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Forum Post: Is this theft?

Posted 11 years ago on Oct. 6, 2012, 10:29 a.m. EST by Uneasy (19)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

You pay into medicare your entire career thru a payroll deduction (aka FICA), whether you want to or not. You have no choice. It will get deducted no matter what from your paycheck. The president decides he will take $716 Billion from medicare and give it to a new program called Obamacare, which is just starting up and no one has paid into.

Anyone? Anyone?

Let the rationalizing begin.



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[-] -1 points by Uneasy (19) 11 years ago

So if there's an unsolved question of funding, STEAL more from it?

You may want to learn how to spell before calling someone else a redneck.


[-] -1 points by Uneasy (19) 11 years ago

There's no contradiction. They're robbing Peter to pay Paul...for votes.

[-] 0 points by VQkag2 (16478) 11 years ago

Anti Obama partisan campaign attack! Dishonest Republican talking point!

Paying providers less is the right approach to save money ($716b) from any govt program.

We also have closed the repub prescription drug donut hole & eliminated co pays for many visits for medicare recipients.

So we are expanding medicare services and saving tax payer dollars by limiting the huge unfair price increases providers keep imposing on the govt medicare program.

[-] -1 points by Uneasy (19) 11 years ago

Uh no. Providers just stop providing after a while. People don't work for free... or didn't you get the memo?

Ask a senior if they can sign up as a new patient with doctors today. Ask a senior what happens when they provide their medicare card to the office. You'll get an eye opening.

You are expanding the welfare state, which is going broke as we speak.

[-] 1 points by VQkag2 (16478) 11 years ago

This ain't welfare! This is an EARNED benefit. To call it welfare is dishonest & offensive to all the hard working Americans who have paid for this benefit.

We can fix the problem of providers refusing care. Very easily, and as soon as they start refusing enough we will simply pass a law that states you cannot refuse service.


I hope you're not suggesting we submit to the threats, blackmail of providers who say pay us more or we won't do our jobs?

As we expand medicare to cover younger people (create a public option) they will be forced to accept all patience. Or we will ban them from the system. That'll work.

We gotta remember to use the power of our numbers. Even now without the eventual expansion of medicare we can withdraw medicare payments from hospitals and cripple them! Cripple them!

So there's a couple of options.

Does that make you feel better? You with us?

[-] 0 points by Uneasy (19) 11 years ago

KInda sounds like you're suggesting threats.... "you cannot refuse service"

And stop calling them "providers". Call them what they are. Doctors, nurses, etc.

"they will be forced"... You really like the authoritarian iron-fist of gubment, don't you.

Ban them and they offshore. You haven't figured that out yet? You think things are bad now, wait until 11th graders are practicing medicine because that's all the state can muster.

I'm not with you. I'm squarely against your tyranny.

[-] 1 points by VQkag2 (16478) 11 years ago

Oh yeah they can go work in ecuador or Latvia! Good, then we can ban them from coming back to america!

What threat? You don't wanna take anymore medicare patience? That would be Americans in need of health services BTW! Great no prob then you can't have any medicare patience.

See how quick they start cutting the obscene costs they charge.

Ifthat don't work then yeah we can pass a law that says you must do your job. You must heal people, care for people. That's the govt working for the vast majority of the people.

That ain't the iron fist of gubment. That's our government looking out for the people.

You stand with the 1% drs who would refuse service (not all of course would be so callous) I stand with the decent hard working American people and the good dr's who serve the public.

Let 'em go if they gotta be greedy, selfish ungrateful drs. Let them get the fuck out! Who needs 'em.


[-] -1 points by Uneasy (19) 11 years ago

First of all, idiot, it's PATIENTS. I have little PATIENCE for people who write in circles.

See how quickly they start exiting the market like everyone else. See what offshoring is doing today to other industries? Ever hear of medical travel? It's about to become a helluva lot more popular thanks to Obama & Company.

I stand with anyone who opposes your idiocy. The only greedy, selfish people are people like you who expect others to provide for you. Fuck ya.

[-] 0 points by stevebol (1269) from Milwaukee, WI 11 years ago

It's not theft, it's Obama trying to fix something that isn't broken. Sibelius said democrats looked at Romneycare with envy. I just don't get it. They shouldn't have messed with Medicare.


[-] 2 points by stevebol (1269) from Milwaukee, WI 11 years ago

Of course they should have. I should have said they shouldn't have taken anything away from Medicare.

[-] -1 points by Uneasy (19) 11 years ago

Yes, because government plans are working well so far. /facepalm/

The government gets involved in education funding and tuition skyrockets.

The government gets involved in "fair housing" and we have zillions of foreclosures.

The government gets involved in health insurance and it becomes a crises.

WTF, over???


[-] 0 points by JackTG (-194) 11 years ago

How do you explain that many other countries can afford to provide education and healthcare to their citizens?


[-] 0 points by JackTG (-194) 11 years ago

I asked a simple question. If you don't want to answer, don't answer it. It seems to me that if the problem is increased costs, then all other nations would suffer the same problem, but universities are free in many European countries.


[-] 0 points by JackTG (-194) 11 years ago

Richard Kent Gates = Richard Went Apes. Why have you gone apes? I asked a question and you start insulting me and using profanity? Why?


[-] -1 points by JackTG (-194) 11 years ago

My question was specific and I was hoping to hear an answer from you.

You said - "Tuition has skyrocketed because their costs have skyrocketed." I asked why haven't they skyrocketed in other countries where the cost also went up? There's nothing broad about that.


[-] -1 points by JackTG (-194) 11 years ago

The question is how can these universities pay their costs which have skyrocketed like those in US if there is no tuition to pay for them. I think you have a problem with reading comprehension.


[-] -1 points by JackTG (-194) 11 years ago

I'm interested in discussing issues with you because you are the smartest one on this forum. What did you drink this morning to make Richard Kent Gates turn into Richard Went Apes?

[-] -2 points by Uneasy (19) 11 years ago

They are suffering problems. We're just on a different point on the timescale. Don't worry. The riots caused by the idiocy of socialism and piss-poor economic policy will hit us soon enough. Just look at Greece, Spain and Argentina.

[-] -1 points by JackTG (-194) 11 years ago

Socialism has it's flaws, but It's much better than the hard core capitalist model of US. I would rather live in a socialist country than in US any day. Sweden, Finland, and Scandinavia are all doing great. Much better than US.

[-] -1 points by Uneasy (19) 11 years ago

So are Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela and the basket cases in Africa.

"The more the plans fail, the more the planners plan." - Ronald Reagan

[-] -1 points by JackTG (-194) 11 years ago

You confuse socialism and communism.

[-] -1 points by Uneasy (19) 11 years ago

They're almost the same. Communism is socialism with a gun.

[-] 0 points by JackTG (-194) 11 years ago

No, they are quite different.

[-] -2 points by Uneasy (19) 11 years ago

No, many things haven't risen in price like tuition. The fact that the government guarantees everything today means schools know they can charge whatever they want to and the government will say OK. There used to be a feedback mechanism by students moving to another school and not paying outrageous fees demanded. That is gone when the government backs everything. Hence, prices rise.

You used to have to put 20% down when you bought a house. Democrats thought that was unfair to some, so they changed the rules. They subsidized more and more of the market thru fannie and freddie. Look where it's gotten us.

The problem isn't Wall Street, it's Washington DC. The more they do, the worse things get.


[-] -1 points by Uneasy (19) 11 years ago

Well, at least you lose debates gracefully.

[-] -2 points by yobstreet (-575) 11 years ago

Well, they claim it will impart an efficiency right? But we all know that government is incapable of that, the result will be a diminished benefit. And that is theft.