Forum Post: So many arrests
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 13, 2011, 12:40 p.m. EST by KnowledgeableFellow
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Why is it that OWS people seem to get arrested in larger numbers. What is it about not doing illegal things that they don't seem to understand?
What is it about being a dumb fucking yahoo that you love so much?
It was a legitimate question. Why are there so many arrests?
If you think people are getting arrested for illegal activities, then you're deluded. This happened in touchy feely Canada. Imagine what's going on in the states.
So, you don't think any of those arrested did anything illegal?
I'm yet to see anything that has required a Military Presence shaped like Police Officers.
If people won't leave after they have been told told to leave, then they have to go to the next level to get the job done. That's pretty simple.
So if I go into your house and tell you to leave, you'll just leave? The Occupy Movement has taken up space in Public Spaces. That means the people Occupying paid taxes for that place to exist. No one owns the space. Everyone owns the space.
Who are the Police to tell them to leave?
What a stupid analogy. I own my house and you better not come inside without my permission.
But you confuse public space with your space. Just because it is owned by a government, does not mean you have a right to be there. Where did you get that idea? The local public school is owned by the "public". But, I can't just go and walk in to the school whenever I want. If there is an ordinance preventing camping on a tract of public property, then I can't camp there. And neither can you.
I can't believe you, or anyone else, would use the excuse that if it is owned by the public, then you have a right to be there. YOU DON'T!!!!!! LMAO!!!!
Yes you own your house. Just like the Public owns that Space. The Police exist to Protect the Public, instead they are going into our house and trying to kick us out.
I'm glad we agree on how horrible that is.
But that isn't your house. That is public space. You have taken that over from the public. We have police to deal with squatters like you.
A Public Space is for everyone. That is why it is called a Public Space. The people Occupying are not preventing anyone from coming in an using that Space. The Space is Public, and they are well within their Rights to be doing exactly what they are doing.
The Police are supposed to be there to protect the Public. That means it is their job to protect everyone from abuse. Currently the Police are working on behalf of their Corporate Masters, and not the Public. This is apparent by their actions against people using a Public Space.
The People Occupying are "The Public" too. They didn't suddenly stop becoming Citizens.
There are ordinances against what OWS is doing on the public property. That is the basis of why you can't do what you are doing. Just because property is owned by the public doesn't mean you have a right to access it.
Go ahead and try to enter the White House. Go's owned by the public.
So... because a Criminal releases a statement that violates our rights, that makes it legal?
What you are putting forth has been adjudicated so many times it isn't even funny. You have no idea what you are talking about. The law is very clear.
Refrain from laying claim to what I do and do not understand. That is insulting. I understand that free speech has its limitations. Libel and slander are a couple examples since you didn't see fit to 'help me understand' the limitations.
I'm no lawyer either lol. If I say something that is objectively false I don't mind being corrected. "The unexamined belief is not worth having."
Hague Vs CIO overturned Davis Vs Mass. in 1939.
ooops. I'm not a lawyer, but I do know this is settle law. Otherwise the ALCU would be all over the various jurisdictions. There are limits to free speech, which you don't seem to want to understand.
Fair enough, thank you for that.
I have. But, that isn't an example of a court ruling. If you can, please provide an example of a court ruling where local law trumps Constitutional rights.
Davis v Massachusetts for one. This is long settled law. You haven't come up with anything new.
Occupying as a form of assembly. You state this has been settled so many times, please show me examples. If I am not right then I would like to know concretely. When else has a redress of government come in the form of citizen occupation of public space?
Ummmmm, have you heard of the protests during the Viet Nam war?
You act like you are first to come up with something in over two centuries. Geez.
No local ordinance trumps the Constitutional right of assembly. OWS is using a form of assembly that has yet to be seen. That it is new doesn't make it anything other than a peaceful assembly with the intent to redress government.
Once again, this has been settled in the courts many times over the years. You are wrong. OWS is using a form of assembly that has yet to be seen? How is that? Please explain, lol
trolla lol la lol!!!! you guys must be getting paid well to spend all your time here. how much you getting KnowledgeableFellow?
why didnt you like the seems you guys cant do anything without getting arrested. its laughable
hey great reply. how much are you getting paid?
I asked a question and you didnt answer. The answer to yours, is zero. You fell for another one of those conspiracy theories that are rampant on this board. Kind of funny, actually.
Yikes! This morning I made a wrong move and fell off my horse, nearly cracked my skull and was suddenly blinded by the light of a trollface shining in the disc of the sun... Whew!!! I suddenly KNEW in my heart of hearts that the much-maligned trolls had been correct all along! So I swore then and there to stop persecuting them and to in fact JOIN the furry little critters!
O my brothers! o my sisters! I also realized that you valiant, hard-working, cuddly little muppets need to get with the times and form your own MOVEMENT! I even thought of a name for it : TOTAL KON-TROLL!!! D'ya like it?
Of course, you cute little imbeciles will need a PROGRAM. First, you want to get Obama to "move on"... even though he's quite the troll himself, actually. I mean, he just authorized the assassination of a 16-year old U.S. citizen without a trial ... not too shabby for a hopey-changey-commie dummy, huh!!!???
Second, as soon as you're in power, you want to abolish the "Constitution", the "Bill of Rights" and all such commie liberal bullshit. Won't be needed no more, 'cause the Republic will become a no-nonsense, pre-Magna-Carta TROLLDOM, under the Troll of Trolls, King Rush (Limbaugh) and his loyal 1% gang. The remaining 99% will only be tolerated as SERFS, barely eking out a miserable existence and there to do ALL our bidding... Just think of all those cute half-starvin' serf chicks we silly, sex-obsessed, impotent, Viagra-burping guy-trolls will get to choose from!!! OO-WEE!
I do realize you dimwits have a hard time with spelling and grammar, so I hereby offer my services as your... Propaganda-Fuehrer! Our logo would of course be that "trollface" I saw in my vision and just posted on Wikipedia. And right off the top of my head, here are a few slogans you might wanna start splashing on some posters... "TROLL POWER!!!" "TROLL POWER!!!" "TROLL POWER!!!"
"Fuck Occupy Wall Street!" (troll rap song on YouTube)
"END the fight against corruption!"
"Honesty is the WORST policy - strictly for losers!"
"CITIZENS UNITED against Social Justice!"
"Congress should rely on America’s wealthy to take care of income disparity!" (Thank you, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) on Fox News on Halloween Day 2011)
"Common decency is WAAAY overrated"
" 'You The People' SUCK!!!!"
"HELL NO YOU CAN'T!" (Thank you, John Boehner, House speech 03/21/10)
"Be kind... adopt a billionaire!"
“Take that bone out of your nose and call me back.” (Thank you, Rush Limbaugh, o uncontested King of the Trolls, for that candid response to a female African-American caller)
"Poor? Sick? Unemployed? TOUGH!!!"
"Try misery - it builds character!"
"Ban the baby bottle - no more FREE HANDOUTS for the little suckers!"
"Padlock all foodbanks - Let 'em STAAARVE!"
"If You Don't Have A Job And You're Not Rich, Blame Yourself!' (Thank you, Herman Cain! Wall Street Journal, October 5)
"BLAME the poor, make'em feel ashamed - that's the American way!"
"IGNORE thy neigbor!"
"Screw all those losers who 'thirst and hunger for Justice'!"
"Social Justice is a scam and a lie that has been pushed by the left for decades." (Thank you, "The1capitalist", for this pearl of wisdom posted on this forum November 5)
"Jesus was a no-good bleeding-heart LIBERAL! Crucify the hippie!"
"Hate is good - love is for SISSIES!"
"Genocide, rape and plunder are what made America GREAT!!!"
"Morality is for suckers!"
"Greed is good". (Thank you, Gordon Gecko, for that immortal line in Oliver Stone's "Wall Street")
"There is no god but MONEY! Worship MAMMON!!!"
"WHO are we sworn to serve? MAMMON! MAMMON! MAMMON!"
"I keep god in a trunk in my basement. Every so often, I take his corpse out and have sex with it." (A genuine comment posted on this forum by "MikeyD")
"Truth is a LIE and lies are the TRUTH!"
"Evil is good and good is evil : THAT is the summation of our TROLLOSOPHY!"
OK now, ya bunch of furry little Koch-sucking weasels, let's hear it for "TROLL POWER!!!" "TROLL POWER!!!" "TROLL POWER!!!"
what's funny is the ridiculous question you posed. get real troll!
What is ridiculous about asking why there are so many arrests?
good question!
Yikes! This morning I made a wrong move and fell off my horse, nearly cracked my skull and was suddenly blinded by the light of a trollface shining in the disc of the sun...
Whew!!! I suddenly KNEW in my heart of hearts that the much-maligned trolls had been correct all along! So I swore then and there to stop persecuting them and to in fact JOIN the furry little critters!
O my brothers! o my sisters! I also realized that you valiant, hard-working, cuddly little muppets need to get with the times and form your own MOVEMENT!
I even thought of a name for it : TOTAL KON-TROLL!!! D'ya like it?
Of course, you cute little imbeciles will need a PROGRAM. First, you want to get Obama to "move on"... even though he's quite the troll himself, actually. I mean, he just authorized the assassination of a 16-year old U.S. citizen without a trial ... not too shabby for a hopey-changey-commie dummy, huh!!!???
Second, as soon as you're in power, you want to abolish the "Constitution", the "Bill of Rights" and all such commie liberal bullshit. Won't be needed no more, 'cause the Republic will become a no-nonsense, pre-Magna-Carta TROLLDOM, under the Troll of Trolls, King Rush (Limbaugh) and his loyal 1% gang.
The remaining 99% will only be tolerated as SERFS, barely eking out a miserable existence and there to do ALL our bidding... Just think of all those cute half-starvin' serf chicks we silly, sex-obsessed, impotent, Viagra-burping guy-trolls will get to choose from!!! OO-WEE!
I do realize you dimwits have a hard time with spelling and grammar, so I hereby offer my services as your... Propaganda-Fuehrer! Our logo would of course be that "trollface" I saw in my vision and just posted on Wikipedia. And right off the top of my head, here are a few slogans you might wanna start splashing on some posters...
"Fuck Occupy Wall Street!" (troll rap song on YouTube)
"END the fight against corruption!"
"Honesty is the WORST policy - strictly for losers!"
"Lliberalism is a mental disorder." (Thank you, Karl99, for posting this pearl of wisdom on the forum November 14.)
"CITIZENS UNITED against Social Justice!"
"Congress should rely on America’s wealthy to take care of income disparity!" (Thank you, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) on Fox News on Halloween Day 2011)
"Common decency is WAAAY overrated"
" 'You The People' SUCK!!!!"
"HELL NO YOU CAN'T!" (Thank you, John Boehner, House speech 03/21/10)
"Be kind... adopt a billionaire!"
“Take that bone out of your nose and call me back.” (Thank you, Rush Limbaugh, o uncontested King of the Trolls, for that candid response to a female African-American caller)
"Poor? Sick? Unemployed? TOUGH!!!"
"Try misery - it builds character!"
"Ban the baby bottle - no more FREE HANDOUTS for the little suckers!"
"Padlock all foodbanks - Let 'em STAAARVE!"
"If You Don't Have A Job And You're Not Rich, Blame Yourself!' (Thank you, Herman Cain! Wall Street Journal, October 5)
"BLAME the poor, make'em feel ashamed - that's the American way!"
"IGNORE thy neigbor!"
"Screw all those losers who 'thirst and hunger for Justice'!"
"Social Justice is a scam and a lie that has been pushed by the left for decades." (Thank you, "The1capitalist", for this pearl of wisdom posted on this forum November 5)
"Jesus was a no-good bleeding-heart LIBERAL! Crucify the hippie!"
"Hate is good - love is for SISSIES!"
"Genocide, rape and plunder are what made America GREAT!!!"
"Morality is for suckers!"
"Greed is good". (Thank you, Gordon Gecko, for that immortal line in Oliver Stone's "Wall Street")
"There is no god but MONEY! Worship MAMMON!!!"
"WHO are we sworn to serve? MAMMON! MAMMON! MAMMON!"
"I keep god in a trunk in my basement. Every so often, I take his corpse out and have sex with it." (A genuine comment posted on this forum by "MikeyD")
"Truth is a LIE and lies are the TRUTH!"
"Evil is good and good is evil : THAT is the summation of our TROLLOSOPHY!"
OK now, ya bunch of furry little Koch-sucking weasels, let's hear it for "TROLL POWER!!!" "TROLL POWER!!!" "TROLL POWER!!!"
Thank you for proving my point
Thank you for proving my point
Yikes! This morning I made a wrong move and fell off my horse, nearly cracked my skull and was suddenly blinded by the light of a trollface shining in the disc of the sun...
Whew!!! I suddenly KNEW in my heart of hearts that the much-maligned trolls had been correct all along! So I swore then and there to stop persecuting them and to in fact JOIN the furry little critters!
O my brothers! o my sisters! I also realized that you valiant, hard-working, cuddly little muppets need to get with the times and form your own MOVEMENT!
I even thought of a name for it : TOTAL KON-TROLL!!! D'ya like it?
Of course, you cute little imbeciles will need a PROGRAM. First, you want to get Obama to "move on"... even though he's quite the troll himself, actually. I mean, he just authorized the assassination of a 16-year old U.S. citizen without a trial ... not too shabby for a hopey-changey-commie dummy, huh!!!???
Second, as soon as you're in power, you want to abolish the "Constitution", the "Bill of Rights" and all such commie liberal bullshit. Won't be needed no more, 'cause the Republic will become a no-nonsense, pre-Magna-Carta TROLLDOM, under the Troll of Trolls, King Rush (Limbaugh) and his loyal 1% gang.
The remaining 99% will only be tolerated as SERFS, barely eking out a miserable existence and there to do ALL our bidding... Just think of all those cute half-starvin' serf chicks we silly, sex-obsessed, impotent, Viagra-burping guy-trolls will get to choose from!!! OO-WEE!
I do realize you dimwits have a hard time with spelling and grammar, so I hereby offer my services as your... Propaganda-Fuehrer! Our logo would of course be that "trollface" I saw in my vision and just posted on Wikipedia. And right off the top of my head, here are a few slogans you might wanna start splashing on some posters...
"Fuck Occupy Wall Street!" (troll rap song on YouTube)
"END the fight against corruption!"
"Honesty is the WORST policy - strictly for losers!"
"Lliberalism is a mental disorder." (Thank you, Karl99, for posting this pearl of wisdom on the forum November 14.)
"CITIZENS UNITED against Social Justice!"
"Congress should rely on America’s wealthy to take care of income disparity!" (Thank you, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) on Fox News on Halloween Day 2011)
"Common decency is WAAAY overrated"
" 'You The People' SUCK!!!!"
"HELL NO YOU CAN'T!" (Thank you, John Boehner, House speech 03/21/10)
"Be kind... adopt a billionaire!"
“Take that bone out of your nose and call me back.” (Thank you, Rush Limbaugh, o uncontested King of the Trolls, for that candid response to a female African-American caller)
"Poor? Sick? Unemployed? TOUGH!!!"
"Try misery - it builds character!"
"Ban the baby bottle - no more FREE HANDOUTS for the little suckers!"
"Padlock all foodbanks - Let 'em STAAARVE!"
"If You Don't Have A Job And You're Not Rich, Blame Yourself!' (Thank you, Herman Cain! Wall Street Journal, October 5)
"BLAME the poor, make'em feel ashamed - that's the American way!"
"IGNORE thy neigbor!"
"Screw all those losers who 'thirst and hunger for Justice'!"
"Social Justice is a scam and a lie that has been pushed by the left for decades." (Thank you, "The1capitalist", for this pearl of wisdom posted on this forum November 5)
"Jesus was a no-good bleeding-heart LIBERAL! Crucify the hippie!"
"Hate is good - love is for SISSIES!"
"Genocide, rape and plunder are what made America GREAT!!!"
"Morality is for suckers!"
"Greed is good". (Thank you, Gordon Gecko, for that immortal line in Oliver Stone's "Wall Street")
"There is no god but MONEY! Worship MAMMON!!!"
"WHO are we sworn to serve? MAMMON! MAMMON! MAMMON!"
"I keep god in a trunk in my basement. Every so often, I take his corpse out and have sex with it." (A genuine comment posted on this forum by "MikeyD")
"Truth is a LIE and lies are the TRUTH!" Thank you for proving my point
"Evil is good and good is evil : THAT is the summation of our TROLLOSOPHY!"
OK now, ya bunch of furry little Koch-sucking weasels, let's hear it for "TROLL POWER!!!" "TROLL POWER!!!" "TROLL POWER!!!"
Funny isn't it? The protesters get arrested by the thousands, but the Corp. scum up in the offices around them get away with murder daily and none of them go to jail. Tells you something about who the police work for in this society doesn't it?
The police arrest people who break laws. You always say executives "murder" or whatever, but you never have any freakin proof...or even probably cause of an actual law being broken. I'm sure laws have been broken by them and many have been arrested, but you just talk and it means nothing without any proof.
Maybe there's just a lot of douchebag cops out there.
you really believe that? The OWS people are all innocent? The cops are just arresting them because they are douchebags? Yeah, get a freakin life.
My life is peachy keen, thanks. Question authority.
Question authority...that is oh, so 60's. Did you get that from your parents? or grandparents?
I figured that if hollow slogans are what count for intelligent discourse these days, then who am I to rock the boat?
"Get a freakin life" That's so 80s did you get that from your kid?
Stupid fucking blowhard. I'm so sick of reading the garbage from all of you.
It's like reading the comment section on Yahoo news.
Stupid yahoo.
I don't think you like me
Because getting arrested is the POINT, you idiot. LOL...that's why nobody gives a shit about the Tea Party. It's EASY to protest legally, but getting arrested and beaten for what you believe in takes BALLS. Where do they come up with you people? Absolutely pathetic. Go watch TV, you lazy dimwit...
Getting arrested needlessly is just a pretty stupid thing to do. They should be charged the cost to the public for the arrest.
See. Getting arrested is the point. You are forcing the police to work overtime just to get PR. Who's really lazy here? Balls? The cops have balls - working and taking care of your family takes balls. Camping out takes leisure. You're on vacation.
I heard they took them to Gitmo ?
Why don't you get a real job and become something society can look up to instead of being a bunch of vagrants that Occupy Space!
Or maybe it has something to do with this....
OWS utilizes a tactic called non-violent civil disobedience - a tactic utilized for centuries by people seeking to change systems they believe no longer work - and it invariably results in arrests. What don't YOU understand about THAT?
so you are saying they are illegal arrests?
I don't even know where you pulled that from? I even re-read my comment 3 times to make sure I didn't type something wrong. =/ Help me to understand your question as it relates to my comment.
Your comment only referred to non-violent civil disobedience. so, i asked if you are saying the arrests that have occurred have been illegal arrests.
i thought that was pretty clear.....
I see. So your issue is with the "non-violent" part then. Shocker. Fine then. When a group uses ANY form of civil disobedience arrest is a highly probable result and is generally expected and accepted by the protestors. Better? I was referring to OWS in my original comment however, and they have - in my personal experience and with the exception of a few splinter groups - used NON-VIOLENT civil disobedience along with mass occupation as their primary tactics.
Have all of the arrests been "legal?" I'm not a judge, nor a lawyer so I couldn't speak to that. Go ask one, the other or both not a layperson. I have seen use of what I deem excessive force used many times to facilitate arrests and evictions during the movement. From all cops? Not the majority but certainly some. Those officers should be tried and if found guilty punished appropriately just like anyone that violates a law should be - protester or otherwise.
My original statement was in response to yours; "Why is it that OWS people seem to get arrested in larger numbers. What is it about not doing illegal things that they don't seem to understand?"
Most of them do in fact understand the ramifications of their actions and are prepared to and will continue to go to jail because they believe in what they are doing and feel very strongly that their cause is just. A good hunk of the county now agrees with them - 43% vs 27% that disagree last I checked.
Does this make everything OWS says automatically right? No. It's a good indicator however, that there are definitely some things wrong with our system that need addressing - not the least of which are corporate control of the ours and the rest of the world's governments and the Fed.
It's hard to understand what the eff you're trying to say. Try using real English instead of the made up English you probably learned in college, moron.
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That doesn't have anything to do with my question? Why are there so many arrests?
Yikes! This morning I made a wrong move and fell off my horse, nearly cracked my skull and was suddenly blinded by the light of a trollface shining in the disc of the sun... Whew!!! I suddenly KNEW in my heart of hearts that the much-maligned trolls had been correct all along! So I swore then and there to stop persecuting them and to in fact JOIN the furry little critters!
O my brothers! o my sisters! I also realized that you valiant, hard-working, cuddly little muppets need to get with the times and form your own MOVEMENT! I even thought of a name for it : TOTAL KON-TROLL!!! D'ya like it?
Of course, you cute little imbeciles will need a PROGRAM. First, you want to get Obama to "move on"... even though he's quite the troll himself, actually. I mean, he just authorized the assassination of a 16-year old U.S. citizen without a trial ... not too shabby for a hopey-changey-commie dummy, huh!!!???
Second, as soon as you're in power, you want to abolish the "Constitution", the "Bill of Rights" and all such commie liberal bullshit. Won't be needed no more, 'cause the Republic will become a no-nonsense, pre-Magna-Carta TROLLDOM, under the Troll of Trolls, King Rush (Limbaugh) and his loyal 1% gang. The remaining 99% will only be tolerated as SERFS, barely eking out a miserable existence and there to do ALL our bidding... Just think of all those cute half-starvin' serf chicks we silly, sex-obsessed, impotent, Viagra-burping guy-trolls will get to choose from!!! OO-WEE!
I do realize you dimwits have a hard time with spelling and grammar, so I hereby offer my services as your... Propaganda-Fuehrer! Our logo would of course be that "trollface" I saw in my vision and just posted on Wikipedia. And right off the top of my head, here are a few slogans you might wanna start splashing on some posters... "TROLL POWER!!!" "TROLL POWER!!!" "TROLL POWER!!!"
"Fuck Occupy Wall Street!" (troll rap song on YouTube)
"END the fight against corruption!"
"Honesty is the WORST policy - strictly for losers!"
"CITIZENS UNITED against Social Justice!"
"Congress should rely on America’s wealthy to take care of income disparity!" (Thank you, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) on Fox News on Halloween Day 2011)
"Common decency is WAAAY overrated"
" 'You The People' SUCK!!!!"
"HELL NO YOU CAN'T!" (Thank you, John Boehner, House speech 03/21/10)
"Be kind... adopt a billionaire!"
“Take that bone out of your nose and call me back.” (Thank you, Rush Limbaugh, o uncontested King of the Trolls, for that candid response to a female African-American caller)
"Poor? Sick? Unemployed? TOUGH!!!"
"Try misery - it builds character!"
"Ban the baby bottle - no more FREE HANDOUTS for the little suckers!"
"Padlock all foodbanks - Let 'em STAAARVE!"
"If You Don't Have A Job And You're Not Rich, Blame Yourself!' (Thank you, Herman Cain! Wall Street Journal, October 5)
"BLAME the poor, make'em feel ashamed - that's the American way!"
"IGNORE thy neigbor!"
"Screw all those losers who 'thirst and hunger for Justice'!"
"Social Justice is a scam and a lie that has been pushed by the left for decades." (Thank you, "The1capitalist", for this pearl of wisdom posted on this forum November 5)
"Jesus was a no-good bleeding-heart LIBERAL! Crucify the hippie!"
"Hate is good - love is for SISSIES!"
"Genocide, rape and plunder are what made America GREAT!!!"
"Morality is for suckers!"
"Greed is good". (Thank you, Gordon Gecko, for that immortal line in Oliver Stone's "Wall Street")
"There is no god but MONEY! Worship MAMMON!!!"
"WHO are we sworn to serve? MAMMON! MAMMON! MAMMON!"
"I keep god in a trunk in my basement. Every so often, I take his corpse out and have sex with it." (A genuine comment posted on this forum by "MikeyD")
"Truth is a LIE and lies are the TRUTH!"
"Evil is good and good is evil : THAT is the summation of our TROLLOSOPHY!"
OK now, ya bunch of furry little Koch-sucking weasels, let's hear it for "TROLL POWER!!!" "TROLL POWER!!!" "TROLL POWER!!!"
To put me with the Kochs shows how fucking stupid you are
do you really think so?
Yikes! This morning I made a wrong move and fell off my horse, nearly cracked my skull and was suddenly blinded by the light of a trollface shining in the disc of the sun...
Whew!!! I suddenly KNEW in my heart of hearts that the much-maligned trolls had been correct all along! So I swore then and there to stop persecuting them and to in fact JOIN the furry little critters!
O my brothers! o my sisters! I also realized that you valiant, hard-working, cuddly little muppets need to get with the times and form your own MOVEMENT!
I even thought of a name for it : TOTAL KON-TROLL!!! D'ya like it?
Of course, you cute little imbeciles will need a PROGRAM. First, you want to get Obama to "move on"... even though he's quite the troll himself, actually. I mean, he just authorized the assassination of a 16-year old U.S. citizen without a trial ... not too shabby for a hopey-changey-commie dummy, huh!!!???
Second, as soon as you're in power, you want to abolish the "Constitution", the "Bill of Rights" and all such commie liberal bullshit. Won't be needed no more, 'cause the Republic will become a no-nonsense, pre-Magna-Carta TROLLDOM, under the Troll of Trolls, King Rush (Limbaugh) and his loyal 1% gang.
The remaining 99% will only be tolerated as SERFS, barely eking out a miserable existence and there to do ALL our bidding... Just think of all those cute half-starvin' serf chicks we silly, sex-obsessed, impotent, Viagra-burping guy-trolls will get to choose from!!! OO-WEE!
I do realize you dimwits have a hard time with spelling and grammar, so I hereby offer my services as your... Propaganda-Fuehrer! Our logo would of course be that "trollface" I saw in my vision and just posted on Wikipedia. And right off the top of my head, here are a few slogans you might wanna start splashing on some posters...
"Fuck Occupy Wall Street!" (troll rap song on YouTube)
"END the fight against corruption!"
"Honesty is the WORST policy - strictly for losers!"
"Lliberalism is a mental disorder." (Thank you, Karl99, for posting this pearl of wisdom on the forum November 14.)
"CITIZENS UNITED against Social Justice!"
"Congress should rely on America’s wealthy to take care of income disparity!" (Thank you, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) on Fox News on Halloween Day 2011)
"Common decency is WAAAY overrated"
" 'You The People' SUCK!!!!"
"HELL NO YOU CAN'T!" (Thank you, John Boehner, House speech 03/21/10)
"Be kind... adopt a billionaire!"
“Take that bone out of your nose and call me back.” (Thank you, Rush Limbaugh, o uncontested King of the Trolls, for that candid response to a female African-American caller)
"Poor? Sick? Unemployed? TOUGH!!!"
"Try misery - it builds character!"
"Ban the baby bottle - no more FREE HANDOUTS for the little suckers!"
"Padlock all foodbanks - Let 'em STAAARVE!"
"If You Don't Have A Job And You're Not Rich, Blame Yourself!' (Thank you, Herman Cain! Wall Street Journal, October 5)
"BLAME the poor, make'em feel ashamed - that's the American way!"
"IGNORE thy neigbor!"
"Screw all those losers who 'thirst and hunger for Justice'!"
"Social Justice is a scam and a lie that has been pushed by the left for decades." (Thank you, "The1capitalist", for this pearl of wisdom posted on this forum November 5)
"Jesus was a no-good bleeding-heart LIBERAL! Crucify the hippie!"
"Hate is good - love is for SISSIES!"
"Genocide, rape and plunder are what made America GREAT!!!"
"Morality is for suckers!"
"Greed is good". (Thank you, Gordon Gecko, for that immortal line in Oliver Stone's "Wall Street")
"There is no god but MONEY! Worship MAMMON!!!"
"WHO are we sworn to serve? MAMMON! MAMMON! MAMMON!"
"I keep god in a trunk in my basement. Every so often, I take his corpse out and have sex with it." (A genuine comment posted on this forum by "MikeyD")
"Truth is a LIE and lies are the TRUTH!"
"Evil is good and good is evil : THAT is the summation of our TROLLOSOPHY!"
OK now, ya bunch of furry little Koch-sucking weasels, let's hear it for "TROLL POWER!!!" "TROLL POWER!!!" "TROLL POWER!!!"
"KnowledgeableFellow" is a long-outed troll. Don't waste your time arguing with him.
To understand WHAT MAKES A TROLL TICK - AND have a chuckle while you're at it - go to:
you are funny, lol
Might be time to end this.
Give your humble opinion at:
They're mouthy punks... nothing more. Daring the cops to arrest them..practicing how to do it. THEN, when the moment arrives, they are on the ground...cop's knee in their back....getting cuffed. The shrieking begins.
This is the endgame they wanted.
There is a death at just about every major city encampment in the United States.
This is why we look bad to the World.
These guys dont have anything to lose. They dont have responsible jobs and they lack the ability to get one. They shit in the street. They dont care and the police are just the right people to deal with them. I respect the police because I will be honest, I couldnt do their job of dealing with these animals.
I doubt you could do much other than eat and watch TV...