Forum Post: Score = corpoRATions can drop the act now - economy seriously in trouble.
Posted 12 years ago on Dec. 26, 2012, 7:07 p.m. EST by DKAtoday
from Coon Rapids, MN
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Weakest holiday sales since 2008 reported today on the PBS news-hour.
Go figure.
Our only way to create jobs, stimulate economies, and obtain sustainable wages is to:
1)End Crony Capitalism 2)Put banksters behind bars 3)instate democratically run--alternative currencies 4)provide equal access energy and technology for all.
2 = lets put a rush order on that.
so long as free trade is the business of the day we are screwed.
Free Trade? Fixed game trade!!!
If there were actual living wage jobs in this country, an increasingly watered down bachelor's degree didn't cost $30,000+ and everything we bought from Family Dollar and Wal-Mart wasn't made in China or Mexico...
Americans might actually have money to spend.
Yep - funny what a living wage and jobs can do for an economy. TPTB must have failed understanding that basic economic fact.
Yeah, it's interesting that at the beginning of the holiday, they reported better than average sales in years.
They never touched on the real reasons for the decline in sales and instead touched on things like lack of consumer confidence ( way too vague), school shooting which depressed everyone ( doubt that since we have a such a short memory span), hurricane Sandy, and of course the fiscal cliff. It never occurs to them that people might just be getting fed up with spending money on junk? Maybe trying to create a more family oriented holiday? Maybe we are still unemployed and can't pay our bills. Many of the unemployed are not even being counted since they are no longer receiving benefits and many have just thrown their hands up, gone on disability or retired. I would bet that food sales increased and perhaps gift cards. I can't confirm that but it's just my observation that anytime I went to the grocery, they were completely out of numerous items.
I'm not sure if I heard this comment on this show or not but someone discussed how the Fed Reserve has devalued the dollar to such a degree and gave the example of how a family of 4 with an annual income of 7,000/year in the 50's was doing really well and yet only ten years later, an income of 18,000 had less value than the 7,000.00 and it's continued to steadily decline ever since.
I watched Steve Forbes on Cspan this morning and he made some really interesting points regarding capitalism, unemployment, marijuana, Obamacare and more. If you missed it, you can watch/listen here:
Good comment.
Can't they ( TPTB ) understand the fact that people are waking up to the very real fact of a sick and dying economy - that People are finally taking a look ahead and are trying to prepare for the next economic disaster?
Who in their right mind has money for frills? Just the very few - some thirty or more trillion dollars hidden/hoarded off-shore.
I was really surprised that so many families here completely abandoned Christmas and spent the entire day serving meals in parking lots to the homeless. One family was poor to begin with and yet they managed to get cousins, aunts, uncles and more to help prepare food and serve They said they were tired of wasting money and trying to be jolly when so many were suffering. I didn't see the holiday lights around like I have in the past either. I think we are all just worn down and tired of playing the game.
I think that there is a slow rebirth of good values happening - as people see the growing illness's that greed has thrust upon our country/people/world/environment. It is starting to get their attention in a very real manner.
The Greedy have yet to recognize the dawning reality.
Forbes mentioned to that the labor force in this country is at an all time low meaning that no one is seeking jobs and or no one is hiring. This is not good. BUt, who the hell wants to dig ditches for 10 bucks an hour, pay taxes on that and then have to pay for Obamacare as well oh and have to pay another 2-3,000 a year in tax hikes???
Reality must be faced - a living wage for all - or a growing burden on society - as well as growing failure for business as they lose their markets = People. The going off of the "fiscal cliff" could be the start of pushing reality into many faces - including the GREEDY.
Meanwhile Im making 2k a day in my own business. Gee I wonder what formula I am using that others are failing in. Well Let me just share with you a couple: 1. Are you striving to become self reliant 2. Are you honest in your dealings with other men, and your transactions? (If someone gives you too much change at the cash register do you keep it or return it? When you find somones wallet do you try to return it with the cash in it still left in it?) 3. Do you know that God has said that this land is blessed for the righteous sakes, and for the unrighteous it is cursed. It means that prosperity comes to you when you live by righteous principles. If your glutenous and wicked, and your heart is placed only upon money or obtaining money without the intent to help others, this has nothing to do with why we were blessed with the double portion blessing when compared to other lands. (For those of you that own 20 houses and are making enough money from your renters to buy another 2 houses next year because of those poor families you are renting to whom the banks will never loan to at an affordable rate. Im speaking to you especially). In other words if you are gay, or more interested in what other men think of you, or only care about being politically correct. I doubt you are going to be making 2k a day in this "depressed economy". And for those of you that are, can you say you are doing it from your own labors, or do you have a herd of cows (poor people) underneath that you are taking part of keeping them poor while you reap from their hard labor. (this will never equal self reliance in my book.)
"gay"? What does sexual preference have to do with earning money?
"God"? What does the invisible old white man in the sky with superpowers have to do with earning money? You think He rewards good behavior with higher earmings?
one might ask what does earning money have to do with happiness and freedom? I would settle just for my family the seeds that grow fruit trees, in abundance, and enough to support my family and my neighbors,, vegetables, animals to produce meat, and milk, eggs and a piece of the earth to plant and sustain these things anyday over money. yet the powers that be say, I cannot own a chicken, or a cow, and I certainly cannot sell from my home to others, or I will be whisked away to jail as I saw someone did back in feb 2011 for trying to sell flowers from his home. I hope the current economic system fails in its entirety so that my freedom can be restored, and other DUMB MEN cease to rule over me like a KING. If I do falsely come to believe that I own land, a banker can uproot my family if I fail to pay even 1-2 months after 15 years of payments. Even if I did obtain land for supporting my family water to sustain my plant growth is not included. We have been sold out as a people. Even the "BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT" is a lie, the government isnt "manageing our land" these past 100 years, they have stolen it from us, for we will never own any of it, and continue to have to pay them $17 a night just to camp anywhere on it. I say to this come what economic turmoil what may, and yet, my family will continue to survive just as familes have for thousands of years, as I build my chicken coop, and hand dig a well for water, (illegally), and get a pig, a goat, a cow for my barn in my back yard, when Im not zoned for it...
You didn't answer the question.
"gay"? What does sexual preference have to do with earning money?
"God"? What does the invisible old white man in the sky with superpowers have to do with earning money? You think He rewards good behavior with higher earnings?
Do you support Agenda 21?
you mean do you support smart growth and new urbanism. that is what agenda 21 is.
I support agenda 21 of course. seems obvious to me.
the suburbs must die. they are a huge drain on resources. The End of Suburbia - The End Of American Dream - How Can We Survive After The Oil Runs Out
Suburbs were the worst way to organize a society. To create a world around the car was as inefficient and anti social as you could get.
I suppose we will never get rid of them all but imagine if we got rid of some and turned 'em into farm land again.
oh they are going to die or change one way or the other. either retrofit and redesign or die.
Still watching 'end of suburbia' (don't know how I missed it) It's excellent.
I knew GM conspired to get rid of electric light rail, but hadn't heard about convictions of them, firestone, and big oil, in buying them all up and dismantling them.
How shortsighted, self destructive, and greedy is that. Life at the End of Empire
Excellent. another one. Thx
and yet you are here, and have no understanding as to how or why you just showed up. hmmmm others do understand, and someday you will too, no hurry though, its not a race to perfection.
Are you stroking?. You're not really makin sense. Maybe you should lie down.
What does gay or god have to do with earning money? Are you afraid to answer that question?. Are you a religious extremist fundamental case?
agenda 21 attempts to disguise itself with some attractive freedoms but as is often the case with most things america is plagues with bait and switch tactics. yes I am for people living off the land freely, no i dont think they need the government to tell them what to do once they are on these lands.
yes i would rather be a "religious extremous" than a morally corrupt individual who fills his mind with the filth that comes from hollywood like we see in our movies today. Are you one who watches these cesspools of immorality like brokeback mountain, or vampire movies, or rape or murder? , how ignorant to suggest that my manner of thinking is lacking when I rely upon treating others with kindness, and esteeming others as greater than myself as taught in religious scriptures. can you even begin to abridge this serious gap in your thinking? and stroking what? what is their to stroke,? are you suggesting that i participate in the immoral act of masturbating (especially to pornography) to this i answer no i do not participate in such immoral acts. why would that even be brought up, did you have a brain fart? Or do you just lack vision, of light, and happiness entirely?
"stroking" referes to you having a stroke. (not masturbation, get your mind out of the gutter) since you did not answer the question and instead went off on some unrelated tangents, like you did again. How do you know about the hollywood filth?
How does being gay, or God affect earning potential.? Thats the question you continue to avoid.
i guess you only believe recent history and dont remember how and why sodom and ghomorhea was destroyed.
Those are childrens fairy tales. (I live in the present day Sodom, Gomorrah, Brooklyn, NY)
Why can't you say you think that the invisible white man in the sky with superpowers will punish gay people with low earnings?
Have you ever heard the stats on how gay people make more on average than non gay people?
How does that fir into your fantasies?
i know quite a few millionaires and some billionaires, and none of them are gay. All married with children. but lets examine that statement, 'that gays make more money on average than straight people... the first link says no: this one says that its bullhonkie also: INfact here is the full search, none of them show it to be true.
So you disagree. No prob. but some make more than most straight people. You can't deny that. artists, musicians, actors and such.
Why hasn't the invisible white man in the sky with superpowers punished them with low earnings.?
sooner or later, all people will learn, there is one road to happiness, and the tangent trails lead to a variety of misery. Case in point. gays are still the highest category for AIDS. Funny coincidence!
Why hasn't the invisible white man in the sky with superpowers punished them with low earnings.? You think he gave them aids?
The thing is to eliminate the excesses of greed - to eliminate profits over people/society/environment/world. As it is the very few who are truly driving abusive practices.
Have we seen the worst of it:
Will the next drop be steeper than all the previous drops put together ?
How do we prepare for impending economic Doom ?
Can we prevent this?
I believe it will get a whole lot worse before it gets better. Economic updates are not accurate. The stats don't tell the whole story about the state of anything. I think that we need to prepare to live together with other families. I know many families who have moved in together and they are doing fine with that. I know it's not an easy thing to adjust to but on the other hand, it's security and support and you can sleep at night.
I don't believe we should prevent the end of this hell. Let the economy burn, we'll survive if we unite and we can rebuild our lives and our economy from the ground up.
It is always better to prevent injury. At all cost.
Not always. Sometimes it's necessary to lose everything before anyone will change their destructive behavior
Sorry, if you have ever lost everything.. you will soon realize it was a big mistake. You never regain what is lost.
You speak like victim, not a victor. Maybe what you had to begin with was not worth what you were made to believe. After all, if it was so valuable and worthy, then why was it so expendable to begin with?
Well , let me give you an example: The world we live in has electricity, running water , a supermarket down the street.. schools, hospitals .. quite a lot. right. Now add two or three nuclear disasters , and what do you have? You have .. rock bottom.. is this a good thing ? is the lesson learned worth the loss ? or is it merely stupidity and suffering of ones own stupidity.. The loss is just too too great .. the price too high ..The lesson .. too late.
Would I really know if we had a nuclear disaster? No and neither would you. If that is a real threat to us, then I suggest pull up a lawn chair, watch the fireworks and drink a Bud.
But, we're not talking about a nuclear war, we're talking about people whose livelihood it is to harm others, oppress others and support genocide in an effort to increase their own wealth and power. I believe a man did this in Nazi Germany for the same reasons and if I'm not mistaken our leadership is following the same blueprint. Was what Hitler did any less cruel than a nuclear bomb?
Electricity and water supplied by my municipality, I can do without. Both are being forced on us at astronomical rates. There are people in my state that can't even drive to work now because they could not pay their water bill and therefore, the county put a DMV stop on their registration. So, they can't even get to work to earn money. They will also be fined for breaking health codes because they don't have water.
Grocery stores I can also do without. There are farmers around here that provide about 70 percent of my food right now ( during the cool season). Next year, thanks to DK's building advice, I'll have more food from my own garden.
I'm not really into eating foods laced with thousands of toxins anyhoo. Toilet paper is something that I would miss terribly but I'm sure I could survive without that too as I've had to do that before as well. So, what was it again that I would miss?
Rock bottom is a myth. There really is no rock bottom .. it can always be worse than it is .. always.. until you may reach a point of making a stand , and saying ..enough. The sooner you make that stand ..the better.Letting it all fall by the wayside .. may happen , but that doesn't gaurantee there won't be corportists coming by to stomp out your garden. They too will survive the impending doom..
Hardships - CAN - be faced and successfully dealt with - I pity the person who has never had to get them-self through a difficult time or 2 as they are likely to fall apart with out major outside help - if they run into a real hardship.
I think you nailed it...that's the problem DK..too many spoiled babies that wouldn't know where there next meal comes from if the 7-11 ain't on the corner. I'm a sweetie but I'm a tough survivor and I come from a LONG line of them.
You can be tough and be sweet - being resourceful does not limit how bright your spirit can shine - it can actually make you shine so much more brightly. You were fortunate to have examples to observe.
I used to have a lot more energy ;( But, I am creative and resourceful. I think it comes from playing outside as a kid and building forts and other things. I'm still so grateful for your suggestion yesterday and it lit a fire under me. I'm devising a plan about what seeds to buy and how I can market my produce. I'm going to talk to a farmer and see if he will allow me to use some of his land that is currently not being used at all. Maybe I can barter with him.
Farmers can be real good and supportive people - still a real belief in community. Mention your idea of a greenhouse - you may get some very welcome support. It was your idea - glad I could help you move the idea forward in your planning process.
If we could all work as farmers or on someone else's farm, we could probably eliminate a lot of toxins, factory farms and perhaps even Monsanto? hahahah
Yep - big business is slowly but surely driving the family farmer out of business.
Agree - purge all of the financial toxins/smoke and mirrors through letting the toxic bastards fail.
We can't put a bandaid on a poison and expect it to disappear can we? The poison has been seeping into every facet of our lives and every one of us has tolerated it for far too long. But, enough is enough. Let them fall. I couldn't care less.
Good analogy - toxic financial instruments poisoning the body/economy. When you consider realities - to let them fail really does not mean a lot as their toxic instruments are not real - they are projected on what may - MAY - happen in the future if the product does not default - money not realized until completion of agreement/term. So basically a non-existent loss. Except for the ( any real ) money that may have already changed electronic hands ( fraction of full term value ) to purchase the toxin.
Yes, that's right, it's really not like we are losing anything are we? It's like how credit card purchases falsely inflate the market. But to lose the current systems, we would have everything to gain.
There is a human side to the financial system. You make a valid point. But there are real people that will lose. Some old, some young... I suspect that both bankers & Politicians will continue to manipulate the system to limit loses to themselves. The small guy will get hurt over the next 5 years. But we already have seem how politicians and the Federal Resrve are willing to do anything to help bankers...
Oh, The bankers have been moving toxic debt or deriveatives to the Federal Reserve if they had them on the books. Popular thought is that the Federal Reserve will pass debt on to Taxpayers or Retire that debt. They buy toxic debt every month since operation Twist, I think... Big banks are looking better. Holders of toxic derivatives are smaller banks and investors.
Of course they pass debt onto us. They always do and always will until americans refuse to pay their taxes. My taxes have paid for wars that I don't approve of, bankruptcies by those who deliberately played the system, corrupt banking practices, welfare abuse and more. I read that if you're Christian Scientist, Muslim or Amish you won't be required to use Obamacare. hmmmmm Which one should I become? Amish sounds good. Muslim, well, I am part Syrian but does 1/8 qualify? hahahhah
It is just so darn complicated to live in the USA. You totally have to play the game of getting education ...or at least experience ... they you need to show you have worked and been part of the system ... it never ends ... there is always more you have to should ... to get a jobs ... to get a good wage with Insurance ... to afford car and house maintenance ... blah blah blah.
Ah, then you are very beautiful.... Probably any of those 3 would be fine. But I would be interested in Learning Aramaic... Sihkism also sounds nice...
I taught myself a bit of Sanskrit years ago but I really can't read it or speak it. It's probably not safe to admit your Muslim in America these days. I may have to settle for the apron and bonnet on an Amish farm ;D
I do have that olive skin which by the way, I never understood the meaning of until just last month. I thought people meant that we appeared green but it's really yellow-toned ( very unripe olive color I guess).
Hm...I have a Sanskrit mediation CD. Interesting. Yes, Sihks and Muslims and Mexicans seem to be targets. I wonder if Amish Women give the Patriarchs competion for how things get done and what decisions get made. Seems like Patriarical, as Muslims & Sihks might be.... Not sure about Buddhists. I think there can be seaprate orders for men and women in Buddhism.
Meditranean skin is proably better protection than my white skin. I always wonder why some of us have such fair skin... like we survived the Ice Age living along the Ice shelf in perpetual winter. Just saw a video that English Peaple have Genetic Code/Halo Goup R1b which comes from Bask Region of Spain which was like during the Ice age. Basks are not Latin/spanish/Italian/portugeuse... The seem to be the Root of White people. I'm not sure about French they might be Latin root. Germans might be 50% R1a, something else or Latin originally then mixed... Guess tht is another question.....
Everyone is different and not sure they really know what they say about Genetics yet.... Each halogroup is a genetic mutation ...I guess.
Yes, I get that M but anything our leadership decides is not for our benefit, it's for their benefit. We will hurt anyway and nothing will f'n change. You have no clue how I'm hurting now and I'm trying to help others who are in worse condition than me. It truly can't get much worse for me. I'm so afraid now to even get a job thanks to Obamacare because I can't afford to pay for it. It may be safer if I stay off the grid. If I do work, I'm going to have to cap my income in order to afford that tax. I still say, let them suffer the consequences of their actions. Let us all. Americans allowed this to happen so they should learn as well and although I saw this coming many years ago, I will go down with the ship if it means that we will rise again a better country. At least my suffering will not have been in vain.
I aknowledge you, and support that opinion. I can't find any fault with what you said. Too bad you have to work... health care is so cheap in Latin America. I assume you need health care for your pain. I'm sorry if it is more of emotional pain... I guess I don't have any answers. The USA is the best place for Alternative medicine and Therapy of any kind. But maybe Europe could be affordable in that case if you search countries... I paid for health care in Germany and found it affordable.
Love and Light for you.
I'm hurting financially. I've been hurting. Everything is getting more and more expensive and I did not receive adequate raises before I lost my job. So, I was already treading water when I did. But, I had some savings which is now gone. Australia has excellent alternative care and the UK and Canada does to.
Malaysia, India, and Thailand as well. I was treated in the Philippines one time ... seemed very competent, but not as cheap as I Wanted. Don't think I would look there for Alternative medicine.
France is probably the best, but again not sure about Alterative medicine.
Anywhere in Europe is accessible to anywhere else in Europe..LOL Isn't it amazing how small the countries are?
I was wondering you suppose it's possible for someone to just disappear off the map? You know? I saw something about a place in the US that is mostly just empty land and I thought, ' hmmm, I wonder if I could live there and no one ever know?"
You remind me of myself. Yeah, sort of we can disappear. But we might find we have to go look for medical care, dental, banking, cell phone usage puts you back on the grid. Of course in USA we need cars which put you back on teh grid.
Nicaragua is the cheapest air ticket, but really don't know if they have alternative medicine. The Visa issues is every 60 days you get renewed, or apply for semipermanent visa. Health-wise you have to eat like the native people as there are flies that spread disease and land of your food....
Someone like you could disapear easier than an office worker. You have many skills that could be a job in many places outside the USA. Plus everyone can teach English if you are an English speaker in most countries.
Feel like I'm not really helping as I search countries ... dont' really see Alterative Medicine in foreign countries. Expats are everywhere. Expats practice medicine, massage, yoga, alt medicine. But I can't find it yet. Biggest Expat Communites? Panama City, Thailand, Goa India, Europe, Mexico, ...
USA is fully wired for Authorities to find you, but you were in a commune you probably know more than me. I met some people in a Rainbow House in the 90s... rainbow houses are supposed to be in many places and the grid. Do you remember Rainbow houses?
When you are researching alternative medicine in other countries, you need to find out what the doctors are referred to. For example, in the US, a DO is different than a DO in Australia. ( Osteopath). In some countries there is no specialty for natural medicine as the general doctors include it in their standard practice.
I've never heard of Rainbow houses. Sounds really psychedelic! Do they have black lights too? hahahahha Maybe they bury gold under them?
Look, communes are nothing special really. We were incorporated or something like that. I know we were not hermits.
Oh okay. Yeah, I think Rainbow Houses were a bit psychedelic. I saw some paintings that were from people who had went to another world... I suppose they had some older guys that were about humanism. They sort of recognized that life is a journey and no one owns the one truth about how to live and what life is about.
M, If I could find my very own " island" anywhere, I wouldn't give a patooty about needing a car, phone, computer or anything else that would connect me with the outside. But you're right, we'd need some kind of helicopter drop off service or something. Medical care? I would rather die than to see a doctor anyhoo. Seriously..get me a new copy of War and Peace and I'll be happy ( oh and some Earl Grey) oh and some sugar plums ;D
Hm... you are really sort of a literature devote'. I actually have a hard time concentrating on well written work. dense prose takes concentration... Books in English in Foreign Countries is another issue.
You might find Alt medicine, good treatment for your dogs, and then gravitate to a good book store. Might only be one in each city and some better than others. Expats buy them or start them.
You are such a romantic. I kind of like that.
Yep - think of all that dismissed future usury interest.
..let the ship sink ? We must not go that route.. although it does seem to be a last resort.. but have hope .. keep fighting .. this is our game , and we will defeat those whom enchain us.
You can't be an enabler and that is exactly how you are thinking. Have you ever known an addict? Addicts are just like the 99 percent. Crony capitalism is the disease of the 99 percent. If an addict is going to change their behavior, the will only do it when they are absolutely forced to and that's when they have hit bottom, lost everything and have no other direction except up.
They may change their behavior.. albeit, far too late.
Our current leaders are the product of many generations of ingrained poor character. They can change their image but they will always have rotten to the core character. Too much inbreeding I suppose, bad gene pool.
I love your optimism!
I'm a realist, not a silly fool.
Sooner or later the fake financial ( smoke and mirrors ) toxic instruments must be removed from the world economy. The ship need not sink - toss the toxic ballast overboard to let the ship ride higher in the water - then plug the holes.
TPTB must realize somewhere in their ill greedy little brains that this is so - and they are about to experience a case of ( near? ) terminal diarrhea as they shit their pants wondering just how bad "THEY" will get hit when it finally happens.
So lets review what happened. Correct me if I am wrong.
1) Greece Transfered Toxic assets to the Government.
2) Itally Transfered Toxic assets to Government.
3) Ireland Transfered Toxic assets to government.
4) US Transfering Toxic assets to Federal Reserve ... and maybe to Fannie & Freddie, but they are both transfering to the Federal Reserve too.... I think? (might be wrong).
That aside, Last I heard there was $600 Trillion in Global Derivatives. Others put this number in Quadrillion since the bank system is private (shadow banking) and we can't really know how much is out there.
But of course Wall Street is probably creating a New Bubble somewhere ... heard they were buying homes...
The public is paying for things/amounts that do not exist - full price for full term for instruments that have only just for all intents and purposes been created. Yes bankers are being paid full term value - when it would be so much more cost effective to let those instruments fail and bailout the small investor for the money that they lost.
Well said. I think you mean Mark to market. Yes, free market could price at .10 cent on the dollar... and who ever bought would be better.
Thx - anyway - the public and the future is currently being screwed.
Been worried about it since 2007, I think. I had a pension fund/retirement fund ... and I got out. Most people in 2008-2009 were saying, 'whoa, let's wait to see what happens'. Well, ... Not sure who got back in. I think the News says most in the Middle Class never went back into the Stock market or Bonds.
Jobs in Finanical Management dealing with Middle Class investors has disapeared. As it probably should have.... After all that Fraud, and all that Advice that drew fees from people working with their pensions/retirements... those fees weren't worth crap.
There are many Systemic Risks... and I am temped to list them here. But I proably post too many lists.
No harm in posting lists. Something you see another might not consider. Yes - systemic is a good way to put it - as GREED and It's Toxic practices have created world wide systemic ( all encompassing ) series of illnesses - that any one of which could be ( left untreated ) world ending in one way or another.
Dr Strangelove was Nuk, today its Financial World War & Annialation. Thanks for triggering that realization.
Hey - thank you for giving me credit for what you apparently on some level already considered. You have seen it and recognized it or you would not be ready to acknowledge it. Yes - a nuc war would be a devastating end to the world - but it is not the only way that the end can happen.
Lloyd Blankfein as Dr Strangelove.... Strategic Suicide by Financal derivative Proliferation.
As Greed spreads it's insidious poisons through the fabric of society it's very real pollution from industry and fossil fuel extraction and use - also spreads through the very real fabric that is the world.
You might have really said something here. As we engage in following the daily news cycle... and the current drama ... pollution is continuing, forests are being cut down, Ag land is disapearing, Energy Usage is Increasing by population growth, New Financial Products are being sold & Invented, Middle Class gets poorer, Inflation reduces the value of the Dollar, ....
But in Washington we have Status Quo and Managment By Exception. Congress doesn't do anything, doesn't get anything on the Agenda, that isn't a #1 Priority, an issue #1 in the news... but who chooses the news Issues???? Politicans in Congress choose the issues. So they control the Whole Game.
[-]1 points by DKAtoday (23418)
As Greed spreads it's insidious poisons through the fabric of society it's very real pollution from industry and fossil fuel extraction and use - also spreads through the very real fabric that is the world.
Hence - another possible idea who's time has come???
It is why I am here - but - there needs to be massive involvement in affecting/implementing cures/repairs if the ship is gonna be saved.
If they do not surrender:
" Show no mercy"
" Save the Ship."
"Can we prevent this?"
Full unionization.
Fight for it, instead of against it.
..How ?
Strike!, boycott, protest!
Support your fellow American workers.!
..Something is missing ?
What is missing?
Your support of unions.
A problem you refuse to solve,
shooz, what size shoes do you wear ?
Much larger than your hat size, you can be sure............:)
So when are you going to start solving problems?
Solve problems ? What problems .. Where !
There's the problem of your unusually small hat size.
There's also your hatred of unions, which is a problem of epic proportions..
Are Unions responsible for manufacturing to move overseas?
Have extremly high Union wages inadvertantly caused the loss of Domestic jobs. Was it inadvertant?
What if Union Leaders are being " Bribed " by ..China.. ? Yeah what if China says "yes .. demand high wages and send your jobs here "
What if China doesn't want America to recover, and by preventing Austerity measures may prevent Americas Recovery " !? ..what if China has Bribed the Union Leaders To resist Austerity measures .. Just as China secretly owns the WALTON family !
1.) No
2.) No
3.) Speculation= BS
4.) Ignore. Agitate for full unionization.
PS: Why do you HATE China?
3.) surely union leaders are aware of Americas economic downturn.. What are unions doing to help with the recovery ?
They accepted A LOT of pay and benefit cuts.
Many unions help support OWS.
And what the hay.......Even Elvis was a teamster.
... shoozie..
For a "problem solver" you sure are dense.
Read it once more.
It's not that hard to understand, although your anti-union stance is the first thing that has to go.
I think your needle is stuck .. go over there and give that record player a tap.
Nah, just trying to get you to actually admit to way to solve a problem.
You've failed miserably so far.
Let's try this one more time.
To solve MANY issues.
We need full unionization.
That means you have to support unions, in any and every way you can.
Are you with us?
Or were you just leaving?
OWS supports and is supported by unions..
..are you ..pressuring me ?
I'm sorry, I assumed, going by your username, that you were interested in solving problems.
My mistake.
PS: WallStreet pressures you into things every single day you live.
Unless of course you really do live under a rock.
I like Wall Street. They are destroying the world for me :-)
So it just depends on who you perceive as adding the pressure?
Now, how are you going solve the issue of union busting again?
Unions have sent jobs overseas.
If Unions Break the "Bank" We will all pay the price.
WTF????? need to stop makin' stuff up.
Even better yet.......Change your name to something more ProblemMaker, or CorporateLiePasser..
Look at the Auto-Industry-
You lied again.
You shouldn't do that.
Why won't you admit you HATE unions?
Wanna pick of those thug teachers too?
You don't solve problems.
You ARE the problem.
You should probably return to theblaze, or where ever you came from.
To long for theblaze.. is to long for home.
Since they closed the gold window, wages in this country have been stagnant. CEO pay is through the roof, along with overall profitability. ANd the gap is huge.
CEO's are about to get thrown overboard.
So you're a low wages for everybody but you kind of problem solver.
Bad trade laws did that, not unions.
How low a wage are YOU willing to work your ass off for?
How much are YOU willing to put where your mouth just went?
Why don't you just come out and admit you HATE unions.
Stop giving me the corporate line of lies.
Auto workers earn $30 - $50 per hour !
Looks like they want it all at the expense of someone else's job.
and they accepted bail out money to save their over paid jobs..
Try again shoozie baby.
We could control it - somewhat - guide it - somewhat - limit it(?) - somewhat - prevent the crash(?) not bloody likely - too much toxic shit out in the world economy.
Prepare? Get what you can of your financial resources out of megamonster wallstreet institutions and into local institutions that are not tied into the marketmonsters.
The lies of the GREEDY/SELF-SERVING continue to unravel.
Their version of a healthy economy = is showing it is all a lie = as they continue to try to drive us all into the mud.
We of necessity cut back this holiday, no more travel, or unnecessary purchases. We just owe too much, and at some point would like to be able to relax a bit.
Can't keep up the frenetic pace much longer.
We need some positive news in this country.
It's all bad and more bad.
Dumb and dumber
Of Necessity - we cut back on our spending - Exactly - Hope everyone is also moving their financial resources out of the TOO BIG To FAIL MEGAMONSTER ECONOMY DESTROYERS as they are bound to crash and burn - nothing has been done to remove their toxic practices - SO - They Will CRASH - Sooner or Later.
We also need reform on monetary policy, otherwise the Federal Reserve might just print more money for the banks even with people closing their accounts. Where do you think they got the trillions in the first place? The printers. During the bulk of the crisis, the Feds gave a trillion to Bank of America.
"The Fed creates money out of nothing, gives it to banks, banks keep it on deposit, gain interest, pay high CEO bonuses — fat city — while the rest of America falls apart." - Dennis Kucinich
"The Fed created $1.2 trillion out of nothing, gave it to banks, and some of them foreign banks, so that they could stabilize their operations." - Politifact - TRUE -
this is just an example of the many times they've done this.
I agree, sounds like a fucked up system. Been around a long time. End the Fed!!! Then what?
What do you propose?
HR 2990 is full of much needed reform on monetary policy. Kucinich proposed it in 2011 and needs members of congress to sponsor it or it won't even get a vote. But we have a Wall Street government, so no one is sponsoring his bill of true monetary reform and monetary policy is not a topic discussed by mainstream candidates and mainstream news.
So end the 1% policies of the Fed, and then use monetary policy for job creation as well as combating problems like the debt. Over a trillion is owed to the Federal Reserve with growing interest, even though all they did was create money from nothing and then bought up government debt.
HR 2990? That would be House Resolution.?
Well how come you ain't outraged that the republican controlled House ain't put it p for a vote?
How many repubs co sponsored it? As it is the Dems created the Resolution.
Why are you silent about John Boehner, and Eric Canter. Do you even know who they are?
They are the ones who watered down fin reform, They are the ones who have delayed 70% of the fin reform in the House committees.
You want Jobs? They are the ones who fought against every jobs bill! They are the ones who would cut pgms that benefit the 99% in order to keep tax rates low for the 1%.
I guess none of that is a problem for you. Or are you silent about these anti 99% actions because Boehner, & Canter are of the wrong party?
Transparent partisan.
HR2990 is dead!!! Your repubs let it die. Support the policies that help the 99%, stop wasting your time on fantasies.
I don't expect the republicans to do anything but be a blight to society.
You should go to Lee Terry's facebook page and go through all his posts over the months. You keep thinking I don't talk about republicans but you are talking straight out of your ass.
Good day sir.
And again republicans and democrats are doing nothing about monetary policy giving trillions to Wall Street. Listing only one as a problem is partisan. Listing both as the problem is not partisan.
You should look up the word partisan. You're using it incorrectly. Partisan is you. Partisan is O'Reilly. You're the polar opposite of O'Reilly.
Which repub have you blamed for monetary policy. Congress?
Cop out!
You ain't said a goddamn thing about specific repubs in office NOW!.
Repubs are the 1st problem they must be defeated, Dems must be dragged back from the right.
Transparent partisan.
To answer your question - All of them. Even Ron Paul is dead wrong in the direction he wants to take monetary policy. Not a single one of them has put forth an effort of real monetary reform. Dennis Kucinich is the only person in Congress who has done that.
Once again, I will point out that it is you who is partisan. You continually play party politics and assume a person is either a D or an R and that is the only way it works in your mind. In reality it is indeed possible to despise the 2 party system that suppresses real democracy and refuses to question capitalism.
I despise the 2 party system that suppresses real democracy and refuses to question capitalism.
Thats easy. As a result I fight to take the peoplesgovt back from the 1% corp oligarchs that have stolen it.
As a result I fight to take back 1 of the 2 parties in power, to drag that party back from the right and force them to serve the 99%.
This past election cycle we have made some slow progress. We defeated some extremist conservatives, elected some progressives, change the national dialogue and direction.
Years of hard work on the streets and in the voting both is required. Slow progress, & setbacks must be expected. Patience is required.
Next is money out of politics! Support
Don't give up. We need you.
Replace conservative war mongers w/ progressives.
"It's the only way to be sure"
I wish more people would move their money out of banks period. There's got to be a better way even if it requires more time and energy. Even the credit unions and smaller banks will eventually be forced to comply with the higher fees, etc.. If anyone can refuse direct deposit, you should. Try to pay your bills locally and use a cash system when you can. Many small businesses in my area are offering a 10 percent discount for cash. I know they are struggling and need the cash ( under the table) and to also avoid those massive bank charges on merchant accounts.
Yep - have done with paying electronically - the banks get their fees from you and I and the local small business by electronic handling fees.
True. Wages are going down and Cost of Living is going up. That doesn't add up does it. It doesn't work. And Obama & Boener are Nowhere on this. Where is Harry Reid?
Harry? Good question. Where the hell is everyone who is in office? They had best start speaking up and working for the people - or - pack-up and go home.
Let's Put out a New Board Game Called, "Send 'Em Home". The board game where you target politicians that don't do anything ... and you kick them off the Board!!!!!! @#&@
We'll split production costs. $10K each. LOL
AHHH Hhahahahaha a twist on mousetrap where the object of the game is to build a giant booted leg that will launch the useless out of government. {:-])
Yeah, that sounds like a board game, A big swinging boot. Place the game piece in the launch area, then swing the boot.
I knew you were the guy for this kind of thing. =;o) (mohawk smiley)
We could make some coin if we got together. your creativity, my vague ideas.... lol
I'll take that as your signiture on a 3 year contract, to design, market, create teh marking plan, distribution plan, and slave labor for full 3 years in my Limited Liability corporation fully funded by me... LOL But it is not that funny. Just sad. And speaks to the corruption that is rampant in the USA. Tragic really...
Plastic parts supplied from Colorado and Washington Hemp factories.
It is so very sad to see how far the GR8 social experiment has fallen under the influence of an ancient enemy/illness Greed.
Hm...So games could be illegal if banned by authorities. Ah, I guess the ban would be on import & production. We'd be safe. Good Idea. Hemp is a selling feature.
But the game probably should explain the history of hemp ... how it was outlawed ... who demanded it be outlawed ... and how they benefit today. Henery Ford was one. William Randolph Hearst, Dupont Chemical Corp.
Funny thing - processed Hemp is not illegal - just growing it to process it is.
Did you know that ford made a hemp plastic car?
Were you aware that hemp can make building materials that are stronger than wood materials?
Hemp can be made into paper products.
Hemp can be processed for textiles.
No, but as I search for cheaper homes or lower cost of living ... I want to know where to go ... or who can make cheaper housing... and sort of guess ... foreign countries don't have the technology. So, eventhough it would help all people every where... it is just no available ... sort of a shadow technology.
You might be surprised :
Hey DKA,
They give us that hogwash every year, then the truth comes out. Trying to keep their worthless stock up, and trying to play on herd mentality to start a buying stampede.
Corporations hammer the people, then are shocked when the people have nothing to buy their overpriced cow pies with.
Reality has hit home sooner this year - oft times in the past - reports have not begun to report the truth until after Feb of the new year.
Good point. The so called "Biggest Black Friday Ever" did not even make it past Christmas.
Yep - it was a pretty lame claim even on the day of it's release. Now they are holding out hope for the saving grace to be the after Christmas sales.
yes, get back to work, im getting tired of everyone calling me. I almost worked thru my christmas vacation this year, making 2k a day on some and bought a home for 675 a month. times are so tuff!!!
Yeah - tuff - let us hope your good fortune lasts - Hey? What in the world would you do if you had to suddenly make due with like 200.00 a week?
i would do like i did before, i would live in a camping trailer like a king and save, save, save. Probably the best time of my life was when I only made 200 a week, I felt free. I paid someone 100 a month to park it in their yard and plug in a utility cord, i emptied the toilet and filled the gas about 1x a week. and saved up about 20k dollars.
Looks like Apple heard us!!
Let's keep up the pressure!
Dell, HP, ??
I understand that apple is experiencing rot in their new ( China ) manufacturing. Something about knock-offs showing up in the market place. HUH. Who woulda imagined that they might get ripped off?
Sweeeeeeeeeet Kaaaaaaaaaaarmaaaaaaaaaa!!!!
Expect to see business start making moves away from China.
Our pressure on electronics corps and 3rd world govt/corps has made a difference.
It is only slow progress, obstacles remain, but improved work conditions outside America is the strategy we are depending on to improve the lives of more & more people around the world.
Yes - make business pay the same in an other country as they would pay here at home - even if that parity is 1st introduced as import tariffs.
Doesn't even have to be exactly the same amount. there are already add'l costs associated with importing. Increase that a bit, continue pressuring the better working conditions abroad and reward hiring @home.
Products made in China can be sold to Chinese or other Asians. Sold here?, MADE here!
Logical, reasonable, cleaner for environment.
KEEP UP the pressure!!
Not EVEN a done deal!!
Apple is the biggest and worst offender and they will cheat as long as they can!!
Dell and HP, etc., are lesser offenders of the same crime!!
We EXPECTED them not to fuck us fellow Americans in the first place!!
Yes, I know all about the cost excuse, TO MAKE RECORD PROFITS!!!
We ( The People ) need to keep pushing for proper restrictions to the entry of off shored product being brought back into our ( USA ) domestic market place. Eliminate those sweatshop labor savings.
No More Profits Over People/Society/Environment/World.
If there was a maximum 5% allowed mark-up on all imported goods , you could bet the middle-man would be encouraging domestic sales .. at unfettered mark-up !
Prices ( on off-shored and domestically injected products/services ) must be at the very least the same as domestically made prices for similar products ( even if the products are not currently made here in the USA domestically ). This should be achieved in an import tariff paid into the public coffers - like into health care or SS etc. Main thing being those off-shored profits from using sweatshop labor be eliminated for the business owners and investors.
Very hard to determine " similiar products.
Consumer prices will still remain high.(even if profits are paid towards tariffs)
It is a possibility .. returning to tariffs would certainly bring back jobs. With an added domestic profit -cap ...big improvement.
1 = Not really - figure a national average "living wage" look at energy requirements property taxes equipment costs environmental protection costs. Look at the business's books. Labor costs and equipment costs as well as property costs really should be simple to transfer in comparison.
2 = consumer prices will adjust to what the consumer can afford - or not and then sales can tank.
3 = Profit cap is not only reasonable - it is necessary if you intend to control inflation.
lol :-]
Nice way of saying," middle-men will continue bleeding as much as they can from the consumer.., by raising their profits as high high high as they can" ! (what the consumer can afford, if not , we will give them a new credit card .. :-))
Profit -Cap creates economic balance.. of wealth.
3 = restrains 2 {:-])
..a profit cap restraining order ..? This is going to make the middle-man .vwery vwery angry :,/
The new middle man - just a different arrangement. Or revival and expansion on a current middle man = USPS.
[-] 1 points by ProblemSolver (-6) 0 minutes ago
Distribution can easily be handled by tax funded unionized employees. ↥twinkle ↧stinkle permalink
A new middle-man onEqual pay-footing as everyone else.. just doing their job.. packaging boxes whatever.. no profit required .. just cover the costs.Oh btw.. if the unionized employees get a raise, so do everyone else in the world get the same raise. ah yes .. the good life!
Unless all business expands to cover "all" distribution - then there will always be a middle man distributor.
[-] 1 points by ProblemSolver (-6) 1 minute ago
The middle-man will eventually be eliminated, and everything will be " Equal pay-Non Profit-Socialism" For all nations around the world. ↥twinkle ↧stinkle permalink
For example
car dealers, that will shake you down for as much mark up, extra insurance, and interest rates, their conscience allows. Quite a bit.
The last vehicle, by time we got out of there with a 3 year old 4x2 we should have had new 4x4 truck. At a lower interest rate.
I tend to get a little "mad as hell" this time of year.
Distribution can easily be handled by tax funded unionized employees.
Absolutely - everyone making at the very minimum a living wage that is tied to inflation - cost goes up pay goes up.
[-] 1 points by ProblemSolver (-3) 6 minutes ago
A new middle-man onEqual pay-footing as everyone else.. just doing their job.. packaging boxes whatever.. no profit required .. just cover the costs.Oh btw.. if the unionized employees get a raise, so do everyone else in the world get the same raise. ah yes .. the good life! ↥twinkle ↧stinkle permalink
Easy Peasy.
Profit cap in business must be universal - like our health care should be as well. The middle man makes out just as well as everyone else.
The middle-man will eventually be eliminated, and everything will be " Equal pay-Non Profit-Socialism" For all nations around the world.
BUY American Union Made!!!
Cash and Carry
Matt Taibbi on the Biggest Wall Street Scandal of 2012
16 biggest banks in the world fixing global interest rates -- that's hard to beat.
December 27, 2012 |
Rolling Stone's Matt Taibbi has skewered his fair share of financial faux pas and corporate bigwigs throughout 2012. Yet his prize for the Biggest Wall Street Story of the Year goes to the massive—but little understood—Libor scandal.
“If it’s true that the 16 biggest banks in the world were fixing global interest rates, then it’s hard not to argue that that’s not the biggest financial corruption case in history,” Taibbi says in a web exclusive for Current TV. “I fully expect that we’ll find out in the end that American banks were involved in this scandal.” (Watch video below)
At the heart of the Libor scandal is the simple, primary function of banks: facilitating the borrowing and lending of money. They do this job and still turn a profit using a nifty little trick called interest rates, which essentially means if I borrow money from a bank, I pay back a little extra for their service. Simple? Sort of, except once again the banks have fixed this simple game so that--as in a casino--the house always wins.
As Robert Reich at Business Insider explains:
How is this interest rate determined? We trust that the banking system is setting today’s rate based on its best guess about the future worth of the money. And we assume that guess is based, in turn, on the cumulative market predictions of countless lenders and borrowers all over the world about the future supply and demand for the dough.
But suppose our assumption is wrong. Suppose the bankers are manipulating the interest rate so they can place bets with the money you lend or repay them – bets that will pay off big for them because they have inside information on what the market is really predicting, which they’re not sharing with you.
That would be a mammoth violation of public trust. And it would amount to a rip-off of almost cosmic proportion – trillions of dollars that you and I and other average people would otherwise have received or saved on our lending and borrowing that have been going instead to the bankers. It would make the other abuses of trust we’ve witnessed look like child’s play by comparison. ….
This is insider trading on a gigantic scale. It makes the bankers winners and the rest of us – whose money they’ve used to make their bets – losers and chumps.
Starve the beasts of interest ( usury ) money. Cash and Carry - Folks - Cash and Carry.
Great! Tell Chase!
If any of you have not heard, it's always better late then never:
Pull your money from the BIG$!!
Put it in your local Credit Union!!
Thank us later
Folks - do at least this much for you and your family in preparing for the next crash - as - YES - it is coming.
Remember the touts of gr8 success for the black Friday sales? Must have been reports of dreams rather then facts - Hey?
I remember seeing a local news broadcast as they covered black Friday sales events - looked pretty dead in the stores where they were at.
Today they say----consumer confidence up, good employment numbers, housing rebound. Never ending propaganda.
Hey Nevada1,
True - all lies/propaganda - and - AND - reports that do make it out to the public - point out that fact. Another ooops moment(?) that they reported the dismal X-Mass sales in the hopes of attracting after X-Mass shoppers?
Sooner or later - they must look reality in the face - and - acknowledge it. The systematic degradation of the working class has shown results - the rich got richer ( for a time ) - but now they are on the brink of total collapse as they have starved their own customers/workers/market.
Good points. Oil creeping back up. They lowered oil for a bit, to give people a fuzzy feel good confident feeling.
I actually saw a price for a gallon of gasoline - UNDER 3.00 - 2.97 Wow - Think they did that to spur/engender/entice confidence in the public to spend money?
They are playing with our emotions.
SOSDD - difference being that more and more people are recognizing/realizing the game.
The beginning of a fuller awakening.
We have to remember, there may only be a few of them, but they are "ruthless" and extremely dangerous. When the chips are down , no telling what they will do .. but surely they will do something .. awful. Be prepared for this .. very prepared..
One can only do so much in the way of preparation - the main thing is don't get caught flat footed hoping that the worst somehow does not happen. Plan for the worst hope/work for the best.
No question .. the worst will happen. The best course of action would be to go on the offense.. don't wait for it.
That is the idea - educate the public on what could be should be happening and push for the proper changes - even if this is not picked-up and implemented immediately - the concepts will be in circulation. Ideas will be out in the public that can be pushed for in any recovery effort to come. Sometimes people have to crash before they wake-up. Maybe this will change after this next emergency.
the govt wanted the people to get used to paying around $4 for gas, they allowed to get lower and will raise back into the mid $3 range . we are being manipulated. gas should be much lower but the govt plan is redistribution through higher gas prices, higher cost to heat and cool your home.
This is gonna be a very interesting new year - 2013 will no doubt see many perpetual lies become impossible for anyone to continue to believe - and continued telling of these impossible lies will feed more peoples awakening moment.
Regarding housing, any noticeable increase would be due to wealthy bargain hunters, not the real people.
I understand that new sales of real estate is more of a property thing - then a housing thing - trying to position for fracking rights/lease money?
Thx for the link to the new discussion.
Effort today to prop up market, with news about lower numbers of unemployment claims. Again, doubtful.
Yes - people are finally waking up to the fact that lower unemployment claims does not mean a corresponding new hire exchange in status - just a realization that more people are going under financially and have fallen out of the currently inadequate social safety net.