Forum Post: Is an Economic Disaster ( emergency ) as bad or perhaps worse then a Natural Disaster ( emergency ).
Posted 12 years ago on March 1, 2012, 3:37 p.m. EST by DKAtoday
from Coon Rapids, MN
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
What I am wondering is?
Aren't homeless people from either type still homeless?
Is an economic disaster ( Emergency ) not as bad as say a Hurricane (natural disaster - Emergency )?
I mean people in the Gulf area who lost homes got FEMA help and housing ( portable AC & heated trailers ) until they could get into other permanent housing.
I mean, can't they reuse those trailers that were sent to the gulf region?
They aren't a one time use and dispose item, are they?
What is the Red Crosses involvement in something like this? What should it be?
Think maybe we should apply to the UN for Aid?
I mean really. Is this not a huge black eye for America in the eyes of the World? Wonder how this is gonna play out in the long run diplomatically speaking.
Will future American efforts be looked upon as:
Is a criminally caused economic disaster not a legitimate emergency?
Or like an oil spill. Should those responsible for the meltdown be responsible for the clean-up?
See Also: ( To change our world consider )
This is a very good point you make.
Thank you. I also posted it on twitter. This is something that needs looking at by the world and addressed by all who can.
I was just thinking that the reason for this is that people are not "blamed" for a natural disaster but it is deemed their "own fault" if they are poor. Such crap when the economy is just as powerful a force as Mother Nature.
More powerful in this case as it truly seems to have gone international in consequence.
Now this not being a natural disaster I would expect that those responsible would be held accountable. At least as accountable as BP, though I think that they will get off lightly for the gulf spill.
That would be nice, right? We're waiting for some accountability but as long as the big money is needed to fund politicians this is unlikely to happen.
All the more reason for us to be here. Advocating getting involved. Directly and indirectly. Thanks for being here BW.
An economic disaster is just as difficult as a natural disaster. This seems to be much easier to sweep under the rug. So, I think that there needs to be much more attention drawn to those that are homeless.
This I feel calls for Emergency action just like any disaster relief.
I agree. I think that they need to get off their ass and get these people off the street and into homes. Like yesterday.
FEMA trailers should be available for reuse and there are plenty of empty properties to fill. Lets get it done America!
I had posted on Matt's thread about the Katrina trailers and why they cannot be reused, of course, they were sold and are no doubt making people ill as we speak. However, they have had ample time since then to build more and there is no reason for them not to have addressed this issue.
See this is what we need to all unite together about. This economic meltdown is a disaster, and it is being treated as a mathematical drop in numbers. The reality is not being addressed.
I agree. We need to keep that as an upfront visual.
I try to revisit and update as often as possible. Why recreate the wheel when there are so many good ones already. You do a fine job of keeping good issues in play. We are also starting to get other good people involved the same way.
You are so correct. You need to be hiding money,,, right now. I suggest you push the roll of quarters farther up your ass and insert the two bucks you have in your pocket. If you had $100 bucks, you could have sex before the economic meltdown. Take James Carvilles suggestion and drag a $100 bill through a trailer park and pick up a SLUT. ( a $100 slut as Carville explained. Sorry, Rush,, James beat you to it.)
SFB - nice to see you stop by on your troll rounds. Leave it to you to suggest "trolling" with money.
Kind of ironical and all.
the un is all about one world govt. would you give up national sovereignty and hand over your life to the un?
No. What kind of dumb question is that? What I am wondering is what does it take to get the United States to care for the United States? Does it take being embarrassed in front of the World for instance? Can those in power right now even be embarrassed?
i'm embarrassed by 0bama's bowing to the king of saudia arabia.
Yet you are in love with Bush's kissing of him, and holding his hand.
Economic disasters are worst because they linger and kill slowly: first your dignity, then your hope, followed by a daily agonizing existence and, finally, your humiliating death.
Not to mention the insults and degradation that is heaped on them by the uncaring or corrupt. Or the casual abuse of law enforcement.
That's a very interesting thought !
How so?
Well , you are right, hit by economic disaster or natural disaster is certainly a troubling time.
Obama is trying to help the economy. He gave bailouts, stimulus packages, and even extended unemployment insurance. The USA is a great nation and your government cares about it's people. We need to recognize their efforts and say thankyou once in a while. What else would you like them to do? Connect red cross with the homeless. I think they already have soup kitchens and such by the salvation army. Jobs are needed and opportunity. We need to look at the system and figure out what went wrong. I have and concluded a cap on profits would have prevented the economic collapse. But you don't want to hear that.
I never said that. But I don't believe a general cap would be necessary. Just a cap on Fossil Fuel prices. They effect the whole economy. Their prices are artificial at best, criminal would be closer to the truth.
FEMA should be working for the Homeless especially the one's put there by this economic meltdown.
I agree there is a lot of wasteful mismanagement. Ie FEMA trailers.
Ruling Globalist elites = Financial Terrorists
I sent a copy of this to the Obama campaign site.
This is what the people of America are disscussing over the internet and on "social media web sites" as it is not being covered by main stream media nor is it being addressed by government. You want support? Then address this now.
What I am wondering is?
Aren't homeless people from either type still homeless?
Is an economic disaster ( Emergency ) not as bad as say a Hurricane (natural disaster - Emergency )?
I mean people in the Gulf area who lost homes got FEMA help and housing ( portable AC & heated trailers ) until they could get into other permanent housing.
I mean, can't they reuse those trailers that were sent to the gulf region?
They aren't a one time use and dispose item, are they?
What is the Red Crosses involvement in something like this? What should it be?
Think maybe we should apply to the UN for Aid?
I mean really. Is this not a huge black eye for America in the eyes of the World? Wonder how this is gonna play out in the long run diplomatically speaking.
Will future American efforts be looked upon as:
Is a criminally caused economic disaster not a legitimate emergency?
Or like an oil spill. Should those responsible for the meltdown be responsible for the clean-up?
Where is FEMA where is the Red Cross or international aid when you need it?