Brother Martin and the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington
Posted 11 years ago on Aug. 24, 2013, 9:54 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Hoodies Up,
Marching on Washington,
Martin Luther King
Cornel West spoke on Democracy Now recently about issues that should be remembered at the upcoming 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington that coincides with the Million Hoodies March for Justice on August 24th, 2013.
Brother Martin would not be invited to the very march in his name, because he would talk about drones. He’d talk about Wall Street criminality. He would talk about working class being pushed to the margins as profits went up for corporate executives in their compensation. He would talk about the legacies of white supremacy.
Liberal reform is too narrow, is too truncated. And, of course, the two-party system is dying, and therefore it doesn’t have the capacity to speak to these kinds of issues.
There’s no doubt that the vicious legacy of white supremacy affects the black upper classes, it affects the black middle classes. But those kinds of stories hide and conceal just how ugly and intensely vicious it is for black poor, brown poor. If that’s the case, why hasn’t the new Jim Crow been a priority in the Obama administration? Why has not the new Jim Crow been a priority for Eric Holder? If what they’re saying is something they feel deeply, if what they’re saying is that they’re—themselves and their children have the same status as Brother Jamal and Sister Latisha and Brother Ray Ray and Sister Jarell, then why has that not been a center part of what they do to ensure there’s fairness and justice?
Well, the reason is political. Well, we don’t want to identify with black folk, because a black president can’t get too close to black folk, because Fox News, with their reactionary self in so many instances, will attack them, and that becomes the point of reference? No. If they’re going to be part of the legacy of Martin King, Fannie Lou Hamer, Ella Baker and the others, then the truth and justice stuff that you pursue, you don’t care who is coming at you. But, no, this black liberal class has proven itself to be too morally bankrupt, too hypocritical, and indifferent to criminality—Wall Street criminality, no serious talk about enforcement of torturers and wiretappers under the Bush administration. Why? Because they don’t want the subsequent administration to take them to jail. Any reference to the hunger strike of our brothers out in California and other places, dealing with torture? Sustained solitary confinement is a form of torture. And we won’t even talk about Guantánamo. Force-feeding, torture in its core—didn’t our dear brother Yasiin Bey point that out, the former Mos Def? God bless that brother.
We must never tame Martin Luther King Jr. or Fannie Lou Hamer or Ella Baker or Stokely Carmichael. They were unbossed. They were unbought. That Martin was talking about a beloved community, which meant that it subverts any plantation—Bush’s plantation, Clinton’s plantation, Obama’s plantation—and the social forces behind those plantations, which have to do with Wall Street, have to do with multinational corporations. And we’re going to focus on poor people. We’re going to focus on working people across the board. We’re going to talk about the connection between drones, which is a form of—a form of crimes against humanity outside the national borders. We’re going to talk about Wall Street criminality. We’re going to talk about how we ensure that our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters have their dignity affirmed. We’re going to talk about the children.
Martin Luther King Jr. was a free black man. He was a Jesus-loving free black man. Will the connection between drones, new Jim Crow, prison-industrial complex, attacks on the working class, escalating profits at the top, be talked about and brought together during that march? I don’t hold my breath.
But Brother Martin’s spirit would want somebody to push it.
And that’s part of his connection to Malcolm X. That’s part of his connection to so many of the great freedom fighters that go all the way back to the first slave who stepped on these decrepit shores.
Equality on every level, in every facet, of every American's life is what we should strive for, and not one shred less.
I hope your spirit is true to this great American cause, but complete equality is not possible and sets up a demoralizing sense of failure. Equality, Freedom, Jobs and Justice for all!!
perfection is a poison pill
Equal doesn't mean the same. And, where did I mention perfection?
See below.
''A Time to Break Silence'' by Rev. Martin Luther King :
This is the audio and full transcript of arguably a much more important speech then the more famous DC speech, the 50th anniversary of which was today (Aug. 24th) - as 'truth was revolutionary in The Empire of Lies' then and it still is both true and relevant in these times too.
Furthermore, if you're questioning bw's ''spirit'' and bona fides just on the basis of her general, idealistic and heart-centred comment above, then you will gain much deeper understanding and insights from her comments here : .
Can you spot the inherent inconsistencies of your own comment when taken as a whole I wonder ? ''Complete'' was your own italicised word, to which you yourself take exception and then employ non sequiturs to try to counter. Excuse me butting in but I wanted to link to MLK's very relevant speech & was also feeling a little pedantic as well as defensive of a fellow socialist ... much like how Dems watch each others' 'six' sometimes ;-) and now my apologies to bw here, in public for butting in here too, lolol !
multum in parvo ...
What's important here is the goal of Equality, Freedom, Jobs and Justice for all*.
Smaller disappointments than absolute and total equality have allowed a herd of insane anti-democracy Cons to storm our government and reverse decades of progress like the Voters Right Act, single payer for example.
Martin Luther King Jr ~ as seen on the posted "Meet the Press" clip shown today ~ defended his own use of the the term "Approximate Equality," because he was smart enough to know that demanding impossible goals would set him up for failure, and give his opposition a weapon to use against him (like Obama's contrived failures of hope and change are incessantly used against him). MLK was a political realist, he compromised, he new progress had to start small and then build and he worked with members of government with whom he had common goals! He knew better than to make the perfect the enemy of the good! He knew that perfection, absolutes, or other idealistic impossibilities become poison pills to real progress.
That's why MLK and the Civil Rights Movement was a social and political success!! And why petty, self-consumed, short-sighted, apolitical, petulant, nit-picking and impossible dreams result in failure and retrogression, and more success for the 1% and their GOP henchmen, who want us 99% disillusioned, deunified and politically irrelevant.
So let's correct potentially disastrous rookie mistakes, instead of defending them.
then ~ than
Oh, so to get what you want you should ask for less than what you want. LOL! I always thought when negotiating you should ask for more than what you expect or want to get. How naive of me.
And, there is nothing like a world revolution for the status quo.....Good luck with that.
I'll explain once, after that you're on your own. But I serious doubt you integrity or sincerity.
Even MLK knew better than demand absolute equality, he called for "Approximate Equality." You do that to assuage defeat among the troops, and deny a weapon for the enemy. Already said that but you must have missed it.
Think Winning not Whining!
You like to correct grammar, so that would be "already" not "all ready." I am on my own, thanks! And, need I say how much I doubt your integrity and your sincerity.
Hey, why stop there? He said: "But I serious doubt you integrity . . . " That would be "your" integrity. I have no doubts about your integrity or sincerity, by the way, nor does anyone else here, I'd think.
He also said: "Even MLK new better than demand absolute equality, . . ." That should have been "knew better than to demand absolute equality . . ."
And to think spellchecker has been around for decades.
Jeez, some people . . . ;-)
LOL! Good job! And, don't you think it's sneaky to use MLK Jr. in such a way, to say that we should ask for less than what we really want? How screwed up is that?!
the president wants to give you a shot
not property, not food , not health \ but a shot
I am trying to understand you. Do you mean a shot, as in a chance, at getting those things?
The poorest of the poor, the greatest sufferers of the earth have a "shot." A "shot" is not good enough.
I just heard the Gates foundation wants to give everyone a chance
it's the same principal
if the poor are destitute
big money says at least they got a chance
in either case, both assume most won't make it
I agree with you. A "chance" is a joke.
it's the macro-economy claiming it is not responsible for the general population
The bogus argument of "It's the big ol' economic system that we can't do nothin' about." So lame.
Economic systems are man-made. They do not spring up from the earth like a flower or a tree. We can control economic systems and how they treat humans.
That's not how you get what you want. Ask for more, then when you make a few concessions the other side feels they won something. Hell, that's Negotiating 101, isn't it? I don't get Smith.
the republicans and democrats are in collusion
voting with our names ?"
I like the transparency idea. I also like the idea that LeoYo and a couple others have talked about on here, about having a contract where if the politician violates the contract, they're thrown out of office.
and who watches the contract ?
The US is weak for inventing lines to instigate military attacks
Who watches the contract? Hmmm, that's a good question, Matt. I would presume if this sort of thing was ever implemented, that some watchdog group would keep an eye on them.
why not make the information publicly available ?
"why not make the information publicly available ?"
That's a good idea, have it online, on a .gov website.
Hmm, would be some trembling hands signing those contracts.
I like it. I'm going to run with that idea. See where it goes.
It makes sense to me. We all have to sign a contract of some kind for employment, why should politicians be any different?
Yes. Even used car sales people are bound by an honesty contract when they sell a lemon here in OZ.
I absolutely agree.
It's not something I want t believe
I want to believe that non corrupt people can get elected in the system
Yep, I'd like to believe they could, too, but I'm just not sure they can. Sometimes it seems like you have to be corrupt to be allowed to play the game. And if that's true, the question becomes, how do we change that?
voting with our names ?
Don't let the perfect (& yourself) overwhelm the good and progress.
Ignorance is no excuse.
Thanks, I hate typos especially mine.
Now if I was ignorant I'd say "Oh, my, MLK Jr. said that! Oh. I better agree. I better ask for less than what I want." Please.
Choose reality.
Be a dreamer.
The WSmith Reality Bus Tour!!
Overcoming segregation was once considered 'idealistic' and it does not seem prudent or politic to start to talk the language of ''compromise'' - before the 1% lackeys and their 0.01% Parasitic Overlords have even come to the table with The 99% !!!
Just like ''complete'', ''perfection'' is your own word with which you are now clearly struggling !! Try to get over it and ask yourself ; are The Democraps (the party leadership and apparatchiks, as opposed to the ever optimistic voters), also ''henchmen'' of The 1% too .. or not ?!
“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.” (Vladimir Ilyich Lenin).
ad iudicium ...
Think Winning not Whining!!!
Strategy, don't give the enemy weapons!
like wrangling cats
Think 'Democracy' NOT 'Duopoly' !!!
''The Enemy'' already have all the weapons !!
Educate, Agitate, Organise - don't just compromise !
Thanx for your interesting link, further to which I append and highly recommend, from The 99% p-o-v :
''Obama Destroys the Middle-Class'', by Mike Whitney : &
''Some Filthy Facts about the Rich'', by Paul Buchheit : .
Finally, tho' I may regard you as strategically, politically or ideologivcaly misguided, I'm not questioning your ''integrity or sincerity'' - so perhaps you should really consider apologising to bw for your comment above, as she has been a warrior for The 99% on these threads, these past two years and NOT just for your blessed (or should that be 'accursed'?!) Corporation and Venal Bankster Co-Opted, DemoCraps !!! Good grace, costs nothing and always has a place !! Say sorry now, show humility and so save face !
veritas vos liberabit ...
It's easy to criticize, it's also easy to make convincing promises, especially when you'll never have to come up with some resolve. Achievements talk, BS walks. I'm a socialist too, but politically they are losers. Socialist achievements are made by Labour as they are by Dems here, and never by Conservatives or Cons. Duopoly schmuopoply! REALITY!
Correct your pupil: You give no quarter to the enemy!
You're NOT my pupil and I'll assume we are more in agreement than not !
But be under no illusions - Dem Party is now captured, or had you forgot ?!!
OWS must stand firm & drag the others 'left' NOT give Dems ways to co-opt !!!
Consider : ''Giant bank holding companies now own airports, toll roads and ports ; control power plants and store and hoard vast quantities of commodities of all sorts. They are systematically buying up or gaining control of the essential lifelines of the economy. How have they pulled this off, and where have they gotten the money ?''
Finally, it struck me that bw made an observation and that you started ''to criticize'' but I agree with you re. ''Labour'' and so append and recommend : ; ; & .
ad iudicium ...
Beautifulworld, the one you are mentoring.
Advocate ways and means for an alternative, I've asked you peeps a thousand times, but you never EVER take the free advice. Instead YOU SNIPE!! Like little ankle bitters. Develop ways and means, don't inflict your insignificance on people who are fighting to keep TRUE EVIL from doing more damage than Bush-Cheney and Raygun already have!!!
Not to mention the 2010 POUT FEST that gave us TEABAG ZOMBIES and the current HOSTAGE CRISIS!!!
I was so gentle and inoffensive ! But now you're getting hysterical and losing your shape !! Oh dear, I'll leave readers to judge the matters under consideration here and you to your Dem Obsessions. Bye !!!
verum ex absurdo ...
WTFU!! People Die From Your ILK'S Selfishness!!!
Choose HONESTY!!
''So much has changed -- and yet so little. The placards raised in last week’s commemorative march on Washington told exactly that story: calls for ending the drone wars in foreign lands; demands for jobs and equality; protests against mass incarceration, restrictions on the right to an abortion, cuts to education, assaults upon the workers of America, and the exploitation and persecution of immigrants; warnings about the state-by-state spread of voter suppression laws. And chants filling the air, rising above multiple images of Trayvon Martin, denouncing gun violence and clamoring for banks to be taxed. Challenges to us all to occupy every space available and return the country to the people. Yes, so much has changed -- and yet so little.'' from :
I think that you would like this piece if you can be bothered to read it and being querulous and petulant is singularly unattractive btw and mitigates against future discourse, especially in the utter absence of any evidence whatsoever to back up your baseless accusations against me or my ''ilk'' lol.
fiat lux ...
You're the wannabe 'co-opter in chief' and all round dissembler, so .. run along now Trashy Troll Bot ;-)
temet nosce ...
''I would never censor your comments or postings'' - Liar !!! You have actually tried to do exactly that to many posters with your spamming, defacing posts, collapsing threads, usurping monikers and posting indecent images etc. or d'you think we'd forgotten ?!! Your attempts at usurping any moral high ground you perceive, are beyond laughable and will only possibly fool amnesiacs ! Boy, I'm soo late now, lolol.
vale ...
Yawn, stretch, groan and : !!!
temet nosce ...
''Censorship'' ? In general, no ! Specifically re. 'you', yes !! Because you are a mendacious, manipulative, mischief maker and can' be trusted to tie your shoe lace !!! You make so much noise because you are an empty shell. I think your comments should be left in the main because you only reveal yourself more.
So, more practically - what was your connection to TIOUISE, from back in the day Trashy ? Also, who is this : huh ? Et encore : ! Finally, what is or was your connection to The HAC @ Bard College : ?!
nosce te ipsum ...
There's very li'l to debate really. I'm not going to quote Wm. Blake again & I'm in a rush now but all who have been here more than a week know your dissembling twaddle. Eg. you rail against ''censorship'' but would call any and all ideas or theories that you don't like ''conspiracy theory'' !!! You and your inchoate doublespeak are transparent !! You are a liar and self-avowed sophist and nothing you say - can ever be trusted but your talent lies in shrouding grains of truth in layers of lies, like AAA+ CDS, CDO securities !
gnothi seuton ...
Calling something like 911 Trutherism conspiracy theory is nothing like censoring. It's an opinion nothing more. It's not using power over others. It's just an opinion. People should be allowed to have all kinds of opinions, and using sarcasm is one very effective way to make an opinion known. There's nothing wrong with that.
The problem starts with censoring. That's when you use power over other people. That's when you decide that some people have the right to share their opinions while others don't. That, my friend, is very dangerous.
More logical fallacies. Like I said, using proper arguments would lead to a better discourse. Using logical fallacies leads to nowhere.
The beauty is that it doesn't matter if you can trust me or not. It doesn't matter because you should be able to judge ideas on their own two feet, without having to know or judge the proposer.
If I say "Censorship is bad because of X, Y, Z, etc...", I am not asking you to trust me. I am providing you and the other readers here with arguments as to why censorship is bad. You can use your own judgment and logic to decide whether those arguments are strong or not. You don't need to trust me for that. You should be able to judge ideas for their own merit.
Contrastingly, you don't use arguments. You use logical fallacies, like attacking the proposer (saying I am a liar), using appeal to motive (saying I'm from Bard, or helping Pierre Fournier), etc... Those are not arguments, those are baseless accusations. What you are doing is asking that the readers here trust you since you have no evidence or arguments to back up what you claim.
You ask for the trust of others. I don't. I provide arguments to support my ideas.
No, I don't ask for ''trust'' but that is exactly what you do. I will expect to be judged on what I say in my forum-posts and comments. You only 'obsess on process' because that is your preferred 'Trojan Horse' strategy to usurp this forum. You are the primary reason the mods here have been driven to distraction. You are not a 'joiner', you're a loner ; you speak of community but know not what it means. Your nature is insidious though I'll suggest to others that they assign you 'agon' status and try to endure your crap.
This News-Post was about MLK & the 50th anniversary of his 'I have a dream' speech and I linked to his anti-war ; pro-peace speech here : so read it.
Right now USUK and allies - especially the perfidious, neo-colonial French ruling clique, are now up not for 'another' war - but the next chapter of their on going 'Long Game' for oil and hegemony (but of course that'd just be 'conspiracy' to you) - and consider this for insights :
However you are an 'issue free zone', with no real concerns for Peace or The 99% and I am only replying here to lay that video link down on this now usurped thread. Go ahead Trashy, have the last word now if you like but can you make it something about peace &/or The 99%, d'you think ?!
fiat lux et fiat pax ...
OH - sorry - a follow-up on that explanation ( ) of what the eternal shill does.
I mentioned that it likes to - "it likes to try to open a door with what appears to be a good and legitimate issue"
I guess that what I forgot to add in that explanation - IS - "The shill" attempts these things by pretending to be a new individual to the site ( pretends to be like you a new person ) even to creating other individuals ( obviously played by himself ) to generate a discussion ( again if you missed it - with it's self - it is quite obsessed with this forum ).
Funny thing when it does this ( until it gets found out - again & again & again & .... ) It will at times pretend to be outraged at getting attacked ( help me help me ) and ask if this is how new comers to the forum are treated ( that is why I made sure to let you know - in my comments - that these - the qualified comments - were not directed at you or your friend - and that I was giving you the benefit of the doubt - as to being new to the forum ).
Unfortunate and sad I know - that posts and comments and new(?) individuals must be taken with a grain of salt. But at least now you know.
BTW - anything back on your complaint?
Anyway - sunshine blue skies and warm happy puppy dog hugs for you - Have an awesome day. {:-])
una link importante! grazie!
Many of the advances that King made have unfortunately been rolled back.
What we are here fighting for are to regain them and more.
Therefore, I cannot understand why this news item has not gotten more hits, especially from people who benefited the most from his sacrifices
I hope we stay focused on this
''Martin Luther King’s Words in a Surveillance World - A Time for Creative Suffering'', by Ariel Dorfman :
''So much has changed -- and yet so little. The placards raised in last week’s commemorative march on Washington told exactly that story: calls for ending the drone wars in foreign lands; demands for jobs and equality; protests against mass incarceration, restrictions on the right to an abortion, cuts to education, assaults upon the workers of America, and the exploitation and persecution of immigrants; warnings about the state-by-state spread of voter suppression laws. And chants filling the air, rising above multiple images of Trayvon Martin, denouncing gun violence and clamoring for banks to be taxed. Challenges to us all to occupy every space available and return the country to the people. Yes, so much has changed -- and yet so little.''
''What would Martin Luther King say if he could return to contemplate what his country has become since his death? What if he could see how the terror and slaughter brought to bear upon New York and Washington on September 11, 2001, had turned his people into a fearful, vengeful nation, ready to stop dreaming, ready to abridge their own freedoms in order to be secure? What if he could see how that obsession with security has fed espionage services and a military-industrial complex run amok ?
''What would he say if he could observe how that fear was manipulated in order to justify the invasion and occupation of a foreign land against the will of its people? How would he react to the newest laws disenfranchising the very citizens he fought to bring to the voting booths? What sorrow would have gripped his heart as he watched the rich thrive and the poor be ever more neglected and despised, as he observed the growing abyss between the one percent and the rest of the country, not to speak of the power of money to intervene and intercede and decide ?
''What words would he have used to denounce the way the government surveillance he was under is now commonplace and pervasive, potentially targeting anyone in the United States who happens to own a phone or use email? Wouldn’t he tell those who oppose these policies and institutions inside and outside the United States to stand up and be counted, to march ahead, and not ever to wallow in the valley of despair ?''
respice, adspice, prospice ...
Good article.
Cornel West's leading statement sets up the message very well.
This needs to be amplified: "Liberal reform is too narrow, is too truncated. And, of course, the two-party system is dying, and therefore it doesn’t have the capacity to speak to these kinds of issues."
Today, in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington, tens of thousands of people gathered at the Lincoln Memorial and demanded action on voting rights, economic and social justice.
Fifty years ago, the marchers were able to break unprecedented filibusters and obstructions to force Congress to pass the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act. In the past few years and even months, these same rights have come under attack, from the Supreme Court to places like Texas and North Carolina.
These attacks include restrictive ID requirements, which would limit early voting and cause long lines on Election Day, and voting districts designed to dilute voters' voices. Across the country, people will not be able to exercise their most fundamental right to vote if you don't take action now and tell Congress to act.
You can add your voice to the marchers'. Call on Congress to restore the Voting Rights Act.
The same forces who want to expand fracking, coal, and pollution are the same ones who want to suppress minority votes -- and where these battles are being fought the most polluted communities are often minority communities. When we can't vote, we can't solve environmental problems we have in our own backyards.
But we're fighting back. Sierra Club members were at the march in DC today, demanding action to protect our democracy and our environment. Thousands more marched "virtually," by joining a "Thunderclap" on social media that reached hundreds of thousands instantly.
Join the movement to protect our democracy and our environment. Tell your member of Congress to act on voting rights now.
The Voting Rights Act originally faced the same kind of obstruction we see today, when a small group of Senators blocked the rights of millions. But after the March on Washington in 1963, continued organizing and action showed there was support to end discrimination.
Just a few years ago in 2006, Congress reauthorized the Voting Rights Act with overwhelming bipartisan support. After our successful march today, it is time to demand they act again to protect all Americans' rights. You can get your senators' and representative's attention by joining the thousands of others across the country calling on Congress to act swiftly.
Demand Congress fix the Voting Rights Act and join the spirit of today's March on Washington.
Thank you for all you do to protect our environment and our democracy,
Courtney Hight Director, Democracy Program Sierra Club
P.S. After you've taken action, please forward a copy of this message to five of your friends and family. Or spread the word on your social networks with the share buttons below.
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PFAW: I just wanted to make sure you saw Michael’s message from earlier this week (below). If you are going to be in Washington this weekend for the march, please email me at about joining PFAW Foundation there.
Also, please check out today’s Huffington Post piece by Michael, “Don't Let The Right Wing Co-opt King.”
Even if you can’t make it to DC, there are other ways you can commemorate the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington.
In honor of the anniversary, our friends at DKD Media have launched the James Baldwin Transmedia Project. Baldwin was a prominent participant in the 1963 march. The Transmedia project will include a rebroadcast of the film James Baldwin: The Price of the Ticket on PBS / American Masters tonight (Friday, August 23) at 9pm ET (but please check local listings, because PBS schedules vary), as well as an Interactive Online Screening hosted on the actual anniversary of the March, Wednesday, August 28 at 5pm ET). Click here to find out more about that.
And follow PFAW Foundation’s coverage of the various events taking place in Washington throughout the week at
Thank you for keeping the torch lit and the legacy of the Civil Rights Movement alive.
Diallo Brooks, Director of Outreach and Public Engagement
From: Michael Keegan, PFAW Foundation To: Diallo Brooks Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2013 Re: Keep the legacy alive -- March on Washington!
March on Washington 50th Anniversary
Join the Virtual March!
August 28 marks the 50th anniversary of the 1963 March on Washington, where Dr. King delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech. This week, thousands of Americans committed to the ideals and legacy of the Civil Rights Movement are converging on the nation’s capital to commemorate the occasion and continue the push for justice for all.
There are events going on from the August 21 through August 28 with this Saturday, August 24, being the biggest day of action -- the day when we will march on Washington once again and demand economic and social justice, dedicate ourselves to the principles of inclusion and equal opportunity, and stand up for the democracy that’s at stake in the face of efforts to chip away at hard won protections for civil rights, voting rights, workers’ rights, women’s rights, gay rights and more.
Will you join us?
If you plan on coming to Washington this week, please consider teaming up with People For the American Way Foundation for the march on Saturday.
We’ll be meeting at the corner of 23rd St. and Constitution Ave., NW at 7:15am before heading over to the Lincoln Memorial for speeches and then the march.
Please email us at if you can make it and want to join the PFAW Foundation contingent.
Can’t make it? Click here to join the virtual march!
Members of the People For family -- clergy in our African American Ministers Leadership Council, members of our Young Elected Officials Network, Young People For fellows and alumni, as well as staff and supporters -- will be involved in many of the events as speakers, hosts, organizers and volunteers.
We’d be thrilled if you could join us on Saturday for the march. And we encourage you to take part in some of the other exciting events going on around town.
You can find a schedule of events here:
Dr. King said, “the arc of the moral universe is long but it bends towards justice” … it’s up to all of us to work hard and keep bending it. There’s much to be done to make sure that every American gets to realize the American Dream.
That’s what this week is about: making sure that we, as a country, continue to strive to fulfill the promise of justice for all -- the American Way.
It’s going to be an exciting week, and I really hope if you are going to be in Washington that you join us for whatever events you can make, and especially the march on Saturday.
Once again, email us at to let me know you’ll be joining us.
Or join the virtual march by signing on your support here.
Thank you for all you do.
Michael Keegan, President
Events will take place all across the nation later this month to commemorate the historic 1963 “March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.” The event, including Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech, crystallized the need for civil rights and jobs and catalyzed grassroots action, which led to passage of the Civil Rights Act.
Move to Amend encourages your support and participation in these events in your hometown and/or in Washington DC beginning on August 24, culminating in a major Rally and March to “Realize the Dream,” on August 28. Click here to learn more...
Massive threats to the realization of Dr. King’s dream for justice and against racism remain. Many of them are rooted in corporate power and the corrupting influence of big money in elections.
These include:
The political lobbying and contributions by corporate military industries which distort spending priorities favoring wasteful and unnecessary Pentagon weapons at the expense of jobs and basic social safety net programs.
Political contributions from the wealthy few, resulting in massive tax cuts for them and budget austerity measures for the rest of us.
Public policies increasingly favoring the privatization/corporatization of prisons. People of color, who are disproportionately imprisoned with longer and harsher prison terms, are the losers in this incentivized system to fill up cells.
Those involved in Civil Rights decades ago built and maintained a social movement to promote their dreams of a “beloved community,” as Dr. King said, for all.
Move to Amend seeks our own diverse social movement to promote our dream of making real the promise of American democracy and passing a Constitutional Amendment to end corporate Constitutional rights and equating political spending as free speech.
We encourage you to support 50th Anniversary events out of respect for those who fought for basic justice then, in support to those who seek justice now and in solidarity from those involved in one social movement to another who each seek fundamental social change.
In solidarity,
Ashley Sanders, Daniel Lee, David Cobb, Egberto Willies, George Friday, Jerome Scott, Kaitlin Sopoci-Belknap, Laura Bonham, Maria Agosto, Nancy Price, Pamela Brown, Richard Monje
Move to Amend National Leadership Team
PO Box 610, Eureka CA 95502 | (707) 269-0984 |
We, the People of the United States of America, reject the U.S. Supreme Court's Citizens United ruling, and move to amend our Constitution to firmly establish that money is not speech, and that human beings, not corporations, are persons entitled to constitutional rights.
In compliment to your in compliment.
It looks like it might become official........:)
Voting to support Move To Amend.
Now "THAT" is truly AWESOME
It'll be on the agenda in Kalamazoo.
Let's hope it carries.............:)
Right-ON - this is not the 1st time OWS has shown support for Move to Amend - though there are some who would deny it - let us hope that this time will be very successful and very well communicated that we support MTA.
On a follow-up. Can you believe this? OSTA
"Smart meters" can hurt you, but the One Subject at a Time Act can protect you.
I wrote this letter telling Congress to introduce's One Subject At a Time Act (OSTA). The hardwired message begins …
I would notice and appreciate your co-sponsorship of the "One Subject at a Time Act" (OSTA), HR 2113.
I encourage you to join me in sending a letter. You may borrow from or copy this …
OSTA requires each bill to be about ONLY one subject, so that each bill stands or falls entirely on its own merits. This would stop Congressional leaders from passing unwanted laws by clustering them with popular but unrelated bills.
I thought of OSTA when learning of the Smart Grid Advancement Act of 2013 (HR 2685). This bill could (
require energy-saving appliances to include wireless transmitters
My private data could be transmitted, and...
My power could be shut off by providers without my consent.
This bill would NEVER pass Congress on its own. It's too unpopular. But…
Will Congressional ideologues, who think regulators know best, sneak the Smart Grid proposal into a "must-pass" bill?
Such dishonest moves happen often in the thousand-page bills Congress imposes on us. And if this bad bill doesn't survive this corrupt process, others will. And we won't know about them until they've become law.
In other words, they will pass without our consent.
I DENY you the right to "govern" like this! I deny consent.
Support OSTA. It will go a long way to protecting the public from Congressional underhandedness and corruption.
If you don't, I must conclude that you're part of the problem.
You can send your letter using’s Educate the Powerful System.
You will receive a copy of your letter to Congress via email. Please share your letter with friends and ask them to take the same action.
And if you like having the Educate the Powerful tool, please consider starting a monthly pledge.
Jim Babka President, Inc.
Text of H.R. 2113: One Subject at a Time Act (Introduced version ...
On city walls across the country, muralists and street artists depict Martin Luther King as a statesman, visionary, hero and martyr.
What many people, especially younger ones born sometime since about 1980, may not be aware of is that the secret surveillance state has also acted as the secret police state through such mechanisms as the FBI's Counter-Intelligence Program (COINTELPRO).
The collection of personal information about citizens is not so innocuous as Obama would have you believe. It has been used in the past to harass, intimidate, and "neutralize" political activists, organizers, and dissidents, and by use of that euphemism "neutralize," it includes assassinate, such as Black Panther Leader Fred Hampton, and civil rights leaders, such as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and Malcolm X. Our National Security State does not truly believe in Democracy and free speech and assembly; it regards us citizens as mere subjects and potential subversives to the status quo and the perpetual rule of the power elite.
Considering how MLK promoted social and economic justice
I can't understand why there is a big labor rally on Aug 24th, and then the rally for MLK's 50th anniversary of The March on Washington rally on the 28th
I think they should have gotten it together and had both on the same day
FucK the Washington Hoodies. How you like that?
Learning From the 'March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom' of 1963
Time to March on Washington—Again
Fifty years after King’s historic march, the struggle for racial justice faces unprecedented challenges.
Ari Berman | August 14, 2013 | This article appeared in the September 2-9, 2013 edition of The Nation. They carried signs that demanded “Voting Rights,” “Jobs for All” and “Decent Housing.” They protested the vigilante killing of an unarmed black teenager in the South and his killer’s acquittal. They denounced racial profiling in the country’s largest city.
This isn’t 1963 but 2013, when so many of the issues that gave rise to the March on Washington fifty years ago remain unfulfilled or under siege today. That’s why, on August 24, a broad coalition of civil rights organizations, unions, progressive groups and Democratic Party leaders will rally at the Lincoln Memorial and proceed to the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial to honor the fiftieth anniversary of the march and dramatize the contemporary fight. (President Obama will participate in a separate event commemorating the official anniversary on August 28.) The Supreme Court’s decision gutting the Voting Rights Act in late June and the acquittal of George Zimmerman less than three weeks later make this year’s march “exponentially more urgent” with respect to pressuring Congress and arousing the conscience of the nation, says Ben Jealous, president of the NAACP, a co-sponsor of the march.
NYC condo planned with separate entrances for rich, poor people
4 hrs ago
There's a new luxury condo being planned on Manhattan's Upper West Side, and the developer is seeking a ton of tax breaks by building 55 low-income units in the same building. The catch? Those for the poor are going to face away from the Hudson River (maybe expected), and oh, yeah, they'll also have a separate entrance, elevator and maintenance company. Assemblywoman Linda Rosenthal, a Democrat who represents the Upper West Side, said the developer's plans "smack of classism" and is urging the city's Department of Housing Preservation and Develop to deny the company its tax breaks.
More info here - a well done net page !
National Lawyers Guild chapters are working hard to provide legal support for Occupy protests nationwide.
For emergency legal needs call your local hotline or contact the NLG office in your area. Washington, DC: (202) 957 2445 New York City: (212) 679-6018 Los Angeles: (323) 696-2299 Chicago: (773) 309-1198 San Francisco: (415) 285-1011 New Orleans: (504) 875-0019 Baltimore: (410) 205-2850 Minnesota: (612) 656-9108 Michigan: (313) 963-0843 Portland: (503) 902-5340 Boston: (617) 227-7335 Philadelphia, Delaware, Harrisburg, Allentown, Bethlehem: (267) 702-4654 Idaho: (208) 991-4324 (991-IDAHO)
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I am with Garibaldi...As a movement, we need focus. Period. Every issue, the banks, NSA, security, racism, etc. is there. In other countries, people are focused and fighting for their rights. I would like to see these changes happen in my lifetime, but as more people fall into poverty and the middle class is wiped out, the statistics will grow worse.
I promise not to make fun of your height. I would never stoop to that.
Legalize pot. All the way.
The first step to enacting any form of social change within a society is unity. We as individuals need to stop confining our identities to our ethnic backgrounds. For ultimately what is race but a superficial difference. Beneath the color of our skin and the language that we speak are we not all human? Do we not all strive to obtain a form of happiness for ourselves or our loved ones? Do we not fight back when that happiness is threatened by an outside force? Do we not cry out in anguish if we see that happiness ripped away from us?
I am white. I am an American. But first and foremost I am a human being. So long as the millions of working class citizens maintain this wrongful focus on the window dressings of race and religion, screams will continue emanate from Guantanamo Bay, drones will continue to claim the lives of hundreds of innocents, and the working class will continue to destroy their bodies in an attempt to win a fixed game.