Forum Post: What Does Zero Dark Thirty Say About America?
Posted 12 years ago on Jan. 13, 2013, 5:09 p.m. EST by quantumystic
from Memphis, TN
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
We are all going to hell if there is one.
It is just a movie. Now, on to real life...
it is hardly just a movie.
"The CIA and Other Government Agencies Dominate Movies and Television"
"Homeland won best TV series, best TV actor and actress. It IS a highly entertaining show which actually portrays some of the flaws of the MIIC system
Argo won best movie and best director. It glorifies the CIA and Ben Affleck spoke with the highest praise for the CIA.
And best actress went to Jessica Chastain of Zero Dark Thirty, a movie that has been vilified for propagandizing the use of torture."
i never said it did not make for good drama.
Im not even going to touch this one :)
please indulge us.
Why comment on what is a NOVEL - not history
The first time I ran into the idea of a novel being presented as history, was in regard to the Watergate scandal. There are very convincing arguments that aside from the physical break-in that the rest of the narrative never happened., no Deep Throat, no late night meetings in garages, etc. Under this theory the novel/history was an intel takedown of Nixon, who had wandered off the reservation (published by the Washington Post (Google "Washington Post" & "CIA's favorite newspaper"). I dunno. . .
I do know that this whole OBL story is bullshit, Recently they just let out that no seaman witnessed his burial at sea. Of course not, he's been dead since December 2001.
From :
[-] 0 points by nomdeguerre (1752) from Brooklyn, NY 10 months ago
Where was his dialysis machine? That old man sitting down watching television was supposed to be him? Why did they only show a side picture of him alive? What about his millions, the facilities were quite modest?
Then that video of that chap with a short dyed beard?? That was him? That's funny, he didn't look like the other OBL's in the other videos. Of course none of them looked alike either.
They had to keep the short, fat one with the squashed nose taking credit for 9/11 sitting down - otherwise, the fraud would have been too obvious.
Sorry, the numerous sources were correct, OBL died of natural causes in December 2001. Don't fall for propaganda. ↥twinkle ↧stinkle reply edit delete permalink
[-] 1 points by TrevorMnemonic (5680) 10 months ago
Gotta any credible sources to link? ↥twinkle ↧stinkle reply permalink
[-] 1 points by nomdeguerre (1752) from Brooklyn, NY 10 months ago
Report: Bin Laden Already Dead:,2933,41576,00.html
Did bin Laden die again?:
From Paul Craig Roberts:
Osama bin Laden's Second Death:
Creating the bin Laden Reality:
How Many SEALs Died?: ↥twinkle ↧stinkle reply edit delete permalink
Why would Pres Obama pretend to kill bin laden if he was already dead?
I also heard Bin Laden was dead years before Pres Obama became Pres.
Why would Bush NOT take credit for Bin Ladens death?
Obama is only a front man.
OBL was much more useful to Bush "alive", they could haul out actors whenever they wanted to support "anti-terrorism" positions.
But then why did Pres Obamas go through the charade of "killing" Bin Laden. Why not maintain the usefulness Bin Laden provided?
So if your suggesting Bin ladens usefulness/value was as the most potent tool for Bush/neocons fear mongering 'war on terror' propaganda which they used to create support amongst the American people for endless war, and rights violations.?
If that is what you are suggesting I could agree. And I wouldn't put it past them to keep Bin Ladins death secret.
But then why did Pres Obamas go through the charade of "killing" Bin Laden. Why not maintain the usefulness Bin Laden provided?
Who knows? Maybe they felt they needed to bolster his "Great-Leaderness" before the election. Every story has a beginning, middle and end.
I believe there are, right now, social engineers and psy-oppers hard at work figuring out the next moves.
"A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to coerced, because they love their servitude. . . . The most important Manhattan Projects of the future will be vast government-sponsored enquiries into what the politicians and the participating scientists will call "the problem of happiness"--in other words, the problem of making people love their servitude."
I believe we live in that era.
I believe that Occupy is waking people up from that "love of their servitude".
But getting back to Bin Laden.
Isn't it true that Pres Obama has been repeatedly attacked by the neocons for saying repeatedly that Al Qeada has been decimated, for ending Iraq, Afghan wars, for not using Libya as a new reason to escalate and continue the endless 'war on terror", and for not invading Iran & Syria, and for nominating the anti endless war Hagel?
And doesn't eliminating Bin Laden (with the fake death) make it easier for Pres Obama to declare the 'war on terror" over? We can't declare the 'war on terror' over if Bin Laden is still alive right?
IF you're suggesting that Obama is working behind the scenes, all the while planning multiple moves ahead, to end the fraudulent war on terror AND if that comes true, THEN I'll buy you dinner at your favorite restaurant. We'll see.
I suppose I can't state that is what is happening. Certainly that is what I want. End the 'war on terror'. Stop the drone strikes, Repeal the rights violations.
And I know we can't really do that unless we end the neocon fear mongering propaganda, (pres Obama has been criticized for never using the 'war on terror' terminology), & declaring the 'war on terror' over.
I suppose I'm saying we must protest Pres Obama & all pols to do just that.
Declare that neocon endless 'war on terror' over.
No dinner necessary but a celebratory drink would be enjoyable.
you are an idiot.
Paid much?
not really.
That the producers and their funder's want to stir up more anger - righteous anger at foreign countries to bolster the desire to continue the wars of resource aggression?
It is clear that it is us that are in fact osama bin laden.
It is clear to any with eye's that can see - that - there is a whole lot of shock doctrine goin on. Enthusiastically supported/funded by some very large corpoRATions.
what shock doctrine are you referring to???
Ever see the documentary? If not. You should. Shows the machinations and players in the game - kind of like Inside Job does for the ( shock ) umm Economic meltdown.
wtf does this have to do with torture, indefinite detention, and extra judicial killings.
In Argentina US CIA cheered coup of socialist democrat elected government by fascist dictator, who disappeared and tortured many. US liked dictator who could increase private profits, and use of shock and awe, placing fear in people, to get past unions, better wages and condition. The government-military used torture as a weapon to disorient the populace, so they could implement conservative, neocon policies of Milton Friedman, and privatize all sectors of the economy
It ties in also as the terrorist is possibly loosely defined, many can be picked up or eliminated, and we are culpable, as citizens letting war on terror drive future for all down a poor road, that will not generate good will, which we need. It is like the thousands of citizens killed in Iraq aNd Afghanistan, Pakistan, etc. View the movie and link is clearly laid out.
There it is above all Americans should know this.
america has lost it's way. sad fucking thing. like a babe in the woods.
Mislead into the darkness is closer, but lost never the less.
Look into this. Here is hope.
There are still villages and communities where the people are united. I do see it more in "3rd world", where ther is not so much money, and people have to rely on each other and maintain real relationships.
Greed, Control and Manipulation. You can't see that?
I just don't see the direct tie in I guess.
... The war on Afghanistan is part of a profit driven agenda: a war of economic conquest and plunder, ”a resource war”.
Yep - lets not forget Iran - Pakistan - Various countries in Africa - Syria - South America ................................................
All war is "for profit", if some poor taxpayer, somewhere else, foots the bill and you receive access to the wealth
Who receives access to the wealth? The only thing regular people get access to is mainly free government funerals and burials - oh and some health care for traumatic/catastrophic injuries.
The war profiteer receives the wealth. The corrupt "interim government" receives the wealth. The Bankers that financed the war receive the wealth. Others...?
The regular people get access to the right to fight so that others can receive wealth. They get that, in addition to the perks you have identified.
that Americans still believe the hero is always the man with a gun.
Even if half of them say they want to regulate or even ban guns, the majority of both halves still view violence and war as a solution to violence and war.
"Instead of spending billions on the war, I can use that money, to feed the poor. I know some so poor, when it rains that's when they shower, when screaming "fight the power"."
I agree but it is trillions not bilions
true that. It is many trillions. I was just quoting a song by Wyclef Jean from his great song "If I was President"
ZERO Dark Thirty says Americans could be the most gullible society in the developed world -
911 Education
It says Obama hates muslims....that's why he drone bombs them, and murders them without trial. Be proud of the mass murderer. You elected him
but i thought he was a muslim.
You haven;t noticed that Muslims are slaughtering each other on the desert sands?
can the world ever really move forward with all these crazy religious zealots?
You mean evolution denying, anti choice, anti LGBT, right wing, tea party extremist religious fundamental cases?
yes how do we deal with 40% of america being as dumb and ignorant as a taliban fighter in a cave.
We must identify the "dumb & ignorant". ridicule them & their causes, isolate, humiliate in the public square, defeat them at the ballot.
They always return, but we will defeat them because their numbers ARE shrinking.
We must identify the "dumb & ignorant". ridicule them & their causes, isolate, humiliate in the public square, defeat them at the ballot.
Straight out of the Obama/Alinsky playbiook. No need to have a reasonable discussion or a debate on the merits of ideas or issues like a grown up. Just appeal to the baser instincts of man and ATTACK. pathetic.
They just can't seem to make up their minds.
Or perhaps they just can't spit out the word they want to use.
conservative hatred of obama goes back to one thing the color or his skin. he is a democrat in name only. obamacare is to the right of nixon's healthcare plan.
I know, but the Country is skewed so far to the "right", he almost seems not to be.
The same was true of Clinton, they didn't like him, but they didn't hate him like they do Obama.
I don't really like him either, but he isn't what they say he is.
i don't like him cause he is like them.
At this point you're not going to get someone into high office that isn't.
Fight the corruption at the State level first.
The States are so corrupted now, that that's all there is to send into the federal government.
Clean up the States and the Feds will follow.
It's how ALEC got us to this point.
We are proud of our forces for taking out the bad guys?
Who are the bad guys?
Terrorists, of any ilk, who harm Americans, or who are conspiring to harm Americans
What is a terrorist?
A wallstreet executive?
A Koch Brother?
Dick Cheney?
A Mega-monster Bank?
An Insurance executive?
A health care provider executive?
ummm let see........who else.....ummm.... well you get the idea.
no those are just pieces of shit to be wiped off the bottom of your shoe. unfortunately we are all terrorists. we share a load of the blame like it or not. after all we are still in the system. sometimes i am ashamed that i don't live in the woods in a shack eating squirrel .
That would be retreat. You seem more like a fighter, which is what we need.
ALL our problems are the result of WE the PEOPLE retreating into the "woods" of our esxcapist, consumerist, fear induced anesthesia.
If the people ain't woken up to join us in the fight, all is lost and no "shack in the woods" will protect you.
There is NO escape in either scenario.
good luck with waking people up zero chance of conservatives changing their stripes. that requires rejecting their entire world view. not happening.
We only need to convince enough non voters, enough independents, & some moderate repubs to vote their own interests & replace pro 1% conservatives (of both parties) w/ pro 99% progressives.
lol, yeah good luck with that.
Thanks. And good luck to you in all your good efforts.
Very philosophical. Yes, I do get where you are going with this. I will put it rather simplistically, Osama bin Laden played a huge part in 9/11. We found him. We killed him. We are a super power. And we are the ones who were attacked. So, instead of turning Kandahar or Islamabad into Dresden, which we, as a superpower, can do with ease, we put our troops and agents at risk do try to make a surgical strike to minimize civilian casualties.
Dresden? ...So, instead of turning Kandahar or Islamabad into Baghdad,...
No, I am afraid you missed the whole point unfortunately.
It says that for a short time in the mid 2000's we allowed extremist neocons to engage in useless torture the we have since denounced and discontinued.
So yeah we would be goin to hell but there ain't none.
if that were only true. however, obama has continued the enhanced interrogations.
obama has continued the enhanced interrogations.
And your proof of this is?
I haven't seen or heard of that. but I wouldn't be surprised if we are doing so through the cooperation of other countries intelligence services.
We've been training others for decades to provide torture for us.
In any event WE the people are guilty. And we must atone.
you got it bud.
I'll read them, but the truth is I assume either we do it or we have a surrogate do it for us.
It's an old story, and unless WE protest against all pols in large numbers it will not end.
it won't end there is no stopping this train now.
Can't give up. Gotta get in the street and protest!
It's the only way to be sure"
Protest must be comprehensive to process.
If it is not, then it goes nowhere.
Protest usually starts small and grows as the righteousness is appreciated.
So I agree it must be comprehensive to succeed but it must be nurtured and allowed to grow.
Can't give up. Gotta get in the street and protest!
"It's the only way to be sure"
Escalation is why it grows, but "going somewhere" only happens if there is a cognizance legal process comprehensive to to purpose of protest. Like legal process.