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Forum Post: Solutions to the Capitalist Crisis via @InterOcc

Posted 10 years ago on Oct. 4, 2013, 5:58 a.m. EST by grimwomyn (35) from New York, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

“For workers to become their own board of directors is simply the final step in the long overdue process of Democracy as a concept. The idea of democracy is that if you have to live with the decisions then you should participate in making them. We as a nation take seriously that idea, and we want our politicians to be accountable to the people the make decisions for. But, if we are committed to Democracy, let me point out something that is a little bizarre. Where do most people who are adults spend most of their waking hours? At work. 5 out of 7 days. That’s a big proportion. If Democracy is a basic value of our system, how comes it to be that we exempt it from the place we spend most of our lives? The norm of a business is that the majority of people do not decide what to produce, how to produce, and what to do with the profits. A tiny minority decides that, and we live with the results of those decisions. This is only the modest proposal that we bring Democracy where it should be all along. ”

Read more: http://interoccupy.net/occupytheeconomy/2013/09/share-this-occupying-our-future-solutions-to-capitalist-crisis/



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[-] 1 points by LeoYo (5909) 10 years ago

"The idea of democracy is that if you have to live with the decisions then you should participate in making them. We as a nation take seriously that idea, and we want our politicians to be accountable to the people the make decisions for."

Not true.


We as a nation do not take seriously that idea as we have never been committed to democracy.

The people have never demanded democracy and have always been complacent in having unaccountable representatives make decisions for them. There has never been a national popular movement for federal level initiatives and 26 of the 50 states remain complacent in not having state initiatives. Even now, http://occupywallst.org/forum/free-democracy-amendment/ people could choose to organize to hold candidates accountable but don't. The majority could also choose to cease entrusting their finances to non-democratic financial institutions and patronize democratic ones in which they can participate in making decisions but continue to choose not to. Even those already involved in democratic financial institutions aren't interested in a beneficial national level of participation http://occupywallst.org/forum/the-cooperative-union/ .

There is no solution to the capitalist crises because so far there is no democratic will of the People to solve it. That, regardless of what any unaccountable politicians do, has always been the problem.

[-] 1 points by IrishRevolt (5) 10 years ago

"For workers to become their own board of directors is simply the final step in the long overdue process of Democracy as a concept. "

This is the hardest part to pull off.