Forum Post: Sean Hannity Destroys Occupier in TV Interview
Posted 12 years ago on May 4, 2012, 10:08 a.m. EST by chatman
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST: My next guest, an "Occupy Wall Street" organizer says that the left-wing fringe group has a tall and radical order ahead of them. Harrison Schultz was asked on May Day about his organization's motives. Let's listen to what he had to say.
Unfortunately these are the kinds of interviews you wind up with when the OWS goal is to remain leaderless.
Hannity drills people for a living and he is good at it. That guy he interviewed was not media trained and doesn't debate people for a living all day like Hannity.
If OWS had leadership, they would have professional media people do interviews who stick to a well crafted message.
Personally, I think the guy did a pretty good job, despite not being a professional. I think his background is in online marketing, so he had some understanding of communication, and he was pretty intelligent. But yes, it could have been done better as well.
Hannity sucked
I would stop reading him by the second paragraph
It's embarrassing that he is fifty and still can't say anything but rape
PR is always helpful
but unfortunately for FOX,
they seems unwilling to be helped
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the clip make me want ten minutes with Hannity, let him pick on someone his own size so to speak, wish I was half as smart as that kid, when though
I had the opposite impression. The guy was so bad I wondered if he was an actor hired by Hannity.
I also listened to his radio interview. He claimed he was a media analyst but then said he did media research on google when Hannity called him out on his incorrect claim that he got Hannity's show ratings the day after the show aired which is not possible.
It is hard to take someone seriously whose economic ideas are to make everything free and nobody pays for anything.
It didn't seem to me that Hannity had attained much of an advantage, he just seemed arrogant. The other guy at least seemed to be authentic.
And they wouldn't appear on a hatchet show like Hannity. Perhaps they might appear on PBS news hour or something similar.
Local college IU-PU ft wayne . . .gave an entire "course" on Occupy . . . it was on local channels in several parts LIVE. . . . they even had a televised Occupy vs Tea Party program
The Prof invited local Occupy Participants in the class and gave them great opportunity to explain the movement . . . . The prof was extremely sympathetic and kept trying to put historical import and comparison ....... . .and cost 700 dollars to actually Take the "class" for credit. Even with the openly supportive prof .. .they still could not explain what the OWS was really about .. . or how they would know when they had been, in Nancy Peloski's words, successfull. A Basket weaving class would have been more useful
That guy was a real idiot. He is representing you. Everything is free!!!
He represented himself and his feeling for supporting the movements against greed corruption and crime. That he did not fare too well on the program is a given - that was not going to be allowed as that is the intent behind that kind of program = bait set-up cut off and attack. The only real mistake made was to go onto that kind of program in the 1st place.
It has nothing to do with him not representing himself well. He said exactly what he felt, he wants everything for free, doesn't want to work and doesn't even know where his tuition is coming from. He is the symbol of the OWS - no responsibility.
That's a big problem, that any Tom Dick or Harriett can "represent" OWS while no one can at the same time.
Interesting link. Those who organize will win. The Arab Spring was won by the Islamic Brotherhood because they are the most organized in that country.
OWS should organize around the idea of eliminating unfair inequality.
Or they should be a federation whose mission is to promote whatever groups people organize into that are a part of OWS.
Hannity buries him with the list of things this idiot wants for free. He really does think his laundry list of gimmes does just pop out of the air. Hilarious.
Go to about minute 8 and the fun really starts. I don't even like Hannity, he's an ass, but he nails this easy target. Another occutard bitch slapped by reason.
hahaha! Shults represented himself as a leader of the movement so that's what your stuck with. enough with making excuses - this movement SUCKS!
OWS is a leaderless group; check it out on the home page of this site. Anyone that represents himself or herself as a leader of OWS suffers from a delusion: it is leaderless for a purpose.
You could represent yourself as a leader of OWS; that wouldn't make it true or desirable. I do wish reactionaries would become more educated, but I believe that would go against the grain.
Your mom sucks...pretty well IMO ;)
That's the best you can do lol!!! What a freak show !!!!
LOL Mr.-406... you're not even worth replying to!
the -406 is a compliment. whoops - I see below it's a - 443 lol!
My Vote: Marrison Schulz DID an Excellent Job against the Evil Hannity.
Harrison Schultz is intelligent, Witty, Sharp, and business minded.
really? which part? The part where he said the government should provide virtually everything for free lol?
Sean Hannity likes talking about sex, doing drugs and rape
and rapping woman
and violence in multiple cities
sex rape
anarchist books of weapons
and loans
rape blame
I daresay news may not be about popularity but who owns the broadcast equipment
By thinking out loud you make an excellent point. (Lame)FUX SNEWzzz seeks to cultivate every dark and negative human emotion in its nefarious attempt to trade in fear and loathing, in authentic service to its Conservative Corporate Overlords.
I seldom use the word 'evil' but in (Lame)FUX SNEWzzz's case - I'm willing to make an exception - The Evil Bastards ! Tch !! F*ck 'Em !!! ~{:-p)
honi soit qui mal y pense ...
I think I have have been Raped by Sean Hannity every time I listen to him for 30 seconds or more.
I can't understand a word Hannity says. I don't speak Santorum.
He is a politician. And they often want to be our fathers or tell us what to do and how to live.
I might be wrong, but I keep thinking that Sactimonious is someone that thinks they have the upper hand because they parrot a higher ethic or parrot what they think is the higher moral. They think they can win dominance through saying their words are sacred and widely accepted. It is a power play in our inter-personal relationships.
So Sanctimonious would include: Santorum, Gingrich, Romney, and most all GOPers.
Santorum has a special meaning. google it.
While Fox News may have some of the most talented co-anchors on the air, the FoxNews organization has a political agenda that is not in the best interest of most US citizens and the country.
Sean Hannity? Really? Come on, Chatman.
hahaha! go ahead - discout the blasting this guy SHults took - are you kidding lol!
What blasting? Hannity was a shmuck. Same as he always was.
You have been put on notice. There are very real issues involved. You will either deal with the issues or you will most definitely pay. That won't come from OWS. You will have your bread riots.
You, Hannity, and Fox stand with the 1% who crashed the world economy, took socialist bail out money, and prey on the American people. You all support the corps that poison our food, water, and air. You stand against the American working families! and you can't even see it. support OWS! Vote down the FOX lovin republicans.
What difference does it make Who's show you appear on . . .or who asks the questions . . The point here is your fellow occupee'r had NATIONAL time on the top rated Cable NEWS channel . . .AND proved he is delusional . . . All basic needs . . . (and toys an luxuries by extention) SHOULD BE FREE . . . No Plan . . .Capitalism is just wrong . . .no alternative . . . Hannity had no patience . . .of course . . .Like a three year old throwing a temper tantrum . . . No reason . . .they just WANT to be TAKEN CARE OF. And laughin' douche above . . .thinks its all a joke . . . Communism isn't funny . . .but it is your future if you continue being stupid.
Again, it will be your failure if you do not pay attention.
Hannity had no intention of listening to what he said. None at all. He made that clear. Unchecked capitalism isn't funny, clown.
I am not a 29 year old that agreed to go on that show. I am not an anarchist, although I find value in much of what they say. I am not a communist-communism just like capitalism looks pretty on paper but is deeply flawed. So, don't play that shit with me.
Well, GirlFriday,
You typed plenty of "I am not"s but no "I am"s. This is an open forum, right? Feel free to tell everyone who you really are: A paid pseudoanonymous Democratic Party operative whose job - working tag team round-the-clock with GypsyClown, EPAenema and many others - is to co-opt this forum and with it as many gullible Occupiers as possible into the Democratic Party, where they can once again be easily managed as an insignificant anomaly in the corporate fascist controlled two-party system that gives Fakebook/iPhoney mesmerized Sheeple the "right" to vote on false choices using rigged voting machines in staged elections with predetermined outcomes guaranteed if necessary by judicial overrides:
The bold font troll returns.
You must be crestfallen that - given your 7,719 "karma" points - you weren't mentioned...
ForumSpeak: The True Meanings of "Spam", "Troll" and "Karma":
spam : Any forum posting that (a) conflicts with either the forum moderators' agenda or groupthink consensus; or (b) any other forum member disagrees with, doesn't like, fears or otherwise does not wish to see posted.
troll : Any forum member who posts "spam" as defined above.
karma : A numerical measure of forum groupthink contribution, conformity and compliance that says nothing about the virtues of the poster or the veracity of their postings.
Back and repeating old shit. SFB - this is not your forum - have a problem(?) (obvious) take it to a moderator.
Thanks for the advice, wuss, but I don't bend a knee to "moderators" in forums or - dare I say it - real life.
Who said you should bend a knee(?)..........You! You are the only one to suggest it. Since you have so much respect for yourself(?) why are you a blind marcher for greed corruption and crime?
Feel that corporate fascist puppet Bushbama/MoveOn paycheck starting to slip away, do yah?
Are you speaking to the welfare corporations associated with WallStreet and fossil fuel?
Did they not tell you why they sent you here?
I mean trolls are dumb - but come on!
You left off the UAW and the Teamsters.
yea - Hannity is not going to allow this guy to highjack the show & start spouting what HE wants. He is there to ask the kid questions & the kid is there to answer them. Kid - he;s a grown man for Christ sake 29! Shults needs to get a life already. Manual labor is beneath him - typical attitude from OWS - not surprised.
When you do interviews, the object is to get further information from the other party. Not so much with clowns like Hannity.
I'm not going to lie to you, I would not have made some of the choices that he has made. That said, you don't really know anything about it because he wasn't able to actually give any further information.
all guys like Shults do is grandstand . They love to deflect a question and make statements they want to make. I am proud of Sean for not allowing that loser to get away with that. It's not an open mic show. Shults perfectly represents OWS lol!
You repeat yourself . . .over and over again . . .which makes you . . well . . . .redundant . . . AND just as here, Hannity had no patience for non-reasoned opinions for some one who wants to make a career out of complaining, protesting, disruption . . and can offer NO alternatives . . . This guy said he is not going to "participate" in the election because he doesn't "believe" in the system at all .. . He is going to use alternative 'methods' to get his utopia . . . Gee wonder what that will be ?
If you would have listened the first time around then I wouldn't have had to repeat it. Since you continue to post the same crap over and over then it doesn't appear that I am the one with the problem.
HARRISON SCHULTZ, "OCCUPY" PARTICIPANT: We never left. We were just tired. I mean, anarchy isn't easy. This is a lot of work. We had to hibernate for awhile, but today we are resurging. The energy is really good out in the streets.
The problem here is capitalism. That's what needs to change. That's what is failing all of these people. I personally don't care about this election. I know other people are working on it.
But I am looking at far, far more radical alternatives than political alternatives. I would like to actually see a new form of politics entirely.
SCHULTZ: You keep changing the subject -- I would like to keep talking about my problems with capitalism, personally. I would like to talk about my solutions, too.
HANNITY: You want to post your own show.
Hannity was an ass. He allowed no opportunity for solutions to be presented. Try again.
I gave it 6 out of 9 minute because I work with gLee which is on Fox
surely fox news rating must be dropping
I don't know if he honestly thought that he was going to get a fair shot or what.
there are some occupiers concerned about rape law
Sean needed one of those
Sean would take anyone (and I mean anyone) if he had the opportunity.
sorry Sean
this audition is over
What you are going to get is Sharia law .. .I 'm sure the 'boys' will be happy . . . .the girls . . . Not so much
"But I am looking at far, far more radical alternatives than political alternatives. I would like to actually see a new form of politics entirely."
AND of course Communism is at the top of the list . . .you do know that subversives . . .after their 'usefullness' is over . . . .
WILL be Rounded up and Hauled away . . .
What IS his advanced utopian society . . .he speaks of . . .? Someone . . . .any one . . .? Anti-Capitalism is NOT a real thing!
And as far as Hannity being an ASS . . .every time an Occupee'r speaks it smells of Methane . . .
Wrong answer. Try again.
Bottom line, anything is better than this tired ass system we are using. Liberals arent being represented, conservatives arent being represented, or anybody in between the two.
We get our rights taken away, our choices on lifestyle are downsized every year, our taxes go up, more and more bombes are dropped, etc.
Whatever his "alternative methods" might have been, that is where the real discussion is. Anything else is just playing right into their hands.
Can anything Hannity says be believed? He is a totally talking point person. This faux-interview was a staged retaliation for a man-on-the-street encounter between a Fox News reporter and an unidentified occupier that did not go well for FoxNews.
Occupy Fox News [right click]
If my son grows up to be like Harrison I will have failed as a parent. What a whiley little fag
if your part of OWS you've already failed. I cant imagine If my father was part of some radical communist protest group. I'd be in therapy my whole life lol!
99 % have failed
dont try to attach yourself to some group and hide behind the 99% - you have failed. losers need to be part of a group. use your own brain.
Wow, watch much TV? This isnt a radical communist group. You will find the majority want Money out of elections, and want justice for a banking system that destroyed the american dream.
This is what the media does. Every conservative and liberal wants those two things, but if we unite for a cause, hmmmmmmmmmm
money out of elections - but you cant explain how to do it. The money isn't the problem - we are the problem. We vote for those with the most money. For instance - there is a great third party Libertarian out there named Gary Johnson. He will be on the ballot in November. Yet he doesn't have a chance - why?
I agree that the people's own ignorance and love/trust of TV has a lot to do with it.
no coverage
I seen a video of this interview, and true to form, fox found themselves a fun punching bag. But no worries, there's articulate occupiers doing interviews (for instance, Colbert just interviewed a guy who did an absolutely brilliant job).
In fact, the guy did such a terrible job, I'm wondering if Hannity staged the whole thing?
yea - it was staged lol! anything that is at odds with you is a lie lol!!!
Well, I'm not saying it was staged (that was more of a joke obviously), although I'm quite sure it was staged to a degree, insofar as Hannity (or his staff) cherry picking someone who would make OWS look, if not bad, at least scatter brained. I've seen other interviews (for example Bill Moyers, Colbert, etc.) where they interviewed an occupier with a very impressive resume, both academically and professionally, and who did a remarkable job of representing OWS.
so basically you are throwing one of your own under the bus. Not unlike your messiah Obama does to his people lol!
This movement isn't monolithic, and I don't believe in messiah's. The way I see it is people who team up against other people, and who don't critique themselves, are exactly the same people who fucked up our country. It's been the lack of integrity and intellectual honesty, indeed, even losing sight of what the word integrity means, which has brought us to where we are today.
I'm critiqued all the time, indeed, I'm not even really critiquing anyone here. The gentlemen who interviewed with Hannity, didn't stand a chance (even if he was something like a lawyer or public relations expert, it would still be difficult to come out of that shit pen unscathed).
That's the sort of thing you literally have to train for (to even stand a little bit of a chance). I mean, Hannity isn't a news program, it's more like Rush Limbaugh slightly modified for prime time (and probably with a much better and more sophisticated staff).
That is not the sort of format that could ever possibly do any movement of any meaning any good, it's just not. Even if the interview went well, you'd never get a chance to fully articulate your position, and the guys at Fox do a very good job of shaping the conversation. I remember seeing Sam Harris and Richard Dawkins on O'Reilly. Both of those guys have PhD's, are accomplished scientists, with very good arguments against religion, and O'Reilly chewed them up (even though he's light years stupider than they are). So in my humble opinion, a liberal (much less an anarchist) is well advised to avoid Fox.
government should pay for everything is what Schultz was "articulating". No?
It's hard to tell what he was articulating, since he was totally unscripted, didn't seem to prepare for the interview, and there was no opportunity to elaborate on anything. It was more like the interrogating attorney berating the witness, asking a "yes or no" question (which requires elaboration), getting the answer he wanted, then cutting off the witness before he can elaborate.
it wasn't that hard - I was able to figure it out. Yes or no questions are the best. Most people deflect the question & make the statement they want to get out there. Hannity & O'Reilly don't stand for that. What requires elaboration? For instance do you support the Buffet rule on taxes Yes or no? Not that complicated.
Hannity and O'Reilly are twin thugish douche bags from long island. If they weren't doing this, it would a life of alcoholism and bar brawls.
LOL - alternatives in life - what one choice - can make the difference of - solitary ( mostly ) decrepitude or public torture/abuse.
Fox has always been very adept at getting guests from the "other side" that are far from professionals in their fields.
Most conservatives I know think FOX is a joke, more of an entertainment channel than a news channel.
Then again, that goes for MSNBC too.
it's not about fox - it's about Schultz. government should pay for everything is what Schultz was "articulating". No?
Appearing on Fox News is asking to be run over by a steamroller for the unprepared. Fox News is not news. It is a propaganda tool in the guise of expert tabloid journalism. Last week Hannity interviewed CIA agent Jose Rodriguez, author that wrote a book about his role as a interrogation specialist that has questioned top al Qaeda operatives with advanced interrogation techniques.
Soon it became clear that Messrs. Rodriguez and Hannity had not been told about controlled demolitions at WTC on 9/11/2001. Obviously, if the largest controlled demolitions in New York City history were responsible for the collapse of WTC twin towers and building 7, then Osama bin Laden, Sheikh Khalid Mohammed, al Qaeda, and jet airliners were not the cause of the mass destruction and deaths that day. The CIA interrogation techniques did not produce the truth. Those techniques caused their prisoners to admit to being the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks, which is impossible because no one in New York City, New York State or Federal governments has yet acknowledged the fact that controlled demolitions brought those buildings down.
So for the past ten years the CIA agents and our government have been torturing al Qaeda for information about 9/11 that didn’t exist. And even today, there is a celebration marking the anniversary of bin Laden’s official death, when he probably died from end stage renal disease in 2008.
Therefore OWS personnel should stay away from Fox News.
Conspiracy theories do not have a place here on this forum. Read the rules.
My remarks posted were directed at the credibility of Fox News and Hannity as journalism vs propganda, disinformation and misinformation. Hannity uses the word "conspiracy" first. So let's say this whole article/thread shouldn't be here. Since the thread is here ...
Read the article. Then scan the thread.
If it weren't for conspiracies Fox News couldn't exist.
There are plenty of conspiracy theories without fox news. Besides, fox news is both news and opinion, as many other of the cable networks are.
Fox News and the 2000 Election
So many Americans cannot tell the difference between news and opinion. How can anyone tell? The public is so gullible.
Neutral based education would be a start. But many people want to believe what they want to hear.
Fox News has a captive audience. Fox could try harder to be fair and balanced. Hannity doesn't even try. He's one of their brightest stars. His job is to maximize ratings.
Normally i do not respond to these posts but here: Do you really believe that a controlled demolition, with all it's required work before the event, could actually have been hidden ? Simple answer: NO
"Could have been hidden?" Well, if hundreds of engineers and architects are putting their careers on the line to demand an investigation (something that really never happened - even Tom Keane says the "investigation" was seriously flawed) I want one also. I want to know why it was so important to ban cameras from the WTC site until the steel wreckage was carted away for shipment to India and china to be melted down. I want to know why the government fought to stop then starve the investigation, why Bush couldn't appear without Cheney and why they couldn't swear they were telling the truth. there are too many questions that demand answers.
I do not wish for conspiracy theory to be discussed here so I am done with this topic. Especially when you did not answer the question. Do not expect further replies.
Hundreds of engineers and Architects are dubious about 9/11 and want a real investigation. it doesn't matter what i think was possible. they think it was possible and they want to know the truth. Mot too much to want.
Yes, we need to know what thoughts are unthinkable. Thank you
Perhaps OWS needs to adopt more of a debate format. Put it out there that public speech teachers and coaches are wanted in the movement. Let them work with the OWS representatives or anyone else who is serious about it.
That's a great idea. The other news organization may not be as bad as Fox, but Americans in the TV audience may not be ready for formal debate as evidenced by the debates between Republican candidates for the party's nomination.
I think we would want a more "classical" approach to debate. That is, debates which are intended to get at the truth and functional principles, rather than just persuading, making a candidate look good, or confusing the issue. I think this is what most mainstream politicians do these days, and we, the real 99%, need something different.
Right. I don’t know what happened to debating.
Kennedy-Nixon Debates(1) 1960 [right click]
Kennedy + Nixon Debate Review (1960) [right click]
It seems Americans may have lost direction since these debates.
Getting to the truth without debate is probably good enough. For example, look at the debate on climate change. One side brings out the science that supports the climate is changing. The other side brings out the science that creates doubt. So nobody wins until the glaciers are shown to be disappearing. [right click]
Our leaders don’t know enough science, or lack the intellect to lead the country into the future. Obviously, they depend on advisors instead of understanding firsthand what the facts mean and what has to be changed.
Economic Debate [right click]
Yes, I had watched those Kennedy-Nixon debates myself recently. They seemed so serious and thoughtful compared to what we have now. Its like our whole society has been put into a cloud of mental numbness.
Hannity is a talk show - no one ever said it was news. Shepard Smith is news. Brett Baer is news.
Right. Fox News is a news channel, a subsidary of News Corporation. Hannity is a "conservative political pundit" . SCHULTZ: Let me start by saying, thank you for letting a dirty hippie come in and explain his views -- this is the way your news network is portraying us.
SCHULTZ might have thought Hannity as part of the Fox News organization, was going to give him a fair and balanced interview.
fox news is dying on the vine
Cool, Cool, Considerate Men - 1776 (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
I thought most of it was OK. There could have been a better speaker chosen for this, if this person wasn't just a plant to drum up ratings. Most people in Occupy that I know would tell Fox to go fuck themselves, and never volunteer to be on that biased shit pile that passes for "news"
"HARRISON SCHULTZ, "OCCUPY" PARTICIPANT: We never left. We were just tired. I mean, anarchy isn't easy. This is a lot of work. We had to hibernate for awhile, but today we are resurging. The energy is really good out in the streets.
The problem here is capitalism. That's what needs to change. That's what is failing all of these people. I personally don't care about this election. I know other people are working on it.
But I am looking at far, far more radical alternatives than political alternatives. I would like to actually see a new form of politics entirely."
Here is where Fox "shines." Notice how the conversation is loaded right from the start:
"HANNITY: So anarchy is not easy and more radical alternatives are being explored. Well, from the look of these new pictures from May Day, well, they seem to be pretty radical alternatives to me.
Now the protest quickly turned into a violent and dangerous scene of smashing store windows, attacking police, defacing bank and store fronts."
Now if I were Harrison I would stop Hannity right there and probe him on exactly how many of these incidents we are talking about, out of 30,000 people. Drive home the fact that 30 THOUSAND people took to the streets, and all that Fox can find is what, maybe 10 people doing something that they don't agree with? Point out that Fox picks-and-chooses what to report on.
"SCHULTZ: Let me start by saying, thank you for letting a dirty hippie come in and explain his views -- this is the way your news network is portraying us.
HANNITY: Did I say you are dirty, a hippie. Did I say any of that?
SCHULTZ: Yes, in August. You were making fun of my friends?
HANNITY: You mean the ones having sex in public, doing drugs and defecating on cars and those who are on other cities that were actually being violent breaking store windows, cursing out police and all of that? You mean those guys, those guys?
SCHULTZ: No, no, no. Those were the people that the NYPD was sending to the park to discredit us and make us look bad. And actually give your network --"
OK, this was working right until that last rebuttal. He should have went with, "out of thousands of peaceful protestors who didn't do any of those things, your station chooses to focus on a few bad apples. Did you give this much media coverage to the Tea Party protestors who brought weapons to rallies? Where is your 'fair and balanced' reporting on this issue?
"HANNITY: What about the violence that took place in other cities and the broken store windows and the sex in public and drug use in public and defecating on a police car, was that a police conspiracy too?
SCHULTZ: I don't think there is anything particularly radical -- that's very cliche --"
That was a bad answer. He should have turned the tables on Fox, and pointed out that Beibart's rape list, for example, was fabricated nonsense and was debunked. Also point out that one person does not represent the entire movement, and that the overwhelming majority of people there (i.e. all but one) did NOT shit on a police car. Just because one person out of thousands misbehaved doesn't make our points and less valid.
He could have also said "I'm not going to answer your biased line of questioning. I'm here to talk about..."
"HANNITY: What is your problem with capitalism -- how old are you?
SCHULTZ: I'm 29, sir. How old are you?"
Should have said "my age does not change the validity of our viewpoint, which is..." aka keep steering the conversation in the direction that you want it to go. The Fox pundits are well-versed in staging an interview in a way that will make you look as bad as possible. Its is up to you to call on them on their BS every step of the way, and make sure that you get your point out no matter what.
"SCHULTZ: You keep changing the subject -- I would like to keep talking about my problems with capitalism, personally. I would like to talk about my solutions, too.
HANNITY: You want to post your own show.
SCHULTZ: I would! That's what the up on movement is about, it's about getting people to host their own shows and stop listening to people like you. We don't need you anymore. Your viewership is on the decline --"
Great job at trying to steer the conversation back. The attack at the end didn't work, however. Maybe he should have asked Hannity, ignoring the "you want to host the show" leading statement, "Do you condone companies like Duke Energy having negative tax rates despite making billions in profits?"
"SCHULTZ: For people within my age group and the opportunities are not there to pay off the debt that we have been --
HANNITY: Are you against big business?"
Another Fox tactic. The cut off. Best way to fight this is "You're being rude. Let me finish."
"HANNITY: You don't work. You get free money for school and you are complaining and whining --
SCHULTZ: Google is the most successful company. They give away their products for free, right? So people like us, we spend all of our time providing content on social networks, we work."
Bad argument. He should have changed subjects or went back and used the statement as an attack on the 1%.
"I would be more than glad to pay for my education with my own money if the 1% didn't gut all of the jobs from our country. The 1% uses their greed to keep people like us from being able to live independent live, ergo we need government assistance to do what we could have done on our own before. Lets also talk about the greed that is causing our tuition rates to increase to the point that we need loans. Lets talk about the greed that textbook manufacturers exhibit when they change maybe 2 pages in a textbook and call it a "new edition." Lets talk about the fact that every job but the most menial requires a degree, effectively forcing us into this system."
"HANNITY: Hanging out with rapists, drug addicts, people having sex in public is more fun.
SCHULTZ: It's more dignity in that than it is hanging out in this show with you."
Nice. That would have been a better diss if the earlier points were rebutted.
Which I am sure explains the reason you are here attacking - as it is irrelevant? Go Fuck yourself. You may as well continue - but we would appreciate it if you would continue to fuck yourself somewhere else.
mayday had about 100 in san diego
the BBC made a report of an aircraft carrier in san diego that day
they were getting all excited over war planes
Harrison Schultz is an idiot. Hannity and Fox news are doing what they always do, twist the story around to sway people what they want people to believe and he had to say something really stupid like the NYPD sent those people down there to rape those women. Look, i've spent time on the streets and as any street person knows there are dangerous people out there, the larger the city the more of. Whenever there's an event, say a fair, the police know to be there because trouble will go there looking for opportunity. When Occupy started occupying areas, it was street ignorant, you knew your worlds but you didnt know this one. There are good street people and homeless who know this only too well which is why there surveillance camera's all over the place which can only respond to a crime after it happens or reported and normally after the perp is gone. Ever know anyone who have lived on the streets or in a mission. They have been preyed upon. The homeless use to be and probably still are, the most cases of unreported crime being victimized because they live in fear of retaliation. When this movement starting clashing with the police instead of trying to understand them they were not able to be amongst the crowd to watch for these kinds and tell you how to be safer out there. Yes, the police have some bad apples, just like in any crowd, as well as those who get carried away with their tempers and tactics but there are many, many good officers who are only doing their job. Thats orders from headquarters, not something personal from individual police and they have to do their jobs, try to see their side of this. I also believe that this opened the door not only for the criminal elements but for misfits or those idiots like black bloc. As far as those who wanted to blow up a bridge, its just a case of a few bad apples again, who think more radical measures are the way to, while the main body of this movement is to accomplish it's objective non violently, which i respect and believe is the way or it will harm what this movement is trying to do. Just listen to that butthead hannity, see what i mean.
I hate Sean Hannity. What a punk.
Occupy needs more structure and to make its core message "Getting outside money out of politics". Sweet and simple and deals with the root of the problems.
Occupy needs to get its act together fast. That interview was fucking horrible. Even if he didn't actually truly represent the movement, stuff like this causes the movement damage. Plays right into Faux New's narrative of the movement it wants to paint it in.
you need to do more than "Getting outside money out of politics". You need to articulate how.
There are multiple creative ways of making of Getting outside money out of politics the core message and goal. Initially its not about the technical process of how, but just that its at the root of all that is wrong with this country.
Corruptions, special interests and bribery is why our country is in the state its in.
First its about messaging and getting people on board. Its simple, straight to the point and just so happens to be the most bipartisan issue there is. EVERYONE from all political sides complain about how our political system is bought and how our democracy is becoming more smoke and mirrors. Everyone believes that politicians are bought and care more about doing the bidding of whichever special interests is buying them than whats best for the country.
So we call them out on it. Either you're a politician that is bought or you want to end the corrupt bribery system. We follow the money. We highlight which Wall Street firms paid off who. And tie the money to the politicians that advocate for policies that screw this country over.
Now once we have the majority of this country on board with a message that most of them already agree with anyway THEN we get to the technical parts on how. It will involve a constitution amendment which will be hard to do now. But by the time this message has sunk in(not very long) the task will be MUCH simpler.
After we get outside money out of politics all the other problems will gradually get fixed. Because we will be able to have debates on all these important issues without the influence of outside money buying our politicians we will fix all the problems plaguing our country much faster. We will be able to truly end Too Big Too Fail, Higher Education costs, Income Inequality, fix our Tax system, etc, etc. The possibilities will be endless.
So im not saying that the Occupiers needs to stop complaining about all the other important problems plaguing this country, but do it under the umbrella something that deals with the root of ALL those problems; Getting outside money out of politics.
"There are multiple creative ways of making of Getting outside money out of politics" give me your favorite one.
non-first residence property tax
please expand your answer.
Campaign finance reform hole digger campaign finance reform. Takin notes?
The only way it can be done is by passing legislation. I think congress is much more willing to grant civil liberties than to take a serious pay cut.
explain how campaign finance reform works please.
Campaign Finance Reform
that doesn't explain what it is. explain it to me. I know it will be difficult as evidenced thus far - but try
Digger are you trying to dig a new trade route to china? You are making great progress on that hole of yours - I admire your determination. Hey maybe you will find oil!
Take your request to the forum search box and find it yourself it has been talked about quite a bit. Hey you could even do some random looking on your own. But no I am not going to play your game.
That was entertaining. Funny thing, Hannity didn't really "destroy" this guy on anything... the guy kept digging his own hole deeper and deeper.
"Living off student loans"... that was my favorite part.
Even I will admit, this guy doesn't represent all of Occupy. No one 'represents' Occupy. My observations on youtube and around this forum and my personal conversations with occupy people in my town lead me to believe that there are a lot of people attached to Occupy that have similar views - but to say that he "represents" occupy... nah.
gotta pay rent somehow
Which brings up a good point. Part of the occupy movement is incensed about student loans. People are complaining that they have $100,000+ in student loans to pay back. It sure makes you wonder if all of that debt really went to their education - or did it go to pay for other stuff like rent, cars, personal electronics, mobile phone plans...etc.
UC fees are $12,686 per year for California residence
a full time student cannot have a full time job
"a full time student cannot have a full time job"
There are a LOT of people in this world who would not only disagree with that statement, but have lived that reality. Of course, these people also understood the value of hard work - but that is another discussion.
This guy on Hannity in particular- he's not in grad school. It is obvious that he is lying. Watch at about 4:00. He was living off student loans while living in Zucotti Park and now wants to gripe about how the banks are holding him down with debt.
You brought up wealth not me - obviously a wealthy person doesn't have to work full time when in school, but there are plenty of people living in the margins that do. They understand that it takes hard work and sacrifice to get the things that they want out of life - be it a college degree or whatever. If you choose to take out a student loan large enough to pay not only for school, but for 100% of your living expenses for 4+ years - then you should be ready to pay that money back once you are gainfully employed.
good point - he dug his own grave. Schultz is the one who identified himself as an Occupy leader.
Sean Hannity = 1% Propanganda
Sean Insanity & Bill 'Oh Really' in particular & 'Fairly Imbalanced' (Lame)FUX SNEWzzz in general, are really little more than Wholly Corporate Owned vulgar propagandists and as such, please also see :
fiat lux ...
simpsons quote
the simspons yvan eht nioj english
Best. comment. ever.
hey thanks for the link, I remember this one real time, Homer's "give peace a chance line" busted a gut then, and again, thanks
How did the land of the free and the home of the brave arrive at a place where citizens could be manipulated with such efficiency and on such a massive scale ? See :
"PSYWAR" - This film explores the evolution of propaganda and public relations in the United States, with an emphasis on the elitist theory of democracy and the relationship between War, Propaganda and Class : & ,
"Mind Control : Weapon of Mass Persuasion", (3min. Video) : &
"Propaganda", by "Father of PR" & Sigmund Freud's nephew, Edward Bernays : .
"The Art of War, Democracy and Public Relations", by Ramzy Baroud : .
ipsa scientia potestas est ...
Shadz to the rescue with the facts. Again.
Anyone who watches Sean Hannity has no credibility whatsoever.
Kind of like the Limpballs of TV?
OWS = 99% propaganda. Actually you really represent the 1%. The bottom 1% that is.
You do realize your boy Sean Hannity was a triumphant winner of the Pee Buddy Award.
"Sean "The Insanity" Hannity a.k.a. "That hypocritical douche-bag" or "The Wall Banger" (hatched December 30, 1971), is an asshole, political novice, and all around fat-necked bitch. Contrary to popular belief, he sucks lots of dick on a daily basis, but will never admit that black cock tastes best. Hannity is known around NYC for being a regular in the video arcade backrooms where closeted homosexuals go to engage in anonymous sex. Clearly he was only conducting a routine cavity search on that poor poolboy because he thought he was a terrorist. Anyway, Hannity is often mistaken for a political commentator, due in part to his uniquely dry and oblique sense of humor. He has written jokes for over thirty thousand different clients, most of which were so obscure that they were not recognized as jokes at all by the vast majority of viewers. He has been described as just about everything you can possibly imagine at one point or another, except a comedy writer, a fact which vexes him greatly."
follow the link for more....
hahaha! of course - that's what the lefties always do - just slander your opponent & try to discredit them rather than beat them on the issues. No surprise. Really - do you think your reaction is surprising? did you think I'd be thinking you'd be taking Hannitys' side lol?! Why waste your breath? Why don't you pick one of the topics they were trying to debate & try and clarify it and make your argument?
For example - your fellow occupier Shultz believes the govt should provide free education, free healthcare, free dental care, free housing. Is that your position? Is that OWS position? See - that's how its done. Isn't that more productive than calling people names?
Waiting for an answer : )
bwa hahahaha . … . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . …….. . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . bwa hahahaha . … . ha BWA hahaha . . . bwa ha ha ha ha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . bwa hahahaha . … . hahaha HE HE HE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha ….. .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . …….. . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . bwa hahahaha . … . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE……………………….. BWA hahaha . . . bwa ha ha ha ha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . bwa hahahaha . … . hahaha HE HE HE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha ….. .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . …….. . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . .
Man-to-frog devolution.
Ode to Sean Hannity by John Cleese
Aping urbanity Oozing with vanity Plump as a manatee Faking humanity Journalistic calamity Intellectual inanity Fox Noise insanity You're a profanity Hannity
(Keep in mind that Hannity the Manatee is the best they can do for a teevee host. We gotta win !!)
"Aping urbanity Oozing with vanity Plump as a manatee Faking humanity Journalistic calamity Intellectual inanity Fox Noise insanity"
Sounds like one of Obama's letters to one of his old girlfriends . . . Psuedo-Intellectual clap trap . . .Fancy insult .. . no content
Keep the mask you wipe. Stay behind the mask. We're sure your ugliness doesn't stop here and please spare us your flatulence.
The Puzzler
Do you use a thesaurus to help with your insults . . ( no thesaurus isn't a dinosaur )
Hannity is giving your guy an hour on his radio show . . .tonite . . .NOW . . .
a second chance to get out his (OWS) world v . . more national exposure . . .
This poster "behindthemask" doesn't recognize John Cleese.
You must understand - that trolls are not hired for their intellect - they are hired for their ability to march blindly. So the mask might be more appropriately called a blind-fold ( troll in training? ).
OWS needs better propagandists. I saw Hannity on TV before I realized that I shouldn't be wasting money on TV. OWS should not endorse cable and everyone should cancel their subscription immediately. You won't miss it.
what about all the people who would loose their jobs if that happened
is it really necessary to dance on sean's limp position
No i dont like Sean at all. But it is a serious question what will happen to a company that employs thousand of working class people losing a major amount of income.
I think we should do the opposite don't wait for the government to stimulate the economy stimulate it yourself by buying goods and helping out the local economy. I will endorse that buy locally because it will in turn help you
"No i dont like Sean at all. But it is a serious question what will happen to a company that employs thousand of working class people losing a major amount of income."
What if their job was to defecate on all sidewalks in NYC? We wouldn't let their loss of employment stop us from taking measures. Well, putting Fox News out there is much more dangerous to public health. Let them drive taxis. Really
so this is about fox news and not cable companies am i right? You have the greatest power you can have the remote just change the channel you cant silence ppl like fox news 1 its illegal to do so 2 who cares what they say get over it.
In the case of defecating on the sidewalks it would be an illegal act so they would be thrown in jail or fined. The point was we should not bash a company for providing a service and employing thousands of workers.
Now another good possibility is that we could start our own cable company and provide it for a low price and give all the same channels
OWS start up a cable network? This year? Come on. One of #OWS's strengths is not that it has lots of money. Defecating on sidewalks is an extreme example but if Bloomberg or Murdoch had some reason to have it done it would be done. Further they'd tell you it's a good thing.
not this year and not nationally but start in a town and work its way to state level then expand
Who would make the programming decisions?
who ever owns it but all stations should be shown for the pure fact of freedom of information
We need a bit more than just consumption though. If we just consume at our current level of technology, we will consume the resources that are available to us, and then run out.
We need to invest in new production processes that will allow us to access untapped resources, for example, by mining the moon or asteroids. But then again, you probably know that just as well as I do.
of course that is part of the process
I live on less than I used to
Ok, but if we keep consuming, even at a lower level, we will eventually use up the resources that we have available to us.
Maybe there can be compromise. If you happen to work for cable or someone in your house just has to have it, at least turn off these so-called news channels. Cable is for democrats and republicans. OWS should be for everyone else IMHO. Except for Ron Paul supporters I suppose. I just discovered that democrats are spamming for Ron Paul like crazy on Youtube. You think all these Ron Paul 2012 people are for Ron Paul? Payback for Nadar in 2000. HaHa. I voted for Nadar so I'm OK with that. Bush was my fault, yes, but I'm not Merlin with a crystal ball. Sorry if my posts can be provocative but I'm not the only moron in this country. We're everywhere.
no its fine that is completely valid. If the cable companies were more flexible or if there was more we would have a better system.
I personally like day time news and i mean news no political talk
A) Anyone knows that this is what happens when you put a pro against a novice in interviews, when there is a desired outcome.
B) I know plenty of conservatives that think FOX is a joke.
C) No one speaks for the GA.
He's doing it again on radio with 15 million listeners , , , , The OWS is imploding . . . . .
I guess all Sholtz wants to hear is how super smart he is .. .or he won't listen
AND he simply can't tolerate any questions
He's getting an hour on hannity (radio). . .coming up at top of hour . . lets see whose head explodes first . . .
hannity should find a real interviewer to hear his case
he'd like to say more about rape
the occupier that did the interview
just didn't want to talk about sean's subject
but your the one spewing hateful insults. "mr maddow"?- homophobic?. "big lips" sounds racist. :septic" "swill".
Support OWS. they fight for you. Vote down anti gay racist politicians!!
LOL. Republicans are anti gay, anti minority, anti women, pro big oil, pro big wall st finance, you stand with that. I stand with the people. Support OWS. vote out anti gay, anti minority republicans
Please to show me 916 anti womens rights bills enacted by dems.
Please also show the Dem equivalent of ALEC.
It's not prejudicial, it's a simple fact that (R)epeplican'ts don't like us very much.
"require all school districts to provide abstinence-only sex education". That's wrong, but hardly anti women's rights.
(D)umbocrat plant spouting the same crap over and over.
ShadowBan No Profile Information
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Joined May 4, 2012
congrats, you can read. trust me, i've been on these boards longer than you.
Yeah, you keep getting banned because YOU ARE A PR FIRM
Your thingie says says May 4th 2012.
That's not very long, really.
couple of different names b4. long enough to know you're a (D)umbocrat plant who spouts the same lines over and over and over while pushing a party who will not help OWS
Prove it.
You're just a babe lost in your own words. Can't even find the woods.
You haven't proven a thing. Not even close.
What do you want to see, your (D)umbocrat pay stub? All of your posts are the same, with the same cute little nicknames over and over. You're probably a team of interns sharing a pc at the DNC. OWS is not about political parties, so aim higher. Like (D)umbocrats will make any difference.
[-] 1 points by ShadowBan (0) 0 minutes ago i'm not even sure why a PR firm would be on here what product would they be pushing? ↥like ↧dislike permalink
Your special brand of bullshit. Sing it, baby!
AND we will sing it right back......with a vengeance
Wow. I've never actually LOL'ed before.
Same shit different day, eh? It must really suck to be you about now.
915, remember?
and you want proof that you spout the same crap over and over, just look at your old posts. duh.
Let's just round it off to a thousand. That's what (R)epelicant's do.
They take away individual rights. Plus the jerks raise your taxes and create really HUGE government.
You can't prove the opposite so why do you even bother?
i never said i believed the opposite, did i? i just said you're a (D)umbocrat shill who sounds like a broken record. Tell your masters to give you some new material.
[-] 0 points by ShadowBan (0) 1 minute ago 915, remember? and you want proof that you spout the same crap over and over, just look at your old posts. duh. ↥like ↧dislike permalink
Paid for posting by a PR Firm. Gotta love it.
i'm not even sure why a PR firm would be on here what product would they be pushing?
I want YOU to prove what YOU say.
Until you do, you are a babe lost in someone elses words as well.
Show me the 916 bills.
Show me the ALEC equivalent.
Show me Dems usurping duly elected representatives.
Until you can do that, all your words are BS.
It's a simple process that I'm sure you will have problem understanding, but it is non the less so.
Yeah, you are a real secret, aren't ya? Pfftt.
OK, make it 915 then.
Plus you missed the elephant in the room named ALEC, which is often behind the bills that limit individual rights.
if i just got you to quit spouting that 916 histrionics, i'll take the victory.
You missed the elephant in the room, as usual.
So you can have the battle. I take the war.
The 916 has actually gone up anyway. Teabagge(R)z are a puss filled lot.
HA! Republicans are pro big pharma, pro big agri, anti immigrant, pro tax cuts for the wealthy. I stand with people. Support OWS. Vote out pro wealthy tax cut politicians.
Apparently you are anti-everything except of course anarchy.
You attack me because you can't defend these republican positions. Your attacks on me are meaningless! You can't silence me with school yard taunts. I am pro American worker, Republicans are pro big business. The people need the government not the corps. Government of, by, & for the people. Support OWS. Vote out Big business republicans
People need the freedom and liberty to build a private sector corporation to become rich,independent and live the American dream. People don't need over regulation,overly intrusive and overly taxing Government to shackle them with trillions of debt and freedom choking anti-private sector Dictators like Obama and the Dems. I don't believe in silencing you,I want you to speak your mind and show everyone just what America is facing and how Leftist indoctrination has destroyed the minds of so many people.
You are extremely confused as to the Govt's role in America,you seem to think of the Govt. as a nanny and provider. This is why I say you are propagandized and woefully uninformed. You are wrong on every point you try to make,you're spouting Liberal/Progressive talking points and propaganda.
Govt of, for & by the people! period. corps must be watched/regulated because otherwise they poison us, exploit us, take advantage of us in the name of profit. they have no regard for people. And we just say well they aren't supposed to. well of course they have to think of people. but they don't. so there must be regulations. corps should count their lucky stars we let them do business in this greatest of all middle class sales markets. It is a priviledge to do business here. not a right. Corp serve the people! We decide. through our gov!! Support OWS!! Vote out big corp enslaved politicians.
You're truly hopeless and changeless.
I have great hope. The people will always exert their authority eventually. It takes time but we will succeed. Support OWS. Vote out unresponsive politicians.
If you and OWS have your way and empower this Govt. with the kind of regulatory and taxing authority that OWS is asking for,there will not be the freedom and liberty as the Founders intended and it will no longer be a Govt. by and for the people but a Dictatorship and a Tyranny. You need to smarten up and connect the dots.
nope. we control business and assure that they serve the 99%
Sorry,but you're not living in the real world and you're either willfully ignorant or just that pitifully naive.
Dont apologize. We disagree. thats all. I want corps to serve the 99% you don't mind letting them take advantage of working Americans.
red-ack-did. Where have you been living?
The government has always had the power of taxation - you for some reason are screaming because it is being argued to apply it properly to the wealthy.
Regulations have always been required - it was the repeal of Glass-Stegall that opened the door to our current economic failure. You know - letting WallStreet run wild?
The dots have been connected and the greedy corrupt criminals are the face that has apeared.
Hence the movements against them.
Enjoy a slice of reality.
I see,you can't differentiate between levels of taxation and regulation in your simple mind it's all the same. What a Gump.
use shorter sentences
and better punctuation
try staying on topic
learn punctuation
actually its not falling on deaf ears - look at all the comments in the first hour lol! I love it !
this has to be a record 101 comments in 6 hrs lol! I love it ! Keep it coming !
Hannity destroyed that guy on every issue. He looked like such a dumbass.
Don't tell me......It was on FLAKESnews?
Some people just never learn.
If it's on FLAKESnews? It's just this side of prisonplanet.
Every time a rational person trys to have a rational discussion with a occupy'r . . .the rational falls away into gibberish . . . Never an answer .......only complaints . . . This guy proves it . . .He wants to be "taken care of" . . . everything for free . . . Has no alternative . . .He expects a golden goose or Star Trec Replicator . . .don't know who will feed the gueese or invent and build the replicator . . .but they must do it for free . . .for the good of lazy bastards like the Occupiers . . . Professional complaining pays nothing and is NOT a profession . . . even if your FREE education "degree" says it is . . .
Schultz is on Radio with Hannity RIGHT NOW . . .its painful