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Forum Post: music video that is a little bit suitable, and bumping a collection of other links so people see them

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 13, 2011, 9:10 a.m. EST by maikeru333 (15) from Ottawa, ON
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Hey, I know everybody wants to 'tell occupy wall street' and everyone else what to do. I think you're doing great, but your ability to synthesize something positive out of the criticism, rather than simply be manipulated or insulted, I think will really make a difference into the growth of the movement. Don't be afraid to be wrong. Don't be afraid to be right.

Own your own truth, but know it is subjective truth, and that seeing other people's perspectives, in context, will always lend some insight and truth and broader perspective to the movement... I know sometimes things have to be boiled down, refined gems to be able to crystalize what is important to share, etc, but I think focusing on being perfect is an error... just do the best you can, have faith, and be willing to grow.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9ETxBHYBAU that is a cover of coldplay's 'fix you' like - some people said you could interpret a bit, etc... fix the world, ignite your soul, instead of bones some people liked... but yeah.

Here's some other posts I made on here, just so people can get a chance to see them still if they want to:

main post I made, where I linked documents/ comments I made that I thought would be useful to occupy wall st folks, with more links on different issues in the comments... http://occupywallst.org/forum/some-links-to-article-i-wrote-that-i-think-might-b/

link on how to fix the occupy wall st forum with a 'trust metric' http://occupywallst.org/forum/on-fixing-the-forum-in-terms-of-trolls-etc/

Love yourselves; Stay in truth; and fight with LOVE!

Solidarity, beautiful souls!



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[-] 1 points by occupie (75) 12 years ago

Jesus Christ no one gives a shit about your stupid 'trust metric' or your god damn remixes. Stop bumping your own shit brah. SOLIDARITY.

[-] 1 points by maikeru333 (15) from Ottawa, ON 12 years ago

i appreciate your comments, but i also appreciate having my own voice, and that this site isn't being censored. I hope it stays that way,

and also, at least one person commented on trust metric saying they thought the forum needed to be more organized, contradicting your statement.

YOU, occupie, don't give a damn about the trust metric, or remixes. Speak for yourself. That is whose opinion you know.


[-] 1 points by occupie (75) 12 years ago

You Canadians get so uppity.

[-] 1 points by maikeru333 (15) from Ottawa, ON 12 years ago

Thank you occupie, it has taken me quite some time to learn how to try and stand up for myself, and do so in as respectful a manner as possible. ;)

[-] 0 points by maikeru333 (15) from Ottawa, ON 12 years ago


hoyt axton, gypsy moth. i think this one is an oldy