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Forum Post: There is no longer any doubt. The founders and operators of this website have sold out the very cause. Ch'Ching!

Posted 10 years ago on Jan. 20, 2015, 10:54 a.m. EST by StillModestCapitalist (343)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The founders of this website and it's current operators are behind it's transition. They have allowed it to be taken over by conservatives posing as disgruntled liberals. Except for one gesture which I now believe was a token, they have stood by as their conservative minions turbocharger, Shule, SerfingUSA, johannus, flip and others have used multiple IDs to keep their own 'duopoly' and similar comments 'best' rated while marking down others into negative territory. I've suspected this for some time now. Ever since new users were prevented from joining a few months back. This was part of a calculated strategy to prevent the return of user diversity and prevent the return of fiscal liberalism while allowing the posers listed above, all of like mind, one or more of which may be site founders or operators to influence visitors with their 'don't vote' or at least not for anyone with a chance of defeating the greater evil, fiscal conservatism.

In other words, to give conservative politicians and candidates an edge by posing as disgruntled liberals who have given up on their right to vote except in rare cases where the more liberally fiscal candidate has no chance of winning.


I've also noticed the many pages posted in the 'latest news' forum which excuse and on occasion, even praise high ranking members of the 1% and their juggernaut corporations for 'phylanthropy', which is nothing but a farce where they are involved. For one can not concentrate tens of millions or even billions in private wealth and somehow 'give back' enough to make up for it. Not as long as their own personal fortunes and immoral business practices contribute to the obscene concentration. The very concept of deca-millionaire to deca-billionaire 'phylanthropy' is the greatest mathematical farce in the history of fraud. It's like robbing a shelter for the homeless and then giving 5% of the take to one homeless person while you keep the rest for yourself.

Still, OccupyWallSt.org has promoted this mathematical farce on several occasions. It's founders have sold out the very cause.

Jart, otherwise known as Justine Tunney, now works for Google, a high ranking wealth concentrating Wall Street juggernaut.

For the record, I have finally decided to create this page after months of suspicion because after being put in a position where I had no recourse against the 'mark down' poser posse but to post more often than ever the evidence which they have tried to suppress, my account has been restricted. For the time being, I am no longer able to reply to any comment successfully on any page other than my own. They are immediately 'removed'.

There is no longer any doubt. I've been true to the cause from day one. I do not waver. I'm determined and resourceful. I refuse to be intimidated by the poser posse. Therefore, something had to be done to limit my activism.

I'm no conformist and no pussy. I will not simply sit back and hope for full account activity to be restored by the sold-out site operators. I've suspected for some time now that it would be restricted along with several other legitimate users that I know of.

If my account is to be made entirely inactive, so be it. I stand by these words.

The founders and operators of this site have given in to the very form of evil they once swore to oppose. The greed and corruption of the 1%.

I will see to it that Jart receives the criticism she has coming to her. It will be posted all over the web.

She can not intimidate me on her best day.




Read the Rules
[-] 0 points by SerfingUSA (451) 10 years ago

Censorship is bad in almost all cases. This is a rare exception here. This is NOT the place for establishment bootlicking sycophants to be campaigning for corrupt, super rich politicians

SMC is the real poser here. Clearly SMC is a paid shill for the establishment democratic party. He and others are paid to perpetuate the status quo. To reinforce the myth that voting for the establishment is the only answer. That the 99%'s ONLY choices are the corrupt establishment DNC/RNC duopoly.

Finally the 99% are waking up and rejecting the duopoly. They are opting out of elections. Not because voting is bad, but because voting for the 1% is bad. The 99% must make voting great again by having honest choices, for true representation.

It is always darkest before the light. A ground swell of change is on the horizon. 2/3's of jilted voters are eager to opt-in for real choices. Soon the DNC/RNC duopoly will be the political fur coat the 99% will be throwing red paint at on election day.

It feels good doing the right thing.

It feels good being on the right side of history.

[-] 0 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago



That's right. Justine Tunney has sold out the very cause. SerfingUSA and the rest of the poser posse are doing her dirty work.


Pay special attention to the section regarding her political writing. She has quite obviously become another agent of conservatism.

[-] -1 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

I am no longer able to reply to any comment and no longer able to private message anyone. Not even those who still appreciate me.

My ability to influence is being systematically removed from this site.

Justine Tunney has sold out the very cause.




Pay special attention to the section regarding her political writing. She has quite obviously become another agent of conservatism.

[-] -1 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

I am no longer able to reply to any comment. Not even on my own page. For the time being, I am still able to post new comments.

In repose to MattHolck0,

I'm not a liberal. Read my profile.

By the way, I lean in your direction on foreign policy. Just not as far.

[-] 2 points by MattHolck0 (3867) 10 years ago

who'd give up the power of killing ?

[-] -1 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

That depends on the potential profit to be made and to what degree the 'who' prioritize that profit.

[-] -3 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

For whatever reason, I'm still allowed to create pages and post comments on my own pages. This may be an oversight or the sold out founders and operators may have been hoping to leave me under a false impression. One less likely to turn me against them.

There is no longer any doubt. This site and the very cause have been sold out.

Jart, Micah White and the others may have been true to the cause at one time. Not anymore. They are now total frauds. Hypocrite pigs who concentrate, help others to concentrate, excuse and on occasion, praise the very concentration of wealth responsible for the corruption of society and a wake of destruction in it's path.

That pig Justine Tunney is welcome to respond with her best line of commercially motivated crap. If my ability to reply here is revoked or suspended, I will post my reply elsewhere. Either way, that pig will recieve the criticism she has coming to her. In the meantime, I will take advantage of my limited account function. I will do so until it is finally revoked.

For the record, I would sooner lay down my life than sell out the cause. I'm no angel but I am better than Justine Tunney. A lot better.


Pay special attention to the section regarding her political writing. She has quite obviously become another agent of conservatism.

[-] 0 points by flip (7101) 10 years ago

you need to look in the mirror- you brought this on yourself. i have tried to have a reasonable discussion with you - you could not or would not do it. time to get a grip on things

[-] 0 points by flip (7101) 10 years ago

another well thought out response. i notice you still have my wife in there even though you have no idea who she is or what she posts. you make my point perfectly - thanks. seems you were wrong - again - your comment came through - and you almost had me feeling sorry for you. now maybe you should take back what you said about justine etc - no that would be too honorable. ok i gotta go - i have some marking down to do and it is time consuming

[-] -3 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

Read it again. Like I said, for whatever reason, I'm still allowed to post comments on my own page. Nowhere else.

I stand by every word. Justine Tunney is a sold out pig.

I've never named your wife. It was you who finally admitted having a second ID within your family after being all but proven into a corner. Your claim was that it belonged to your wife. What I know for sure is that you have used more than one ID in order to keep the 'don't vote' and 'duopoly' comments best rated while marking those who disagree into negative territory.

It all fits. It's the only explanation that makes any sense. Others have noticed as well.

For the legitimate users: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justine_Tunney Pay special attention to the section regarding her political writing. She has quite obviously become another agent of conservatism.

[-] 2 points by MattHolck0 (3867) 10 years ago

I guess my arguments to reject the liberal opposite conservative paradigm

fell on a world not willing to believe


[-] 1 points by flip (7101) 10 years ago

wow - i just thought about what she did. what a great idea. now we can still communicate with you if we want to but you cannot push yourself on anyone. like a one way restraining order - she is brilliant. you did not get yourself banned but just restrained - and you did it to yourself - you are not liked and for good reason

[-] 1 points by SerfingUSA (451) 10 years ago

Flip, don't play coy. I bet your Wife came up with that great idea, before jart.

thanks jart. THANKS flip's Wife!!!

[-] 0 points by flip (7101) 10 years ago

good job justine - you are a boor and that is being kind

[-] -3 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago



That's right. Justine Tunney has sold out the very cause. Flip and the rest of the poser posse are doing her dirty work.


Pay special attention to the section regarding her political writing. She has quite obviously become another agent of conservatism.

[-] 1 points by flip (7101) 10 years ago

boy you are one dumb bunny. this line is what ows is about you meathead -"She wrote that she locked down the Twitter account partly in order to keep it from being just a mouthpiece for the Democratic Party." - now i see why you made such sick comments about her - i also like this one - Tunney was trying to "deliberately piss off liberals", - would that be you - a liberal mr little capitalist. i am glad she shut you down - now apologize to to my wife who has done nothing at all to you.

[-] 0 points by flip (7101) 10 years ago

and what exactly does that have to do with anything?

[-] -1 points by flip (7101) 10 years ago

hey little stinker - keep your head down - i think you pissed off my wife (and that is hard to do) - should take her about 5 minutes to accumulate more points than you

[-] -2 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

Update: My ability to reply to comments on my own page has been restored:

Flip, that's a load of crap. You and the rest of the poser posse drove me to focus on the differences between the major political parties with your relentless 'don't vote' for any fiscal liberal unless your candidate has no chance of winning crap. Before that, and even to some degree since then, I've ripped on a number of wealth concentrating individuals and corporations with no regard whatsoever for political affiliation.

Regarding Tunney's crap. It's politically and commercially motivated crap. After all, she only rips on non-conservatives.

If you even have a wife, and if she has nothing to do with this, then you owe her an apology. Not me. After all, you used her to explain the obvious. That at least one more ID is within your access.

Read my profile.

[-] 2 points by MattHolck0 (3867) 10 years ago

why are you opposed to abortions ?

[-] -2 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

I'm not entirely opposed to them. It depends on the circumstances. I'm hell-bent against aborting mid-late term healthy and relatively normal fetuses. I do believe in early-mid term exceptions for rape and in exceptions for significant health concerns and severe birth defects regardless of term. I'm for allowing parents to make those difficult decisions under those circumstances. Otherwise, decisions regarding birth control should be made prior to conception.

The religious aspects mean crap to me. I don't believe in any of that.

[-] 0 points by turbocharger (1756) 10 years ago

Then why is one month ok with you, but the following month you are hell bent against it?

[-] -1 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

That is well documented. Look it up.

[-] 1 points by turbocharger (1756) 10 years ago

Why? I looked it up and found nothing.

[-] 0 points by flip (7101) 10 years ago

Too bad. I wonder who made that happen and why. This place is better for sure when you are muzzled. My wife agrees by the way. She is nicer than I am. She just thinks you are a very unhappy being. Stupid and unhappy

[-] -3 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago
