Forum Post: Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 13, 2011, 4:31 a.m. EST by Puzzlin
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
The modern sense of human rights can be traced to Renaissance Europe. It was from there that the ideas that spawned our declaration of Independence come into being with Thomas Jefferson as the author
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
—United States Declaration of Independence, 1776
Recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world.
—Preamble to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948
The ideal of free human beings enjoying civil and political freedom and freedom from fear and want can only be achieved if conditions are created whereby everyone may enjoy his civil and political rights, as well as his social, economic and cultural rights.
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights, 1966---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
All human rights are universal, indivisible and interdependent and related. The international community must treat human rights globally in a fair and equal manner, on the same footing, and with the same emphasis.
Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, World Conference on Human Rights, 1993
I think this is touchstone for all of us to use as a foundation in where we can go in the movement. The world has woken up and is beginning to listen. It's not a fluke that we are at a opportunistic crossroads where we can harmonize ourselves with the true purpose for this world and US. We fortunately have so many giants dead or alive that speak to us through their ideas, their writings, their speeches, we must awaken to the ideas as we hone our skill for seeing and finding the truth through all the opposing arguments. There are right answers to our dilemma. And remember if everybody is wrong then nobody is right.
Let's see where we take this thread. Good Luck. And thanks to anyone who posts here. Ask me questions so I can help steer this big ship of ideas to something good for us. We have the tools, now we have to make something with them.
As Lennon said: You may say I'm a Dreamer but I'm not the Only One
The Earth Charter
We stand at a critical moment in Earth's history, a time when humanity must choose its future. As the world becomes increasingly interdependent and fragile, the future at once holds great peril and great promise. To move forward we must recognize that in the midst of a magnificent diversity of cultures and life forms we are one human family and one Earth community with a common destiny. We must join together to bring forth a sustainable global society founded on respect for nature, universal human rights, economic justice, and a culture of peace. Towards this end, it is imperative that we, the peoples of Earth, declare our responsibility to one another, to the greater community of life, and to future generations.
Beautiful Quote!!!
This is such an undeniably great cause!!!
So true. So true. SO true.
It is this technically a bump-de-bump, la bump de bump bump bump
This concept never will die, ever!
bump it up
again, and again, this message needs air play!!!
The Puzzler
Thanks for the productive post. I guess it makes you feel like you're doing something.
Human Rights DAY is TODAY!!!
What r u tearing down now Mister King???
What you produce is anger and hate. Feeling good about that?
Answer the question!
Also, what don't you like about human rights? Not productive enough for you?
Are you for inhuman rights, is that it? Is that more productive your type?
I never claimed to dislike human rights in any way, shape, or form. Although if we could legalize prostitution I would have no complaints.
"like the all-too-publicized war on drugs, the war on prostitution is yet another battle being waged with tax dollars rather than common sense"
Human Rights DAY is TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love this post. The message is inspirational & beautiful.
So how come everybody doesn't love it? Why do people fight so vehemently to tear each other down? Are we so aggressively competitive by nature, that we can't work together for a greater good?
Is a little basic, universal humanity really so much to ask for?
People aren't quite ready for this idea. Only some can receive it like you. But don't worry. This is one of those Truths that eventually rises to the top. Maybe not in our time. But eventually. I think we at least hope so because if not, we go to the opposite, Inhumanity.
Our history is riddled with horrors & tragedies because these human rights are squandered for Wars, greed, and power grabs. So, yes, largely, it's there in principle but not in actuality.
The best part though, is this idea is good, solid, and it is wise. Once you get it, you will have it for life, and you'll may always dream of the time when it may happen for real. We hope some day sooner than later.
Unfortunately, here, this forum, the reality is there's many trolls, and most don't come here to find this kind of message. They have other things in mind. It's a reflection of our real world really.
Thanks for your response. It helps to know that some have read this message and get it. It's why I posted it. Just to get it out there.
And Good Luck! You'll need it. Also, hope for the best. It helps!
universal declaration of human rights (UN)
On December 10, 1948 the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted and proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights the full text of which appears in the following pages. Following this historic act the Assembly called upon all Member countries to publicize the text of the Declaration and "to cause it to be disseminated, displayed, read and expounded principally in schools and other educational institutions, without distinction based on the political status of countries or territories."
pdf english
mp3 english 12 minutes
in over 100 launguages
universal declaration of human rights movie 4 minutes
universal declaration of human rights 20 minutes
Charter of the United Nations
training web page
Oh yes, wonderful post here. This really does warm my heart here. In mist of the all trolls something very beautiful emerges.
Computer, job well done my friend. Keep it up we need you here!
any world government that doesn't conform to this document- will be brought down. Eleanor Roosevelt made this happen.
Eleanor was there at the beginning in a time where it wasn't hard to imagine without basic human rights.
Absolutely. the Truth of Human Rights is inevitable!
Human rights watch- a great organization-
The people, of the world, must stand up against human injustice- wherever it exists- and under the ows banner - we will fight and destroy- any oppressor - there is no where thewy can hide from the hand of justice.
Thanks! We will have Justice
there is one think I have noticed about the human rights community - and that is they seem to have lost their voice when it comes to certain forms of . . . . shall we say . . . specifically targeted behavioral advertising . . . .
The computer has an excellent way of putting things. LOL
Appealing to our rational intellect.
Human Rights is the most important cause to fight for. I can't think of worthier cause!!!
. . . . --SO so so true, some day of mankind finds his rational nature he will have such a declaration and shout it from the mountain tops!!-- . . . .
I suggest any manifesto or declaration should revolve around human needs, not wants.
Like a chimpanzee?
We shouldn't have less rights than animals. That's part of the problem -- the system, as developed, treats humans as "labor", i.e., less than human.
Cities should be designed and revolve around human values, production is secondary.
Production provides what you have. Most i not everything you own was given presented to you under the system we have
False. The Earth has given us nearly everything we have. And if you are part of the Adam/Eve story (which is part of what this crisis is about), then you should know better.
The Earth gave the materials true but someone took them and made them into what you now own.
Dude, you're just being stupid. The Earth makes food. We could have food trees growing abundantly. The Earth makes the land, everyone could have a place to sleep and provide such for each other. You assume that what I own is your domesticated idea of material comforts and consumerism. It is not. It is not even our nature to live like you're suggesting. In fact, it SO outside our nature it takes us 18 years to adapt to its twistedness. No other creature takes that long: why have you settled for it? But before I call you a complete stupid dumbass, I have to remind myself that you really don't know any better. You soul (or what-have-you) has just adapted to this Industrial reality over so many generations that you hardly remember even being a child and what you lost.
Hi Puzzlin, GOOD JOB!!!... I'm impressed!
I like your post and the way you develop this important principle about Human Rights. Moreover, I Love this song by John Lennon "Imagine". It makes our mind think about peace and how it's possible.
Could you imagine ALL the people coming together in peaceful harmony to save the middle class from poverty for the future of our generation and the next generation? We can do this !
Thanks so much for this thread !
You are very kind. I hope this thread can help enlighten those who read here!
I do hope so!!!
Thanks Puzzlin
My pleasure! : )
I hope that many see this thread and read the message here. This is a myth busting thread! This lie about the rich so they get more tax cuts has been made so many times, over and over and over.
I was heartened by the rich folks showing up in congress telling them to raise their taxes!!! Even they don't like what's happening. If the middle class is gutted anymore demand for goods in this country will begin to dry up. The greedy rich still won't care and they will just call us lazy as some of their minions already do.
Thanks again ComeTogetherNOW.
The movement grows stronger!!!
We are growing.
These ideas are the fuel!
This movement gains strength through numbers and ideas.
Let's not stop, we are making a difference.
Thanks again !!!
We are the 99%
Mic Check!!!
Mic Check!!!
Mic Check!!!
"Imagine all the people living life in peace"
"And the world will live as One"
Definitely you are not the only one! Im posting a link here to an interesting site theres some good articles there for any interested, this link leads to a page there with a similar Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth, hoping to see more commenting on your post , ill be checking back in to read, cheers!!!
Ruth67, Wow! That's a great link. I really like it. What's happening to the earth at a ever rapid pace is appalling. I've been an environmentalist all my life and being good stewards of this wonderful beautiful earth we live on is paramount.
Thanks so much for your post!
Hi Puzzlin, thank you for the reply, glad you enjoyed that site. We are all products of our environments, we have been conditioned and influenced all our lives from our surroundings, a huge amount of that time was spent in school from kinder garden upwards, inside a cold hearted industrialized education system that is trained to label and separate us. We were taught (conditioned) to compete with each other, judged according to our grade average, that there was only one correct answer to a question, family status, physical appearances etc. etc. etc. but school never taught us how to attain a heart, how to rise above our personal differences to build and create new beneficial projects together. It never taught us how to work together for the mutual benefit of the whole and that each individual was a valuable piece to fit together into an entire puzzle that included a whole integrated interdependent global world. I really feel this revolutionary movement has much more to reveal than meets the eye and will have a major influence on how we begin to relate to each other as fellow concerened global citizens, that our strengths are energized in unification and damaging in seperation.
Your right on the same wavelength as me and many others. This is good news because as the truth be known it becomes easy to get on this track. As more of us become aware and activated we spread the word and it keeps spreading. Each of us does our little part and this thing just grows and grows.
It's exciting that we are in a moment where people are beginning to listen to the right message instead all those lies we've been brainwashed with. It is encouraging that there is this realization and people are becoming more discerning as they search for the real truth.
Good luck! Glad to have you on our side in this struggle. We can do it, I'm convinced !!!
"Mother Earth" aka Gaia, is an ancient Mediterranean myth that resurfaced during the Romantic period. The Earth itself is an abiotic mass traveling through space. As far as life goes, the Sun has just as important a role as the Earth in its creation.
I know there's no way I can sway you to reason because what you have with "Mother Earth" is a belief, not an argument. But, if you are willing to think over your own personal belief in an "Earth Mother" or want to understand mass psychology, check out this documentary:
All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace:
Warning: Any silly responses about Atlantis or Gnosticism will be ridiculed.
Thank you.
Hi Riethc I can understand that it is easy to misunderstand intentions from the very few words and link that was posted and actually I specifically posted a link to that page" because" of the title of this blog post but my intentions were more in the direction of how we as a human species that are integrated into an interconnected eco system (which of course includes sun etc) have a responsibility here to strive together to bring mutual sustainable balance for further generations and for and any chance of attaining such a balanced system we will have to make a shift on how we inter- relate to each other at the human level. I apologize if you misunderstood, actually I am entirely reconstructing researching what can actually be determined as a belief system, and I appreciate your link, I will try and check it out if I find spare time, I am very interested in psychology and covered some deep points in my past whilst studying kinesiology. All the best, ruth
I would check out the documentary, in the very least, to give you a different viewpoint on "ecosystems". This documentary is not entirely about environmentalist ideas though, it is more about the belief systems of the present culture.
Please do take the time to watch it. Start with the first one, it goes into Randian (as in Ayn Rand) thinking first.
People do not accept the Governments chosen by fake and nonmandatory votes.These governments are fake.These governments do not represent the people.That is why people have risen to redeem their natural rights.
These are the natural rights:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
We hold these self evident but the governments in general do not in practice uphold these ideas.
Which then means we have make our government follow the constitution. We have grounds just like when we ended slavery. Until that happened were not equal in our rights. The constitution was either going to stand or it would have died in the Civil War.
We have to make our constitution follow the principles of the Declaration of Independence before it will matter if our government follows the constitution or not. A constitutional amendment explicitly stating the right to life and that government exists solely to protect individual rights would be a good start.
If you had suggested the any ancient king the idea of democracy then do not you think he would have wondered and called the idea not only abstruse but insane as well.Similarly OWS has much bigger to offer-to let people not be controlled through any force rather it is the people who want to draw a bigger picture-remove all the evil,remove all the unhappiness,remove all the crime even more.By the way you just sound to be a government agent.
I think we have a chance to really make the change we want to see in the world. There's is hope for us and we have to stand on a firm foundation to make it happen.
This is the solid ground for us to stand on.
Thank you.
Your quite very welcome!!!
Human Rights DAY is TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keep this thread up today. This is our DAY. We have RIGHTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
awesome addition to the archive...
Absolutely, thank you for the addition!!!
A good idea certainly never dies. We are always looking for them. It is inevitable.
Freedom!!! NOW!!!
This is something to fight for!
================HUMAN RIGHTS========================
"commonly understood as inalienable fundamental rights to which a person is inherently entitled simply because she or he is a human being."
Cool Web site, Good Job!!!
"The Earth Charter is a declaration of fundamental ethical principles for building a just, sustainable and peaceful global society in the 21st century. It seeks to inspire in all people a new sense of global interdependence and shared responsibility for the well-being of the whole human family, the greater community of life, and future generations. It is a product of a decade-long, worldwide, cross cultural dialogue on common goals and shared values."
Excellent!!! I have already made a shortcut to the web site! This is wonderful and I glad we can spread the word about how we need to rescue our planet. We are borrowing it from our children and if we don't do something they will curse us after we're gone.
Thanks so much yasminec001 !!!
Yes they will. I'm afraid the time limit is almost up, after reading this article
I'm glad to have helped :) Please spread it as much as you can. Just endorsing it alone will help alot.
I think your right yasminec001. It is probably already too late. I have thought about this in many ways for sometime now. There's many reasons for it but mainly as humans we just are poor planners for the future. It's not in our genes, we're just too wrapped up in survival in the moment. Psychology can explain this reason pretty well. It is the reason we focus so much on unusual events, we're drawn like fire flies to these things. Look at our news.
Anyway, we've both been behind the curtail, and both realize, we're back there too. There's not enough of us but I don't give up hope. I do try and I must try, it's the only way I can manage any optimism about this jam we're in.
It is sad. But we can be strong and remain optimistic as long as we continue the fight. We must for many reasons. I know at least my children and their children won't blame me personally. They know my feelings about this problem just like we are discussing here. And I am actively fighting.
And besides, there's enough of us that it least not all humans are like those suicidal lemmings leaping to their sudden death like mindless zombies. We are to be counted.
Not only that. It's always possible that the unthinkable could happen and people still thinking about the earth as living and breathing organism. And perhaps then, act accordingly.
You may say I'm a Dreamer but I'm not the Only One
"we're just too wrapped up in survival in the moment" You hit it on the head. We're always 'wrapped up' in trying to survive in the moment, and unfortunately I think the bigger plan for our lives has been to keep us in the dark, and only concerned with the 'now' of things. Not the consequences. If we were all able to survive without a problem, we would have all had the time and ability to plan ahead successfully and with our health.
Despite the conditions of life, it is all about our perspective on it. I think, in the end, none of this matters unless it personally does to you. I'd like to have lived my life knowing I did what I felt in my heart to be true. We must not stop, for they won't..
Keep it up. And remember, love.
That's exactly it, in the end, it's each of us who will die as individuals and what we did and experienced in this life will then be complete. No replay of this one. We have a purpose here and each of us has to realize it in their own way. If this is a positive purpose then it naturally follows that do care about us, and this world we find ourselves. It matters, we matter, and we make it better not worse. Simple and strong.
We have to find this inner motivation that allows to give a damn about the world. You, me, everyone.
This is why this makes so much sense and why so many feel so strong about it. It's about us and our purpose.
:) Many blessings. and good luck to you.
Also, to you, thanks!
You may like this trailer for a movie called THRIVE
Your fellow human being
Very interesting. I don't go along with the UFO speculating. That's brings up my skepticism shield. I think they could have left that part out and saved some credibility. And, yes, we've known for quite a while that energy isn't just in oil or coal, it's essentially everywhere. All mass has an enormous amount of energy in it. I'm sure sometime in the more distant future we may find a real good trick to do unlocking this inherent energy and possibly have almost limitless energy. But let's not get too giddy over it. If they find this amazing source of clean energy then the actual discovery will spread like wild fire. When they have that we can talk. The thought about it really isn't so new. And believe or not, at one time we did believe that oil was the greatest thing since the beginning of time. We were naive then. Unfortunately, naivety never goes out of style. It's always vogue.
But I do agree that oil is destroying the earth and we desperately need to find clean energy before the damage is irreparable.
Thanks for the link!
From each by his ability, to each by his need. Words to live by.
If you wish for those who are unable or unwilling to produce to swallow the productions of those who can, then yes. If you wish to create a world where every man can reach the height of his own potential, that moral premise will make it impossible. The man who needs what the man who works has produced will never work. The man who works will never benefit from his own effort. He will cease to work since there will be no incentive to do so and a greater burden will be placed on all those who have not yet ceased. It's like when (I think) Ma Bell's telephone grid crashed. The switching stations were set up so that when one switch was out of order, the surrounding ones would handle the traffic until the failed switch went back online. This caused a huge chain reaction where a switch failed, it's neighbors failed, and then all the traffic that should have been handled by those switches got dumped on the switches surrounding them. It killed the grid.
From each according to his ability, to each according to his need is what kills humanity. It has happened in every society where socialism has gained hold. It is happening here and now. Don't be fooled by the allure of entitlement to the efforts of others. It will destroy not only them, but you as well.
Human Rights Day is Today!!!
You have a very cynical view.
What's wrong with whisper?
Whisper? What's the matter?
No. I simply refuse not to see the implications of philosophical premises.
SO your philosophical premises imply your cynical.
not my cynical. :)
If you mean that I think people are motivated by self-interest, then you're absolutely right.
Yes, self interest in that greed is the prime motivator. As children we want everything, and when we want it, now. Only as we grow up and are disciplined do we learn to share. This sharing is really at the core of any healthy community. This is it.
I disagree. I believe that trade is at the core of any healthy community. A community based on sharing is to a bum (not a homeless person, a bum--someone who intentionally lives off of the charity of others) what crack is to a crackhead.
Here's a really good thread that speaks to Thomas Jefferson's influence on the world and his continuing influence. It really does support much of what will be said here in this thread.
Please enjoy as we all can see the light out of the darkness together:
Imagine ALL the world living for today, for peace, love, and happiness!!!
We know what this is, we need to keep it in our hearts!
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of sisterhood.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all women are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
The ideal of free human beings enjoying civil and political freedom and freedom from fear and want can only be achieved if conditions are created whereby everyone may enjoy her civil and political rights, as well as her social, economic and cultural rights.*
Beautiful Day
"The corporate revolution will collapse if we refuse to buy what they are selling - their ideas, their version of history, their wars, their weapons, their notion of inevitability. Remember this: We be many and they be few. They need us more than we need them. Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing." - Arundhati Roy
Tis true that once we understand our own power to make change, the genie's out, we know, we got the message.
And like no time previous, we have the technology this time.
This time!!!*
Your like a beautiful day. I'm glad to see your post here. I think this thread strikes a wonderful chord with everyone because it says what we all believe. If we have these rights we truly can be free and pursue our happiness as we decide to.
I think many will see here how our influence has been very positive. It started with Thomas Jefferson and the world really did wake up. And ever since people come back to this touchstone. We need to keep waking up the world.
With the 99% movement, this is great purpose for us. We want what humans on this earth always wanted. This is the truth and we can embrace it and bring it forth so all become aware.
Let's stand on the shoulders of these giants. This can propel us forward!!!*
Yes, human rights for me is at the very forefront of everything to do with this. That's all i have to say for now. Twinkles, or whathaveyou.
Thanks for your post. This thread really does bring forth a foundation that's firm and solid. We can be the generation that brings these words to life.
I so look forward to the day that we really are happy by living in harmony with each other and stop consuming this great planet at an ever alarming rate.
There's only one place inside us all that can push this forward. It's called LOVE. If we can come from the this space inside our heart, there's no doubt the world will be better for it.
Yes. Why i still have faith in Occupy, and what inspires me so much about it. Others who recognize and acknowledge where it's "power" lies. A unifying power, that crosses generation, race, class, religion, even political affiliation. Love is the word, and the thing, at the fundamental level. The force that can transform and transcend reality into what we never thought was possible, but more "real" than the world we seem to live in, the "organized confusion//negative illusion".
Without getting too high up on the soapbox, or overly sentimental about it, just my opinion.
Peace. ~
Thanks so much for your post. It is a good feeling when others see these truths and principles as well. It is like once you get it, you get it.
Welcome to the 99% who once awoken keep their eyes wide open.
I believe if we can truly become selfless, anything is possible.
One of the biggest hurdles for us as a world is greed. We all have it, it is in us. To become selfless means we love all and care about the well being of all. Other ideas become plausible, other people become family, we introduce ourselves to a type of universal truth that becomes our own law.
We can accomplish much with love! Love can overcome all! Human rights and declarations become natural and no printed paper matters. Can we accomplish this? Can we forget greed? I think we can but it will take work and a shift in our current conscience.
Very true indeed. We have to be motivated by altruism and not greed. Greed is encouraged by reinforcing consumerism in us (24/7 advertising/branding). If our intention is flawed our results will be worse. It's basically what's happening now but we must change this before this planet we call home chucks us all off it.
see my response to the above poster.
Greed is not desire for the unearned. It is desire for the earned and the desire to earn more. Greed is what propels human ingenuity and innovation. Greed is what makes it possible for one man to design a system which increases agricultural production and makes it possible for everyone else to be fed. Those who wish to be fed, however, must be able to trade something in return for the products of the effort of the farmer. In this way, both the farmers life and those he trades with are enriched. This is the division of labor. It is made possible by the establishment of society. Government is the cornerstone of society. A government which exists solely to protect the rights of its citizens will make this process not only possible, but will allow it to flourish.
Selflessness is one of the most immoral principles that exists. Given a system of ethics which holds human life as the standard of good and a system of values under which a man holds his own life to be his highest value, moral actions are those which benefit his own life. Immoral actions are those which detract from it. To expend one's energy on actions which one intends to receive no benefit from is suicide.
Love is the physiological response to the identification of something one values. One who has no self cannot value anything and cannot love. The equation of selflessness to love is a negation of love. To say that one should love a thief who steals one's sustenance, a murderer who kills one's family, a government which expropriates one's wealth is a despicable assertion. Now it could be that you made a mistake many people make. It could be that what you meant was that all people should be treated with the respect that is due to human beings, given their potential value. I agree with this principle. When I see a man on the street I do not judge him other than by his words and actions. I implicitly value his POTENTIAL. As soon as he demonstrates that he is a scoundrel, a rotter, a bum, the kind of person who asserts that his need is a claim on what I have produced, he loses value in my eyes. I have no love for such a man, only for what he could have been.
So, let's see if I got this right, GREED is good and beneficial.
Also, one question, who are these people who have no selves?
Other question, do you exist?
If you read what I wrote above, then you will understand why I say that greed is good.
The people with no selves are the altruists; those who practice the moral principle of 'selflessness'
And yes. I exist.
Wow, whisper! So, your conclusion is that GREED is Good.
Also, so if these altruists have no self, how do they exist?
Playing with semantics there Whisper?
And, finally, you fell right into the trap Whisper! If you exist, well you have to explain this to the community here so we all can share in your infinite wisdom of existence, PROVE IT!
Your response will be guaranteed to be classic. (I will help you slightly---->, do some, just a little research, to get a taste for what you just stepped into,) And then by all means blast us all away on your long awaited infinite wisdom from the furthest reaches of the awesome and infinitely wonderful Universe.
Yes, greed (the desire to earn more) is good. It is the driving force of productive activity.
One who consistently practices the moral principle of altruism destroys himself. Altruism is the morality of self-sacrifice. It is the idea that the highest moral value is to take actions which benefit others and not the actor. It is an impracticable ethical system and it was designed as such. It's primary historical justification was mysticism (religion) but when religion lost its power over the minds of men during the renaissance, the only way to keep altruism alive was to design a new justification for it. This was the purpose of the (un)philosophy of Immanuel Kant. It was designed to instill guilt in its practitioners as a means of control. Altruism is able to achieve this end because its practitioners DO have a self, and that is the source of their guilt. In order to live, they MUST take at least SOME actions which benefit them, and in doing so they break the code of altruism.
I need not prove that I exist. That you respond to what I say is evidence that YOU believe that I exist. You may hide from that fact if you wish, but others will not. They do not attempt to deny their own minds. your demand that I prove that I exist is an attempt to deny the ability of human beings to prove reality. All proof requires a context. The context of the proof presented above is objective reality - the idea that things exist and that a thing is itself. My existence is not contingent on whether or not you perceive my existence. However, now that you have perceived my existence, you have a choice. You can either ignore the fact that you have perceived it and doubt the content of your own mind or you can accept reality and the fact that reality exists.
Your on a roll.
So what is Reality?
spreads arms THIS.
Reality is an axiomatic concept. In other words, it cannot be broken down into constituent concepts. It can be identified only ostensibly.
The formal axiom would be expressed thusly: "Existence exists."
This is real and the world needs it. When it wakes the hell up!
Does this mean I'm popular NOW since they make threads just about me?
Weeee haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Government is the cornerstone of society. A government which recognizes individual rights and exists solely to protect them will provide the conditions necessary for a flourishing society. Our constitution could be easily amended to include the principles of the Declaration of Independence. It starts with the abolition of the commerce clause and the explicit inclusion of the right to life and the idea that government exists solely to protect individual rights.
I thought our constitution does contain the principles as espoused in the declaration. There is the Bill of Rights which goes into much more detail then the declaration, where it is mentioned only as our inalienable rights but not what they are in particular.
Why do you want to abolish the commerce clause?
The Bill of Rights does not establish a right to life. This is the most important right because it is the right which all others are logically derived from. It is the only way to prove the validity of the other rights or even to discern what those other rights are and WHY.
The division of labor is beneficial to everyone in a society. The division of labor works on the principle of trade. One man produces one good in surplus while another produces something else in surplus. They trade their surplus (what they do not consume or re-invest) to each other and thus, the needs of both men are met. The needs of both (all) men are met most efficiently when they are able to determine the relative value of their goods or services and trade based on that value. The commerce clause gives government the power to interfere in this process. This interference NEVER improves the efficiency with which goods are produced and NEVER lowers the costs of production. It gives government (which is by definition the organized use of force and/or coercion) the power to determine what you may produce, buy, how much, and at what price. Over time the Supreme Court has continuously expanded the power granted to congress by the commerce clause and since 1995, in United States vs. Lopez, they have expanded it to cover every area of human life. They ruled that the commerce clause gives government the power to regulate 'channels of commerce', 'persons and things' which 'move' in those channels, and things which 'significantly affect' commerce. Can you think of anything that would be exempt from one of those categories (which, of course, have no objective definitions)?
The commerce clause gives government unbridled power to interfere in the most basic essential of a society based on division of labor - trade. It is the single greatest threat to individual rights and the incentive for 'big business' to buy legislators.
Careful with the right to life stuff. The cheerleaders of infanticide will jump on you.
So you are basing this on a bunch of dead white slave owning malesZ.
No just a bunch principles that stand on their own.
I'm not sure, but I think I smell more free shit coming my way.
Nope. The multiculturalists will say that your idea is racist because the idea came only from Europe. After all, different ideas may come from different cultures. Quit being so Eurocentric!
Already have it asshole. It's called the Constitution. Don't need another one, developed by ignorant hippies
Take a hike Stevo, we already know about your pessimism your spreading around.
Do you ever have anything good to say about OWS?
No...not really. Why would ANYONE agree with a group of anarchists, communists, and socialists trying to overthrow the country. You ignorant morons can't even get a job
I have a job as an design engineer but you want to hurt us any way you can even if you have to resort to lies. So, your the prime example. We learn from you how NOT to be.
I hope you get some enjoyment of making a fool of yourself. You convince no one but yourself. And, if think you somehow are winning one for your right winged friends you produce just the opposite. We need you here so we know who and what we are fighting against. Your antics make us all the stronger for it.
So, by all means continue. But stop the name calling, this isn't kindergarten. You show a lack of respect which means nobody likes you.
You didn't sneak in take over your dad's pc did you?
The Earth has rights? This is why you fucking morons FAIL.
No stevo, you fail to see what your part of. This earth sustains us, it's not just your trash can.
Ever here of Ecology Troll?
you are earth, stevo
ashes to ashes, dust to dust
we'll all be dust soon enough
you should respect your mother
Stevo, your a$$hat is showing.
Step off!
Rights...for rocks. and dirt. you Chucklehead
So where did everything come from that's alive on earth today come from?
Ever here of Ecology?
Obviously NOT.
Now step off Bully Boy !!!