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Forum Post: New Gene Disease explains Mental Illness Found in Truthers

Posted 8 years ago on April 14, 2016, 2:48 a.m. EST by fionachuckles (-375) from Fairview, NJ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

A new gene disease explains the mental illness driving people towards the Truth movement and conspiratardism in general.

Mutation DC in chromosome 17p causes people to become conspiratards. It's the same disorder which causes creotardism in people raised in heavily religious families. This explains the similar kind of thinking patterns found in both Truthards and Creotards.

A new pill is being developed. Unfortunately, most conspiratards will claim it's a plot by big pharma to control their minds with the pill.

After taking the pill, most conspiratards remark a new rational clear thinking, and most agree the moon landings are real.



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[-] 2 points by ImNotMe (1488) 8 years ago

The term ''Conspiracy Theory'' has undergone Orwellian redefinition - mostly while we weren't looking:

temet nosce, anguis herba ...

[-] 1 points by Rollo (60) 8 years ago

This post is an embarrassing exhibition of journalistic skill/lack of. The self appointed "Warden of Thought" aka Thrasy, gave zero reportorial effort in the production of this story. Where are the: sources, information references, expert analysis, technical viewpoints, verifications, etc?

This looks to be the work of an establishment hireling. This was NOT written by someone with a Ph.D. from Princeton. More than likely this person has a p.HD. from Princestone's 48 hour online correspondence course.

There is no need to be fearful of conspiracies. They are an unfortunate product of the human condition. If it makes you feel safe to pretend conspiracies are make believe, go ahead. Stay in your little safe delusional bubble. Please do not try to pull the rest of us into your fantasy world. If you have Conspiraphobia, seek professional help! We have reality to think about.

Don't forget what Aristotle said: — 'It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.'
