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We are the 99 percent

NYPD Occupying Liberty Square; Demands Unclear

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 15, 2011, 6:51 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

New York, NY — The NYPD have been occupying Liberty Square since 1:00am Tuesday morning, with the brand new occupation now set to enter its second day in just a few short hours. But will anyone listen to them when their message is so incoherent?

"What are their demands?" asked social historian Patrick Bruner. "They have not articulated any platform. How do they expect to be taken seriously?"

Critics of the new occupation allege that meddling billionaire Michael Bloomberg is behind the movement. Others question the new occupiers' militant posture, concerned about the potential effects on the neighborhood.

"I suppose they have a right to express themselves," said local resident Han Shan. "But I'd prefer it if instead they occupied the space with the power of their arguments."

<p> *ABOVE: a rogue NYPD affinity group occupying the NY Stock Exchange*



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[-] 7 points by TorstenMunkov (7) 12 years ago

Upon our return to Liberty Square, let us demand the resignation of Mike Bloomberg and end his illegitimate occupation of the mayor's office. His spending of millions in stolen money to corrupt and subvert the democratic election process must no longer be tolerated.

[-] 3 points by Justice4all (133) 12 years ago

I agree! Audious Bloomberg you shill! All these wealthy politicians who buy their seats in office should be forced to resign or placed under citizens arrest for failing to serve the people as they swore to do!


[-] -3 points by LarsBorsch (-3) 12 years ago

I'm all for this. Then as soon as he's removed from office we can all resume defecating on the sidewalk.

[-] 0 points by Drbeaker (9) from Brooklyn, NY 12 years ago

I think you might be thinking of Giuliani...that ship has long since sailed.



[-] 4 points by Rico (3027) 12 years ago

LOL ! This is GREAT satire ! (I think) Kudos to the staff for having a sense of humor!

[-] 1 points by paulscottwright (17) 12 years ago

its true though ha ha thats why its so funny x x x

[-] 4 points by watermelonman (4) 12 years ago

Funny. well done.

[-] 4 points by workingbuddha (14) 12 years ago

very cute...keep it up... Vancouver is with you...:-)

[-] 4 points by bwexler (4) 12 years ago

Haha, this is great...i mean, the article, not the NYPD occupiers

[-] 4 points by Silica (51) from Suisun City, CA 12 years ago

I had a good laugh. Thanks for that.

[-] 3 points by Turtle (268) 12 years ago

This is perhaps -the- most priceless posting I have ever seen, especially in the aftermath of last night's bullying.

Laughter is often so much better than tears.

Thank you; all of you.

[-] 3 points by Ubuntu (34) from Brooklyn, NY 12 years ago

hilarious but this time also true! nice one!

[-] 3 points by shifty2 (117) 12 years ago

I have always wondered why politicians pay so much money to get into office thanks to 60 minutes now I know, It's leagle for to do inside trading something that a regular citizen goes to jail for, it's easy to get rich when you inside information from all your wall st friends, Wonder how many of their family and friend's are previous to the same information and get rich to. Any one could become rich If they had the same information. I read this and I still can't believe it.What a bunch of crook's, This proves they could care less about their job's.We need help soon.

[-] 3 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

lulz people still think that there isn't a message behind OWS?


Campaign finance reform

Restore constitutional rights

Bring Wall Street thieves to justice

Nationalize the federal reserve. Our current monetary system is not in the constitution.

[-] 1 points by shaka (0) 12 years ago

Bring ALL troops home and cut MILITARY SPENDING

[-] 0 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

YES I forgot about the most important one.

You are exactly right Shaka.

[-] 3 points by Toynbee (656) from Savannah, GA 12 years ago

This will not end until there is meaningful change.

Fix a broken system that is dominated by lobbyists and well-heeled ideologues and greed-a-holics!

[-] 3 points by Justice4all (133) 12 years ago

Guess our worst fears are confirmed. We now know who the police truly serve and who are their masters. When they take their oath now better say it as it truly is--"To protect and serve--The 1%" What a joke this system is--they have over time created the world for themselves, and we are nothing more than a joke to them. What can we do really? they run and own everything--our voices truly do count for nothing and what is happening shows that to be true. Fascism, fascism, fascism--the new and true United States!

[-] 0 points by es23 (-5) 12 years ago

That's good... "To protect and serve the 1%." What I figure is, in every fight that's every taken place, there has to be fighters. Here we are, sleeping in parks, doing everything we can to win. Yet all the millionaires of the country have to do is use their power over the government and police (that say it is their responsibility to serve us) to get them to fight against us. But we don't give up, we don't back down. We're doing everything ourselves while the 1% pays off the cops to retaliate against us. I think it shows who built our country, who the real workers are, and who has every single right to be heard.

[-] 0 points by Justice4all (133) 12 years ago

All thats missing e23 is the swastika labels on their uniforms and the high clicking boots. Your right thats all it is and shows why we are all fighting this so hard! It all comes down to money and its control over the human condition. But I look at it this way--like the bad guy in the movie titanic who paid off the officer to save himself a seat on a rescue boat and kept putting it off to chase Kate Winslet around, each time he'd come back and had a seat saved til the last time when the officer he had paid off threw the money back in his face and said your money cant save you any more than it can me. Hopefully over time these cops and judges who are fighting for evil because they are bribed will see that the ship is sinking and will throw the money back in the elites faces and tell them that their money is now valueless and will fight against this terrible corruption and stand up for righteousness! Thats the dream anyways. Keep fighting the good fight e23!

[-] 0 points by es23 (-5) 12 years ago

Justice4all- That's a great reference, however cheesy the movie might have been. I think it's quite ironic though because the actor playing the police man probably got paid quite a lot of money. Anyways, I don't think all officers are evil. I just think that all they do is follow orders, however unjust those orders may be. Hopefully, one day, police will realize that by fighting us they are also fighting themselves because they're not the 1%. In a way, cops are sort of helping the cause. They're drawing attention to the occupation because otherwise the media wouldn't write about it (since it is controlled by the rich). I think you should watch "Captialism: A Love Story". It's all about how corrupt and emotionless the rich and government is. -es23

[-] 0 points by Justice4all (133) 12 years ago

Very true es23, as long as the attention stays on this story (which is the most relevant and needed to be told story) thats a very good thing. Your also correct--cheesy (very cheesy) movie, but think that's a moment of truth in it as far as it's message of wealth and it only means as much as we make it mean to us in its relevance. And yep have owned Capitalism by Michael Moore on DVD since it came out--Inside Job is a good movie as well (Youve probably seen it), Zeitgeist is another good one. Have a great evening in Chi town!

[-] 0 points by es23 (-5) 12 years ago

Oh well, it might be cheesy but it's a classic. And yes, this story needs to more media attention. It's not just New York, it's becoming global. The longer people try to keep it in the dark, the harder people will fight to make it known. Anyway, I think the worst part of Capitalism is when they're talking about the kids in juvi. The judge made innocent (mostly) children spend years of their life in there because he was corrupt and wanted to make a profit. I think that defines that kind of person you are- what you would do for power and what you would do with it. It's sad that these kinds of people are meant to serve "justice," when they're only in it for themselves.

[-] 0 points by Justice4all (133) 12 years ago

I believe that to be the deeper truth here. Its one thing for bankers to defraud their clients. (Thats their character--no morality) However, when our elected officials judges, congresspeople, senators, Presidents are all on the take as well, it goes against the grain of why the United States was created. I believe that when this country was founded capitalism meant to take the gifts inside ourselves (spiritually, emotionally) and make the most of what we are in our character--but not this--not just to see who can gain and obtain the most. To me it goes against the original intent of the word, and why this country was founded. But, guess thats the ultimate struggle. What does each person stand for? Something deeper of character and meaning, or something as superficial as gaining and obtaining everything material in this world. "For what is it for a man to gain the whole world but lose his soul" Thats the very real truth I feel of the world we are in. Keep on staying true es23! Maybe one day it'll sink in with them

[-] -1 points by pinker (586) 12 years ago

They serve the citizens who pay taxes in NYC. Not the kids coming from other cities. The kids' mommies and daddies pay taxes on their 350000 dollar homes elsewhere, in some burb.

[-] 0 points by Justice4all (133) 12 years ago

Didnt realize all those camping out were Michael Bloombergs kids. As long as their serving the 1% one way or another I guess is all that matters.

[-] -1 points by pinker (586) 12 years ago

Well, the median household cost of those arrested on Brooklyn Bridge was 350000 - not quite Bloomberg type of money, but certainly not the suffering masses. That's all I got. Keep protesting. I'm all for your rights. But be for my rights too.

[-] 0 points by Justice4all (133) 12 years ago

I respect your rights and everyones rights. Just dont want to see us lose our souls and our selves due to money and gain. Hopefully we can all strive to make a better world! Have a good one!

[-] 0 points by uftscott (26) from Brooklyn, NY 12 years ago

Where did you get that stat? Please cite if you're going to post that stuff.

[-] -1 points by pinker (586) 12 years ago


[-] 1 points by uftscott (26) from Brooklyn, NY 12 years ago

Interesting, but I don't think it tells the whole story. If I had been arrested on the bridge, they would have taken my home address as the address of the run-down brownstone in Bed-Stuy where I live (not going to post the address, duh) which is valued at around $800,000 and is a single-family home for tax purposes. But I don't own the property. I rent it with six other people. There is ancient electrical wiring that constitutes a fire hazard. The damaged siding on the front of the building is anything but "opulent." There is a rat infestation, in fact rats ate my bedding at one point. We've complained to our landlords repeatedly about these violations and they have ignored us. We've reported violations to the city, and received a minimal response. I'm a teacher, I'm solidly middle-class, but I'm hardly an "entitled upper-class agitator." I don't think that "readily available" home values on Zillow give an accurate picture of the movement at all.

[-] 2 points by abrasion99 (6) 12 years ago

"They have been reviled; they have been ridiculed, persecuted, imprisoned...but they have been sufficient to themselves and their cause, and their final triumph is but a question of time...You need especially to know that you are fit for something better than slavery and cannon fodder. You need to know that you were not created to work and produce and impoverish yourself to enrich an idle exploiter. You need to know that you have a mind to improve, a soul to develop, and a manhood to sustain. You need to know that it is your duty to rise above an animal plane of existence. You need to know that it is for you to know something about literature and science and art. You need to know that you are verging on the edge of a great new world. You need to get in touch with your comrades and fellow workers and to become conscious of your interests, your powers, and your possibilities as a class. You need to know that you belong to the great majority of mankind. You need to know that as long as you are ignorant, as long as you are indifferent, as long as you are apathetic, unorganized and content, you will remain exactly where you are. You will be exploited; you will be degraded, and you will have to beg for a job. You will get just enough for your slavish toil to keep you in working order, and you will be looked down upon with scorn and contempt by the very parasites that live and luxuriate out of your sweat and unpaid labor."

--Eugene V. Debs, "The Canton, Ohio Speech" (1918)

[-] 2 points by amendment1 (1) from New York, NY 12 years ago

Here's an easy action, if you're in New York: Call 311. Ask them about the rules at Zuccotti Park or rights to protest. Ask them about the 1st amendment and how it's enforced in the city?

[-] 2 points by fezz (1) 12 years ago

With the face that authorities are now showing, might I suggest. Start using a tactic used in Russia during it's political upheaval. The police only have so many members, when ousted from one site, disperse in peace and regroup as two groups in different sites. As the police roust each group, divide again, etc. Pretty soon, they don't have the forces necessary anymore and some groups are left alone, then recombine those groups. Keep moving.

Remember be loud, peaceful and harmless. Mahatma Gandhi had it right!

[-] 2 points by JonValle (133) 12 years ago

Well played. We should just stand next to them with signs and comment about how they finally found reason and joined the right side of the picket line.

[-] 2 points by gregg (11) 12 years ago

This is a great post. Hilarious.

[-] 2 points by TimeHasC0me (66) 12 years ago

The only way you, OWS, all will make a difference is if you affect the day to day operation or flow of life, commerce, and or government. As i once witnessed in France, their government wanted to raise fines, tolls, taxes, etc. on all commercial truck drivers and trucking companies. What happened next was amazing. All French trucking companies and drivers criss crossed their trucks across all major highways in their country, completely blocking and disabling the transportation of all goods throughout the country. This lasted for about a week or less, until the government backed down and reversed its decision. It worked because it takes a protest of this scale to affect change. Occupying a park, although symbolic, will never ever ever do anything to change how disgustingly our government and the rich control all our lives, and continue to make the rich richer. You need to regroup, and i mean regroup all OWS protesters from across the country to a few very large simultaneous protests because small groups here and there won't really make a statement and can be easily intimidated and disbanded by authorities. You need a board of smart leaders that can effectively communicate a set of real smart ideas and demands and better organize the movement. You need to continue to use social media as a way to communicate as they did in the middle east to oust their dictators. But most of all you need to make one massive statement by protesting and affecting the day to day operation or flow of life, commerce, and or government. It will be the only way that you will get the govt and the rich to stop.......turn around......and stare in awe at the EPIC scale of the movement before them, and realize that the time has come, and that We The People have officially drawn the line in the sand, and are no longer willing to play their game any longer. IT IS THE ONLY WAY. Thank you.

[-] 1 points by wealthyslave639 (3) 12 years ago

This really needs to happen. Somehow get all the people behind all the occupies and make a massive statement in all the cities. It can be done with the technology today. Just don't count on the media.

[-] 0 points by Polona (-1) 12 years ago

That would not work. The U.S. is VERY different from France - in more ways than I could begin to list here. Their history is not ours, their unions are different, and the way the system works there is entirely different. Strikes are common in France, and supported by their people and laws. Trucks would be "removed" from the highways if we tried that kind of stunt.


[-] 2 points by TimeHasC0me (66) 12 years ago

The only way you, OWS, all will make a difference is if you affect the day to day operation or flow of life, commerce, and or government. As i once witnessed in France, their government wanted to raise fines, tolls, taxes, etc. on all commercial truck drivers and trucking companies. What happened next was amazing. All French trucking companies and drivers criss crossed their trucks across all major highways in their country, completely blocking and disabling the transportation of all goods throughout the country. This lasted for about a week or less, until the government backed down and reversed its decision. It worked because it takes a protest of this scale to affect change. Occupying a park, although symbolic, will never ever ever do anything to change how disgustingly our government and the rich control all our lives, and continue to make the rich richer. You need to regroup, and i mean regroup all OWS protesters from across the country to a few very large simultaneous protests because small groups here and there won't really make a statement and can be easily intimidated and disbanded by authorities. You need a board of smart leaders that can effectively communicate a set of real smart ideas and demands and better organize the movement. You need to continue to use social media as a way to communicate as they did in the middle east to oust their dictators. But most of all you need to make one massive statement by protesting and affecting the day to day operation or flow of life, commerce, and or government. It will be the only way that you will get the govt and the rich to stop.......turn around......and stare in awe at the EPIC scale of the movement before them, and realize that the time has come, and that We The People have officially drawn the line in the sand, and are no longer willing to play their game any longer. IT IS THE ONLY WAY. Thank you.

[-] 2 points by cristinasupes (145) 12 years ago

Oh, I needed that! Thanks!

[-] 2 points by JonoLith (467) 12 years ago

This. Is. Brilliant.

[-] 2 points by whoknows (7) 12 years ago

"What 10 year old writes this stuff?"

Which 10 year old writes THIS stuff?

[-] 2 points by WavyLady (4) from Brooklyn, NY 12 years ago

Yes, this group seems very disorganized.

[-] 1 points by paulscottwright (17) 12 years ago

oh this is so funny and so true! how i love and applaud such cutting aphorisms. the blind, misleading the wide awake, but slumber's illusion and fear is fake Namaste to the 100% always and much love from the isle of man to all my brothers and sisters fighting for our freedom x x x

[-] 1 points by bugbuster (103) from Yoncalla, OR 12 years ago

"I suppose they have a right to express themselves," said local resident Han Shan. "But I'd prefer it if instead they occupied the space with the power of their arguments."

Han Shan, your own blindness and deafness is what this protest is about. Are you willfully unaware of the inequality and suffering going on around you? It would seem so. Open your eyes and ears.

[-] 1 points by Joeschmoe1000 (270) 12 years ago

This is awesome self mocking!

We are so proud of ourselves!

[-] 1 points by Leftylew (6) 12 years ago

Thank you for this posting. It is genius. I am so pleased and proud of our movement. They can evict our bodies and our stuff, they cannot move our will to be free and fairly treated. Love to all occupiers. Peace, freedom, and justice shall prevail.

[-] 1 points by anniemcu (-1) 12 years ago

They are armed, known to be dangerous, and not to respect the rights of others... but I haven't heard them called 'terrorists' on any of the news and views shows... yet.

[-] 1 points by abrasion99 (6) 12 years ago

"They have been reviled; they have been ridiculed, persecuted, imprisoned...but they have been sufficient to themselves and their cause, and their final triumph is but a question of time...You need especially to know that you are fit for something better than slavery and cannon fodder. You need to know that you were not created to work and produce and impoverish yourself to enrich an idle exploiter. You need to know that you have a mind to improve, a soul to develop, and a manhood to sustain. You need to know that it is your duty to rise above an animal plane of existence. You need to know that it is for you to know something about literature and science and art. You need to know that you are verging on the edge of a great new world. You need to get in touch with your comrades and fellow workers and to become conscious of your interests, your powers, and your possibilities as a class. You need to know that you belong to the great majority of mankind. You need to know that as long as you are ignorant, as long as you are indifferent, as long as you are apathetic, unorganized and content, you will remain exactly where you are. You will be exploited; you will be degraded, and you will have to beg for a job. You will get just enough for your slavish toil to keep you in working order, and you will be looked down upon with scorn and contempt by the very parasites that live and luxuriate out of your sweat and unpaid labor."

--Eugene V. Debs, "The Canton, Ohio Speech" (1918)

[-] 1 points by creepshow (1) 12 years ago

Bloomberg is a criminal actively pursuing the sale of public land to private corporations (see Union Square).

Someone needs to print up these signs or silkscreen shirts: http://www.mediafire.com/imageview.php?quickkey=jw5ld8wy4353vio

[-] 1 points by wealthyslave639 (3) 12 years ago

Please Please don't give up. Because of the O.W.S. the whole world has finally become aware of what the 1% can do and has been doing for years. I only wish I were there, although I am in spirit and prayers. Thank you to all of you who not only are standing up for America but the world.

[-] 2 points by es23 (-5) 12 years ago

It's not that we weren't aware, it's just that now we finally decided to do something together. All that we can do and us sticking with each other greatly moves me. If we all move towards the same goal no one can stop us. We have the power to make a change, if only we don't give up.

[-] 1 points by danielhb (2) 12 years ago

Consejo para los inexpertos compañeros manifestantes de EEUU ante la carga de la represión montada: lleven bolsas de bolitas (canicas) y arrójenlas al paso de los caballos, sobre el asfalto son un elemento altamente desestabilizador de caballo y jinete.

Daniel, desde La Argentina

Tip for the inexperienced U.S. fellow manifestants to the charge of mounted repression, carrying bags of balls (marbles) and throw them to the passage of horses. On the asphalt are highly destabilizing element of horse and rider.

Sorry for my bad English Daniel, from La Argentina

[-] 1 points by flip (7101) 12 years ago

no need to articulate demands other than we are the 99% and we are tired of the 1% running the show - let it flow from there - worked so far. and who are these people anyway - who haven't done anything and now show up to tell you guys what to do - let them start their own gig and see how that goes - ows has changed the dialogue in this country in a few short weeks - i was born in 1950 and have never seen anything like it! if it ain't broke - don't fix it!

[-] 1 points by funkymonkeyq (4) 12 years ago

this, too, is not what democracy looks like:

First ever Audit of the Federal Reserve came back today, revealing the fed paid out $16 trillion (yes, that's with a 't') in secret bailouts during this financial crisis, to, oh, whomever was on their golfing buddy list.


"This is a clear case of socialism for the rich and rugged, you're-on-your-own individualism for everyone else." - Sanders, VT

May the occupation continue until the situation improves ;-).

[-] 1 points by es23 (-5) 12 years ago

My jaw dropped on the floor when I read this. Obama's campaign slogan was all about making a change. The only change that happened is more people are losing jobs and jerks get an extra million dollar bonus.

[-] 1 points by jdwbethesda (27) 12 years ago

Awesome post. Love the irony. Thanks for the thoughtfulness.

This is only the beginning, obviously...;)

[-] 1 points by lisamariechadwick (2) 12 years ago

A list of great ways to strike back immediately:

  1. Cease purchasing useless stuff immediately.
  2. avoid Black Friday after Thanksgiving
  3. Everyone file EXEMPT or for EXTENTIONS on their "2012 Taxes".... This will bring everything to a stand still! All law eforcment will not be receiving checks....no governmental employee will.

Sincerely, Lisa Marie Chadwick

[-] 0 points by es23 (-5) 12 years ago

What good will that do? In fact, it will probably do more harm than help. Also, striking back immediately is not the best idea. It is better to slowly build up a strong, equal economy rather than a quick one that will just go back to how it is now in a few decades. That is what America is created on, the idea that working hard on something instead of a quick fix will lead to prosperity. To contradict your points in order:

  1. Just because we stop purchasing useless stuff does not mean the corrupt executives will suffer. How often do CEO's get fired or have their paychecks cut? Instead, the hardworking laborers will lose their jobs and will create an even higher unemployment rate.
  2. See above. Also, where do you keep getting the notion that not buying things will help the 99%? I don't understand it at all.
  3. As for your grand finale, it's even worse than the first two "great ways" combined. No government or law employee working has to be the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Do you know how high the crime rate will go up? Leaving our country without police would lead to chaos. Granted, these certain cops are douches, but loads are working for the greater good. And not ALL government workers are corrupt, there are many who are fighting for the same causes the OCS believes. Many just want a better country for everyone, not just people that own private jets and spend $1000 for dinner. From this comment do not think I hate working people. No, it's the total opposite. I FULLY support the OCS, I just don't support dumb people with their dumb ideas (i.e. you). Hopefully, everyone else doesn't agree with you and your so-called solutions.
[-] 1 points by samplocracy (26) 12 years ago

is the end of economic growth going to see the end of democracy? i hope not. keep the occupations up!


[-] 1 points by samplocracy (26) 12 years ago

is the end of economic growth going to see the end of democracy? i hope not. keep the occupations up!


[-] 1 points by JPage (7) 12 years ago

haha classic

[-] 1 points by suyabaa01 (244) from Milford, CT 12 years ago

Very funny and true, metaphorically and literally.

May be, just may be, they realized that they belong to the 99% and decided to help the cause.

[-] 1 points by whoknows (7) 12 years ago

"So Occupy Wall Street is trying to smear the new "not as cool kids" who will be entering their old clubhouse?"

Are you being intentionally thick?

[-] 1 points by Thinking7 (11) from North Babylon, NY 12 years ago

LOL! This is great! Funny stuff...in a serious way...

[-] 0 points by yess (-1) from Brooklyn, NY 12 years ago

NYPD OWS, What are your demands? Nov 15, 2011


[-] 0 points by Petroglyph (-1) 12 years ago

Are GUNS and RIOT SHIELDS,MILTARY GRADE TEAR GAS and PEPPER SPRAY and BODY ARMOR... not enough to be taken seriously or respected as if they were enough of a clearly articulated message in and of themselves ??? Maybe not...maybe it is time for them to come clean with a coherent message that is pausible and for which they are willing to be held accountable. Maybe it is that time indeed.

[-] 0 points by Cirrus33 (-1) 12 years ago

I was thinking that when the park is closed in New York, protesters could have a planned and mapped out march around the city. People could come and go as they please but everyone must keep moving, Police would have to follow the group but could not arrest anyone because no law are being violated. Just until the park reopens.


[-] 0 points by kb22 (1) 12 years ago

too bad this group has no communal purpose or plan.. it has good intentions

[-] -1 points by kcsapper (12) from Pleasant Hill, MO 12 years ago

The problem with a leaderless group often is the fact that no competent plan arises, the very act of civil disobedience is muted if their is no one who can articulate clearly the reasoning and desire of those protesting.

[-] 0 points by RedJazz43 (2757) 12 years ago

The Declaration of the Occupation sure looks like a plan to me.

[-] 0 points by kcsapper (12) from Pleasant Hill, MO 12 years ago

It is not a plan, it is a list of complaints with no articulated response. If you are seeking a redress of grievances then you must declare the way that these grievances can be fixed.

[-] 0 points by kindnessiskey (-1) from New York, NY 12 years ago

LOVE this!

[-] 0 points by Istreasatuathnatighearna (0) 12 years ago

This Gaelic saying or proverb is usually translated as The people are mightier than a lord.

[-] 0 points by chicagowill (-1) 12 years ago

Love the sense of humor! OWS is awesome. Hope you get Liberty Square back soon!

[-] 0 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 12 years ago


That is great.

[-] 0 points by DudleyE (94) 12 years ago

Here's some demands we can be proud of:

Posted 3 weeks ago on Oct. 23, 2011, 11:21 p.m. EST by bchang1987 This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Repeal the Taft-Hartley Act. Unionize ALL workers immediately.

Raise the minimum wage immediately to $18/hr. Create a maximum wage of $90/hr to eliminate inequality.

Institute a 6 hour workday, and 6 weeks of paid vacation.

Institute a moratorium on all foreclosures and layoffs immediately.

Repeal racist and xenophobic English-only laws.

Open the borders to all immigrants, legal or illegal. Offer immediate, unconditional amnesty, to all undocumented residents of the US.

Create a single-payer, universal health care system.

Pass stricter campaign finance reform laws. Ban all private donations. All campaigns will receive equal funding, provided by the taxpayers.

Institute a negative income tax, and tax the very rich at rates up to 90%.

Pass far stricter environmental protection and animal rights laws.

Allow workers to elect their supervisors.

Lower the retirement age to 55. Increase Social Security benefits.

Create a 5% annual wealth tax for the very rich.

Ban the private ownership of land.

Make homeschooling illegal. Religious fanatics use it to feed their children propaganda.

Reduce the age of majority to 16.

Abolish the death penalty and life in prison. We call for the immediate release of all death row inmates from death row and transferred to regular prisons.

Release all political prisoners immediately.

Immediate withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan.

Abolish the debt limit.

Ban private gun ownership.

Strengthen the separation of church and state.

Immediate debt forgiveness for all.

End the 'War on Drugs'.

[-] 0 points by OccupyNews (1220) 12 years ago

Hey, what's going on here? Is this the kettle (the occupiers) calling the pot (the NYPD) all stewed up? Very funny!

www.occupynews.net has livestream screen grabs with the accompanying chat from last night's invasion.


[-] 0 points by DonQuixot (231) 12 years ago

Los motivos están clarísimos, parar un movimiento que amenaza el capitalismo salvaje, la injusticia y el robo legal de la clase media y baja para beneficio del 0,01 %. Y los medios están clarísimos, mentiras, hipocresía, brutalidad policial estilo Gestapo, etc. The motives are very clear, to stop a movement that threatens wild capitalism, injustice and legal theft of the middle and low class for the benefit of the 0,01% richest people. And the means are also very clear, lies, hypocricy, Gestapo style police brutality, etc.

[-] 0 points by JSideffects (-1) 12 years ago

God bless what you are all doing, i wish i could have been there everyday, i gave food, marched a few, but 2 months is true commitment. i'm backpackings down to D.C tomorow to join our brethren there. ir you really do get evicted, i suggest you ALL march down to D.C. not only would it make for an EPIC revolation on these times, but i think that wall streets has felt enough, they no know that we're not standing by idly its time that the senate, congress, and president knows.. we are not just "U.S. Citizens" we are all SOVEREIGN PATRONS OF MOTHER EARTH. and her resources are NOT up for auction to the highest bidder.

[-] 0 points by 2012shockingtruth (29) 12 years ago

When people come to this site, sign in, and post comments of a derogatory nature, it can be assumed that they are (a) part of the 1%, or (b) paid by the 1%, or (c) are clueless to what is happening in this country and only possess a self-serving interest in their own comfort.

[-] 0 points by 4thaugust1932 (1) from New York, NY 12 years ago

The easiest way to protest Gov is print/circulate/use your own banknotes exclusively among your community.

[-] 0 points by professorzed (308) from Hamilton, ON 12 years ago

Well done, a sharp wit and vitriolic satire are amongst the finest weapons in our (peaceful) armoury. (Metaphorically speaking).

[-] 0 points by TRR13 (-1) from New Haven, CT 12 years ago

It's great to see the sense of humor. I'm sure that all of us, those thousands of us encamped in our local movement and those millions of us supporting from the periphery, are energized by such a lighthearted article after such a trying day for The Change.

[-] 0 points by professorfate (-1) 12 years ago

"What are their demands? They have not articulated any platform. How do they expect to be taken seriously?" (Patrick Bruner.) That statement and their brethren continually puzzle me. I think he's suffering from the Marie Antoinette syndrome. The platform could not be articulated any clearer. It's economic injustice, inequality and the problems that arise from it. That they want narrow demands verifies that they don't understand the depth and breadth of the problems that occur when 1% control the lives of the 99%. The injustices are many but they stem from the control of the 1%. It's not just a matter of divvying out the cash more equally. It's what their cash buys and what it destroys. It creates an underclass of dispossessed, not just here but around the world. It's not just a matter of a bigger paycheck or a new toaster. It's the world of restricted educational opportunity, pollution, failed justice, and a myriad of other issues that it has created. The 1% see us as the little people who should be grateful for the crust of bread and a car to sleep in. Their world smacks of the old British ruling class. The shame is - they don't think that's wrong. They see it as inevitable, normal and justified. They view the world as a shark tank and we're the chum.

[-] 0 points by pericolosa (6) 12 years ago

Priceless. For everything else, there's MasterCard.

[-] 0 points by jssss (71) 12 years ago

ok. so if people keep saying, "what do they want" obviously they aren't people that are "in the know" they didn't get the memo. and that's fine, they might be too lazy to do their own homework, or would rather just have a knee jerk reaction, or believe what fox news says, blah blah blah whatever whatever, etc. many reasons.

so, there have been signs, but not everybody has seen them obviously. there have been special interest groups there, but not everybody has seen/heard them obviously . get it?

so we need to answer this and be more focused about what 'we' want. something that everybody can agree on.

i read alot of stuff on line from people comments in relation to news stories. and people that could be "on our side" mainly haven't joined since there has been no coherent issues really brought forth other than "we are the 99% against the 1%" that is not gonna work for everybody. that and, why arn't they protesting on DC?

there are a few topics that i think most everyone can agree on, ows support and non support alike, and those in between.

here somethings that i have heard on hear that seems to resonate with everyone... 1.) get $$$ out of politics 2.)political two party system reform 3.) repeal glass segal act 4.) jobs

this list dosn't have to be it. just 4 or 5 non-controversial (sorry total loan forgiveness is not going to happen, but the conversation about it being oppressive can?) issues that can be spread about.

the ideology is fine, but we need something realistic that we can stuff down mainstream Americas throats. something not so "radical"? those yellow sings "i'll never be able to get a home" are great! and drives home a point, but we need something more...

i really feel that ows is going to get alot more accomplished if we can get behind something. and, that does not mean a politician either...

just my 2cents.and i feel like im kicking a dead horse here...

[-] 0 points by shifty2 (117) 12 years ago

Martha Stewart went to jail for inside trading , Why ?


[-] 0 points by HansWinklebrenner (2) 12 years ago

I showed up to protest but can't seem to find anyone. Where is everyone located. I am by some big toy store FAO something.

[-] 0 points by LarsBorsch (-3) 12 years ago

Just close your eyes and follow the stench of Marijuana, feces, and urine.

[-] 2 points by HansWinklebrenner (2) 12 years ago

All i can smell is mace and entitlement, should I follow that?

[-] 0 points by JonValle (133) 12 years ago

You sir... win. Nice.

[-] -1 points by Joyce (375) 12 years ago

It would appear you already have.


[-] 0 points by BizEducatedSociallyConscious (68) from New York, NY 12 years ago

This is HILARIOUS! wow, thanks, i really needed that laugh. :) Whew, I feel a little better. On my way down to zucotti in solidarity!

[-] 0 points by therising (6643) 12 years ago

Great post! Love it.

[-] 0 points by 1tooccupyLHPA (0) from Lock Haven, PA 12 years ago

This is an awesome perspective on recent happenings! I suppose the NYPD occupiers of Zuccotti Park (previously known as Liberty Square) are all 2nd amendment activists? I'll bet they are all armed! If we take the space back, maybe we should frisk all the NYPD activists and make sure they are not bringing any contraband in!

[-] 0 points by drs02040 (0) 12 years ago

The republic is dead. Long live the Empire.

[-] 0 points by enough (587) 12 years ago

Just list your fucking demands and let the pieces fall where they may. Without demands, the world thinks you stand for nothing or anything they want you to stand for. There is nothing brave or clever about demonstrating without a firm set of grievances and demands. In fact, it's fucking stupid. It takes more balls to set forth a concrete platform of demands and become a worthy target than to hide behind some vague notion of militating against the influence of the wealthy 1%. And, by the way, stop gathering in one fucking place and camping out there where the man can bust you like they did today. Try flash actions instead of being a sitting duck. Put your fucking computers to good use. Stop telegraphing your local moves unless you intend to make a major march on Washington where everyone is coming from different sections of the country. Even the original American revolutionaries knew better than to line up in rows to avoid getting blown away by the enemy. That's Guerrilla Warfare 101. In fact, change the name Occupy Wall Street to Flash Wall Street or something similar to it that indicates dynamic movement instead of stasis. WTF.

[-] 1 points by hippopotamus (2) 12 years ago

Is that also Guerrilla warfare 101 or didn't you read that one?

[-] 1 points by enough (587) 12 years ago

Thanks Hippo. My bad. Corrected it.

[-] 0 points by Sly (19) from Brattleboro, VT 12 years ago

Why, to justify the NYPD's stance of treating them like terrorists?

[-] 2 points by enough (587) 12 years ago

Nothing justifies the NYPD treating them like terrorists. But if the cops are gonna do it anyway, it makes sense to make it harder for them to do so.

[-] 1 points by Sly (19) from Brattleboro, VT 12 years ago

I think it's vital for the movement to remain completely transparent and completely open. That's what the whole movement is about, anyway, bringing Americans to common ground to dialogue on the problems and come up with solutions. The decisions being made in secrecy with only the say of the elite is exactly what we're protesting.

[-] 0 points by ianjohnsa (2) 12 years ago

Whose police state? OUR POLICE STATE!!

[-] 0 points by Raw1 (6) 12 years ago

I have a simple platform. An investigative commission (selected via internet vote) to scrutinize the last 10 years of economic waste, war, and perversion of our banking system. With penalties!

[-] 0 points by Zealwriter (5) 12 years ago

I am very impressed with the movement that has sprung now globally regarding those who insist on occupying asking for a fair share. Whereas I am impressed by the initial response to the knowledge of having been cattle all these years and now desiring to be included in living, I challenge with a question “what is your next move?” A gathering or a march alone without a contingency plan is “IMPOTENT”. Certain ethnic groups look for equal inclusion and find solace in mouthpieces like Al and Jesse to bolster their cause with words but absent of action ignoring the roots of their own history which affected change that they benefit from today which was “the boycott”. Sure, there are many people charged up at the moment but without steering them in a direction of action once after the whole world has come out to occupy it will certainly fizzle from what began an undaunted mission of ground troops. Truly, truly comrades, the ground is fully laid out and the question now is how to erect the walls? While there is protest in the streets still the employers who are the 1% have their oxen to plow their fields or manpower to drive their riches and why should they consider giving the 99% any more than they have? After all, what are they going to do, Quit? Doubtless! The thing that Big Industry has capitalized on is the masses being unorganized! NO, I’m not talk about gathering as a organized bargaining unit (Unions), No; what I’m submitting to the “Occupy” movement is PHASE TWO and “Boycott the MACHINE” while, at the moment, having need to be attached to it. Take the funds that your current employer pays you and collectively invest in a home based business. Find a reputable Network Marketing Business and use your massive network to generate wealth that you would never get from a raise while working as “Cattle” for your current herdsman. Your employer [herdsman] hopes that you remain asleep and not come to recognize the economy that exist within you in order for them to remain in control over it. This is the opportunity that you have been waiting for. This is the dream that you have dreamed to be financially free and independent. The only thing standing in your way is your fear of the unknown and your comfort on the pastures. The path I follow is in my website. The path you search out and find is up to you. In order to go to a level beyond talks and demonstrations is language that those you protest against understand and respect. This is the model that Robert Kiyosaki calls the “Business of the 21st Century” (look it up on Youtube). My name is Charles Burns and I AM MONA-V-IE! [for Vendetta]


[-] 1 points by jdwbethesda (27) 12 years ago

Just for some reassurance.....

Zealwriter, you are not the first person in the past couple of months that has said that it is important to focus on a specific demand and action so that this movement survives. However, mark my words: nothing will interrupt the change that is happening in the world right now. Having now leader, and leaving it to the masses of people in communities will see these thing through in the coming year. People began saying what you said months ago....but look where we are now. We are exponentially stronger, louder, and preparing to retake our nation. It is an exciting time because of passionate people like you!! Thank you!

[-] -1 points by Zealwriter (5) 12 years ago

JDBethesda, surely there is momentum in this movement and inspiration and ppl are moved into what seems to give them a voice and compelled by hope to public demonstration. Though this can be the catalyst for change it is not change itself. Most notable battles begin with the conquerors battle cry but then there must be a strategy to sequester the spoils. What I propose is just that, a powerful strategy. I bid you well and am standing by building a settlement, as many other pioneers are out there along with me, that can retire those in your movement making room in the job market for others to secure who are jobless. Godspeed-

[-] -1 points by Zealwriter (5) 12 years ago

Also I'd like to share this video so that you know my bout in the trenches is dated :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9eG3RgLSbK0&feature=related

[-] 1 points by ronjj (-241) 12 years ago

Exactly what the big banks (the little ones too)do in our community. Our bank takes the funds that our current employer pays us, puts them into a collective pot and we invest in a home based business if we decide to (it is not mandatory that anyone participate or that anyone put in the total pay they receive though you really wouldn't believe the amount of money that we workers have in that bank now). It really is a great concept. The bank covers their operating costs and pays their employees, our businesses flouish and hire more people, who invest more of the money their employers (now us) pay them and the cycle never ceases.

Your idea is simply Brillant as JonoLith says.

Now guys, lets work on this "wheel" concept that I am working on.

[-] 0 points by Zealwriter (5) 12 years ago

Go to http://ceburns.mymonavie.com click "Join"


[-] 0 points by OccupyChristmas (-1) 12 years ago

Occupy Christmas: Buy American


[-] 0 points by giraffke (-1) 12 years ago

priceless. Saving this forever.

[-] 0 points by nickhowdy (1104) 12 years ago

Perfect article.

[-] 0 points by brennannovak (-1) 12 years ago

Very well done! Hahah. So true!

[-] 0 points by helpisontheway (0) 12 years ago

Now Liberty Square is a sty, don't lose your footing or turn your back, you could get eaten http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/archive/index.php/t-554065.html

[-] 0 points by DustCommander (-2) 12 years ago

The propaganda machine is in the process of making all OWS'ers into dangerous anarchists who want to overthrow the government. When the powers that be control information outflow, political power and the means to enforce it's will, the citizen has no power to defend itself fairly. Liberty has been stripped from all Americans when we were sleeping. We soon will witness just how powerless we have become. It will take tens of millions in the streets to defeat the thieves who stole our Democracy from us.

[-] -2 points by socialmedic (178) 12 years ago

We knew when Ronald Reagan was elected that the nation would come to this. The Republicans have been given their way to rob the nation for more than three decades .... it was WALL STREET that was the problem, NOT government. WALL STREET is STILL the problem. WALL STREET assassinates presidents and international leaders .... these are not peaceful people you are fighting with peaceful protest. They are PROFESSIONAL liars, thieves and murderers.

[-] 0 points by alouis (1511) from New York, NY 12 years ago

Okay, but please give an update as to what is happening and where right now?

[-] -1 points by FiddleDeedee (23) 12 years ago

"Demands unclear"

Boy, that about sums it up.

[-] -1 points by Fightdapower (-2) 12 years ago

And I hear Bloomberg and his crew are just a bunch of freeloaders looking for handouts....

[-] -1 points by TheGreatGazoo (-4) 12 years ago

Because I don't agree with your cause, you will not post my comments...so WHO is suppressing free speech?

[-] -1 points by 4thesystem (13) 12 years ago

Liberty Square is private property. I think that i will move into your flats and homes while u r protesting and announence that it is mine.

[-] 1 points by Turtle (268) 12 years ago

Private property that was developed with the stipulation that it be open 24/7 to the public.

I've met many of the Occupiers there, and, though most were absent any specific branding by the FDA, etc., I'm pretty certain that they legally qualified as 'the public'... Whether or not all the folks liked their message or not..

[-] -1 points by Slammersworld (210) 12 years ago

I guess maybe now you know that a life of "self-esteem building" and participation trophies hasn't really prepared you for the reality of life, and the "progressive permissiveness" of your parents and teachers have left you thinking you can change the world by doing nothing, and/or not participating....unfortunately, that's not how it works. Many of you reference the American Revolution in your comments, the American revolution was brought about by men of action, not children of leisure, it was not a social movement where people hung out all day beating drums, walking around, chanting, and interrupting the daily lives of others... Because you CHOOSE not to participate, or quit, because times are tough does not mean that your rights are being violated, you have the "right" to attempt, not to be guaranteed success. Freedom from failure and struggle is NOT part of the American culture, it is through the lessons and adjustments of those failures that the course toward success is narrowed. You hold animosity toward the wealthiest 1%, what you should be doing is studying their lives, many (in fact most) of them were in similar positions at some point in their lives too, but rather than demanding support from others, they put their shoulder to the wheel and worked their way through it...they took advantage of small opportunities and waited for their chance at larger ones. The took jobs that were well below their station, sometimes working for free, to get their foot in the door, and then used their own initiative to rise above the crowd.

I read these comments and all I see is give me, give me, give me....give me a job, give me free healthcare, give me free tuition, and THEN I'll begin making an effort....which is nothing but nonsense, it's the effort that brings the reward, not the reward that creates the effort. By-in-large you should be ashamed of yourselves, the squeegee men have more pride than you, for, at least they do something before asking for a handout...you should take what little dignity you have left and go back to wherever you are from and find an opportunity, maybe it's mowing lawns or shoveling snow, maybe it's making lattes, or waiting tables, maybe it's providing some service to people that they need, like delivering dry cleaning or groceries to those who are busy, or unable to do so themselves, whatever it is...go to work, stop sitting around looking for approval and acceptance from other losers and ne'er-do-wells. You are wasting your lives, and wasting the talents and abilities that reside inside you, you are better people than you are demonstrating to the world to be. What is the future of the human race if you choose the path of least resistance and libertine existences instead of rising to your potential and changing the world actively...instead of passively expecting everyone else around you to change it to favor your current state of wretched slothful existence.

[-] 0 points by Mal (-1) 12 years ago

It's a good yarn you spin, except it overlooks some key and very obvious facts:  shouldn't you apply this same ruthless, rugged individualism, this "don't ask me for a handout" attitude to corporations, bankers, lobbyists?  All those institutions, who were and are too big to fail?  All those corporations, who want many the rights of individuals, except little of the same responsibilities and governance we individuals need to abide by:  the ones that say we should actually pay taxes on our profits and not just register those in some offshore account?  Shouldn't that same tough love of yours be applied to those who seek to privatize gains and socialize losses?  And what about those moneyed interests and their lobbyists, who have a stranglehold on our democracy, on capitalism itself, such that our elected representatives no longer serve the will of the people, but rather the demands of industry consortiums, who's motives do not have our interests at heart.  You talk as if the typical 1%er is some heroic rags to riches individual, who is the embodiment of what it is to be American.  Government is not the enemy, as every tea party conservative would have us believe.  It's fair representation I'm after.  I don't need pity; I have a job - a  good one, I might add.  Don't assume you know the demographic you seek to deride.


[-] 0 points by Greekstreek (-2) 12 years ago

What an ignorant rant. Because every OWS protester is a worthless freeloader who never worked a day in his life, right? Grow up and learn a thing or two about how this country actually works. Forgive me for not idolizing the one hard worker in a million who made it big, while most of the rest are marginalized and abused. You act as if asking for a level playing field is the pinnacle of entitlement. What a ridiculous sentiment.

[-] -1 points by Slammersworld (210) 12 years ago

The playing field has never been level...it's a hill you must climb, and everyone has to climb it to achieve anything noteworthy...

But, keep blaming everyone else for not "giving" you an easier climb...as I said in my post, it's effort that brings reward, not receiving reward prior to effort that motivates the effort.

Those of you in the OWS movement expect much but offer little in exchange...

[-] 0 points by Greekstreek (-2) 12 years ago

The problem stems from your continued implication that the act of climbing always leads to summit, and that those who haven't planted their flag have failed for want of climbing. Again, ignorance, and idiocy.

It may be news to you Slammersworld, but for every self-made billionaire there's a thousand with their nose to the grindstone who keep getting knocked back down the hill by those at the top.

[-] 0 points by Slammersworld (210) 12 years ago

The only people who think money would change their lives, don't have any, or haven't earned that which they have...Character exists independently of the money, and is what attracts success in the first place. the act of continuous climbing, and beginning again after each fall, to climb again may not get you to the top, but it'll get you a whole lot higher than sitting still, or demanding to br carried will..

[-] 0 points by Slammersworld (210) 12 years ago

Who said anything about Billionaires?

[-] 0 points by onandon (1) 12 years ago

Well said


[-] -2 points by EAD69 (8) 12 years ago

This is the dumbest post of the day. Not of all time - there are plenty dumber- but for the day this one takes the prize. I am thankful that NYPD who the residents of NYC pay for did their job and secured the area. We are all safer now. Oh, and by the way, "billionaire" is not a dirty word contrary to your belief, so you can stop prefacing Bloomberg's name with it. He made his fortune from nothing. He earned every penny. He created an incredible business and thousands of well-paying jobs. He deserves nothing but praise and admiration.

[-] -2 points by LarsBorsch (-3) 12 years ago

I'm in the square now but have to goto the bathroom. Where do I go? Am I still allowed to go on the sidewalk.

[-] -2 points by pinker (586) 12 years ago

Their demand was met: Get your camping gear out of here. One clear demand. Done and done.

[-] -3 points by occupyajob (6) 12 years ago

First off, that is not a " rogue NYPD affinity group ," those are NYPD officers setting up barricades for your stupid protest on Thursday at the NYSE. I'm not sure how you are planning to shut down the NYSE on Thursday, but I'm guessing it's by sitting in a large circle and singing kumbaya. Second of all, so know that you aren't allowed to camp in Zuccotti what are you going to do with those "winter proof tents" you bought? That only cost you $20,000. Talk about wasteful spending, I wonder where that money came from? I think OWS is the real crook here.