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Forum Post: The astonishing ignorance of Jim Isabella and most of his callers.

Posted 9 years ago on Dec. 17, 2014, 9:31 p.m. EST by StillModestCapitalist (343)
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Just for the record, I have not called WNIR in nearly two years. I do however share the views of Jim Isabella's second caller Tuesday night. Except for the comment about 'provoking' the 241 marine deaths under Reagan, which I DO NOT agree with, my views are essentially identical.

Without further adieu, the criticism that Jim Isabella has been begging for from behind his wall of profound ignorance:

 WNIR talk radio host Jim Isabella, after careful research, consideration and deep thought regarding terrorism around the world, it's long history and many implications, has devised a simple strategy which has somehow eluded virtually every world leader, military expert, soldier, and member of civilized society. 

He wants it blown off the face of the Earth with no regard whatsoever for anything but it's total and complete elimination by use of force.  

Jim Isabella on terrorism: "Blow it off the face of the Earth."

Jim Isabella on terrorists hiding with US hostages: "Blow them up. Blow them up. Blow them up."

Jim Isabella on terrorists hiding among innocent school children: "Blow them up. Blow them up. Blow them up."

Jim Isabella on terrorists hiding in hospitals: "Blow them up. Blow them up. Blow them up."

Jim Isabella on ANY number of terrorists hiding ANYWHERE whatsoever outside of US borders: "Blow them up. Blow them up. Blow them up." 

Jim Isabella on collateral damage: "Too bad."

Jim Isabella on civilian deaths: "Too bad."

Jim Isabella on aid for the survivors: "I'm done with it." "I'm not paying for it." 

Jim Isabella on humanity: "It's not about humanity."

After being given repeated opportunities to clarify, consider and expound on the potential complications of such a short sighted doctrine, Jim Isabella responded ONLY with stern reiterations and insults directed at those who don't see it EXACTLY his way.

Jim Isabella on those who have any regard whatsoever for collateral damage, civilian deaths, suffering, misery, or humanity in general as they relate to terrorism: "cowards" "idiots" "namby pamby" "supporters of terrorism".

The many insulted and vilified by Jim Isabella so far include:

Ronald Reagan on the shelling of Beirut:  "I told him (Ariel Sharon) to stop or our entire future relationship was endangered. I used the word holocaust deliberately and said his symbol was becoming a picture of a seven-month old baby with its arms blown off."

Ariel Sharon: At the request of his fellow 'namby pamby' 'idiot' 'supporter of terrorism' Ronald Reagan, he stopped shelling Beirut.

Benjamin Netanyahu on the Israel/Palestine conflict: The prime minister of Israel has stated publicly that he regrets "every" civilian death. 

Henry Kissinger on military airstrikes: "You attack locations where you believe people operate who are killing you. You do it in the most limited way possible."

George Bush: "The lives and freedom of the Iraqi people matter little to Saddam Hussein, but they matter greatly to us".

Donald Rumsfeld:  "If force becomes necessary, it is clear that coalition forces would take great care to avoid civilian casualties."

CENTCOM Commander Army Gen. Tommy Franks: "My personal view is that one should never put a stake in the ground and say there will be more or less casualties, either friendly or enemy. Because while we can reduce the variables, we also recognize that a very ruthless regime that sits in Baghdad will make his own decisions about where to position the lives of his own people."

 US commander of Joint Special Operations Vice Admiral William McRaven on Afghan civilian deaths:  "I am the commander of the soldiers who accidentally killed your loved ones." "I came here today to send my condolences to you and to your family and to your friends. I also came today to ask your forgiveness for these terrible tragedies."

Dwight Raymond of the US Army's Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute: "If you have a short-term, short-sighted approach to conducting operations, and you try to achieve mission success and you're haphazard in terms of causing civilian casualties, that over long term jeopardizes your ability to accomplish the mission. That's the key point."

Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno: General Odierno says the worst thing that could happen is if the U.S. begins mistakenly killing innocent civilians, causing the population to turn against the U.S. led effort against the Islamic State group. He says Iraqi or other ground troops may be needed to better direct the strikes.

President Obama: It is well known that the Obama doctrine, like those of his predecessors, ALL OF THEM going back over 100 years, is multi-faceted. Fortunately as Commander in Chief, he knows better than to start World War III.

Of course, the list above represents just a tiny fraction of those with the experience, expertise, and common sense necessary to realize that any realistic plan to address terrorism must include multiple facets of military, economic, diplomatic, religious, and humanitarian strategy. This, in order to promote more civility and good will among the masses, including the survivors of conflict, while doing the ugly, dangerous, and inevitably flawed but absolutely necessary work of eliminating or 'blowing up' those relative few among the masses who are simply beyond reach. In other words, to kill more terrorists than we create. To avoid turning the entire world against us.

I for one, will never understand what sort of learning disability prevents Jim Isabella, most of his callers, and others like them from understanding that it will never be anywhere near as simple as they make it out to be.



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