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Forum Post: NBC chief medical correspondent Dr Nancy Snyderman channels Leslie Nielsen.

Posted 10 years ago on Oct. 14, 2014, 10:24 a.m. EST by StillModestCapitalist (343)
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Fear mongering NBC chief medical correspondent Dr Nancy Snyderman, after deliberately putting herself in a career oriented position to become yet another potential jet-setting carrier of Ebola flown directly from ground zero Liberia to hypochondriac America recently channeled the late Leslie Nielsen while under 'voluntary' quarantine for possible Ebola contamination.

"As chief medical correspondent of NBC, acting in the best interests of our commercial spon, err I mean, the public, I hereby state that not one member of this NBC news crew under quarantine for possible Ebola contamination will violate said quarantine for one minute until we know for sure, who among us has Ebola and we put them under specialized care and isolation. Now, lets go grab a bite to eat."

Shortly after, NBC chief medical correspondent Dr Nancy Snyderman was spotted in her Mercedes outside of the 'Pheasant Grill' Restaurant in Hopewell, NJ.



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[-] 0 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

Does this seem like logical behavior for a 'doctor' considered to be 'of risk' for Ebola contamination? If any of you were under quarantine for possible Ebola contamination after working closely with a reported carrier of the virus, would you violate said quarantine for a dish of Chicken Cordon Bleu?

[-] -1 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

I've been doing some more research. NBC chief medical corespondent Dr Nancy Snyderman has a long history of promoting pharmaceuticals. She actually had the nerve to insult the majority of Americans who didn't run out and get vaccinated for Swine Flu.


and this sold-out pharmaceutical promoting bitch just happens to find herself to be 'of risk' for Ebola contamination? Again, I'm calling BULLSHIT.

She put herself in that career oriented position in order to make herself an AGENT OF FEAR. The idea, as usual, was to promote more horribly over-priced healthcare intervention. THAT'S BEEN HER JOB FROM DAY ONE.

What the sold-out bitch didn't count on was getting caught for violating her totally unnecessary and BOGUS Ebola quarantine. Again, she knew God damn well that she didn't have Ebola but she wanted the possibility to be considered by many in order to hype up the disease for the purpose of driving millions of Americans to the doctor for more over-priced medical testing and treatment. THAT IS HER JOB.

Now the bitch has lost the credibility that she never should have had to begin with.

I swear on my life that Ebola is being hyped up unnecessarily and intentionally in order to promote more horribly over-priced and usually inappropriate healthcare intervention.

I swear on my life that Ebola will ultimately kill fewer than one out of every five hundred thousand Americans.

In all likelihood, A WHOLE LOT FEWER.

By the way, there is also solid evidence to prove outright fraud within the CDC. Damn right they are in on it.