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Forum Post: Missouri Dems Introduce Legislation to Confiscate Firearms ....

Posted 12 years ago on Feb. 14, 2013, 3:36 p.m. EST by chuckuschumer (-366)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Missouri Democrats Introduce Legislation to Confiscate Firearms – Gives Gun Owners 90 Days to Turn in Weapons

Here’s part of the Democratic proposal in Missouri:

  1. Any person who, prior to the effective date of this law, was legally in possession of an assault weapon or large capacity magazine shall have ninety days from such effective date to do any of the following without being subject to prosecution:

(1) Remove the assault weapon or large capacity magazine from the state of Missouri;

(2) Render the assault weapon permanently inoperable; or

(3) Surrender the assault weapon or large capacity magazine to the appropriate law enforcement agency for destruction, subject to specific agency regulations.

  1. Unlawful manufacture, import, possession, purchase, sale, or transfer of an assault weapon or a large capacity magazine is a class C felony.




Read the Rules
[-] 1 points by russellwaz (1) 12 years ago

In 1989, President Bush banned the importation of 43 models of military styled firearms via an executive order WITHOUT Congress. We are wondering if the President is considering a similar action or is he going to allow Congress to make the decision on what, if any, import restrictions will be put in place. I / we still can't believe how little President Obama has done on the isssue. He could act today!

[-] -1 points by chuckuschumer (-366) 12 years ago

Act today to do what? Confiscate our weapons like these fucking assholes are trying to do??

If MO goes through with this legislation there will be some real problems for that local Government.

It's called usurping the Constitution.

[-] 0 points by AndrewRusher420 (0) 12 years ago

How many BANKERS went to prison for their crimes by Obama? 0. How many occupy wallstreet protestors went to jail for exercising your FREEDOM OF SPEECH? THOUSANDS....but no...give up our guns...even though our governments hiring all these people we bail out and who lobby them..we should trust them with guns huh...

Seriously how do you want to give up GUNS when THEY PUT YOU IN JAIL FOR PROTESTING yet don't put BANKERS IN PRISON! we are being ran by crooks and it sounds to me like you are scared to stand up against your own party for their crimes and then want to blame the republicans when both parties are guilty!

[-] 0 points by AndrewRusher420 (0) 12 years ago

I'm ATHEIST, and TRUE CONSERVATIVE...conservatives FOLLOW the constitution and bill of rights...NEITHER of your parties are conservatives your all pushing LIBERAL ideology, and have been since the early 1900's when BOTH PARTIES allowed the ILLEGAL creation of the FEDERAL RESERVE (private bank) through ILLEGAL lobbying which WE ALL HATE...but now you want to let these CORRUPT ELITISTS from BOTH PARTIES take our guns because you think they will protect you?

[-] 0 points by AndrewRusher420 (0) 12 years ago

I'm NO PARTY, Voted Obama 2008, but you Democrats are CRAZY to get rid of guns, when our government is the most corrupt its been throughout history when it comes to economic slavery...they allow monopolies which OCCUPY WALL STREET HATES, yet you support Obama and Gun Bans when guns are what we were given to OVERTHROW these corrupt people!

This is why I LEFT THE DEMOCRATS in 2010 and became NO PARTY. You left wingers, are no better then the crazy religious right wingers..your all liberals trying to change the constitution and bill of rights for your MORAL values of GUNS on the left or ANTI-ABORTION on the right..

[-] -1 points by DeathsHead1 (-111) 12 years ago

Great! It's about time! Now we can move forward !

[-] -2 points by chuckuschumer (-366) 12 years ago

Ted Nugent on RedCoat Morgan:

On a personal level I like the terminally liberal, limey, Redcoat sheep Piers Morgan. I’ve been on his CNN program talking about guns, ammo, freedom and hunting – things I live, that he knows zero about.

In order to raise his CNN bottom-of-the-barrel television ratings, Piers, like Obama, has been attempting to use the Newtown massacre to raise his pathetic non-ratings by resorting to a nightly attack on the Second Amendment, the NRA and so-called “assault weapons.”

Newsflash for he the sheeple Redcoat Piers: No so-called assault weapon was used in the grisly murders of the children and teachers in Newton, Conn. NBC has reported the butcher used four handguns, and though we can all agree that anything reported by the networks and so much of the media should be disbelieved out of hand, even if the Bushmaster modern sporting rifle were used in the demonic slaughter of innocents, semi-automatics are not “assault weapons.” Period.

Piers’ primary problem is that he’s from England, a withering, spineless nation of ever eroding sheep that does not respect the right to life, liberty or pursuit of happiness and the natural instinct/right to protect those rights with a gun.

What Piers hasn’t told his audience and will not tell his audience, but I was able to drive home to his audience, is that gun-related crime dramatically increased in not-so-great Britain after England banned the private ownership of guns in 1997. Horrifically, it has been the innocent victims of savage crimes that have been incarcerated for clear and simple acts of self-defense while the violent repeat perpetrators go free. Same is true in Australia.

Piers proclaims he respects our Second Amendment, but his nightly hysterical diatribe regarding so-called assault weapons and high-capacity magazines gives pause to America’s gun owners and those interested in objectivity and the facts. The facts, however interesting, are lost on Piers. Until I show up.

Piers doesn’t like so-called assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. He and other freedom-bashers believe America would be safer without these guns and magazines. The facts speak otherwise.

Rifles, of which so-called assault weapons are a subset, were used in less than 3 percent of murders in 2011, according to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports. According to the FBI, many more people were stabbed or beaten to death than were killed with rifles. Clearly, the FBI’s facts show that banning so-called assault weapons will not make America any safer. Let’s see if Piers has enough journalistic integrity to admit this most basic of truths.

Secondly, the AR-15 is not classified as an assault weapon. Though it may look like a military weapon, it functions much differently than a military assault weapon. The AR-15 has more in common with a common .22 semi-automatic squirrel rifle than a military assault weapon. Being from England, Piers wouldn’t understand that. The brainwashing there was complete long ago.

The very question “Why do you need an assault weapon?” is fundamentally flawed, as are the majority of loony liberal questions/statements about guns, but I will answer anyway.

As a free man, I never thought my freedom was based upon some blowhard’s or bureaucrat’s needs-assessment. I “want” a semi-automatic rifle that can shoot 30 bullets without reloading and a Corvette that goes from 0 to 60 mph in under four seconds and an old Ford Bronco that will climb up your face if the need arises.

AR-15s and other semi-automatic rifles are fun, accurate, dependable and well-built. They are wonderful varmint guns and will cut a recidivist, paroled maggot or methhead in half. I don’t have a coyote problem on my ranch. Coyotes and other varmints have a Ted problem thanks to my bevy of assorted AR-15 style fun guns, Gibson guitars and so many other fine American-made weapons.

As a free man whose forefathers tossed out King George by killing his soulless henchmen, I highly distrust and despise any person or government who would ban a gun based purely on its looks or because it can hold more than seven bullets. Americans should not trust a government that does not trust them with a basic semi-automatic rifle.

The beauty of President Obama’s violence task force headed up by VP Biden and Piers’ nightly hollow antics is that Americans are now better armed than any society in the history of mankind. That’s what freedom addicts do. When our government even hints that they are going to ban something, Americans rush out and cause the sales of that product to skyrocket. AR-15s and other mis-identified “assault weapons” are virtually sold out. They are as scarce as facts on a Piers Morgan show.

The toll of freedom is responsibility. There are no more responsible Americans than those Americans who own guns. Americans would be wise to remember that 99.999 percent of all guns, including so-called “assault weapons,” will never be used in the commission of a crime or misused in any way, shape or form.

Stick with the facts and freedom, America. It isn’t guns that are truly under attack by Piers Morgan and others. It’s our freedom and common sense that Piers Morgan ultimately despises.

Celebrate freedom and common sense by purchasing more guns and ammo, and give away NRA memberships to everyone you know. Then let’s help Piers’ embarrassing ratings disaster by tuning in now and then to enjoy the melt down go from bad to worse. Now that’s entertainment.

Ted Nugent.

[-] -2 points by derain (-178) 12 years ago

the goal of the dems is complete gun confiscation, that coupled with obama civilian army and the purchase by dhs ( and other govt agencies) of billions of rounds of ammo and guns = fascism

[-] -3 points by Shayneh (-482) 12 years ago

Like that's going to happen - Yah right!

[-] -1 points by DeathsHead1 (-111) 12 years ago

Why troll in'? Because your party disagrees?

[-] -3 points by Shayneh (-482) 12 years ago

Once again your response is indicative of your IQ - keep trying

[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

Once again little Wonder Bread sales rep troll.............you lose.

[-] -3 points by Shayneh (-482) 12 years ago

How's things going with our 12 year old Girl Friday? People are watching and wondering - Your posts says a lot about you in the eyes of others - especially newcomers to this site -

[-] 0 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

Trollin' trollin' trollin' Keep your bullshit rollin'............

Nobody's watching me and if they are then they are already familiar with your bull shit. You think that you are way more important than you actually are.

[-] -1 points by Shayneh (-482) 12 years ago

Hey GirlFriday, you don't see me posting stupid repetitive posts that a 12 year old would post, do you?

[-] 0 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

Trollin' trollin' trollin'

Actually, you are very repetitive. You just aren't smart enough to see it.

[-] -1 points by Shayneh (-482) 12 years ago

GirlFriday - Not anywhere near as repetitive as you are when you act like a 12 year old. Just saying.

[-] 0 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

Trollin' trollin' trollin'

Keep your bullshit rollin'............

You're all out, innit? Your attempts at intimidation didn't work.....

Your little emotional out bursts don't work. I even gave you and your ilk a geographical area and a time zone. TWICE.

[-] -2 points by chuckuschumer (-366) 12 years ago

You've become more a troll then anybody here GF. All you do is spam bullshit and nonsense and insults. Without your bud DKA to laugh at your lame crap you've become more of a liability then an asset. Get lost!!

[-] 0 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

Wrong answer, Cornflake. Your right wing trash is showing. You just hate it because you get popped for your bullshit too often,.

[-] -1 points by chuckuschumer (-366) 12 years ago

As if.

[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

Yes, your right wing trash is showing.

[-] -1 points by derain (-178) 12 years ago

gf is not mentally equipped to do anything else, remember , she's paid to be on this site.

[-] 0 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

No, shill. That would be you and yours.

[-] -1 points by chuckuschumer (-366) 12 years ago

That must be the case because GF is here 24/7.

[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago


[-] -2 points by chuckuschumer (-170) 1 day ago “And on the Ninth day, God spilled some coffee on an angry possum and God made a Liberal.”

God said, “I need someone willing to get up at the crack of noon and check their Facebook and Tweet vile things; take a nap, borrow money from their parents and stay out all night drinking Pabst ironically and snorting bath salts and whine until midnight.” So God made a Liberal.

He said, “I need a person that can take a thriving community and turn it into a debt-ridden, post-apocolyptic welfare-state. I need someone who thinks Meat is Murder; Produce is raised in grocery aisles; who can’t fix a flat tire or change their own oil; and who, when forced to finally get a job as a barista makes you wait for your latte while they play Angry Birds on their iPhone, and then takes his union mandated two hour break.” So God made a Liberal.

God said, “I need somebody dumb enough to believe in Global Warming and deficit spending yet arrogant enough to look down at hard-working folk cause they don’t have a worthless Ph.D. in 17th Century Belgian Lesbian Studies. It had to be someone that would tax and spend, sue and attack, flip and flop, legislate from the bench and pass an unread bill. A person that would take a story of American success and turn it into a lesson of injustice.” So God made a Liberal.

“It had to be someone who would lie to themselves and others and envy the successful. Someone to whine, cry, demand, screech and scream ‘Sexist, intolerant, xenophobic, homophobic, Islamophobic, racist bigot!’ It had to be someone that at the end of the day they could go home after helping rip apart a country with divisive, race and a class war, and who would laugh and then sigh with mocking eyes thinking, ‘If I hadn’t aborted all my children they would probably say they want to spend their life doing what dad does’.” So God made a Liberal.


That your thread, douche bag?

How about this one? http://occupywallst.org/forum/conservative-dr-ben-carson-speech-upstages-obama-a/

Do not cry, dick head when you act like a dick head and then are treated like a dick head. You pathetic fucking right wing shill.

[-] -2 points by chuckuschumer (-366) 12 years ago

Thanks for recognizing my posts. Those two were great. I'm guessing the "God made a Liberal" post hit a little too close to home and bruised your ego perhaps. Must be it did to warrant such a childish out burst.

[-] 0 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

[-] 0 points by chuckuschumer (-173) 3 minutes ago "cry when you act psycho and have it handed back at you."

You project so much bullshit and that really blows any cred we think you might have.

↥twinkle ↧stinkle permalink

No, GK. I see right through your bull shit and it pisses you off. You don't like that.

[-] -1 points by chuckuschumer (-366) 12 years ago

Who the fuck is "GK"? Are you having issues?

[-] 0 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

Just watching it roll.

[-] 0 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

Not at all dick wad. Just showing what you really, really are. A fucking two bit cheap right wing trash Craig's List troll.

[-] -2 points by chuckuschumer (-366) 12 years ago

You're not even funny anymore just a stale and predictable spammer.

[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

[-] 1 points by chuckuschumer (-169) 0 minutes ago You don't get it,...by your definition of "shill" you have just defined yourself. You are a Leftist shill. You're shilling for every Leftist cause there is 24/7 on this site......oh,...douche bag. Maybe I should just start calling you names,you might better understand me.

↥twinkle ↧stinkle permalink

No. You don't get it.

First, I'm not here 24/7. Secondly, there are "liberal" causes that I am not in agreement with. I outline why I am not in agreement with them. I have certain causes that I 100% support and I know that many here are not interested.

You want to be understood? Then get your shit together. Thus far, you haven't demonstrated that you have the capacity to utilize critical thinking skills and, therefore, are not worth the time. Your incendiary comments and threads do not aid your cause. I fuck back.

[-] -1 points by chuckuschumer (-366) 12 years ago

"incendiary comments",that's you exactly. Couldn't have said it any better. My shit's all together you just disagree with me on everything.

[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

I'm not trying to be funny, fucknut. I'm just showing you for the shill that you are.

[-] -1 points by chuckuschumer (-366) 12 years ago

You don't get it,...by your definition of "shill" you have just defined yourself. You are a Leftist shill. You're shilling for every Leftist cause there is 24/7 on this site......oh,...douche bag. Maybe I should just start calling you names,you might better understand me.

[-] 0 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

[-] 1 points by chuckuschumer (-173) 1 minute ago "incendiary comments",that's you exactly. Couldn't have said it any better. My shit's all together you just disagree with me on everything.

↥twinkle ↧stinkle permalink

Actually, I agree with you for the most part here http://occupywallst.org/forum/did-the-police-intentionally-kill-dorner/

No, you start bull shit threads and then cry when you act psycho and have it handed back at you.

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

He's identified the problem!!!!!

Whether it's together or not, it's still SHIT!

[-] -1 points by chuckuschumer (-366) 12 years ago

"cry when you act psycho and have it handed back at you."

You project so much bullshit and that really blows any cred we think you might have.

[-] -3 points by derain (-178) 12 years ago

she's doing the best she can ( which isnt much)she hasnt been given her new script with the new talking points .

[-] -2 points by Shayneh (-482) 12 years ago

Well it's apparent by her posts that I am a thorn in her side and she doesn't know how to deal with except act like a 12 year old.

[-] 0 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

Trollin' trollin' trollin'

Keep your bullshit rollin'............

You're all out, innit? Your attempts at intimidation didn't work.....

Your little emotional out bursts don't work.

[-] -1 points by Shayneh (-482) 12 years ago

GirlFriday - you can't intimidate a person who posts repetitive posts like you do as would a 12 year old child would do. - just saying.