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Forum Post: WARNING from Wayne Madsen on attempted takover of Occupy movement

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 8, 2011, 11:22 p.m. EST by EndTheFedNow (692)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Wall Street and London hedge fund tycoon George Soros sent a signal to his minions and infiltrators when he stated that he sympathized with the Occupy Wall Street movement. Soros's statement dovetailed with David Plouffe, President Obama's Senior Adviser, making contact with certain newly-minted "leaders" of the "Occupy" movement across the United States to ensure that they are as politically-manipulated by the White House as a vast majority of "Tea Party" members have been manipulated by senior Republican Party officials and the billionaire Koch Brothers.

Essentially, Soros and the Koch Brothers have ensured that the anti-corporate state movement in the United States, represented by the Democratic and Republican parties, remains split between artificially-created "left" and "right" camps and fractures into even smaller competing blocs within the two major camps.

The "divide and conquer" strategy is frustrating real attempts to mobilize the American people against Wall Street and lobbyist-occupied Washington.

Plouffe and his operatives want to ensure that the "Occupy" street protests generically call for "jobs," "public education," "Social Security," "health care," and the "environment," as long as they do not take on an anti-Obama tone. Essentially, protesters can call for "jobs," and the Soros-funded manipulators will claim on the slight-expanding main stream media coverage of the "Occupy" protests that the protesters want the Congress to approve Obama's jobs bill. When the protesters call for "health care for all," the Soros opinion manipulators will tell the main stream media that the protesters are against any repeal of "Obamacare."

This campaign to infiltrate the "Occupy" movement has all the fingerprints of Cass Sunstein, the head of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. Sunstein has pioneered in the use of social networking and media technologies to engage in "cognitive infiltration" of anti-government movements. Now that the White House and Soros are engaged in joint damage control, Sunstein's policies are being applied throughout the main stream and social media. One meme that has been spread is that the protesters lack "goals" and a "single voice."

Gawker.com is reporting that now entering the scene is the top-shelf Manhattan public relations firm Workhouse Publicity, whose clients include Saks Fifth Avenue and Mercedes-Benz, hardly firms that would sympathize with unemployed protesters, which has pro bono started to send out press releases to the corporate media on behalf of the "Occupy" movement.

At the progressive Democratic "Take Back the American Dream" conference in Washington, the "Occupy" movement was being hailed by many of the same groups that are funded, some to almost 100 percent, by Soros and his affiliated tax-free contrivances, including the Open Society Institute/Foundation and Tides Foundation. WMR learned that Plouffe was in contact with many of the organizations involved in the progressive conference to ensure that anti-Obama rhetoric was tamped down. The move succeeded with anti-Obama feelings only being discussed by union and other activist rank-and-file attendees and not by any of the speakers who represented such Soros-supported conference sponsors as Center for American Progress, Media Matters,MoveOn.org, and Netroots Nation.

Soros, working with the Obama White House, has called into service veterans of popular movement catalytic and infiltration movements, including "themed revolution" and social media uprisings, in Egypt, Tunisia, Syria, Libya, Iran, Ukraine, Serbia, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, Lebanon and other countries. The "Arab Spring" backfired on Soros and his allies because the infiltrators could not guarantee the majority of the protesters would be pro-West, pro-capitalist, and ambivalent on Israel.

The major marching orders for these infiltrators is to take over the "leadership vacuum" of the "Occupy" movement and steer it into voicing support for Obama's pro-Wall Street policies without the protesters, themselves, unaware that they are supporting the status quo. The strategy is to ensure that no new and unrecognized leaders appear from within the movement, whether from union or political rank-and-file ranks. Leaders who are not already known quantities and who might resist control by political and financial interests will be eclipsed by those who have been on the Soros payroll for years.

The only way for the Occupy movement to ensure its independence is to begin fashioning protest signs that read: "SOROS IS WALL STREET!"and "OBAMA - OWNED AND OPERATED BY WALL STREET!"

Cont., http://allthingscynthiamckinney.posterous.com/updates-on-life



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[-] 2 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago

The above is EXTREMELY important information and I earnestly hope it will be discussed in depth by the leadership and/or the General Assemblies.

ALL attempts will be made to SABOTAGE this movement, some grossly obvious and others much more subtle and devious. Expect the latter especially from the Obama White House.

Obama himself is a master manipulator and he is surrounded by Mafia. Says who? Says spiritual teacher Deepak Chopra, a former admirer of the President who said a few days ago that he was "disappointed by his actions" and exclaimed: "OBAMA IS SURROUNDED BY MAFIA!"

When a calm, self-possessed man like Chopra uses such strong language, you can be sure there is something very, VERY rotten indeed in the state of the current administration. I say this with sadness, as a former admirer of Obama: at the present time, this man may well be ENEMY NO 1 of the OWS Movement.

[-] 1 points by EndTheFedNow (692) 13 years ago

"Obama dances to Goldman Sachs' tune"


At the top, there is no difference between the two parties. They all serve one master - the international bankster cabal.

[-] 1 points by pissedoffconstructionworker (602) 13 years ago

I for one would like to see a lot more anti-Obama signage at OWS and that's speaking as a guy who voted for him. If this amazing thing we have going gets channeled into Democratic Party hackery the way the Teabag Party got corralled by the GOP, it's doomed.

[-] 1 points by Candyce2011 (73) from Douglas City, CA 13 years ago

Please keep in mind that Soros and Obama are not some distant figures trying to manipulate this movement from afar. There will be people within the movement, people who will most likely be prominent in organizing the movement, who will try to guide the movement in the direction Soros and Obama want it to go. The only way to combat this is to NOT BE A SHEEP, stay as informed as possible on all relevant topics, and make sure your opinion is always your own and not be afraid to voice it.

[-] 1 points by EndTheFedNow (692) 13 years ago

Agreed, and I think the Madsen piece says the same. They'll send out their minions (and already have). If you see anyone from an NGO, run away!

[-] 1 points by JollyD (15) 13 years ago

A little over the top dude but I sympathize with your call for caution against being co-oped.

Keep the pressure up. OccupyWallSt will lead Obama into action or he will be defeated in November.

Occupy Wall St and Throw the Bums out of Washington.

BTW: Does anyone regret not voting for Nader yet?!

[-] 1 points by EndTheFedNow (692) 13 years ago

I voted for Nader in 2004 and Ron Paul in 2008. I have no regrets other than their not winning, lol.

Obama isn't going to be moved to any kind of action that is remotely associated with freedom for We the People. My God, the only job he had before community organizing was working for a CIA front company. The dangerous part is that he's so charming, affable, and slick. He can easily BS a lot of people who will believe his act. He's done it before and they swooned and fainted.

[-] 1 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago

"The dangerous part is that he's so charming, affable, and slick."

Yes! He has a talent for making people - even the Nobel Committee - idolize him. No wonder he likes Reagan: he an actor and a crafty manipulator just like him.

Barack Obama may actually be a very sick man. According to Dr. Sam Vaknin, he is a NARCISSIST. That would certainly explain a lot of things... Go to http://samvak.tripod.com/obama.html and scroll down.

[-] 1 points by thoreau42 (595) 13 years ago

Or Ron Paul? I'm surprised that so many people can complain about problems, problems Dr Paul has attempted or at least expressed an interest in solving in the manner lots of people think about, but then peeps don't vote for him. You can't have liberty and government control at the same time..

[-] 1 points by LetsGetReal (1420) from Grants, NM 13 years ago

I did vote for Nader. I wanted sooo much to be wrong about Obama, but I wasn't.

[-] 1 points by LetsGetReal (1420) from Grants, NM 13 years ago


Great idea for a protest sign. :)

I dropped out of the occupy movement when I saw the union and moveon endorsements. It is pretty obvious what is happening.

[-] 1 points by unitedunions (13) 13 years ago

Obama blew his chance of getting my vote in 2012, I didn't trust him in 08 because I assumed he had to have big money behind him if a young black lawyer named Barrack Obama could get elected with all the mid-east turmoil going on. I will not vote for him in 2012 because he has proven I assumed right in 2008.

[-] 1 points by OccupyThinkTank (6) 13 years ago

No. That's just being silly. We WANT the President to join the movement if even in just the small way of saying he sympathizes with it. It doesn't mean he is infiltrating anything. It means that he sees something good in the movement, like many other people of varied interests and passions who are making it grow and maybe he likes some parts of it better than others. That's no different from anyone else, even if he is different from everyone else.

[-] 1 points by EndTheFedNow (692) 13 years ago

The President works for corporations and banksters, not us. Need I remind you that we are now at war with Libya?! Uh, no thanks, I don't need establishment war mongers and bankster puppets sympathizing with any movement I'm a part of. If you do, go join Obama 2012.

[-] 1 points by LetsGetReal (1420) from Grants, NM 13 years ago

I don't give a damn what Obama says. He is great at telling us what we want to hear to distract us from what he DOES.

His actions & inactions tell the truth about his loyalties.

[-] 1 points by CharlieMagleid (16) 13 years ago

This Movie should be watched by as many people as possible I am working on making this link go viral I would like you to watch it and if you agree Pass it to everyone you Know or meet and ask them to do the same http://ethosthemovie.com/

[-] 1 points by wavefreak58 (134) 13 years ago

So if no persons or entities currently in power can be trusted, how can change be invoked? Who is left to run the machine? Do you suppose they'll let us drive if we ask nicely?

[-] 1 points by EndTheFedNow (692) 13 years ago

Dennis Kucinich can be trusted. Ron Paul can be trusted AND he's running for president. It's not completely hopeless - yet!

[-] 1 points by maureen (19) from Novato, CA 13 years ago

What do you think of Bernie Sanders?

[-] 1 points by EndTheFedNow (692) 13 years ago

For many years/congresses, Ron Paul has introduced legislation to audit the Fed. For nearly 20 years, his efforts went nowhere - until the TARP bailout. Right after that, hundreds of co-sponsors signed on and the house passed his bill. In the senate, Bernie Sanders was the main force who KILLED that bill by amending it to only allow an audit of special actions, like the TARP bailout. It was a terrible betrayal to all of us. The one audit that we did get revealed the Fed passed out TRILLIONS to not just American corporations and banks but to European banks. The Fed desperately does not want any more audits because it puts their further existence in jeopardy. So, Bernie Sanders helped the banks more than he helped us by screwing with legislation that would have given us unlimited instead of a limited audit of the Fed. The Fed is the spoke of the wheel. There is no reining in Wall Street if we can't even look at the books of the Fed!!! And, all of those loans they passed out were done by inflating the dollar, making us all poorer and deeper in debt to the international banksters.

[-] 1 points by FuManchu (619) 13 years ago

check out the post about the link OWS and Soros in another thread on this forum http://occupywallst.org/forum/big-soros-money-acorn-obama-behind-grassroots-occu/

[-] 0 points by one (11) 13 years ago

There is no leadership vacuum in the Occupation because we do not have or want leaders. If Mr. Soros wanted to come to an Occupation, he would come as a private individual....

The politicians of both sides, the corporate media and the trolls are continuing their attempts to define the Occupation as democratic or leftists or some such nonsense. That is ridiculous.

The Occupation is non-partisan. I would encourage any republicans reading this to go to a local Occupation and participate. (Also any democrats, independents, or people who have never voted.) All of you are the 99%.

[-] 1 points by EndTheFedNow (692) 13 years ago

Soros won't be coming but his minions will. Count on it. The tea parties got hijacked and we can't underestimate the lust for power and control by establishment forces. Just stay on guard!

[-] 1 points by one (11) 13 years ago

Interesting. Have you ever met Mr. Soros or had any dealings with him?

The tea party absolutely got hijacked. And we can't underestimate the lust for power and control by establishment forces.

Your voice needs to be heard. Join an Occupation and talk to people about your ideas with the Fed. A lot of people agree with you. I talked to some of them earlier tonight at my Occupation meeting. (I don't agree; I think reinstating Glass Steagall will fix things, but I am willing to listen as I am sure people at your local group will be. Best of luck.

[-] 1 points by EndTheFedNow (692) 13 years ago

For a better understanding of why the Fed needs to be abolished (not all at once) read Ron Paul's END THE FED. Also, The Money Masters, on Youtube, is very good. Glass-Steagal is good but it's not enough. We need a return to constitutional money (which also restores our privacy).

No, I haven't met Soros. We don't travel in the same circles, lol.

[-] 0 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

stay lucid, and stay centered. obama and both the democratic and republican parties are enemies of this movement and we must replace every single major office in the USA with somebody not owned by the oligarchy, by somebody whos actually for the people and lucid rather than promoting ideology.

to get serious requires a few things they don't have. like chat admins who aren't ego serving propaganda tools, a wiki, 1001 sub forums, an actual game plan, a straight up political platform... you know.. basic organizational things sane people do BEFORE protesting.. like figure out a diplomacy and logic centered metaprocess to give their chatadmins so that they don't really just drive out even more people than the trolls. Adminatrolla. trollaAdmin. Whats the difference to somebody whos got the truth facing a propaganda tool abusing admin powers to push their agenda? how can you prevent such a thing? Metaprocess. did i mention metaprocess? and science diplomacy science psychology science sociology and all those textbooks to read B4 protesting?

you can't have capitalism without a free(SLAVE) market. but you can have a free market without capitalism. And thats strangely the only way it CAN work.

Marketing 101 was fascinating. I admit thats a lot less than a bachelors but its sure more than enough to see whats really going on given the other things I know. Capitalism is not the problem since it does not exist. corporate oligarchy is the problem. capitalism has never been tried. I am a democracy guy. in order for real democracy to function a free market system is required. Thats not capitalism. thats a free market system. there is a subtle difference there which most people would miss. I will again repeat. Neither capitalism nor marxism nor communism nor socialism has ever existed. All of those governments were oligarchy pretending to be something as a con scam. Telling that simple truth gets one banned out of the Chat by either a capitalist or a socialist whos pissed you just said their pet ideology isn't real. It isn't. anybody who thinks that it is is accidentally playing for team corporate oligarchy as a tool. the ONLY system worth talking about is DEMOCRACY. how democracy HANDLES a FREE MARKET system is dynamic and interesting and NOT capitalism.

o. yes. no. yes. what? making change is not reliant on changing the money system one tenth as much as it is on changing the informational ecology. Going to a gold standard as an idea is a proof of ignorance, not a solution. Really the end game is we evolve out of money. To do that we evolve first new currencies and new economic strategies. this leads to economic singularity in about 50 years. If everyone is a millionaire how much you get depends on exactly the material valuation of that money. Which is to say that by the time money becomes obsolete everyone will live like the current millionaire. Tangible items to other tangible items? the real economy is about ideas, change the ideas and everything changes. the problem with the tangible economy is it does not change; its a static reality. you can't make a meaningful gold standard with only enough gold to represent on millionth of the economy. You can make a purely imaginal money system work; but it has to be subject to moral and ethical laws. This is about pinning down those moral and ethical laws and implementing them in new currencies; not trying to imagine a control freak impossible non solution because of the simplicity with which you go about thinking over the problem.

once again. there has never been a socialist or capitalist economy. in all instances such nations were oligarchies. using a mask and a con scam and telling their dupes and pwns that they were something other than oligarchy. the big hump to get over is that the USA oligarchy and the Soviet oligarchy are in on this lie against the rest of us TOGETHER. Neither of them was ever anything other than an oligarchy. both claimed some other system in order to have US fight over the ideals of THAT system while they secretly shafted us all playing a completely different game.



[-] 0 points by taxbax (159) 13 years ago
