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Forum Post: We need to start Superpacs and 501(c)(4)'s. Let's use the 1%'s weapons against them.

Posted 11 years ago on July 8, 2012, 5:49 p.m. EST by letsdomore (89)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I suggest #OWS, or a dissenting branch, use the system for our benefit. NEWSFLASH! the 1% get things done because they have money.

Start a political Superpac or 501 (c)(4) and have us 99% contribute money to (Y)OUR cause. Do what the 1% do and start a few Superpacs. Create dialectics that confront the institutions that oppress the 99%.

Instead of being a pathetic Oliver Twist asking for more, a Huey Long type has to stand up on equal footing and deliver some heavy blows to the powers that be.

Build a sophisticated headquarters that delivers a strong political impact that will help the 99%. Help the 99% get good people in this govt. We need to rattle the cages of our hijacked corrupt govt from within. Begging from the outside only gets people beat up and arrested!

Start a professional WEB news channel. Have an army of reporters investigating all the institutionalized corruption the shameful corporate media intentionally ignores. We need tenacious reporters poking their noses into all the 1%'s wrong doings. Expose the crooks in Govt, banks, the fed, msm, etc, etc, etc! Broadcast professional polished news reports that will gain notoriety with the public.

It's demoralizing to watch #OWS sink deeper into irrelevance. The results of solely protesting have demonstrated it's limits. People need to believe they have a fighting chance of winning. The greater their chance of winning, the more risk and commitment people are willing to sacrifice for the cause. Few people will show up to a futile protest only to get beat up and arrested by police. People want results or at least the potential of winning. Most of us know that the idealology of #OWS's anarchist core is unrealistic. Their refusal to involve advocates in politics is a barrier to overcoming the deep entrenchments of the oligarchs.

The masses know that anarchy is a pipe dream. Today's world has too many intractable problems for concensus to solve them. It's an admirable goal that someday humans can peacefully coexist without the need of a govt to protect us from the psychopaths. Unfortunately, today we have psychopaths running our govt controlled by the elites.



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[-] 3 points by brightonsage (4494) 11 years ago

Have you noticed that the 1% effectively have ALL of the money? Maybe that is why they are called that?

To form a Superpac worthy of the name, it has to have more than $4.38 in it. And that's all I can give you.

[-] 1 points by Endgame (535) 11 years ago


[-] 1 points by JadedCitizen (4277) 11 years ago

I can pitch in $7.03. We could form a Poorpac.

[-] 2 points by brightonsage (4494) 11 years ago

Cool !!! Only 250,000,000 to go. Hey guys, listen up, I need a commitment here.

Right now we can't afford the "r" sooooo, it would be poopac?

[-] 1 points by letsdomore (89) 11 years ago

That's great.

The 99% are approx.300,000,000 people. So if 83.333333% of the 99% gives just one dollar each, we will have $250,000,000.

[-] 2 points by brightonsage (4494) 11 years ago

Which would be a quarter of what two GOP superpacs have. There is a thing about fighting fire with fire? It still boils down to fuel. They can sustain that rate we can't?

[-] 1 points by letsdomore (89) 11 years ago

Your right, they will bring a bigger fire to the fight.. Only this time the voters are tired of getting burned. They are more eager than ever to embrace new choices. The people are done with the establishment, but have no where else to turn.

These days the Ds and Rs can spend 10x what a significant grass roots org does and lose. Their money is wasted broadcasting empty promises most voters will no longer listen to. Voters now hold disdain for "old politics" and are immune to the stale talking points. As long as a fresh message resonates with truth, there will be victories. And once the voters smell the blood of the wounded monsters destroying our country, look out !

[-] 1 points by captcha42 (54) 11 years ago

Fresh meat choices. I smell blood. Throw some chunks to the people.

[-] 1 points by JadedCitizen (4277) 11 years ago

At this rate, we might get there in time for the 2020 elections.

[-] 1 points by brightonsage (4494) 11 years ago

I should live so long. We got the MO MENTUM.

[-] 1 points by Builder (4202) 11 years ago

Or, we could take a leaf out of the Fed Res book on economics, and make our own paper money, and print off as much as we like.

As long as all parties concerned agree that this new currency has an exchangeable value, it will work.

[-] 1 points by JadedCitizen (4277) 11 years ago

It would work until the swat team showed up to arrest you for counterfeiting.

[-] 2 points by Builder (4202) 11 years ago

It would only be counterfeiting if you were copying another currency. Design and print your own, and declare it legal tender amongst occupiers only. It's been happening in Greece for ages now, and there's an exchange "note" here in Australia for trade between growers and builders.

[-] 2 points by Builder (4202) 11 years ago

Greece's new "legal" tender is called the TEM, and has the approval of their govt.


You can then use your "savings" to buy whatever else is being offered through the network, leading to some rather original exchanges of goods.

It's all reminiscent of an ancient bartering system returning to today's Greece.

"I can get language classes or computer lessons in return", says Stavros Ntentos from his stall where he sells children's underwear.

"It's a very good idea because we need to make people realise we can all buy and sell something; we don't only need euros."

"We have reached the bottom of our lives and we now have to think in a different way," says Tasos, a vegetable-seller.

[-] 1 points by JadedCitizen (4277) 11 years ago

I love this idea, very creative.

[-] 1 points by JadedCitizen (4277) 11 years ago

That is legal? Huh, learn something new everyday..

[-] 2 points by Builder (4202) 11 years ago

Our govt tried to figure out a way of taxing the barter system, but gave up in the end. There's farmer's markets and clothing stalls set up every weekend in every little tinpot town in Australia.

Simple solutions are what we need to initiate. The big players rely on us being insular and afraid. Reclaim your streets and open spaces. It's the start of the real bloodless coup that has to happen, for our children's sake.

[-] 2 points by JadedCitizen (4277) 11 years ago

Thanks for sharing. I agree, simple solutions at the local community level. Stuff like this can make a huge difference.

[-] 2 points by Builder (4202) 11 years ago

Thanks. The first step is to turn off the TV.

People are being coached to be scared about being outside alone. Reclaim your heritage, meaning all the open spaces that have signs up saying 'can't do this, can't do that'.

Step up to plate, and take a swing at the big players, simply by not going to their stores, and buying imported junk from China.

It's actually immediately gratifying to be dealing directly with the guy/gal who is growing your food. You can even haggle a bit, which is good for the soul, in my book.

[-] 2 points by JadedCitizen (4277) 11 years ago

I've changed a few things in my lifestyle, but not enough. I'll keep trying to step up a little bit more each day.

Yeah, I think haggling is a form of foreplay. Foreplay is good for my soul.

[-] 2 points by Builder (4202) 11 years ago

LOL. I like your style.

When we talk about a bloodless coup, this is really the first step.

[-] 3 points by bensdad (8977) 11 years ago

A 501c4 is useful in HIDING contributions.
If you have an extra $1,000,000 to contribute to an OWS friendly candidate, there are many organizations IN PLACE that can do that.

If you want to stop the flow of crapitalist money into our government:

Citizens United & Corporate Personhood Amendment


For a complete analysis of the amendment issue,
and the text of all amendments,
and a comparison of all of the amendments,
and the Citizens United case transcript,
and the Citizens United decision,
and the Buckley decision
and analysis of corporate personhood
and analysis of Article III
and the ABC News poll
and the PFAW poll
and our voting bloc plan

no password or signup
JOIN US> OWS: http://nycga.net/groups/restore-democracy
REGULAR MEETINGS: Wednesdays 5:30-7:30PM @ 60 Wall St – The Atrium

[-] 0 points by letsdomore (89) 11 years ago

We will never get politicians that have gotten elected by money(which is all of them), to oppose their source of power.

[-] 6 points by bensdad (8977) 11 years ago

tell that to Alan Grayson, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Tammy Duckworth, Sherrod Brown, James Clyburn

[-] 3 points by VQkag2 (16478) 11 years ago

Sing it brother. Don't listen to the "parties are the same" There ain't no hope" "We gotta have a revolution" crowd.

It's just too negative.


[-] 1 points by letsdomore (89) 11 years ago

Only three of those people presently hold elected office. If you think about it, that's an astonishingly short list. There are more than 500 legislators running our republic. You would think that many more would stand up and oppose such an insult to democracy.

[-] 3 points by bensdad (8977) 11 years ago

Here's a "cilp" about one of 12 anti-citizens united bills in congress:

Yesterday, six Democratic senators — Tom Udall (NM), Michael Bennett (CO), Tom Harkin (IA), Dick Durbin (IL), Chuck Schumer (NY), Sheldon Whitehouse (RI), and Jeff Merkeley (OR) — introduced a constitutional amendment that would effectively overturn the Citizens United case and restore the ability of Congress to properly regulate the campaign finance system.

I believe the tally in Washington is over 100 congresspeople & senators

[-] 2 points by brightonsage (4494) 11 years ago

Great idea except for one thing. Congress couldn't regulate jaywalking without a conflict of interest.

I'm afraid the major part of the regulation must be in the amendment or it will never happen. e.g. No contributions to any candidate anytime, at any level, not ever, never. Successful federal candidates agree to live on a generous pension with NO other income, (No cushy jobs, board seats, book deals, consulting contracts, jobs for family, scholarships, Swiss bank accounts etc.)

Congress has the power to tax. If they really wanted to do something they could put such heavy taxes on contributions above $100. they could effectively stop this.

[-] 1 points by bensdad (8977) 11 years ago

taxing free speech? I doubt it would be constitutional
but why not persue what 80% of Anericans say they want ?

[-] 1 points by brightonsage (4494) 11 years ago

All Constitutional Amendments are constitutional. Majority rules ....except where rights are concerned. You don't have the right to buy elections.

I have heard Constitutional scholars opine that the tax angle is Constitutional. Of course that is far from unanimous.

I would like to think that people have reacted to the CU decision, viscerally, knowing it was wrong, but I think if you offered a way to fix it and a lot other aspects of the corruption of good governance they would embrace it as well.

[-] 1 points by bensdad (8977) 11 years ago

"they" have been using the courts to build their power and wealth almost two centuries.
Please check out & comment:
[ especially the two documents on the last tab ]

Citizens United & Corporate Personhood Amendment


For a complete analysis of the amendment issue,
and the text of all amendments,
and a comparison of all of the amendments,
and the Citizens United case transcript,
and the Citizens United decision,
and the Buckley decision,
and analysis of corporate personhood,
and analysis of Article III,
and the ABC News poll,
and the PFAW poll,
and our voting bloc plan.

no password or signup
OWS Working Group: http://nycga.net/groups/restore-democracy


Wednesdays 5:30-7:30PM @ 60 Wall St – The Atrium

[-] 3 points by brightonsage (4494) 11 years ago

Yep, that addresses a small part of the problem alright.

[-] 1 points by letsdomore (89) 11 years ago

So if money is "free"speech. And, the richer you are the more money you have. Is the supreme court telling us that the richest people should have the most "free"speech?

[-] 1 points by bensdad (8977) 11 years ago

please go here and see what we are up against!

[-] 1 points by letsdomore (89) 11 years ago

I did not hear about that and neither did most people I would guess. It wouldn't surprise me if most citizens couldn't name their representitives.

Too much obfuscated activity is going on with legislation. It is very difficult for the average citizen to follow their representitives. Each citizen must become their own detective. Researching, then trying to decipher the intentionally convoluted legislation.

I think there should by quarterly "Report cards" given to each citizen covering each representitive. Compiled by a non-partisan entity. Being a concise but comprehensive report.

[-] 1 points by jrhirsch (4714) from Sun City, CA 11 years ago

"The amendment as filed resolves that both Congress and individual states shall have the power to regulate both the amount of contributions made directly to candidates for elected office and “the amount of expenditures that may be made by, in support of, or in opposition to such candidates.”

Many of the proposed amendments give the power to Congress to decide what limits should be placed on campaign spending. That is like putting the mafia in charge of regulating their own bootleg whiskey still. Regulation will never happen or continue to be a sham like it currently is!

Regulation needs to bypass Congress and be enacted by the people. If not by ballot, then by varied forms of civil disobedience directed toward all parts of the federal government.

[-] 4 points by bensdad (8977) 11 years ago

"Regulation needs to bypass Congress and be enacted by the people." What perecentage of Americans polled stand for this? Seriously - and with respect -
why do intelligent people like you waste their time and effort on pipedreams? impossible goals?
Seriously - and with respect

Why not WORK on what 80% of Americans already say they want?
Severing the flood of money into government. IT CAN BE DONE

[-] 1 points by jrhirsch (4714) from Sun City, CA 11 years ago

Thinking that Congress will cut off it's own supply of funds from corporate and other wealthy people is a pipe dream. It will never happen. The laws we now have are a facade, with no real tooth, as will any that come after.

An amendment is required to stop Citizens United and other laws that allow improper amounts of political spending. It must exclude Congress from exercising any power to regulate it's own political funding. The majority of amendments I have seen give Congress that power instead of taking it away. Why pass an amendment that will give the illusion of finance reform, but will not have any real effect?

The reality is that Congress cannot be trusted, it must be bypassed. They have opened the floodgates on spending. $1.5 billion raised so far in 2011-2012.


[-] 1 points by letsdomore (89) 11 years ago

We need to stop this perverse money fuelled election process. The following changes would greatly improve things:

  • public financing

  • term limits

  • 6 month campaign limit

  • the end of the two party system

  • a band on members of organizations with non-sovereign interests. such as: council on foreign relations, trilateral commission, etc. These people are very detrimental to our nation's sovereign interests. Members cannot run for elected office or have significant govt positions.

  • each voter gets a quarterly report card of their representitives in govt. This report would be by a non-partisan entity, being concise but comprehensive.

[-] 1 points by jrhirsch (4714) from Sun City, CA 11 years ago

I would be happy just to turn off the flow of money to start. Without that vital link broken, our power to accomplish any of the other remedy's you mention will be non existent.

[-] 1 points by letsdomore (89) 11 years ago

Definitely. Baby steps first. The list is meant to manifest just how far off course our corrupt politics really is. That's my short list and even that is a pipe dream.

[-] 1 points by letsdomore (89) 11 years ago

Ok, most of them

[-] 2 points by LeoYo (5909) 11 years ago

Ya know, I actually agree with this approach. That is, using money to get money out of politics. A 501 (c)(4) could be established for FreeDA. Ads would be run in areas featuring candidates who have signed FreeDA regardless of political affiliation. No money would go to any of their individual campaign ads. The ads would simply promote them in their non-partisan support of FreeDA.

[-] 2 points by jrhirsch (4714) from Sun City, CA 11 years ago

So let's use the same unjust weapon the 1% uses? Have you forgotten what Democracy is? An equal voice among all of the people, not drowned out by another groups excessive contributions.

Super pacs cross state lines too. Contributors in California can influence elections in Maine. Should 1000's of out of state Occupy supporters be able to do that? Weren't you against all of the out of state money that flowed into Wisconsin recently?

If we stand for anything it should be for fairness. To use the same tactics that the corrupt use make us just as corrupt.

[-] -1 points by letsdomore (89) 11 years ago

What democracy? Our political system is an illusion to make us think we are in control. It is no more real than a WWF wrestling match. What good is a democracy if by name only? Both parties fain conflict so that the public believes someone is fighting for them. I would say a weapon is only unjust if it's used for unjust reasons. As for "An equal voice among all the people" Does everyone own a fox news network to equally express their views? Please stop drinking so much kool aid. By the way, did our founding fathers fight fair when confronted by injustice? No, they used every devious tactic they could use to fight a stronger opponent. The 99% is constantly beat down with an onslaught of unjust resources. If our only method of resistance is to fight fair, there is no chance for us.

[-] 1 points by rpc972 (628) from Portland, OR 11 years ago

Your brain is an illusion!!

[-] 1 points by letsdomore (89) 11 years ago

Keep drinking the Kool-aid. Your eyelids are getting heavy, heavy again, heavy again, heavvy, heavvvy. Now go back to sleep, sleeep, sleeeepp....... snoooooze oooon. That's better.

[-] 3 points by VQkag2 (16478) 11 years ago

Don't you want to wake people up from the sleep? Are you against getting people informed and involved. How can we start undoing the conservative plutocratic policies that have screwed the 99%?

You do support OWS right? Did I misjudge you? Maybe you don't support the 99%. If so forgive me. My bad.

Elect progressives, Vote out conservatives.


[-] 1 points by letsdomore (89) 11 years ago

I'd like everyone to be awake, but those who divert the direction of progress are harming the cause.

The Injustice today is painful to witness. Once you break the code, it becomes so obvious just how much total control a few have over the masses.

The problem is at this point in human history is we're at a major epoch.The reason societies are collapsing all over the world is because the old industrial model for society is obsolete. Technology has replaced human labor beyond the tipping point. The old model can no longer sustain our society. Globalization has accelerated the curve that is putting economies into an irreversable collapse.

Things are occuring so fast that govt leaders can no longer conceal their control by the elite. They're outing themselves and have become bolder in adjusting govt and laws to protect the interests of the rich.

A completely different society must be engineered to replace the old industrial model. Technology is remapping our future. It's insulting to the Human ego but, Machines are superior to the human body, computers are superior to the human mind and artificial intelligence will soon be superior to human thinking.

There is a new path human race will soon have to take. Hopefully it's one where technology does not devalue humans as it's doing today, but values humans.It's disturbing to watch today as things seem to be getting set up only for the 1%'s interests. If us 99% don't right the future's course soon there will be more suffering to change things later.

[-] 3 points by VQkag2 (16478) 11 years ago

I can agree with that. I think also we must grow our movement. Bring people in! Not push them away. convince them of the correctness of our opinions.

We cannot convince people that "tech is devalueing them" by devalueing them ourselves! We need each other. We should treat each other as if we will be working together for a long time. The change you allude to, and that we need will not be overnight. It WILL take years. Lets start by committing to civil discussion even if we disagree.

Elect progressives, Vote out spineless dems who vote for right wing policies.


[-] 1 points by letsdomore (89) 11 years ago

I agree, it will take years. My only problem is we may not have years to take. Within the next decade 30,000 unmanned drones can be licensed to fly over U.S. skys. All the encroachments on citizens privacy rights continue to escalate. If it wasn't for relatively recent human leaders such as Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, etc it wouldn't be as worrying. If history has proven anything, it's that the most evil people eventually get the most power. There is a lot of injustice being promoted by leaders in the U.S. today. If enough injustice is established then it will be an short leap to outright evil.

[-] 2 points by VQkag2 (16478) 11 years ago

I certainly don't want the evil of hitler to visit anyone. I think then we must redouble our efforts at bringing people in to the movement in a civil respectful way.

Any disrespectful, insulting, offensive tactics will push people away.

It's verbal violence and we must remain non violence.


[-] 1 points by letsdomore (89) 11 years ago

Yes, redouble our efforts at least. That's why we must unite and get power behind our cause. Citizens united is a disgusting insult to equality in a democracy. But, those are the duelling weapons we.ve been handed. We must get a superpac and big money for our cause. If each of the 99% would contribute three dollars to a 99%'s superpac, that would approach 1 billion dollars. If that resulted in a honest govt, each dollar would come back a thousand fold.

[-] 3 points by VQkag2 (16478) 11 years ago

I agree. I believe all campaigns should be publicly funded. Until then I would not unilaterally disarm. Use the superpacs if it is legal. Take money from anyone. Just don't trade any favors for the money. 3 bucks from everyone is great because it doesn't become a bribe.

I think the superpac should work to get public campaign funding certainly, and public health care option, Glass steagle, middle class debt forgiveness, expanded Pell grants, and much more.

Good luck. I'm with you.

[-] 1 points by letsdomore (89) 11 years ago

Agree on all your points across the board.

[-] 1 points by jrhirsch (4714) from Sun City, CA 11 years ago

"Democracy is an illusion" is a statement I totally agree with. When money buys an unequal voice in it's affairs, Democracy does not exist. A wealthy person's political ideology that masquerades as a news network is a clear example of what unfair speech is and should not be tolerated. It is the antithesis of Democracy.

Fighting injustice by using the same unjust methods the wealthy and corporate interests do is wrong. To paraphrase Ghandi, "We should not become the corruption we wish to see in the world", we should be the change that prevents that corruption from spreading.

What devious tactics did the founding fathers use?

[-] 1 points by letsdomore (89) 11 years ago

This by no means is a criticism of our founding fathers. The truth is they did not conduct warfare consistent with that era's protocols. Use of snipers. The guerrilla tactics used after the battle of lexington and concord, The revolution's southern campaign hit and run raiding of the british positions and resouce supplies.
During the battle of Trenton, on the early morning of Dec 26, Washington attacked the drunken Hessians who were celebrating the holidays.
Let's be honest, the USA would not be if they had to face the British army only using "fair" tactics. As for Ghandi, today in the U.S. he would probably be pepper sprayed, beat up by the police, labeled a terrorist and thrown into a prison cell next to Bradley Manning. Never to be heard from again.

[-] 0 points by jrhirsch (4714) from Sun City, CA 11 years ago

By the standards of today, is using a super pac a devious tactic? Most people here would agree it is. And most would not support it.

Ghandi would protest and disobey, be jailed and beaten here, but he would never form a super pac.

[-] 1 points by letsdomore (89) 11 years ago

I wish everyday we could all go skipping through the park with a pretty girl picking daisies. Unfortunately we are in a serious fight against some unscrupulous people. Besides, I don't think using money to fight for good is something bad. Today it is estimated that 137,000 Americans a year die from not having healthcare. A huge number of our leaders are fighting to keep it that way! That's pure evil. There is plenty more evil out there. By all means let's use devious tactics to fight it. Money can be used for good too.

[-] -1 points by Groupthink5 (-21) 11 years ago

An unresponsive creaking bureaucracy and rationing would kill more.

[-] 1 points by rpc972 (628) from Portland, OR 11 years ago

You're all using the same talking points (TPs).

I smell trolls!!!

[-] 0 points by letsdomore (89) 11 years ago

Take a shower then.

[-] 0 points by jrhirsch (4714) from Sun City, CA 11 years ago

It's called common sense. I guess Ghandi was a troll to.

[-] 2 points by rpc972 (628) from Portland, OR 11 years ago

By all means let's fight fire with fire. Hell I'm for fighting it with Neutron Bombs!

Get out the Vote!! No more Cons!!

[-] 0 points by letsdomore (89) 11 years ago

Yeah, they don't want to play patty cakes. Look what happened in the Seattle raid. They're just getting started. We've only seen their baby steps so far. NDAA, Fema camps, Executive orders, planning 30,000 surveillance drones with infra-red, Militarized police forces. , Ghandi didn't have to face all this. Today the police would bitch slap Ghandi and throw him in a cell next to Bradly Manning. All to save us from terrorism of course.

  • in 2001 we were told to fear foreign terrorists.

  • today we're told to fear domestic terrorists.

  • soon we will fear the terriorists running our govt.

[-] 1 points by rpc972 (628) from Portland, OR 11 years ago

The system is flawed because Big $ controls it! We the People have ceded it to them by encouraged abandonment, neglect and ignorance!!!

No, We the People "aren't aware." Learning that "nothing works" and Voting "makes no difference" is the brainwash swill Big $ wants us to believe! Is this your naivete or deception? Either way it's DEAD WRONG!!

Orwell's "Newspeak" and "Doublethink" are in full operation.

This jerk is definitely a Big Part of the Problem!!

Get out the Vote, people!! If it didn't matter these bastards wouldn't be trying soooo fucking hard to suppress it!! And they will stop at nothing!!!

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Re; soon we will fear the terriorists running our govt.

I think that would be the corpoRATions - and they seem to have a pretty good grip on government at the moment.

[-] 1 points by captcha42 (54) 11 years ago

It would be great to screw with Obama and Romney. Have a superpac run a liberal candidate against Obama. Then run a Conservative candidate against Romney. Run them heavy in "up for grabs" swing states. Who cares if our "other party" candidates only get 3-6% of the vote.That will be enough to change history. They're both puppets so who cares.

Both are willing to screw over the American people, so why not screw with them.

[-] 1 points by LeoYo (5909) 11 years ago

A professional web news channel, something like 'Occupy News' sounds great.

Instead of more PACs that add to an already bad anti-democratic problem, consider http://occupywallst.org/forum/its-a-pyramid-damnit/ which takes us in the opposite direction.

[-] 1 points by captcha42 (54) 11 years ago

I'm waiting. Where are our new Superpacs?

[-] 1 points by letsdomore (89) 11 years ago

Can we count on any help from you?

[-] 1 points by freewriterguy (882) 11 years ago

another idea, is to consecrate all our goods, money and property to a church that we form, so that all our money and land becomes tax free, and then as each member is a equal coowner, we redistribute all that we make to help take care of ourselves, and f the government!

[-] 1 points by captcha42 (54) 11 years ago

So we don't have to be church go'ers then, right? because we will be the church? Actually the whole country will be one big church, right? OK, I have no problem with that.

[-] 1 points by letsdomore (89) 11 years ago

Keep it serious people!

[-] 1 points by captcha42 (54) 11 years ago

I got a better idea. Finland has the #1 ranked govt in the world. The U.S. govt is ranked #28 (on a good day). Here's the plan. OWS sneaks into Finland and kidnaps the finnish govt(don't worry, it's easy, the Finns sleep great knowing they have the best run country in the world). Then we kick our currupt govt off capitol shill and put Finland's govt in their place. The USA will finally have the best govt in the world running things. Great jobs, great healthcare, great retirement plan, great future, great schools, etc. I'm just saying.

[-] 1 points by bobjr508atyahoocom (22) from Nantucket, MA 11 years ago

this is exactly my line of thought. I suggest we study for the series 7 stockbrokers exam, hook a sweet job on wall st. and become an internal parasite or a virus.


[-] 1 points by letsdomore (89) 11 years ago

After the fall of the USSR these organizations can now pursue unopposed global aspirations. They're using the resources of our sovereign nation to destroy our nations future and we're just along for the ride. We stand by and watch as they drain our wealth with unfunded wars and transfer our industrial base under the guise of free trade.

[-] 1 points by richardkentgates (3269) 11 years ago

The discussion of inequality has crept into the news cycle, despite the lack of Occupy coverage. If Occupy were to end right this second, it did what it set out to do. It made people comfortable in challenging the 1% and admitting to their financial or social disposition, in the face of patriotic rhetoric and fact-free media. Every day that Occupy is still protesting is one more day of victory.

[-] 1 points by letsdomore (89) 11 years ago

Yes but it's muted in it's effect. The msm poses the condition of inequality as if it is a futile inevitability. They also have misrepresented the traits of ows members ,as lazy, frustrated campers who are jealous of the hard working elite job creators. They have diverted public support making osw unpalatable to the general public.

[-] 1 points by richardkentgates (3269) 11 years ago

So people that have begun discussing how they are getting screwed are suddenly going to change their minds and think "Letting some douchebag takes the lions share of profit from my labor while I can't even buy shoes for my kid isn't so bad after all"?

[-] 1 points by letsdomore (89) 11 years ago

Definitely. They have been controlling public perceptions for generations. They can steer public opinion around a formula 1 race track. Those who own the media, own the people's minds. As long as they spin things the right way, people will thank them for not letting things be worse. How do you think they can get a struggling public that would be benefitted to save for their future, give it all back to the 1%'s institutions. It's like an old cotton mill town.

  • mortgage bill/rent
  • car payment
  • food bill -credit cards -educational loans -electric bill -gas bill -water bill -house insurance -car insurance -life insurance -health insurance -income tax -fed payroll tax -state payroll tax -local payroll tax -property tax -school tax -association fees -social security tax -medicare tax -unemployment tax -disability tax -sales tax -gas tax -vehicle registration tax -toll road tax -telephone tax -bank fees -land of the free tax, etc,etc,etc
[-] 1 points by captcha42 (54) 11 years ago

Fear is the biggest motivator for humans. You can always fear something worse than you're fearing now. Every time I watch "The dog whisperer", I image the elite having think tanks with "human whisperers". Experts just Sitting around a big table figuring out how to train the people for the next big problem.

[-] 2 points by letsdomore (89) 11 years ago

quote: "Do we have a free press today? Sure. It's free to report all the sex scandals, all the stock market news, every new health fad that comes down the pike. But when it comes to real down and dirty stuff -such stories are not even up for discussion" John Kelly, ABC producer.

[-] 1 points by letsdomore (89) 11 years ago

I can match that and raise you ten.

[-] 1 points by Builder (4202) 11 years ago

My suggestions would be, find out who is funding Al Jazeera news, and the RT news channel, and request a daily/weekly press spot. Seek a delegate from every current #ows group, for a national summit, to see where the movement is actually heading, state by state. Ask for funding from all of the union movements that previously supported this movement.

More to come, as I think of it.

Oh, and one focus point would be, use the current "crisis" in Greece and Spain as an example of what happens when the IMF takes control of your country, and does the clearance sale/privatization, of all the country's assetts. It won't be long before there is nothing left to sell, and the payments are in default again.

[-] 1 points by letsdomore (89) 11 years ago

Sounds good. It would be nice to have specialized departments with dedicated experts. Have focused, comprehensive reports the msm can;t discredit and the public can trust. There is so much dirt to expose on the 1%, once the public can trust in something good, look out.

[-] 1 points by captcha42 (54) 11 years ago

Finally someone has a good idea !
I have $20 burning a hole in my pocket. Count me in.

[-] 0 points by captcha42 (54) 11 years ago

You may have come to the wrong place to get support for a superpac or political action. Have you ever thought that maybe ows was designed and instigated by the 1% from behind the scenes? Build a limited movement that stops short of significant change. Anarchists have never gotten anywhere in history. It is the perfect formula bound to fail. No leaders, no political involvement, no traction with the public. A perfect movement that ends in failure.

[-] 2 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 11 years ago

we all moving so damn slowly

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Actually when you consider how TPTB are working against the Occupy movements - we are moving along fairly well.

[-] 1 points by letsdomore (89) 11 years ago

Why would the 1% want to start a movement that fights against them?

[-] 0 points by captcha42 (54) 11 years ago

The powers that be my have known that the public was going to eventually boil over with all the s**t they are pulling. So they decided to beat them to the punch. Start a movement they can control and let the people blow off some steam. It also proves to the people that fighting against the establishment is hopeless.

[-] 2 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 11 years ago

change is inevitable

[-] 3 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

So lets try to see that it is good.

[-] 1 points by letsdomore (89) 11 years ago

OK, so all these people are going to conspire to camp out in freezing cold parks, Then get beat up, pepper sprayed and arrested by the cops. They are not the 1%. What motovatiion would they have to go through all that and get nothing?

[-] 0 points by captcha42 (54) 11 years ago

Not at all. I bet 99% of them are genuine. Most people who get caught up in a conspiracy are not complicit. Who knows, but let's just say truthers are onto something. I would imagine all the terrorists involved in 9/11 were suckers. The powers that be could have theoretically come up with the idea. Bankrolled it and planted the idea surreptitiously within the terrorist hierarchy. The terrorist believe they came up with 9/11. But, when you look at the outcome TPTB were able to exploit so much more from the 99% than would otherwise have been possible.

[-] 1 points by letsdomore (89) 11 years ago

Say hello to Alice.

[-] 1 points by letsdomore (89) 11 years ago

How did we get into 9/11 truthers?

[-] 1 points by captcha42 (54) 11 years ago

We're not. That is just an example of how little involvement is needed to start a conspiracy. Hell, our whole world is a conspiracy! The 1% have set the conspiracy up and the other 99% of us are unwilling/unknowing participants. The govt is bought and paid for. The Fed prints our money and burys the nation in debt. The rest of the 99% are made into debt slaves. Now the 1% want the 99% to work till they drop dead. Retirement at 80 if you leave it up to the 1%.

[-] 0 points by rpc972 (628) from Portland, OR 11 years ago

Like Stephen Colbert did!!! The 1% have all the money.

We should also set up a Lib/Prog "ALEC" as in the Congressional Progressive Caucus: http://cpc.grijalva.house.gov/the-progressive-promise/

Center for American Progress | Progressive Ideas for a Strong, Just, and Free America: http://www.americanprogress.org/

We, Most of All, Need to Get Out the VOTE!!

(Excerpt) "The (Political) system is flawed because Big $ controls it! We the People have ceded it to them by encouraged abandonment, neglect and ignorance!!!

"No, We the People "aren't aware." Learning that "nothing works" and Voting "makes no difference" is the brainwash swill Big $ wants us to believe! Is this your naivete or deception? Either way it's DEAD WRONG!!

"Orwell's "Newspeak" and "Doublethink" are in full operation.

"Get out the Vote, people!! If it didn't matter, these bastards wouldn't be trying soooo fucking hard to suppress it!! And they will stop at nothing!!!"

[-] 0 points by betuadollar (-313) 11 years ago

What are you talking about? These PACs already exist, why not just write them a check instead of seeking funds here?

[-] 1 points by letsdomore (89) 11 years ago

Thanks Einstein for all your detailed information. Now go watch TV. Your favorite program is on. Sponge Bob, square-pants.