Forum Post: Magnetically levitating graphite
Posted 12 years ago on Dec. 28, 2012, 1:19 a.m. EST by ivyquinn
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(—Magnetic levitation has been demonstrated for a variety of objects, from trains to frogs, but so far no one has developed a practical maglev-based actuator that converts some external source of energy into motion. Now in a new study, researchers for the first time have used a laser to control the motion of a magnetically levitating graphite disk. By changing the disk's temperature, the laser can change the disk's levitation height and move it in a controlled direction, which has the potential to be scaled up and used as a light-driven human transportation system. Laser light or sunlight can also cause the levitating disk to rotate at over 200 rpm, which could lead to a new type of light energy conversion system.
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cool. i wish i could do something important. my uncle helped invent squid. his name is arnold silver.
I had a friend who fished for squid.
Your uncles SQUID was much cooler though.
yeah my uncle though i don't know him well (he lives in cali i am from ny) is a pretty neat guy. he is in the science and engineering hall of fame.
What an inspiration.
It would be educational to understand what he was experiencing while he was experimenting. Fortitude is required of anyone doing something yet undone. What a valuable asset for you he must be.
probably part of the reason i went back to school at 34 for a civil/environmental engineering degree.
Green infrastructure is the only viable method for implanting a future worth passing on to the children of the present.
Speaking of which, America has no firm capable of building high-speed mag-lev rail systems. No wonder we have none.
we need green infrastructure, no doubt about it. we also need autonomous building, permaculture, aquaponics, fair trade, b corporations, and co-ops.
All of these things and more can be accomplished with ease, once corruption is rooted out of the lending institutions and the politicians they control.
All of these are economic ideas that constrict the profits of the corrupt. No wonder there is resistance to such brilliance.
Why should we want to create another monopoly industry? What about versatile small shops/business's that can make components to be supplied to whomever does the final assembly?
Green infrastructure is hardly monopoly driven. In fact most of it is designed around ergonomic principles supportive of small innovative industries. Even further, it is the small versatile innovator, that is able to outperform the large corporation when dealing in new technology.
As for high speed mag-lev rail, if Americans were to enhance their own educational systems they would lead the world in that technology because there is a complete lack of it here.
Thank you.
I was just responding to your comment:
Suggests the creation of a singular business ( monopoly ) to get er done.
I meant nothing of the sort, though I can understand how you would have thought so.
What I meant, is that there is so little support and investment in the United States for such technology, that Americans who have studied such things are forced to go to work elsewhere to build such things.
Fundamental change for the better - FOR ALL - will come from the involvement and actions of The People.
This is the message I am trying to forward - to get The People - to consider.
This "IS" why we are here ( at least I am ).
Exposing corruption in banking and politics is something everyone must be conscious of and participate in.
Absolutely - a proper start to grease the wheels of action and justice may be something like :
Absolutely a fine idea.
I will peruse the post again as it has grown since I first saw it.
Feel free to tweet it or forward it out if you feel it is something social media might pick-up on and circulate.
Kudos to your uncle! SC is a tool that even the mainstream scientists are suppressing. But we have gone leaps and bounds with QSL this year, so I'm hopeful.
i wonder if they use any of his applications he has hundreds of patents or he did anyways.
I'm sure some of his patents are used in SC discovery. However, there seems to be a shift to organic SC matter over synthetic.
it's cool to think my family may have a role in the progress and scientific advancement of the human race.
that is very cool and respectable.
What a great find. Thanks.
More people in today's society need to realize alternative energy can be achieved without giant corp. backing or government intervention.
Cutting edge technology like this needs support and funding.
Gone are the days when big business controlled what was studied and what was released to the public. There are so many examples of benevolent uses of new ideas that change the world. We need to pay attention to them and support them when we can.
Agreed. Unfortunately, both sides are funded by JP Morgan-Chase. JP Morgan, upon discovering Tesla's free energy, cut his funding and his lab was burnt to the ground. As a society we should be backing decentralized free energy for all.
We have to insure this time our technologies aren't suppressed.
Tesla worked in a time when little was 'commonly known' of the depths corruption had descended to. We live in a time when corruption is under scrutiny across the globe and alternative funding is available for a great many new ideas and research.
More power to your alternative power.
As long as politicians accept a single penny from oil, this will be buried in R&D.
which is why we have to decentralize science, health, money, and politics. Our society is being driven into the ground for the "blood for oil" political agenda(s).
Massive decentralizing/horizontal-ing of everything is the only thing that is going to make our quality of life go higher.
Its either that or we go further into the corporate cess pool. Similar to the hell hole we see in movies about the future.
I want a hover car - to hell with the potholes.
Interesting that you bring that up... China is experimenting with magnetism and hover cars/hover rails.
They are also heavily into high speed trains. They just completed a line and are planing to add 100 trains to the line.
Yep. I was discussing this with my Libertarian friend. We see China as the top-tier nation for alternative technology at this point. US will be soon to follow, but not without some backlash from government officials.
We always seem to need some outside challenge - to get any positive action going. WTF is wrong with people in positions of power/influence/money that they can't see Health & prosperity connected and available for them as well as everyone in society to benefit from implementing it?
Funny ( strange? ) thought just now. Global warming climate change - truly a challenge for the ages - we need to see a response to this challenge. But apparently one needs to put an outside face/presence to a challenge ( perceived or real ) to generate fear of other to get things moving along. Sad So Very Sad.
I agree. Technological suppression is always followed by some sort of arms race. This has been seen throughout history.
The 1% knows what they are doing. They have access to tech. we can't even get our hands on. But thus is the system of planned obsolescence.
Down with the concept of a disposable society. Close the loops bring produced to discarded full circle to recycle re-issue. Every industry needs to be a complete loop - full circle.