Forum Post: What have those who AREN"T @ OWS accomplished the last month?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 24, 2011, 7:46 p.m. EST by jgriff
from Tampa, FL
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I realize there isnt anything for OWS to really hold their hat on, yet.
But to the haters, what have YOU done in the last month to participate in the USA?
And dont tell me work. I work too. That is not enough anymore.
Hired 10 new workers at my small business in Milwaukee.
Why is working not enough? This country was founded on hard work. Maybe work your way up the ladder and change the system for the better. That is what I have been working on in the last month.
Thats not a bad plan. Im just hoping we can get more working normal people (not politicians) into the mix, to start leading the people.
I just sold 2 pieces of my art at a charity art show to help orphans in India.
I sit on the BOD of a children's orientated philanthropic which will raise over 2.5 mm this December to fight diabetes.
Thank you very much. I wish there were more like you.
Jgriff, this is very wife and i have supported for many years through th ijdrf. Thank you for the kind words as I have found few here. Best wishes on what you seek through OWS.
I hired three people in the last 15 days at $50 / hour each. Let's turn the question around, what have you done?
I was talking more about turning the tide for future generations. I contract a lot of work out, not sure what their hourly will be, prob not 50 though.
What I was trying to say was who is going out of their way, slowing down on the dollar chasing, to put something together?
Well, my hiring them helps their future generations at home. My allowing them to work from home allows them to spend time with their future generations at home. My allowing them to set their own hours, with no rules on vacation or sick, accomplishes the same objective. I fail to see how this could be seen as not contributing. True, I am not forcing them to volunteer, but then again, I kind of feel like what they do on their own time is none of my business. I am not dollar chasing, just trying to get the job done with the best talent available to me, and rewarding them for a job well done. How is that wrong?
Its not, theres nothing wrong with it. We need MORE people who are willing to work their asses off.
I was steering the initial comment towards that simply go to work, come home and watch TV.
Ok. So then, back to my question. What have you done to go out of your way?
He's not saying that you don't contribute to anything. He's simply rebuking those that are constantly harassing the occupiers at not having accomplished anything politically in order to imply a sense of futility.
I run two companies, on a couple boards, and going to diff occs to educate at least twice a week. Nothing spectacular, but something that I can look at and say I am trying to help.
If you are doing all of that, then you of all people should understand contributing based on your talents and what you have to offer. Why would you assume then, as your original post would seem to imply, that everyone who disagrees with the path that this movement has taken are all just grubby hoarders without any contributions being made. Just because their contributions are different from yours doesn't make them less valuable or worthy of contempt or ridicule. Maybe working is their contribution; maybe it's what they have to offer. They don't need you telling them they aren't good enough because they aren't you. That's rather elitist.
My comment was toward those who are the haters, who say this whole thing is a waste of time.
Well, as long as the movement stands for bank runs, bankruptcy for all, and not for political reform (and don't tell me it does, because if it did, they'd all be marching on DC, not Wall Street), then I disagree, which I guess makes me a "hater". Again, healthy disagreement and debate is how you get things done. Shutting up all opposing opinions with name calling, vilifying and ridicule is how you ensure that you never move beyond single mindedness.
If everyone @ OWS spent the day doing community service instead of whining they would send a better message, get a lot more done, and get haters like me to join up
It's you that chose to self identify as a "hater".
Research! Learned about the Fed, history of central banks (kinda crazy), various candidates, and did a TON of research on the middle east, Israel, AIPAC. Planning to move my money out of my bank account. Also went to a local OWS meeting and visited a few others (I can walk to 3-4 different protest locations - we're kinda liberal out here :D).
I'm not a hater, in fact I have spent some time at my local Occupy after work. BUT, beyond that, I have taken the time to talk to as many people about what is wrong with our nation as will listen. A friend of mine signed up to help a grassroots campaign after I turned him on. I have gotten two of my employees to begin educating themselves on who their candidates are and what they actually stand for.
Other than that, just getting ready for my first son.
Hell ya man, good job and good luck!
made equiv 1mil usd peddling douglas fir wood... basically walking 10 km everyday, hardware to hardware selling wood. I think its called working your ass off. I dunno.
I work my ass off too. Im talking about not chasing dollars so much and trying to right the ship for the next generation.
well im raising my kid not to be a kid, but to be a responsible adult in the future. So he will not grow up and take out a huge student loan to study a liberal arts degree. I dunno, maybe its called passing on to the future.
But what I do is what I believe the American Dream, making your wealth and standing a little bit better every generation.
"But what I do is what I believe the American Dream, making your wealth and standing a little bit better every generation."
As are the occupiers.
Well to start it's "hang your hat on"
Who are the haters the people who disagree with you?
And what did I do to participate, I hired 1 person last month since I had to let a guy go who went to occupy Portland instead of coming to work for a week.
True. Oops
The haters I was refering to are the ones that just hate in general, doesnt matter what someone is trying to do, they will just pick it apart. You know, the obnoxious in the room.
Yes, it is, as a business owner who employs over 25 people, I pay approximatly 60% of the companies gross income in taxes. Another 20% go to health insurance and another 15% goes to charitable contributions in my community. Things like giving Eagle Scout candidates contributions or materials to complete their Eagle project, Paying my employees for up to 40 hours a year to volunteer at a community agency like food share or at the Union Gospel Mission or any 501c which clothes, feeds or houses people. This year alone I have contributed 2 whole beef one to Union Gospel Mission and one to Polk/Marion county food share. When I work, when my people work, we make Salem Oregon a better place to live. So please don't tell me I am not participating in the USA.
I stand corrected. Thank you, you are a rarity.
Participating in the sense of donating time for the betterment beyond your immediate needs
I took a crap on a police car near Zuccotti Park.
I have a question for everyone that assumes that guy was an Occupier. Do you really recognize his ass well enough to know for sure? I mean NYC has plenty of people in it that would shit on a cop car simply because it is Tuesday. Does anyone know for sure he was at OWS? Or is it simply truth because Rush said so? Honestly, I'm interested.
There are no bathrooms down there. You have to shit wherever and whenever you get a chance.
"Occupyers" are shitting everywhere. In alleys. Neighbors are complaining about people crapping on their stoops.
It's a pretty shitty situation.
So, what you are saying is that you are perpetuating an unknown as though it were truth? My Mom taught me about that when I was a kid. She called it a lie. Maybe you should yell downstairs to your Mom and ask her what she thinks. In fact, go ahead and go down there, I think the fish sticks are done.
My mother is passed on, But thanks for bringing her into the conversation.
What is so unknown about anything I have said? The people who live in the area have documented their testimony regarding protesters crapping all over the place in downtown Manhattan at several Community Board 1 meetings.
Maybe your mother should have taught you not to lie about things that are "known".
Um, never lied. Known or otherwise. Please, I ask you again, PLEASE provide links to FIRST HAND EVIDENCE. FYI, some guy on a conservative blog does not count.
BTW, hate to be the one to tell you, but that pic of the guy shitting on the cop car - it's NOT an occupier. I know this for a FACT. How? 81st precinct. In Brooklyn. Bed-Sty to be exact. NOT Manhattan. Completely different island.
Prove that the picture was taken in the 81st precinct in Brooklyn. Some guy on a leftist blog does not count.
Regarding the Community Board 1 meetings, do a google search. Their most recent meeting was last week.
The burden actually lies with you to prove your accusation.
For all either of us that are not there, it could have been anywhere.
The fact you think the burden lies with the accused proves there's something horribly wrong with you.
So you are full of shit and lied about the whole 81st Precinct and the photo.
It figures. Most of you OWS people are liars and frauds.
That wasn't me that said that. That was Atreidies. He's actually at OWS so I have not witnessed what goes on as well as him. And neither can you.
Sorry about that pal. I didn't realize you were a different person.
Atreidies is a liar.
They troll, post, collect and cash. They are "The boys to Kochs"!
To understand WHAT MAKES TROLLS TICK - AND have a GOOD LAUGH while you're at it - go to:
I worked, I paid my rent, and my bills, and I enjoyed the fall weather and the beautiful mountains. I've sweated my ass off, and lifted tons of heavy things. Hard work is underrated nowadays.
What has OWS done this past month? All of this Marxist shit you want government to force on us you could have done yourselves. You could have been building colleges and giving out free education. You could had been paying off peoples mortgages. You could have replanted a whole fucking forest. Instead you spent a month trying to steal my money and hand it to government.
Thats not what Im about, but I cant speak for all. First let me ask if you have been there and talked with some people?
Of course they haven't. I ask them that all the time, if they've ever actually been to an occupation to see for themselves instead of getting a slanted view from the media or this board. All they do is come up with excuses and get angry.