Forum Post: New OccupyNews Blog article about the 2013 Occupy WalMart Thanksgiving day protest.
Posted 11 years ago on Dec. 8, 2013, 3:17 a.m. EST by DebtNEUTRALITYpetition
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Here is a link to the story I did on my OccupyNews blog (that also features RSS link feeds to over 150 Occupy blog sites) about the 2013 Occupy WalMart Thanksgiving day protest.
Well, with workers' rights at an all time low it's not surprising that many of the protesters were non-WalMart employees. We can, and should, fight for the downtrodden whether they be us, ourselves, or others.
And, really nice blog with great links and sources.
Thanks for the nice words, and I agree. I find it appalling that the video clip I saw broadcast live is not available on the internet as far as I can tell anyways. It really was an eye opener to see the media compromise the protest by implying that "outsiders" protesting somehow devalue the protest. I like the mix of 20% walmart employees and 80% from the public and other unions, nothing wrong with that at all.
Every American has the right, and I would argue, the obligation, to stand up and fight for the wages of their fellow citizens to ensure that all can live decently.