Forum Post: OWS is dying. Proof
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 29, 2011, 12:16 a.m. EST by elpinio
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Check it out:
This is what happens when the poor, lazy, and unemployed try to do something...
Please spread the news about & which is two groups of very dedicated people out on the front lines fighting the growing tyrannical para militarized police state and corrupt governmental system for our rights. Thanks!
Your argument reminds me of a physics argument (optics) which states that the subject of the experiment, ipso facto, refutes the validity of the very experiment he wishes to validate. Your presence here seems to refute the very claim you desire. If the movement was dying, why would you be here, why would you exert your precious evanescent existence to an irrelevant concern. Isn't your argument more of wishful thinking than a requiem?
This is what happens when the poor, lazy, and unemployed try to do something... Not big on articulation, are you?
I'm not part of the movement, so you don't make sense.
Really. I am not going to take the word of someone like the OP here, who obviously hates all people in the Occupy Movement.
This site shows slight decline (some of them I don't know how to read):
Crazy right wing nut website run by the one percent trying to disrupt occupy:
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
They're main source of communication is, from there they communicate events and strategies via the forum
The best way to stop the flow of communication is to post absolute nonsense on the forum.
Do not directly get into arguements with members on the forum or use hurtful language or pornographic content on their forum.
Examples of good nonsense posts:
They do not moderate their forum, this tactic will easily yield a 100% rate and will disrupt their communication.
So explain the newest Harvard poll that shows only 33% of Americans support the basic ideal of OWS (Not the movement), 37% of Americans don't support it at all and 30% don't care? Harvard is a lib hot bed, if there numbers have decreased this much in two months I have to believe that they are accurate. I was actually surprised that they published it.
big decline
No, I think this is what happens when a forum is left unmoderated. A lot of users have left. They use other forums now.
I wouldn't be surprised if the popularity of OWS has dwindled in the last month, but you would need some other research to show this. The only tendency your link shows is that this particular website is loosing hits.
yep i have been invited to several secret websites to participate in constructive debate... the trolls will never get invited. completely troll free.
Hence why trolls user sleeper screen names disguised as OWS supporters.
it doesnt work
This is the online heart of OWS. The rich and those who support a capitalist and prosperous America have managed to drive a stake through this site. This represents a growing realization among Americans that OWS is nothing more than a bunch of miscreants causing trouble.
The rich have not driven any stake into the heart of this site. The conspiracy theorists and spammers have. I'm not a supporter of OWS, but I care for truth. Get your facts straight.
i don't think the conspiracy theories are bad. actually gov't transparency is a major ows issue i thought. also active ows supporters tend to be a measurable degree smarter than the populace at large in my experience and they are not as likely to believe irrational, illogical, flawed government b.s. as the typical conformist. but then again there is no filter we can go from rational supported theories like 9-11, kennedy assassination, rfk, mlk, New World Order, ufo disclosure types to the david icke reptilian, ZOG, jews rule the world anti semitic types and there is no filter there is plausible and then there is the fucking insane. but the plausible conspiracies should be free to be discussed perhaps some on should reorganize the forum so that specific posts are in groups like most forums. then if someone wanted to discuss a specific topic they can with other ows supporters
I have yet to see a rational theory of 9-11 or of the New World Order. All I see when discussing these issues is drivel and illogical thought.
really i took a college course on the new world order at a suny college in the 90's by a highly respected prof. i thought it was accepted knowledge. as far as 9-11 have you never seen loose change???
No, it's not accepted knowledge. Your professor was probably an old hippy like Zendog who took too much LSD when everyone else was smoking weed. Did your professor name any members of the "New World Order", or were his claims simply based on empty assumptions.
SOC 2610 - The New World: Order or Disorder state university new york
nope he had think tanks and the names were def on the membership roles he def passed out a list with the names so we would see the interconnected nature of the nwo. you want me to dig up some of the think tanks??? it's exactly who you would think bilderburgs, council foreign relations, trilateral commission and many others here i dont know if this is the same exact class i took because i have my transcripts and the say new world order but the course summary is like 90% prob same prof Students discuss the evolution of the idea of internationalism from the dreams of the 19th century English empire builders through the Wilsonian League of Nations, to the ultimate establishment of the United Nations into the post-Cold War era of today. The readings explain the economic, technological, demographic and general ideological forces which created the current international system, as well as the forces which may disrupt this "New World Order." Students discuss the existing and newly-emerging international, political and economic structures designed to control and administer the increasing international functions required in the post-Cold War era.
Yes, please take some time to gather your transcripts. Give us some names and evidence.
ill see what i can find i took the class in i believe 95. blew my mind then as it does now. for now though you can browse some lists and cross refrence them. here are some organizations first and now some membership lists you can poke around on these sites and get all the names you can handle make sure to look up trustees and board members i will give you members what not but you must put a little effort in. hope you appreciate it this it is by no means all the names of the players and the organizations but it took quite a bit of time to track this down you can cross reference names all day pay special interest to the corporations follow the money check out who owns the corporations and banks that is when you really see the dirt but that is far to exhaustive to undertake now for me it is almost 5 am
My goal was not to get your information, but to occupy you with a task so that you would momentarily stop wasting everybody's time with conspiracy theories. Now, go to bed.
you are an asshole. i try to enlighten your poor ignorant conformist mind and you mock me are you fucking kidding. you go back to sleep now sheeple you will never admit to reality until it is dropped on your head just like 85% of this movement. as i have always maintained this is not 99% vs 1% elite this is 1% intellectual vs. 1% wealthy the rest of you appear too dimwitted to comprehend what is really going on in the world.
They definitely have. I am proud to say that I am one of them.
Regardless of the reason, the "movement" is dying. HIGH FIVE!
^^ What thray said
as long as georgecarlinrules is still posting we are alive and well! : )
Yeah, I think it's dwindling. Once real winter hits, things will fall apart. This site, on the other hand is just becoming a cesspool
um we are a couple days from january safe to say real winter hit weeks ago.
Yet they still can't figure out why they will always be poor, lazy, and unemployed.