Forum Post: Keystone vote tally, 36 nay votes King; Sanders; and 34 Dems, if only there were more Dems....
Posted 10 years ago on Jan. 31, 2015, 7:48 a.m. EST by factsrfun
from Phoenix, AZ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
or Look who did vote??
Are they closing down congress down on account of no electoral quorum
Girl Land
One thing we have learned it is not that hard to convince many Americans to do nothing, it seems kind of natural to them. of course the results can be deadly, the GOP has gained a great deal of power though people being convinced to take a day and go about their business not bothering to show up and vote let alone having to make nasty old choices, who wants to do that,. better to leave that to the 1% they do it so well.
You are correct, it was the same group that did this:
I blame all of them. Do you? Or has the propaganda gotten into your head and you are actually supporting one half of this ongoing problem?
Enjoy your day.
I can count, a skill I learned in school you should consider it, it can come in useful sometimes, what they taught me there is that 34 is more than 9 and that 53 is a lot more than 0, it has always been my position that the GOP is more perfect than the Dems, more perfectly evil, if we cannot remove that which is perfectly evil how do we ever improve? That is the question you stupid jerks don't seem to understand.
And 100% of them sat by as the majority of the pipeline has already been built, there actually is already a pipeline running from Canada to the south, and the Atlantic is now open territory for drilling.
You fall for the political games instead of the reality, as usual.
Which is what the politicians are there to do: distract.
I can see how someone as stupid as you would think counting to be a clever trick of some sort.
YEAs ---62 Alexander (R-TN) Ayotte (R-NH) Barrasso (R-WY) Bennet (D-CO) Blunt (R-MO) Boozman (R-AR) Burr (R-NC) Capito (R-WV) Carper (D-DE) Casey (D-PA) Cassidy (R-LA) Coats (R-IN) Cochran (R-MS) Collins (R-ME) Corker (R-TN) Cornyn (R-TX) Cotton (R-AR) Crapo (R-ID) Cruz (R-TX) Daines (R-MT) Donnelly (D-IN) Enzi (R-WY) Ernst (R-IA) Fischer (R-NE) Flake (R-AZ) Gardner (R-CO) Graham (R-SC) Grassley (R-IA) Hatch (R-UT) Heitkamp (D-ND) Heller (R-NV) Hoeven (R-ND) Inhofe (R-OK) Isakson (R-GA) Johnson (R-WI) Kirk (R-IL) Lankford (R-OK) Lee (R-UT) Manchin (D-WV) McCain (R-AZ) McCaskill (D-MO) McConnell (R-KY) Moran (R-KS) Murkowski (R-AK) Paul (R-KY) Perdue (R-GA) Portman (R-OH) Risch (R-ID) Roberts (R-KS) Rounds (R-SD) Sasse (R-NE) Scott (R-SC) Sessions (R-AL) Shelby (R-AL) Sullivan (R-AK) Tester (D-MT) Thune (R-SD) Tillis (R-NC) Toomey (R-PA) Vitter (R-LA) Warner (D-VA) Wicker (R-MS)
NAYs ---36 Baldwin (D-WI) Blumenthal (D-CT) Booker (D-NJ) Boxer (D-CA) Brown (D-OH) Cantwell (D-WA) Cardin (D-MD) Coons (D-DE) Durbin (D-IL) Feinstein (D-CA) Franken (D-MN) Gillibrand (D-NY) Heinrich (D-NM) Hirono (D-HI) Kaine (D-VA) King (I-ME) Klobuchar (D-MN) Leahy (D-VT) Markey (D-MA) Menendez (D-NJ) Merkley (D-OR) Mikulski (D-MD) Murphy (D-CT) Murray (D-WA) Nelson (D-FL) Peters (D-MI) Reed (D-RI) Sanders (I-VT) Schatz (D-HI) Schumer (D-NY) Shaheen (D-NH) Stabenow (D-MI) Udall (D-NM) Warren (D-MA) Whitehouse (D-RI) Wyden (D-OR)
Not Voting - 2
Reid (D-NV) Rubio (R-FL)
Of the 36 Senators to vote AGAINST the pipeline, 34 were Democrats. Two were liberal Independents. NONE were Republicans. Every single one of them voted FOR the pipeline. As usual, they have no regard whatsoever for the environment.
'Duopoly' my ass. There are significant differences between Democrats and Republicans.
So just how many Green Party members voted? NONE. They don't have any seats. At the rate their party is gaining power, it will take them a full century to overtake either of the major political parties in Congress.
The GOP can do a lot of damage in the meantime. Keystone is just one example.
If the polls indicate a real shot for any third party candidate, then by all means, do your research. Consider their positions and affiliations and vote your conscience. But don't be a fool. A wasted vote on a hopeless third party candidate is a vote for the GOP.
Mark mark mark!
And yet the assholes (disinformationists) claim that there is no difference between the members of the two parties - HELL they can't even admit that the loss of democratic seats that were picked up by the republicans in 2014 has allowed the passage of keystone expansion.
No instead they try to blame the dems and call it a duopoly while they try to spread apathy to trying to do anything about it and promote opting out as a healthy thing for the people to do.
The Fucking subversive ASSHOLE PLANTS.
I know that "YOU" do not want me here just like your cronies - those which are not socks of yours that is. "YOU" would like to be able to chase me away - so that I will stop popping your disinformation BS Balloons. It ain't gonna happen.
Yeah yeah yeah - try to paint me as a die hard dem. You are not the 1st to try (or perhaps you are - how long you been here? - under how many names?) As the vote record noted above shows - there are major differences between dems and repubs - BUT - you already know that. The repubs are completely sold out to the 1% - BUT - the dems are not - not yet - or things would be so much worse for the people than it already is - and YOU know this to be true.
Are dems perfect?
HELL NO!!!!!!!!!!!!
But - they are - CURRENTLY - one whole hell of a lot better than the repubs.
YOU wanna make a change for the better for the people (I do not believe that you do - I believe you are what I have said you are = a disinformationist manipulator trying to get people to do NOTHING).
We know about ALEC - who funds it - who makes up the membership - and what their goals are = 1% control of the USA. Show me the organization of the dems which mirrors ALEC. I don't believe that you can. PROVE ME WRONG.
what of property ? should that be owned by the king ?
AHhhhh . . . back from your sock stinkle/twinkle break? Took ya long enough.
You say what you are against - you say what you are for (kind of - stilted and seemingly forced) - but - to be fair - you forward nothing on how to get there.
I point out a solid fact = dems not the same as repubs. You blow it off. Others point out the same fact - you attack us all.
You are shown where the repubs are in lock step servitude to the 1% and the dems are not (not yet) - and you deny the facts while offering nothing to back your position.
You offer no strategy as to how to remove the sold out from office - you cry duopoly (which at this point in time is CLEARLY UNTRUE) - and you cry - don't vote
Just exactly how do you propose that the people make the needed changes?
Money out of politics. OK - HOW??? As it ain't gonna happen by opting out. And you sure as hell never talk about or promote Move to Amend or any other campaign that is going on right now to overturn citizens united.
You say you are for the people and direct democracy but you forward no strategy and you put down those who have shown support for the people and compare them as being the same as the completely sold-out corp(se)oRATists.
You are being very deceptive - you and your twinkle/stinkle disinformational cronies and socks.
You talk PEOPLE at the same time you try to stifle any action that PEOPLE could and should take to make the needed changes.
BTW - you sound an awful lot like the repub/corp(se)oRAT leadership - you know - Bitch and Boner and Ayn Ryan etc etc etc , when you say show me yours and I'll show you mine.............OOOOOOOooooooooPppSSSSsss - but they never do show theirs - HEY!!!!!! - and neither do you. There is your duopoly - you here and them in office (the corp(se)oRATists).
I don't know what I sound like to you, but you sound paranoid to me. Everytime someone disagrees with your ideology, you label them as your boogeyman GOP nemesis. I am NOT a GOP supporter. I do NOT like the republiCONS, nor the demoCRAPS. Don't try to box me into your duopoly world. I don't want any part of corrupt establishment politics.
The duopoly is dead. 2/3rds of the voters say so. If it wasn't for geriatrics clutching onto obsolete duopoly politics, the rest of us would be free from this defeatist lesser evil nonsense. 2/3rds of us are waiting for the geriatric political sycophants to die. Then we will chuck this duopoly garbage in the dumpster, where it belongs.
You make baseless claims and accusations. They are baseless (duopoly) as you provide nothing to back up your claim. SMC has copied in a voting record that shows polar opposite positions of the dems and reps on the keystone pipeline. There are other records that will show the same = reps against the people and for the 1% and the dems the polar opposite. But YOU provide nothing concrete to support your claims.
There is a concrete starting point for the people to take in forwarding our issues - it is clear as crystal - the start (besides Move to Amend) is to remove from office the lock step supporters of the 1% and attackers of the people = the republicans (state and federal). If that can be done by introducing individuals who are not democrats - I would be all for that - but until those individuals come forward or are brought forward - we have to work with what we have - and "THAT" is clear cut evidence that all republicans need to be removed from office.
Show me evidence that proves otherwise - OR - just STFU.
Show you evidence? How much evidence do you need? Our whole society is evidence the republiCONS AND the demoCRAPS are BOTH screwing the 99%.
Why are you at Occupy if you think the DNC is the answer? You already have your solution. There is no reason for you to be at Occupy.
Occupy has always strongly disavowed the DNC and GOP. I do not see why DNC supporters would come to Occupy. It must be a subversive DNC tactic, otherwise it makes no sense.
There you go again - you make claims - but you have nothing to back them up. Like I said before - your tactics are just like the republican's in office - you offer nothing and blame everything ( while showing no evidence) on others.
There are so many differences that I almost forgot =
Reps want to end the USPS and Dems Do Not.
Reps want to privatize (wall street) or even put an end to Social Security and Dems Do Not.
Dems want to increase the minimum wage (not by enough - but still they want it raised) and the reps are dead set against raising the minimum wage.
There is so much more.
If one were to look at the record. They would clearly see reps attacking the middle class and the poor and dems trying to help the middle class and the poor. It is only those who are trying to forward the cause of the wealthy - who are trying to spread the lie of the complete duopoly and thereby get the public to opt out instead of getting involved and fighting back.
????? DK... hehe ... you are half being a terrible activist ... :)
don't pick sides on partisanship !!! it's doomed for failure !!
instead pick issues !!!
why not say .... who the fuck ...wants to end the USPS ?
why not say .... who the fuck ...wants to privatize wall street ?
why not say .... who the fuck ...wants to put an end to Social Security ?
and you will become an activist !!! ....
and you will draw believers from all sides !!!!
it IS the only way ....
Not really.
One must point out the lies. One such = duopoly. LIE!!! Why? Because there is still a post office - because social security has not been ended or privatized - because the ACA was implemented (needs a whole hell of a lot of improvement/work - but still - it HAS been implemented). And so much more.
One must show that there actually exists a starting point/place to make the massive changes needed. To let the lie stand that there is no place to start making the necessary changes from - is - to foster apathy/hopelessness.
hmmm... well ... it's very simple... the 1% win... when the 99% ... are divided ...
and when we use words like duopoly ... WE ARE DIVIDED !!! whether right or wrong !!!
We can say the same things ... and get the same points accross ... by focusing on issue ... more than focusing on who's to blame...
who cares ...who was wrong ... let's just fix it !!!
and we will be successful activists & anarchists
[ EDIT ] I beg to differ = "NOT their PARTY !!!!"
When what we have in office are stated members of two parties and it can be shown that those two parties are as different as day and night in their activities = one actually forwarding issues of support for the 99% and the other dead set against the 99%. This FACT should be shown and recognized.
One party "SHOULD" be outright condemned "PUBLICLY" for their blatant attacks on the 99%.
The other party should be "PUBLICLY CASTIGATED" for their failures when they do not consistently support the 99% - when they make compromises that support the 1% instead of sticking to what is right.
The membership of ONE WHOLE PARTY show that they are 100% servants of the 1% and 100% dead set against the 99% in 100% of their activities. This can not be said of the other party nor it's members - that that party has obvious (nine blatant blue dogs) defectors to the 1% in their ranks is not a condemnation of it's other members.
There "IS" a definite difference between the two parties. While one party has a few defectors to the 1% which need immediate removal from office - the other party shows that it's whole membership in office needs to be removed from office immediately.
EDIT -> Now to remove those in office that absolutely have got to go. Go after em on the issues not on their party affiliation. Run an independent against them - we sure as hell could not get many democrats elected to office in Red states anyway ( that pesky party thing). Show the public the issues and where their current elected official stands on the issues and where the other candidates stand on the issues. None of the usual hypothetical BS - but instead real issues and real past performance and even current stances (intended immediate and future performance).
What good is a tool = - If it is not used? If this tool is not to be used to see who is trying to support the people and who is standing against the people. Just exactly WHAT is it good for?
Not to care who is wrong is to miss the source of our problems and leave them in place.
To identify the source is to be able to target it and remove it.
The disease must be cut out.
exactly !!! and the source IS each & every specific individual who is doing the bad shit !!!!
NOT their PARTY !!!!
attack the bad Individual !!!! and you will be on target !!!
attack the bad Issue !!!! and you will be on target !!!
There ya go - you got nothing - so - you try to put it back on me.
Well - thimpk about this:
Repubs dead set against health care for every one - even shutdown the government once in protest to it and have been trying to get it repealed ever since they failed to block it's passage.
Dems? Pretty much 100% support for the ACA health care for everyone.
Raising taxes on the wealthy ( business's and individuals)
Repubs = dead set against it - want to tax the middle class and the poor more instead and give more breaks to the wealthy - stating their trickle down bullshit and nevermind the fact that thewir concessions to the wealthy have moved jobs and industry in mass OFF SHORE.
Dems? Want to raise taxes on the wealthy and give aid to the struggling.
End Fossil Fuel Subsidies
Repubs? dead set against it - even want more for fossil fuel expansion.
Dems? want to end the subsidies and shift em to clean energy production.
climate change - global warming
Repubs? 100% denial of the science that says we are killing ourselves.
Dems? Want to act on the reports and make necessary changes to shift off of a fossil fuel based society.
I have placed many posts concerning what should be done - in length and in detail ( including rallying support for Move to Amend) - you and yours have attacked them in your support of what "is" = the current state of affairs = SCREWED. You applaud opting out - Doing Nothing - you have made many comments stating as much.
I do NOT 'applaud opting-out'. I think it's a travesty the 99% are given only corrupt 1% financed candidates to vote for. Voting for evil OR lesser evil is a defeatist strategy for the 99%.
Short memory - Hey? Kinda convenient for you and your BS. Here have a little reminder - a short comment exchange you had with (yourself?) one of your cronies:
NOTE: " To me, when nearly 2/3 of the eligible people chose not to vote in the mid-terms, it signifies the beginning of the end of the duopoly, and it is more, a sign of their good health than anything else."
You have yet to show evidence of the duopoly you so strongly insist exists. SEE COMMENT: where I have Pointed out distinct differences of position and activity
You agree that having 2/3 of the people opt out is a good thing.
You cover your BS with a statement of the tide is turning (false cheer)
I don't understand why politicians that want to help can't break from the party ?
The ego driven "build your own party" "don't be co-opt'ed" people they think they are more important than the earth itself, they would give the world to the GOP rather than be "lost" in the huge Democratic Party because they would feel small. It is their egos as much as the egos of the rich, whose egos drive them to believe they deserve it all, that is destroying the world, ego is always the evil.
They deny the reality of the 1%'s 100% ownership of the GOP in office and try to claim the dems are exactly the same - which is patently false - they promote opting out rather than promoting the removal of the clearly diseased - no matter that they don't have to forward a dem to replace with - they could forward anyone who is not a dem and so remove the totally owned repubs from office and instead of strengthening the dreaded dems they could be making a start on establishing an independent presence in office.
But NO they can't support that!!! The insane assholes would as you said rather let the 1% take total control of government.
THAT shows them not to be stupid or blind - BUT to be actively working for the goals of ownership of government by the 1%,
I honestly can't understand why any Republican ever wins an election given the reality of wealth distribution and the GOP position on making the rich richer.
This site is the second great loss I have had recently, it is as if my entire life has come to nothing now, it was about the work not now many read it or if anyone changed their minds.
The site could have become a great think tank from which an action plan could have been developed, but as always ego interferes, at the park and on the site, no one yields. I know i don't, though if someone presented an actual plan I might have been, that didn't give it all to the GOP and 1%.
It is a very real oddity. The only guess I can hazard - is - that people are not paying any attention - and are going with the brand name they get pounded with in the ads.
the truth is people hardly ever change parties after their first vote, that is one reason this "duopoly" bullshit is so harmful, if young people are in anyway confused about the fundamental purpose of the GOP they could make a lifelong mistake. Now the GOP are far less vocal about their complete and total commitment to making the rich richer but policy by policy they are standing fast through this period of "wealth concern". The GOP cutting wage, fighting unions, fighting MW will never stop, we can change this if we tell the truth. The truth has power.
Which is exactly why the stinkle team are so rabid in their attacks on it.
All in nature serves its purpose.
How are we to know how foolish a position till it is fully exposed?
Remember always, the ego is the enemy.
And they have the gall to do so while using multiple IDs to keep their own comments 'best' rated every single day.
By the way, have the site operators made any changes to your account yet?
NOTE: The multiple ID users = the twinkle/stinkle team do not have any basis for their BS - they just have BIG MOUTHS and sockpuppets. I slapped em down all day yesterday and all they had to say in return - was . . . I am rubber - you are glue - whatever you say - bounces off of me - and sticks to you. Sounds exactly like the repubs/corp(se)oRATists in office - HEY?
Should the site operators make changes to my account?
They are going to take steps between now and 2016 to deal with you, factsrfun and I.
No - if the site wanted us gone - we would be gone - just that simple.
We'll see but they have been playing all sorts of games with my account lately. The poser posse has altered it's markdown strategy as well.
Well........everyone will be gone from here soon........didn't you see jart's post about shutting down the forum?
No but I've been suspecting for some time now that it would be.
How soon?
I don't know.
Are you saying that you are shacking up with jo-heinous and serfingtheusa and flipper? Is that your live in twinkle/stinkle reality denying support group?
And there ya go - off into your little fantasy world - so sorry - that would mean you leave your fantasy world from time to time - and you have never shown that you enter reality - all you ever present are your fantasies - so sorry my Bad - I should have said - and there you go again - expressing the fantasy world you live in.
And there ya go again = making a claim while presenting no proof to back it up whatsoever - expressing the fantasy world you live in and apparently are trapped in ( by your own choice or not).
The proof is all around us. Try leaving the house.
Outta sight, outta mind eh?
Things suck and the 99% are under attack - I have never denied this - what I do dispute is your disinformation as to the causes/sources of the attacks on the 99%.
All you forward - IS - things are the way you say they are so there - in other words you are childish in your claims as you offer nothing to back up what you say.
On the question of duopoly, .....
Report Chris Hedges Print this item Do Not Pity the Democrats
Posted on Sep 12, 2010
AP / Elise Amendola By Chris Hedges
There are no longer any major institutions in American society, including the press, the educational system, the financial sector, labor unions, the arts, religious institutions and our dysfunctional political parties, which can be considered democratic. The intent, design and function of these institutions, controlled by corporate money, are to bolster the hierarchical and anti-democratic power of the corporate state. These institutions, often mouthing liberal values, abet and perpetuate mounting inequality. They operate increasingly in secrecy. They ignore suffering or sacrifice human lives for profit. They control and manipulate all levers of power and mass communication. They have muzzled the voices and concerns of citizens. They use entertainment, celebrity gossip and emotionally laden public-relations lies to seduce us into believing in a Disneyworld fantasy of democracy. Peace to the 99: And the evidence shows exist, this duopoly, exists
I have said it here many times-and I never meet a Civilian in my personal life who doesn't WHOLEHEARTEDLY agree-Democrats&Republicans belong Together Forever IN HELL,where they apparently came from.To those who feel the need to participate in elections,Fine.Do it.I really don't want to hear about Why Everybody Must Save The World by voting for Democrats.We do well to remember that rejection of the Gruesome Twosome is what caused the Occupation on Wall Street in the 3rd week of September,2011.The 2 Parties are clearly and obviously working together to break the Spirit of the American People.And they haven't even bothered to hide their treason Lo,These Many Years.Try though they may,WE SHALL PREVAIL.
Boo-Yah! That was a great article by Chris Hedges. He really cranked that one out over the outfield upperdeck.
The WHOLE article rocks 1% Ass, but here's his last paragraph in excerpt:
Quote: "Hope is a word that is applicable only to those who grasp reality, however bleak, and do something meaningful to fight back—which does not include the farce of elections and involvement in mainstream political parties. Hope is about fighting against the real forces of destruction, not chanting “Yes We Can!” in rallies orchestrated by marketing experts, television crews, pollsters and propagandists or begging Obama to be Obama. Hope, in the hands of realists, spreads fear into the black heart of the corporate elite. But hope, real hope, remains thwarted by our collective self-delusion."
Thanks, that was excellent. It reminds me that I have to read more. I really like Chris Hedges even though his writing is very sobering. Then again, so is the subject matter..
That article will not be good enough for Dan though. He's gonna want more evidence that we have a
I agreed passionately with every single word right up until the last line.
No. The two major parties, although horribly corrupt, sometimes in ways that overlap, are NOT the same. Great harm is done by lumping them together without at least acknowledging their differences. In particular, when more liberal voters are singled out in a political/profit (one in the same) oriented campaign intended to give conservatives an edge.
I read A LOT all over the web. I have been a regular on multiple forums all over the country. I have never once seen anything remotely resembling this 'duopoly' OBSESSION posted ANYWHERE but those which appear on the surface to engage liberals in particular. In particular, RIGHT HERE.
I challenge ALL OF YOU obsessed with this 'duopoly' crap to PROVE that you have been posting not only here, but elsewhere. In particular, where CONSERVATIVES gather.
If you've got hours each day to spend here posting your 'duopoly' crap then you've got time to hit some diverse forums where CONSERVATIVE values are touted. I challenge you to prove you've done so.
My guess, no my CERTAINTY is that you can't.
Not you Shule, turbocharger, johannus, SerfingUSA, flip or ANY of you.
Not a single one.
Visitors read my profile.
if the soldiers on the other side, that's a legal target
not meaning to lump flesh together
Good comment.
Don't expect you will receive anything but crap and distractions in return.
Because none of the duopoly criers has ever taken the time to prove it with any sort of factual back-up.
No the duplicitous duopoly criers have only ever come back and tried to throw shit at any who challenge them to prove themselves. They dodge and belittle but they offer no proof for their stance.
The blatant 100% evil of one party in their attacks on the general public have been shown. And been unremarked by these duopoly criers.
Good issues forwarded by one party (not the other party) somehow get overlooked as does the other party's obstruction to these good issues that would go to support the people.
I can only surmise from this that those criers of duopoly - only want the people to opt out - as - they present absolutely no course of action for the people to take.
They do however applaud that 2/3 of the people have opted out completely and have left the battle field so that the government (such as it currently is) is left more open to destruction by the 1%.
"I slapped em down all day yesterday." We can agree on this; 'You were something else yesterday!' AND now with the childhood idioms! You are really showing us....oooh eeee!
Do you ever get the feeling that nobody is listening; Or that you are just conjuring up people's sympathy, OR how 'bout; Do you ever get the feeling that you have become irrelevant?
Those are common feelings of people who cannot adapt to a World, and a people that are changing without them.
You may choose to settle for the "lesser evil" in the duopoly', but we never will!
jo-heinous there you are - still denying reality I see - do you stick your fingers in your ears and scream - lahlahLAHLALALAH - to try to drown out people who say things you do not want to face?
Sure - that's why you and your disinformation stinkle/twinkle team cronies are still here - Right?
No thanks to you, someone tied your grubby little hands finally lol. This is probably about the 20th handle Ive had because you didnt like my bashing of the system and would just ban me for it.
Personally, I think you are a train wreck of an organizer.
Child are you done with your distraction now? Or should we all expect you to embark on another immediate round of distractions so that you don't have to try to deny reality out in the open with nothing to back up your position but your fantasies/disinformation.
Figured you would dodge that one.
At the core we have this problem- good people are hard to find. Your actions showed you are simply just not a very good person. Certainly not tolerant enough to be a political organizer. Even the job of moderator was a nightmare for ya.
Didnt your two little friends here claim it was causing you unusual amounts of stress? Its tough trying to defend the corruption on a daily basis, isnt it?
Have fun doing whatever it is you do, Im going to get back to work.
Peace out freak show!
I dodged nothing- on the other hand - dodging is ALL that you do - other than making unsubstantiated claims.
The "..substanciat[ing]" guy is sitting in the White House laughing about how he fooled people like you with the duopoly, while contemplating how much money the Democrats will be pulling in from the fossil fuel industry.
You are so right.
Your argument(s) is(are) faulty. Explain six years of denial for keystone followed by approval this year (possible veto still pending). Then go on and address all of the other questions you are ducking.
Here is another.
Who besides OH-Bummer supports opening the Atlantic to drilling?
what do we want ?
Dan The Disrupter, You are a drag to not only this forum, but to our struggle on the whole.
But I suspect that you already know that, and that is the reason that you are here.
You present OH-Bummer as your only evidence of the duopoly?
Try this instead.
Who wants to tax wall street - who is dead set against it?
Who wants to raise taxes on the wealthy - who is dead set against it?
Who wants health care for every individual in the USA - and who is dead set against it even to the point where they are denying what could be available to their citizens in their states right now?
Who wants to raise minimum wage - and who is dead set against it?
Who wants equal pay for women - and who is dead set against it?
Who went all-in on approving keystone - and who opposed it?
Who wants an infrastructure rebuilding program - and who is dead set against it.
Answer those - do it factually - don't dodge with your usual BS. There are many more of the same questions that can be asked.
Like who refused to participate in government for the last six years because they took a vow the night OH-Bummer was elected to office?
Keep looking at whatever you choose to justify your beliefs, or rather your partisanship, then ask yourself, 'Why are things so screwed up?' Then take some time, and educate yourself on how the duopoly works, and how it keeps chugging along despite who is in office.The other option for you is to keep living in the dark, and acting stupid. Let's see what your choice is...
Taxing wall st and the wealthy- 6 years of bailouts shows duopoly
Healthcare for all- empowering the insurance companies over the people shows duopoly (remember, it was Republicans that passed Medicare part D, which is true socialism- strange world)
Wages- again, 6 years of bailouts shows duopoly (this only makes sense if you understand the relationship between value and wages.)
Equal Pay for Women- Thats been a nice political football. My femenist friends say NEXT
Keystone- Again, its already being built. Theres already a pipeline next to it. And they opened up the entire Atlantic to drilling in the meantime. Duopoply 101.
Infrastructure? - We already did that stimulus, and got robbed, which shows duopoly. I live in Florida and theres road work everywhere. Another political football.
Basically things like this are meant to fuck with people, its just a shame that you continue to fall for it all despite being shown hard proof on almost a daily basis by Occupy Wall St.