Forum Post: It is Gratifying
Posted 11 years ago on Aug. 31, 2013, 3:11 p.m. EST by ZenDogTroll
from South Burlington, VT
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I see OWS has finally accepted Twitter as one more viable messaging platform. I think that is a good thing, with many potential applications all at once. Though I was an early advocate, I am certain no one undertook the implementation at my instigation. I wonder . . .
But never mind.
AS to the topic of Syria, I say Assad is but one of many among the one percent who see themselves as entitled beyond all reason and endurance. Let us cut off his head.
It is, as I am well aware, a matter of some controversy. Many say no no no, let us not intervene, and it is certain that many who hold such objection do so strictly as a matter of conscience. To them let no taint append for this cause.
Were OWS an organization, one given to discipline, deliberation, and decisiveness, we might provide the possibility of an Organizational Position while releasing each and every member to act according to conscience.
Were OWS to take up such a position, the benefits would be thus:
We would demonstrate clearly to those one percenters everywhere, that we are indeed content with their sudden and calamitous demise.
Less than 50% of the public support any intervention in Syria. We could ascend to power with a demonstration of the ability to change public perception, and so to harness the people.
We could change the public perception on this issue because the death of Assad is in this case Just. We could make that case on far more than the mere use of Chemical Weapons alone, for the longer a conflict of this nature continues, the deeper the emotional scars among the population afflicted with the scourge of war. Many are the deficits of prolonged conflict.
The principle beneficiaries of extending this conflict are those who would use such events to draw in members of al Qaida, and so perpetuate their ability to recruit, to train, to know and become intimate with killing and so hone their art. Such a position must be opposed as a matter of principle.
Were we successful at swaying public opinion we would strike fear into the hearts of the one percent whose single allegiance is to wealth and to power. Were the nation to act as we had advocated, and had we so advocated loudly and often, it would be unclear to these one percent pretenders what degree of influence we actually possess.
For the purposes of negotiation we could allude to the possibility that any one of these unentitled one percent scum could be next.
Such a set of circumstances would induce among many of our opponents a degree of panic, and in their hysteria they would over play their hands, providing openings we could capitalize on.
Such a set of circumstances would enhance recruitment to us in a number of ways, not least of which are those in mid level positions of trust among the one percent, with access to information that we would find useful. Some of them would surely turn to us, just as some of them have in the past, for what ever reasons they may have. The links below establish that indeed, it has happened in the past:
There may be other benefits as well. One of them includes the fact that Russia is adjusting its naval presence in the Eastern Mediterranean.
Within the Christian mind, this presents the image of Armageddon. For all of those repelicans who have ascended to public office while standing upon the Christian Bible, there is now a distinct dilemma. Much of right wing Christian dogma demands that the Christian embrace Armageddon at every opportunity. Thus those who have ascended to power standing upon the Bible must appear as cowards among their own constituents, and may easily be run from office with a carefully contrived astroturfing campaign. While the issue of Armageddon itself is a topic that OWS need not take up, such an astroturfing campaign could easily be undertaken and maintained at arms length from the organization itself.
Perhaps with little more than a small suggestion to the Tea Party.
Such an approach would necessarily be noted among even Pentagon brass, who must even now be assessing the behavior of Putin and asking if his behavior is little more than a probe, a query of our will by him regarding our willingness, our commitment, to do the right thing.
Were there such an organization.
But there is not.
Still I say, off with Assad's head. It's the right thing to do.
Assad is not the only bad guy in the world, and if it weren't for the oil and strategic interests we might have more concern for greater human rights violators, like in Burma/Myanmar.
Then we have "Plausible Deniability" indirect murders (million per year) right here at home, killing with GREED: Kochs, Corporatists, RepubliCons, DINOs, and The Federalist Society:
Start with the worst offenders, like the Kochs.
This is a MIC scheme, in which Obama has very little choice.
They drug out Kissenger to badmouth the guy, that is the big red flag of corruption.
except for the legislation clarification bit
that made sense
the people should be allowed to understand the law
What is unbelievably shocking is for how long and to what extent Cons are insane (a cult acting masochistically and sadistically). It is a testament to the strength of our democracy that despite the entire panoply of their shock doctrine we are still able to operate as a relatively free people. If only more people were engaged and united, there would be no political malfeasance evil that we could not crush! Like cockroaches!!
Walker & Issa as well as McTurtle and Boner (as nearly all Cons and the few remaining DINOs) are mere flunkies and henchmen for the 1% their cult worships. Team 1%. The people who Vote for them are either as Thomas Frank described in his great book "What's the Matter With Kansas" misled by moral and other concerns (gays, abortion, condoms, taxes or guns) or are so prejudice against Dems that they Vote for Cons and against their own best interests.
But the vast majority of 1%-Con supporters are the teaming sea of disengaged & disillusioned non-Voters. Ignorance is no excuse! Democracy is weakened and fails exponentially to the lack of participation of the People ~ Team 99%.
this isn't about intervention
it's about control of the oil fiends
you know that
the US is free to run as much propaganda as it takes to justify violent take over of Syria
the oil wealth was produce by the sun 100's of millions of years ago
the conquerors like to take credit for producing resource wealth
they did not
no one did
I don't believe the circumstance suggest the chemical attack by the government. The US is just trying to make excuses to kill with bombs. The US has lied in the recent past to invade Iraq The US has no credibility and will further damage that by destroying more countries and lives
the president sounds like a rules layer looking for an excuse
further, I find the US of bombs no different than chemical attacks
dead is dead
mass destruct is mass destruction
Did you get a new keyboard? Longest comment yet! Agreed. 100% ZenDog is wrong to promote violence. Dems and Republicans promote violence, Occupy shouldn't. It's about non-violent anarchy.
my thoughts come in pieces
the above post was edit for each new sentence
Keep piecing together your thoughtlets, I like the resulting macro-thoughts.
Exactly. Syria doesn't have enough oil to be of any particular interest to the TPTB. Iran does.
the US seeks to control the entire region
I like your narrative in comparison Assad to oblivious 1% who only care about dem interest and who don't care about rest of the world. But what happened to Libya? I remember Gaddafi being ready to reveal al Qaeda camps locations during his speech in UN assembly. I remember him promising no taxation to people of Libya, the most successful region in Africa, - no more, the chaos . the camp ground for terrorist of al Qaeda. Speaking of truth , United States has the interest in the region and Assad crossed the red line. When I typed "red line" I remembered the kosher prime minister showing his drawing to delegates of general Assembly of UN, trying to make a point against the treat of Iran's nuclear program. Drone strikes most likely won't change the situation, America won't lose such expensive toys. Massive bombarding needs to be done, and Obama and his military consultants knows it but wouldn't tell to members of Congress covering it in limited actions. More destr%ctions , - more death toll. My opinion is one of the affiliated with terrorist groups smuggle zarin bombs across the Syrian border to exchange for ammunition. Israel intelligent forces took it to go (who else can it be besides Assad) and accidentally dropped it on civilian population of Syria, no biggie. As long as Muslim brothers continuously kill each other it will keep them busy and Israelis gonna feel safer... to exploring unexplored "Israelis " territories and so on.
Occupy is a non-violent protest. Those who demand violence should support the Democrat party instead of Occupy.
My opinion is that we should not use violence in the case of Syria. There are better ways to intervene.
As for you, instead of being a Christian trying to make his place in an atheist party, I suggest you find another party. Why try to fit in a group where your ideologies simply do not match. Have integrity, start your own protest if you want violence, and if you don't believe in anarchy. You remind me of my friend Timmy who would spend his days at the mosque telling muslims they should read verses from the Bible instead of the Qu'ran.
You know what really ticks you off? The fact that there is so much support for OWS. All of your attempts to redefine it for your own self interest have failed. Do you know why that is?
Unfortunately, there is not enough support for OWS. A lot of people talk about supporting the protest, but, nowadays, not enough people go out in the street to really support it. I wish the whole nation would be taken by storm. I wish you would get out of your house and join us in the streets once in awhile. Your idea of OWS is some kind of fictitious dream. You think it means coming on this site and insulting other users. My dream is for OWS to take over and transform the US republic into full on anarchy. That is my dream.
There is a lot of support for OWS. You have nothing to do with Occupy. You never knew Jart. You never had a falling out. You are a conspiracy theorist. You are paid to post. You are a failure.
Just like you have failed at everything else in life.
Faith has nothing to do with OWS, it was a metaphor. You come to this site, but you disagree with almost all the basic principles of OWS, i.e. non-violence, anarchy, leaderless protest, etc... That's fine. It's OK for you to do that. However, I just feel you are wasting your time. Where's your integrity? Why not spend energy on a movement or protest you believe in. If you think the solution is a politically organized protest that uses violence, then start that type of protest. I mean, I don't go posting on the Republican or Democrat forums telling them they should be like Occupy. It just makes little sense. Shouldn't we all be spending energy on things we believe in? Isn't that the definition of integrity?
You sound like an old wife nagging at her husband secretly hoping she can change him. Occupy won't change my friend.
You are a liar. You are a conspiracy theorist. You have nothing to do with occupy. You never knew Jart. There was no falling out. You are a failure. You are a paid to post troll.
If you believe in your ideas, if you believe they might be good, then you owe it to others and yourself to try them out. I don't agree with your ideas, but that doesn't mean they couldn't be right. They could be. We won't know until you try them out. Why don't you start a movement or a protest based on them? Nowadays, with the Internet, it's not that hard. You post here trying to change Occupy, but you're just hitting a brick wall. If you wrote to people who had similar ideas, you could start forging a community of people that would agree and could protest together using your preferred tactics.
According to GirlFriday, Occupy is not dying. It's enjoying the support of many citizens.
You are a failure. Just as you have always been. You are not involved in Occupy. You have never been. You have never met Jart. You never had a falling out. You have nothing but conspiracy theories to offer. You are paid to post.
I have been thinking about this, there is a "gentleman's agreement" that "world leaders" will kill each other directly, only the people in each other's country and army, that's bullshit we should reject it and put an end to the most outrageous of this shit.
We haven't been in a declared real war in decades, shit confuses the hell out of me, can't we just use the drug war or war on terrorist? we are always in a "time of war" aren't we?
We are nearly 30 years into the age of 1984, and some still think it has not arrived. The training of competent killers is an essential element of control, many have read the books. As the Iraq and Afghanistan training camps close others must be open. Nothing is more dangerous than a sense of safety. Danger distracts the mind. Oh and shit happening in Syria is an abomination.
Keep up the good work, Doggie!
Ya the US should bomb the shit out of those muslim countries
because we're not mass killers
You must have been thrilled when Dubya took out saddam
NOT Really - don't get me wrong - but it was the Iraqi people who should have done that. Shrub's war was the opening of this ongoing round of middle east resource grab and control BULLSHIT.
Then it follows that the Syrian people should deal w Assad? Not the Sunni foreigners that have invaded, nor Obama??
Wow - you got all of that out of my little comment? Huh . . . I'm impressed.
For further enlightenment:
OK, then why did my extrapolation of ZD's comments get such a negative reaction? I mean, saddam was a bad guy too, no?
perhaps it is in the way you express your self? or don't express? I don't know.
LOL!!! I get that a lot :-)
A bad guy with waaay more oil than Assad.
Really? It is undeniable fact that Saddam gassed Kurds and Iranians. Many thousands. He was a bigger villain than assad. I still think you must have been thrilled since you want Assad's head. Anything else would not make any sense. Course, 4 downvotes of my orignal observation on your appreciation of Dubya doesn't make sense either.
More important..who controls Iraqi airspace? Iran has been granted overflight permission as it aids assad.
Yes, because nuking two cities was a great liberal president accomplishment.
Lyndon Johnson was quite the stand up guy when he lied about the Tonkin and sent over 50k troops to their death.
And Obama will be looked at as a savior in the middle east and Africa as he bombs a world record 8 nations over 5 years.
You support is absolutely incredible for the Democrats. If they arent paying you, they need to start.
Dont forget to toss in Truman and his Korean "exercise" that led to 33k deaths and another 200k wounded.
How you can cling to some false dream with an entire century of proof in front of you is beyond me.
No you're correct - it is the common North Korean who is crying now.
I'm sure they arent. But the bottom line is we sent 33k of our people to their death, and injured another 200k.
Thats a lot of death and violence.
My point with all of this is that you hold the Dems on some kind of a pedestal, some position of moral authority, when history shows they are pretty awful just like the Republicans. They are better in some regards, like at least claiming to be socially liberal.
But with war, wall st, banker fraud, offshoring jobs they are just as bad.
Huh? The commander-in-chief is pretty irrelevant to this discussion. Saddam unquestionably used chem weapons more times and killed more innocents than Assad has allegedly done. How can you talk about repelicans or democraps? If we are to enforce the WORLD;S redline, does it matter who is in charge? If we see the use of chem weapons against INNOCENTS as unacceptable, how can you object to the removal of Saddam just because it was a BUSH (with full Congressional and UN approval) that did it? Your partisanship is not only showing, it is nonsensical
1980's - so that really wasn't a hot button issue when Shrub came along.
Iraq and weapons of mass destruction - Wikipedia, the free ...
The fifth president of Iraq Saddam Hussein was internationally known for his use of chemical weapons in the 1980s against Iranian and Kurdish civilians during and ...
Oh, the I guess peaceprize was right. When the west ignores it, they forget and it no longer matters? Billary didn't care, He didn't care about Rwanda either, did he?
You are not the only one to notice the USA's lack of help in Rwanda.
BTW as Rwanda genocide happened in 1994. Who is the He You are asking about in your comment? ( slick willy ? )
Rwandan Genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Rwandan Genocide was a genocidal mass slaughter of the Tutsis by the Hutus that took place in 1994 in the East African state of Rwanda. It is ...
You really think Noam is interested in an award that has been cheapened and made a joke of at this point in the game? It may have been worth something pre-Obama.
What a silly place to comment on Noam.
I believe you are on the wrong thread for that comment.
Huh? Am I in the Twilight Zone, or what? You just replied to me above by posting and then tell me I am silly to comment on Noam?
Am I missing something here? Or are you trying to screw with my sanity?
Yeah you might read the comment that that is the link to. Dumb ass.
Yes. Yes. Yes.
Mornin GF {:-])
Whatever, nimrod. Silly me for thinking a thread title might mean something
Since you seem incapable let me help you out:
Excerpt from the end of the comment :
But again:
Iraq just like Afghanistan just like droning Pakistan just like air strikes against Libya and now the proposed action against Syria. ALL done for reasons of controlling resources. not humanitarian reasons - or maybe we would have gone into Rwanda.
FOSH - Yes silly you for commenting on a "comment's permalink" rather than opening it and reading the comment.
No one remembesr that Twitter refused to trend #ows or #occupywallst or #occupy at the beginning? Twitter has been used since day one.
Organizing is tough, especially with this stuff like this simply because its all volunteer work. Occupy could certainly be more organized, but its all young people, what else did everyone expect?
There are way more people on the planet who want off with our leaders head then Assad.
Must be Florida that gives an off kilter image of "young people".
The idiotic FEAR of co-option is fading, at least in reality.
The forum is a whole 'nuther case, as here the FEAR remains and the bots and puppets still run wild, not surprisingly with trolls in tow.
The difference of course, is found in the obviousness of Dems and the insidiousness of the libe(R)tarians.
Few will even admit they are libe(R)tarians, and they play all kinds of games with the definitions of what a libe(R)tarian is..
You can see Dems coming from miles away. For all their faults, they are at least honest.
The libe(R)tarians can't even admit that modern libe(R)tarianism is the stepchild of corporate madness, wedded to Ayn Rand philosophy, founded in part by the Koch's themselves.
There is nothing honest about them.
taxas has a coast
texas has oil no?
Libe(R)tarians too.
Lots of 'em. Each more confused than the last.
Must be, shooz, cuz Lord knows it couldn't be Mishigun
Flunked geography, eh?
Flunked spelling too.
You do realize that would make you a complete flunky?
It amazes me how easy it is for some people to justify war. I suspect these war mongers have never been in a war. Dammed elitists like Zen, who on another recent thread advocates violence in the US to fix our social and and financial problems. Now he thinks leaders of other nations should be killed.
Troubling indeed.
Considering the Texas "economy" is driven these days by the "munitions and defense" industry, and you constantly promote it, I'm not sure what to make of this put on someone else.
Sorry shoes, I'm anti-war and anti-violence. You should support those ideals.
That is pretty sorry, as you are pro munitions and defense industry.
Bragging about how great it's made the Texas economy, while you debase Michigan and Detroit.
Community begins at home, as does war.
Sorry shoes, I really do believe in non-violence. Don't you?
You should be sorry.
I'm not the one bragging up it's involvement in my State's economy.
And let's face it, you encourage the kind of economic violence that's been perpetrated on Detroit.
It's really not much different.
Shoes, I know your mad because Texas has a strong economy and people are moving there, while Detroit is probably the worse place to live in the US. But that has nothing to do with attacking Syria.
Surely you don't think the US should attack Syria?
Texas has a strong economy because it supports WAR, and the highest incidence of sub par wages, and incredibly bad worker safety legislation..
They blew up the better part of a town!!!!
blink, blink, and they'll do it again!
Plus it hates women.
States like Texas, that WAR against unionized States have practiced economic violence in places like Detroit, Philly, Chicago, Cleveland.
But you won't notice, because you enjoy that WAR economy.
So please, you really do support the economy, the bombing brings to Texas.
Texas is still a much better place than Detroit. People can find jobs, people can afford decent houses, people can walk down the street and not worry about being robbed, people can pay low taxes, and the list goes on. Austin, TX has been on every "best places" list for over ten years straight. Best places to live, best place to raise kids, best place to start a business, best outdoor city, etc... .
Bottom line is Detroit is a high crime slum. It's done. Texas is a safe and secure place to live. That's just the way it is.
Your into fracking Dallas I take it.
Naw, I'd rather them frack Detroit. Oh wait, now that I think about it, there are some parts of Dallas that should be fracked. Dallas has some inner city slums.
OMG - the shining light of employment and prosperity - it has SLUMS ? How could that be possible in Texass?
yea I admit we have poor people. But not as many as most places. Times are good in Texas right now. However, the drought is a bummer if that makes you feel better.
Should make you feel awesome - your being a fossil fuel supporter/fan/cheerleader and all.
Awww, you're hate and bigotry is finally laid bare.
Frack the slums.?
Frack you Charlie.
So yay!!!, WAR economy for you!!!!
Please don't talk about how you are anti violence.
Please don't talk about how you are pro worker.
Please don't talk about how you are pro women's rights.
You are none of those things.
Safe place??
Tell it the dead people in that town your libe(R)tarians blew up for the profit of it.
I'm not sure where trying to go here. I'm saying I'm anti-war and all you want to do is bash Texas. You just want to goad me into bashing Detroit. So what's your point is this exercise?
I'm anti-violence and anti-war. I'm not sure why that's a problem for you?
I asked you, please.
As I recall, you also claimed be "not anti-union", but you very much are anti-union.
So what`am I to think?
You have nothing but endless praise for the Texas WAR economy.
How many times do you intend to rehash this union thing. I'm not anti-union. If you recall I told you I was a union member for most of my career. My issue is when unions become as corrupt and bad as the companies. For instance (as I've said before), the UAW almost killed the US auto industry. Greed and corruption is wrong whether it's from a bad company or a bad union. The UAW was a bad union. Don't believe me, just ask anyone one the street. But I digress.
Back on topic. Saying "off with someone's head" is just another war monger. How many wars will be enough to quench you taste for blood. How many people have to die before you've had your fill of death? How can you sleep at night with such a propensity for violence?
The UAW had nothing to do with "killing the auto industry" dip shit.
You are anti-union to the core, just to believe that.
To repeat it, endlessly?
Makes you rabidly anti-union.
I knew guys like you at work, they hated unions, but loved their contracts.
Texas prosperity is BASED on pollution, MONO culture and WAR munitions...........unregulated+++++!!
So that's what you love about the South.
Frack Detroit?
Frack YOU!!!!
just ask anyone one the street.
He doesn't have any back up data. He's another circle jerk mother fucker.
Republican aren't real
don't kill anyone
No one needs killing, not even conservatives. You seem dead set (no pun intended) on violence. Are you sure you agree with OWS principles and ideals?
Not sure what you mean by attacking "your fear". But if you mean we should attack Syria you are wrong.
The Russian vice-president recently made the statement that the US is like a monkey with a hand grenade in the middle-east. At some point we'll blow everything up. I believe that.
Syria is a sovereign country. We are not the world police. We should leave them alone.
Lol. He said that? Russia is beefing things up in the Caspian Sea. Has been for a while and that's something they care about. They could care less about Syria.
Obama is gambling here but he's in a tough spot. I don't believe he wants to go off on Syria and he's hoping congress say's no. Kerry, McCain and Graham are dumb. Pundits on this site are just waiting for their marching orders.
I'm not a conservative. But I'm not a bat sheet crazy liberal either. Should I remind you that you're the one advocating attacking Syria, and using violence to affect social change in the US. My consistent message is no war and no violence. You're so caught up in wanting blood that you refuse to accept that.
Tell the truth, Narley. You preach no violence because you know a good half dozen people want to reach through the screen and bop you.
LOL only a good half dozen?
Possibly a bakers dozen but, who is counting?
Narley? It's something one should be aware of.
fuck making excuses to kill people for violence gratification
we if the perp vivisected your loved ones
it's OK to blow their heads off than right ?! you missed that whole "if they take away our guns" episode? That's kind of what I thought.
pat pat pat
pat pat pat
We're done.
The truth is I am non-violent, and I hate war. Few things anger me as much as the US continuing to become involved in wars that aren't related to our national defense. I've seen war up close and personal. It's not something people should make light of like Zen is doing.
On the other hand, I'm a gun owner with a good inventory of weapons and I train often. I'm perfectly capable of defending myself. Being non-violent doesn't mean I don't believe in self defense.