Forum Post: Support our fellow 99% LGBT community
Posted 12 years ago on Feb. 21, 2013, 2:11 p.m. EST by repubsRtheprob
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Please sign the petition. Stand up against homophobic anti LGBT laws, acts, and people.
They should Repeal Sodomy Laws. I mean it means different things in different states and these days it just proves that the old guard conservatives are still in control. I mean take a little responsibility even if you don't apologize for treatment of people different ... go ahead and clear the laws against consensual sex.
And they should clean up the U.C.M.J. in the military too. Sodomy means something different in the military as I understand it. I think it means penetration, anything other than normal intercourse between a man & a woman to include a part of the hand or whatever.
Agreed, New Zealand takes the lead!
I think everyone will breath a sigh of relief when we get controlling Patriarchs & Matriarchs Out of Politics.
What right do they have to Legislate Morality?
What right does the Conservative, Religious, Right Wing have to legislate Morality? Most Law has to do with Property and Tort. Someone has to be harmed to justify a Law. So their is no justification to say that native Americans can't use Marijuana or Peyote in their house or at parties or at religious ceremonies.
Drugs and Sex are mostly individual choice. There is no such thing as a consensual Crime.
A consensual crime is a public order crime that involves more than one participant, all of whom give their consent as willing participants in an activity that is unlawful. Legislative bodies and interest groups sometimes rationalize the criminalization of consensual activity because they feel it offends cultural norms, or because one of the parties to the activity is considered a "victim" despite their informed consent.[1]
One day we will get their.
Hello Frisco!
Join the amicus brief
people should have the legal right to speak for their partners
This is outrageous, and ludicrous.
Malaysia is for homophobes
I had to submit a written form to speak to our insurance co.on his ( my husbands)behalf .
OTP? Humiliation, & hilarity. This is a valuable video. Why don't you post these types? Andwhy don't you take a position on this current critical human rights issue that Occupy supports.
No support from the right.
They will turn. In time
Empowered by support from friends, families, & strangers! By us!
Carson sorry for gay slur
I don't believe him.
Another Sen supports gay marriage.
Still only 2 repub Sen. Whassat about?
So it was Will & Grace.
And that is the repub contribution to the issue.
SPLC fights against anti gay bullies
Support the SPLC
I think marriage contracts cover that
Not with insurance companies. Not anymore. you have to be on record ( a written form ) to be able to handle a spouses insurance, its the privacy thing.
Support gay occupiers rights
I never understood privacy
Its the law.
Fight bullying/violence in school
Support gay scouts
Is this religious misuse?
What do you think?
What i posted has nothing to do with religious freedom.
No, my Kentucky link was what my question referred to.
Progressives in Arizona? I guess all Arizonans aren't intolerant bigots.
Theres hope for Arizona
correct,........some of them are not democrats.
Catholics punish for gay support.
This is funny, or sad depends on your perspective.
What the ones in Bisbee Ar? Are they Democrats?
Support gay rights
Are you one of these?
Petition against microsoft support ofright wing anti gay conference
Please sign
Stop harassing me. Your childish, unfounded personal attack is off topic.
engineer a response to this gay rights article
Matt Taibbi usually gets it right.
Stop spam harassing me. Renounce your homophobia
Some history on gay rights & how we engineered this progress.
It's the truth and you know it is, DM.
You should spend your time pretending you have some friends in the world.
OWS needs activists. Not pretenders. You are doing what the 1% do, by manufacturing consent.
You've already been busted for doing it, and you're still doing it, you dickhead.
You think we don't all see you doing it?
What a cockhead you are, if you don't think we all see you voting for yourself.
Stop spam harassing me
Agitate the engineers of the coming decision
Sign petition to repeal DOMA
This is just disgusting
They know. And we know they know!
Ya know?
This is it.
On Wednesday, the Supreme Court is finally hearing arguments on the discriminatory Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). If you think it’s wrong to deny basic rights to LGBT Americans, now’s the time to say it.
Help us get to 100,000 strong calling on the Supreme Court to overturn DOMA: Click here to automatically sign your name >>
Under DOMA, same-sex couples are denied over 1,000 protections and responsibilities automatically guaranteed to married heterosexual couples. It’s just wrong. Every family deserves the benefits of equal protection under the law, and all Americans deserve the right to marry the person they love.
This movement for equality is growing larger every day. If we keep the pressure on, marriage equality could be a reality by this summer.
Let’s make this happen.
Thank you,
Democrats 2014
MN is a little behind the times (unlike you)
Great pix of the protesters outside Scotus.
Don't know what else to say abut this crap, but to show you what's happening.
This is just some entertainment. Sad but funny.
That's what passes as impartiality, in an extremist "right" wing Justice.
it's actually pretty outrageous. Guess we know how he will vote this week.
Some will be there, first hand.
Oh very good. Certainly the swing in opinion is amazing. I saw today 70% of millenials support marriage equality. Across the political spectrum!
I suppose scotus could still decide.against us but seems unlikely.
Some of them have minds as dark as their robes.
Well. we shall see.
Good analysis.
Thanks. It's something.
It's a form of tyranny, but no one thinks of it as such.
They can't seem to understand, how it's the acceptance of all of these little bits of tyranny, that in the final analysis, make it impossible to avoid the bigger bits that they do notice.
Repub Sen switches support!!
It's amazing what they do when things hit closer to home.
As long as it's "somebody else", they just follow the company line of BS.
This is the heart & soul of it all - If you are not like me -
you are them - you are different - you are evil - you wont get into heaven.
Not too much PR on exactly where the money is coming from to try to keep DOMA legal.
You & I know that the money is coming from you & me
via our dear friend, the crying orange
Yeah Boehner just made some statement confirming that.
Seems DOMA should be repealed, less certain how scotus will go on the prop 8 case.
A new attack on LGBT in CA.
And again it's the good Christians doing the attacking. "Jesus loves you, but not you!"
Yes Jesus hates you
And this you probably seen
But this one best of all surprised me.
Whaaaaaaat? Priceless?
Not sure, but I know he never said anything anti gay, hung out with 12 guys, and never got married so......
Just kiddin. and thanks for the response.
Hockey & LGBT community
Are you afraid of gay people. Can you engineer a solution to your fear
So this is one of your threads where you talk to yourself, WS, DM, I40, RepubsRGreat?
Your continued off topic discussion of me is childish and inappropriate.I will also inform you again: I use 1 ID. inclusionman. The ID's you list are ALL wrong.
Engineer a comment on LGBT rights. That would be appropriate
Are you harassing me because of my pro LGBT position, and my pro immigrant position?
Ritalin might help.
Oh, that's amphetamine.
Maybe an opiate?
So your contribution to this important thread is "double face palm"? A little more of your homophobia comin out?
Sign the petition in support of gay marriage.
Action Alert: take part in Q&A on scotus decision
If you are confused about these gay rightscases this is your opportunity to ask questions.
No one will laugh.
Arguments complete.
Live updates:
Support marriage equality. Join with Occupy in support of gay rights!
If the Xmen support us, can't you.
Does this move you at all?
Forget your points and attacking fellow posters with lies and join in any occupy supported effort.
Please join us. We need you.
Nope. I'm seeing a thread you use to upvote yourself, while talking to yourself.
Your mother might approve, but most people would find this situation quite disturbing, VQ.
Why can't you engineer support for our fellow LGBT brothers & sisters.?
Don't you think they deserve 1 post to show occupies interest and support.?
Put your illogical, childish, unfounded hatred of me aside, and support gay rights. Join with occupy.
Go phukk yourself, you self obsessed troll.
You're the only one obsessed (& trolling) with me (and my previous no longer used ID)
Engineer a comment on our LGBT brothers & sisters.
Support LGBT people
Please, we need your help to correct these injustices.
Scotus hears args this week.
Are you with occupy on this issue?
Heres why occupy supports gay rights!
We need your support please join us against this civil rights violation.
Action Alert! gonna be in DC?
Join us, we need each other.
And also amazing how many of those previously opposed are coming around.
This anti LGBT crap ain't right.
Naturally this is in anti immigrant Arizona
More corp support for LGBT rights
Whaddyathink! Anti LGBT repubs.
Repubs ARE the problem!!!!
We should all be interested in the overturning of this discriminatory offensive law.
Small victory.
Equality for all.
MT homophobic!
Builders of anti gay bigotry
Some on this forum are filled with hate and ignorance they can't support civil rights for all. And spread anti gay "jokes" instead of support for our fellow 99%'rs.
No wonder there is so little support for this important issue/thread..
And again.
"Like this" Join the good fight.
thought you would be interested in having this great post bumped.
Human rights campaign supports Progressive approach
1 Repub Sen support gay marriage
Another sen supports gay marriage.
Why is there only 1 repub sen support marriage equality.
And again! Cause this offense is WORTH a bump.
Don't you agree? How come you ain't said nothing about gay rights?
Do you hate gay people?
NEW info: Cuch the Scuch
FYI (& a bump for this important post lest we forget)
Upd: On scotus DOMA decision.
What do you think.?
Current event! SCOTUS hearing gay rights case today.
Isn't it great we can gather all similar info/action items into one repository?
Occupy supports gay rights!!!!
Will you join occupy against this offensive violation of civil rights.
Do you support LGBT rights? This thread is about LGBT rights. Comment on this current important issue.
Or is your purpose to personally attack those who identify and denounce anti gay, misogynistic comments?
Church hate group gets new neighbor
Gotta love it.
This one deserves a post of its own.
Please sign petition
Sure go right ahead. I frequently add to existing posts in my effort to create single repositories on the issues I care about.
But I'm not against additional thread/post.
Thx. I upvoted you (as always) since you were downvoted immediately.
I think the mods should remove the "stinkle" all together if you don't like something keep reading there always something else, if you do give it a twinkle, it would "settle down" the site quite a bit i think they should remove all "stinkle" votes from system going back to beginning:
If post is "anti-OWS" then replace with "report" button and let Mods remove such posts they do that anyway.
Good ideas. Anything off thread topic, or personal attack can be flagged or removed.
I would support the "no stinkle" proposal though. I'm constantly downvoted. And I say many anti repubs attacked mercilessly, & constantly.
The numbers are less important than the abusive, obscene, personal attacks, which never results in much mod action.
current system supports petty conflicts which IMHO is anti-OWS in nature I think the many reasons people downvote makes it less useful as data, to me what is important is the ideals people support that way we could build something, I think anyway.
I also would like to be able to upvote posts as well as comments
Exactly. Would love to see the downvote go, and some policing of keeping discussions on important topics/issues.
That would improve things greatly.
New confederates are anti gay repubs?
81% of people under 30 support gay marriage.
Do you?
Hillary does
Even bible belt preachers are turning!
Even repubs cave in to pro gay agenda
Are we anti gay on this forum?
How long before some support is shown for gay marriage?
Even Clinton says he was wrong for this ant lgbt law.
NFL players 'come out' to support gay marriage.
Dirty Harry supports LGBT rights.
No comments supporting LGBT Americans?
The Admin takes the right position on this important equal rights issue.
Gotta circumvent gridlocked congress for progress.
SPLC law center agrees with occupy.
Corp support Gay Marriage?
Support LGBT Americans
I don't support this republican effort.
I support this republican effort.
Biased anti gay rpt to SCOTUS