Forum Post: Organize a Nation-Wide Pettition to Place Term Limits on Congress!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 27, 2011, 3:08 p.m. EST by NewEconomics
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This is just a thought, but the movement has the numbers to generate petitions to change the law and apply term limits to life-long politicians in Congress. A career politician was not the intent of our forefathers and having term limits will make it harder for special interests to maintain their relationships with our government officials. Research and learn what you need to in order to make a law like this happen. Two term maximum and out! Just like the Presidency.
I think congressional reform is important. I also think that getting the money out of politics is an important way to get the government more in touch with the people they are supposed to be representing. If you agree with me, please check out my post trying to organize people:
please post these ideas on the wiki.
I have been active here since the very beginning, and since the very beginning I have been trying to make some core points. These points clearly have not been digested or fully understood by the mob, and so I'm going to try to make a further attempt here again.
For these reasons, I beg of you to please immediately join me on the wiki. We need to have all of these details and all of these ideas put together in an organized fashion, rather than posted in a long scrawl which will never be read.
This "Congressional Reform Act" should be the goal of the OWS movement. Once enacted, pick another problem that needs solved (universal healthcare, unemployment, etc.).
Only vote for congress folks that will support the will of the people.
The beauty of the Congressional Reform Act is that it will get 100% support from all Americans, except of course the congressmen affected. Even they will not stand up to defend their special deals and perquisites because they are indefensible. The Congressional Reform Act is a no-brainer that #OWS should endorse and demand immediately for openers. It is always a good idea to promulgate a surefire winner at the outset and then build on that victory.
Kanye West for President!
Also, enact the Congressional Reform Act:
Term limits is like throwing out the baby with the bath water.What is wrong with using the existing electoral process? If you don't like your Congressman, just vote for another candidate.
Because the voters have gotten to the point where they always vote for who they know. The incumbent always has a huge advantage in any election year. Congresses approval rating have been the lowest ever these last few years, but all the people that don't like Congress blame all of the members except their own. We have political legacies such as the Bush's, Clinton's, Kennedy's and so on. The majority of Congress is wealthy, lawyers and for those who were not too rich when they started, became rich while serving. The system has gotten too corrupt and it is now self sustaining.
So how do you get the 99% to vote for a Congress that would support a Congressional Reform Act?
That's the problem, there are no immediate solutions. It has to start at the state level with people fighting for and electing good people to their state legislatures. From there they can then be supported for a national run. I would love to see everyone vote for whoever isn't the incumbent next election. That would send a clear message, but I know that that is not realistic either.
I think the answer is education, and you are right, it is not going to be immediate. This is where OWS falls on it's face. What has OWS done in the last month to help a voter understand that the congress has their own rules (i.e. "Congressional Reform Act") and who the problem congressmen and women are? How can this be accomplished?