"I am a piece of paper and I own your soul."
Posted 11 years ago on Feb. 12, 2014, 3:02 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
<p>I own your soul. - Wall Street, the financial Gomorrah of America. pic.twitter.com/bnMc52Rddv</p>— Occupy Wall Street (@OccupyWallSt) February 11, 2014</blockquote>
Show a credit card instead. Once a person defaults, they have no rights.
thank god. 'cause i sure didn't want to share
I apologize, I don't understand your response.
once a person defaults, I am free to abuse them because they have no rights
Not only abuse, but PERPETUALLY abuse them.
to infinity and beyond
In conjunction with my Debt Neutrality Petition (which now has 625 signatures from people all over the country who don't even know each other but like the idea), I also advocate for debt suspension rights as well. Just google debt suspension rights to find my blog and such.
And nowhere near as comfortable/soothing as Charmin.
People who have no ambition, no job and no money always say ignorant shit like this.
"Occupy Wall Street is making the power elite crazy. They can’t control them, there’s no one in charge.” — Diane Ravitch, education historian, on her first visit to Zuccotti Park, fall 2011
Everyone writing this on all dollar bills goes right along with the entire scope. Screw em all.
Sigh... Money is just a way to represent the contributions one gives to society. The problem is not money, it's the system of capitalism which uses money in a specific way. There are great economic systems that would be wonderful for all, and they still use money.
give it to me