Forum Post: Pain compliance white-shirt cop Bologna to face the music alone -- city refuses to pay for his defense
Posted 12 years ago on Aug. 4, 2012, 9:51 a.m. EST by nomdeguerre
from Brooklyn, NY
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There are some 1,376 civil cases against individual cops. These bad apple cops obviously thought they had the green light to use pain compliance on a subject population.
News flash, this ain't a prison and we ain't subjects.
All police officer who can't accept being civil servants, as opposed to being criminal enforcers of criminal 1% power should be fired or quit before they are sued.
Too little, Too late. Police abuse of power (& protesters) is rampant.
Not too little, too late. This is a victory for OWS, it'll be a greater victory when he loses in court.
We should pat ourselves on the back. This is proof we do have clout.
I agree it is a victory. Also the broader case recently brought by the lawyers league against the police practices will be great, And the win over the police regarding brooklyn bridge entrapment arrests as well.
Protests have to pick up again. To challenge the laws further. I'm just expressing my frustration at the slowness of the legal system.
I'm still with you
Not only should direct crimes and illegal bullying by officers be investigated, but the individuals who committed crimes or claimed crimes took place should be investigated as possible undercover cops.
As I wrote nine months ago, "Falsely reporting crimes that never happened is a felony. Undercover cops who are ordered to commit crimes, will do the felony time themselves."
Awesome - thanks for the article.
People TPTB in New York have decided to throw one of their own to the wolves.
NYPD what do you think of your employers - NOW - you do their dirty work and they will let you face Justice for your actions on their behalf - ALONE. Time to retink your position and who you are supporting - DON'T YOU THINK???????
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Deputy Inspector Lunchmeat is being defended by his "union" of white shirts. He hasn't yet done any time, just lost ten vacation days for what the world saw as a felonious assault. It's good he's being sued, I hope the demonstrators win their cases against him. More, I hope the result gives other thugs of Bloomberg's private army pause before they decide to go wack with their weapons.
Right-ON. Ya gotta wonder though - this abandonment by xxxx Cuo-mo and whats his face ( bloomers ) of their private army. That's not got to sit well with the rank and file of the NYPD. Lunchmeat boy should be thrown to the wolves and any self respecting cop should acknowledge that - they should also be talking to their union and saying just what the fuck are we and you doing????????
Cuo-mo & Bloomers ... sorry slipped back in time for a moment - I am from Minnesota - that's my excuse and I'm stickin to it.