will loses even more of our Civil & Constitutional Rights as they create greater turmoil globally. The Bush Family, lead by Sr Bush, Cheney and it is said Barron Rothschild are working to create another Middle East War. Criminal Minds such as Sr Bush, Cheney and Rothschild will absolutely create several major distractions through International Violence such as a Huge Middle East War, a National threat of one they create whether through their terrorism or others, the Mexican Violence of Drug Cartels or even infestations of diseases. Sr Bush is an absolute Pervert on Humanity. And as a group they are absolutely capable of any thing!
Protect America, Protect Our Civil & Constitutional Rights support Occupy Wall Street. Pay attention and make it known who if anyone is tryng to create violence. This will be eventually one of the Bush Family's ways to try and destroy Occupy Wall Street a moment that crosses all generations and economic levels...it is a moment to preserve America..Our America not there's........ It is time to dump Obama and his entire BS speeches, his so called Change that has continued the Bush Family doctrine of leading us to a Totalitarian State. James P. Evanhoe jimevanhoe@gmail.com
Abolish OR audit the Federal Reserve by petitioning the Obama Administration. Here is the official petition at Whitehouse.gov: wh.gov/bC0. Be American, love democracy!
I'm very, very happy with this. We're all one race-- the /human/ race. We're all together. We're all one. There was a time when none of this would've been possible because of the stupid, imaginary lines drawn between us; times are hard, yeah, but it's important not to take for granted the leaps and bounds that have been made. Life gets better because of struggles like this. Never give up.
wasn't sure where 2 post this. I saw a movie on YTube called "Ungrip" which speaks of the difference between an 'artificial human' and a 'natural human' Very interesting & thought it might b useful in legal events which arise. i.e. taking generators - could that b regarded as theft?? Watch & share w/t legal aides which might b working w/u at OWS? Good luck. Again, it's called 'Ungrip the full movie' In solidarity, Mamma D "^_^"
What with all this labor union junk? As far as i'm concerned, these organizations are a significant part of the status quo establishment that has driven us to where we are economically.
Time to Occupy the BOE Board of $Election and the CPD (Commission on Presidentail Debate - they are private and $ecret)
FL 7, 32 BROADWAY NEW YORK, NY 10004-1662 (212) 487-2170
America is too lovable to let it be destroyed
It’s Up To You To Save America from itself.
I have solutions for:
1) Jobs, 2) Simple & fair taxation, 3) Health care, 4) Energy, 5) Justice, 6) Stop the bribes, and the liars -- Obama
read more http://overthecoals.blogspot.com/
I haven't seen much about the "demands for congress" at
http://coupmedia.org/occupywallstreet/occupy-wall-street-official-demands-2009 I think most Americans would see the 8 official demands as reasonable and possible.
I am amazed at how well this has gone thus far! Keep up the good work!
For all of you who think Socialism is so great, here is a person who came here from the Soviet Union years ago. He speaks on how terrible Socialism is and the sad part, the woman he is speaking to thinks the people of North Korea are paid a decent wage and treated fairly. She also feels they are better off than people in South Korea.
Do you think it possible that the 1% pay off the people that control the people that controls the weather for snow to come early? Think of the rest???
We published books about the corruption on Wall ST. and why people are protesting this situation...titled: "MELTDOWN: Scam vs. Scam" -- ...and another book: "A SCHOOL IS A TERRIBLE THING TO WASTE."
They are on Amazon.com -- or people can contact us for big discounts so that you can offer it to raise funds.
We most end the feds. wall street is fraud. The Elite are running this world. And protesting will get results. Its been too long for these,Elites of the world, to do something decent. They don't care about the little guys. They want money and control of the world.Microchips for us. Depopulation of the world. They are going to make us so poor that we will not be able to eat unless we have some kind of mark on your hand or forehead. Empty store shelves.So we most end The ELITE MOVEMENTS. We have to stay awake with these people. Fake presidents running this country as we are seeing right now. Secure our borders NOW! They are to united the american union so is more manageable. We have to stand together.
Bunch of retards It wont change anything My dad works at wall street Making jobs for people and supporting the economy of your country And all the people and his work know it wont change anything Poor lazy folks and there little protest wont effect anyone but them
First, if you were a "billionaire's son" you wouldn't live in Queens. No one with money would live there. Ever. For any reason. Second, you would probably use better grammar, having a private school education.
After hearing the garbage that was coming from your live stream I can no longer support this movement, all you people want is more government control and handouts I'm sorry and I know this won't matter to most who read it but I hope that whoever runs this site realizes it's doing more harm then good when you allow communist views to be expressed as your goal.
My prayers are with you today and every day with each step taken by those marching and those like myself that are able to attend in spirit through prayer or the like. God bless you one & all! Keep fighting the good fight! Keep it righteous! Keep it safe! Don’t keep it secret!
There are many who are saying this is class warfare, or that people hate capitalism. To my own way of thinking the term capitalism and what its root meaning as was originally intended is that we are meant to capitalize on the best of who each of us is personally from moral integrity. Not what each persons personal bank account, assets and 401k are. Our system was created from people who had lived under tyranny and the word capitalism meansmore then what it has come to define. To them, they were not allowed under a system of tyrrany to become who they were created to be, nor to give all that the best parts of themselves to their fellow man through just plain human connection and decency. But, since we've come to a world of he who has the most wins or screws over his fellow man to rise to the top is what capitalism has come to define which is a total falsehood of the meaning. If we restart over and take root back into each other through charity and human decency--the word capitalism will be redefined as to what its original intent was, and the pursuit of money and ones personal financial gain will be called for what it really is--shallowness, and moral degenerativeness rather than capitalism.
We need to focus on the big 6 megabanks, they are screwing all races over equally, no need to create divisions based on race.
Love ya! Stay nonviolent -- even when they provoke you!
You have the moral high ground!
Folks, here's what's turning your movement into a sideshow, and into eventual irrelevancy. First, you have no coherent platform. There are just a bunch of demands, some reasonable, others ludicrous. I saw "The Movement" in the 60s and they ended up having one basic platform - get out of Vietnam. People nationwide related to that and in the end we left Vietnam. If you want grassroots support you must ensure Main Street understands what you want. Second, your movement is being played by the Obama regime. They're trying to use you when they've sucked up just as hard to Wall Street as the Bush Administration. The Obama regime will do ANYTHING to be re-elected. Should they get in again, hey, they've cashed their check and won't give a flying fuck about you, me, or anything/anyone else but their own agenda.
You and the Tea Party people may have more in common than you think. They are better organized and have turned that organization into some political power, helping people get elected at all levels during the 2010 election. If you truly want change in the USA it can only be done through the ballot box. Right now you have no chance. But if you and the Tea Party can find that common ground, can work together, can develop some sort of coherent, rational platform, your chances to realize lasting change grow dramatically. Someone reading this is in a leadership position within your movement. What's it going to be? Do some heavy lifting, find some allies, really do something great and right, or just keep jerking off?
I agree. Ballot box is the key. To do that, we need to start with a #OWS National Convention. A few days ago I read such an idea and posted a video in support of it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIrCou0vfT8 Occupy Wall Street National Convention ows-clip 1 Shwe Lu Maung
I am a sixties radical from Myanmar, defeated and misplaced in US. I just hope the present generation will be able to crystallize their ideas and come up with a viable and sustainable political movement.
Let us stamp out CORPORATE GREED and unfair stock trading. Urge Congress to pass THE SHAREHOLDER EQUALITY ACT. The law shall read as follows: If Joe Average buys 1 share of Company X stock and Warren Buffett buys 1 share of Company X stock, then EVERY term and condition of those 2 shares SHALL be IDENTICAL. No exceptions! That plain, that simple!!! Show your support and get your buttons today at http://www.cafepress.com/thedirtycloset.546802414
You don't understand the entire congress has been bribed. We must elect a new 3rd party now in 2012.
These are the best of times and the worst of times
America has spectacular talent. Brilliant people who compete in sports, entertainment, technological advancement, and too long a list to complete. How can these people be so oblivious to the bribes, the fraud, the deceit of the media propaganda that protects outrageous government corruption.
The incredible World Series game six won by the Cardinals to send it to the rubber match is pure American. How can we let this miraculous place on earth be destroyed by disgusting privileged crooks. http://overthecoals.blogspot.com/ read more
What will it take to consider people with disabilities a civil rights group?
Watch Money. Money is the barometer of a society's virtue. When you see that trading is done, not by consent, but by compulsion- when you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing- when you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors- when you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don't protect you against them, but then against you- when you see corruption rewarded and honesty a self-sacrifice- you may know your society is doomed. Money is so noble a medium that it does not compete with guns and it does not make terms with brutality. It will not permit a country to survive as half property and half loot. Occupy the real problem, not the symptom. Occupy Washington.
I really like this post
I will be with everyone saturday, to all, non-violent protest, yeah it grabs headlines, but the people that oppose us will use it against us, This movement has the chance of grabing the hearts and minds of the entire 99%. The police are not our enemy. Sure there are a few looking for trouble on both sides of the barricade. Lets have a peaceful protest that a family with children can assemble and march with us. peace
The power of the movement is to use your nationwide, massive numbers as a VOTING BLOCK. Once you do, you'll go from being perceived as malcontents to concerned citizens to which the powers-at-be will pander.
There must be an effort right now to nominate candidates for 2012 in a 3rd party or nothing will change.
These are the best of times and the worst of times
America has spectacular talent. Brilliant people who compete in sports, entertainment, technological advancement, and too long a list to complete. How can these people be so oblivious to the bribes, the fraud, the deceit of the media propaganda that protects outrageous government corruption.
The incredible World Series game six won by the Cardinals to send it to the rubber match is pure American. How can we let this miraculous place on earth be destroyed by disgusting privileged crooks. http://overthecoals.blogspot.com/ read more
the legal way accorded in the Constitution. start a petition to get this law passed, enough signatures and the law has to be put on the ballot.
We need candidates on the ballot for 2012 or this protest failed. Petitions to the crooks is nonsense.
You people are uninformed and believe in fairy tales.
you are unrealistic. that is not gonna happen. a petition can happen. once the politicians see the sincerity we will find a candidate.
You are unrealistic. The congress is bought with bribes. Petitions are a complete waste of time. We petitioned to impeach Cheney, remember?
We can get people elected in 2012 because 70% are pissed. Forget the right wing, they are only 30%. The problem is the Democrat fools.
thats not the same. Cheney didn't matter. this matters - this affects people on a personal level. it could work
You know more than I. I'm stupid.
OH by the way everyone one i had said to get steel pots with charcoal, they keep a tent warm for hours. baby wipes for the kids, and watch out for the kid stealing department of human services. especially the white kids. and get some paintball guns for protection against the projectile bs. the calfs would be a good target. or get some armor this isnt a party, a chakra reciting ceremony, or a joke.
and my other comments were taken off by some fruitfly
Have you really had problems with the Department of Human Services there at the Occupy site? I know they love to steel white kids. They sell them for money under the table.
THERE should be a new rule for all OWS participants on the ground... when ANYONE acts violently (throwing stuff etc)... the people around them need to make a citizen's arrest. Uncontrolled and violent provocateurs should NOT be tolerated.
I suspect that most of these violent incidents are not coming from people who truly support OWS. But they need to implement a NO TOLERANCE policy and actions when other participants see it.
DAM!... You guys in NY have All the FUN!..
some small request.. if anyone gets a chance to speak to Mr. Belafonte,
.... Could you Talk him into another song similar to .. 'We Are the World'.. so that it could play in the Streets for Joyful Inspiration?
Thanks all...hope this doesnt appear silly.. ( i mean it Worked For Africa.. Why not the WHOLE WORLD?) Marlow
U have to be kidding me...A northeaster/blizzard is moving into NYC and you want to have a rally.....too funny.
yes, if its serious, it isnt a party to sell stuff. did you see anyone selling things at any other war in this country get some material and start making your own clothes too set up a sewing machine this is not a joke the cops dont see it that way they are paid to hurt you get it
Cops are paid to hurt you?
Wow, I thought this was against wall street and for some reason anti-police is dominating this movement. My brother is a cop, a 99% like me so stop lumping all police together.
/agree People need to ease off cops, the majority of which wouldn't think of beating a protester. When we label them all as violent haters it's just as bad as Fox news saying OWS is nothing but a bunch of unemployed disgruntled pot smokers. We need to be more than that.
You're right. Change should wait for suitable weather. insert sarcasm here
The idea of the banks recovering the loss thru selling the property is, at this time, ludicrous
Idea: Banks should be required to ' Suspend' payments and interest accumulation if a person loses their job during an 'economic downturn' until that person finds a comparable paying job or until the national unemployment rate is less than 5%.
this only changes who owns the money
First an entire new gov't must be elected. A 3rd party must knock out the entire congress. Then we take all the foreclosed homes from the banks and allow homeless families to live in them. Elect me and I'll do exactly that and more.
These are the best of times and the worst of times
America has spectacular talent. Brilliant people who compete in sports, entertainment, technological advancement, and too long a list to complete. How can these people be so oblivious to the bribes, the fraud, the deceit of the media propaganda that protects outrageous government corruption.
The incredible World Series game six won by the Cardinals to send it to the rubber match is pure American. How can we let this miraculous place on earth be destroyed by disgusting privileged crooks. http://overthecoals.blogspot.com/ read more
The only issue I have with what you said Gest is the unemployment rate. The "official" unemployment rate rarely reflects the actual rate. There are a good many people in this country right now - thankfully I can't include myself, but I feel for those less fortunate - who have exhausted their benefits or just given up.
And no, occupiers are not all unemployed, dreadlock wearing, pot smoking lazy hippies with no sense of direction. Just thought I'd throw that in there to save the trolls some time. The less time they have to troll for reponses the more time they can spend educating themselves. <3 ^ ^
The "actual" unemployment rate is supposedly something like 25%.
Of course. This government lies about everything. If we don't nominate candidates for 2012, right now, this protest will crap out.
These are the best of times and the worst of times
America has spectacular talent. Brilliant people who compete in sports, entertainment, technological advancement, and too long a list to complete. How can these people be so oblivious to the bribes, the fraud, the deceit of the media propaganda that protects outrageous government corruption.
The incredible World Series game six won by the Cardinals to send it to the rubber match is pure American. How can we let this miraculous place on earth be destroyed by disgusting privileged crooks. http://overthecoals.blogspot.com/ read more
I agree with you. Thanks for your support.
It used to be race wars, which in itelf was wrong considereing there is no such thing as race, we are all human...
Now its class wars, al brought up by corporate greed. If you look into the histroy books with the 1% inflation of wealth, little to no jobs, banks failing.. This is what happened before the stock market crashed. We are one dust bowl away from total collapse and without a FDR and his New deal to fix it. Frankly I dont want a World War this time either..
Its going to take alot to fix the problem, maybe a complete change in politics and the removal of a monetary system. In the end if we just do more than sit on our asses in a circle and chant then we can get something done.
Good luck to all and I hope we can make a difference. Remember, they control the media and the histroy books.. Id start with them.. Information is key
Let all the public workers work without health insurance including the police and the politicians to see if how they feel. Our politicians and the public sector workers enjoy the best health insurance and other benefits anywhere in the world. I don't think they have any clue how it feels like to be without health insurance to say the least. And let me remind you all out there that our public workers pay and the benefits are paid from our taxpayer money. Yet these politicians (specially the Republicans) are against for a plan to give universal health care to all citizens of this country? The Obama administration should take away health benefits from any politician who opposes universal health care.
Class warfare and ethnic warfare have been inextricably linked in our nation's history. Racism and xenophobia, at its roots, have been about the pursuit of wealth for the few while using tools of racial and ethnic separation to keep the majority fighting among each other. Columbus thought the Natives were intelligent until he discovered they had gold. Then he labeled them heathens to justify the taking of their land and resources. The white elites in the colonies enslaved blacks, whites and natives until all three banded together to protest economic injustices related to indentured servancy. The black slave trade was popularized in part to end solidarity among these groups. Slavery in the US has always been about economics-it's more profitable to harvest cash crops virtually for free, have them processed (in the North) by low-wage immigrant labor and ship them all over the world. The value of slave labor from 1820-1860 was higher than the US GDP. Since the Civil War and emanicipation, the wealthy have created faux warfare between people of color, immigrants and poor whites to keep us fighting each other while they get richer and richer. Either we understand that our destiny is bound together and we rise up together or we simply get used to more of the same. OWS is not a new phenomenon or protest; we've all been struggling against the 99% since our nation's founding. It is a new opportunity to get it RIGHT and to form real solidarity.
hey chiq, columbus came and left no that was cortez in mexico the spanish are lazy they came looked around and left, built nothing except down in florida st augustines fort
Columbus came back four times. Read any texts by Zinn, Lowen and others who quote Columbus's own diaries detailing his exploits in the Americas. Truly genocidal.
..wants to give HUGE tax breaks for the superwealthy and give all the power to private tyrannies:
I would like to reccomend a HANDS ACROSS AMERICA to begin next Thursday at noon in support of the Occupy Wall Street Movement.This will give many of the 99% of us an opportunity to participate in this cause!!! High school sudents, teachers, those serving in the Armed Forces...can all particiapate. Truck drivers, cab drivers can blow their horns and sirens...churches could dust of their bells and ring them...this is something we can all do...Just Hold Hands for 10 minutes in STRENGTH UNITY & LOVE - WE ARE THE 99%!!! Hold hands in support of this movement in support of the Occupy Wall Street Movement - Hey let's invite the rest of the world to join in!!! Let's make it a habit to hold hands on Thursdays at NOON until we suceed in making this world a better place,
re: generator removal. bummed me out at first but then i read about viability of bicycle powered generators being capable of meeting ows needs. i bet if this were set up there would be lines of day trippers like myself waiting our turn to pedal for revolution to power the movement. what a great practical way of keeping the flame alive, demonstrating an alternative energy generation system and getting a good workout! set it up with some of the $$ that has been donated and i'll be down to take a ride on the revolution.
What a great idea and quite the media eye catcher.
yes, generators, exactly, but they are loud.
and as i said before and was denied by the town fruit fly, metal pots and charcoal, keeps a tent warm for hours. baby wipes for the kids and watch the thieves from the department of human services. and paint ball guns.
How do you create the charcoal in the pot warmer?
i get fighting for what you believe in, but don't you think you're protesting the wrong people? WE are responsible for where WE are because WE have let the government take control of every aspect of how WE live. WE are supposed to be a REPUBLIC = THE LAW = the government is limited by law, leaving the public alone. WE have allowed the nation to lean toward a democracy, therefore, WE are in the position WE are in today. there is no mention of the word democracy anywhere in the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence. the government has gotten out of hand because WE have allowed it. wall street and the financial institutions have gotten out of hand because WE have allowed it. don't contribute to what you don't believe in. Americans have gotten greedy. WE have become the country of convenience. take responsibility for where YOU are and let's get back to being a REPUBLIC. work hard and stop expecting a hand out.
That sounds like your philosophy is to blame the victim for the crime, as in the ideology behind Sharia law or legitimize the king's wealth just because he has possession of it.There is no way we ever would have stood a chance in moderating what has been done by years of government/corporate/welfare abuse by the fascist corporatist plan because most of their deals with our elected representatives were done in back rooms behind closed doors. The first thing they did to cement their power was to monopolize and nationalize all of the independent media for their own gain by running every independent newspaper and radio station into bankruptcy and then take them over. Then when the internet was invented by our military, they made backroom deals to corporatized that too, taking advantage of what the tax payer dollar had paid for and develpoed,then privatizing it for their own gain. The internet is supposed to be free. We built it, not cable companies. We never stood the chance of actually hearing the real truth in the news. In the 80's, because of the 30+ years of deliberate non-stop wars, they destroyed the economy and living wage even further, forcing families to give up both parents to the work force, so that no one even had the time to really take notice of political issues, not even speaking of the back room dealings of this government/communist/corporate bed fellows. Now with many of those who still have a job, they find themselves needing two or three jobs just to make ends meet because the dollar has been systematically destroyed for the glory of Wall Street investors and the stock market, with now even less time to babysit this corrupt economy. No one in this movement is expecting a handout, nor wants one. But we are going to take full control over this government, every law and every dollar in it and rewrite the future of this country in the process. We are not allowing "this nation to lean toward a democracy" as you so ignorantly claim. It is already a democracy. In case you haven't noticed, we vote, we discuss and we petition, therefore, it is a democracy. I think you are a Republican, on the wrong website, that you have a problem with the word "Democracy" and have nooo idea that every right you have came to you by way of Democratic principles, not Republican principles, which got left in the sand long ago.
There was never a dearth of information in the past decades. What is different now is that college graduates are feeling the sting of soaring college loan debts. The same self interest prompted the student revolutions of the sixties when students did not wanr to fight in an unjust war. The reason I mention this is because there is no guarantee that when the burdens that face students gradually lifts, that the same cry of injustice will be heard. Attrocities were not hidden from the public during the eighties, ninties or zeros, its just that the middle classes piece of the pie offered enough nourishment for them to dismiss the plights of others not so fortunate
Do you seriously believe that the avaerage news you are given on the tv or in the paper is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? And that the public has been given the whole truth about every law, every budget problem, every issue and every meeting since time began? Really? And you therefore, have knowledge of all things, having been given this knowledge completely by your government and the news media? And there fore, there is nothing that you do not know of? Reeeeeaaaallllllyyyyyy?
Of course we were not given the whole truth,but the atrocities that were given did not motivate people like they did now. And we still are not given the whole truth.
Sorry for off-topic post, but pls watch and pass along - this video shows officer in firing stance at barricade right after Scott Olsen was hit at Oakland protest:
These people are a bunch of sheep. They should go protest in front of the White House that's were the real problems start. The idiotic, anti-capitalist policy of this administration are the cause of the economic depression we are in. Can we hear a "BAHAAAAA" LMAO!
Yet another finger pointer. Anyone who says insert name of politician or demagogue here is to solely blame should be ignored.
fruit flys, they need men
We don't have capitalism here. It was brought to a screaming stop by corporate/communist/government policies made in back room deals decades ago, starting in the early part of the 1900's by the early industrialists and banksters, escalating further in the 1930's by the corporatists, the banksters and the government, brought to near full completion in the 1950's by the oil companies and their US cartel loving government and fully completed by the 70's with the government/oil/drug/communist/corporatist/conglomerates. We are trying to get back around to what the capitalistic social-democratic republic was supposed to be. this has nothing to little to do with Prez "Bahama" Obama. And we are in Washington DC but are going to be occupying with millions, nor thousands. You might have taken a wrong turn to the wrong web site.The TeaBaggers are down the hall on the right,next to the corporations.
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. --Such has been the patient sufferance of these colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former systems of government."
And can we set a new page in history and do this without violence...I have a child and want her to be safe and free - living in a conscious world. That is a mother's plea.
To fix America, tell Congress to make the Fed pay America's bills. During the financial crisis, the Federal Reserve magically came up with trillions of dollars, so where did it get the money? Obviously the Fed is printing money, so the Fed can afford to pay all of America's bills. Instead of bickering over taxes, Congress should be making the Fed pay off the national debt and fund the budget 100% forever. Then America can afford Obamacare and Social Security and unemployment insurance and job stimulus and free college tuition for everybody.
I have to ask - what happens when the value of the dollar plummets because of inflation due to this plan?
We're screwed of course. If we fail to nominate candidates right now for 2012 this protest failed.
These are the best of times and the worst of times
America has spectacular talent. Brilliant people who compete in sports, entertainment, technological advancement, and too long a list to complete. How can these people be so oblivious to the bribes, the fraud, the deceit of the media propaganda that protects outrageous government corruption.
The incredible World Series game six won by the Cardinals to send it to the rubber match is pure American. How can we let this miraculous place on earth be destroyed by disgusting privileged crooks. http://overthecoals.blogspot.com/ read more
Is it posible that you could stop posting the exact same thing over and over and over again, every third or fourth post and perhaps give others a chance to get a word in edgewise? Yeah, I get it, you think we need a candidate to run in 2012 and you desperately want to be it.I was okay with it until the 20th time I saw you post this and the link to your blog in these comments alone, not to mention on the comments of almost every single post on this site.. I'm not trying to restrict you or your ideas, but maybe you could limit it to once every 20 posts or so instead of every third or fourth? Thanks.
OK I won't do it again.
Did you conclude I'm pissed off? Why don't you join me?
I have no opinion on your writings, and yes, I did look at your blog. I would like to see what others have to say in addition to what you have to say. Posting the same thing over and over again, well, it doesn't make me a fan when anyone does it, no matter what the subject matter. No offense intended, but when you see the same thing posted a million times you have to wonder what the motivation is. And I think I would be more interested in what you have to say if you wrote something different than what is already posted on your blog. Again, no offense, I just want to hear other opinions too, and yours, so long as they are not just copied and pasted from your blog.
Why did you repeat yourself. You spammed.
Whatever, do what you want. When I see your name, I'll just pass it by.
Good, thank you.
You're a real credit to the movement... yeah. Here's a hint: if you want to win the hearts and minds of voters, you'll have to take their concerns seriously and not just go on about doing what you want. Fastest way to turn someone against your cause? Continue acting smug like only you and you alone have any ideas to contribute and have all the answers. Good luck with that run for congress.
Yea, when they say the cow jumped over the moon, I better start saying wow. Liars are called flip floppers, bribes are called money, and I'm smug. Maybe some voters might pop out of their trance and might want to hear the truth.
Being so arrogant that they would rather keep losing than admit they were wrong is a problem I can't figure out.
OWS compared to the Tea Party
Christine O'Donnell was nominated in Delaware to be the Tea Party Republican candidate for the United States Senate. OWS adamantly refuses to endorse much less nominate any candidate to run for election. The OWS believes that they can choose demands that will be enacted by merely sitting in the park holding signs and having petitions signed.
The Tea Party demands to get government out of the lives of all except for sexual behavior. Christine O'Donnell claimed she was against masturbation. Does Christine actually know what masturbation is and has Christine ever masturbated? Christine went right down the line about gay marriage and abortion. Now that Christine has been video taped and has written a book the OWS would be wise to consider making her the poster child for the right wing nuts.
Instead of using Christine O"Donnell as the poster child for Republicans, the OWS prefers to claim that they are the 99% which mathematically includes the 35% of American Republicans who gave a knee jerk reaction applause to Rick Perry when bragged that as Governor of Texas he leads the nation http://www.deathpenaltyinfo.org/number-executions-state-and-region-1976 by far. Perry was proud that he executed 234 and that Perry believes that to be thoughtful.
With Obama on record for being a liar on every campaign promise, and being wrong on every decision he has made in office, the OWS fails to see any opportunity to nominate any candidate for election. During my experience with hundreds of OWS people in person in the park and on the OWS forum they are as uniformly ridiculous and naive as the Tea Party. With all of this clearly on the record, the only conclusion possible is that America is doomed. read more http://overthecoals.blogspot.com/
The enemy of my enemy is my ally. Just because we are joining together does not mean capitulation. Wanting 'purity' at all costs sounds too much like the right wing. Why must we always act like those who join are trying to take over? Let them join, let them speak, then say thank you. Now vote with the rest.
Join? Join?!
The "99%" just got owned by the 2%
prove it
I already did. If you chose to be a pawn, or to pretend that you aren't, that's your problem.
nope, you didn't and just because you like to call people names shows you for what you are
Names? What names?
And, yes, I proved it.
OWS started out as a protest about Wall Street looting the people. Of course, it's government that caused that but anyway ... Like the tea parties, they got hijacked and their focus has been diverted AWAY from the initial target - the financial mafia. The agenda of Jewish communists and leftists is NOT one of going after the financial international. It's about exploiting and tweaking the existing system, which is downright demonic, for their own gain. The various minority groups are unwitting pawns in a game being played by the biggest racists on the planet (hello, Palestine!). Talk about ironic. That's how slick they are, though. This is the Tribe protecting it's own and successfully steering away a potentially serious problem from their bankster division.
Coalition of Black Trade Unionists
Labor for Latin American Advancement
Founded in 1934, the Jewish Labor Committee (JLC) originated in an effort to link the forces of Jewish unions and other labor and Jewish fraternal organizations in the fight against fascism. In an immediate response to the successful organization of the JLC in New York, a Chicago chapter was established. In the post-war years, Chicago initiated the JLC's efforts in support of civil rights, and in the 1970s, much of the JLC's activity was directed in support of Israel and Soviet Jewry. During the 1980s, the Chicago JLC attempted to revitalize their labor-oriented activities. An outgrowth of this effort was the Ethnic Labor Coalition which included: the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists, the Coalition of Labor Working Women, the Hispanic American Labor Council, the Italian-American Labor Council, Labor for Latin American Advancement, and the Polish-American Labor Council.
NAACP doesn't like being so up front about who controls them:
Dr. Henry Moskowitz was a Romanian-born Jew that was involved with social work in New York City during the early 20th century. He was active in city politics under the administration of New York City Mayor John Purroy Mitchel; and he was the Associate Leader of the New York Society for Ethical Culture which often looked out for the rights of new immigrants on New York City's Lower East Side. He is credited as being one of the original founders of the NAACP which was created in a tiny New York apartment on February 12, 1909.
While Dr. Moskowitz' name is fleetingly mentioned in small print on a non-primary page of the NAACP Website, it is a sad commentary that the organization has not added him, his background information, his photo, and his name to the list of prominent people in their encyclopedic alphabetical index, which includes past and present NAACP leaders. Of all the NAACP founders, only Dr. Moskowitz, one of the original eight, has been marginalized from the history portion of the official NAACP Website.
Further, and even more interesting to note, is that other early NAACP supporters and founders included: Lillian Wald, Rabbi Emil G. Hirsh, and Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, all of them are missing from the NAACP Website where past leaders and prominent persons are listed. Who is listed? People such as such as Harry Belafonte, Rodney King, Oprah Winfrey and President Obama are included.
A. Philip Randolph Institute
Randolph was notable for supporting restrictions on immigration. He opposed African Americans' having to compete with more people willing to work for low wages.[9] In 1950, along with Roy Wilkins, Executive Secretary of the NAACP, and, Arnold Aronson,[10] a leader of the National Jewish Community Relations Advisory Council
The Service Employees International Union recruited comedian Lewis Black to rant on video about leveraged buyouts and corporate tax loopholes.
The S.E.I.U.’s latest effort is an escalation of a fight that began last April, when it began a broad campaign against private equity firms with a study questioning the value that the leveraged buyout industry adds to the national economy.
S.E.I.U. officials acknowledge, however, that changing the tax code could upend the modern corporate regime and say they have not endorsed any specific proposals.
As a side note... always fun to see a Jewish comedian helping a union with a Jewish president promote a campaign led by a Jewish organizer take on Jewish business owners, who in turn are supported by an industry lobbying group headed by... you guessed it!
Read more: http://jspot.org/diary/1907/#ixzz1c4mbjtma
Yes, that is fun, isn't it? Sort of a Jewish inside joke. Nothing like controlled opposition - all sides controlled by the Tribe, that is. Looks like the joke is on Occupy Wall Street, which is also controlled by - you guessed it!
That is SLICK.
Who's your daddy?
You can bring information to attention without sounding so an anti-Semitic. Yes there are big issues of power and control but this manner of enlightenment incites hate not resolve - ask the NAACP to sit at a table and discuss openly concerns. Have they through all their years of work done absolutely nothing that deserves some type of respect? Get to the heart of the matter with grace not through outing in nasty ways like this. These are where the opportunities of creating human change can take place.
Some in OWS see anti-semitism as valid street theater to get attention, I do not.
Anti Semites – (noun) people who are hated by a certain category of Jews because they see that organized Jewish Supremacy is intricately linked to the Banker’s Satanic Empire
Your classic anti-Semitic paranoia doesn't hide the real truth, which ironically, all the articles you cite show: Jews have historically been on the side of civil rights and labor unions.
STOP ANTI-SEMITISM... it is an irrational, bigoted, and hateful set of ideas that has persisted for thousands of years with grave and horrifying consequences... learn your history!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know my history. The term "anti semitic" is meaningless tripe used to shut down the truth.
Jewish communists have ALWAYS used proxies to further their anti American, anti constitution agenda. Just as NATO uses proxies, anyone with a brain still knows it's NATO. Minorities are used as pawns by Jewish communists and always have been.
Jewish supremacy is racist to the bone. Made manifest it is the apartheid state of Israel. Jewish supremacy doesn't give a shit about any non Jews. The game is identity politics which is meant to DIVIDE AND CONQUER, keeping the plantation under THEIR control. Every group is separated color, race, sex, ethnicity and every other possible means to keep people divided and not seeing themselves as one with the HUMAN RACE.
OWS is finished, and that was the intent. Hijack, subsume and neuter all threats to the international financial cabal. Exactly what was done to the tea parties who were hijacked by Zionst neocons.
To our brothers all over the world - STAY STRONG FOR WE STAND TOGETHER! From London with Love
Read the last post
Only fools misunderstand the philosophy of the protesters.
In case the government does not release all the detained protesters within hours then they are fools because the protestors are the real patriots.
In the last Century, we had one of the best examples of how the powerless can confound, confuse, hogtie and defeat the unjust powerful.
Mahatma Gandhi was a pioneer at a new form of revolution, called Satyagraha.
We all know how his practice of non-violent resistance did what it took so many lives to do here in America - get the Brits to move back to Britain. Ghandi won that victory, and affected history, without resorting to violence.
Fast forward to today.
As I watched the violent police actions in Oakland, Boston and here in NYC, I thought of Ghandi. I wondered how his strategy could be modernized to fit today's protests.
I think I have a germ of an idea.
The Occupy protesters don't want violence, but violence they are getting. It appears that the police target some individuals, beat them while claiming "resisting arrest", then target others.
What if?
What if, as soon as the police target an individual, the rest of the crowd simply drops to the ground, lays sits on the pavement with their hands held out in front, wrists together, ready to be handcuffed. The cameras would capture the total peaceful capitulation of the protesters. The cops would look brutal attacking sitting individuals who have voluntarily submitted to arrest. The police would be faced with a challenge of their own making. First, the claim is the protesters are causing traffic problems by marching down the street. Well, that problem, which might have caused traffic behind the marchers to move slowly, has now come to a full stop. Second, instead of picking off the individuals least likely to cause trouble [macing 4 young women who they have penned in], the police are now faced with a Hobson's choice. Can they arrest, carry, find transport for and process so many individuals? Can the overcrowded courts handle the arraignment and jailing of hundreds of the the protesters who, [ironically due to so many more expensive JD's awarded than jobs to be had] now have many free [unemployed] legal advisors to aid them] ESPECIALLY if each refuses to sign a desk appearance ticket and demands a real trial BEFORE THEIR PEERS? Can they do it all over again the next night?
I think Ghandi would approve/smile?
Nice - time to engage the angry folks. I was hoping this would remain peaceful, oh well, it was bound to come to this eventually. Smart people should stay away from the angry mob.
Protesters "escalating security concerns" a familiar phrase for members of Iranian green movement! What are differences between Iranian and USA governments and govern?
Yeah, great, dividing people up by race again. This is a fairly transparent attempt to combat the impression that OWS is disproportionally white by having a high profile event featuring nominally racial organizations.
Anyone that bites the hand that feeds will lick the boot that kicks.
All poly-tics, its practitioner's and those involved are Bull shitn liar's including this "movements" leaders and propagators . Why fix a system full of con men and their Golem followers not even worth breakin?
For cold weather nears and mankind has lost and shed his coat and cannot get it back from nature. He stands naked with his own lies and lofty ideals that have now becum wet card board in a tent city of lost souls - how they beg they master for a wish bone. wish bone after wish bone and still the dog eats his vomit!
Master Trains a dog and its off spring for generations - take him to the wilderness and free him when he is middle aged?
Woe to the the awoken who have awoken to a new dream = a nightmare
you are a wierdo shakesphere. take your poetry somewhere else.
Shaping the way America does business,...
Former Wall Street analyst (working for SBC Warburg – now part of UBS) targeted by US and Australian intelligence agencies (FBI and ASIO) after publishing report touching on US State Department investigation into allegations US copper/gold mining company Freeport McMoran was involved in the killing of indigenous protestors in West Papua, Indonesia. (http://www.facebook.com/MininganalystUS)
Is this what a US senator meant when he said the US is now practicing a new form of fascism?
Shaping the way America does business,...
Former Wall Street analyst (working for SBC Warburg – now part of UBS) targeted by US and Australian intelligence agencies (FBI and ASIO) after publishing report touching on US State Department investigation into allegations US copper/gold mining company Freeport McMoran was involved in the killing of indigenous protestors in West Papua, Indonesia. (http://www.facebook.com/MininganalystUS)
Is this what a US senator meant when he said the US is now practicing a new form of fascism?
A nation of sheep begets a government of wolves. We are sheep no longer.
A nation of sheep begets a government of wolves. We are sheep no longer.
Wolves shall repent for barbarism because they are now facing human being.
The violence is starting...Now, especially now, we need to identify the key ingredient in our movement. (No, I'm not talking about making a list of grievences like some of those without understanding are calling for.) I'm talking about identifying our enemy and having a goal that we all can stand for. Please check out this short video and consider how it might shape this movement.
A chant I haven't heard yet which would certainly resonate with the objectives of Occupiers is CRIMINALS OUT OF GOVERNMENT I believe most Americans can identify with that demand should they hear it on a newsclip and it would certainly cause some uneasiness in many officials and their representatives. Try it a few times out loud and remember it when the time is right. Yarg
A chant I haven't heard yet which would certainly resonate with the objectives of Occupiers is CRIMINALS OUT OF GOVERNMENT I believe most Americans can identify with that demand should they hear it on a newsclip and it would certainly cause some uneasiness in many officials and their representatives. Try it a few times out loud and remember it when the time is right. Yarg
The ultimate bail out, BANK99 and Sgt. Sharmar Thomas for Congress Banking for the 99 percent.
Keep it Up - you all are heroes - for your entertainment - a recent posting on Citi Group
Citi Group AKA CitiBank. Wasn't this the same corporation that stole 14 million dollars from it's customers?
Keep it Up - you all are heroes - for your entertainment - a recent posting on Citi Group
I believe in the power of our people and i believe in the strength of our unity but above all, I believe that the answers to our problems ultimately starts with us the 99ers. O. W. S. is with out doubt the most unified force that this country as ever seen, bringing Americans from all walks of life together in one accord, and leading the world not has a race but has a unified Nation. Greed created THE NEED FOR O.W.S and it is with unity that we answered that greed. It is with this unity in mind that I seek to ask of the people of O.W.S WEBSITE to start a suggestion for change from within OWS and our supporters. I have two suggestion that i would like to be added to our agenda. The first is the ultimate bail out which is to start our own non profit Bank or credit union all over the Country, "Bank 99".Banking for the 99 percent, We have the basics right here at OWS, (1) Our own customer base (2) Staff and management (3) lawyers and (4) the unity to lobby Congress. (5) Customers as share holders. I have no idea if this is even possible but, if it is. I propose that BANK99 offers a flat rate on all loans and credit cards for at lease ten years. My second suggestion is, that SGT. Sharmar Thomas run for congress.
sign OWS supporter 2x B.L (CDC)
Bank99 has a nice ring to it. To open a bank you need a charter. A charter costs hundreds of thousands, so it would take a bit of investment to set it up. I'm sure you would need a lawyer to dot all the "i"s and cross all the "t"s. I'm not sure what else you would need, probably some kind of officers, board of directors maybe? We need to find someone on one of these forums that knows something about this and have him run the numbers. Kinda get an idea what this would actually entail.
an amazing idea!
Was'nt it Mitt Romney who said corporations are people? In turn would'nt that make people corporations? Would'nt that make these top 1% or 10% monopolies then of somekind? Could'nt our government break them up and their wealth and redistribute it amongst the very poorest in society? Considering that those wealthiest people are indeed their own corporations. Don't blame me wealthy folks, I'm just looking at it through one of your owns eyes. If you'd like you could start by breaking up Mr. Romneys' assets first considering it's really his idea.
We need to up the ante a little bit. All of this rallying and protesting and organizing is amazing , but we need to apply more pressure in the form of a massive act of civil disobedience in order to show them that we do not need police or state approval to validate our cause. We don't need legitimacy from the authorities because we are legitimate by our very existence ! By continuing to do things within whatever confines the ruling class deems necessary is not always the preferred or best approach!
Time to make this an actual occupation. We are growing too big for just one part! What happened to the discussion about taking over Wash Sq Park on the 15th?
I can't afford to get arrested, and I'm a Marxist. The more violent confrontations OWS allows the fewer people will be able to participate.
And the thousands that came before us could? I can't afford to get arrested either. Civil disobedience DOES NOT equal violent confrontations with the police! there is a huge difference between the two!
Hi, thanks for your reply, and I agree, especially about the incredibly brave fighters in the civil rights movement, who had violence visited on them no matter what form of protest they expressed. But I'm just saying, we win nothing by preaching to the choir, the already converted. We NEED those millions of people who are just NOT going to get innvolved in civil disobedience. We can't make it too difficult for them to participate. Otherwise the rulers will have succeeded in keeping us a small movement. If every OWS action becomes identified with confrontations with the police, regardless of who started it (whether agent provocateurs, well-meaning radicals, whatever), then we've lost a lot of our potential supporters. I don't think people watching people getting arrested on TV are necessarily going to analyze each situation closely enough to see if it was the fault of the cops--at least, not from the comments I read on some of the mainstream internet sites--and those are some of the people we need to reach.
If you'll indulge me, a story from when I was in the Socialist Workers Party, which considered itself Trotskyist at the time (late 60's, early '70's, when I was a member): I'd been in New York for a while, some months, but didn't have a great living situation, and this guy who was always coming around the headquarters was asking if anyone needed a room in his apartment in the Bronx. I ended up moving up there for a while, and one day or night I came out into the kitchen, he wasn't there, and I saw this stack of FBI magazines! I don't think he ever attempted to incite SWP members to try anything crazy, because the party was too disciplined for that, and had a very strong position against what they called ultraleftism (a term Lenin used to describe radicals who accused the Bolsheviks of being sell-outs, in his pamphlet, Left Wing Communism, an Infantile Disorder).
Nothing major happened with this guy I was renting from, and he eventually left the party as far as I knew. He hadn't really ever fit in, he used to dress more like a businessman. But there you are, we didn't know anything about him, and I wouldn't have either if it weren't for the telltale magazines.
OWS does not resort to violence but are blamed for the same.Because they do not do any violent act so the government has no alternative but to blame violence upon them so that they can be arrested .Sometimes the paid agents of the government do violence but they are not caught but are given the way to flee from the scene after they(the agents) do violent acts.
Thank you very much for your reply. I don't remember how we found this out, but there definitely were FBI agents in the antiwar movement who attempted to steer it in a direction that would have both gotten activists arrested (and not available to organize) and would have made the movement look like the perpetrators of violence instead of the ruling elite. Oh, this reminds me of something really telling.
I think at the Nurenburg trials someone asked Goebels how the Nazis were able to get the German people to go along with Nazism. He said that most people are peaceful and don't want to fight, they don't want to go to war. But all you had to do was convince them that they were being attacked, and then they'd go to war.
We have to make it crystal clear for people to see, without any confusion, that the rulers and their agents the police have attacked us, not the other way around. And it's not that hard to smear us, just read the comments on the mainstream news sites.
Yes and I agree but it has to be done in away that hit's the banks in the pocket first. and until the Gov't quit's lending money to them at 0-1% interest so they can turn around and rape all the 99% with high rates and fee's,the people will not be taken as serious. Some how all that owe money to banks and gov't need to stop making payments.Put you money if you have any in your mattress or sleeping bags but not the banks. this is the first true way to start to hurt the Banks and worry the gov't. but getting everyone to do this takes courage. but it is the best way to start the true battle for change for we the people have to start taking charge of are lives and not let the gov't and big banks tell us different.
Thank God! Finally you guys are getting behind the right message. Civil rights affect us all. I hope that march is huge.
This is a rather anonymous SONG-CHANT-RANT offering, that will hopefully unify our message on the streets. Imparting some basic historical information that has lead to the continued debasing of free forms of Government. Where a select group of power seekers never seem to have enough of anything, including us.This is a very serious time for the FREE Global Community, our only weapon is Martin Luther King's legacy. They further try to discredit us with accusations of not having a coherent message when their only endgame is to further in-slave us! Abusing others until there is only two classes the Haves and Have-Not's http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HxmtreWQoVs&feature=player_profilepage
True statement.
Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l
..wants to give HUGE tax breaks for the superwealthy billionaires, and let corporations do whatever they want without any regulations.
Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l Ron P a u l
..wants to give HUGE tax breaks for the superwealthy billionaires, and let corporations do whatever they want without any regulations.
The movement is totally unorganized. I understand fighting back in desperation, but this is ridiculous. Our best chance for change is osixs. We have to educate the people on how to fight back or we will lose everything.
Read “Common Sense 3.1” at ( www.revolution2.osixs.org )
..wants to give HUGE tax breaks for the superwealthy and give all the power to private tyrannies:
..wants to give HUGE tax breaks for the superwealthy and give all the power to private tyrannies:
The Republicans say the schools are a problem and then refuse to fund them, The post office is terrible and yet it put millions into the federal coffers, SS and Medicare don
t work so we need to privatize it, in fact they want to privatize all three. My question is if they aren
t really profitable who would want to take them??? The truth is they want to steal the pension funds that are already in the system and the excess of 22 trillion in the SS[Removed]
..wants to give HUGE tax breaks for the superwealthy and give all the power to private tyrannies:
..wants to give HUGE tax breaks for the superwealthy and give all the power to private tyrannies:
..wants to give HUGE tax breaks for the superwealthy and give all the power to private tyrannies:
..wants to give HUGE tax breaks for the superwealthy and give all the power to private tyrannies:
..wants to give HUGE tax breaks for the superwealthy and give all the power to private tyrannies:
..wants to give HUGE tax breaks for the superwealthy and give all the power to private tyrannies:
..wants to give HUGE tax breaks for the superwealthy and give all the power to private tyrannies:
..wants to give HUGE tax breaks for the superwealthy and give all the power to private tyrannies:
Now all the unions are trying carp onto the usefull idiots brigade-big surprise! there's trouble abrewin' in your masses, though, as people are running into dregs and such stealing there property while they are protesting for the right to steal other's, the bum's wanting free meals but not contributing to clean-up and other duties', ect. President bailout feels your pain.Any of you with a lick of sense will walk away from this shit more conservative minded-there's no such thing as a free lunch no matter how loud it's said thru a bullhorn to a drumbeat. P.S. did $50millionaire michael more start redistributing his wealth yet? Has anyone asked why college tuition is so high and continues to outpasce inflation 4 to 1? where is president bailout berating the colleges? maybe you guys aren't blaming the right folks for your problems. start by looking in the mirror, then maybe the big gov. libs who are "always on your side" as long as you march to the drum...
Blah blah blah it's all the work of the leftists and unions and goverment and of course YOU - anybody but ME, oh no - I've got your number OWS - I know what you're REALLY about with my super secret decoder ring given to me by Rush Limburger himself...
My deductive reasoning leads me to believe that the majority of OWS folks I see grew up with video games and pushing buttons which form functions that immediately give an end result, thus push the button, get a instant response, or instant gratification. So, when things don't happen quickly, this repeated lack of push button gratification leads to anxiety and depression. The technology changes that have occurred in the past 10-15 years is astronomical. Therefore, the thought of having to work hard and wait for "things" years down the road is not an option. Just look at how kids walk around these days fixed to their text messaging internet surfing phones completely ablivious to their surroundings and the people around them. IMO The OWS folks have no experience of what is real and what is smoke, fog and fire. It's how YOU think, not what others tell you how to think, that will get you through tough times.
My business has been growing year after year for many years and we had the best year ever in 2011. 2012 is looking good too. I can only tell you that it's never been easy. I've faced bankruptcy, huge bills, red tape, employee problems, lost a multi million dollar company in a 8 year venture 2 years ago (STARTED WITH NO CAPITAL OR BANK LOANS OR HAND OUTS) after off the charts steady growth (we grew the company too fast). NONE of that came without hard work and lots of planning and HARD WORK (12 hour days PLUS) . Just about anybody is capable of doing anything they want IF they want it bad enough and are will to sacrifice and face the ups and downs.
I have many friends in all walks of life from all backgrounds and colors and income levels. One thing I've realized is THEY ARE ALL WORKING . Yes, working hard and making things work. I guess we're all a similar breed. Some have it, some don't, and I'm not talking money. I'm talking drive and determination.
Anything else and what the OWS REVOLUTION PROPOSES is an utterly boring alternative to my exciting life existence. America is great, don't ruin it for me. Take your issues and problems to Washington and Obama. He's the one who got us in this mess.
I'm glad to hear you are doing so well. With the money you make from your business are you currently buying politicians and circumventing the entire representative process of our government and undermining the will of the people?
No? Welcome to the 99%
That was my line but you can have the ups for it.
Yet another finger pointer. Anyone who says insert name of politician or demagogue here is to solely blame should be ignored.
Protesting through police brutality and winter weather is more drive and determination and excitement than it sounds like you care to be aware of.
Where's the "Like" button?
To: Prime Minister Roseanne Barr [Green Tea] Prime Minister Gail Lightfoot [Libertarian] Prime Minister Charles Bruce Stewart [Green Libertarian] Secretary Jacob Covich [Catholic Trotskyist] Cc: All Voters and Non Voters From: Secretary James Ogle [Free Parliamentary] Subject: USP: November Bulletin 2011
Note: Please feel free to engage or disengage from this communication link by sending the message "subscribe" or "unsubscribe" to joogle@gonott.com or by telephone at 415-686-1996. OK to "reply all". Anonymous forwarder now available upon request. http://www.usparliament.org/
Listen to the first debate between POTUS candidates Cook/Burns/Ogle which took place on 10/26/2011. (POTUS=president of the United States)
Env Minister Dea Riley [Independent] for Lt. Governor of Kentucky finds her name on the ballot in next Tuesday's election as the lone female candidate: http://www.gatewood.com/site/?Dea_Riley
Director Mare Adams [Independent] Self Appointed Director Choice Felton [Black Panther] Self Appointed Director Naomi Wolf [Info. Not Avail.] Self Appointed Director Alan Grayson [Info. Not Avail.] Self Appointed
Director Tina Cook [Independent] Elected http://usparliament.org/votecountingministry.php
Presidential Debate Committee established by the US Presidential candidates, and decision approved. http://usparliament.org/pdc.php
MSP Julie Merwine [Independent] Self Appointed MSP Mare Adams [Independent] Self Appointed MSP=member of super-state parliament
MSP Shurendly Maduro [Republican] self appointed MSP=member of super-state parliament
Vote Counting Minister James Ogle [Free Parliamentary] is calling for volunteers to help with the debates for the 8th USA Parliament's voter registration drive 2011 efforts.
Among the first things needed, is to contact the other US presidential candidates listed with the Federal Elections Commission (FEC), and to help set up telephone/audio and/or video debates.
The current US president candidates' contact information is linked to the FEC's web site: http://fec.gov/press/press2011/presidential_form2nm.shtml
Ad for GoNott Search and GoNott Advertise http://usparliament.org/drafts/coalition7CA2014.html Volunteer Beta Testers Wanted
Roseanne Barr for President 2012 Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Roseanne-Barr-for-President-2012/153524907998543
Posted in RoseanneWorld.com and USA Parliament Forum: http://www.roseanneworld.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=75250#75250 http://usparliament.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=49&t=501&p=1015#p1015
US-PAR: All voters, non-voters and news media (approx. 253 subscribers).
Please feel free to engage or disengage to this email list by sending the message "subscribe" or "unsubscribe" to joogle@gonott.com.
Holy Quran (42-39) And those who, when tyranny strikes them, they defend themselves, (42-40) And the retribution for an evil act is an evil one like it, but whoever pardons and makes reconciliation - his reward is [due] from Allah . Indeed, He does not like wrongdoers. (4-76) Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah , and those who disbelieve fight in the cause of Taghut. So fight against the allies of Satan. Indeed, the plot of Satan has ever been weak. (11-113) And do not incline toward those who do wrong, lest you be touched by the Fire, and you would not have other than Allah any protectors; then you would not be helped. (11-115) And be patient, for indeed, Allah does not allow to be lost the reward of those who do good.
It seems like an experiment camp with lots of activities. Sounds like fun to spend for a weekend.
yeah, sometimes i do think they think this is some kind of joke
Interestingly, some things are too serious to take seriously. in other words some things are so "heavy" that they weigh upon a person's good spirit and steer them towards questionable decision-making. True non-violent protest often takes the semblance of the absurd, and if the idea is about freedoms, then creative responses are tantamount. The Jon Stewart and Steven Colbert shows are both brilliant at not only sending up current politics, but emphasising the seriousness of it all in a humourous way that doesn't destroy uplifting spirit.
"This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing Government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it or their revolutionary right to dismember or overthrow it." -Abraham Lincoln
Try the 2012 election. Let's start now to nominate candidates.
These are the best of times and the worst of times
America has spectacular talent. Brilliant people who compete in sports, entertainment, technological advancement, and too long a list to complete. How can these people be so oblivious to the bribes, the fraud, the deceit of the media propaganda that protects outrageous government corruption.
The incredible World Series game six won by the Cardinals to send it to the rubber match is pure American. How can we let this miraculous place on earth be destroyed by disgusting privileged crooks. http://overthecoals.blogspot.com/ read more
"This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing Government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it or their revolutionary right to dismember or overthrow it." -Abraham Lincoln
..wants to give HUGE tax breaks for the superwealthy and give all the power to private tyrannies:
..wants to give HUGE tax breaks for the superwealthy and give all the power to private tyrannies:
..wants to give HUGE tax breaks for the superwealthy and give all the power to private tyrannies:
..wants to give HUGE tax breaks for the superwealthy and give all the power to private tyrannies:
What we need is to remove all those crooked politicians from office and limit the number of politicians and how much they can be bought for. ALL the politicians in office right now, including the president are getting money from companies and people who pull their strings and tell them what to do. What we need are young people to serve this county and turn it all around. Old politicians are not up to date with what is going on right now and new technology.
The president is touring the country right now, like a rock star instead of thinking of ways to create jobs and get us out of this recession.
Dayton met with protesters! That's huge, IMO
Dear friends in the movement, Get real jobs. Get big winter coats. I am the 99. Ride or die. Apple pie.
..wants to give HUGE tax breaks for the superwealthy and give all the power to private tyrannies:
..wants to give HUGE tax breaks for the superwealthy and give all the power to private tyrannies:
all this pointless non-argumental spamming isnt exactly very helpful for this ice-cold republican you´re supporting
..wants to give HUGE tax breaks for the superwealthy and give all the power to private tyrannies:
This is a laugh riot. First yesterday, poor people and ex cons didn't deserve the same caliber of [donated] food as "protestors". But today the is a march for CIVIL RIGHTS? And then on top of it SEIU is jumping on the bandwagon. I thought this movement was supposedly about the bottom up.
Is OWS a hard left movement?
I hadn't realized that....
Yes - people think because there are ideas flying around about systems to completely replace the one we have now that the movement MUST be a hard left one. Such ideas MUST be discussed in order for any kind of change or reform to occur within the means of what can currently be done - people are afraid of you discussing these ideas, and revert to vitriolic partisan rhetoric in order to keep you from discussing those ideas. Ignore those people - focus on helping everyone to understand how the system is set up to screw them unless they are already privileged.
It is hard left. They are uninformed ridiculous and delusional.
These are the best of times and the worst of times
America has spectacular talent. Brilliant people who compete in sports, entertainment, technological advancement, and too long a list to complete. How can these people be so oblivious to the bribes, the fraud, the deceit of the media propaganda that protects outrageous government corruption.
The incredible World Series game six won by the Cardinals to send it to the rubber match is pure American. How can we let this miraculous place on earth be destroyed by disgusting privileged crooks. http://overthecoals.blogspot.com/ read more
OWS hijacked. Tea party rerun.
Same shit, different year.
Stick a fork in OWS and welcome to the Democratic party.
So sad. No wonder the anti war message was silenced.
Yep. The shark has been jumped
OWS hijacked. Tea party rerun.
Same shit, different year.
Stick a fork in OWS and welcome to the Democratic party.
So sad. No wonder the anti war message was silenced.
MLK: Today, is the time to stop singing and start swinging!
The 1% own the henchmen, e.g. police/military/judges/lawyers, that beat down anyone who threatens the livelihood of the 1%.
Class warfare is a WAR! WARS are violent!
The only way the 1% is going to realize the seriousness of their actions is by suffering the consequences, e.g. violence, of their oppression against the 99%.
Awesome song follows: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n52957kl76Y
And so the movement was officially co-opted by the far left. Goodbye 99%, hello fringe 5%.
You're right. They want to sit in the park. They refuse to nominate candidates for 2012.
These are the best of times and the worst of times
America has spectacular talent. Brilliant people who compete in sports, entertainment, technological advancement, and too long a list to complete. How can these people be so oblivious to the bribes, the fraud, the deceit of the media propaganda that protects outrageous government corruption.
The incredible World Series game six won by the Cardinals to send it to the rubber match is pure American. How can we let this miraculous place on earth be destroyed by disgusting privileged crooks. http://overthecoals.blogspot.com/ read more
The speed at which this movement is veering towards the radical left is dizzying . . . the movement is already in its death throes as it is absorbed by Acorn, unions, and race baiters . . .
Typical response from FreeMarkets. Ignore.