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Forum Post: This day's top 20 demands for change

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 6, 2011, 2:24 p.m. EST by JamesS89118 (646) from Las Vegas, NV
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

  1. Elimination of the Corporate State. we must write this, not congress.

    2008 sent shivers down the Sovereign spine as it well should have. In the history of government a more powerful foe was never seen. The foundation and future of every country on the planet was held by bankers. Sovereign power is people power. Corporate power can only be tempered with strong Sovereign power.

  2. Rejection of the Citizens United Case. we must write this, not congress.

  3. Elimination of Private Contributions to Politicians. we must write this, not congress.

  4. Term Limits.

    Not big on this, but half the country with and half without is the worst!!!

  5. A Fair Tax Code.

    Keep in mind the 147. That kind of wealth doesn't show up on individual's income taxes or publicly traded stock. The goal should be to balance the budget and institute Uni-Medicare on the 147. Taxing jobs and people are a losing game.

  6. Healthcare for All.

    Small Businesses need to feel financial relief when their healthcare costs are eliminated by Uni-Medicare. We need them and it's what we want. Turn our healthcare system over to the DOD and make this the healthiest country on the planet. The elderly problem will be huge, plan for it.

  7. Protection of the Planet.

    Cleaner food and packaging is a must. Build modern water treatment plants. Get the Tea Party'ers in Tennessee to protest their ash. The speed of the EPA and FDA must equal the speed of modern life. The power of the EPA and FDA must be greater than the market.

  8. Debt Reduction.

    Tax where the money is or it won't work. It's impossible to ignore our infrastructure for 30 years and expect a new country on cuts. When Bank of America can transfer $75 Trillion into an FDIC scam on a sunny afternoon we really don't have to worry about a measly $14 trillion debt.

  9. Jobs for All Americans.

    Better to stick the unemployed in classes than wait on the couch for jobs. After computers, robots and derivatives there's not enough left to do anymore. 4 day weeks for full employment. Force a parent to stay with their own kid instead of state-care.

  10. Student Loan Forgiveness.

    And make community colleges free.

  11. Immigration Reform.

    Dreaming without addressing our reality first seems cruel. Please.

  12. Ending of Perpetual War for Profit.

    Without a Congressional declaration of war the DOD budget must be no high than XX percent.

  13. Reforming Public Education.

    Vouchers and charter schools.

  14. End Outsourcing.

    It's a little late for this one.

  15. End Currency Manipulation.

  16. Banking and Securities Reform. we must write this, not congress.

  17. Foreclosure Moratorium.

    It's a lot late for countless families.

  18. Ending the Fed.

    Without this nothing is accountable and therefor not achievable. This is the beginning.

  19. Abolish the Electoral College, Comprehensive Campaign Finance and Election Reform.

    The times have changed, this needs to be done.

  20. Revamp the criminal justice system. we must write this, not congress.

    End the drug war and regulate. Eliminate minimums. Don't expect felons to ever work again. Free the jury from prosecutorial influence.

It's easy to see how inter connected these problems are. A true 99% will need to agree to agree.



Read the Rules
[-] 2 points by AFarewellToKings (1486) 12 years ago

Awesome. Now get people to read the ten words in the first amendment that come after "...or the right of the people peaceably to assemble,...

1) and 2) to 3)petition 4)the 5)Government 6)for 7)a 8)redress 9)of 10)grievances

Why can't you agree on this and set your sights on Philadelphia on July 4th 2012? https://sites.google.com/site/the99percentdeclaration/

[-] 1 points by JamesS89118 (646) from Las Vegas, NV 12 years ago

We should hand out educational flyers that elucidate the protesters to the many facets of each topic.

[-] 2 points by AFarewellToKings (1486) 12 years ago

Yes, education is the key. Send the 99% Declaration to everyone you know. Discuss it. Act it out: What would it be like to be on the Committees Of Correspondence?

[-] 1 points by JamesS89118 (646) from Las Vegas, NV 12 years ago

Not to be flippant but can we make an app for that? I live on 3 figures a month and just got an ipad myself.

[-] 1 points by fixwallstreetnow (42) from San Francisco, CA 12 years ago

You forgot about regulating wall street and ending the casino that caused all this trouble to begin with.

[-] 1 points by JamesS89118 (646) from Las Vegas, NV 12 years ago

The 1st one deals with the casino by demanding the government take back control from Wall St et al.

[-] 1 points by AFarewellToKings (1486) 12 years ago

the list of grievances isn't the focus yet, it's the process of moving forward you need to be focussed on. Please read the Declaration https://sites.google.com/site/the99percentdeclaration/

