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We are the 99 percent

Farmers Join Occupy Wall Street, Calling for Food Justice

Posted 12 years ago on Dec. 2, 2011, 6:21 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

<img style="margin-right:0.7em" src=//i.imgur.com/oJkdU.png" alt="Walmart" align="left" />

As Wall Street’s corrupt influence on the economy has grown, the corporate ownership of our food system has hurt the health and livelihood’s of some of our most vulnerable communities. This Sunday, December 4th food justice activists and occupiers will be traveling from as far as Colorado, Iowa, Maine and Upstate New York to join together for the Occupy Wall Street FARMERS’ MARCH.Through a day of dialogue, musical performances, and a march, farmers and their urban allies working for food justice in their communities will form alliances to fight and expose corporate control of the food supply.

Events throughout the day will call and inspire participants to fight against the corporate manipulation of the agriculture system. An industry that is responsible for using chemical toxins tied to soaring obesity rates, heart disease and diabetes and limiting access to affordable, wholesome food to the country’s poorest citizens.

The event will kick off at 2pm at La Plaza Cultural Community Gardenwith a musical performance followed by remarks from food justice activists and occupiers. They will share their stories and listen to their peers as they highlight the role of urban-rural solidarity in building a sustainable food system as well as challenges of family-scale farmers in a culture of corporate dominance.

At 4pm, musicians will be among those leading the Farmers’ March in a colorful parade from La Plaza to Zuccotti Park/Liberty Plaza, the site of a Solidarity Circle at 5pm. Stories of struggle, triumph and ruminations about the role OWS might assume in the food justice movement will help form the circle. The circle will close with a Seed Exchange.

Participants are encouraged to express their dissent creatively, donning fruits hats, wearing burlap sacks, carrying brightly colored signs and moving in time to the beat of the drums.

Please join us, farmers, ranchers, farm workers, urban gardeners, foodies and supporters of all kinds in the Occupy Wall Street FARMERS’ MARCH.

Speakers will include:

George Na ylor - Iowa farmer and president of the National Family Farm Coalition. Karen Washington - Founder of City Farms Market and board member at NYC based organization Just Food. Jim Gerritsen - Maine based farmer who was named one of 20 world visionaries by Utne Reader in 2011 and is the lead plaintiff in a class action lawsuit against Monsanto.

Severine von Tscharner - Food advocate and producer of the film “Green Horns”, profiling young farmer entrepreneurs. Jim Goodman - Wisconson Farmer, organizer of the tractorcade to Madison to speak out against Governer Walker’s union legislation. Jalal Sabur - Founding member of the Freedom Food Alliance and advocate working on the alliance of black urban communities with black rural farmers. Mike Callicrate - Colorado cattle rancher, entrepreneur and rural advocate . Andrew Faust - World renowned permaculture expert and educator.



Read the Rules
[-] 16 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

This is awesome on so many levels.

[-] 12 points by struggleforfreedom80 (6584) 12 years ago

..just like the Occupy Movement in general :)


[-] 5 points by jimmycrackerson (940) from Blackfoot, ID 12 years ago

Can we meet up in Idaho, and Utah too someday? I'm spreading the message to my fellow locals; as far as I can tell, and there is no resistance to the occupy movement whatsoever. This is a general consensus here that we have going my folks!

[-] 1 points by lisagroovacious (4) from Cedar City, UT 12 years ago

no kidding - save the potato!!!! after-all, it really is a vegetable.

[-] 1 points by GypsyKing (8708) 12 years ago

You just made my day Jimmy! I really mean that!

[-] 4 points by jimmycrackerson (940) from Blackfoot, ID 12 years ago

Thank you! You, and all the others who are so courageous to stand up for the rights of others who are less informed (not necessarily by their own choice, mind you) are the ones fueling my fire. I guess I can say we're all fueling each other's fire and it's getting to the point where no one, no matter how much power, or money they throw at it can put it out. because money burns just as well.


[-] 2 points by machivellisucs (1) 12 years ago

right on! We can't stop now. We all must be doing something right when all the mayors/police forces/hls have to have a conference call to plan against the movement. The people are finally deciding to represent themselves!

[-] 1 points by GypsyKing (8708) 12 years ago

Thank you Jimmy! Like I said, you made my day! I have to sign off now for awhile now. But this is everybodies fight and I darn well hope they know it!

[-] 5 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago


[-] -1 points by 99nproud (2697) 9 years ago

Climate & Food Justice Forum 9/23 Climateweek NYC


[-] 5 points by looselyhuman (3117) 12 years ago

Yep, right on.

[-] 4 points by ediblescape (235) 12 years ago


[-] 10 points by 1hungarianamerican (8) 12 years ago

Thanks & Gratitude to all Farmers, Ranchers, and those representing food in the OCCUPY movement. You are very important and needed in this country. Peace, Support, & Solidarity.

[-] 9 points by Jester (30) 12 years ago

FREAKIN' AWESOME! Just when I wonder what else you guys could possibly do next you blow me away again. Awareness building, one segment at a time; very clever. With enough momentum, by 2012 we can dismantle congress and redress the grievances of "we the people!" Power to The People!

[-] 1 points by ChristopherABrownART5 (46) from Santa Barbara, CA 12 years ago

Yes, with enough momentum that could be done. However, aware and informed Americans need to use the law or be opposed with it by the Americans that are deeply decieved.

Article 5 of the US constitution can be used to reconstruct congress and the entire federal government from the ground up. There needs to be an Occupy congress NOW! Protestors can put congress on notice that the 99% have the evidence that congress is andhas been unconstitutional. When protest is done in defense of the constitution, law enforcement must carefully consider their efforts to control. This protects protestors and their commit to all of our needs.

Federal law regulating oath of office by government officials is divided into four parts along with an executive order which further defines the law for purposes of enforcement. 5 U.S.C. 3331, provides the text of the actual oath of office congressional members were required to take before assuming office.

5 U.S.C. 3333 required you to sign an affidavit that you took the oath of office required by 5 U.S.C. 3331 and have not nor will violate that oath during your tenure of office as defined by the third part of the law,

5 U.S.C. 7311, which explicitly makes it a federal criminal offense for anyone employed in the United States Government to “advocate the overthrow of our constitutional form of government.”,

18 U.S.C. 1918 provides penalties for violation of oath office described in 5 U.S.C. 7311 which include: removal from office, imprisonment, and a fine.

The definition of “advocate” is further specified in Executive Order 10450 which for purposes of enforcement supplements 5 U.S.C. 7311.

Executive Order 10450 specifies a violation of 5 U.S.C. 7311 for any person taking the oath of office to advocate “the alteration…of the form of the government of the United States by unconstitutional means"

According to Executive Order 10450 (and therefore 5 U.S. 7311) any act taken by government officials who have taken the oath of office prescribed by 5 U.S.C. 3331 which alters the form of government other than by amendment, is a criminal violation of the 5 U.S.C. 7311. Such alteration without amendment is criminal violation of 5 U.S.C. 7311 and 18 U.S.C. 1918.

In 1939 the supreme court violated Executive Order 10450 specifiing a violation of 5 U.S.C. 7311


Acts relating to campaign finance are also unconstitutional and comprise “the alteration…of the form of the government of the United States by unconstitutional means"

[-] 1 points by jjuussttmmee (607) 12 years ago

get them gone got my vote to remove and rebuild

[-] 7 points by OccupyRuralVT (5) from Cabot, VT 12 years ago

wish I could be there, this is fabulous. I was in NYC two weeks ago and went to an inspiring local food rally at liberty plaza. As someone who is involved in the local food movement in Vermont, and who eats mostly what we grow, it's exciting to see this movement more in the spotlight around the country.

[-] 0 points by zucnei (103) 12 years ago

I live near Zuccotti Park and my farmer's market, that used to exist in the park, had to move because of OWS. Their business plummeted when OWS began meeting there and the protestors did not buy food from this local source that was literally feet away.

So how exactly does this movement help sustainability again?

[-] -1 points by LinuxGuy (-1) 12 years ago

While this and other negative side effects are sad, clearly it's not their intent to cause harm. It sure beats pretending we're on track and don't have serious problems to deal with. It's a small price to pay to help bring us back to the values this country was founded on!

[-] 1 points by libertarianincle (312) from Cleveland, OH 12 years ago

Ah yes, its not their "intent" to cause harm. Like all progressive movements: the war on poverty, the war on drugs, and even the conservative war on terror, all presented us with great "intent".

[-] 1 points by ronjj (-241) 12 years ago

What do you mean it "is a small price to pay?" A farmer who puts 3 or more months into producing a crop that has to be sold within a very limited period of time to support themselves, with business plummeting when OWS began meeting there, (unless you can prove this information incorrect) is NOT A small price to pay LinuxGuy.

If this is your attitude towards all farmers, workers and others around, your must definitely be one of those Big Banksters that you so roundly condemn. At least your post sounds exactly like the excuses they give for what they have done.

[-] 5 points by tulcak (698) from Prague, Prague 12 years ago

The Occupy is finally addressing the issues that America is concerned with. This is fantastic!!

[-] 4 points by lovespaceship (6) 12 years ago

wonderful! we love you guys, we love all! we and the planet will be thankful and be there to march in celebration for one more very important step for so much more. great!

[-] 4 points by janenumber1 (2) 12 years ago

Good Job Guys OWS, yet the GOP/tea, indep new Congress is so greedy they won’t even comply or listen! Anything just to protect their money. Don’t blame the wealthy it’s the New Congress voting down any measure that would involve taxing (not even a its worth, minus a maid!) . The Dems have no problem with tax increase nor the Wealthy or the President it’s the new Congress Voting it down time and time again for no increase. JOBS BILL for increasing jobs…Your-Gop/tea, indep is no vote down because of TAX INCREASE on RICH!! ALL and you GOP/tea, indep. ppl do is BLAME OBM, Really-ITS you- GOP/tea, indep!! !! Meanwhile their taxing is equivalent to a maid or secretary! The new Congress is the look of America if we vote or they control the United States government. For them all, with no thought or care for the United States of America.! Truly …a horrific sight

[-] 3 points by ramous (765) from Wabash, IN 12 years ago

oh no, no. Tea party is all over local foods. Good lord, most of them ARE farmers I think. I came to occupy from Tea party. TP and OWS are a lot on the same page, just different methodology. TP goes about getting the changes to the politics/corporate corruption--getting money out of politics--by working with the frame of the current system. But 9/10 things that TP is against or believes in, OWS actually does to. The MMS just spin it all out of proportion so the two will never work together because they distrust each other..they've been told to. But I often thing wow, if there was OWS passion and TP organization put together? We'd have the rats out of office and boardrooms in a year.

[-] 2 points by betsydoula (143) from Beverly Hills, FL 12 years ago

Thank you for your post. I have been trying to find common ground with the tea party locally, and it isn't always easy. I know in my heart that we really do want the same thing. The corporate greed has infiltrated every aspect of all of our lives. The food chain is definitely one that truly affects us all. Connecting with each other is really what this movement is all about. We all need to educate ourselves and others as to what is really going on. Not an easy task, but in finding commonalities, rather than focusing on our divides more good will come out of this crisis. We need to work within the system and from the outside. This grassroots movement is evolving and will only grow stronger when you an I realize that when we are turned inside out we are the same!! Let's continue our focus on our connecting forces rather than our dividing forces and there is no telling just how great this world will become!! Peace.

[-] 1 points by MiMi1026 (937) from Springfield, VA 12 years ago


[-] 1 points by dorrie6 (2) from Easthampton, MA 12 years ago

Thanks for this comment. I've been wondering a lot about where OWS and the Tea Party might overlap, and it's kind of gratifying to hear this.

[-] 2 points by icfmike (173) 12 years ago

it's even worse than that, I think the gop/tea would rather help the usa economy go down than provide for the common good. How can they take an oath/pledge to anything other than the constitution...

[-] 1 points by Jester (30) 12 years ago

@janenumber1... Excuse me? Don't blame the wealthy? Just whom do you believe is the ruling class on our little planet? Do you honestly think Congress or the Senate or the President controls anything? The "Power Elite" are just a small group with transient political power transferred by the Ruling class. The wealthy, the truly wealthy families of the world, own 45% of all of the land, real estate, business and yes, even The United States Government; and have done so for over 200 years! Please take time to look it up for yourself. Thank you!

[-] 1 points by Bambi (359) 12 years ago

Better include the Chinese in that ownership. They own, literally, most of NYC and much of our country.

[-] 1 points by Jester (30) 12 years ago

Well, it depends on how you look at it. Of the total of US Government debt : China = $1.16 trillion (8 percent) The U.S. Treasury= $1.63 trillion (11.3 percent) and the Social Security trust fund: $2.67 trillion (19 percent) So, the American people own more US debt.

[-] 4 points by Thisisthetime (200) from Kahlotus, WA 12 years ago

Keep Up the Good Work. Check out an excellent book, "Food Rules" by Michael Pollan. Also, Check out Corporations like Monsanto who Genetically Modify(GMO) almost all of the grains we eat. Ever wonder why so many people have problems digesting gluten in the past few years? Fair-ness.

[-] 4 points by economicallydiscardedcitizen (761) 12 years ago

Awesome. So glad the 'M' word as in Monsanto and Jim Gerritsen are involved. Any 'foodie' knows that local organically produced foods taste best and anyone concerned with health knows there's more nutrition in fresh local picked produce.

Gotta go-typing on someone's iPod

[-] 1 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 12 years ago

Monsanto? I thought it was spelled MONINSANITO!!!! :o)

[-] 2 points by JohnWa (513) 12 years ago

Mon-insaneto is the essence of "evil" setting an agenda for destruction of biodiversity for 1% short term profit. Using the food chain to bring us all to ransom and starvation. If new to you then watch the video "The World According to Monsanto" The destruction is a kin to warfare which the 1% use so frequently with little restraint to annex our labours for their wealth.

[-] 1 points by BTKcongress (149) 12 years ago

Monsanto produces products that have brought down food prices and increased yields which means more people can eat them. However, they have a revolving door with the FDA and USDA, and through their undue influence over those agencies, they are able to obtain approval for their products that may be harmful longer term. Moreover, they bully farmers into buying their products or they put the farmer out of business--it's like the mafia.

[-] 1 points by JohnWa (513) 12 years ago

On balance the Monsanto programme is destructive in many ways.

The extra yield often turns out to be an unwarranted claim and the displacement of traditional crops is often terminal for the older well proven natural seed which may have also been selected by survival over many centuries if not longer.

Creating dependency is one of their program aims.

They are the Mafia holding no responsibility for the damage done with their marketing, holding farmers and seed distribution networks, linked with banking and finance to become irresistible to the lone farm operator.

In India and the East village food chains have been broken down by Monsanto and their big money corrupting local officials and bankers. Starvation and displacement of families off traditional lands has resulted in some areas.

Long term crops will have to be grown with less dependency on fertilizer, energy intensive mechanical processes and lower density of growth. The organic approach does hold a lot for better hope for soil to accumulate with a more beneficial community of macro organisms and fertility than artificial means. Mono cropping is a short term approach generally for many species.

Monsanto makes outrageous claims for their products with big money and advertising drowning out the finding of good research which finds them lying.

[-] 1 points by BTKcongress (149) 12 years ago

well said. OWS should do something about their terrorist ways. they are a microcosm of the OWS broader complaint.

[-] 0 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 12 years ago

Thank you. I have indeed seen that excellent documentary on "the most hated corporation in the world". I was only joking about the name...


[-] 1 points by JohnWa (513) 12 years ago

You are right in publicly denouncing them as that is not done enough. People just go along with it and we need to speak out loudly. For every dirty deal done that comes to public attention forming a tip of the iceberg which is toxic and often too late, there are many others discovered later.


[-] 0 points by ronjj (-241) 12 years ago

And if you have not raised your own chickens and killed and dressed them yourself - you have no idea what the other half of the organically produced foods taste like.

[-] 3 points by WorkerAntLyn (254) 12 years ago

In my lifetime, I have had freshly picked corn, tomatoes right off a vine, an omelette made with fresh eggs, milk from non-chemical fed cows, and meat from a hunter's catch. Some of the best food I've ever tasted, and probably ever will.

Support your local farmers! Go to farmer's markets, and bypass the junk selled in the grocery stores! I'm so glad OWS is taking this up as well.

[-] 2 points by circlingheart (25) 12 years ago

It seems Occupy is spreading roots, growing strong and healthy. A flowering Spring is in the future.

[-] 2 points by acbdefg (51) 12 years ago

Go farmers! Stop taking payments from the government.

[-] 0 points by Bambi (359) 12 years ago

Taking payments from the government???? Noooooo the government has regulated farmers so that they can kill that 'industry'. Most have to co-op just to survive and keep the farm running.

And don't tell me I don't know. I live in a farm community in western new york....I live on a farm that ended up shutting down.......my friend owns a dairy farm...........No payments to any farmer from the government

[-] 2 points by TigerMama (1) 12 years ago

We know someone up the road from here who was aressted for supplying raw organic milk and organic foods to the community. The FDA had a hand in arresting her and trying to make a Federal Case about it in order to intimidate people to accept the large factory farm's antibiotic laced meats and Monsanto's dangerous genetically altered foods as the foods we are supposed to eat. There is a short documentary about it called "Farmageddon" explaining how the huge factory farms and Monsanto are taking over and poisoning our food supplies by working to drive out the smalll farmers and people who want to do things in a more healthy way.


[-] 0 points by ronjj (-241) 12 years ago

Since you have left out considerable facts in your post regarding the folks "up the road", it is very difficult to respond I can only ask questions??

  1. How large was their farm operation??
  2. Where were they selling their raw milk and other foods?
  3. If not on the farm itself, where was it being sold.
  4. What are your local laws regarding pasteurization of milk products sold for human consumption?
  5. Is this a common practice to sell raw milk in this area.
  6. How do you arrive at the intimidation claim if it only involves one farm family vs. large factory farms?

Just curious whether you have the facts to back up your claims or if you are just ranting..

I can walk out my door today and buy a pig from a local farm, have it butchered and packed for my freezer. This is not my problem. My problem, is someone (government) watching that that pork is processed in the appropriate manner and under the same standards as the pork from the local grocery?? There are portable butcher shops in the country that will butcher right on the farm, but they meet federal standards for sanitation, etc. I have NO problem with that at all.

I can still get pork that is organically grown.

[-] 2 points by SayNO2GovInc (99) 12 years ago

Extremely important issue because Obama appointed former Monsanto men to head up the USDA (Vilsack) and food safety at the FDA (Taylor). THANK YOU OWS!

Deadly Pathogen affects plants and animals and it may be linked to Monsanto's Roundup! Dr. Huber discovered it earlier this year and warned Vilsack @USDA. Dr. Huber said this should be treated as an emergency and wanted USDA to hold off approval of another GMO crop, but Vilsack approved it (alfalfa, third largest crop in US). It is extremely rare to have anything affect plants AND animals... but GOV Inc will protect profits over death and disease. MonSatan in USDA and FDA...why we can't get GMO labels. PLEASE read and share details and very disturbing connection between Monsanto, GMOs and the government. 'Deeds of Destruction' http://saynotocorporateamerica.blogspot.com/2011/01/deeds-of-destruction.html watch the 'Future of Food' (note sky at 16 minutes)

[-] 2 points by yasminec001 (584) 12 years ago

They should get Michael Pollan from 'Food, inc.' I saw the tragedies occuring to defenseless farmers in our own country by Monsanto. It's depressing. There were only a handful that agreed to speak out against Monsanto in the movie, and they lost everything after that movie went public.

[-] 2 points by vicfan (4) 12 years ago

This is GREAT! I've been a chef for thirty years and I've HATED what they've done to our food. If that's not the work of evil then only war is.

[-] 2 points by Zuru (1) 12 years ago

Support from Basque Country! Go on with your struggle! It´s incredible how the media from Europe are not informing the people about the different movements that are happening in USA. The power´s control of the media is amazing

[-] 2 points by alouis (1511) from New York, NY 12 years ago

OW is a virtual cyclone of activities, with this march, the house occupation being planned, the march with the unions and the demonstration mic check at Lincoln Center. Maybe Bloomberg is sorry he chased OW out of the park.

[-] 2 points by jjuussttmmee (607) 12 years ago

if our government were doing the things being done on this site right now they would not have to worry about OWS. The Gov needs to START LISTENING to US.

[-] 3 points by JohnWa (513) 12 years ago

The Govt are not interested in listening. They will pump the public up with BS and feed the rich. Any faith in the President or congress is misplaced. They are bought puppets. If you hope they will respond then I believe that is a false hope like teaching a cat who has eaten mice not to chase them.

We have to start with a new animal.

One new start would be pulling down the system as just putting new faces in it will not change it. Time will bring opportunity but we either fold and give into them with long term increased fascism and control preventing any further revolt or we stay true to the course of change.

Our vital tool the web, is in danger as bush has already signed the means to close it down.

A second line of communication is needed. Give them no time to rearm.

The farmers are already victimized with the supermarket chains gouging the price to the producer and acting as a cartel to stop competition.

Small business are nothing to the 1% so loyalty or the farmers is well placed with OWS.

[-] 3 points by jjuussttmmee (607) 12 years ago

O I agree that the gov is not interested in listening to us, we don't have enough POWER as individuals (power = money) to be important to a bunch of power hungry gov workers. The Prez is a puppet for those in power. It was interesting to hear his reteric before and after he got elected and got that top secret briefing on the condition of the world. Boy did his story change then. Getting the gov to engage us like we want will take super human efforts or a huge crisis where the people get "up in arms" and begin to "do" things.

I suggest leaving the current system in place and begin to plan a new form of government where "we the people" run the show not money running the show. When the new government is designed, then present the new form of government (all worked out) to "the people" and get a popular vote on accepting the new form of government or not. If it passed then we will have had a bloodless coup and moved to a better form of government without ANY violence. A second line of communication is needed. A farmers revolt you call for, let me stock up first.

[-] 2 points by JohnWa (513) 12 years ago

I don't see a clear path as it is probably too early but the thrust must be to use what structures are there first as much as the danger lies that small changes will be subverted by corruption.

That's how we have got where we are. The nations divided in so many ways as they have assimilated a host of platitudes fed to them over time. The core big issues must not be drifted away from by falling into the traps set by imprinted pseudo patriotism which just keeps the 1% on track wit business as usual.

General David Petraeus, the US military commander who in 2006 described his strategy of waging a “war of perceptions … conducted continuously through the news media.”

We have swallowed a lot of BS and need to recognize it clearly - not defend our past stupidity. We have let them get a way with it but now have a big task turning that around.

[-] 2 points by jjuussttmmee (607) 12 years ago

right now it is peaceful but with the fed gov ratcheting up the violence against OWS it could turn ugly at the next organized nation wide violent outburst from the cops as directed by those in power. They tried to get our guns so they could keep power and they did not get them now they are worried because we see the criminals that stole from us, and we are still armed, and a bit upset about being robbed by our gov. That is supposed to be there to protect us, not rob us.

[-] 1 points by JohnWa (513) 12 years ago

The very few who stand for public protection are toothless against the powerful international bankers who run the show. We see their public stooges but not the families that play the cards.

The cheering hordes at political rallies are an indicator for mob compliance, taught from and early age. Unthinking and dangerous.

The growth of the economy cannot carry on and they have known this for some years. It is a finite world with resource getting harder to harvest ands more expensive in money and energy term. The planet has been systematically stripped and while ther was some excess then crumbs spilt for us to pick up enough tto think all was great. It never was as the damage done to the biosphere will not repair for centuries. The 1% have structures their finacial world based on corrupt "economics" which must fall over for when growth stops as it must then collapse starts to happen. There is a panic for the 1% to grab as much as they can and long term prospects for their looting are limited without violence. They already run wars routinely and have done for more than two generations so armed civilians would not be a deterrent, as long as they have mercenaries to do their dirty work. It is nothing new but the realization that we have a slice of our people who are loyal to the 1% either because the have little reference against which they can see where this is going or they are blind to the future of their children.

All the smoke screen put up about how mitigation can be effective are just that. We are still pulling oil and coal out of the ground because we have no control over the 1%. Fear leads people to think growth is imperative or jobs are lost and starvation will result. We are in this trap because of trhe way unregulated market economics at the hands of the 1% is their tool are control and wealth collection.

There is another way but not while the 1% rule.

[-] 1 points by JohnWa (513) 12 years ago

The "Economics" much discussed and used to bamboozle the public is a Ponzi System. All about investors reaping profit in gambling and bending the odds their way. All gains come from somewhere - strange that.

The collapsing system of economics does not take into account four vital aspects all of which are more important than money , profit or gains.

Damage to the Biosphere

Finite and shrinking resources

The human condition.

Overshoot of population.

The cycle of destruction over the last 200 years is now so apparent it cannot be hidden. A new structure has to replace the 1% power and direction.

Here is one well reseached list of changes.

12 Steps to No Growth Prosperity

Building a Sustainable Macro-Economy

  1. Developing macro-economic capability

  2. Investing in public assets and infrastructures

  3. Increasing financial and fiscal prudence

  4. Reforming macro-economic accounting

Protecting Capabilities for Flourishing

  1. Sharing the available work and improving the work-life balance

  2. Tackling systemic inequality

  3. Measuring capabilities and flourishing

  4. Strengthening human and social capital

  5. Reversing the culture of consumerism

Respecting Ecological Limits

  1. Imposing clearly defined resource/emissions caps

  2. Implementing fiscal reform for sustainability

  3. Promoting technology transfer and international ecosystem protection.

This cannot be done with a 1% holding the wealth and power.

They can't even put in place a simple comprehensive health system.

The unparalleled waste created by the market and consumerism defies logic.

[-] 2 points by MiMi1026 (937) from Springfield, VA 12 years ago

I gotta agree with you. The goverment has already started shutting down websites in April.And they will continue to do so,if we don't pay and abhere to their rules,their laws. Time to take it to the streets. We must Occupy Congress Asap. Jan.17 2012 maybe to late. The House passed a law late Tuesday evening to futher dismantle the liberties of We The People! The farmers are the backbone of the people. We need them,as well as unions made up of of teachers and hospital workers. We can no longer meditate the situation,but take ACTION now! Occupy The Capitol!!

[-] 1 points by JohnWa (513) 12 years ago

Steps taken by Bush and co are classic fascism.

Naomi Wolf is but one who has tried to make this clear in her own way.

Unfortunately we have many citizens who believe Bush and Obama and their criminal ignoring of the constitution.

It may not be a perfect document but it has been seriously circumvented to our peril.

[-] 0 points by ronjj (-241) 12 years ago

You might do a fact check to see exactly who the government is feeding all the BS to.

[-] 1 points by JohnWa (513) 12 years ago

Done. Thanks. The balance of misinformation is changing.


[-] 2 points by Maggiebo (12) 12 years ago

This is amazing. I marvel at how beautiful the world could be. But the 1% have all that money. There was the bonus army....defeated! Hoovervilles......defeated. They have always known how to defeat the right ideas. Greed has power. But now, we are the 99% and we will not be defeated.

[-] 2 points by JosephCouture (45) 12 years ago

Sometimes victory is merely surviving on your own terms with your dignity intact and your head held high. Read about how one man's triumph over the bleakness of life on the streets is a victory for the human spirit itself.

Read "The Revolutionary Act of Simple Survival" at www.josephcouture.com

[-] 2 points by mserfas (652) from Ashland, PA 12 years ago

The concept of "chemical toxins tied to soaring obesity rates" is not a very familiar one. I assume that you're referencing "obesogens", as described by the American Heart Association ( http://www.heart.org/idc/groups/heart-public/@wcm/@adv/documents/downloadable/ucm_316488.pdf ; see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obesogen ). It will be interesting to hear more specific allegations of which industry practices might have significant effects in this regard according to current research; I hope you'll post transcripts online for those not attending.

[-] 2 points by Sovjet (19) from Mačvanski Prnjavor, Central Serbia 12 years ago

Collective farms in the USSR, did not applied chemical treatments to the plants, regardless of well developed Soviet chemical ind. in those times..The point is that these were non-profit farms, which produced only to satisfy Country's food demand, nothing else..Besides, The Soviet agriculture was the most mechanized in the world. They've needed just 8 years to mechanize such a massive agricultural production..Money didn't pay all of that, resources did. And for exchange workers had everything for free and access to anything..A good idea? Once you get rid of the monetary system, it is..Soviet Union didn't completely got rid of monetary system, so it collapsed..A failed transition to the RBE, because of too much delay..Let it serve to us as a lesson

[-] 2 points by zoom6000 (430) from St Petersburg, FL 12 years ago

i belive they give every sitzen free land to use to grow all type of vegitable

[-] 2 points by Sovjet (19) from Mačvanski Prnjavor, Central Serbia 12 years ago

These were the "collective" farms, you still had your own land to grow vegetables..But most of the farms in private hands were collectivized, in order to enable free food supply for the cities and workforce, especially in the first years of industrialization.


[-] 1 points by papaniabe (9) from Manila, NCR 12 years ago

AMERICA, wake up! visit the website: www.larouchepac.com


[-] 1 points by TimeTravel01 (1) 12 years ago

Occupy corporate farms. Dismantle them. Shut down the system of abuse that has annihilated our family farms! The Farmer General will rise! Power to the farmers! Starve the rich!

[-] 1 points by sobyrne4 (1) 12 years ago

Got some nice shots of this event, it was beautiful to see so many people in Liberty Park at night


[-] 1 points by jomojo (562) 12 years ago

Why are certified organic, (non Monsanto), not advertised as non GMO? I know that SOME vegetables have not been developed into a GMO product, but which are they. What countries do not allow GMO seeds to be planted? Are garden seed companies still selling organic seeds?

[-] 1 points by WarmItUp (301) 12 years ago

Support this movement with your dollars. Only buy food labeled local and/or organic. I think local is almost as important as organic. support your local farmers, even if it is 50 cents more for that broccoli it will save you much mor ethan 50 cents in health care costs later in life to eat healthy organic local food. vote with your dollars, buying food from china is voting to send jobs to china

[-] 1 points by togetherWeChange (2) from Traverse City, MI 12 years ago

this gives me such a happy feeling that is going on, BEAUTIFUL! stay strong!!!!!

[-] 1 points by billbux (35) 12 years ago

We are beta testing a new system that allows anonymous geo-tagged messages.

We would love for you to try it and give us feedback – you can find us at:



Thank you!

[-] 1 points by lrrrosterman (3) 12 years ago

The price of food at the supermarket is adjusted. So people will have to labor just to buy food. Owning most of the supermarkets. The people that issue loans always have a stake in getting the most out of peoples, labor. The key is not paper but the measurement of paper and how much of someones labor you can get. By getting just enough to get by or curtailing.

Small farm coops could help to break the high cost of food used to keep people at their labor for people that lend on houses, cars. The key is never the paper. However the shelter, food and things such as transportation. Keeping someone in debt.

Paper measurment is very key. Important to people that loan cash. To keep one in debt slavery as long as they can.

This can be done by price vs earning. Years to pay off car, home. Paper they have plenty of. Labor they always need. True a house is built for you. Then again they get your labor for potentially 30 years. True you have to eat. If you fail or they don't need you anymore they get their asset back. The house or maybe the Auto. There are no homeowners with loans. If they were homeowners. They could not be thrown out.

The flip side of all of this is they give the farmer little. He of course is mostly self-sufficent. However he has to grow a lot to make it. If selling to market. Deal is you may not like the small co-op. However you are getting screwed good. You know that if you got near what the so-called middlemen and end sellers, got U could retire fairly quickly. Don't work that way they want you back year after year. The cost of your machinery alone is probably marked up like most things 70-75%.

That debt can take a while to pay off. The paper measurement in itself is a form of debt slavery. The cute part of all of this it that it is all fractional reserve which is suspicious in itself

They have formula, equation for keeping people in debt. The mere fact you owe alone. Is enough control over you to do that.

How much the debt merchants own and control is beyond grasp at this point I feel. I could name several entities. In Europe who knows? All done with one of the cheapest things around, Paper. That is mandated by law. Called Legal Tender the only other thing other than coin for trade. Your sheep has less value at a large supermarket than a bag of potato chips. Because you can't legally trade that way. They have good reason for doing that. The paper which is legally mandated. Devalues anything you have for trade to zero. It is worthless.

Why is it worthless? First it is not legal for trade? Only paper is. Most governments will now not trade in or accept resources. Only paper. If you again make it the only legal means of trade. Everything else is devalued to 0 for trade. You have nothing of worth bascially. Unless the fractional reserve system is involved in the deal in some way. See, is a piece of paper worth more than a horse? More than a barn? Does not make sense and to me and is a very clever swindel.

[-] 1 points by Bambi (359) 12 years ago

Okay so how did it go with the farmers? My guess is not very well with "traditional" farmers. With the "organic" ones probably very well.

BTW someone mentioned he/she knows an organic farmer that sells non-pasturized milk? Negatory. It's against the law to sell unpasturized milk no matter what type of farm it comes from (just found that out from a friend who runs a traditional dairy farm here in western New York).

The only thing that is different between regular cow milk and organic is that organic doesn't have the antibiotics or drugs from the in the milk.

There is a organic dairy down the road from me. If a cow gets sick they have to either slaughter it or give it antibiotics and send it to their second farm which is for the cows that have been "treated". Those cows get slaughtered or sold to "regular" dairy farms.

At this moment the dairy part of it isn't doing very well. It's too costly.

[-] 1 points by liba (1) 12 years ago

Wish I could be there! Factory farming makes me sick!

[-] 1 points by Nevada1 (5843) 12 years ago


[-] 1 points by circlingheart (25) 12 years ago

I love homegrown food! Fresh from the vine, and without the plastic garbage wrappings. Think I'll go downstairs, and cook me up some of the eggs that our chickens contributed yesterday. Think I'll Occupy the community's common area this Spring, and turn it into a place where folks can watch good food grow.

[-] 1 points by Ravila88x (14) 12 years ago

We should try and reach out to Chipotle Mexican Grill. The sponsored a film called Food Inc! This is RGHT up their alley!!

[-] 1 points by demcapitalist (977) 12 years ago

Great ! I've been wondering about food. It's gross what we end up eating in America due to big food corps hijacking of the industry. Glad to see all those speakers showing up ---------sadly I'm 600 miles away, but looking forward to more discussion on the subject.

[-] 1 points by Satyr000 (86) 12 years ago

Factory Farming has got to stop. I'm glad to see farmers standing with us. Its time to take out food supply back. Its time we shut down all the factory farms in the states and return back to real farming.

[-] 1 points by MiMi1026 (937) from Springfield, VA 12 years ago

I so wish that I could be there. Fantastic! Carry On, I will be there in spirit !

[-] 1 points by Fancy (2) 12 years ago

I get sick on most foods now. There is little I can eat any more. I am now gluten intolerant but it is more than that. I tried to eat an organic banana to see if that is safe for me to eat as the regular made me sick.

[-] 1 points by Bambi (359) 12 years ago

Other countries do not have their food products regulated like this country does. Don't eat any food that comes IN from far away lands......such as bananas, tomatoes, apples and such.

[-] 1 points by Fancy (2) 12 years ago

Looks like there is not much left for me to eat. Not fun.

Our foods is bought and paid for by the corporation so the laws mean nothing.

[-] 1 points by dealdoctor (148) 12 years ago

For this work we all need inspiration. Here is the Global Anthem for Occupy Worldwide http://tinyurl.com/7mxokbc

[-] 1 points by TRED2112 (1) from New Hyde Park, NY 12 years ago

OMG thank you ows for being our voice. we the people need all of you who can PROTEST...MONSANTO they are poisoning us and harboring SEEDS they are located in ny upsate I believe and the head of the usda appointed by obama..please lok it up MONSANTO is the anti christ

[-] 0 points by ronjj (-241) 12 years ago

And why would the anti christ work to increase food production and decrease pesticide-herbicide usage around the world?? What is the sinister motive that you have discovered that relates to this anti-christ you have named Monsanto??

I just don't get the connection.

If we had to depend on one of the main commodities in use today, as it was originally found, this earth could not in any way sustain todays population of over 7B people. That little grass that we now call "corn" and find in some form in 75% of our food just wouldn't do it. And note this MONSANTO was not eve in existence when this genetic modification took place from that little grass to that huge ear of corn.

[-] 1 points by poltergist22 (159) 12 years ago


[-] 1 points by squarerootofzero (81) 12 years ago

Bravo for not turning your backs on the difficult problems this Country faces. Finally, we have realized that the problems all come from one core cause: a dangerous mix of greed, corruption, and selfishness. I applaud many of those who are willing to face this head on. TRUE Americans.

[-] 1 points by JUJUSKY (0) 12 years ago

We need to stay on this topic and act on this topic! Support local farmer markets and promote urban gardens as oppose to buying fruits and vegetables at Wal-Mart.

[-] 1 points by JUJUSKY (0) 12 years ago

We need to stay on this topic and act on this topic! Support local farmer markets and promote urban gardens as oppose to buying fruits and vegetables at Wal-Mart.

[-] 1 points by Garrettleeturner (1) 12 years ago

How come nobody is talking about the defense authorization act of 2011/2012?

Check this link out and see how the senate basically wrote and passed a bill that completely undermines our inalienable rights granted to us by our constitution.

Martial law might be coming sooner than you think. http://rt.com/usa/news/detention-legislation-torture-senate-891/

[-] 1 points by CompassioNateBuddha (100) 12 years ago

This is great. Corporations like Monsanto are trying to get control of the most dangerous weapon. A monopoly on our food supply. www.thrivemovement.com

[-] 1 points by paulg5 (673) 12 years ago

"Let them eat horse"

Nancy Pelosi

[-] 1 points by paulg5 (673) 12 years ago

Horse Meat coming to a store near you! Why do you think congress lifted the ban on horse meat? Maybe because of the shortage of beef cows in the south west due to drought? Or it's going to be a substitute for beef for low and middle income families when inflation kicks in? Well I guess the government figures if it's good enough for your dog......No thanks something about a PALOMINO and cheese sandwich sounds wrong to me!

[-] 1 points by andreadealmagro (4) 12 years ago

Please support a constitutional amendment which bans corporate money from elections. It was introduced in the House Judiciary by Florida congressman Ted Deutch http://www.theoccupiedamendment.org/

[-] 1 points by dls101 (27) 12 years ago

Here in Waldo County Maine(midcoast Maine and inland) we are starting OccupyWaldoCounty. Food Justice is my focus. This is awesome!

[-] 1 points by MrDavid (10) 12 years ago

listen, i hear you saying stuff like "wall street is corrupt" and "occupy wall street".

and to tell the truth you got it right,they are corripted and all they want is money. but now what? your not giving any solutions.

please i'm not you'r enemy,but if you want a better world without poverty,crime,suffering,death,misery,hunger,war,and diseases.

pleae see the movie zeitgeist moving forward or visit the website www.thevenusproject.com

[-] 0 points by ronjj (-241) 12 years ago

And exactly what is your point in referencing the Venus Project. I read through the site and this is what I noted:

  1. The already have set aside THEIR 21 acres near Vensus.

  2. Now they are asking for your donations ( "MONEY" in other words) - does that make them corrupt too.

My solution to start with is NOT to send them any money.

[-] 1 points by MrDavid (10) 12 years ago

listen dude,its not what you think..really just give it a chance see the movie and please judge it yourself,i'm not asking you to much to do,but at least see the movie zeitgeist moving forward.

link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Z9WVZddH9w

and after you see the movie and you still don't like the movment then that's ok because thats your decision,but please at least give it a try.

[-] 0 points by ronjj (-241) 12 years ago

I did watch the movie before I posted. Just saying - watch the development of the project North of Phoenix, Arizona years ago. Do you see any comparision.

Great drawings, etc. but any project like that is going to require BIG BIG money to make it work. ie Disney World.

[-] 1 points by MrDavid (10) 12 years ago

i don't think you got the main message of the Venus Project or the zeitgeiset movment man,because they are making it clear in the film that they want to dispose the use of money and the artificial value that man put on it.

see this:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVOPkGAtt48

its a cool 4 minute inspiring video that show the Ideology and thoughts of the venus project founder Jacque Fresco...

its nothing like project North of Phoenix,anyway dude i still appreciate your opinion..

[-] 0 points by ronjj (-241) 12 years ago

And how do you propose that they produce the movie they are asking donations for, build the cities depicted in the drawings and get more land to build on.

It is easy to get rid of the element of money. This has been done for the most part in cultures before. How do you see it functioning other than as the perfect socialistic society.

You might refer to such societies that existed in the past - Jim Jones comes to mind. "Give me all your money and I will take care of all of your future needs".

[-] 1 points by MrDavid (10) 12 years ago

no its nothing like that, societies like in Thomas More book "Utopia"and Robert Owen writings, basically Utopia is a perfect society where everyone is always happy and nothing never bother them.

a utopia is just a fantasy book that got nothing to do with the physical reality we are having,utopia mean's that everything is perfect but there is no such thing as static a perfect society,we can only attempt to be perfect but never perfect,there is no such thing as a "utopia".

we would never achieve perfection because we are constantly evolving,this year there will be a fast slim computer the next year it will be even faster and smaller,and the next again and again.

so you see a utopian society Is just a dream, never can it apply to reality.

i can answer all your questions,but there is no use if you are fixed on your opinion..

if you want go watch the movie and we will discuss it.

[-] 1 points by technoviking (484) 12 years ago

So we are going to do something about all these agricultural subsidies finally??

[-] 1 points by mikeh9 (18) 12 years ago


[-] 1 points by georgeortega (2) 12 years ago

Hey, you guys are talking about something similar to which I just had what I think is a great idea! Let's occupy the horses for the carriages at central park, and demand that the city create a relatively secluded preserve for them, where they can live happily without having to work any more, and we can see them at least from afar, or if they're friendly, from close up also. I really, really hope we do this!

[-] 1 points by billbux (35) 12 years ago

We are beta testing a new system that allows anonymous geo-tagged messages.

We would love for you to try it and give us feedback – you can find us at:



Thank you!

[-] 1 points by nimbus22 (106) from Chaska, MN 12 years ago

Where I live they no longer farm plants. They farm really ugly boxes with windows that people live in. But all jokes aside. The new suburban sprawl popping up on old farmlands really does look like communist housing. Everything is the same, the same, the same.

[-] 1 points by demcapitalist (977) 12 years ago

I got it. It was a figure of speech about ugly housing and the misuse of space and how scary it is to think about using that space for housing not food ---where do the food come from if we do that ? China? Mexico? MMmmmmmmm yum toxic waste in our dinner.

[-] 1 points by jjuussttmmee (607) 12 years ago

commies built apartment buildings not single family homes.

[-] 1 points by MiMi1026 (937) from Springfield, VA 12 years ago

They "commies" are rapidly building "apartments" here in the D.C. metro area( The D.M.V. as we call it) Tear down all the trees on RT 1 and tthrow up apartments....those "commies" the 1%!!

[-] 1 points by JohnWa (513) 12 years ago

Do you mean Socialists ?

[-] 0 points by jjuussttmmee (607) 12 years ago

I'm talking about housing in China and Russia

[-] 1 points by JohnWa (513) 12 years ago

Ok Thanks. I agree about the ripping down of anything in the way of "development"is a problem as I see it the world over. High density housing leaves a legacy of destruction not only to the environment but to generations of inhabitants, unless some strong responsibility is taken. The 1% take the money and run.


[-] 0 points by buik2 (66) 12 years ago

oh look someone touched my heart : )

[-] 1 points by skeptical (14) 12 years ago

Hey - why not bail out your L.A. brothers and sisters with the half-million you're sitting on?

[-] 1 points by AFarewellToKings (1486) 12 years ago

Good Question. I'd like to know why they don't put money in the trust of the National General Assembly so it can be used for 99% of the protesters, not just the 1% in NYC. I question the motives of the NYCGA for not endorsing the NGA. Gee this is starting to look familiar. And, BTW, I'm a farmer.

[-] 0 points by skeptical (14) 12 years ago

You know why? Because they are no different than the 1%, these people in control of the money - they are selfish, self-absorbed and concerned only with their own agenda - that's the irony here, that so many fools are along for the ride thinking it is any different than what they proclaim to hate

[-] 2 points by AFarewellToKings (1486) 12 years ago

And their motives seem to go beyond just money because on Wall Street, the NYCGA has pocket change...

[-] -1 points by ronjj (-241) 12 years ago

AFarewell - As an older person that was born and raised on a midwest farm - good morning.

I always have to read and give a slightly biased slant to anything written by a farmer. I have only the greatest respect for my upbringing and by family. Thanks for your honest post.

[-] 1 points by AFarewellToKings (1486) 12 years ago

I'm a Fendt guy. I think all hard working people should be using state-of-the-art machines. I think all Americans deserve a state-of-the-art system of government too. There is no real excuse, given the resources and the technology we have today for this shit to be piling up. The pioneers of the 21st century have arrived... thx

[-] 0 points by ronjj (-241) 12 years ago

A Farmall, guy here. It was either that or a John Deere. That little Ford thing looked too weak to farm.

WOW - that took me back to the l960's


[-] 1 points by Bambi (359) 12 years ago

Not the Ford Jubilee from '53...........fully restored and she works just fine :) http://www.antiquetractors.com/contents/tpic6077.htm

[-] 1 points by AFarewellToKings (1486) 12 years ago

oops, Fendt and ford are... well,... google Fendt Vario and you'll see what i mean. I was the first person in North America to buy a 400 series Fendt when Agco introduced them to NA in 2000

I always enjoy talkin' transmissions : )

[-] 0 points by ronjj (-241) 12 years ago

Ford and Fendt probably have a direct correlation to the number of acres that you have to farm to afford either. How many acres do you farm??

[-] 0 points by Jester (30) 12 years ago

No room for your negative energy take it to your little bit of hell.

[-] 0 points by zucnei (103) 12 years ago

Yes - Lets have a music festival and parade through the residential neighborhood we have been irritating for the last two months on a day when all the people who work on Wall Street are not even there because its a Sunday!

We care so much about community building that we are going to continue to disrupt a local community with drumming on a day when the only people around are residents. We are sooo amazing!!!!

[-] 1 points by shifty2 (117) 12 years ago

Go out and join the party, And do something good for all.

[-] 0 points by alouis (1511) from New York, NY 12 years ago

The farmer is the one who feeds us all.


[-] 0 points by ObamaIsrael (0) 12 years ago

who makes this crap up? Farmers? LOL....gimme a break.

[-] 0 points by JoeTheFarmer (2654) 12 years ago

I am confused. Are you saying that it is the fault of farmers that people are obese, have heart disease, and diabetes?

You cannot blame farmers that the consumer over consumes.

[-] 2 points by Thisisthetime (200) from Kahlotus, WA 12 years ago

Nobody is blaming the Real Family Farmer who Works the Soil for a Living. They are the Salt of the Earth and are part of the 99%. The Family Farmer is being squeezed out by the 1% who pay the Farmer $5 for a bushel of wheat and then puff it full of air and sell it back to us as breakfast cereal at $5 a box. The Blame and Shame is on the Corporate Farmers who only understand Chemicals, Genetically Modified Seed, Corporate Welfare and Have No Respect for the Soil.

[-] 1 points by JoeTheFarmer (2654) 12 years ago

No I was talking about the original post that said

"tied to soaring obesity rates, heart disease and diabetes and limiting access to affordable, wholesome food to the country’s poorest citizens."

Farmers do not cause any of this.

[-] 0 points by ronjj (-241) 12 years ago

You are so far out of the farm scene that it is almost humorous. Do you have any idea what a bushel of corn sells for today as compared to a few years ago before "the nuts of the country" decided that ethanol was the only way to go.

You can still buy your own raw wheat at $5.00 a bushel and make whatever you want to out of it. If in the process, you figure your time, labor, equipment, utilities and the price of the grain used, to be more than $5.00 per box - you made your own cereal but you paid the price to do it.

We decided to "burn" our food and now we are paying for it in the grocery store - In the meantime, commodities such as corn are at an all time high and the small farmer as well as, the corporate farmer might not be doing as badly as you might think. $8.00 per bushel for field corn has lead to corn being planted in areas this country that were never tilled for corn planting in the past. Now WHO to you say has NO respect for the soil.

This is simply finger pointing at the unknown by the unknown.

What I have a very difficult time with is your insistent attitude that anything even remotely connected to any corporation, is evil, even if the same things benefit both the individual and corporate units. Many of the corporate farms that you hate beyond reason began as family farms and worked their way up - you might find that some of these corporate farms today are still family run operations. And I will not even touch your "blame and shame" game. Visit a family farm today, that is not one of your organic farms" and ask them if they use chemicals or modified seed..

If you think that that corn plant growing in the organic farm field is not modified, you need to do a little research into how that 7foot high plant arrived there from the small grass that it used to be several hundred years ago.

[-] 2 points by Thisisthetime (200) from Kahlotus, WA 12 years ago

Golly and all these years I thought that my family and I were farmers. Also, if you are growing Genetically Modified(GMO) Corn or any other grain in an "organic farm field" or any kind of soil it is NOT USDA Organic. Genetically Modified Grains are NOT Legally or Morally Organic.

[-] 0 points by ronjj (-241) 12 years ago

You may very well be farmers. Do you use chemicals or modified seed on your farm - that was the question??

I DID NOT even imply that that I was operated an "organic" farm, merely referring to the fact that most other farms, DO use GMO seeds and chemicals. Please tell us what your farm consists of in relation to the topic being discussed.


[-] 0 points by Censored (138) 12 years ago

Don't like farming? Move to town and get a job. We already subsidize the shit out of farmers. Enough is enough. If there's ANY reform to do, it would be CUT subsidizes, not add to them.

[-] 1 points by vhenry (2) 12 years ago

While it is true that subsidizing industrial corn accounts for nearly one quarter of the $19 billion US taxpayers spend each year on payments to farmers, this is certainly not benefiting American farmers. Agricultural Policies have been written to benefit the interests of corporations such as Cargill and ADM, not the farmer or those consuming our nation's food. We must work towards reshaping our nation's food system and agricultural policies in a way that doesn't solely focus on generating profit for corporations perpetuating an industrial food chain that is poisoning our environment and our bodies.

[-] 0 points by ronjj (-241) 12 years ago

Your definition of "farming" probably does not include all of the various farm operations does it.

Did you hear that soft drinks will be over $2.50 per can by the end of December because the government is proposing to stop subsidizing one of their main ingredients??

[-] 1 points by Censored (138) 12 years ago

Government should stop sugar subsidizes; they're a scam. And that's a joke about sugar costs. If the government stopped rigging the market, we could just import it.

[-] 0 points by ronjj (-241) 12 years ago

Yes, it was a joke, BUT the point is, whenever government gets so involved we get results we don't like. Subsidize sugar - obesity, etc. There is more than likely as much bad created by government intervention and control as there is good (with a few exceptions - when the intent is to get in and get out. Trouble is, once the government gets IN it seldom gets OUT.

[-] 1 points by Censored (138) 12 years ago

Yes, it's all crazy. We just stopped the damn wool subsidy from WWI just a few years back. OWS wants things for free and the government to provide it. It doesn't work, it just makes things worse. Sugar is a great example.

[-] 1 points by ronjj (-241) 12 years ago

Unfortunately, it looks like the main change that OWS wants is to have their complete freedom and a great more of the same thing that got us into this mess in the first place. Get the government out of most areas of our life and that of the lives of OWS (though they will tell you they want just the opposite).

[-] 1 points by vhenry (2) 12 years ago

What OWS calls for is the end of a governance that condones corporate greed and perpetuates economic disparity. We are not asking for anarchy, we are expressing widespread public dissatisfaction with an economic system that supports the interests of corporations over people.

[-] 0 points by janenumber1 (2) 12 years ago

PROUD Conservative, no, none, non affiliated with the Republican GOP/tea, indep., ashamed. We recruit societies low percentage who talk about minorities ( Asians, Blacks, Gays, Latinos-Italian, Hispanics, Mexicans, Muslims, Jews, Indians), then elect a new congress that block all with no benefit too this great nation and these people blame him? Honestly, blaming the current Chief, really. You people put the current new congress in and what have they done, not one thought on you, when will you learn. The current president has done more in 3 years than the last president has done in 8. First thing when in with new Congress attack Social Security (that was funny) the majority of the tea are Seniors the GOP does not care. Stifling progress with blocking every bill that could benefit the U.S. because it affects the taxing (by a small margin with little affect, to the 1% salaries-what minus a servant!) and most importantly to gain control for a vote! You have got to be uneducated if you stand behind the GOP/tea, indep (limited or no government) no progress but a step back to the United States of America! OWS tactics are good and just. I believe!! OWS Keep up your message, the world hears you.




[+] -4 points by rightwingchick (-4) 12 years ago

Have you been smoking what your growing?

[-] 2 points by JohnWa (513) 12 years ago

Are you a Troll? The Right seem to have little to offer but grief. If they have been captured by the fascists then what can you do that is useful.

[-] 2 points by Jester (30) 12 years ago

You ain't seen nothin' yet baby!