Forum Post: Still the same......
Posted 6 years ago on July 28, 2018, 4:48 p.m. EST by engineer4
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I haven't been on this site for some years but took a shot today. And what I see is a disapoinment in some of the narratives, comments etc. Its a real shame that I see same complaints instead if some real obtainable solutions. For me it was always money in politics. No easy solution to that but it is and will always be THE PROBLEM. We should concentrate on that one item alone. Fix that and we fix the rest. Focus should be how we unite instead of this constant us versus them which only divides further. Invitation, free discourse, acceptance of different views, tolerance and seeking common ground is the path to moving everyone to a better world.
If you're looking for realistic you're on the wrong planet!
Any cause is lost when hope is extinguished. Solutions and wins will always be found at ground level. Long view is required for this and splintering must be avoided. OWS was perfect example of splintering into a divided mess. BLM is same as are most protests. Prime message lost in the noise of too many "wants" .
It's another Thrashinginhismasks sock-puppet.
I don't know them all but guessed that was the case. He's one of the looney tunes that make this planet what it is.
(EDIT) You can usually tell pretty early as IT tries to push it's going nowhere narrative/agenda again as a totally NEW (snicker) identity.
Nobody knows them all - it could still have hundreds left "still" from before the sign-up was shutdown.
:) :) :)
You smile (because you had already figured this out).
Sad thing is - that - even after all of these years - that - many people have no idea.
That describes almost everyone in America and most of the rest of the world. I fear it will prove terminally sad.
The truly pathetic (unbearably sad) are those living in red states that to this day have no idea that Their WORST ENEMIES are the ones they have been supporting for decades and consistently returning to office! Note: There are those as pathetic and sad as do continue to support Dems that are no such thing - but are - the filthy GOP in disguise as dems (how truly sad that these go unrecognized for what they are) !
well thanks for clearing that up, that should help a lot...NOT!
I remember engineer4 but all are tools in war on wealth accumulation....
Wealth accumulation will always be with us. One of humanity's vices. PS. Thanks for remembering.
That's the thrashy I remember....
I am not thrashy FRF. I realize the pitched battles on this forum between him and quite of few others has created suspicion of everyone who posted on here in the past and I see that it continues. But suppression is just censorship while engagement is an invitation to other viewpoints when one chooses to engage in a tolerable manner....apologies for my preaching.
DKA. know I am not "thrashy" but I am not surprised at your response. Typical and pathetic. Like I state. Nothing changed. Still the same.
And you feel the need to come back just to state that?
I think NOT - funny you reappear after a prolonged absence (?) just to echo your other long absent recently returned (?) com-padre DavidJameson (ummmm sock-puppet).
How many more of YOU should we expect to crawl out from under the refrigerator to join your choir?
No I don't
Yes you do...we have had discussions in the past.....but like I stated....nothings changed here. A real shame.
If your comments upon your return had been more helpful perhaps DKA wouldn't have thought you are Thrasymaque.
I don't think you are Thrasymaque, I don't think any of his sock puppets made it to 339 points and I remember you. You criticize those of us who have stuck around but honestly, I don't see you putting in any effort and posting any good information. So, if you're going to post here, why don't you post some useful stuff? We could use the help.
Some of the people you see here arguing, while it may seem petty and personal, are in fact mimicking Americans arguing across this nation so how it plays out and the arguments that can be made, be they factual or emotional, all have merit.
I'd like to see anyone who remembers their moniker and password to come back here and post.
Well stated BW. I always thought your comments were thoughtful and without any ill will towards anyone. We may have disagreed at times but you were always fair and tolerant which it seems is really needed here. My post was more an observation on where this has evolved to and the disapoinment in the disintegration of the forum. Its a tough time for real discourse but we must continue to find where we agree and build from there. Small step process.
It is those very same conversations (past) that make me doubt your authenticity.
Yet People STILL report on abuses of this current system and STILL forward organized actions to participate in to form a majority unified body to defeat the corruption and this site STILL has thousands of readers who partake of what is shared in observations and recommendations!
Yet - YOU come back here and try to shit on all that remains of a site dedicated to ending the abuse!
Wow.... Its a shame that you still attack without even any attempt at discourse. Nothings changed after all and you proved my point. I will use my energy elsewhere to make a difference....BTW. need to shout....
Edit....also why not comment on the problem of money and politics rather than all this other unnecessary noise.
We talk about dark money controlling government ALL THE TIME (note caps = emphasis not shouting) - it was your stupid post that attacked this site and those here still using it that made all of the other stuff that you whine about - Germaine.
It's funny that you trolls always go for the shouting accusation rather than just accept it as being emphasis. But HEY I expect you must get shouted at a lot and so that is just what you naturally expect.
DKA. ...have you looked in the mirror ever? Why has everyone left this forum....think about it...
Didn't come here for a fight....just a look to see what's left. If you want to control this forum then fine....but its irrealavance will also continue. And that's a real shame......maybe I will check back again but for now I see it was a waste of my time.
In closing I harbor no ill will and wish you good health and hopefully find some happiness in life.
Edit...You came back because you see the bottom about to drop out of this economy. Houston we are going down. Blamo. Flames. Unemployment. Badness. And you're like shit, I need some people. I need people talking about jobs and banks and shit. I need help. Just know here, that is always the given. It doesn't get spoken of because we all know and feel it. We debate solutions and discuss the fallout of the avalanche. But the cause isn't really a question.
And yes the economy will crash Due to this:
But we all know that already because we are like" holy fuck cars are expensive, my pay has been the same for 8 years, and so how the hell am I going to qualify on that?, fuck it I HAVE to get to work and the store ( and let's face it life is unwinnable at this point) just waiting for another crash and the robot"
And we can guess they will go to war first and blame it on that. Covering their asses ...well assets.
I disagree that the economy is about to crash...I may agree that we are approaching the mature parts of this growth curve but not necessarily the end point where some sudden drop could occur. While I don't pretend to have a crystal ball i do observe and read articles from multiple sources to form reasoned opinions.
PS. Very good article btw. But one must be careful with graphs and predictions ...yet use of historical data is important in assembling strategies. There many other fundamentals besides loans in auto market that in combination creates markets fluctuations or worse, a serious correction or recession. Its finding the lead domino in the data.
You spend all of your time looking in the mirror - that is why you constantly repeat your same old same old crap:
Just another meddler trying to divide Americans
Gsw...not trying to divide regards to facebook, I don't use it as I prefer my data privacy...FB has allowed quite a mess to occur by putting profit in front if their stated goals..
Ok, engineer. That’s good. We don’t need to divide, as you post, and money in politics, is one of the tools of the elites Chris Hedges speaks to in “Death of the Liberal Class” which goes back to a campaign of stamping out any “questioning” of the official narratives of government, and which started to incorporate money and coordination, when Nader had become effective, in 20 citizen-benefitting public laws, corporations shut him up in the press, New York Times ordered black out on him, and then Powell memo led to money and think tanks and PACS. Yes, money should be exposed and regulated, but we are moving in opposite direction now, making it harder to know who is funding who....
....The eight-page memo, entitled “Attack on American Free Enterprise System,” became the blueprint for corporate dominance. Powell’s memo led to the establishment of the Business Roundtable, which amassed enough money and power to direct government policy and mold public opinion. It inspired the activities of the Heritage Foundation, the Manhattan Institute, the Cato Institute, Citizens for a Sound Economy, and Accuracy in Academe. The memo detailed ways corporations could shut out those who, in “the college campus, the pulpit, the media, the intellectual and literary journals,” were hostile to corporate interests. Powell called for the establishment of lavishly funded think tanks and conservative institutes to churn out ideological tracts that attacked government regulation and environmental protection. His memo led to the successful effort to place corporate-friendly academics and economists in universities and on the airwaves, as well as drive out those in the public sphere who questioned the rise of unchecked corporate power and deregulation. It saw the establishment of monitoring organizations that pressured
Continued [Hedges) ....themedia to report favorably on corporate interests. And it led to the building of legal organizations to promote corporate interests in the courts and press for the appointment of sympathetic judges to the bench. Corporations poured hundreds of millions into the assault. They invented bogus disciplines, including cost-benefit and risk-management analysis, all geared to change the debate from health, labor, and safety issues to the rising cost of big government. They ran sophisticated ad campaigns to beguile voters. These corporations wrenched apart, through lavish campaign donations and intensive and shady lobbying, the ties between Nader’s public interest groups and his supporters in the Democratic Party. Washington, by the time they were done, was besieged with twenty-five thousand corporate lobbyists and nine thousand corporate action committees. When Reagan, the corporate pitchman, swept into office, he set out to dismantle some thirty governmental regulations, most put into place by Nader and his allies. All of them curbed the activities of corporations. The Reagan White House gutted twenty years of Nader legislation. And Nader, once a fixture on Capitol Hill, was thrust into the wilderness. Nader, however, did not give up. He turned to local community organizing, assisting grassroots campaigns around the country, such as the one to remove benzene, known to cause cancer, from paint in GM car plants.
And then when “Bill Clinton and Al Gore took office, the corporate state was unassailable. Nader and his citizen committees were frozen out by Democrats as well as Republicans. Clinton and Gore never met with Nader while in office, despite Gore’s reputed concern for the environment. “We tried every way to get the Democrats to pick up on issues that really commanded the felt concerns and daily life of millions of Americans,” Nader says in the documentary An Unreasonable Man, “but these were issues that corporations didn’t want attention paid to, and so when people say, “Why did you [run for president] in 2000, I say, ‘I’m a twenty-year veteran of pursuing the folly of the least worse between the two parties.’” 29 Establishment liberals express a fascinating rage—and rage is the right word—against Nader in An Unreasonable Man. Todd Gitlin and Eric Alterman, along with a host of former Nader’s Raiders, attack Nader, a man they profess to have once admired. The most common charge is that Nader is an egomaniac. Their anger is the anger of the betrayed. But they were not betrayed by Nader. They betrayed themselves. They bought into the facile argument of “the least worse” and ignored the deeper, subterranean corporate assault on our democracy that Nader has always addressed.” (Hedges)
Geeze - you seem so severely concerned about what people HERE might think of you - seems kinda silly to me when you feel that this site and all of us here are irrelevant.
(edit) Divide or distract or misdirect - point being - trying to keep Us from making positive forward progress/movement.
Note: presented fixation with confronting dark money as to being the only thing we should be focusing on. One can Not End Dark Money caputure of government without removing those who support it as well as depend on it - so - to actually end dark money capture of government = requires removing individuals from office! That is = IMO.
Debate is not divide and I said...winning at lowest levels is the only way to solve this...legislative change and term limits...the most powerful person is the voter who educated to the point of making his her own decision and not blind follower to any party...legislators are scared to death of educated indepedant can't out spend them to defeat dark money. We need to look a the long term strategy.
I thought YOU left - that this site meant nothing to you - that this site and those on it were irrelevant - and YET - here you are = still
Was just checking replies to wrap that also a problem?
Again....I am not thrash....not sure how to prove otherwise than I know what's true on this matter.
Green Party ego whores co-opted this forum and destroyed any attempts to address wealth inequality through the political system.
So .. how do U "address wealth inequality through the political system'' ... THAT ACTUALLY CREATED
conservative pro-staus-quo fkn half-wit on this RADICAL OWS Forum and quite frankly .. your facts are
fukt! But I'll still be your huckleberry & so carefully consider ...
e tenebris, lux?
1st step....KILL the GOP!
So this "Kill the GOP" .. "is to be achieved how exactly in a country with a ... DEEPLY PROGRAMMED
"RW Reactionary rump - that is in love with its Stockholm Syndrome and suffers from severe Cognitive
"Dissonance as well as Confirmation Bias?!!!'' All U really want is .. a One Party State for your Pseudo-
Liberal, GOPlite, Establishment A$$ Kissing, Corporate scum; whose idea of Pro-99% does NOT even
extend to Universal Healthcare!! U have NO vision outside Duopoly, U binary brained numbskull! + FYI & also try to consider this link - IF U dare ...
The above is copied verbatim from a prior reply here ...
where it remains unanswered but despite your wish to avoid the matter, it is still relevant. Also FYI...
The DNC's idea to "Kill the GOP'' is to ape them & try to sell themselves as ''Corp. GOPlite''. F**k That!
veritas vos liberabit!
What's a matter Shadz revolution too hard for you?
Why don't put your big boy pants on and infiltrate the Dems the way Alex did?
You scared?
Your third party bullshit does nothing but elect the GOP!
U are still unable to answer the simple question asked, so I will pose it yet again for U, above & below... & yes, infiltrating Dems ..,
is a part of the solution, eg.
U just do NOT get it that The 99% Struggle in U$A has to be fought across many fronts .. all at the same
time, do U?! Your ONLY perspective is through your myopia and RW jam-jar spectacles and through the
arsehole of the DNC/Corp.Dems!! What the USA needs is a multiplicity of Independent State & Regional
Left/Progressives because it's CORPORATE DUOPOLY that's the problem ... geddit?!!! Nope. Of course
U don't, sigh. "How?" is a genuine question I ask to your "Kill The The GOP" assertion. Please reply now
but without just saying "Vote Dem"! Do U have ANY kind of political strategy ... bar more RW "GOPlite"?!
ad iudicium ...