Forum Post: The fundamental difference between the two major parties:
Posted 12 years ago on Sept. 2, 2012, 9:01 a.m. EST by factsrfun
from Phoenix, AZ
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Political parties gel around basic fundamentals, we all know about the tax issue, I’d like to talk about something more fundamental than that.
As I see it the Rs feel that decisions involving sex and medical visits should be publicly discussed and we as a people should decide on what we fell the right thing to do is, they also feel that decisions involving capital, no matter how much should be a private decisions made by those who hold the capital.
Ds feel that we as a people should discuss what to do with the nation’s capital so it is put to best use for all the people, while who you have sex with and your doctor visits are private matters.
Anyway I think that’s what’s keeping us apart, it’s not just taxes.
I would agree that the power within the GOP focus more on the keeping capital decisions private when it comes to actual policy.
Look at Romney's stance on releasing tax returns
the whole of Bain and "private investment firms" is built on secrets
we could pry some open if we could get to his returns, the more resists the more certain I am
job apps are a pain as well, I don't like paperwork
I have trouble in any case I have trouble walking that fine line between "I'm smart enough to do the job, but I'm not so smart I will cause you trouble." and my hand writing sucks.
I hate lying and applying for jobs...
It isnt just taxes. The fundamental difference is that true D's think more government is the answer and true R's think that less government is the answer. D's want to protect people from their own poor decisions, endlessly. A true R might cut you slack once but not forever.
I don't really think so what could possibly be "more government" than a trans-vaginal ultrasound?
and the Rs would be happy as pigs in shit to have those across the country if it were up to them.
Some would. There is a percentage of Rs that would. Just like there is a percentage of Ds that would let abortion occur at any step, even right before delivery. Ds would allow endless abortions. 2,4,8 per woman.
Look it either is a "human being" or it ain't.
You got some kind of in-between human being you're talking about?
Or do we actually agree a embryo is not a human being, like I said up front or at least there is no state or party platform that really address it.
Nah! The difference is that the Dem parties extreme base includes 99% of Progressive caucus who cares about other people, while the Repub parties extreme base is made of tea party conservatives who do not care about anyone but themselves. They worship Ayn Rand, and believe in economic survivsal of the fittest. I got mine, the hell with you! If you don't have yours it must be your fault.
Ds dont care about people, they just want to create a welfare state, hook people to an IV of food stamps and support payments.
The Razor works for The King, you better be careful....he might cut you...
They vote. More entitlements, more D voters.
Nah. D's want to create a large labor movement and be the party that represents them so that they can improve the lives of the 99%.
We just have to drag them back to the left and out of the grips of the corp 1% plutocrats who have bought so many of them!
The fundamental difference between the two major parties is there are none. ha ha
You know in your heart, that's not true.
Like apples and shrimp are both food, now me I have a bit of a fancy taste palate I guess because I can tell the difference....I can tell you one thing the Greens do have a lot in common with both like putting party above country
You are wrong. D's want to cloud the truth with fringe issues to avoid talking about monetary issues and their failure to run the country.
sounds like bullshit, what's your evidence, do you agree the nation's capital belongs to all of us not just a lucky few? Is wealth inequality a "fringe" issue? It was a Republican who signed the bill for trans-vaginal ultrasounds how is that the D's falut? because they complained? is that it the Ds should just do as they are told and not complain?
What about the public option in healthcare.? Is that a fringe issue?