Forum Post: War Hawks in government. Who are these guys?
Posted 9 years ago on May 20, 2015, 6:53 p.m. EST by DKAtoday
from Coon Rapids, MN
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Ex-CIA briefer: Bush administration presented false 'intelligence' to the nation
Many will try to say that it is the democratic party who are the war Hawks.
Gee I wonder who would do that?
They of course provide no proof - they just say that it is so.
Kinda like that speaker fellow that always blames his parties actions on the democrats.
Who you say?
Well if your serious in asking that the following may help:
House passes Defense spending bill Obama plans veto possible government shutdown
Adam Smith (WA) is concerned about a government shutdown. "All I am saying is we should ... in the end a deal was reached to increase defense spending and appeasing GOP hawks, using the Pentagon War Fund …
Iraq War Supporters Run For The Hills
**Truly Disappointing**
George W. Bush’s Iraq War Hawks Dismayed By Jeb’s Dithering
Jeb Bush declares 'ISIS didn't exist when my brother was president,' gets mugged by reality
The GOP Is Campaigning for George W. Bush’s Third Term
budget hawks, deal-making Senate compromisers vs ... Big Government for the duration— for neither an offensive nor a defensive war can be waged, given our present government skills, except through the instrument of …
A flock of GOP hawks try out their presidential wings seem to want to hear about the war against Islamic terrorism; all those red-meat lines drew whoops and cheers. A Wall Street Journal-NBC News poll this month found that when Americans are asked what problems the government should address, most …
Wants to light his hair on fire ( I guess )
America gonna get attacked again - more boots on the ground please
Senators John McCain (R-AZ) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) on the Fall of Ramadi Senators John Mccain (R-AZ) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) accuse President Obama of losing the war in Iraq following news that the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) has taken control of Ramadi, a city 70 miles from Baghdad.
WATCH: Hagel And McCain Have Testy Exchange Over Iraq Surge
Then there is :
I may never have called for war (yet) - but I am guilty of continuing the indiscriminate killing of Civilians in My continuation and expansion of the drone war - so continuing a policy of crimes against humanity - all the while while I have repeatedly called for the end of US involvement in Iraq - where the USA should never have invaded in the 1st place for the stated reasons (lies) given.
Why didn't you put a picture of Obama up there? He's killing people, many of whom are innocent kids, just about everyday with his drone strikes?
No problem - I will do so - but the whole idea is presenting those who continually call for war.
President Obama's continuation and expansion of the Drone war and the subsequent indiscriminate killing of innocent civilians "is" a crime against Humanity and started prior to his 1st term in office when he inherited G.W.B.'s wars.
Whether he really means it or not Obama (war criminal) has been calling for the end of US involvement in the middle east wars. That is not true of the war hawks who are calling for an escalation of US involvement including putting more boots on the ground as well as upping the air strikes.
Great if you put up a picture of Obama on your thread, but being an apologist for him, and implying that War and killing innocent people is out of his hands, and the fault of Republicans alone is diishonset!
Now will you put up a picture of Sanders on the top because, he is infamous for speaking out of both sides of his mouth as most so-called liberal Democrats do, and his checkered voting record ensures that he can be both a War monger and a peace advocate simulataneously. He does support the F-35 and has voted for funding War many times. And he was 0ne of 100 Senators who gave his unalloyed support to Israel when it was committing gencide against the people in Gaza.
I put up the picture of Obama the commiter of crimes against humanity.
There is no reason to put Bernie on the list and you damned well know it. He has never called for war.
The only one talking out of both sides of their mouth right now is You.
Show your proof for the accusations you make. Because currently no one should trust you or your buddies as far as they could throw the Washington monument.
I have been giving Obama just deserved shit for selling out for years now.
Fuck Off
You got a thing for Schumer because he is not for the people? Well you should know - as he is a New York product.
You planning on doing anything about getting him out of office? Or are you just gonna piss and moan.
I know damned well that there are people in office that call themselves democrat - that have absolutely no care at all for the people - I have gone on record many times saying just that - and I have said that they must be removed from office just the same as the rethuglicans have to be removed from office.
So shut the fuck up with your lies already. Get busy and get your New York population united to remove the evil from office.
Kicking off from the war hawk conference - another PBS news hour segment - Shields and Gerson on GOP’s Patriot Act rift, Islamic State’s victories
Ex-CIA briefer: Bush administration presented false 'intelligence' to the nation
On Iraq: W.W.J.H.D.? (What Would Jeb Have Done?)
Is it just me, or does attacking Libya and Syria seem pretty hawkish? I mean, what is more hawkish than actually attacking a country? Attacking multiple ones?
Well no administration has dropped more bombs on more countries than this current one, our wonderful peace prize winner.
Lying us into Vietnam and millions of deaths might be just a tad hawkish? No?
There is a very slight chance that nuking two cities may come off as a tad bit hawkish to some.
Republicans tell their voters they need to be hawkish because the world is terrifying, and its in their best interest. And then attack at will.
Democrats tell their voters they are about peace and they are the good guys. And then attack at will.
Dem and Rep voters: The dumbest fuckers in the room.
Attacking Libya and Syria would be a good start.
Reinvading Iraq maybe?
The ongoing bombins of Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen and Sudan perhaps?
See how easy it is to fool Democrats. You just smile when talking about "limited connetic actions blah blah blah" and then blast the shit out of someone, the Dem voters just gobble it up.
Or we could go with Vietnam, that wasn't too hawkish, nah.
Or nuking two cities by that wonderful Dem Truman. Real humanitarian there.
If we go any further back in the Dem party, we get into the KKK timeline of the party, probably don't want to go there.
All hail Senator Byrd.
Dem and Rep supporters- the biggest political hacks in the nation.
21st track "(All we have is rhetoric)"
We hope that that is enough to get you to agree to do nothing.
OH - but we don't mind if while taking no action to take control of government in a legal manner - that you go out and legally protest how shitty things are and get beaten up and arrested (illegally) by the cops.
If you protest often enough while taking no political action to take control of government - we fully expect that martial law could be called down upon you.
But HEY - that's OK with Us - because we are all about supporting the 1%er status-quo. How better can we protect that then by getting you all to do nothing in the political arena in your state or for your federal representation.
You don't know what the fuck you are talking about or you are speaking double speak - lets let the readers (no - not your stinkle team buddies) decide for them selves:
Do you even know WTF a neocon is? Look at the rethuglicans in office - and if that can't help educate you - maybe this might help:
Neoconservatism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
excerpt: Neoconservatism is a political movement born in the United States during the 1960s. Many of its adherents rose to political fame during the Republican presidential administrations of the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s and 2000s. Neoconservatives peaked in influence during the presidency of George W. Bush, George H W Bush and Tony Blair, when they played a major role in promoting and planning the invasion of Iraq.[1] Prominent neoconservatives in the Bush administration included Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, John Bolton, Elliott Abrams, Richard Perle, and Paul Bremer.
Get an education and try to open your eyes and see the world around you as it really is. Sorry - I know you already can see the world around you - the sad point being - that - you have chosen to support the 1%.
Still there are a lot more people who read this forum than there are on it.l So what is said here is important. This is not all we got though, as you know. Yes, I do think that 'he' (?) has been flushed out (no double double entendre meant ;-) for being a real neocon. He does not like that word though, so maybe a supporter of, The Democratic Criminal Elite would be more apropos, and acceptable to 'him'.
You and the rest of your 1% supporting stinkle teamers are as dumb as a box of rocks.
neocon = rethuglican
1.1.5 Neoconservatives#Neoconservatives)
Prominent neoconservatives include former U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney, former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, former U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, former Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Douglas J. Feith, former UN Ambassador John R. Bolton, Senators John McCain, Lindsey Graham, and Marco Rubio, Congressman Peter King, and pundits Charles Krauthammer, William Kristol, and David Frum.
More specious aspersions (shit tossing) from turd-o-charger.
What a surprise!
As turd-o-charger continues his stinkle teaming ways while from time to time crying piteously for his lost "silent gang down voting" ability.
Do you even know WTF a neocon is? Look at the rethuglicans in office - and if that can't help educate you - maybe this might help:
Neoconservatism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
excerpt: Neoconservatism is a political movement born in the United States during the 1960s. Many of its adherents rose to political fame during the Republican presidential administrations of the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s and 2000s. Neoconservatives peaked in influence during the presidency of George W. Bush, George H W Bush and Tony Blair, when they played a major role in promoting and planning the invasion of Iraq.[1] Prominent neoconservatives in the Bush administration included Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, John Bolton, Elliott Abrams, Richard Perle, and Paul Bremer.
Get an education and try to open your eyes and see the world around you as it really is. Sorry - I know you already can see the world around you - the sad point being - that - you have chosen to support the 1%.
STINKLE #18 for DKA.. - For implying that I do not know what a *neocon" is. I already told you that I use the Urban Dictionary because that definition fits you to a TEE! Did you forget, again? You should think about eating more broccoli. lol
A "neocon" is defined as a; Neoconservative, [like the D's & R's]. Criminally insane spenders [for the DOD] that believe in killing brown people. .....unfathomable amounts of spending, bomb tens of thousands of people to death to rearrange the globe Take the worst aspects of the liberal and conservative positions and combine them into one and you would have a NeoCon. That fits you well. You can't be a "neocon" pushing for more corrupt Democrats, and be an Occupier! too!
Now for the unedited definition from the link =
Neocon Neoconservative. Criminally insane spenders that believe in killing brown people for the new world order. Huge Orwellian government, unfathomable amounts of spending, bomb tens of thousands of people to death to rearrange the globe. Take the worst aspects of the liberal and conservative positions and combine them into one and you would have a NeoCon. Neocons are the greatest threat to life, liberty and property this country has ever known.
Also from the link: 20 Words related to Neocon
republican conservative neocons neoconservative fox news george w. bush iraq bush george w. bush presidential library george bush liberal neo-con operation iraqi freedumb ann coulter rush limbaugh dick cheney gop politics dubya nazi
STINKLE #19 for DKA.. For implying that I was trying to hide something, and for obfuscating that definition by adding his own version of what a neocon is, at the bottom. Bye endorsing the Democrats day in and day out, you are a NEOCON! Just 'cause that is unpleasant to admit, does not mean that you are not.
I added nothing to what I copied from that link that you provided.
You really must be an idiot if you think that others can't open the link and look for themselves.
Just how dumb are you that you would post a link and then try to refute the contents of that link?
That would be a false memory - as I have never presented myself as a conservative.
We have already established that Oh-bummer is - like you (in his own way) a Judas Goat.
Now go on a fact finding mission and "show us all" who is standing against the TPP and who is pushing for it and for fast tracking it. I will even help you out. Here:
But all I expect that you will do - IS - continue to throw shit and not just at me but at the same time anyone who is looking in - as you continue to fail to bring evidence to support your positions. All you ever go with is rhetoric/propaganda.
Do you need "proof" that Democratic Party Presidents and Politicians are "War Hawks"?! Do you think that because Repugnants are Happy Psychopaths, all for The Military Industrial Complex and Security/ Surveillance State, that we should absolve Corporate Co-opted Democrap Politicians' Complicity in this?
I get that like others here, that you are all long term Democratic Party voters and of course there is no shame in that (because wtf else would you have done?) - BUT whyTF have you folded yourself into the mindset and persona of Democratic Pols? WhatTF do you actually think that OWS is really all about?
Of course ''Rethuglicans'' are unconscionable psychopaths - we know this and they are beyond the pale but the USA's Duopolistic System does not need or want Democraps to be exactly the same - as it just needs them NOT To Be Different Enough to maintain The Illusion of Choice so that The Banker, Oligarch and Corporate Tyranny and Imperialist System can continue! Do you get it? Do you even want to get it?!
The American people have been ''Good Cop / Bad Copped'' for generations. FDR would be considered a Pinko and JFK was probably the last Dem POTUS who had The 99% at heart but - Obomber and Billary are NOT of that ilk. Finally - a couple of links... +
STOP being such a fkn parDisan, binary-brained - ''if you're not a Dem-lover - you must be a Repugnant'; zero-sum-game, reactionary twerp. Try to have insight into whyTF you don't feel happy here on this site that is ''brought to you by various radicals at the Occupy Solidarity Network'' and try to meditate on this
Can't find any dem war hawk links? So you go right to your regular BS of tossing shit and:
11th track: (We erroneously conflate)
We erroneously conflate the dems and reps - as it provides us with cover as being against the system - while it throws mud at those who do not deserve it - and basically works to help people to choose to opt out of the process rather than make any united attempt to remove the actively evil from government - and so we support the status quo - "of this country being given to the 1%" - while hiding behind a claim of being revolutionary supporters of the people.
Seriously?! Still fellating Dems - despite everything that has happened and is going on the world? Libya, Syria and endless Drone Deaths under Obomber and ''The Neocons Neocon'' Hillary waiting in the wings and the rest of us should do what?! - Be ecstatic that at least she is not Jon McCain? Clueless half-wit!
Just keep shitting over your own BS threads and thanks for reminding me why I should Never Respond on your forum-posts.+ Read this and weep, you fkn idiot.... So spew all you want on your own doorstep but do not expect either further attention or replies from me here - as bumping your crap is a perhaps disservice to others.
21st track "(All we have is rhetoric)"
We hope that that is enough to get you to agree to do nothing.
OH - but we don't mind if while taking no action to take control of government in a legal manner - that you go out and legally protest how shitty things are and get beaten up and arrested (illegally) by the cops.
If you protest often enough while taking no political action to take control of government - we fully expect that martial law could be called down upon you.
But HEY - that's OK with Us - because we are all about supporting the 1%er status-quo. How better can we protect that then by getting you all to do nothing in the political arena in your state or for your federal representation.
OPEN LETTERS To The Fed. Gov. & The People :