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Forum Post: Lets Demand 3 major Political Reforms & take the money out of politics

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 10, 2011, 11:40 a.m. EST by nullapars (10) from Sacramento, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

3 reforms that most agree with that would address the problem at its root. If adopted these changes would give the government back to the people and our leaders would be able to do the peoples business when they are in Washington instead of wasting our time playing political chess. We all seem to agree that money has too much influence and that there is too much party politics going on. We have people voting on issues they don't agree on because of the party and or deals made to get other things passed. All as a result of the politics created by a system that has long been due for an overhaul. WE MUST TAKE THE MONEY OUT OF POLITICS. WE CAN FIND A BETTER WAY TO CHOOSE OUR LEADERS. The 3 reforms we should champion are:

  1. CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM. Campaign contributions "a blatant and legal form of bribery" It should be illegal to give money for influence and that is precisely what campaign contributions are. Does anyone really think corporations make donations to be good citizens. Yet they do it and we let them? This is a system designed to fail for the masses and serves only the 1% with the money. Lets demand it be changed.

  2. ELIMINATE THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE & ITS CONSEQUENCES: A system that creates complicated political strategies which waste time and distract, It allows some votes to be more important than others.The State by State winner takes all electoral votes makes no sense and should be stopped. We could end up with a President who did not get the most votes. We should count every vote equally.

  3. TERM LIMITS FOR EVERYONE IN CONGRESS. No more career Politicians. Career politicians in the current system must play the game to stay. There is no other way due to how our system is structured. We all know its about the money and to make a change against the hand that feeds you is impossible. If they had term limits they would be inspired to make a difference rather than a career in Washington.

Step back and look with a fresh perspective and its clear. Its obvious why the leaders in power wont or cant make these changes. We must by making our voice heard. You can do your part by joining in the discussion now. Lets retool the system using common sense and make our government work for us again. Lets discuss these reforms then take them to the streets in non violent protests to make our voice heard. Most of these reforms are common sense but if they were actually enacted think of how they would change everything. You can find out more about these ideas on our website at http://politicalperceptions.weebly.com/ We twitter under the name nullapars we have been quite active there for the last year.



Read the Rules
[-] 1 points by clarity (20) 12 years ago

Legislative Reform:

The system of voting must be effective in preemptively defeating corrupt politicians being voted in and politicians from becoming corrupt to be voted or after they are elected.

Voting for a candidate means voting for a reform; hence the reforms will be enacted in the voting booth and will be ready to be signed when the government is sworn in, forcing politicians to keep their promises and for the speedy implementation of reforms. If the incumbent members obstruct this reform, their seats are up for grabs based upon the same principle in this new voting system.

Furthermore, the system must be reformed

1) to ensure that candidates have a fixed maximum term in office.

2) that money and resources should not be wasted in campaigning, that a fixed and equal amount of money be available for campaigning to ensure that money does not buy votes, and there is democracy not plutocracy.

3) the campaign must make its accounts transparent to the public.

Financial Reform:

Simultaneous to election reform, a Sovereign Financial system should be introduced which does away with the financial power, policy making functions and money creation functions of the Fed, while making the power over to the elected governing body. The financial system will introduce banking acts to ensure that banks are there to work for the benefit of the majority and not be channels of fraud and corruption.

The sovereign nations and their peoples should be informed, through the Internet, of the perils of debt-money by governments. This will enable a similar Sovereign Financial System to be adapted to the particular needs of the individual sovereign nations and to be quickly implemented. Offshore banks must be made to open their books where accounts exceed a certain amount, independent of nationality.

A global watchdog manned by educated, trusted bodies should be set up and on red alert to warn of signs of any form of sabotage on such sovereign systems.

The sovereign nations will be transparent at all stages of implementation of such systems.

Judicial Reform

Simultaneously, the judiciary will be reformed to remove cronyism and corruption and to speedily punish for high treason and fraud.

Local and regional citizens’ watchdog committees should monitor high profile cases to report shady decisions. Judges should be held accountable to these committees in such cases.

[-] 1 points by prosemitic (63) 12 years ago

Aipac willnever agree to this...you are antisemitic!!!

[-] 1 points by sudoname (1001) from Berkeley, CA 12 years ago

I agree with these 3 but would argue that the federal reserve is the root of the problem.

[-] 1 points by nullapars (10) from Sacramento, CA 12 years ago

I agree with you and to address the problem that is the federal reserve we need leaders that have our best interest at heart and who are not beholding to big money or corporations to keep them in office. If we reformed the way we choose our leaders and took the money out of it, limit our leaders to say two terms, they would be much more likely to help get rid of problems like the syndicate that calls itself the federal reserve. Thank you for your comment